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// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2024 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package msgconv
import (
cwebp "go.mau.fi/webp"
func (mc *MessageConverter) generateContextInfo(replyTo *database.Message, portal *bridgev2.Portal) (*waE2E.ContextInfo, error) {
contextInfo := &waE2E.ContextInfo{}
if replyTo != nil {
msgID, err := waid.ParseMessageID(replyTo.ID)
if err == nil {
contextInfo.StanzaID = proto.String(msgID.ID)
contextInfo.Participant = proto.String(msgID.Sender.String())
contextInfo.QuotedMessage = &waE2E.Message{Conversation: proto.String("")}
} else {
return nil, err
if portal.Disappear.Timer > 0 {
contextInfo.Expiration = ptr.Ptr(uint32(portal.Disappear.Timer.Seconds()))
setAt := portal.Metadata.(*waid.PortalMetadata).DisappearingTimerSetAt
if setAt > 0 {
contextInfo.EphemeralSettingTimestamp = ptr.Ptr(setAt)
return contextInfo, nil
func (mc *MessageConverter) ToWhatsApp(
ctx context.Context,
client *whatsmeow.Client,
evt *event.Event,
content *event.MessageEventContent,
replyTo *database.Message,
portal *bridgev2.Portal,
) (*waE2E.Message, error) {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyClient, client)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, contextKeyPortal, portal)
if evt.Type == event.EventSticker {
content.MsgType = event.MsgImage
message := &waE2E.Message{}
contextInfo, err := mc.generateContextInfo(replyTo, portal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MsgText, event.MsgNotice, event.MsgEmote:
message = mc.constructTextMessage(ctx, content, contextInfo)
case event.MessageType(event.EventSticker.Type), event.MsgImage, event.MsgVideo, event.MsgAudio, event.MsgFile:
uploaded, thumbnail, mime, err := mc.reuploadFileToWhatsApp(ctx, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message = mc.constructMediaMessage(ctx, content, evt, uploaded, thumbnail, contextInfo, mime)
case event.MsgLocation:
lat, long, err := parseGeoURI(content.GeoURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message.LocationMessage = &waE2E.LocationMessage{
DegreesLatitude: &lat,
DegreesLongitude: &long,
Comment: &content.Body,
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w %s", bridgev2.ErrUnsupportedMessageType, content.MsgType)
return message, nil
func (mc *MessageConverter) constructMediaMessage(
ctx context.Context,
content *event.MessageEventContent,
evt *event.Event,
uploaded *whatsmeow.UploadResponse,
thumbnail []byte,
contextInfo *waE2E.ContextInfo,
mime string,
) *waE2E.Message {
var caption string
if content.FileName != "" && content.Body != content.FileName {
caption, contextInfo.MentionedJID = mc.parseText(ctx, content)
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MessageType(event.EventSticker.Type):
width := uint32(content.Info.Width)
height := uint32(content.Info.Height)
return &waE2E.Message{
StickerMessage: &waE2E.StickerMessage{
Width: &width,
Height: &height,
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
PngThumbnail: thumbnail,
DirectPath: proto.String(uploaded.DirectPath),
MediaKey: uploaded.MediaKey,
Mimetype: proto.String(mime),
FileEncSHA256: uploaded.FileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: uploaded.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uploaded.FileLength),
URL: proto.String(uploaded.URL),
case event.MsgAudio:
waveform, seconds := getAudioInfo(content)
return &waE2E.Message{
AudioMessage: &waE2E.AudioMessage{
Seconds: &seconds,
Waveform: waveform,
PTT: proto.Bool(content.MSC3245Voice != nil),
URL: proto.String(uploaded.URL),
DirectPath: proto.String(uploaded.DirectPath),
MediaKey: uploaded.MediaKey,
Mimetype: proto.String(mime),
FileEncSHA256: uploaded.FileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: uploaded.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uploaded.FileLength),
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
case event.MsgImage:
width := uint32(content.Info.Width)
height := uint32(content.Info.Height)
return &waE2E.Message{
ImageMessage: &waE2E.ImageMessage{
Width: &width,
Height: &height,
Caption: proto.String(caption),
JPEGThumbnail: thumbnail,
URL: proto.String(uploaded.URL),
DirectPath: proto.String(uploaded.DirectPath),
MediaKey: uploaded.MediaKey,
Mimetype: proto.String(mime),
FileEncSHA256: uploaded.FileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: uploaded.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uploaded.FileLength),
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
case event.MsgVideo:
isGif := false
if mime == "video/mp4" && content.Info.MimeType == "image/gif" {
isGif = true
} else if rawInfo, ok := evt.Content.Raw["info"].(map[string]any); ok && rawInfo["fi.mau.gif"] == true {
isGif = true
width := uint32(content.Info.Width)
height := uint32(content.Info.Height)
seconds := uint32(content.Info.Duration / 1000)
return &waE2E.Message{
VideoMessage: &waE2E.VideoMessage{
GifPlayback: proto.Bool(isGif),
Width: &width,
Height: &height,
Seconds: &seconds,
Caption: proto.String(caption),
JPEGThumbnail: thumbnail,
URL: proto.String(uploaded.URL),
DirectPath: proto.String(uploaded.DirectPath),
MediaKey: uploaded.MediaKey,
Mimetype: proto.String(mime),
FileEncSHA256: uploaded.FileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: uploaded.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uploaded.FileLength),
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
case event.MsgFile:
msg := &waE2E.Message{
DocumentMessage: &waE2E.DocumentMessage{
FileName: proto.String(content.FileName),
Caption: proto.String(caption),
JPEGThumbnail: thumbnail,
URL: proto.String(uploaded.URL),
DirectPath: proto.String(uploaded.DirectPath),
MediaKey: uploaded.MediaKey,
Mimetype: proto.String(mime),
FileEncSHA256: uploaded.FileEncSHA256,
FileSHA256: uploaded.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uploaded.FileLength),
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
if msg.GetDocumentMessage().GetCaption() != "" {
msg.DocumentWithCaptionMessage = &waE2E.FutureProofMessage{
Message: &waE2E.Message{
DocumentMessage: msg.DocumentMessage,
msg.DocumentMessage = nil
return msg
return nil
func (mc *MessageConverter) parseText(ctx context.Context, content *event.MessageEventContent) (text string, mentions []string) {
mentions = make([]string, 0)
parseCtx := format.NewContext(ctx)
parseCtx.ReturnData["allowed_mentions"] = content.Mentions
parseCtx.ReturnData["output_mentions"] = &mentions
if content.Format == event.FormatHTML {
text = mc.HTMLParser.Parse(content.FormattedBody, parseCtx)
} else {
text = content.Body
func (mc *MessageConverter) constructTextMessage(ctx context.Context, content *event.MessageEventContent, contextInfo *waE2E.ContextInfo) *waE2E.Message {
text, mentions := mc.parseText(ctx, content)
if len(mentions) > 0 {
contextInfo.MentionedJID = mentions
etm := &waE2E.ExtendedTextMessage{
Text: proto.String(text),
ContextInfo: contextInfo,
mc.convertURLPreviewToWhatsApp(ctx, content, etm)
return &waE2E.Message{ExtendedTextMessage: etm}
func (mc *MessageConverter) convertPill(displayname, mxid, eventID string, ctx format.Context) string {
if len(mxid) == 0 || mxid[0] != '@' {
return format.DefaultPillConverter(displayname, mxid, eventID, ctx)
allowedMentions, _ := ctx.ReturnData["allowed_mentions"].(*event.Mentions)
if allowedMentions != nil && !allowedMentions.Has(id.UserID(mxid)) {
return displayname
var jid types.JID
ghost, err := mc.Bridge.GetGhostByMXID(ctx.Ctx, id.UserID(mxid))
if err != nil {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx.Ctx).Err(err).Str("mxid", mxid).Msg("Failed to get ghost for mention")
return displayname
} else if ghost != nil {
jid = waid.ParseUserID(ghost.ID)
} else if user, err := mc.Bridge.GetExistingUserByMXID(ctx.Ctx, id.UserID(mxid)); err != nil {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx.Ctx).Err(err).Str("mxid", mxid).Msg("Failed to get user for mention")
return displayname
} else if user != nil {
portal := getPortal(ctx.Ctx)
login, _, _ := portal.FindPreferredLogin(ctx.Ctx, user, false)
if login == nil {
return displayname
jid = waid.ParseUserLoginID(login.ID, 0)
} else {
return displayname
mentions := ctx.ReturnData["output_mentions"].(*[]string)
*mentions = append(*mentions, jid.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("@%s", jid.User)
type PaddedImage struct {
Size int
OffsetX int
OffsetY int
func (img *PaddedImage) Bounds() image.Rectangle {
return image.Rect(0, 0, img.Size, img.Size)
func (img *PaddedImage) At(x, y int) color.Color {
return img.Image.At(x+img.OffsetX, y+img.OffsetY)
func (mc *MessageConverter) convertWebPtoPNG(webpImage []byte) ([]byte, error) {
webpDecoded, err := webp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(webpImage))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode webp image: %w", err)
var pngBuffer bytes.Buffer
if err = png.Encode(&pngBuffer, webpDecoded); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode png image: %w", err)
return pngBuffer.Bytes(), nil
func (mc *MessageConverter) convertToWebP(img []byte) ([]byte, error) {
decodedImg, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(img))
if err != nil {
return img, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode image: %w", err)
bounds := decodedImg.Bounds()
width, height := bounds.Dx(), bounds.Dy()
if width != height {
paddedImg := &PaddedImage{
Image: decodedImg,
OffsetX: bounds.Min.Y,
OffsetY: bounds.Min.X,
if width > height {
paddedImg.Size = width
paddedImg.OffsetY -= (paddedImg.Size - height) / 2
} else {
paddedImg.Size = height
paddedImg.OffsetX -= (paddedImg.Size - width) / 2
decodedImg = paddedImg
var webpBuffer bytes.Buffer
if err = cwebp.Encode(&webpBuffer, decodedImg, nil); err != nil {
return img, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode webp image: %w", err)
return webpBuffer.Bytes(), nil
func (mc *MessageConverter) reuploadFileToWhatsApp(
ctx context.Context, content *event.MessageEventContent,
) (*whatsmeow.UploadResponse, []byte, string, error) {
mime := content.Info.MimeType
fileName := content.Body
if content.FileName != "" {
fileName = content.FileName
data, err := mc.Bridge.Bot.DownloadMedia(ctx, content.URL, content.File)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", bridgev2.ErrMediaDownloadFailed, err)
if mime == "" {
mime = http.DetectContentType(data)
if mime == "image/gif" {
content.MsgType = event.MsgVideo
var mediaType whatsmeow.MediaType
var isSticker bool
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MessageType(event.EventSticker.Type):
isSticker = true
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaImage
if mime != "image/webp" || content.Info.Width != content.Info.Height {
data, err = mc.convertToWebP(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, "image/webp", fmt.Errorf("%w (to webp): %w", bridgev2.ErrMediaConvertFailed, err)
mime = "image/webp"
case event.MsgImage:
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaImage
switch mime {
case "image/jpeg", "image/png":
// allowed
case "image/webp":
data, err = mc.convertWebPtoPNG(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, "image/webp", fmt.Errorf("%w (webp to png): %s", bridgev2.ErrMediaConvertFailed, err)
mime = "image/png"
return nil, nil, mime, fmt.Errorf("%w %s in image message", bridgev2.ErrUnsupportedMediaType, mime)
case event.MsgVideo:
switch mime {
case "video/mp4", "video/3gpp":
// allowed
case "video/webm":
data, err = ffmpeg.ConvertBytes(ctx, data, ".mp4", []string{"-f", "webm"}, []string{
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-c:v", "libx264",
"-filter:v", "crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2'",
}, mime)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, "video/webm", fmt.Errorf("%w (webm to mp4): %w", bridgev2.ErrMediaConvertFailed, err)
mime = "video/mp4"
case "image/gif":
data, err = ffmpeg.ConvertBytes(ctx, data, ".mp4", []string{"-f", "gif"}, []string{
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-c:v", "libx264", "-movflags", "+faststart",
"-filter:v", "crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2'",
}, mime)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, "image/gif", fmt.Errorf("%w (gif to mp4): %w", bridgev2.ErrMediaConvertFailed, err)
mime = "video/mp4"
return nil, nil, mime, fmt.Errorf("%w %s in video message", bridgev2.ErrUnsupportedMediaType, mime)
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaVideo
case event.MsgAudio:
switch mime {
case "audio/aac", "audio/mp4", "audio/amr", "audio/mpeg", "audio/ogg; codecs=opus":
// Allowed
case "audio/ogg":
// Hopefully it's opus already
mime = "audio/ogg; codecs=opus"
return nil, nil, mime, fmt.Errorf("%w %s in audio message", bridgev2.ErrUnsupportedMediaType, mime)
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaAudio
case event.MsgFile:
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaDocument
uploaded, err := getClient(ctx).Upload(ctx, data, mediaType)
if err != nil {
Str("file_name", fileName).
Str("mime_type", mime).
Bool("is_voice_clip", content.MSC3245Voice != nil).
Msg("Failed upload media")
return nil, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", bridgev2.ErrMediaReuploadFailed, err)
var thumbnail []byte
// Audio doesn't have thumbnails
if mediaType != whatsmeow.MediaAudio {
thumbnail, err = mc.downloadThumbnail(ctx, data, content.GetInfo().ThumbnailURL, content.GetInfo().ThumbnailFile, isSticker)
// Ignore format errors for non-image files, we don't care about those thumbnails
if err != nil && (!errors.Is(err, image.ErrFormat) || mediaType == whatsmeow.MediaImage) {
zerolog.Ctx(ctx).Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to generate thumbnail for image message")
return &uploaded, thumbnail, mime, nil
func parseGeoURI(uri string) (lat, long float64, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(uri, "geo:") {
err = fmt.Errorf("uri doesn't have geo: prefix")
// Remove geo: prefix and anything after ;
coordinates := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(uri, "geo:"), ";")[0]
if splitCoordinates := strings.Split(coordinates, ","); len(splitCoordinates) != 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("didn't find exactly two numbers separated by a comma")
} else if lat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(splitCoordinates[0], 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("latitude is not a number: %w", err)
} else if long, err = strconv.ParseFloat(splitCoordinates[1], 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("longitude is not a number: %w", err)
func getAudioInfo(content *event.MessageEventContent) (output []byte, Duration uint32) {
audioInfo := content.MSC1767Audio
if audioInfo == nil {
return nil, uint32(content.Info.Duration / 1000)
waveform := audioInfo.Waveform
if waveform != nil {
return nil, uint32(audioInfo.Duration / 1000)
maxVal := slices.Max(waveform)
output = make([]byte, len(waveform))
if maxVal < 256 {
for i, part := range waveform {
output[i] = byte(part)
} else {
for i, part := range waveform {
output[i] = min(byte(part/4), 255)