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synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* ios: new user picker (#4770) * current user picker progress * one hand picker * thin bullet icon * more user picker buttons * button clickable areas * divider padding * extra space after sun * send current user option to address view * add unread count badge * with anim for apperance close * edit current profile from picker * remove you section from settings * remove help and support * simplify * move settings and sun to same row * remove redundant vstack * long press on sun/moon switches to system setting * remove back button from migrate device * smooth profile transitions * close user picker on list profiles * fix dismiss on migrate from device * fix dismiss when deleting last visible user while having hidden users * picker visibility toggle tweaks * remove strange square from profile switcher click * dirty way to save auto accept settings on dismiss * Revert "dirty way to save auto accept settings on dismiss" This reverts commite7b19ee8aa
. * consistent animation on user picker toggle * change space between profiles * remove result * ignore result * unread badge * move to sheet * half sheet on one hand ui * fix dismiss on device migration * fix desktop connect * sun to meet other action icons * fill bullet list button * fix tap in settings to take full width * icon sizings and paddings * open settings in same sheet * apply same trick as other buttons for ligth toggle * layout * open profiles sheet large when +3 users * layout * layout * paddings * paddings * remove show progress * always small user picker * fixed height * open all actions as sheets * type, color * simpler and more effective way of avoid moving around on user select * dismiss user profiles sheet on user change * connect desktop back button remove * remove back buttons from user address view * remove porgress * header inside list * alert on auto accept unsaved changes * Cancel -> Discard * revert * fix connect to desktop * remove extra space * fix share inside multi sheet * user picker and options as separate sheet * revert showShareSheet * fix current profile and all profiles selection * change alert * update * cleanup user address * remove func * alert on unsaved changes in chat prefs * fix layout * cleanup --------- Co-authored-by: Evgeny Poberezkin <evgeny@poberezkin.com> * ios: fix switching profiles (#4822) * ios: different user picker layout (#4826) * ios: different user picker layout * remove section * layout, color * color * remove activeUser * fix gradient * recursive sheets * gradient padding * share sheet * layout * dismiss sheets --------- Co-authored-by: Levitating Pineapple <noreply@levitatingpineapple.com> * ios: use the same way to share from all sheets (#4829) * ios: close user picker before opening other sheets * Revert "share sheet" This reverts commit0064155825
. * dismiss/show via callback * Revert "ios: close user picker before opening other sheets" This reverts commit19110398f8
. * ios: show alerts from sheets (#4839) * padding * remove gradient * cleanup * simplify settings * padding --------- Co-authored-by: Diogo <diogofncunha@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Levitating Pineapple <noreply@levitatingpineapple.com> Co-authored-by: spaced4ndy <8711996+spaced4ndy@users.noreply.github.com>
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// UserAddressView.swift
// SimpleX (iOS)
// Created by spaced4ndy on 26.04.2023.
// Copyright © 2023 SimpleX Chat. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
import MessageUI
import SimpleXChat
struct UserAddressView: View {
@Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss: DismissAction
@EnvironmentObject private var chatModel: ChatModel
@EnvironmentObject var theme: AppTheme
@State var shareViaProfile = false
@State private var aas = AutoAcceptState()
@State private var savedAAS = AutoAcceptState()
@State private var ignoreShareViaProfileChange = false
@State private var showMailView = false
@State private var mailViewResult: Result<MFMailComposeResult, Error>? = nil
@State private var alert: UserAddressAlert?
@State private var progressIndicator = false
@FocusState private var keyboardVisible: Bool
private enum UserAddressAlert: Identifiable {
case deleteAddress
case profileAddress(on: Bool)
case shareOnCreate
case error(title: LocalizedStringKey, error: LocalizedStringKey?)
var id: String {
switch self {
case .deleteAddress: return "deleteAddress"
case let .profileAddress(on): return "profileAddress \(on)"
case .shareOnCreate: return "shareOnCreate"
case let .error(title, _): return "error \(title)"
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.onDisappear {
if savedAAS != aas {
title: NSLocalizedString("Auto-accept settings", comment: "alert title"),
message: NSLocalizedString("Settings were changed.", comment: "alert message"),
buttonTitle: NSLocalizedString("Save", comment: "alert button"),
buttonAction: saveAAS,
cancelButton: true
if progressIndicator {
ZStack {
if chatModel.userAddress != nil {
.frame(width: 56, height: 56)
@Namespace private var bottomID
private func userAddressScrollView() -> some View {
ScrollViewReader { proxy in
.onChange(of: keyboardVisible) { _ in
if keyboardVisible {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
withAnimation {
proxy.scrollTo(bottomID, anchor: .top)
private func userAddressView() -> some View {
List {
if let userAddress = chatModel.userAddress {
.onAppear {
aas = AutoAcceptState(userAddress: userAddress)
savedAAS = aas
.onChange(of: aas.enable) { _ in
if !aas.enable { aas = AutoAcceptState() }
} else {
Section {
} footer: {
Text("Create an address to let people connect with you.")
Section {
.alert(item: $alert) { alert in
switch alert {
case .deleteAddress:
return Alert(
title: Text("Delete address?"),
? Text("All your contacts will remain connected. Profile update will be sent to your contacts.")
: Text("All your contacts will remain connected."),
primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Delete")) {
progressIndicator = true
Task {
do {
if let u = try await apiDeleteUserAddress() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
chatModel.userAddress = nil
if shareViaProfile {
ignoreShareViaProfileChange = true
shareViaProfile = false
await MainActor.run { progressIndicator = false }
} catch let error {
logger.error("UserAddressView apiDeleteUserAddress: \(responseError(error))")
await MainActor.run { progressIndicator = false }
}, secondaryButton: .cancel()
case let .profileAddress(on):
if on {
return Alert(
title: Text("Share address with contacts?"),
message: Text("Profile update will be sent to your contacts."),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Share")) {
}, secondaryButton: .cancel() {
ignoreShareViaProfileChange = true
shareViaProfile = !on
} else {
return Alert(
title: Text("Stop sharing address?"),
message: Text("Profile update will be sent to your contacts."),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Stop sharing")) {
}, secondaryButton: .cancel() {
ignoreShareViaProfileChange = true
shareViaProfile = !on
case .shareOnCreate:
return Alert(
title: Text("Share address with contacts?"),
message: Text("Add address to your profile, so that your contacts can share it with other people. Profile update will be sent to your contacts."),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Share")) {
ignoreShareViaProfileChange = true
shareViaProfile = true
}, secondaryButton: .cancel()
case let .error(title, error):
return mkAlert(title: title, message: error)
@ViewBuilder private func existingAddressView(_ userAddress: UserContactLink) -> some View {
Section {
SimpleXLinkQRCode(uri: userAddress.connReqContact)
if MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail() {
} header: {
if aas.enable {
Section {
} footer: {
Text("Your contacts will remain connected.")
private func createAddressButton() -> some View {
Button {
progressIndicator = true
Task {
do {
let connReqContact = try await apiCreateUserAddress()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
chatModel.userAddress = UserContactLink(connReqContact: connReqContact)
alert = .shareOnCreate
progressIndicator = false
} catch let error {
logger.error("UserAddressView apiCreateUserAddress: \(responseError(error))")
let a = getErrorAlert(error, "Error creating address")
alert = .error(title: a.title, error: a.message)
await MainActor.run { progressIndicator = false }
} label: {
Label("Create public address", systemImage: "qrcode")
private func deleteAddressButton() -> some View {
Button(role: .destructive) {
alert = .deleteAddress
} label: {
Label("Delete address", systemImage: "trash")
private func shareQRCodeButton(_ userAddress: UserContactLink) -> some View {
Button {
showShareSheet(items: [simplexChatLink(userAddress.connReqContact)])
} label: {
settingsRow("square.and.arrow.up", color: theme.colors.secondary) {
Text("Share address")
private func shareViaEmailButton(_ userAddress: UserContactLink) -> some View {
Button {
showMailView = true
} label: {
settingsRow("envelope", color: theme.colors.secondary) {
Text("Invite friends")
.sheet(isPresented: $showMailView) {
showMailView: $showMailView,
mailViewResult: $mailViewResult,
userAddress: userAddress
.onChange(of: mailViewResult == nil) { _ in
if let r = mailViewResult {
switch r {
case .success: ()
case let .failure(error):
logger.error("UserAddressView share via email: \(responseError(error))")
let a = getErrorAlert(error, "Error sending email")
alert = .error(title: a.title, error: a.message)
mailViewResult = nil
private func autoAcceptToggle() -> some View {
settingsRow("checkmark", color: theme.colors.secondary) {
Toggle("Auto-accept", isOn: $aas.enable)
.onChange(of: aas.enable) { _ in
private func learnMoreButton() -> some View {
NavigationLink {
.navigationTitle("SimpleX address")
.modifier(ThemedBackground(grouped: true))
} label: {
settingsRow("info.circle", color: theme.colors.secondary) {
Text("About SimpleX address")
private func shareWithContactsButton() -> some View {
settingsRow("person", color: theme.colors.secondary) {
Toggle("Share with contacts", isOn: $shareViaProfile)
.onChange(of: shareViaProfile) { on in
if ignoreShareViaProfileChange {
ignoreShareViaProfileChange = false
} else {
alert = .profileAddress(on: on)
private func setProfileAddress(_ on: Bool) {
progressIndicator = true
Task {
do {
if let u = try await apiSetProfileAddress(on: on) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
await MainActor.run { progressIndicator = false }
} catch let error {
logger.error("UserAddressView apiSetProfileAddress: \(responseError(error))")
await MainActor.run { progressIndicator = false }
private struct AutoAcceptState: Equatable {
var enable = false
var incognito = false
var welcomeText = ""
init(enable: Bool = false, incognito: Bool = false, welcomeText: String = "") {
self.enable = enable
self.incognito = incognito
self.welcomeText = welcomeText
init(userAddress: UserContactLink) {
if let aa = userAddress.autoAccept {
enable = true
incognito = aa.acceptIncognito
if let msg = aa.autoReply {
welcomeText = msg.text
} else {
welcomeText = ""
} else {
enable = false
incognito = false
welcomeText = ""
var autoAccept: AutoAccept? {
if enable {
var autoReply: MsgContent? = nil
let s = welcomeText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
if s != "" { autoReply = .text(s) }
return AutoAccept(acceptIncognito: incognito, autoReply: autoReply)
return nil
@ViewBuilder private func autoAcceptSection() -> some View {
Section {
.disabled(aas == savedAAS)
} header: {
private func acceptIncognitoToggle() -> some View {
aas.incognito ? "theatermasks.fill" : "theatermasks",
color: aas.incognito ? .indigo : theme.colors.secondary
) {
Toggle("Accept incognito", isOn: $aas.incognito)
private func welcomeMessageEditor() -> some View {
ZStack {
Group {
if aas.welcomeText.isEmpty {
TextEditor(text: Binding.constant(NSLocalizedString("Enter welcome message… (optional)", comment: "placeholder")))
TextEditor(text: $aas.welcomeText)
.padding(.horizontal, -5)
.padding(.top, -8)
.frame(height: 90, alignment: .topLeading)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
private func saveAASButton() -> some View {
Button {
keyboardVisible = false
} label: {
private func saveAAS() {
Task {
do {
if let address = try await userAddressAutoAccept(aas.autoAccept) {
chatModel.userAddress = address
savedAAS = aas
} catch let error {
logger.error("userAddressAutoAccept error: \(responseError(error))")
struct UserAddressView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let chatModel = ChatModel()
chatModel.userAddress = UserContactLink(connReqContact: "https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FPQUV2eL0t7OStZOoAsPEV2QYWt4-xilbakvGUGOItUo%3D%40smp6.simplex.im%2FK1rslx-m5bpXVIdMZg9NLUZ_8JBm8xTt%23MCowBQYDK2VuAyEALDeVe-sG8mRY22LsXlPgiwTNs9dbiLrNuA7f3ZMAJ2w%3D")
return Group {