mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
599 lines
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599 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module ChatTests.Utils where
import ChatClient
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), ChatController (..), InlineFilesConfig (..), defaultInlineFilesConfig)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles (getUserContactProfiles)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (maybeFirstRow, withTransaction)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Info (os)
import Test.Hspec
defaultPrefs :: Maybe Preferences
defaultPrefs = Just $ toChatPrefs defaultChatPrefs
aliceDesktopProfile :: Profile
aliceDesktopProfile = Profile {displayName = "alice_desktop", fullName = "Alice Desktop", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = defaultPrefs}
aliceProfile :: Profile
aliceProfile = Profile {displayName = "alice", fullName = "Alice", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = defaultPrefs}
bobProfile :: Profile
bobProfile = Profile {displayName = "bob", fullName = "Bob", image = Just (ImageData ""), contactLink = Nothing, preferences = defaultPrefs}
cathProfile :: Profile
cathProfile = Profile {displayName = "cath", fullName = "Catherine", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = defaultPrefs}
danProfile :: Profile
danProfile = Profile {displayName = "dan", fullName = "Daniel", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = defaultPrefs}
xit' :: (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
xit' = if os == "linux" then xit else it
xit'' :: (HasCallStack, Example a) => String -> a -> SpecWith (Arg a)
xit'' = ifCI xit it
xdescribe'' :: HasCallStack => String -> SpecWith a -> SpecWith a
xdescribe'' = ifCI xdescribe describe
ifCI :: HasCallStack => (HasCallStack => String -> a -> SpecWith b) -> (HasCallStack => String -> a -> SpecWith b) -> String -> a -> SpecWith b
ifCI xrun run d t = do
ci <- runIO $ lookupEnv "CI"
(if ci == Just "true" then xrun else run) d t
versionTestMatrix2 :: (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> SpecWith FilePath
versionTestMatrix2 runTest = do
it "v2" $ testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile runTest
it "v1" $ testChatCfg2 testCfgV1 aliceProfile bobProfile runTest
it "v1 to v2" $ runTestCfg2 testCfg testCfgV1 runTest
it "v2 to v1" $ runTestCfg2 testCfgV1 testCfg runTest
-- versionTestMatrix3 :: (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> SpecWith FilePath
-- versionTestMatrix3 runTest = do
-- it "v2" $ testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile runTest
-- it "v1" $ testChatCfg3 testCfgV1 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile runTest
-- it "v1 to v2" $ runTestCfg3 testCfg testCfgV1 testCfgV1 runTest
-- it "v2+v1 to v2" $ runTestCfg3 testCfg testCfg testCfgV1 runTest
-- it "v2 to v1" $ runTestCfg3 testCfgV1 testCfg testCfg runTest
-- it "v2+v1 to v1" $ runTestCfg3 testCfgV1 testCfg testCfgV1 runTest
inlineCfg :: Integer -> ChatConfig
inlineCfg n = testCfg {inlineFiles = defaultInlineFilesConfig {sendChunks = 0, offerChunks = n, receiveChunks = n}}
fileTestMatrix2 :: (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> SpecWith FilePath
fileTestMatrix2 runTest = do
it "via connection" $ runTestCfg2 viaConn viaConn runTest
it "inline (accepting)" $ runTestCfg2 inline inline runTest
it "via connection (inline offered)" $ runTestCfg2 inline viaConn runTest
it "via connection (inline supported)" $ runTestCfg2 viaConn inline runTest
inline = inlineCfg 100
viaConn = inlineCfg 0
fileTestMatrix3 :: (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> SpecWith FilePath
fileTestMatrix3 runTest = do
it "via connection" $ runTestCfg3 viaConn viaConn viaConn runTest
it "inline" $ runTestCfg3 inline inline inline runTest
it "via connection (inline offered)" $ runTestCfg3 inline viaConn viaConn runTest
it "via connection (inline supported)" $ runTestCfg3 viaConn inline inline runTest
inline = inlineCfg 100
viaConn = inlineCfg 0
runTestCfg2 :: ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
runTestCfg2 aliceCfg bobCfg runTest tmp =
withNewTestChatCfg tmp aliceCfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice ->
withNewTestChatCfg tmp bobCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
runTest alice bob
runTestCfg3 :: ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
runTestCfg3 aliceCfg bobCfg cathCfg runTest tmp =
withNewTestChatCfg tmp aliceCfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice ->
withNewTestChatCfg tmp bobCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChatCfg tmp cathCfg "cath" cathProfile $ \cath ->
runTest alice bob cath
withTestChatGroup3Connected :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatGroup3Connected tmp dbPrefix action = do
withTestChat tmp dbPrefix $ \cc -> do
cc <## "2 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
cc <## "#team: connected to server(s)"
action cc
withTestChatGroup3Connected' :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> IO ()
withTestChatGroup3Connected' tmp dbPrefix = withTestChatGroup3Connected tmp dbPrefix $ \_ -> pure ()
withTestChatContactConnected :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatContactConnected tmp dbPrefix action =
withTestChat tmp dbPrefix $ \cc -> do
cc <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
action cc
withTestChatContactConnected' :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> IO ()
withTestChatContactConnected' tmp dbPrefix = withTestChatContactConnected tmp dbPrefix $ \_ -> pure ()
withTestChatContactConnectedV1 :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatContactConnectedV1 tmp dbPrefix action =
withTestChatV1 tmp dbPrefix $ \cc -> do
cc <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
action cc
withTestChatContactConnectedV1' :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> IO ()
withTestChatContactConnectedV1' tmp dbPrefix = withTestChatContactConnectedV1 tmp dbPrefix $ \_ -> pure ()
-- | test sending direct messages
(<##>) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
cc1 <##> cc2 = do
name1 <- userName cc1
name2 <- userName cc2
cc1 #> ("@" <> name2 <> " hi")
cc2 <# (name1 <> "> hi")
cc2 #> ("@" <> name1 <> " hey")
cc1 <# (name2 <> "> hey")
(##>) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> IO ()
cc ##> cmd = do
cc `send` cmd
cc <## cmd
(#>) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> IO ()
cc #> cmd = do
cc `send` cmd
cc <# cmd
(?#>) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> IO ()
cc ?#> cmd = do
cc `send` cmd
cc <# ("i " <> cmd)
(#$>) :: (Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => TestCC -> (String, String -> a, a) -> Expectation
cc #$> (cmd, f, res) = do
cc ##> cmd
(f <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` res
chat :: String -> [(Int, String)]
chat = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) . chat''
chat' :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String))]
chat' = map (\(a, b, _) -> (a, b)) . chat''
chatF :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe String)]
chatF = map (\(a, _, c) -> (a, c)) . chat''
chat'' :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String), Maybe String)]
chat'' = read
chatFeatures :: [(Int, String)]
chatFeatures = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) chatFeatures''
chatFeatures' :: [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String))]
chatFeatures' = map (\(a, b, _) -> (a, b)) chatFeatures''
chatFeaturesF :: [((Int, String), Maybe String)]
chatFeaturesF = map (\(a, _, c) -> (a, c)) chatFeatures''
chatFeatures'' :: [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String), Maybe String)]
chatFeatures'' =
[ ((0, "Disappearing messages: allowed"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Full deletion: off"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Message reactions: enabled"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Voice messages: enabled"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Audio/video calls: enabled"), Nothing, Nothing)
lastChatFeature :: String
lastChatFeature = snd $ last chatFeatures
groupFeatures :: [(Int, String)]
groupFeatures = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) groupFeatures''
groupFeatures'' :: [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String), Maybe String)]
groupFeatures'' =
[ ((0, "Disappearing messages: off"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Direct messages: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Full deletion: off"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Message reactions: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Voice messages: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Files and media: on"), Nothing, Nothing)
itemId :: Int -> String
itemId i = show $ length chatFeatures + i
(@@@) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [(String, String)] -> Expectation
(@@@) cc res = do
threadDelay 10000
getChats mapChats cc res
mapChats :: [(String, String, Maybe ConnStatus)] -> [(String, String)]
mapChats = map $ \(ldn, msg, _) -> (ldn, msg)
chats :: String -> [(String, String)]
chats = mapChats . read
(@@@!) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [(String, String, Maybe ConnStatus)] -> Expectation
(@@@!) = getChats id
getChats :: HasCallStack => (Eq a, Show a) => ([(String, String, Maybe ConnStatus)] -> [a]) -> TestCC -> [a] -> Expectation
getChats f cc res = do
cc ##> "/_get chats 1 pcc=on"
line <- getTermLine cc
f (read line) `shouldMatchList` res
send :: TestCC -> String -> IO ()
send TestCC {chatController = cc} cmd = atomically $ writeTBQueue (inputQ cc) cmd
(<##) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc <## line = do
l <- getTermLine cc
when (l /= line) $ print ("expected: " <> line, ", got: " <> l)
l `shouldBe` line
(<##.) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc <##. line = do
l <- getTermLine cc
let prefix = line `isPrefixOf` l
unless prefix $ print ("expected to start from: " <> line, ", got: " <> l)
prefix `shouldBe` True
(.<##) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc .<## line = do
l <- getTermLine cc
let suffix = line `isSuffixOf` l
unless suffix $ print ("expected to end with: " <> line, ", got: " <> l)
suffix `shouldBe` True
(<#.) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc <#. line = do
l <- dropTime <$> getTermLine cc
let prefix = line `isPrefixOf` l
unless prefix $ print ("expected to start from: " <> line, ", got: " <> l)
prefix `shouldBe` True
(<##..) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [String] -> Expectation
cc <##.. ls = do
l <- getTermLine cc
let prefix = any (`isPrefixOf` l) ls
unless prefix $ print ("expected to start from one of: " <> show ls, ", got: " <> l)
prefix `shouldBe` True
data ConsoleResponse
= ConsoleString String
| WithTime String
| EndsWith String
| StartsWith String
| Predicate (String -> Bool)
instance IsString ConsoleResponse where fromString = ConsoleString
-- this assumes that the string can only match one option
getInAnyOrder :: HasCallStack => (String -> String) -> TestCC -> [ConsoleResponse] -> Expectation
getInAnyOrder _ _ [] = pure ()
getInAnyOrder f cc ls = do
line <- f <$> getTermLine cc
let rest = filterFirst (expected line) ls
if length rest < length ls
then getInAnyOrder f cc rest
else error $ "unexpected output: " <> line
expected :: String -> ConsoleResponse -> Bool
expected l = \case
ConsoleString s -> l == s
WithTime s -> dropTime_ l == Just s
EndsWith s -> s `isSuffixOf` l
StartsWith s -> s `isPrefixOf` l
Predicate p -> p l
filterFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterFirst _ [] = []
filterFirst p (x : xs)
| p x = xs
| otherwise = x : filterFirst p xs
(<###) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [ConsoleResponse] -> Expectation
(<###) = getInAnyOrder id
(<##?) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [ConsoleResponse] -> Expectation
(<##?) = getInAnyOrder dropTime
(<#) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc <# line = (dropTime <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` line
(*<#) :: HasCallStack => [TestCC] -> String -> Expectation
ccs *<# line = concurrentlyN_ $ map (<# line) ccs
(?<#) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc ?<# line = (dropTime <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` "i " <> line
($<#) :: HasCallStack => (TestCC, String) -> String -> Expectation
(cc, uName) $<# line = (dropTime . dropUser uName <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` line
(^<#) :: HasCallStack => (TestCC, String) -> String -> Expectation
(cc, p) ^<# line = (dropTime . dropStrPrefix p <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` line
(⩗) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc ⩗ line = (dropTime . dropReceipt <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` line
(%) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
cc % line = (dropTime . dropPartialReceipt <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` line
(</) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Expectation
(</) = (<// 500000)
(<#?) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> Expectation
cc1 <#? cc2 = do
name <- userName cc2
sName <- showName cc2
cc2 <## "connection request sent!"
cc1 <## (sName <> " wants to connect to you!")
cc1 <## ("to accept: /ac " <> name)
cc1 <## ("to reject: /rc " <> name <> " (the sender will NOT be notified)")
dropUser :: HasCallStack => String -> String -> String
dropUser uName msg = fromMaybe err $ dropUser_ uName msg
err = error $ "invalid user: " <> msg
dropUser_ :: String -> String -> Maybe String
dropUser_ uName msg = do
let userPrefix = "[user: " <> uName <> "] "
if userPrefix `isPrefixOf` msg
then Just $ drop (length userPrefix) msg
else Nothing
dropTime :: HasCallStack => String -> String
dropTime msg = fromMaybe err $ dropTime_ msg
err = error $ "invalid time: " <> msg
dropTime_ :: String -> Maybe String
dropTime_ msg = case splitAt 6 msg of
([m, m', ':', s, s', ' '], text) ->
if all isDigit [m, m', s, s'] then Just text else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
dropStrPrefix :: HasCallStack => String -> String -> String
dropStrPrefix pfx s =
let (p, rest) = splitAt (length pfx) s
in if p == pfx then rest else error $ "no prefix " <> pfx <> " in string : " <> s
dropReceipt :: HasCallStack => String -> String
dropReceipt msg = fromMaybe err $ dropReceipt_ msg
err = error $ "invalid receipt: " <> msg
dropReceipt_ :: String -> Maybe String
dropReceipt_ msg = case splitAt 2 msg of
("⩗ ", text) -> Just text
_ -> Nothing
dropPartialReceipt :: HasCallStack => String -> String
dropPartialReceipt msg = fromMaybe err $ dropPartialReceipt_ msg
err = error $ "invalid partial receipt: " <> msg
dropPartialReceipt_ :: String -> Maybe String
dropPartialReceipt_ msg = case splitAt 2 msg of
("% ", text) -> Just text
_ -> Nothing
getInvitation :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO String
getInvitation cc = do
cc <## "pass this invitation link to your contact (via another channel):"
cc <## ""
inv <- getTermLine cc
cc <## ""
cc <## "and ask them to connect: /c <invitation_link_above>"
pure inv
getContactLink :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Bool -> IO String
getContactLink cc created = do
cc <## if created then "Your new chat address is created!" else "Your chat address:"
cc <## ""
link <- getTermLine cc
cc <## ""
cc <## "Anybody can send you contact requests with: /c <contact_link_above>"
cc <## "to show it again: /sa"
cc <## "to share with your contacts: /profile_address on"
cc <## "to delete it: /da (accepted contacts will remain connected)"
pure link
getGroupLink :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> GroupMemberRole -> Bool -> IO String
getGroupLink cc gName mRole created = do
cc <## if created then "Group link is created!" else "Group link:"
cc <## ""
link <- getTermLine cc
cc <## ""
cc <## ("Anybody can connect to you and join group as " <> B.unpack (strEncode mRole) <> " with: /c <group_link_above>")
cc <## ("to show it again: /show link #" <> gName)
cc <## ("to delete it: /delete link #" <> gName <> " (joined members will remain connected to you)")
pure link
hasContactProfiles :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> [ContactName] -> Expectation
hasContactProfiles cc names =
getContactProfiles cc >>= \ps -> ps `shouldMatchList` names
getContactProfiles :: TestCC -> IO [ContactName]
getContactProfiles cc = do
user_ <- readTVarIO (currentUser $ chatController cc)
case user_ of
Nothing -> pure []
Just user -> do
profiles <- withTransaction (chatStore $ chatController cc) $ \db -> getUserContactProfiles db user
pure $ map (\Profile {displayName} -> displayName) profiles
withCCUser :: TestCC -> (User -> IO a) -> IO a
withCCUser cc action = do
user_ <- readTVarIO (currentUser $ chatController cc)
case user_ of
Nothing -> error "no user"
Just user -> action user
withCCTransaction :: TestCC -> (DB.Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
withCCTransaction cc action =
withTransaction (chatStore $ chatController cc) $ \db -> action db
getProfilePictureByName :: TestCC -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
getProfilePictureByName cc displayName =
withTransaction (chatStore $ chatController cc) $ \db ->
maybeFirstRow fromOnly $
DB.query db "SELECT image FROM contact_profiles WHERE display_name = ? LIMIT 1" (Only displayName)
lastItemId :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO String
lastItemId cc = do
cc ##> "/last_item_id"
getTermLine cc
showActiveUser :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> Expectation
showActiveUser cc name = do
cc <## ("user profile: " <> name)
cc <## "use /p <display name> to change it"
cc <## "(the updated profile will be sent to all your contacts)"
connectUsers :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
connectUsers cc1 cc2 = do
name1 <- showName cc1
name2 <- showName cc2
cc1 ##> "/c"
inv <- getInvitation cc1
cc2 ##> ("/c " <> inv)
cc2 <## "confirmation sent!"
(cc2 <## (name1 <> ": contact is connected"))
(cc1 <## (name2 <> ": contact is connected"))
showName :: TestCC -> IO String
showName (TestCC ChatController {currentUser} _ _ _ _ _) = do
Just User {localDisplayName, profile = LocalProfile {fullName}} <- readTVarIO currentUser
pure . T.unpack $ localDisplayName <> optionalFullName localDisplayName fullName
createGroup2 :: HasCallStack => String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
createGroup2 gName cc1 cc2 = createGroup2' gName cc1 cc2 True
createGroup2' :: HasCallStack => String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> Bool -> IO ()
createGroup2' gName cc1 cc2 doConnectUsers = do
when doConnectUsers $ connectUsers cc1 cc2
name2 <- userName cc2
cc1 ##> ("/g " <> gName)
cc1 <## ("group #" <> gName <> " is created")
cc1 <## ("to add members use /a " <> gName <> " <name> or /create link #" <> gName)
addMember gName cc1 cc2 GRAdmin
cc2 ##> ("/j " <> gName)
(cc1 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": " <> name2 <> " joined the group"))
(cc2 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": you joined the group"))
createGroup3 :: HasCallStack => String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
createGroup3 gName cc1 cc2 cc3 = do
createGroup2 gName cc1 cc2
connectUsers cc1 cc3
name1 <- userName cc1
name3 <- userName cc3
sName2 <- showName cc2
sName3 <- showName cc3
addMember gName cc1 cc3 GRAdmin
cc3 ##> ("/j " <> gName)
[ cc1 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": " <> name3 <> " joined the group"),
cc3 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": you joined the group")
cc3 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": member " <> sName2 <> " is connected"),
cc2 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": " <> name1 <> " added " <> sName3 <> " to the group (connecting...)")
cc2 <## ("#" <> gName <> ": new member " <> name3 <> " is connected")
create2Groups3 :: HasCallStack => String -> String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
create2Groups3 gName1 gName2 cc1 cc2 cc3 = do
createGroup3 gName1 cc1 cc2 cc3
createGroup2' gName2 cc1 cc2 False
name1 <- userName cc1
name3 <- userName cc3
addMember gName2 cc1 cc3 GRAdmin
cc3 ##> ("/j " <> gName2)
[ cc1 <## ("#" <> gName2 <> ": " <> name3 <> " joined the group"),
cc3 <## ("#" <> gName2 <> ": you joined the group")
cc3 <##. ("#" <> gName2 <> ": member "), -- "#gName2: member sName2 is connected"
cc2 <##. ("#" <> gName2 <> ": " <> name1 <> " added ") -- "#gName2: name1 added sName3 to the group (connecting...)"
cc2 <##. ("#" <> gName2 <> ": new member ") -- "#gName2: new member name3 is connected"
addMember :: HasCallStack => String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> GroupMemberRole -> IO ()
addMember gName = fullAddMember gName ""
fullAddMember :: HasCallStack => String -> String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> GroupMemberRole -> IO ()
fullAddMember gName fullName inviting invitee role = do
name1 <- userName inviting
memName <- userName invitee
inviting ##> ("/a " <> gName <> " " <> memName <> " " <> B.unpack (strEncode role))
let fullName' = if null fullName || fullName == gName then "" else " (" <> fullName <> ")"
[ inviting <## ("invitation to join the group #" <> gName <> " sent to " <> memName),
invitee <## ("#" <> gName <> fullName' <> ": " <> name1 <> " invites you to join the group as " <> B.unpack (strEncode role))
invitee <## ("use /j " <> gName <> " to accept")
checkActionDeletesFile :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
checkActionDeletesFile file action = do
fileExistsBefore <- doesFileExist file
fileExistsBefore `shouldBe` True
fileExistsAfter <- doesFileExist file
fileExistsAfter `shouldBe` False
startFileTransferWithDest' :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> Maybe String -> IO ()
startFileTransferWithDest' cc1 cc2 fileName fileSize fileDest_ = do
name1 <- userName cc1
name2 <- userName cc2
cc1 #> ("/f @" <> name2 <> " ./tests/fixtures/" <> fileName)
cc1 <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
cc2 <# (name1 <> "> sends file " <> fileName <> " (" <> fileSize <> ")")
cc2 <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cc2 ##> ("/fr 1" <> maybe "" (" " <>) fileDest_)
cc2 <## ("saving file 1 from " <> name1 <> " to " <> maybe id (</>) fileDest_ fileName)
(cc2 <## ("started receiving file 1 (" <> fileName <> ") from " <> name1))
(cc1 <## ("started sending file 1 (" <> fileName <> ") to " <> name2))
currentChatVRangeInfo :: String
currentChatVRangeInfo =
"peer chat protocol version range: " <> vRangeStr supportedChatVRange
vRangeStr :: VersionRange -> String
vRangeStr (VersionRange minVer maxVer) = "(" <> show minVer <> ", " <> show maxVer <> ")"
linkAnotherSchema :: String -> String
linkAnotherSchema link
| "https://simplex.chat/" `isPrefixOf` link =
T.unpack $ T.replace "https://simplex.chat/" "simplex:/" $ T.pack link
| "simplex:/" `isPrefixOf` link =
T.unpack $ T.replace "simplex:/" "https://simplex.chat/" $ T.pack link
| otherwise = error "link starts with neither https://simplex.chat/ nor simplex:/"