mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
410 lines
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410 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module ChatClient where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask, killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (bracket, bracket_)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, find)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.Socket
import Simplex.Chat
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), ChatController (..), ChatDatabase (..), ChatLogLevel (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Output (newChatTerminal)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (AgentUserId (..), Profile, User (..))
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (kb, mb)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Server (runXFTPServerBlocking)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Server.Env (XFTPServerConfig (..), defaultFileExpiration)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.RetryInterval
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (MigrationConfirmation (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (ProtocolClientConfig (..), defaultNetworkConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Server (runSMPServerBlocking)
import Simplex.Messaging.Server.Env.STM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Server (defaultTransportServerConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified System.Terminal as C
import System.Terminal.Internal (VirtualTerminal (..), VirtualTerminalSettings (..), withVirtualTerminal)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Test.Hspec (Expectation, HasCallStack, shouldReturn)
testDBPrefix :: FilePath
testDBPrefix = "tests/tmp/test"
serverPort :: ServiceName
serverPort = "7001"
testOpts :: ChatOpts
testOpts =
{ coreOptions =
{ dbFilePrefix = undefined,
dbKey = "",
-- dbKey = "this is a pass-phrase to encrypt the database",
smpServers = ["smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"],
xftpServers = ["xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"],
networkConfig = defaultNetworkConfig,
logLevel = CLLImportant,
logConnections = False,
logServerHosts = False,
logAgent = Nothing,
logFile = Nothing,
tbqSize = 16,
highlyAvailable = False
deviceName = Nothing,
chatCmd = "",
chatCmdDelay = 3,
chatServerPort = Nothing,
optFilesFolder = Nothing,
showReactions = True,
allowInstantFiles = True,
autoAcceptFileSize = 0,
muteNotifications = True,
maintenance = False
getTestOpts :: Bool -> String -> ChatOpts
getTestOpts maintenance dbKey = testOpts {maintenance, coreOptions = (coreOptions testOpts) {dbKey}}
termSettings :: VirtualTerminalSettings
termSettings =
{ virtualType = "xterm",
virtualWindowSize = pure C.Size {height = 24, width = 2250},
virtualEvent = retry,
virtualInterrupt = retry
data TestCC = TestCC
{ chatController :: ChatController,
virtualTerminal :: VirtualTerminal,
chatAsync :: Async (),
termAsync :: Async (),
termQ :: TQueue String,
printOutput :: Bool
aCfg :: AgentConfig
aCfg = (agentConfig defaultChatConfig) {tbqSize = 16}
testAgentCfg :: AgentConfig
testAgentCfg =
{ reconnectInterval = (reconnectInterval aCfg) {initialInterval = 50000},
xftpNotifyErrsOnRetry = False
testCfg :: ChatConfig
testCfg =
{ agentConfig = testAgentCfg,
showReceipts = False,
testView = True,
tbqSize = 16,
xftpFileConfig = Nothing
testAgentCfgV1 :: AgentConfig
testAgentCfgV1 =
{ smpClientVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1,
smpAgentVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1,
smpCfg = (smpCfg testAgentCfg) {serverVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1}
testCfgV1 :: ChatConfig
testCfgV1 = testCfg {agentConfig = testAgentCfgV1}
testCfgCreateGroupDirect :: ChatConfig
testCfgCreateGroupDirect =
mkCfgCreateGroupDirect testCfg
mkCfgCreateGroupDirect :: ChatConfig -> ChatConfig
mkCfgCreateGroupDirect cfg = cfg {chatVRange = groupCreateDirectVRange}
groupCreateDirectVRange :: VersionRange
groupCreateDirectVRange = mkVersionRange 1 1
testCfgGroupLinkViaContact :: ChatConfig
testCfgGroupLinkViaContact =
mkCfgGroupLinkViaContact testCfg
mkCfgGroupLinkViaContact :: ChatConfig -> ChatConfig
mkCfgGroupLinkViaContact cfg = cfg {chatVRange = groupLinkViaContactVRange}
groupLinkViaContactVRange :: VersionRange
groupLinkViaContactVRange = mkVersionRange 1 2
createTestChat :: FilePath -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> String -> Profile -> IO TestCC
createTestChat tmp cfg opts@ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbKey}} dbPrefix profile = do
Right db@ChatDatabase {chatStore} <- createChatDatabase (tmp </> dbPrefix) dbKey MCError
Right user <- withTransaction chatStore $ \db' -> runExceptT $ createUserRecord db' (AgentUserId 1) profile True
startTestChat_ db cfg opts user
startTestChat :: FilePath -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> String -> IO TestCC
startTestChat tmp cfg opts@ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbKey}} dbPrefix = do
Right db@ChatDatabase {chatStore} <- createChatDatabase (tmp </> dbPrefix) dbKey MCError
Just user <- find activeUser <$> withTransaction chatStore getUsers
startTestChat_ db cfg opts user
startTestChat_ :: ChatDatabase -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> User -> IO TestCC
startTestChat_ db cfg opts user = do
t <- withVirtualTerminal termSettings pure
ct <- newChatTerminal t opts
cc <- newChatController db (Just user) cfg opts
chatAsync <- async . runSimplexChat opts user cc . const $ runChatTerminal ct
atomically . unless (maintenance opts) $ readTVar (agentAsync cc) >>= \a -> when (isNothing a) retry
termQ <- newTQueueIO
termAsync <- async $ readTerminalOutput t termQ
pure TestCC {chatController = cc, virtualTerminal = t, chatAsync, termAsync, termQ, printOutput = False}
stopTestChat :: TestCC -> IO ()
stopTestChat TestCC {chatController = cc, chatAsync, termAsync} = do
stopChatController cc
uninterruptibleCancel termAsync
uninterruptibleCancel chatAsync
threadDelay 200000
withNewTestChat :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewTestChat tmp = withNewTestChatCfgOpts tmp testCfg testOpts
withNewTestChatV1 :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewTestChatV1 tmp = withNewTestChatCfg tmp testCfgV1
withNewTestChatCfg :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatConfig -> String -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewTestChatCfg tmp cfg = withNewTestChatCfgOpts tmp cfg testOpts
withNewTestChatOpts :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatOpts -> String -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewTestChatOpts tmp = withNewTestChatCfgOpts tmp testCfg
withNewTestChatCfgOpts :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> String -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withNewTestChatCfgOpts tmp cfg opts dbPrefix profile runTest =
(createTestChat tmp cfg opts dbPrefix profile)
(\cc -> runTest cc >>= ((cc <// 100000) $>))
withTestChatV1 :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatV1 tmp = withTestChatCfg tmp testCfgV1
withTestChat :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChat tmp = withTestChatCfgOpts tmp testCfg testOpts
withTestChatCfg :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatConfig -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatCfg tmp cfg = withTestChatCfgOpts tmp cfg testOpts
withTestChatOpts :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatOpts -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatOpts tmp = withTestChatCfgOpts tmp testCfg
withTestChatCfgOpts :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> String -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatCfgOpts tmp cfg opts dbPrefix = bracket (startTestChat tmp cfg opts dbPrefix) (\cc -> cc <// 100000 >> stopTestChat cc)
-- enable output for specific chat controller, use like this:
-- withNewTestChat tmp "alice" aliceProfile $ \a -> withTestOutput a $ \alice -> do ...
withTestOutput :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestOutput cc runTest = runTest cc {printOutput = True}
readTerminalOutput :: VirtualTerminal -> TQueue String -> IO ()
readTerminalOutput t termQ = do
let w = virtualWindow t
winVar <- atomically $ newTVar . init =<< readTVar w
forever . atomically $ do
win <- readTVar winVar
win' <- init <$> readTVar w
if win' == win
then retry
else do
let diff = getDiff win' win
forM_ diff $ writeTQueue termQ
writeTVar winVar win'
getDiff :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
getDiff win win' = getDiff_ 1 (length win) win win'
getDiff_ :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
getDiff_ n len win' win =
let diff = drop (len - n) win'
in if drop n win <> diff == win'
then map (dropWhileEnd (== ' ')) diff
else getDiff_ (n + 1) len win' win
withTmpFiles :: IO () -> IO ()
withTmpFiles =
(createDirectoryIfMissing False "tests/tmp")
(removeDirectoryRecursive "tests/tmp")
testChatN :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> [Profile] -> (HasCallStack => [TestCC] -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatN cfg opts ps test tmp = do
tcs <- getTestCCs (zip ps [1 ..]) []
test tcs
concurrentlyN_ $ map (<// 100000) tcs
concurrentlyN_ $ map stopTestChat tcs
getTestCCs :: [(Profile, Int)] -> [TestCC] -> IO [TestCC]
getTestCCs [] tcs = pure tcs
getTestCCs ((p, db) : envs') tcs = (:) <$> createTestChat tmp cfg opts (show db) p <*> getTestCCs envs' tcs
(<//) :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Int -> Expectation
(<//) cc t = timeout t (getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` Nothing
getTermLine :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO String
getTermLine cc =
5000000 `timeout` atomically (readTQueue $ termQ cc) >>= \case
Just s -> do
-- remove condition to always echo virtual terminal
when (printOutput cc) $ do
-- when True $ do
name <- userName cc
putStrLn $ name <> ": " <> s
pure s
_ -> error "no output for 5 seconds"
userName :: TestCC -> IO [Char]
userName (TestCC ChatController {currentUser} _ _ _ _ _) = T.unpack . localDisplayName . fromJust <$> readTVarIO currentUser
testChat2 :: HasCallStack => Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChat2 = testChatCfgOpts2 testCfg testOpts
testChatCfg2 :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatCfg2 cfg = testChatCfgOpts2 cfg testOpts
testChatOpts2 :: HasCallStack => ChatOpts -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatOpts2 = testChatCfgOpts2 testCfg
testChatCfgOpts2 :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatCfgOpts2 cfg opts p1 p2 test = testChatN cfg opts [p1, p2] test_
test_ :: HasCallStack => [TestCC] -> IO ()
test_ [tc1, tc2] = test tc1 tc2
test_ _ = error "expected 2 chat clients"
testChat3 :: HasCallStack => Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChat3 = testChatCfgOpts3 testCfg testOpts
testChatCfg3 :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatCfg3 cfg = testChatCfgOpts3 cfg testOpts
testChatCfgOpts3 :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatCfgOpts3 cfg opts p1 p2 p3 test = testChatN cfg opts [p1, p2, p3] test_
test_ :: HasCallStack => [TestCC] -> IO ()
test_ [tc1, tc2, tc3] = test tc1 tc2 tc3
test_ _ = error "expected 3 chat clients"
testChat4 :: HasCallStack => Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChat4 = testChatCfg4 testCfg
testChatCfg4 :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> Profile -> (HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
testChatCfg4 cfg p1 p2 p3 p4 test = testChatN cfg testOpts [p1, p2, p3, p4] test_
test_ :: HasCallStack => [TestCC] -> IO ()
test_ [tc1, tc2, tc3, tc4] = test tc1 tc2 tc3 tc4
test_ _ = error "expected 4 chat clients"
concurrentlyN_ :: [IO a] -> IO ()
concurrentlyN_ = mapConcurrently_ id
serverCfg :: ServerConfig
serverCfg =
{ transports = [(serverPort, transport @TLS)],
tbqSize = 1,
-- serverTbqSize = 1,
msgQueueQuota = 16,
queueIdBytes = 12,
msgIdBytes = 6,
storeLogFile = Nothing,
storeMsgsFile = Nothing,
allowNewQueues = True,
-- server password is disabled as otherwise v1 tests fail
newQueueBasicAuth = Nothing, -- Just "server_password",
messageExpiration = Just defaultMessageExpiration,
inactiveClientExpiration = Just defaultInactiveClientExpiration,
caCertificateFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/ca.crt",
privateKeyFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/server.key",
certificateFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/server.crt",
logStatsInterval = Nothing,
logStatsStartTime = 0,
serverStatsLogFile = "tests/smp-server-stats.daily.log",
serverStatsBackupFile = Nothing,
smpServerVRange = supportedSMPServerVRange,
transportConfig = defaultTransportServerConfig,
controlPort = Nothing
withSmpServer :: IO () -> IO ()
withSmpServer = serverBracket (`runSMPServerBlocking` serverCfg)
xftpTestPort :: ServiceName
xftpTestPort = "7002"
xftpServerFiles :: FilePath
xftpServerFiles = "tests/tmp/xftp-server-files"
xftpServerConfig :: XFTPServerConfig
xftpServerConfig =
{ xftpPort = xftpTestPort,
fileIdSize = 16,
storeLogFile = Just "tests/tmp/xftp-server-store.log",
filesPath = xftpServerFiles,
fileSizeQuota = Nothing,
allowedChunkSizes = [kb 128, kb 256, mb 1, mb 4],
allowNewFiles = True,
newFileBasicAuth = Nothing,
fileExpiration = Just defaultFileExpiration,
caCertificateFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/ca.crt",
privateKeyFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/server.key",
certificateFile = "tests/fixtures/tls/server.crt",
logStatsInterval = Nothing,
logStatsStartTime = 0,
serverStatsLogFile = "tests/tmp/xftp-server-stats.daily.log",
serverStatsBackupFile = Nothing,
transportConfig = defaultTransportServerConfig
withXFTPServer :: IO () -> IO ()
withXFTPServer = withXFTPServer' xftpServerConfig
withXFTPServer' :: XFTPServerConfig -> IO () -> IO ()
withXFTPServer' cfg =
( \started -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing False xftpServerFiles
runXFTPServerBlocking started cfg
serverBracket :: (TMVar Bool -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
serverBracket server f = do
started <- newEmptyTMVarIO
(forkIOWithUnmask ($ server started))
(\t -> killThread t >> waitFor started "stop")
(\_ -> waitFor started "start" >> f)
waitFor started s =
5000000 `timeout` atomically (takeTMVar started) >>= \case
Nothing -> error $ "server did not " <> s
_ -> pure ()