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synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* ios: new user picker (#4770) * current user picker progress * one hand picker * thin bullet icon * more user picker buttons * button clickable areas * divider padding * extra space after sun * send current user option to address view * add unread count badge * with anim for apperance close * edit current profile from picker * remove you section from settings * remove help and support * simplify * move settings and sun to same row * remove redundant vstack * long press on sun/moon switches to system setting * remove back button from migrate device * smooth profile transitions * close user picker on list profiles * fix dismiss on migrate from device * fix dismiss when deleting last visible user while having hidden users * picker visibility toggle tweaks * remove strange square from profile switcher click * dirty way to save auto accept settings on dismiss * Revert "dirty way to save auto accept settings on dismiss" This reverts commite7b19ee8aa
. * consistent animation on user picker toggle * change space between profiles * remove result * ignore result * unread badge * move to sheet * half sheet on one hand ui * fix dismiss on device migration * fix desktop connect * sun to meet other action icons * fill bullet list button * fix tap in settings to take full width * icon sizings and paddings * open settings in same sheet * apply same trick as other buttons for ligth toggle * layout * open profiles sheet large when +3 users * layout * layout * paddings * paddings * remove show progress * always small user picker * fixed height * open all actions as sheets * type, color * simpler and more effective way of avoid moving around on user select * dismiss user profiles sheet on user change * connect desktop back button remove * remove back buttons from user address view * remove porgress * header inside list * alert on auto accept unsaved changes * Cancel -> Discard * revert * fix connect to desktop * remove extra space * fix share inside multi sheet * user picker and options as separate sheet * revert showShareSheet * fix current profile and all profiles selection * change alert * update * cleanup user address * remove func * alert on unsaved changes in chat prefs * fix layout * cleanup --------- Co-authored-by: Evgeny Poberezkin <evgeny@poberezkin.com> * ios: fix switching profiles (#4822) * ios: different user picker layout (#4826) * ios: different user picker layout * remove section * layout, color * color * remove activeUser * fix gradient * recursive sheets * gradient padding * share sheet * layout * dismiss sheets --------- Co-authored-by: Levitating Pineapple <noreply@levitatingpineapple.com> * ios: use the same way to share from all sheets (#4829) * ios: close user picker before opening other sheets * Revert "share sheet" This reverts commit0064155825
. * dismiss/show via callback * Revert "ios: close user picker before opening other sheets" This reverts commit19110398f8
. * ios: show alerts from sheets (#4839) * padding * remove gradient * cleanup * simplify settings * padding --------- Co-authored-by: Diogo <diogofncunha@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Levitating Pineapple <noreply@levitatingpineapple.com> Co-authored-by: spaced4ndy <8711996+spaced4ndy@users.noreply.github.com>
571 lines
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571 lines
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// ChatListView.swift
// SimpleX
// Created by Evgeny Poberezkin on 27/01/2022.
// Copyright © 2022 SimpleX Chat. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
import SimpleXChat
enum UserPickerSheet: Identifiable {
case address
case chatPreferences
case chatProfiles
case currentProfile
case useFromDesktop
case settings
var id: Self { self }
struct ChatListView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var chatModel: ChatModel
@EnvironmentObject var theme: AppTheme
@Binding var showSettings: Bool
@State private var searchMode = false
@FocusState private var searchFocussed
@State private var searchText = ""
@State private var searchShowingSimplexLink = false
@State private var searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink: String? = nil
@State private var scrollToSearchBar = false
@State private var activeUserPickerSheet: UserPickerSheet? = nil
@State private var userPickerShown: Bool = false
@AppStorage(DEFAULT_SHOW_UNREAD_AND_FAVORITES) private var showUnreadAndFavorites = false
@AppStorage(GROUP_DEFAULT_ONE_HAND_UI, store: groupDefaults) private var oneHandUI = true
@AppStorage(DEFAULT_ONE_HAND_UI_CARD_SHOWN) private var oneHandUICardShown = false
@AppStorage(DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_MATERIAL) private var toolbarMaterial = ToolbarMaterial.defaultMaterial
var body: some View {
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
} else {
private var viewBody: some View {
ZStack(alignment: oneHandUI ? .bottomLeading : .topLeading) {
isActive: Binding(
get: { chatModel.chatId != nil },
set: { active in
if !active { chatModel.chatId = nil }
destination: chatView
) { chatListView }
.sheet(isPresented: $userPickerShown) {
UserPicker(activeSheet: $activeUserPickerSheet)
.sheet(item: $activeUserPickerSheet) { sheet in
if let currentUser = chatModel.currentUser {
switch sheet {
case .address:
NavigationView {
UserAddressView(shareViaProfile: currentUser.addressShared)
.navigationTitle("Public address")
.modifier(ThemedBackground(grouped: true))
case .chatProfiles:
NavigationView {
case .currentProfile:
NavigationView {
.navigationTitle("Your current profile")
case .chatPreferences:
NavigationView {
PreferencesView(profile: currentUser.profile, preferences: currentUser.fullPreferences, currentPreferences: currentUser.fullPreferences)
.navigationTitle("Your preferences")
.modifier(ThemedBackground(grouped: true))
case .useFromDesktop:
ConnectDesktopView(viaSettings: false)
case .settings:
SettingsView(showSettings: $showSettings)
private var chatListView: some View {
let tm = ToolbarMaterial.material(toolbarMaterial)
return withToolbar(tm) {
.navigationBarHidden(searchMode || oneHandUI)
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
.onDisappear() { activeUserPickerSheet = nil }
.refreshable {
title: Text("Reconnect servers?"),
message: Text("Reconnect all connected servers to force message delivery. It uses additional traffic."),
primaryButton: .default(Text("Ok")) {
Task {
do {
try await reconnectAllServers()
} catch let error {
AlertManager.shared.showAlertMsg(title: "Error", message: "\(responseError(error))")
secondaryButton: .cancel()
.safeAreaInset(edge: .top) {
if oneHandUI { Divider().background(tm) }
.safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) {
if oneHandUI {
Divider().padding(.bottom, Self.hasHomeIndicator ? 0 : 8).background(tm)
static var hasHomeIndicator: Bool = {
if let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene,
let window = windowScene.windows.first {
window.safeAreaInsets.bottom > 0
} else { false }
@ViewBuilder func withToolbar(_ material: Material, content: () -> some View) -> some View {
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
if oneHandUI {
.toolbarBackground(.hidden, for: .bottomBar)
.toolbar { bottomToolbar }
} else {
.toolbarBackground(.automatic, for: .navigationBar)
.toolbar { topToolbar }
} else {
if oneHandUI {
content().toolbar { bottomToolbarGroup }
} else {
content().toolbar { topToolbar }
@ToolbarContentBuilder var topToolbar: some ToolbarContent {
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) { leadingToolbarItem }
ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) { SubsStatusIndicator() }
ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) { trailingToolbarItem }
@ToolbarContentBuilder var bottomToolbar: some ToolbarContent {
let padding: Double = Self.hasHomeIndicator ? 0 : 14
ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar) {
HStack {
leadingToolbarItem.padding(.bottom, padding)
SubsStatusIndicator().padding(.bottom, padding)
trailingToolbarItem.padding(.bottom, padding)
.onTapGesture { scrollToSearchBar = true }
@ToolbarContentBuilder var bottomToolbarGroup: some ToolbarContent {
let padding: Double = Self.hasHomeIndicator ? 0 : 14
ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .bottomBar) {
leadingToolbarItem.padding(.bottom, padding)
SubsStatusIndicator().padding(.bottom, padding)
trailingToolbarItem.padding(.bottom, padding)
@ViewBuilder var leadingToolbarItem: some View {
let user = chatModel.currentUser ?? User.sampleData
ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) {
ProfileImage(imageStr: user.image, size: 32, color: Color(uiColor: .quaternaryLabel))
.padding([.top, .trailing], 3)
let allRead = chatModel.users
.filter { u in !u.user.activeUser && !u.user.hidden }
.allSatisfy { u in u.unreadCount == 0 }
if !allRead {
unreadBadge(size: 12)
.onTapGesture {
userPickerShown = true
@ViewBuilder var trailingToolbarItem: some View {
switch chatModel.chatRunning {
case .some(true): NewChatMenuButton()
case .some(false): chatStoppedIcon()
case .none: EmptyView()
@ViewBuilder private var chatList: some View {
let cs = filteredChats()
ZStack {
ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in
List {
if !chatModel.chats.isEmpty {
searchMode: $searchMode,
searchFocussed: $searchFocussed,
searchText: $searchText,
searchShowingSimplexLink: $searchShowingSimplexLink,
searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink: $searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.padding(.top, oneHandUI ? 8 : 0)
if !oneHandUICardShown {
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
ForEach(cs, id: \.viewId) { chat in
ChatListNavLink(chat: chat)
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
.padding(.trailing, -16)
.disabled(chatModel.chatRunning != true || chatModel.deletedChats.contains(chat.chatInfo.id))
.offset(x: -8)
} else {
ForEach(cs, id: \.viewId) { chat in
VStack(spacing: .zero) {
.padding(.leading, 16)
ChatListNavLink(chat: chat)
.padding(.horizontal, 8)
.padding(.vertical, 6)
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
.background { theme.colors.background } // Hides default list selection colour
.disabled(chatModel.chatRunning != true || chatModel.deletedChats.contains(chat.chatInfo.id))
.onChange(of: chatModel.chatId) { currentChatId in
if let chatId = chatModel.chatToTop, currentChatId != chatId {
chatModel.chatToTop = nil
.onChange(of: chatModel.currentUser?.userId) { _ in
.onChange(of: scrollToSearchBar) { scrollToSearchBar in
if scrollToSearchBar {
Task { self.scrollToSearchBar = false }
withAnimation { scrollProxy.scrollTo("searchBar") }
if cs.isEmpty && !chatModel.chats.isEmpty {
Text("No filtered chats")
.scaleEffect(x: 1, y: oneHandUI ? -1 : 1, anchor: .center)
private func unreadBadge(size: CGFloat = 18) -> some View {
.frame(width: size, height: size)
@ViewBuilder private func chatView() -> some View {
if let chatId = chatModel.chatId, let chat = chatModel.getChat(chatId) {
ChatView(chat: chat)
func stopAudioPlayer() {
VoiceItemState.smallView.values.forEach { $0.audioPlayer?.stop() }
VoiceItemState.smallView = [:]
private func filteredChats() -> [Chat] {
if let linkChatId = searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink {
return chatModel.chats.filter { $0.id == linkChatId }
} else {
let s = searchString()
return s == "" && !showUnreadAndFavorites
? chatModel.chats.filter { chat in
!chat.chatInfo.chatDeleted && chatContactType(chat: chat) != ContactType.card
: chatModel.chats.filter { chat in
let cInfo = chat.chatInfo
switch cInfo {
case let .direct(contact):
return !contact.chatDeleted && chatContactType(chat: chat) != ContactType.card && (
s == ""
? filtered(chat)
: (viewNameContains(cInfo, s) ||
contact.profile.displayName.localizedLowercase.contains(s) ||
case let .group(gInfo):
return s == ""
? (filtered(chat) || gInfo.membership.memberStatus == .memInvited)
: viewNameContains(cInfo, s)
case .local:
return s == "" || viewNameContains(cInfo, s)
case .contactRequest:
return s == "" || viewNameContains(cInfo, s)
case let .contactConnection(conn):
return s != "" && conn.localAlias.localizedLowercase.contains(s)
case .invalidJSON:
return false
func searchString() -> String {
searchShowingSimplexLink ? "" : searchText.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).localizedLowercase
func filtered(_ chat: Chat) -> Bool {
(chat.chatInfo.chatSettings?.favorite ?? false) ||
chat.chatStats.unreadChat ||
(chat.chatInfo.ntfsEnabled && chat.chatStats.unreadCount > 0)
func viewNameContains(_ cInfo: ChatInfo, _ s: String) -> Bool {
struct SubsStatusIndicator: View {
@State private var subs: SMPServerSubs = SMPServerSubs.newSMPServerSubs
@State private var hasSess: Bool = false
@State private var task: Task<Void, Never>?
@State private var showServersSummary = false
@AppStorage(DEFAULT_SHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_PERCENTAGE) private var showSubscriptionPercentage = false
var body: some View {
Button {
showServersSummary = true
} label: {
HStack(spacing: 4) {
SubscriptionStatusIndicatorView(subs: subs, hasSess: hasSess)
if showSubscriptionPercentage {
SubscriptionStatusPercentageView(subs: subs, hasSess: hasSess)
.disabled(ChatModel.shared.chatRunning != true)
.onAppear {
.onDisappear {
.appSheet(isPresented: $showServersSummary) {
.environment(\EnvironmentValues.refresh as! WritableKeyPath<EnvironmentValues, RefreshAction?>, nil)
private func startTask() {
task = Task {
while !Task.isCancelled {
if AppChatState.shared.value == .active {
do {
let (subs, hasSess) = try await getAgentSubsTotal()
await MainActor.run {
self.subs = subs
self.hasSess = hasSess
} catch let error {
logger.error("getSubsTotal error: \(responseError(error))")
try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000) // Sleep for 1 second
func stopTask() {
task = nil
struct ChatListSearchBar: View {
@EnvironmentObject var m: ChatModel
@EnvironmentObject var theme: AppTheme
@Binding var searchMode: Bool
@FocusState.Binding var searchFocussed: Bool
@Binding var searchText: String
@Binding var searchShowingSimplexLink: Bool
@Binding var searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink: String?
@State private var ignoreSearchTextChange = false
@State private var alert: PlanAndConnectAlert?
@State private var sheet: PlanAndConnectActionSheet?
@AppStorage(DEFAULT_SHOW_UNREAD_AND_FAVORITES) private var showUnreadAndFavorites = false
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 12) {
HStack(spacing: 12) {
HStack(spacing: 4) {
Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass")
TextField("Search or paste SimpleX link", text: $searchText)
.foregroundColor(searchShowingSimplexLink ? theme.colors.secondary : theme.colors.onBackground)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
if !searchText.isEmpty {
Image(systemName: "xmark.circle.fill")
.onTapGesture {
searchText = ""
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 7, leading: 7, bottom: 7, trailing: 7))
if searchFocussed {
.onTapGesture {
searchText = ""
searchFocussed = false
} else if m.chats.count > 0 {
.onChange(of: searchFocussed) { sf in
withAnimation { searchMode = sf }
.onChange(of: searchText) { t in
if ignoreSearchTextChange {
ignoreSearchTextChange = false
} else {
if let link = strHasSingleSimplexLink(t.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)) { // if SimpleX link is pasted, show connection dialogue
searchFocussed = false
if case let .simplexLink(linkType, _, smpHosts) = link.format {
ignoreSearchTextChange = true
searchText = simplexLinkText(linkType, smpHosts)
searchShowingSimplexLink = true
searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink = nil
} else {
if t != "" { // if some other text is pasted, enter search mode
searchFocussed = true
searchShowingSimplexLink = false
searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink = nil
.alert(item: $alert) { a in
planAndConnectAlert(a, dismiss: true, cleanup: { searchText = "" })
.actionSheet(item: $sheet) { s in
planAndConnectActionSheet(s, dismiss: true, cleanup: { searchText = "" })
private func toggleFilterButton() -> some View {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 22, height: 22)
Image(systemName: showUnreadAndFavorites ? "line.3.horizontal.decrease.circle.fill" : "line.3.horizontal.decrease")
.foregroundColor(showUnreadAndFavorites ? theme.colors.primary : theme.colors.secondary)
.frame(width: showUnreadAndFavorites ? 22 : 16, height: showUnreadAndFavorites ? 22 : 16)
.onTapGesture {
showUnreadAndFavorites = !showUnreadAndFavorites
private func connect(_ link: String) {
showAlert: { alert = $0 },
showActionSheet: { sheet = $0 },
dismiss: false,
incognito: nil,
filterKnownContact: { searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink = $0.id },
filterKnownGroup: { searchChatFilteredBySimplexLink = $0.id }
func chatStoppedIcon() -> some View {
Button {
title: "Chat is stopped",
message: "You can start chat via app Settings / Database or by restarting the app"
} label: {
Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.octagon.fill").foregroundColor(.red)
struct ChatListView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let chatModel = ChatModel()
chatInfo: ChatInfo.sampleData.direct,
chatItems: [ChatItem.getSample(1, .directSnd, .now, "hello")]
chatInfo: ChatInfo.sampleData.group,
chatItems: [ChatItem.getSample(1, .directSnd, .now, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.")]
chatInfo: ChatInfo.sampleData.contactRequest,
chatItems: []
return Group {
ChatListView(showSettings: Binding.constant(false))
ChatListView(showSettings: Binding.constant(false))