2023-11-26 18:16:37 +00:00

6372 lines
386 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module Simplex.Chat where
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM (retry)
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Crypto.Random (drgNew)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.Char
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import Data.Either (fromRight, rights)
import Data.Fixed (div')
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (find, foldl', isSuffixOf, partition, sortBy, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, addUTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime, nominalDay, nominalDiffTimeToSeconds)
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime, systemToUTCTime)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
import Simplex.Chat.Archive
import Simplex.Chat.Call
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent.Events
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.ProfileGenerator (generateRandomProfile)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Remote
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Connections
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Chat.Util (encryptFile)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Main (maxFileSize)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Presets (defaultXFTPServers)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (ValidFileDescription, gb, kb, mb)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Protocol (FileParty (..), FilePartyI)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent as Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Client (AgentStatsKey (..), SubInfo (..), agentClientStore, temporaryAgentError)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig (..), InitialAgentServers (..), createAgentStore, defaultAgentConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Lock
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (MigrationConfirmation (..), MigrationError, SQLiteStore (dbNew), execSQL, upMigration, withConnection)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB (SlowQueryStats (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.Migrations as Migrations
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (defaultNetworkConfig)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFile (..), CryptoFileArgs (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File as CF
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (base64P)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (AProtoServerWithAuth (..), AProtocolType (..), EntityId, ErrorType (..), MsgBody, MsgFlags (..), NtfServer, ProtoServerWithAuth, ProtocolTypeI, SProtocolType (..), SubscriptionMode (..), UserProtocol, userProtocol)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (defaultSocksProxy)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Invitation (RCInvitation (..), RCSignedInvitation (..))
import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (..), SeekMode (..), hFlush, stdout)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import UnliftIO.Async
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkFinally, forkIO, mkWeakThreadId, threadDelay)
import UnliftIO.Directory
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
import UnliftIO.IO (hClose, hSeek, hTell, openFile)
import UnliftIO.STM
defaultChatConfig :: ChatConfig
defaultChatConfig =
{ agentConfig =
{ tcpPort = undefined, -- agent does not listen to TCP
tbqSize = 1024
chatVRange = supportedChatVRange,
confirmMigrations = MCConsole,
defaultServers =
{ smp = _defaultSMPServers,
ntf = _defaultNtfServers,
xftp = defaultXFTPServers,
netCfg = defaultNetworkConfig
tbqSize = 1024,
fileChunkSize = 15780, -- do not change
xftpDescrPartSize = 14000,
inlineFiles = defaultInlineFilesConfig,
autoAcceptFileSize = 0,
xftpFileConfig = Just defaultXFTPFileConfig,
tempDir = Nothing,
showReactions = False,
showReceipts = False,
logLevel = CLLImportant,
subscriptionEvents = False,
hostEvents = False,
testView = False,
initialCleanupManagerDelay = 30 * 1000000, -- 30 seconds
cleanupManagerInterval = 30 * 60, -- 30 minutes
cleanupManagerStepDelay = 3 * 1000000, -- 3 seconds
ciExpirationInterval = 30 * 60 * 1000000, -- 30 minutes
coreApi = False,
highlyAvailable = False,
deviceNameForRemote = ""
_defaultSMPServers :: NonEmpty SMPServerWithAuth
_defaultSMPServers =
[ "smp://,6ioorbm6i3yxmuoezrhjk6f6qgkc4syabh7m3so74xunb5nzr4pwgfqd.onion",
_defaultNtfServers :: [NtfServer]
_defaultNtfServers = ["ntf://,ntg7jdjy2i3qbib3sykiho3enekwiaqg3icctliqhtqcg6jmoh6cxiad.onion"]
maxImageSize :: Integer
maxImageSize = 261120 * 2 -- auto-receive on mobiles
imageExtensions :: [String]
imageExtensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif"]
maxMsgReactions :: Int
maxMsgReactions = 3
fixedImagePreview :: ImageData
smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit :: Int
smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit = 20
logCfg :: LogConfig
logCfg = LogConfig {lc_file = Nothing, lc_stderr = True}
createChatDatabase :: FilePath -> String -> MigrationConfirmation -> IO (Either MigrationError ChatDatabase)
createChatDatabase filePrefix key confirmMigrations = runExceptT $ do
chatStore <- ExceptT $ createChatStore (chatStoreFile filePrefix) key confirmMigrations
agentStore <- ExceptT $ createAgentStore (agentStoreFile filePrefix) key confirmMigrations
pure ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore}
newChatController :: ChatDatabase -> Maybe User -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ChatController
newChatController ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore} user cfg@ChatConfig {agentConfig = aCfg, defaultServers, inlineFiles, tempDir, deviceNameForRemote} ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {smpServers, xftpServers, networkConfig, logLevel, logConnections, logServerHosts, logFile, tbqSize, highlyAvailable}, deviceName, optFilesFolder, showReactions, allowInstantFiles, autoAcceptFileSize} = do
let inlineFiles' = if allowInstantFiles || autoAcceptFileSize > 0 then inlineFiles else inlineFiles {sendChunks = 0, receiveInstant = False}
config = cfg {logLevel, showReactions, tbqSize, subscriptionEvents = logConnections, hostEvents = logServerHosts, defaultServers = configServers, inlineFiles = inlineFiles', autoAcceptFileSize, highlyAvailable}
firstTime = dbNew chatStore
currentUser <- newTVarIO user
currentRemoteHost <- newTVarIO Nothing
servers <- agentServers config
smpAgent <- getSMPAgentClient aCfg {tbqSize} servers agentStore
agentAsync <- newTVarIO Nothing
idsDrg <- newTVarIO =<< liftIO drgNew
inputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
outputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
connNetworkStatuses <- atomically TM.empty
subscriptionMode <- newTVarIO SMSubscribe
chatLock <- newEmptyTMVarIO
sndFiles <- newTVarIO M.empty
rcvFiles <- newTVarIO M.empty
currentCalls <- atomically TM.empty
localDeviceName <- newTVarIO $ fromMaybe deviceNameForRemote deviceName
multicastSubscribers <- newTMVarIO 0
remoteSessionSeq <- newTVarIO 0
remoteHostSessions <- atomically TM.empty
remoteHostsFolder <- newTVarIO Nothing
remoteCtrlSession <- newTVarIO Nothing
filesFolder <- newTVarIO optFilesFolder
chatStoreChanged <- newTVarIO False
expireCIThreads <- newTVarIO M.empty
expireCIFlags <- newTVarIO M.empty
cleanupManagerAsync <- newTVarIO Nothing
timedItemThreads <- atomically TM.empty
showLiveItems <- newTVarIO False
encryptLocalFiles <- newTVarIO False
userXFTPFileConfig <- newTVarIO $ xftpFileConfig cfg
tempDirectory <- newTVarIO tempDir
contactMergeEnabled <- newTVarIO True
{ firstTime,
logFilePath = logFile,
configServers :: DefaultAgentServers
configServers =
let smp' = fromMaybe (defaultServers.smp) (nonEmpty smpServers)
xftp' = fromMaybe (defaultServers.xftp) (nonEmpty xftpServers)
in defaultServers {smp = smp', xftp = xftp', netCfg = networkConfig}
agentServers :: ChatConfig -> IO InitialAgentServers
agentServers config@ChatConfig {defaultServers = defServers@DefaultAgentServers {ntf, netCfg}} = do
users <- withTransaction chatStore getUsers
smp' <- getUserServers users SPSMP
xftp' <- getUserServers users SPXFTP
pure InitialAgentServers {smp = smp', xftp = xftp', ntf, netCfg}
getUserServers :: forall p. (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => [User] -> SProtocolType p -> IO (Map UserId (NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p)))
getUserServers users protocol = case users of
[] -> pure $ M.fromList [(1, cfgServers protocol defServers)]
_ -> M.fromList <$> initialServers
initialServers :: IO [(UserId, NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p))]
initialServers = mapM (\u -> (aUserId u,) <$> userServers u) users
userServers :: User -> IO (NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p))
userServers user' = activeAgentServers config protocol <$> withTransaction chatStore (`getProtocolServers` user')
activeAgentServers :: UserProtocol p => ChatConfig -> SProtocolType p -> [ServerCfg p] -> NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p)
activeAgentServers ChatConfig {defaultServers} p =
fromMaybe (cfgServers p defaultServers)
. nonEmpty
. map (\ServerCfg {server} -> server)
. filter (\ServerCfg {enabled} -> enabled)
cfgServers :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> (DefaultAgentServers -> NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p))
cfgServers p s = case p of
SPSMP -> s.smp
SPXFTP -> s.xftp
startChatController :: forall m. ChatMonad' m => Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> m (Async ())
startChatController subConns enableExpireCIs startXFTPWorkers = do
asks smpAgent >>= resumeAgentClient
unless subConns $
chatWriteVar subscriptionMode SMOnlyCreate
users <- fromRight [] <$> runExceptT (withStoreCtx' (Just "startChatController, getUsers") getUsers)
s <- asks agentAsync
readTVarIO s >>= maybe (start s users) (pure . fst)
start s users = do
a1 <- async agentSubscriber
a2 <-
if subConns
then Just <$> async (subscribeUsers False users)
else pure Nothing
atomically . writeTVar s $ Just (a1, a2)
when startXFTPWorkers $ do
void $ forkIO $ startFilesToReceive users
when enableExpireCIs $ startExpireCIs users
pure a1
startXFTP = do
tmp <- readTVarIO =<< asks tempDirectory
runExceptT (withAgent $ \a -> xftpStartWorkers a tmp) >>= \case
Left e -> liftIO $ print $ "Error starting XFTP workers: " <> show e
Right _ -> pure ()
startCleanupManager = do
cleanupAsync <- asks cleanupManagerAsync
readTVarIO cleanupAsync >>= \case
Nothing -> do
a <- Just <$> async (void $ runExceptT cleanupManager)
atomically $ writeTVar cleanupAsync a
_ -> pure ()
startExpireCIs users =
forM_ users $ \user -> do
ttl <- fromRight Nothing <$> runExceptT (withStoreCtx' (Just "startExpireCIs, getChatItemTTL") (`getChatItemTTL` user))
forM_ ttl $ \_ -> do
startExpireCIThread user
setExpireCIFlag user True
subscribeUsers :: forall m. ChatMonad' m => Bool -> [User] -> m ()
subscribeUsers onlyNeeded users = do
let (us, us') = partition activeUser users
subscribe us
subscribe us'
subscribe :: [User] -> m ()
subscribe = mapM_ $ runExceptT . subscribeUserConnections onlyNeeded Agent.subscribeConnections
startFilesToReceive :: forall m. ChatMonad' m => [User] -> m ()
startFilesToReceive users = do
let (us, us') = partition activeUser users
startReceive us
startReceive us'
startReceive :: [User] -> m ()
startReceive = mapM_ $ runExceptT . startReceiveUserFiles
startReceiveUserFiles :: ChatMonad m => User -> m ()
startReceiveUserFiles user = do
filesToReceive <- withStoreCtx' (Just "startReceiveUserFiles, getRcvFilesToReceive") (`getRcvFilesToReceive` user)
forM_ filesToReceive $ \ft ->
flip catchChatError (toView . CRChatError (Just user)) $
toView =<< receiveFile' user ft Nothing Nothing
restoreCalls :: ChatMonad' m => m ()
restoreCalls = do
savedCalls <- fromRight [] <$> runExceptT (withStoreCtx' (Just "restoreCalls, getCalls") $ \db -> getCalls db)
let callsMap = M.fromList $ map (\call@Call {contactId} -> (contactId, call)) savedCalls
calls <- asks currentCalls
atomically $ writeTVar calls callsMap
stopChatController :: forall m. MonadUnliftIO m => ChatController -> m ()
stopChatController ChatController {smpAgent, agentAsync = s, sndFiles, rcvFiles, expireCIFlags, remoteHostSessions, remoteCtrlSession} = do
readTVarIO remoteHostSessions >>= mapM_ (liftIO . cancelRemoteHost False . snd)
atomically (stateTVar remoteCtrlSession (,Nothing)) >>= mapM_ (liftIO . cancelRemoteCtrl False . snd)
disconnectAgentClient smpAgent
readTVarIO s >>= mapM_ (\(a1, a2) -> uninterruptibleCancel a1 >> mapM_ uninterruptibleCancel a2)
closeFiles sndFiles
closeFiles rcvFiles
atomically $ do
keys <- M.keys <$> readTVar expireCIFlags
forM_ keys $ \k -> TM.insert k False expireCIFlags
writeTVar s Nothing
closeFiles :: TVar (Map Int64 Handle) -> m ()
closeFiles files = do
fs <- readTVarIO files
mapM_ hClose fs
atomically $ writeTVar files M.empty
execChatCommand :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe RemoteHostId -> ByteString -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand rh s = do
u <- readTVarIO =<< asks currentUser
case parseChatCommand s of
Left e -> pure $ chatCmdError u e
Right cmd -> case rh of
Just rhId
| allowRemoteCommand cmd -> execRemoteCommand u rhId cmd s
| otherwise -> pure $ CRChatCmdError u $ ChatErrorRemoteHost (RHId rhId) $ RHELocalCommand
_ -> execChatCommand_ u cmd
execChatCommand' :: ChatMonad' m => ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand' cmd = asks currentUser >>= readTVarIO >>= (`execChatCommand_` cmd)
execChatCommand_ :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand_ u cmd = handleCommandError u $ processChatCommand cmd
execRemoteCommand :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> RemoteHostId -> ChatCommand -> ByteString -> m ChatResponse
execRemoteCommand u rhId cmd s = handleCommandError u $ getRemoteHostClient rhId >>= \rh -> processRemoteCommand rhId rh cmd s
handleCommandError :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> ExceptT ChatError m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
handleCommandError u a = either (CRChatCmdError u) id <$> (runExceptT a `E.catches` ioErrors)
ioErrors =
[ E.Handler $ \(e :: ExitCode) -> E.throwIO e,
E.Handler $ pure . Left . mkChatError
parseChatCommand :: ByteString -> Either String ChatCommand
parseChatCommand = A.parseOnly chatCommandP . B.dropWhileEnd isSpace
-- | Chat API commands interpreted in context of a local zone
processChatCommand :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
processChatCommand = \case
ShowActiveUser -> withUser' $ pure . CRActiveUser
CreateActiveUser NewUser {profile, sameServers, pastTimestamp} -> do
forM_ profile $ \Profile {displayName} -> checkValidName displayName
p@Profile {displayName} <- liftIO $ maybe generateRandomProfile pure profile
u <- asks currentUser
(smp, smpServers) <- chooseServers SPSMP
(xftp, xftpServers) <- chooseServers SPXFTP
auId <-
withStore' getUsers >>= \case
[] -> pure 1
users -> do
when (any (\User {localDisplayName = n} -> n == displayName) users) $
throwChatError (CEUserExists displayName)
withAgent (\a -> createUser a smp xftp)
ts <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime >>= if pastTimestamp then coupleDaysAgo else pure
user <- withStore $ \db -> createUserRecordAt db (AgentUserId auId) p True ts
when (auId == 1) $ withStore (\db -> createContact db user simplexContactProfile) `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
storeServers user smpServers
storeServers user xftpServers
atomically . writeTVar u $ Just user
pure $ CRActiveUser user
chooseServers :: (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> m (NonEmpty (ProtoServerWithAuth p), [ServerCfg p])
chooseServers protocol
| sameServers =
asks currentUser >>= readTVarIO >>= \case
Nothing -> throwChatError CENoActiveUser
Just user -> do
servers <- withStore' (`getProtocolServers` user)
cfg <- asks config
pure (activeAgentServers cfg protocol servers, servers)
| otherwise = do
defServers <- asks $ defaultServers . config
pure (cfgServers protocol defServers, [])
storeServers user servers =
unless (null servers) . withStore $
\db -> overwriteProtocolServers db user servers
coupleDaysAgo t = (`addUTCTime` t) . fromInteger . negate . (+ (2 * day)) <$> randomRIO (0, day)
day = 86400
ListUsers -> CRUsersList <$> withStoreCtx' (Just "ListUsers, getUsersInfo") getUsersInfo
APISetActiveUser userId' viewPwd_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
validateUserPassword user user' viewPwd_
withStoreCtx' (Just "APISetActiveUser, setActiveUser") $ \db -> setActiveUser db userId'
let user'' = user' {activeUser = True}
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just user'')
pure $ CRActiveUser user''
SetActiveUser uName viewPwd_ -> do
tryChatError (withStore (`getUserIdByName` uName)) >>= \case
Left _ -> throwChatError CEUserUnknown
Right userId -> processChatCommand $ APISetActiveUser userId viewPwd_
SetAllContactReceipts onOff -> withUser $ \_ -> withStore' (`updateAllContactReceipts` onOff) >> ok_
APISetUserContactReceipts userId' settings -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
validateUserPassword user user' Nothing
withStore' $ \db -> updateUserContactReceipts db user' settings
ok user
SetUserContactReceipts settings -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APISetUserContactReceipts userId settings
APISetUserGroupReceipts userId' settings -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
validateUserPassword user user' Nothing
withStore' $ \db -> updateUserGroupReceipts db user' settings
ok user
SetUserGroupReceipts settings -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APISetUserGroupReceipts userId settings
APIHideUser userId' (UserPwd viewPwd) -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
case viewPwdHash user' of
Just _ -> throwChatError $ CEUserAlreadyHidden userId'
_ -> do
when (T.null viewPwd) $ throwChatError $ CEEmptyUserPassword userId'
users <- withStore' getUsers
unless (length (filter (isNothing . viewPwdHash) users) > 1) $ throwChatError $ CECantHideLastUser userId'
viewPwdHash' <- hashPassword
setUserPrivacy user user' {viewPwdHash = viewPwdHash', showNtfs = False}
hashPassword = do
salt <- drgRandomBytes 16
let hash = B64UrlByteString $ C.sha512Hash $ encodeUtf8 viewPwd <> salt
pure $ Just UserPwdHash {hash, salt = B64UrlByteString salt}
APIUnhideUser userId' viewPwd@(UserPwd pwd) -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
case viewPwdHash user' of
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEUserNotHidden userId'
_ -> do
when (T.null pwd) $ throwChatError $ CEEmptyUserPassword userId'
validateUserPassword user user' $ Just viewPwd
setUserPrivacy user user' {viewPwdHash = Nothing, showNtfs = True}
APIMuteUser userId' -> setUserNotifications userId' False
APIUnmuteUser userId' -> setUserNotifications userId' True
HideUser viewPwd -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APIHideUser userId viewPwd
UnhideUser viewPwd -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APIUnhideUser userId viewPwd
MuteUser -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APIMuteUser userId
UnmuteUser -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> processChatCommand $ APIUnmuteUser userId
APIDeleteUser userId' delSMPQueues viewPwd_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
validateUserPassword user user' viewPwd_
checkDeleteChatUser user'
withChatLock "deleteUser" . procCmd $ deleteChatUser user' delSMPQueues
DeleteUser uName delSMPQueues viewPwd_ -> withUserName uName $ \userId -> APIDeleteUser userId delSMPQueues viewPwd_
StartChat subConns enableExpireCIs startXFTPWorkers -> withUser' $ \_ ->
asks agentAsync >>= readTVarIO >>= \case
Just _ -> pure CRChatRunning
_ -> checkStoreNotChanged $ startChatController subConns enableExpireCIs startXFTPWorkers $> CRChatStarted
APIStopChat -> do
ask >>= stopChatController
pure CRChatStopped
APIActivateChat -> withUser $ \_ -> do
withAgent foregroundAgent
users <- withStoreCtx' (Just "APIActivateChat, getUsers") getUsers
void . forkIO $ subscribeUsers True users
void . forkIO $ startFilesToReceive users
setAllExpireCIFlags True
APISuspendChat t -> do
setAllExpireCIFlags False
withAgent (`suspendAgent` t)
ResubscribeAllConnections -> withStoreCtx' (Just "ResubscribeAllConnections, getUsers") getUsers >>= subscribeUsers False >> ok_
-- has to be called before StartChat
SetTempFolder tf -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True tf
asks tempDirectory >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just tf)
SetFilesFolder ff -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True ff
asks filesFolder >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just ff)
SetRemoteHostsFolder rf -> do
createDirectoryIfMissing True rf
chatWriteVar remoteHostsFolder $ Just rf
APISetXFTPConfig cfg -> do
asks userXFTPFileConfig >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` cfg)
APISetEncryptLocalFiles on -> chatWriteVar encryptLocalFiles on >> ok_
SetContactMergeEnabled onOff -> do
asks contactMergeEnabled >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` onOff)
APIExportArchive cfg -> checkChatStopped $ exportArchive cfg >> ok_
ExportArchive -> do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let filePath = "simplex-chat." <> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%H%M%SZ" ts <> ".zip"
processChatCommand $ APIExportArchive $ ArchiveConfig filePath Nothing Nothing
APIImportArchive cfg -> checkChatStopped $ do
fileErrs <- importArchive cfg
pure $ CRArchiveImported fileErrs
APIDeleteStorage -> withStoreChanged deleteStorage
APIStorageEncryption cfg -> withStoreChanged $ sqlCipherExport cfg
ExecChatStoreSQL query -> CRSQLResult <$> withStore' (`execSQL` query)
ExecAgentStoreSQL query -> CRSQLResult <$> withAgent (`execAgentStoreSQL` query)
SlowSQLQueries -> do
ChatController {chatStore, smpAgent} <- ask
chatQueries <- slowQueries chatStore
agentQueries <- slowQueries $ agentClientStore smpAgent
pure CRSlowSQLQueries {chatQueries, agentQueries}
slowQueries st =
liftIO $
map (uncurry SlowSQLQuery . first SQL.fromQuery)
. sortOn (timeAvg . snd)
. M.assocs
<$> withConnection st (readTVarIO . DB.slow)
APIGetChats userId withPCC -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRApiChats user <$> withStoreCtx' (Just "APIGetChats, getChatPreviews") (\db -> getChatPreviews db user withPCC)
APIGetChat (ChatRef cType cId) pagination search -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
-- TODO optimize queries calculating ChatStats, currently they're disabled
CTDirect -> do
directChat <- withStore (\db -> getDirectChat db user cId pagination search)
pure $ CRApiChat user (AChat SCTDirect directChat)
CTGroup -> do
groupChat <- withStore (\db -> getGroupChat db user cId pagination search)
pure $ CRApiChat user (AChat SCTGroup groupChat)
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not implemented"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIGetChatItems pagination search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user pagination search
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
APIGetChatItemInfo chatRef itemId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(aci@(AChatItem cType dir _ ci), versions) <- withStore $ \db ->
(,) <$> getAChatItem db user chatRef itemId <*> liftIO (getChatItemVersions db itemId)
let itemVersions = if null versions then maybeToList $ mkItemVersion ci else versions
memberDeliveryStatuses <- case (cType, dir) of
(SCTGroup, SMDSnd) -> do
withStore' (`getGroupSndStatuses` itemId) >>= \case
[] -> pure Nothing
memStatuses -> pure $ Just $ map (uncurry MemberDeliveryStatus) memStatuses
_ -> pure Nothing
pure $ CRChatItemInfo user aci ChatItemInfo {itemVersions, memberDeliveryStatuses}
APISendMessage (ChatRef cType chatId) live itemTTL (ComposedMessage file_ quotedItemId_ mc) -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock "sendMessage" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {contactId, contactUsed} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgNew_
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
if isVoice mc && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forUser ct)
then pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) ("feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (chatFeatureNameText CFVoice))
else do
(fInv_, ciFile_, ft_) <- unzipMaybe3 <$> setupSndFileTransfer ct
timed_ <- sndContactCITimed live ct itemTTL
(msgContainer, quotedItem_) <- prepareMsg fInv_ timed_
(msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew msgContainer)
ci <- saveSndChatItem' user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile_ quotedItem_ timed_ live
case ft_ of
Just ft@FileTransferMeta {fileInline = Just IFMSent} ->
sendDirectFileInline ct ft sharedMsgId
_ -> pure ()
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId, chatItemId' ci)
pure $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
setupSndFileTransfer :: Contact -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta))
setupSndFileTransfer ct = forM file_ $ \file -> do
(fileSize, fileMode) <- checkSndFile mc file 1
case fileMode of
SendFileSMP fileInline -> smpSndFileTransfer file fileSize fileInline
SendFileXFTP -> xftpSndFileTransfer user file fileSize 1 $ CGContact ct
smpSndFileTransfer :: CryptoFile -> Integer -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> m (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta)
smpSndFileTransfer (CryptoFile _ (Just _)) _ _ = throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "locally encrypted files can't be sent via SMP" -- can only happen if XFTP is disabled
smpSndFileTransfer (CryptoFile file Nothing) fileSize fileInline = do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
(agentConnId_, fileConnReq) <-
if isJust fileInline
then pure (Nothing, Nothing)
else bimap Just Just <$> withAgent (\a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMInvitation Nothing subMode)
let fileName = takeFileName file
fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq, fileInline, fileDescr = Nothing}
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
withStore $ \db -> do
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileId} <- liftIO $ createSndDirectFileTransfer db userId ct file fileInvitation agentConnId_ chSize subMode
fileStatus <- case fileInline of
Just IFMSent -> createSndDirectInlineFT db ct ft $> CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
_ -> pure CIFSSndStored
let fileSource = Just $ CF.plain file
ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus, fileProtocol = FPSMP}
pure (fileInvitation, ciFile, ft)
prepareMsg :: Maybe FileInvitation -> Maybe CITimed -> m (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect))
prepareMsg fInv_ timed_ = case quotedItemId_ of
Nothing -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
Just quotedItemId -> do
CChatItem _ qci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, formattedText, file} <-
withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItem db user chatId quotedItemId
(origQmc, qd, sent) <- quoteData qci
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Nothing}
qmc = quoteContent origQmc file
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Just quotedItem)
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> m (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTDirect, Bool)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
quoteData ChatItem {content = CISndMsgContent qmc} = pure (qmc, CIQDirectSnd, True)
quoteData ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent qmc} = pure (qmc, CIQDirectRcv, False)
quoteData _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
CTGroup -> do
g@(Group gInfo _) <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
send g
send g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} ms)
| isVoice mc && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = notAllowedError GFVoice
| not (isVoice mc) && isJust file_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = notAllowedError GFFiles
| otherwise = do
(fInv_, ciFile_, ft_) <- unzipMaybe3 <$> setupSndFileTransfer g (length $ filter memberCurrent ms)
timed_ <- sndGroupCITimed live gInfo itemTTL
(msgContainer, quotedItem_) <- prepareMsg fInv_ timed_ membership
(msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId}, sentToMembers) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms (XMsgNew msgContainer)
ci <- saveSndChatItem' user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile_ quotedItem_ timed_ live
withStore' $ \db ->
forM_ sentToMembers $ \GroupMember {groupMemberId} ->
createGroupSndStatus db (chatItemId' ci) groupMemberId CISSndNew
mapM_ (sendGroupFileInline ms sharedMsgId) ft_
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId, chatItemId' ci)
pure $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
notAllowedError f = pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) ("feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (groupFeatureNameText f))
setupSndFileTransfer :: Group -> Int -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta))
setupSndFileTransfer g@(Group gInfo _) n = forM file_ $ \file -> do
(fileSize, fileMode) <- checkSndFile mc file $ fromIntegral n
case fileMode of
SendFileSMP fileInline -> smpSndFileTransfer file fileSize fileInline
SendFileXFTP -> xftpSndFileTransfer user file fileSize n $ CGGroup g
smpSndFileTransfer :: CryptoFile -> Integer -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> m (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta)
smpSndFileTransfer (CryptoFile _ (Just _)) _ _ = throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "locally encrypted files can't be sent via SMP" -- can only happen if XFTP is disabled
smpSndFileTransfer (CryptoFile file Nothing) fileSize fileInline = do
let fileName = takeFileName file
fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline, fileDescr = Nothing}
fileStatus = if fileInline == Just IFMSent then CIFSSndTransfer 0 1 else CIFSSndStored
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
withStore' $ \db -> do
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileId} <- createSndGroupFileTransfer db userId gInfo file fileInvitation chSize
let fileSource = Just $ CF.plain file
ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus, fileProtocol = FPSMP}
pure (fileInvitation, ciFile, ft)
sendGroupFileInline :: [GroupMember] -> SharedMsgId -> FileTransferMeta -> m ()
sendGroupFileInline ms sharedMsgId ft@FileTransferMeta {fileInline} =
when (fileInline == Just IFMSent) . forM_ ms $ \m ->
processMember m `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
processMember m@GroupMember {activeConn = Just conn@Connection {connStatus}} =
when (connStatus == ConnReady || connStatus == ConnSndReady) $ do
void . withStore' $ \db -> createSndGroupInlineFT db m conn ft
sendMemberFileInline m conn ft sharedMsgId
processMember _ = pure ()
prepareMsg :: Maybe FileInvitation -> Maybe CITimed -> GroupMember -> m (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup))
prepareMsg fInv_ timed_ membership = case quotedItemId_ of
Nothing -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
Just quotedItemId -> do
CChatItem _ qci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, formattedText, file} <-
withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItem db user chatId quotedItemId
(origQmc, qd, sent, GroupMember {memberId}) <- quoteData qci membership
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Just memberId}
qmc = quoteContent origQmc file
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Just quotedItem)
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> GroupMember -> m (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTGroup, Bool, GroupMember)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
quoteData ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupSnd, content = CISndMsgContent qmc} membership' = pure (qmc, CIQGroupSnd, True, membership')
quoteData ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupRcv m, content = CIRcvMsgContent qmc} _ = pure (qmc, CIQGroupRcv $ Just m, False, m)
quoteData _ _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
quoteContent :: forall d. MsgContent -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> MsgContent
quoteContent qmc ciFile_
| replaceContent = MCText qTextOrFile
| otherwise = case qmc of
MCImage _ image -> MCImage qTextOrFile image
MCFile _ -> MCFile qTextOrFile
-- consider same for voice messages
-- MCVoice _ voice -> MCVoice qTextOrFile voice
_ -> qmc
-- if the message we're quoting with is one of the "large" MsgContents
-- we replace the quote's content with MCText
replaceContent = case mc of
MCText _ -> False
MCFile _ -> False
MCLink {} -> True
MCImage {} -> True
MCVideo {} -> True
MCVoice {} -> False
MCUnknown {} -> True
qText = msgContentText qmc
getFileName :: CIFile d -> String
getFileName CIFile {fileName} = fileName
qFileName = maybe qText (T.pack . getFileName) ciFile_
qTextOrFile = if T.null qText then qFileName else qText
xftpSndFileTransfer :: User -> CryptoFile -> Integer -> Int -> ContactOrGroup -> m (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta)
xftpSndFileTransfer user file@(CryptoFile filePath cfArgs) fileSize n contactOrGroup = do
let fileName = takeFileName filePath
fileDescr = FileDescr {fileDescrText = "", fileDescrPartNo = 0, fileDescrComplete = False}
fInv = xftpFileInvitation fileName fileSize fileDescr
fsFilePath <- toFSFilePath filePath
let srcFile = CryptoFile fsFilePath cfArgs
aFileId <- withAgent $ \a -> xftpSendFile a (aUserId user) srcFile (roundedFDCount n)
-- TODO CRSndFileStart event for XFTP
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileId} <- withStore' $ \db -> createSndFileTransferXFTP db user contactOrGroup file fInv (AgentSndFileId aFileId) chSize
let fileSource = Just $ CryptoFile filePath cfArgs
ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored, fileProtocol = FPXFTP}
case contactOrGroup of
CGContact Contact {activeConn} -> forM_ activeConn $ \conn ->
withStore' $ \db -> createSndFTDescrXFTP db user Nothing conn ft fileDescr
CGGroup (Group _ ms) -> forM_ ms $ \m -> saveMemberFD m `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
-- we are not sending files to pending members, same as with inline files
saveMemberFD m@GroupMember {activeConn = Just conn@Connection {connStatus}} =
when ((connStatus == ConnReady || connStatus == ConnSndReady) && not (connDisabled conn)) $
withStore' $
\db -> createSndFTDescrXFTP db user (Just m) conn ft fileDescr
saveMemberFD _ = pure ()
pure (fInv, ciFile, ft)
unzipMaybe3 :: Maybe (a, b, c) -> (Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c)
unzipMaybe3 (Just (a, b, c)) = (Just a, Just b, Just c)
unzipMaybe3 _ = (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
APIUpdateChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId live mc -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "updateChatItem" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {contactId} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgUpdate_
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectCIWithReactions db user ct itemId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDSnd ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, itemTimed, itemLive, editable}, content = ciContent} -> do
case (ciContent, itemSharedMsgId, editable) of
(CISndMsgContent oldMC, Just itemSharedMId, True) -> do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db itemId (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (currentTs, mc)
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) live $ Just msgId
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) ci ci'
pure $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci')
else pure $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CChatItem SMDRcv _ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CTGroup -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupCIWithReactions db user gInfo itemId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDSnd ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, itemTimed, itemLive, editable}, content = ciContent} -> do
case (ciContent, itemSharedMsgId, editable) of
(CISndMsgContent oldMC, Just itemSharedMId, True) -> do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db itemId (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (currentTs, mc)
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) live $ Just msgId
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
pure $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
else pure $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CChatItem SMDRcv _ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIDeleteChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId mode -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "deleteChatItem" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
(ct, CChatItem msgDir ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, editable}}) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
case (mode, msgDir, itemSharedMsgId, editable) of
(CIDMInternal, _, _, _) -> deleteDirectCI user ct ci True False
(CIDMBroadcast, SMDSnd, Just itemSharedMId, True) -> do
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgDel_
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgDel itemSharedMId Nothing)
if featureAllowed SCFFullDelete forUser ct
then deleteDirectCI user ct ci True False
else markDirectCIDeleted user ct ci msgId True =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
(CIDMBroadcast, _, _, _) -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemDelete
CTGroup -> do
Group gInfo ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
CChatItem msgDir ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, editable}} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItem db user chatId itemId
case (mode, msgDir, itemSharedMsgId, editable) of
(CIDMInternal, _, _, _) -> deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci True False Nothing =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
(CIDMBroadcast, SMDSnd, Just itemSharedMId, True) -> do
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRObserver -- can still delete messages sent earlier
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms $ XMsgDel itemSharedMId Nothing
delGroupChatItem user gInfo ci msgId Nothing
(CIDMBroadcast, _, _, _) -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemDelete
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIDeleteMemberChatItem gId mId itemId -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "deleteChatItem" $ do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user gId
CChatItem _ ci@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId}} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItem db user gId itemId
case (chatDir, itemSharedMsgId) of
(CIGroupRcv GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberRole, memberId}, Just itemSharedMId) -> do
when (groupMemberId /= mId) $ throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemDelete
assertUserGroupRole gInfo $ max GRAdmin memberRole
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms $ XMsgDel itemSharedMId $ Just memberId
delGroupChatItem user gInfo ci msgId (Just membership)
(_, _) -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemDelete
APIChatItemReaction (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId add reaction -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "chatItemReaction" $ case cType of
CTDirect ->
withStore (\db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId) >>= \case
(ct, CChatItem md ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId = Just itemSharedMId}}) -> do
unless (featureAllowed SCFReactions forUser ct) $
throwChatError (CECommandError $ "feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (chatFeatureNameText CFReactions))
unless (ciReactionAllowed ci) $
throwChatError (CECommandError "reaction not allowed - chat item has no content")
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getDirectReactions db ct itemSharedMId True
checkReactionAllowed rs
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XMsgReact itemSharedMId Nothing reaction add
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
reactions <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setDirectReaction db ct itemSharedMId True reaction add msgId createdAt
liftIO $ getDirectCIReactions db ct itemSharedMId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) $ CIReaction CIDirectSnd ci' createdAt reaction
pure $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "reaction not possible - no shared item ID"
CTGroup ->
withStore (\db -> (,) <$> getGroup db user chatId <*> getGroupChatItem db user chatId itemId) >>= \case
(Group g@GroupInfo {membership} ms, CChatItem md ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId = Just itemSharedMId}}) -> do
unless (groupFeatureAllowed SGFReactions g) $
throwChatError (CECommandError $ "feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (chatFeatureNameText CFReactions))
unless (ciReactionAllowed ci) $
throwChatError (CECommandError "reaction not allowed - chat item has no content")
let GroupMember {memberId = itemMemberId} = chatItemMember g ci
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupReactions db g membership itemMemberId itemSharedMId True
checkReactionAllowed rs
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendGroupMessage user g ms (XMsgReact itemSharedMId (Just itemMemberId) reaction add)
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
reactions <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setGroupReaction db g membership itemMemberId itemSharedMId True reaction add msgId createdAt
liftIO $ getGroupCIReactions db g itemMemberId itemSharedMId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat g) $ CIReaction CIGroupSnd ci' createdAt reaction
pure $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "reaction not possible - no shared item ID"
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
checkReactionAllowed rs = do
when ((reaction `elem` rs) == add) $
throwChatError (CECommandError $ "reaction already " <> if add then "added" else "removed")
when (add && length rs >= maxMsgReactions) $
throwChatError (CECommandError "too many reactions")
APIChatRead (ChatRef cType chatId) fromToIds -> withUser $ \_ -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
user <- withStore $ \db -> getUserByContactId db chatId
timedItems <- withStore' $ \db -> getDirectUnreadTimedItems db user chatId fromToIds
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
forM_ timedItems $ \(itemId, ttl) -> do
let deleteAt = addUTCTime (realToFrac ttl) ts
withStore' $ \db -> setDirectChatItemDeleteAt db user chatId itemId deleteAt
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect chatId, itemId) deleteAt
withStore' $ \db -> updateDirectChatItemsRead db user chatId fromToIds
ok user
CTGroup -> do
user@User {userId} <- withStore $ \db -> getUserByGroupId db chatId
timedItems <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupUnreadTimedItems db user chatId fromToIds
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
forM_ timedItems $ \(itemId, ttl) -> do
let deleteAt = addUTCTime (realToFrac ttl) ts
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupChatItemDeleteAt db user chatId itemId deleteAt
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup chatId, itemId) deleteAt
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupChatItemsRead db userId chatId fromToIds
ok user
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError Nothing "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError Nothing "not supported"
APIChatUnread (ChatRef cType chatId) unreadChat -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
withStore $ \db -> do
ct <- getContact db user chatId
liftIO $ updateContactUnreadChat db user ct unreadChat
ok user
CTGroup -> do
withStore $ \db -> do
Group {groupInfo} <- getGroup db user chatId
liftIO $ updateGroupUnreadChat db user groupInfo unreadChat
ok user
_ -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIDeleteChat (ChatRef cType chatId) notify -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
filesInfo <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactFileInfo db user ct
withChatLock "deleteChat direct" . procCmd $ do
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
when (contactReady ct && contactActive ct && notify) $
void (sendDirectContactMessage ct XDirectDel) `catchChatError` const (pure ())
contactConnIds <- map aConnId <$> withStore' (\db -> getContactConnections db userId ct)
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user contactConnIds
-- functions below are called in separate transactions to prevent crashes on android
-- (possibly, race condition on integrity check?)
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles db userId ct
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContact db user ct
pure $ CRContactDeleted user ct
CTContactConnection -> withChatLock "deleteChat contactConnection" . procCmd $ do
conn@PendingContactConnection {pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId} <- withStore $ \db -> getPendingContactConnection db userId chatId
deleteAgentConnectionAsync user acId
withStore' $ \db -> deletePendingContactConnection db userId chatId
pure $ CRContactConnectionDeleted user conn
CTGroup -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
let isOwner = membership.memberRole == GROwner
canDelete = isOwner || not (memberCurrent membership)
unless canDelete $ throwChatError $ CEGroupUserRole gInfo GROwner
filesInfo <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupFileInfo db user gInfo
withChatLock "deleteChat group" . procCmd $ do
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
when (memberActive membership && isOwner) . void $ sendGroupMessage user gInfo members XGrpDel
deleteGroupLinkIfExists user gInfo
deleteMembersConnections user members
-- functions below are called in separate transactions to prevent crashes on android
-- (possibly, race condition on integrity check?)
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupConnectionsAndFiles db user gInfo members
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupItemsAndMembers db user gInfo members
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroup db user gInfo
let contactIds = mapMaybe memberContactId members
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user . concat =<< mapM deleteUnusedContact contactIds
pure $ CRGroupDeletedUser user gInfo
deleteUnusedContact :: ContactId -> m [ConnId]
deleteUnusedContact contactId =
(withStore (\db -> getContact db user contactId) >>= delete)
`catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> [])
delete ct
| directOrUsed ct = pure []
| otherwise =
withStore' (\db -> checkContactHasGroups db user ct) >>= \case
Just _ -> pure []
Nothing -> do
conns <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnections db userId ct
withStore' (\db -> setContactDeleted db user ct)
`catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
pure $ map aConnId conns
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIClearChat (ChatRef cType chatId) -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
filesInfo <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactFileInfo db user ct
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContactCIs db user ct
pure $ CRChatCleared user (AChatInfo SCTDirect $ DirectChat ct)
CTGroup -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user chatId
filesInfo <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupFileInfo db user gInfo
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupCIs db user gInfo
membersToDelete <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembersForExpiration db user gInfo
forM_ membersToDelete $ \m -> withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupMember db user m
pure $ CRChatCleared user (AChatInfo SCTGroup $ GroupChat gInfo)
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIAcceptContact incognito connReqId -> withUser $ \_ -> withChatLock "acceptContact" $ do
(user, cReq) <- withStore $ \db -> getContactRequest' db connReqId
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequest user cReq incognitoProfile
pure $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
APIRejectContact connReqId -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "rejectContact" $ do
cReq@UserContactRequest {agentContactConnId = AgentConnId connId, agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId} <-
withStore $ \db ->
getContactRequest db user connReqId
`storeFinally` liftIO (deleteContactRequest db user connReqId)
withAgent $ \a -> rejectContact a connId invId
pure $ CRContactRequestRejected user cReq
APISendCallInvitation contactId callType -> withUser $ \user -> do
-- party initiating call
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XCallInv_
if featureAllowed SCFCalls forUser ct
then do
calls <- asks currentCalls
withChatLock "sendCallInvitation" $ do
callId <- CallId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
dhKeyPair <- if encryptedCall callType then Just <$> liftIO C.generateKeyPair' else pure Nothing
let invitation = CallInvitation {callType, callDhPubKey = fst <$> dhKeyPair}
callState = CallInvitationSent {localCallType = callType, localDhPrivKey = snd <$> dhKeyPair}
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XCallInv callId invitation)
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndCall CISCallPending 0)
let call' = Call {contactId, callId, chatItemId = chatItemId' ci, callState, callTs = chatItemTs' ci}
call_ <- atomically $ TM.lookupInsert contactId call' calls
forM_ call_ $ \call -> updateCallItemStatus user ct call WCSDisconnected Nothing
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
ok user
else pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) ("feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (chatFeatureNameText CFCalls))
SendCallInvitation cName callType -> withUser $ \user -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APISendCallInvitation contactId callType
APIRejectCall contactId ->
-- party accepting call
withCurrentCall contactId $ \user ct Call {chatItemId, callState} -> case callState of
CallInvitationReceived {} -> do
let aciContent = ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvCall CISCallRejected 0
withStore' $ \db -> updateDirectChatItemsRead db user contactId $ Just (chatItemId, chatItemId)
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False Nothing $> Nothing
_ -> throwChatError . CECallState $ callStateTag callState
APISendCallOffer contactId WebRTCCallOffer {callType, rtcSession} ->
-- party accepting call
withCurrentCall contactId $ \user ct call@Call {callId, chatItemId, callState} -> case callState of
CallInvitationReceived {peerCallType, localDhPubKey, sharedKey} -> do
let callDhPubKey = if encryptedCall callType then localDhPubKey else Nothing
offer = CallOffer {callType, rtcSession, callDhPubKey}
callState' = CallOfferSent {localCallType = callType, peerCallType, localCallSession = rtcSession, sharedKey}
aciContent = ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvCall CISCallAccepted 0
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XCallOffer callId offer)
withStore' $ \db -> updateDirectChatItemsRead db user contactId $ Just (chatItemId, chatItemId)
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False $ Just msgId
pure $ Just call {callState = callState'}
_ -> throwChatError . CECallState $ callStateTag callState
APISendCallAnswer contactId rtcSession ->
-- party initiating call
withCurrentCall contactId $ \user ct call@Call {callId, chatItemId, callState} -> case callState of
CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession = rtcSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
aciContent = ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndCall CISCallNegotiated 0
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XCallAnswer callId CallAnswer {rtcSession})
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False $ Just msgId
pure $ Just call {callState = callState'}
_ -> throwChatError . CECallState $ callStateTag callState
APISendCallExtraInfo contactId rtcExtraInfo ->
-- any call party
withCurrentCall contactId $ \_ ct call@Call {callId, callState} -> case callState of
CallOfferSent {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in localCallSession
void . sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XCallExtra callId CallExtraInfo {rtcExtraInfo}
let callState' = CallOfferSent {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, sharedKey}
pure $ Just call {callState = callState'}
CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in localCallSession
void . sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XCallExtra callId CallExtraInfo {rtcExtraInfo}
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
pure $ Just call {callState = callState'}
_ -> throwChatError . CECallState $ callStateTag callState
APIEndCall contactId ->
-- any call party
withCurrentCall contactId $ \user ct call@Call {callId} -> do
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XCallEnd callId)
updateCallItemStatus user ct call WCSDisconnected $ Just msgId
pure Nothing
APIGetCallInvitations -> withUser $ \_ -> do
calls <- asks currentCalls >>= readTVarIO
let invs = mapMaybe callInvitation $ M.elems calls
rcvCallInvitations <- rights <$> mapM rcvCallInvitation invs
pure $ CRCallInvitations rcvCallInvitations
callInvitation Call {contactId, callState, callTs} = case callState of
CallInvitationReceived {peerCallType, sharedKey} -> Just (contactId, callTs, peerCallType, sharedKey)
_ -> Nothing
rcvCallInvitation (contactId, callTs, peerCallType, sharedKey) = runExceptT . withStore $ \db -> do
user <- getUserByContactId db contactId
contact <- getContact db user contactId
pure RcvCallInvitation {user, contact, callType = peerCallType, sharedKey, callTs}
APIGetNetworkStatuses -> withUser $ \_ ->
CRNetworkStatuses Nothing . map (uncurry ConnNetworkStatus) . M.toList <$> chatReadVar connNetworkStatuses
APICallStatus contactId receivedStatus ->
withCurrentCall contactId $ \user ct call ->
updateCallItemStatus user ct call receivedStatus Nothing $> Just call
APIUpdateProfile userId profile -> withUserId userId (`updateProfile` profile)
APISetContactPrefs contactId prefs' -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
updateContactPrefs user ct prefs'
APISetContactAlias contactId localAlias -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
ct' <- withStore $ \db -> do
ct <- getContact db user contactId
liftIO $ updateContactAlias db userId ct localAlias
pure $ CRContactAliasUpdated user ct'
APISetConnectionAlias connId localAlias -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
conn' <- withStore $ \db -> do
conn <- getPendingContactConnection db userId connId
liftIO $ updateContactConnectionAlias db userId conn localAlias
pure $ CRConnectionAliasUpdated user conn'
APIParseMarkdown text -> pure . CRApiParsedMarkdown $ parseMaybeMarkdownList text
APIGetNtfToken -> withUser $ \_ -> crNtfToken <$> withAgent getNtfToken
APIRegisterToken token mode -> withUser $ \_ ->
CRNtfTokenStatus <$> withAgent (\a -> registerNtfToken a token mode)
APIVerifyToken token nonce code -> withUser $ \_ -> withAgent (\a -> verifyNtfToken a token nonce code) >> ok_
APIDeleteToken token -> withUser $ \_ -> withAgent (`deleteNtfToken` token) >> ok_
APIGetNtfMessage nonce encNtfInfo -> withUser $ \_ -> do
(NotificationInfo {ntfConnId, ntfMsgMeta}, msgs) <- withAgent $ \a -> getNotificationMessage a nonce encNtfInfo
let ntfMessages = map (\SMP.SMPMsgMeta {msgTs, msgFlags} -> NtfMsgInfo {msgTs = systemToUTCTime msgTs, msgFlags}) msgs
getMsgTs :: SMP.NMsgMeta -> SystemTime
getMsgTs SMP.NMsgMeta {msgTs} = msgTs
msgTs' = systemToUTCTime . getMsgTs <$> ntfMsgMeta
agentConnId = AgentConnId ntfConnId
user_ <- withStore' (`getUserByAConnId` agentConnId)
connEntity <-
pure user_ $>>= \user ->
withStore (\db -> Just <$> getConnectionEntity db user agentConnId) `catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> Nothing)
pure CRNtfMessages {user_, connEntity, msgTs = msgTs', ntfMessages}
APIGetUserProtoServers userId (AProtocolType p) -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withServerProtocol p $ do
ChatConfig {defaultServers} <- asks config
servers <- withStore' (`getProtocolServers` user)
let defServers = cfgServers p defaultServers
servers' = fromMaybe ( toServerCfg defServers) $ nonEmpty servers
pure $ CRUserProtoServers user $ AUPS $ UserProtoServers p servers' defServers
toServerCfg server = ServerCfg {server, preset = True, tested = Nothing, enabled = True}
GetUserProtoServers aProtocol -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIGetUserProtoServers userId aProtocol
APISetUserProtoServers userId (APSC p (ProtoServersConfig servers)) -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withServerProtocol p $
withChatLock "setUserSMPServers" $ do
withStore $ \db -> overwriteProtocolServers db user servers
cfg <- asks config
withAgent $ \a -> setProtocolServers a (aUserId user) $ activeAgentServers cfg p servers
ok user
SetUserProtoServers serversConfig -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APISetUserProtoServers userId serversConfig
APITestProtoServer userId srv@(AProtoServerWithAuth p server) -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
withServerProtocol p $
CRServerTestResult user srv <$> withAgent (\a -> testProtocolServer a (aUserId user) server)
TestProtoServer srv -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APITestProtoServer userId srv
APISetChatItemTTL userId newTTL_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
checkSameUser userId user
checkStoreNotChanged $
withChatLock "setChatItemTTL" $ do
case newTTL_ of
Nothing -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setChatItemTTL db user newTTL_
setExpireCIFlag user False
Just newTTL -> do
oldTTL <- withStore' (`getChatItemTTL` user)
when (maybe True (newTTL <) oldTTL) $ do
setExpireCIFlag user False
expireChatItems user newTTL True
withStore' $ \db -> setChatItemTTL db user newTTL_
startExpireCIThread user
whenM chatStarted $ setExpireCIFlag user True
ok user
SetChatItemTTL newTTL_ -> withUser' $ \User {userId} -> do
processChatCommand $ APISetChatItemTTL userId newTTL_
APIGetChatItemTTL userId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
ttl <- withStoreCtx' (Just "APIGetChatItemTTL, getChatItemTTL") (`getChatItemTTL` user)
pure $ CRChatItemTTL user ttl
GetChatItemTTL -> withUser' $ \User {userId} -> do
processChatCommand $ APIGetChatItemTTL userId
APISetNetworkConfig cfg -> withUser' $ \_ -> withAgent (`setNetworkConfig` cfg) >> ok_
APIGetNetworkConfig -> withUser' $ \_ ->
CRNetworkConfig <$> withAgent getNetworkConfig
ReconnectAllServers -> withUser' $ \_ -> withAgent reconnectAllServers >> ok_
APISetChatSettings (ChatRef cType chatId) chatSettings -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> do
ct <- getContact db user chatId
liftIO $ updateContactSettings db user chatId chatSettings
pure ct
forM_ (contactConnId ct) $ \connId ->
withAgent $ \a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a connId (chatHasNtfs chatSettings)
ok user
CTGroup -> do
ms <- withStore $ \db -> do
Group _ ms <- getGroup db user chatId
liftIO $ updateGroupSettings db user chatId chatSettings
pure ms
forM_ (filter memberActive ms) $ \m -> forM_ (memberConnId m) $ \connId ->
withAgent (\a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a connId $ chatHasNtfs chatSettings) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
ok user
_ -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APISetMemberSettings gId gMemberId settings -> withUser $ \user -> do
m <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateGroupMemberSettings db user gId gMemberId settings
getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
when (memberActive m) $ forM_ (memberConnId m) $ \connId -> do
let ntfOn = showMessages $ memberSettings m
withAgent (\a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a connId ntfOn) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
ok user
APIContactInfo contactId -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
-- [incognito] print user's incognito profile for this contact
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
incognitoProfile <- case activeConn of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just Connection {customUserProfileId} ->
forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
connectionStats <- mapM (withAgent . flip getConnectionServers) (contactConnId ct)
pure $ CRContactInfo user ct connectionStats (fmap fromLocalProfile incognitoProfile)
APIGroupInfo gId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, s) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> liftIO (getGroupSummary db user gId)
pure $ CRGroupInfo user g s
APIGroupMemberInfo gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
connectionStats <- mapM (withAgent . flip getConnectionServers) (memberConnId m)
pure $ CRGroupMemberInfo user g m connectionStats
APISwitchContact contactId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case contactConnId ct of
Just connId -> do
connectionStats <- withAgent $ \a -> switchConnectionAsync a "" connId
pure $ CRContactSwitchStarted user ct connectionStats
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APISwitchGroupMember gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case memberConnId m of
Just connId -> do
connectionStats <- withAgent (\a -> switchConnectionAsync a "" connId)
pure $ CRGroupMemberSwitchStarted user g m connectionStats
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIAbortSwitchContact contactId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case contactConnId ct of
Just connId -> do
connectionStats <- withAgent $ \a -> abortConnectionSwitch a connId
pure $ CRContactSwitchAborted user ct connectionStats
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APIAbortSwitchGroupMember gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case memberConnId m of
Just connId -> do
connectionStats <- withAgent $ \a -> abortConnectionSwitch a connId
pure $ CRGroupMemberSwitchAborted user g m connectionStats
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APISyncContactRatchet contactId force -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "syncContactRatchet" $ do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case contactConnId ct of
Just connId -> do
cStats@ConnectionStats {ratchetSyncState = rss} <- withAgent $ \a -> synchronizeRatchet a connId force
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) (CISndConnEvent $ SCERatchetSync rss Nothing) Nothing
pure $ CRContactRatchetSyncStarted user ct cStats
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APISyncGroupMemberRatchet gId gMemberId force -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "syncGroupMemberRatchet" $ do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case memberConnId m of
Just connId -> do
cStats@ConnectionStats {ratchetSyncState = rss} <- withAgent $ \a -> synchronizeRatchet a connId force
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupSnd g) (CISndConnEvent . SCERatchetSync rss . Just $ groupMemberRef m) Nothing
pure $ CRGroupMemberRatchetSyncStarted user g m cStats
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIGetContactCode contactId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case activeConn of
Just conn@Connection {connId} -> do
code <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
ct' <- case contactSecurityCode ct of
Just SecurityCode {securityCode}
| sameVerificationCode code securityCode -> pure ct
| otherwise -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure (ct :: Contact) {activeConn = Just $ (conn :: Connection) {connectionCode = Nothing}}
_ -> pure ct
pure $ CRContactCode user ct' code
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APIGetGroupMemberCode gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m@GroupMember {activeConn}) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just conn@Connection {connId} -> do
code <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
m' <- case memberSecurityCode m of
Just SecurityCode {securityCode}
| sameVerificationCode code securityCode -> pure m
| otherwise -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure (m :: GroupMember) {activeConn = Just $ (conn :: Connection) {connectionCode = Nothing}}
_ -> pure m
pure $ CRGroupMemberCode user g m' code
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIVerifyContact contactId code -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> verifyConnectionCode user conn code
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APIVerifyGroupMember gId gMemberId code -> withUser $ \user -> do
GroupMember {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> verifyConnectionCode user conn code
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIEnableContact contactId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionAuthErrCounter db user conn 0
ok user
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
APIEnableGroupMember gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
GroupMember {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionAuthErrCounter db user conn 0
ok user
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
SetShowMessages cName ntfOn -> updateChatSettings cName (\cs -> cs {enableNtfs = ntfOn})
SetSendReceipts cName rcptsOn_ -> updateChatSettings cName (\cs -> cs {sendRcpts = rcptsOn_})
SetShowMemberMessages gName mName showMessages -> withUser $ \user -> do
(gId, mId) <- getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName
m <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user gId mId
let settings = (memberSettings m) {showMessages}
processChatCommand $ APISetMemberSettings gId mId settings
ContactInfo cName -> withContactName cName APIContactInfo
ShowGroupInfo gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIGroupInfo groupId
GroupMemberInfo gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APIGroupMemberInfo
SwitchContact cName -> withContactName cName APISwitchContact
SwitchGroupMember gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APISwitchGroupMember
AbortSwitchContact cName -> withContactName cName APIAbortSwitchContact
AbortSwitchGroupMember gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APIAbortSwitchGroupMember
SyncContactRatchet cName force -> withContactName cName $ \ctId -> APISyncContactRatchet ctId force
SyncGroupMemberRatchet gName mName force -> withMemberName gName mName $ \gId mId -> APISyncGroupMemberRatchet gId mId force
GetContactCode cName -> withContactName cName APIGetContactCode
GetGroupMemberCode gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APIGetGroupMemberCode
VerifyContact cName code -> withContactName cName (`APIVerifyContact` code)
VerifyGroupMember gName mName code -> withMemberName gName mName $ \gId mId -> APIVerifyGroupMember gId mId code
EnableContact cName -> withContactName cName APIEnableContact
EnableGroupMember gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName $ \gId mId -> APIEnableGroupMember gId mId
ChatHelp section -> pure $ CRChatHelp section
Welcome -> withUser $ pure . CRWelcome
APIAddContact userId incognito -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withChatLock "addContact" . procCmd $ do
-- [incognito] generate profile for connection
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMInvitation Nothing subMode
conn <- withStore' $ \db -> createDirectConnection db user connId cReq ConnNew incognitoProfile subMode
toView $ CRNewContactConnection user conn
pure $ CRInvitation user cReq conn
AddContact incognito -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIAddContact userId incognito
APISetConnectionIncognito connId incognito -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
conn'_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
conn@PendingContactConnection {pccConnStatus, customUserProfileId} <- getPendingContactConnection db userId connId
case (pccConnStatus, customUserProfileId, incognito) of
(ConnNew, Nothing, True) -> liftIO $ do
incognitoProfile <- generateRandomProfile
pId <- createIncognitoProfile db user incognitoProfile
Just <$> updatePCCIncognito db user conn (Just pId)
(ConnNew, Just pId, False) -> liftIO $ do
deletePCCIncognitoProfile db user pId
Just <$> updatePCCIncognito db user conn Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
case conn'_ of
Just conn' -> pure $ CRConnectionIncognitoUpdated user conn'
Nothing -> throwChatError CEConnectionIncognitoChangeProhibited
APIConnectPlan userId cReqUri -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
withChatLock "connectPlan" . procCmd $
CRConnectionPlan user <$> connectPlan user cReqUri
APIConnect userId incognito (Just (ACR SCMInvitation cReq)) -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withChatLock "connect" . procCmd $ do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- [incognito] generate profile to send
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
let profileToSend = userProfileToSend user incognitoProfile Nothing
dm <- directMessage $ XInfo profileToSend
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a (aUserId user) True cReq dm subMode
conn <- withStore' $ \db -> createDirectConnection db user connId cReq ConnJoined (incognitoProfile $> profileToSend) subMode
toView $ CRNewContactConnection user conn
pure $ CRSentConfirmation user
APIConnect userId incognito (Just (ACR SCMContact cReq)) -> withUserId userId $ \user -> connectViaContact user incognito cReq
APIConnect _ _ Nothing -> throwChatError CEInvalidConnReq
Connect incognito aCReqUri@(Just cReqUri) -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
plan <- connectPlan user cReqUri `catchChatError` const (pure $ CPInvitationLink ILPOk)
unless (connectionPlanProceed plan) $ throwChatError (CEConnectionPlan plan)
case plan of
CPContactAddress (CAPContactViaAddress Contact {contactId}) ->
processChatCommand $ APIConnectContactViaAddress userId incognito contactId
_ -> processChatCommand $ APIConnect userId incognito aCReqUri
Connect _ Nothing -> throwChatError CEInvalidConnReq
APIConnectContactViaAddress userId incognito contactId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn, profile = LocalProfile {contactLink}} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
when (isJust activeConn) $ throwChatError (CECommandError "contact already has connection")
case contactLink of
Just cReq -> connectContactViaAddress user incognito ct cReq
Nothing -> throwChatError (CECommandError "no address in contact profile")
ConnectSimplex incognito -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
let cReqUri = ACR SCMContact adminContactReq
plan <- connectPlan user cReqUri `catchChatError` const (pure $ CPInvitationLink ILPOk)
unless (connectionPlanProceed plan) $ throwChatError (CEConnectionPlan plan)
case plan of
CPContactAddress (CAPContactViaAddress Contact {contactId}) ->
processChatCommand $ APIConnectContactViaAddress userId incognito contactId
_ -> processChatCommand $ APIConnect userId incognito (Just cReqUri)
DeleteContact cName -> withContactName cName $ \ctId -> APIDeleteChat (ChatRef CTDirect ctId) True
ClearContact cName -> withContactName cName $ APIClearChat . ChatRef CTDirect
APIListContacts userId -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRContactsList user <$> withStore' (`getUserContacts` user)
ListContacts -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIListContacts userId
APICreateMyAddress userId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withChatLock "createMyAddress" . procCmd $ do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMContact Nothing subMode
withStore $ \db -> createUserContactLink db user connId cReq subMode
pure $ CRUserContactLinkCreated user cReq
CreateMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APICreateMyAddress userId
APIDeleteMyAddress userId -> withUserId userId $ \user@User {profile = p} -> do
conns <- withStore (`getUserAddressConnections` user)
withChatLock "deleteMyAddress" $ do
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId conns
withStore' (`deleteUserAddress` user)
let p' = (fromLocalProfile p :: Profile) {contactLink = Nothing}
r <- updateProfile_ user p' $ withStore' $ \db -> setUserProfileContactLink db user Nothing
let user' = case r of
CRUserProfileUpdated u' _ _ _ -> u'
_ -> user
pure $ CRUserContactLinkDeleted user'
DeleteMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteMyAddress userId
APIShowMyAddress userId -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRUserContactLink user <$> withStoreCtx (Just "APIShowMyAddress, getUserAddress") (`getUserAddress` user)
ShowMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIShowMyAddress userId
APISetProfileAddress userId False -> withUserId userId $ \user@User {profile = p} -> do
let p' = (fromLocalProfile p :: Profile) {contactLink = Nothing}
updateProfile_ user p' $ withStore' $ \db -> setUserProfileContactLink db user Nothing
APISetProfileAddress userId True -> withUserId userId $ \user@User {profile = p} -> do
ucl@UserContactLink {connReqContact} <- withStore (`getUserAddress` user)
let p' = (fromLocalProfile p :: Profile) {contactLink = Just connReqContact}
updateProfile_ user p' $ withStore' $ \db -> setUserProfileContactLink db user $ Just ucl
SetProfileAddress onOff -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APISetProfileAddress userId onOff
APIAddressAutoAccept userId autoAccept_ -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
contactLink <- withStore (\db -> updateUserAddressAutoAccept db user autoAccept_)
pure $ CRUserContactLinkUpdated user contactLink
AddressAutoAccept autoAccept_ -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APIAddressAutoAccept userId autoAccept_
AcceptContact incognito cName -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
connReqId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactRequestIdByName db userId cName
processChatCommand $ APIAcceptContact incognito connReqId
RejectContact cName -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
connReqId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactRequestIdByName db userId cName
processChatCommand $ APIRejectContact connReqId
SendMessage (ChatName cType name) msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
let mc = MCText msg
case cType of
CTDirect ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getContactIdByName db user name) >>= \case
Right ctId -> do
let chatRef = ChatRef CTDirect ctId
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc
Left _ ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getActiveMembersByName db user name) >>= \case
Right [(gInfo, member)] -> do
let GroupInfo {localDisplayName = gName} = gInfo
GroupMember {localDisplayName = mName} = member
processChatCommand $ SendMemberContactMessage gName mName msg
Right (suspectedMember : _) ->
throwChatError $ CEContactNotFound name (Just suspectedMember)
_ ->
throwChatError $ CEContactNotFound name Nothing
CTGroup -> do
gId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user name
let chatRef = ChatRef CTGroup gId
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
SendMemberContactMessage gName mName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
(gId, mId) <- getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName
m <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user gId mId
let mc = MCText msg
case memberContactId m of
Nothing -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user gId
toView $ CRNoMemberContactCreating user gInfo m
processChatCommand (APICreateMemberContact gId mId) >>= \case
cr@(CRNewMemberContact _ Contact {contactId} _ _) -> do
toView cr
processChatCommand $ APISendMemberContactInvitation contactId (Just mc)
cr -> pure cr
Just ctId -> do
let chatRef = ChatRef CTDirect ctId
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc
SendLiveMessage chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef True Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc
SendMessageBroadcast msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
contacts <- withStore' (`getUserContacts` user)
let cts = filter (\ct -> contactReady ct && contactActive ct && directOrUsed ct) contacts
ChatConfig {logLevel} <- asks config
withChatLock "sendMessageBroadcast" . procCmd $ do
(successes, failures) <- foldM (sendAndCount user logLevel) (0, 0) cts
timestamp <- liftIO getCurrentTime
pure CRBroadcastSent {user, msgContent = mc, successes, failures, timestamp}
mc = MCText msg
sendAndCount user ll (s, f) ct =
(sendToContact user ct $> (s + 1, f)) `catchChatError` \e -> when (ll <= CLLInfo) (toView $ CRChatError (Just user) e) $> (s, f + 1)
sendToContact user ct = do
(sndMsg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
void $ saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) sndMsg (CISndMsgContent mc)
SendMessageQuote cName (AMsgDirection msgDir) quotedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
quotedItemId <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText db userId contactId msgDir quotedMsg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand . APISendMessage (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
DeleteMessage chatName deletedMsg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
deletedItemId <- getSentChatItemIdByText user chatRef deletedMsg
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteChatItem chatRef deletedItemId CIDMBroadcast
DeleteMemberMessage gName mName deletedMsg -> withUser $ \user -> do
(gId, mId) <- getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName
deletedItemId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user gId (Just mName) deletedMsg
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteMemberChatItem gId mId deletedItemId
EditMessage chatName editedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
editedItemId <- getSentChatItemIdByText user chatRef editedMsg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef editedItemId False mc
UpdateLiveMessage chatName chatItemId live msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef chatItemId live mc
ReactToMessage add reaction chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatItemId <- getChatItemIdByText user chatRef msg
processChatCommand $ APIChatItemReaction chatRef chatItemId add reaction
APINewGroup userId incognito gProfile@GroupProfile {displayName} -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
checkValidName displayName
gVar <- asks idsDrg
-- [incognito] generate incognito profile for group membership
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
groupInfo <- withStore $ \db -> createNewGroup db gVar user gProfile incognitoProfile
pure $ CRGroupCreated user groupInfo
NewGroup incognito gProfile -> withUser $ \User {userId} ->
processChatCommand $ APINewGroup userId incognito gProfile
APIAddMember groupId contactId memRole -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "addMember" $ do
-- TODO for large groups: no need to load all members to determine if contact is a member
(group, contact) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroup db user groupId <*> getContact db user contactId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd contact XGrpInv_
let Group gInfo members = group
Contact {localDisplayName = cName} = contact
assertUserGroupRole gInfo $ max GRAdmin memRole
-- [incognito] forbid to invite contact to whom user is connected incognito
when (contactConnIncognito contact) $ throwChatError CEContactIncognitoCantInvite
-- [incognito] forbid to invite contacts if user joined the group using an incognito profile
when (incognitoMembership gInfo) $ throwChatError CEGroupIncognitoCantInvite
let sendInvitation = sendGrpInvitation user contact gInfo
case contactMember contact members of
Nothing -> do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
(agentConnId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMInvitation Nothing subMode
member <- withStore $ \db -> createNewContactMember db gVar user gInfo contact memRole agentConnId cReq subMode
sendInvitation member cReq
pure $ CRSentGroupInvitation user gInfo contact member
Just member@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberStatus, memberRole = mRole}
| memberStatus == GSMemInvited -> do
unless (mRole == memRole) $ withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberRole db user member memRole
withStore' (\db -> getMemberInvitation db user groupMemberId) >>= \case
Just cReq -> do
sendInvitation member {memberRole = memRole} cReq
pure $ CRSentGroupInvitation user gInfo contact member {memberRole = memRole}
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEGroupCantResendInvitation gInfo cName
| otherwise -> throwChatError $ CEGroupDuplicateMember cName
APIJoinGroup groupId -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
withChatLock "joinGroup" . procCmd $ do
(invitation, ct) <- withStore $ \db -> do
inv@ReceivedGroupInvitation {fromMember} <- getGroupInvitation db user groupId
(inv,) <$> getContactViaMember db user fromMember
let ReceivedGroupInvitation {fromMember, connRequest, groupInfo = g@GroupInfo {membership}} = invitation
Contact {activeConn} = ct
case activeConn of
Just Connection {peerChatVRange} -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- directMessage $ XGrpAcpt membership.memberId
agentConnId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a (aUserId user) True connRequest dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> do
createMemberConnection db userId fromMember agentConnId (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) subMode
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId fromMember GSMemAccepted
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemAccepted
updateCIGroupInvitationStatus user
pure $ CRUserAcceptedGroupSent user g {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemAccepted}} Nothing
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
updateCIGroupInvitationStatus user = do
AChatItem _ _ cInfo ChatItem {content, meta = CIMeta {itemId}} <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByGroupId db user groupId
case (cInfo, content) of
(DirectChat ct, CIRcvGroupInvitation ciGroupInv memRole) -> do
let aciContent = ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupInvitation ciGroupInv {status = CIGISAccepted} memRole
updateDirectChatItemView user ct itemId aciContent False Nothing
_ -> pure () -- prohibited
APIMemberRole groupId memberId memRole -> withUser $ \user -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user groupId
if memberId == groupMemberId' membership
then changeMemberRole user gInfo members membership $ SGEUserRole memRole
else case find ((== memberId) . groupMemberId') members of
Just m -> changeMemberRole user gInfo members m $ SGEMemberRole memberId (fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile m) memRole
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotFound
changeMemberRole user gInfo members m gEvent = do
let GroupMember {memberId = mId, memberRole = mRole, memberStatus = mStatus, memberContactId, localDisplayName = cName} = m
assertUserGroupRole gInfo $ maximum [GRAdmin, mRole, memRole]
withChatLock "memberRole" . procCmd $ do
unless (mRole == memRole) $ do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberRole db user m memRole
case mStatus of
GSMemInvited -> do
withStore (\db -> (,) <$> mapM (getContact db user) memberContactId <*> liftIO (getMemberInvitation db user $ groupMemberId' m)) >>= \case
(Just ct, Just cReq) -> sendGrpInvitation user ct gInfo (m :: GroupMember) {memberRole = memRole} cReq
_ -> throwChatError $ CEGroupCantResendInvitation gInfo cName
_ -> do
(msg, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo members $ XGrpMemRole mId memRole
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndGroupEvent gEvent)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
pure CRMemberRoleUser {user, groupInfo = gInfo, member = m {memberRole = memRole}, fromRole = mRole, toRole = memRole}
APIRemoveMember groupId memberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
Group gInfo members <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user groupId
case find ((== memberId) . groupMemberId') members of
Nothing -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotFound
Just m@GroupMember {memberId = mId, memberRole = mRole, memberStatus = mStatus, memberProfile} -> do
assertUserGroupRole gInfo $ max GRAdmin mRole
withChatLock "removeMember" . procCmd $ do
case mStatus of
GSMemInvited -> do
deleteMemberConnection user m
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupMember db user m
_ -> do
(msg, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo members $ XGrpMemDel mId
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndGroupEvent $ SGEMemberDeleted memberId (fromLocalProfile memberProfile))
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
deleteMemberConnection user m
-- undeleted "member connected" chat item will prevent deletion of member record
deleteOrUpdateMemberRecord user m
pure $ CRUserDeletedMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemRemoved}
APILeaveGroup groupId -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user groupId
withChatLock "leaveGroup" . procCmd $ do
(msg, _) <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo members XGrpLeave
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndGroupEvent SGEUserLeft)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
-- TODO delete direct connections that were unused
deleteGroupLinkIfExists user gInfo
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
deleteMembersConnections user members
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemLeft
pure $ CRLeftMemberUser user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemLeft}}
APIListMembers groupId -> withUser $ \user ->
CRGroupMembers user <$> withStore (\db -> getGroup db user groupId)
AddMember gName cName memRole -> withUser $ \user -> do
(groupId, contactId) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupIdByName db user gName <*> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APIAddMember groupId contactId memRole
JoinGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIJoinGroup groupId
MemberRole gName gMemberName memRole -> withMemberName gName gMemberName $ \gId gMemberId -> APIMemberRole gId gMemberId memRole
RemoveMember gName gMemberName -> withMemberName gName gMemberName APIRemoveMember
LeaveGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APILeaveGroup groupId
DeleteGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteChat (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) True
ClearGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIClearChat (ChatRef CTGroup groupId)
ListMembers gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIListMembers groupId
APIListGroups userId contactId_ search_ -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRGroupsList user <$> withStore' (\db -> getUserGroupsWithSummary db user contactId_ search_)
ListGroups cName_ search_ -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
ct_ <- forM cName_ $ \cName -> withStore $ \db -> getContactByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APIListGroups userId (contactId' <$> ct_) search_
APIUpdateGroupProfile groupId p' -> withUser $ \user -> do
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user groupId
runUpdateGroupProfile user g p'
UpdateGroupNames gName GroupProfile {displayName, fullName} ->
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p -> p {displayName, fullName}
ShowGroupProfile gName -> withUser $ \user ->
CRGroupProfile user <$> withStore (\db -> getGroupInfoByName db user gName)
UpdateGroupDescription gName description ->
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p -> p {description}
ShowGroupDescription gName -> withUser $ \user ->
CRGroupDescription user <$> withStore (\db -> getGroupInfoByName db user gName)
APICreateGroupLink groupId mRole -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "createGroupLink" $ do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAdmin
when (mRole > GRMember) $ throwChatError $ CEGroupMemberInitialRole gInfo mRole
groupLinkId <- GroupLinkId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
let crClientData = encodeJSON $ CRDataGroup groupLinkId
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMContact (Just crClientData) subMode
withStore $ \db -> createGroupLink db user gInfo connId cReq groupLinkId mRole subMode
pure $ CRGroupLinkCreated user gInfo cReq mRole
APIGroupLinkMemberRole groupId mRole' -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "groupLinkMemberRole " $ do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
(groupLinkId, groupLink, mRole) <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupLink db user gInfo
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAdmin
when (mRole' > GRMember) $ throwChatError $ CEGroupMemberInitialRole gInfo mRole'
when (mRole' /= mRole) $ withStore' $ \db -> setGroupLinkMemberRole db user groupLinkId mRole'
pure $ CRGroupLink user gInfo groupLink mRole'
APIDeleteGroupLink groupId -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "deleteGroupLink" $ do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
deleteGroupLink' user gInfo
pure $ CRGroupLinkDeleted user gInfo
APIGetGroupLink groupId -> withUser $ \user -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
(_, groupLink, mRole) <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupLink db user gInfo
pure $ CRGroupLink user gInfo groupLink mRole
APICreateMemberContact gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
assertUserGroupRole g GRAuthor
unless (groupFeatureAllowed SGFDirectMessages g) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "direct messages not allowed"
case memberConn m of
Just mConn@Connection {peerChatVRange} -> do
unless (isCompatibleRange (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) xGrpDirectInvVRange) $ throwChatError CEPeerChatVRangeIncompatible
when (isJust $ memberContactId m) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "member contact already exists"
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a (aUserId user) True SCMInvitation Nothing subMode
-- [incognito] reuse membership incognito profile
ct <- withStore' $ \db -> createMemberContact db user connId cReq g m mConn subMode
-- TODO not sure it is correct to set connections status here?
setContactNetworkStatus ct NSConnected
pure $ CRNewMemberContact user ct g m
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APISendMemberContactInvitation contactId msgContent_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m, ct, cReq) <- withStore $ \db -> getMemberContact db user contactId
when (contactGrpInvSent ct) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError " already sent"
case memberConn m of
Just mConn -> do
let msg = XGrpDirectInv cReq msgContent_
(sndMsg, _) <- sendDirectMessage mConn msg (GroupId $ g.groupId)
withStore' $ \db -> setContactGrpInvSent db ct True
let ct' = ct {contactGrpInvSent = True}
forM_ msgContent_ $ \mc -> do
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct') sndMsg (CISndMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct') ci)
pure $ CRNewMemberContactSentInv user ct' g m
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
CreateGroupLink gName mRole -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APICreateGroupLink groupId mRole
GroupLinkMemberRole gName mRole -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIGroupLinkMemberRole groupId mRole
DeleteGroupLink gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteGroupLink groupId
ShowGroupLink gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIGetGroupLink groupId
SendGroupMessageQuote gName cName quotedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
quotedItemId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user groupId cName quotedMsg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand . APISendMessage (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
LastChats count_ -> withUser' $ \user -> do
chats <- withStore' $ \db -> getChatPreviews db user False
pure $ CRChats $ maybe id take count_ chats
LastMessages (Just chatName) count search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatResp <- processChatCommand $ APIGetChat chatRef (CPLast count) search
pure $ CRChatItems user (Just chatName) (aChatItems . chat $ chatResp)
LastMessages Nothing count search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user (CPLast count) search
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
LastChatItemId (Just chatName) index -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatResp <- processChatCommand (APIGetChat chatRef (CPLast $ index + 1) Nothing)
pure $ CRChatItemId user (fmap aChatItemId . listToMaybe . aChatItems . chat $ chatResp)
LastChatItemId Nothing index -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user (CPLast $ index + 1) Nothing
pure $ CRChatItemId user (fmap aChatItemId . listToMaybe $ chatItems)
ShowChatItem (Just itemId) -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItem <- withStore $ \db -> do
chatRef <- getChatRefViaItemId db user itemId
getAChatItem db user chatRef itemId
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing ((: []) chatItem)
ShowChatItem Nothing -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user (CPLast 1) Nothing
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
ShowChatItemInfo chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
itemId <- getChatItemIdByText user chatRef msg
processChatCommand $ APIGetChatItemInfo chatRef itemId
ShowLiveItems on -> withUser $ \_ ->
asks showLiveItems >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` on) >> ok_
SendFile chatName f -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef False Nothing $ ComposedMessage (Just f) Nothing (MCFile "")
SendImage chatName f@(CryptoFile fPath _) -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
filePath <- toFSFilePath fPath
unless (any (`isSuffixOf` map toLower fPath) imageExtensions) $ throwChatError CEFileImageType {filePath}
fileSize <- getFileSize filePath
unless (fileSize <= maxImageSize) $ throwChatError CEFileImageSize {filePath}
-- TODO include file description for preview
processChatCommand . APISendMessage chatRef False Nothing $ ComposedMessage (Just f) Nothing (MCImage "" fixedImagePreview)
ForwardFile chatName fileId -> forwardFile chatName fileId SendFile
ForwardImage chatName fileId -> forwardFile chatName fileId SendImage
SendFileDescription _chatName _f -> pure $ chatCmdError Nothing "TODO"
ReceiveFile fileId encrypted_ rcvInline_ filePath_ -> withUser $ \_ ->
withChatLock "receiveFile" . procCmd $ do
(user, ft) <- withStore (`getRcvFileTransferById` fileId)
encrypt <- (`fromMaybe` encrypted_) <$> chatReadVar encryptLocalFiles
ft' <- (if encrypt then setFileToEncrypt else pure) ft
receiveFile' user ft' rcvInline_ filePath_
SetFileToReceive fileId encrypted_ -> withUser $ \_ -> do
withChatLock "setFileToReceive" . procCmd $ do
encrypt <- (`fromMaybe` encrypted_) <$> chatReadVar encryptLocalFiles
cfArgs <- if encrypt then Just <$> liftIO CF.randomArgs else pure Nothing
withStore' $ \db -> setRcvFileToReceive db fileId cfArgs
CancelFile fileId -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} ->
withChatLock "cancelFile" . procCmd $
withStore (\db -> getFileTransfer db user fileId) >>= \case
FTSnd ftm@FileTransferMeta {xftpSndFile, cancelled} fts
| cancelled -> throwChatError $ CEFileCancel fileId "file already cancelled"
| not (null fts) && all fileCancelledOrCompleteSMP fts ->
throwChatError $ CEFileCancel fileId "file transfer is complete"
| otherwise -> do
fileAgentConnIds <- cancelSndFile user ftm fts True
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user fileAgentConnIds
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
withStore (\db -> getChatRefByFileId db user fileId) >>= \case
ChatRef CTDirect contactId -> do
contact <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
void . sendDirectContactMessage contact $ XFileCancel sharedMsgId
ChatRef CTGroup groupId -> do
Group gInfo ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user groupId
void . sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms $ XFileCancel sharedMsgId
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "invalid chat ref for file transfer"
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
pure $ CRSndFileCancelled user ci ftm fts
fileCancelledOrCompleteSMP SndFileTransfer {fileStatus = s} =
s == FSCancelled || (s == FSComplete && isNothing xftpSndFile)
FTRcv ftr@RcvFileTransfer {cancelled, fileStatus, xftpRcvFile}
| cancelled -> throwChatError $ CEFileCancel fileId "file already cancelled"
| rcvFileComplete fileStatus -> throwChatError $ CEFileCancel fileId "file transfer is complete"
| otherwise -> case xftpRcvFile of
Nothing -> do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ftr >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
pure $ CRRcvFileCancelled user ci ftr
Just XFTPRcvFile {agentRcvFileId} -> do
forM_ (liveRcvFileTransferPath ftr) $ \filePath -> do
fsFilePath <- toFSFilePath filePath
liftIO $ removeFile fsFilePath `catchAll_` pure ()
forM_ agentRcvFileId $ \(AgentRcvFileId aFileId) ->
withAgent (`xftpDeleteRcvFile` aFileId)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ do
updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSRcvInvitation
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSNew
updateRcvFileAgentId db fileId Nothing
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
pure $ CRRcvFileCancelled user ci ftr
FileStatus fileId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ci@(AChatItem _ _ _ ChatItem {file}) <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
case file of
Just CIFile {fileProtocol = FPXFTP} ->
pure $ CRFileTransferStatusXFTP user ci
_ -> do
fileStatus <- withStore $ \db -> getFileTransferProgress db user fileId
pure $ CRFileTransferStatus user fileStatus
ShowProfile -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> pure $ CRUserProfile user (fromLocalProfile profile)
UpdateProfile displayName fullName -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> do
let p = (fromLocalProfile profile :: Profile) {displayName = displayName, fullName = fullName}
updateProfile user p
UpdateProfileImage image -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> do
let p = (fromLocalProfile profile :: Profile) {image}
updateProfile user p
ShowProfileImage -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> pure $ CRUserProfileImage user $ fromLocalProfile profile
SetUserFeature (ACF f) allowed -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> do
let p = (fromLocalProfile profile :: Profile) {preferences = Just . setPreference f (Just allowed) $ preferences' user}
updateProfile user p
SetContactFeature (ACF f) cName allowed_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {userPreferences} <- withStore $ \db -> getContactByName db user cName
let prefs' = setPreference f allowed_ $ Just userPreferences
updateContactPrefs user ct prefs'
SetGroupFeature (AGF f) gName enabled ->
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p ->
p {groupPreferences = Just . setGroupPreference f enabled $ groupPreferences p}
SetUserTimedMessages onOff -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> do
let allowed = if onOff then FAYes else FANo
pref = TimedMessagesPreference allowed Nothing
p = (fromLocalProfile profile :: Profile) {preferences = Just . setPreference' SCFTimedMessages (Just pref) $ preferences' user}
updateProfile user p
SetContactTimedMessages cName timedMessagesEnabled_ -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {userPreferences = userPreferences@Preferences {timedMessages}} <- withStore $ \db -> getContactByName db user cName
let currentTTL = timedMessages >>= \TimedMessagesPreference {ttl} -> ttl
pref_ = tmeToPref currentTTL <$> timedMessagesEnabled_
prefs' = setPreference' SCFTimedMessages pref_ $ Just userPreferences
updateContactPrefs user ct prefs'
SetGroupTimedMessages gName ttl_ -> do
let pref = uncurry TimedMessagesGroupPreference $ maybe (FEOff, Just 86400) (\ttl -> (FEOn, Just ttl)) ttl_
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p ->
p {groupPreferences = Just . setGroupPreference' SGFTimedMessages pref $ groupPreferences p}
SetLocalDeviceName name -> withUser_ $ chatWriteVar localDeviceName name >> ok_
ListRemoteHosts -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteHostList <$> listRemoteHosts
SwitchRemoteHost rh_ -> withUser_ $ CRCurrentRemoteHost <$> switchRemoteHost rh_
StartRemoteHost rh_ -> withUser_ $ do
(remoteHost_, inv@RCSignedInvitation {invitation = RCInvitation {port}}) <- startRemoteHost rh_
pure CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost_, invitation = decodeLatin1 $ strEncode inv, ctrlPort = show port}
StopRemoteHost rh_ -> withUser_ $ closeRemoteHost rh_ >> ok_
DeleteRemoteHost rh -> withUser_ $ deleteRemoteHost rh >> ok_
StoreRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteFileStored rh <$> storeRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath
GetRemoteFile rh rf -> withUser_ $ getRemoteFile rh rf >> ok_
ConnectRemoteCtrl inv -> withUser_ $ do
(remoteCtrl_, ctrlAppInfo) <- connectRemoteCtrlURI inv
pure CRRemoteCtrlConnecting {remoteCtrl_, ctrlAppInfo, appVersion = currentAppVersion}
FindKnownRemoteCtrl -> withUser_ $ findKnownRemoteCtrl >> ok_
ConfirmRemoteCtrl rcId -> withUser_ $ do
(rc, ctrlAppInfo) <- confirmRemoteCtrl rcId
pure CRRemoteCtrlConnecting {remoteCtrl_ = Just rc, ctrlAppInfo, appVersion = currentAppVersion}
VerifyRemoteCtrlSession sessId -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteCtrlConnected <$> verifyRemoteCtrlSession (execChatCommand Nothing) sessId
StopRemoteCtrl -> withUser_ $ stopRemoteCtrl >> ok_
ListRemoteCtrls -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteCtrlList <$> listRemoteCtrls
DeleteRemoteCtrl rc -> withUser_ $ deleteRemoteCtrl rc >> ok_
QuitChat -> liftIO exitSuccess
ShowVersion -> do
-- simplexmqCommitQ makes iOS builds crash m(
let versionInfo = coreVersionInfo ""
chatMigrations <- map upMigration <$> withStore' (Migrations.getCurrent . DB.conn)
agentMigrations <- withAgent getAgentMigrations
pure $ CRVersionInfo {versionInfo, chatMigrations, agentMigrations}
DebugLocks -> do
chatLockName <- atomically . tryReadTMVar =<< asks chatLock
agentLocks <- withAgent debugAgentLocks
pure CRDebugLocks {chatLockName, agentLocks}
GetAgentStats -> CRAgentStats . map stat <$> withAgent getAgentStats
stat (AgentStatsKey {host, clientTs, cmd, res}, count) =
map B.unpack [host, clientTs, cmd, res, bshow count]
ResetAgentStats -> withAgent resetAgentStats >> ok_
GetAgentSubs -> summary <$> withAgent getAgentSubscriptions
summary SubscriptionsInfo {activeSubscriptions, pendingSubscriptions, removedSubscriptions} =
{ activeSubs = foldl' countSubs M.empty activeSubscriptions,
pendingSubs = foldl' countSubs M.empty pendingSubscriptions,
removedSubs = foldl' accSubErrors M.empty removedSubscriptions
countSubs m SubInfo {server} = M.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+ 1)) server m
accSubErrors m = \case
SubInfo {server, subError = Just e} -> M.alter (Just . maybe [e] (e :)) server m
_ -> m
GetAgentSubsDetails -> CRAgentSubsDetails <$> withAgent getAgentSubscriptions
withChatLock name action = asks chatLock >>= \l -> withLock l name action
-- below code would make command responses asynchronous where they can be slow
-- in View.hs `r'` should be defined as `id` in this case
-- procCmd :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
-- procCmd action = do
-- ChatController {chatLock = l, smpAgent = a, outputQ = q, idsDrg = gVar} <- ask
-- corrId <- liftIO $ SMP.CorrId <$> randomBytes gVar 8
-- void . forkIO $
-- withAgentLock a . withLock l name $
-- (atomically . writeTBQueue q) . (Just corrId,) =<< (action `catchChatError` (pure . CRChatError))
-- pure $ CRCmdAccepted corrId
-- use function below to make commands "synchronous"
procCmd :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
procCmd = id
ok_ = pure $ CRCmdOk Nothing
ok = pure . CRCmdOk . Just
getChatRef :: User -> ChatName -> m ChatRef
getChatRef user (ChatName cType name) =
ChatRef cType <$> case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user name
CTGroup -> withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user name
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
checkChatStopped :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
checkChatStopped a = asks agentAsync >>= readTVarIO >>= maybe a (const $ throwChatError CEChatNotStopped)
setStoreChanged :: m ()
setStoreChanged = asks chatStoreChanged >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` True)
withStoreChanged :: m () -> m ChatResponse
withStoreChanged a = checkChatStopped $ a >> setStoreChanged >> ok_
checkStoreNotChanged :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
checkStoreNotChanged = ifM (asks chatStoreChanged >>= readTVarIO) (throwChatError CEChatStoreChanged)
withUserName :: UserName -> (UserId -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
withUserName uName cmd = withStore (`getUserIdByName` uName) >>= processChatCommand . cmd
withContactName :: ContactName -> (ContactId -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
withContactName cName cmd = withUser $ \user ->
withStore (\db -> getContactIdByName db user cName) >>= processChatCommand . cmd
withMemberName :: GroupName -> ContactName -> (GroupId -> GroupMemberId -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
withMemberName gName mName cmd = withUser $ \user ->
getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName >>= processChatCommand . uncurry cmd
getConnectionCode :: ConnId -> m Text
getConnectionCode connId = verificationCode <$> withAgent (`getConnectionRatchetAdHash` connId)
verifyConnectionCode :: User -> Connection -> Maybe Text -> m ChatResponse
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} (Just code) = do
code' <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
let verified = sameVerificationCode code code'
when verified . withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId $ Just code'
pure $ CRConnectionVerified user verified code'
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} _ = do
code' <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure $ CRConnectionVerified user False code'
getSentChatItemIdByText :: User -> ChatRef -> Text -> m Int64
getSentChatItemIdByText user@User {userId, localDisplayName} (ChatRef cType cId) msg = case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText db userId cId SMDSnd msg
CTGroup -> withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user cId (Just localDisplayName) msg
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
getChatItemIdByText :: User -> ChatRef -> Text -> m Int64
getChatItemIdByText user (ChatRef cType cId) msg = case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText' db user cId msg
CTGroup -> withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText' db user cId msg
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
connectViaContact :: User -> IncognitoEnabled -> ConnectionRequestUri 'CMContact -> m ChatResponse
connectViaContact user@User {userId} incognito cReq@(CRContactUri ConnReqUriData {crClientData}) = withChatLock "connectViaContact" $ do
let groupLinkId = crClientData >>= decodeJSON >>= \(CRDataGroup gli) -> Just gli
cReqHash = ConnReqUriHash . C.sha256Hash $ strEncode cReq
case groupLinkId of
-- contact address
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getConnReqContactXContactId db user cReqHash) >>= \case
(Just contact, _) -> pure $ CRContactAlreadyExists user contact
(_, xContactId_) -> procCmd $ do
let randomXContactId = XContactId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
xContactId <- maybe randomXContactId pure xContactId_
connect' Nothing cReqHash xContactId
-- group link
Just gLinkId ->
withStore' (\db -> getConnReqContactXContactId db user cReqHash) >>= \case
(Just _contact, _) -> procCmd $ do
-- allow repeat contact request
newXContactId <- XContactId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
connect' (Just gLinkId) cReqHash newXContactId
(_, xContactId_) -> procCmd $ do
let randomXContactId = XContactId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
xContactId <- maybe randomXContactId pure xContactId_
connect' (Just gLinkId) cReqHash xContactId
connect' groupLinkId cReqHash xContactId = do
(connId, incognitoProfile, subMode) <- requestContact user incognito cReq xContactId
conn <- withStore' $ \db -> createConnReqConnection db userId connId cReqHash xContactId incognitoProfile groupLinkId subMode
toView $ CRNewContactConnection user conn
pure $ CRSentInvitation user incognitoProfile
connectContactViaAddress :: User -> IncognitoEnabled -> Contact -> ConnectionRequestUri 'CMContact -> m ChatResponse
connectContactViaAddress user incognito ct cReq =
withChatLock "connectViaContact" $ do
newXContactId <- XContactId <$> drgRandomBytes 16
(connId, incognitoProfile, subMode) <- requestContact user incognito cReq newXContactId
let cReqHash = ConnReqUriHash . C.sha256Hash $ strEncode cReq
ct' <- withStore $ \db -> createAddressContactConnection db user ct connId cReqHash newXContactId incognitoProfile subMode
pure $ CRSentInvitationToContact user ct' incognitoProfile
requestContact :: User -> IncognitoEnabled -> ConnectionRequestUri 'CMContact -> XContactId -> m (ConnId, Maybe Profile, SubscriptionMode)
requestContact user incognito cReq xContactId = do
-- [incognito] generate profile to send
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
let profileToSend = userProfileToSend user incognitoProfile Nothing
dm <- directMessage (XContact profileToSend $ Just xContactId)
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a (aUserId user) True cReq dm subMode
pure (connId, incognitoProfile, subMode)
contactMember :: Contact -> [GroupMember] -> Maybe GroupMember
contactMember Contact {contactId} =
find $ \GroupMember {memberContactId = cId, memberStatus = s} ->
cId == Just contactId && s /= GSMemRemoved && s /= GSMemLeft
checkSndFile :: MsgContent -> CryptoFile -> Integer -> m (Integer, SendFileMode)
checkSndFile mc (CryptoFile f cfArgs) n = do
fsFilePath <- toFSFilePath f
unlessM (doesFileExist fsFilePath) . throwChatError $ CEFileNotFound f
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize, inlineFiles} <- asks config
xftpCfg <- readTVarIO =<< asks userXFTPFileConfig
fileSize <- liftIO $ CF.getFileContentsSize $ CryptoFile fsFilePath cfArgs
when (fromInteger fileSize > maxFileSize) $ throwChatError $ CEFileSize f
let chunks = -((-fileSize) `div` fileChunkSize)
fileInline = inlineFileMode mc inlineFiles chunks n
fileMode = case xftpCfg of
Just cfg
| isJust cfArgs -> SendFileXFTP
| fileInline == Just IFMSent || fileSize < minFileSize cfg || n <= 0 -> SendFileSMP fileInline
| otherwise -> SendFileXFTP
_ -> SendFileSMP fileInline
pure (fileSize, fileMode)
inlineFileMode mc InlineFilesConfig {offerChunks, sendChunks, totalSendChunks} chunks n
| chunks > offerChunks = Nothing
| chunks <= sendChunks && chunks * n <= totalSendChunks && isVoice mc = Just IFMSent
| otherwise = Just IFMOffer
updateProfile :: User -> Profile -> m ChatResponse
updateProfile user p' = updateProfile_ user p' $ withStore $ \db -> updateUserProfile db user p'
updateProfile_ :: User -> Profile -> m User -> m ChatResponse
updateProfile_ user@User {profile = p@LocalProfile {displayName = n}} p'@Profile {displayName = n'} updateUser
| p' == fromLocalProfile p = pure $ CRUserProfileNoChange user
| otherwise = do
when (n /= n') $ checkValidName n'
-- read contacts before user update to correctly merge preferences
-- [incognito] filter out contacts with whom user has incognito connections
contacts <-
filter (\ct -> contactReady ct && contactActive ct && not (contactConnIncognito ct))
<$> withStore' (`getUserContacts` user)
user' <- updateUser
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just user')
withChatLock "updateProfile" . procCmd $ do
ChatConfig {logLevel} <- asks config
summary <- foldM (processAndCount user' logLevel) (UserProfileUpdateSummary 0 0 0 []) contacts
pure $ CRUserProfileUpdated user' (fromLocalProfile p) p' summary
processAndCount user' ll s@UserProfileUpdateSummary {notChanged, updateSuccesses, updateFailures, changedContacts = cts} ct = do
let mergedProfile = userProfileToSend user Nothing $ Just ct
ct' = updateMergedPreferences user' ct
mergedProfile' = userProfileToSend user' Nothing $ Just ct'
if mergedProfile' == mergedProfile
then pure s {notChanged = notChanged + 1}
let cts' = if mergedPreferences ct == mergedPreferences ct' then cts else ct' : cts
in (notifyContact mergedProfile' ct' $> s {updateSuccesses = updateSuccesses + 1, changedContacts = cts'})
`catchChatError` \e -> when (ll <= CLLInfo) (toView $ CRChatError (Just user) e) $> s {updateFailures = updateFailures + 1, changedContacts = cts'}
notifyContact mergedProfile' ct' = do
void $ sendDirectContactMessage ct' (XInfo mergedProfile')
when (directOrUsed ct') $ createSndFeatureItems user' ct ct'
updateContactPrefs :: User -> Contact -> Preferences -> m ChatResponse
updateContactPrefs _ ct@Contact {activeConn = Nothing} _ = throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
updateContactPrefs user@User {userId} ct@Contact {activeConn = Just Connection {customUserProfileId}, userPreferences = contactUserPrefs} contactUserPrefs'
| contactUserPrefs == contactUserPrefs' = pure $ CRContactPrefsUpdated user ct ct
| otherwise = do
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XInfo_
ct' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUserPreferences db user ct contactUserPrefs'
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore $ \db -> getProfileById db userId profileId
let mergedProfile = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) (Just ct)
mergedProfile' = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) (Just ct')
when (mergedProfile' /= mergedProfile) $
withChatLock "updateProfile" $ do
void (sendDirectContactMessage ct' $ XInfo mergedProfile') `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
when (directOrUsed ct') $ createSndFeatureItems user ct ct'
pure $ CRContactPrefsUpdated user ct ct'
runUpdateGroupProfile :: User -> Group -> GroupProfile -> m ChatResponse
runUpdateGroupProfile user (Group g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = p@GroupProfile {displayName = n}} ms) p'@GroupProfile {displayName = n'} = do
assertUserGroupRole g GROwner
when (n /= n') $ checkValidName n'
g' <- withStore $ \db -> updateGroupProfile db user g p'
(msg, _) <- sendGroupMessage user g' ms (XGrpInfo p')
let cd = CDGroupSnd g'
unless (sameGroupProfileInfo p p') $ do
ci <- saveSndChatItem user cd msg (CISndGroupEvent $ SGEGroupUpdated p')
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat g') ci)
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd CISndGroupFeature g g'
pure $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' Nothing
checkValidName :: GroupName -> m ()
checkValidName displayName = do
let validName = T.pack $ mkValidName $ T.unpack displayName
when (displayName /= validName) $ throwChatError CEInvalidDisplayName {displayName, validName}
assertUserGroupRole :: GroupInfo -> GroupMemberRole -> m ()
assertUserGroupRole g@GroupInfo {membership} requiredRole = do
when (membership.memberRole < requiredRole) $ throwChatError $ CEGroupUserRole g requiredRole
when (memberStatus membership == GSMemInvited) $ throwChatError (CEGroupNotJoined g)
when (memberRemoved membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
delGroupChatItem :: MsgDirectionI d => User -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> MessageId -> Maybe GroupMember -> m ChatResponse
delGroupChatItem user gInfo ci msgId byGroupMember = do
deletedTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
if groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo
then deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci True False byGroupMember deletedTs
else markGroupCIDeleted user gInfo ci msgId True byGroupMember deletedTs
updateGroupProfileByName :: GroupName -> (GroupProfile -> GroupProfile) -> m ChatResponse
updateGroupProfileByName gName update = withUser $ \user -> do
g@(Group GroupInfo {groupProfile = p} _) <- withStore $ \db ->
getGroupIdByName db user gName >>= getGroup db user
runUpdateGroupProfile user g $ update p
withCurrentCall :: ContactId -> (User -> Contact -> Call -> m (Maybe Call)) -> m ChatResponse
withCurrentCall ctId action = do
(user, ct) <- withStore $ \db -> do
user <- getUserByContactId db ctId
(user,) <$> getContact db user ctId
calls <- asks currentCalls
withChatLock "currentCall" $
atomically (TM.lookup ctId calls) >>= \case
Nothing -> throwChatError CENoCurrentCall
Just call@Call {contactId}
| ctId == contactId -> do
call_ <- action user ct call
case call_ of
Just call' -> do
unless (isRcvInvitation call') $ withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId
atomically $ TM.insert ctId call' calls
_ -> do
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId
atomically $ TM.delete ctId calls
ok user
| otherwise -> throwChatError $ CECallContact contactId
withServerProtocol :: ProtocolTypeI p => SProtocolType p -> (UserProtocol p => m a) -> m a
withServerProtocol p action = case userProtocol p of
Just Dict -> action
_ -> throwChatError $ CEServerProtocol $ AProtocolType p
forwardFile :: ChatName -> FileTransferId -> (ChatName -> CryptoFile -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
forwardFile chatName fileId sendCommand = withUser $ \user -> do
withStore (\db -> getFileTransfer db user fileId) >>= \case
FTRcv RcvFileTransfer {fileStatus = RFSComplete RcvFileInfo {filePath}, cryptoArgs} -> forward filePath cryptoArgs
FTSnd {fileTransferMeta = FileTransferMeta {filePath, xftpSndFile}} -> forward filePath $ xftpSndFile >>= \f -> f.cryptoArgs
_ -> throwChatError CEFileNotReceived {fileId}
forward path cfArgs = processChatCommand . sendCommand chatName $ CryptoFile path cfArgs
getGroupAndMemberId :: User -> GroupName -> ContactName -> m (GroupId, GroupMemberId)
getGroupAndMemberId user gName groupMemberName =
withStore $ \db -> do
groupId <- getGroupIdByName db user gName
groupMemberId <- getGroupMemberIdByName db user groupId groupMemberName
pure (groupId, groupMemberId)
sendGrpInvitation :: User -> Contact -> GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> ConnReqInvitation -> m ()
sendGrpInvitation user ct@Contact {localDisplayName} GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile, membership} GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId, memberRole = memRole} cReq = do
let GroupMember {memberRole = userRole, memberId = userMemberId} = membership
groupInv = GroupInvitation (MemberIdRole userMemberId userRole) (MemberIdRole memberId memRole) cReq groupProfile Nothing
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XGrpInv groupInv
let content = CISndGroupInvitation (CIGroupInvitation {groupId, groupMemberId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, status = CIGISPending}) memRole
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg content
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
sndContactCITimed :: Bool -> Contact -> Maybe Int -> m (Maybe CITimed)
sndContactCITimed live = sndCITimed_ live . contactTimedTTL
sndGroupCITimed :: Bool -> GroupInfo -> Maybe Int -> m (Maybe CITimed)
sndGroupCITimed live = sndCITimed_ live . groupTimedTTL
sndCITimed_ :: Bool -> Maybe (Maybe Int) -> Maybe Int -> m (Maybe CITimed)
sndCITimed_ live chatTTL itemTTL =
forM (chatTTL >>= (itemTTL <|>)) $ \ttl ->
CITimed ttl
<$> if live
then pure Nothing
else Just . addUTCTime (realToFrac ttl) <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
drgRandomBytes :: Int -> m ByteString
drgRandomBytes n = asks idsDrg >>= liftIO . (`randomBytes` n)
privateGetUser :: UserId -> m User
privateGetUser userId =
tryChatError (withStore (`getUser` userId)) >>= \case
Left _ -> throwChatError CEUserUnknown
Right user -> pure user
validateUserPassword :: User -> User -> Maybe UserPwd -> m ()
validateUserPassword User {userId} User {userId = userId', viewPwdHash} viewPwd_ =
forM_ viewPwdHash $ \pwdHash ->
let pwdOk = case viewPwd_ of
Nothing -> userId == userId'
Just (UserPwd viewPwd) -> validPassword viewPwd pwdHash
in unless pwdOk $ throwChatError CEUserUnknown
validPassword :: Text -> UserPwdHash -> Bool
validPassword pwd UserPwdHash {hash = B64UrlByteString hash, salt = B64UrlByteString salt} =
hash == C.sha512Hash (encodeUtf8 pwd <> salt)
setUserNotifications :: UserId -> Bool -> m ChatResponse
setUserNotifications userId' showNtfs = withUser $ \user -> do
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
case viewPwdHash user' of
Just _ -> throwChatError $ CEHiddenUserAlwaysMuted userId'
_ -> setUserPrivacy user user' {showNtfs}
setUserPrivacy :: User -> User -> m ChatResponse
setUserPrivacy user@User {userId} user'@User {userId = userId'}
| userId == userId' = do
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just user')
withStore' (`updateUserPrivacy` user')
pure $ CRUserPrivacy {user = user', updatedUser = user'}
| otherwise = do
withStore' (`updateUserPrivacy` user')
pure $ CRUserPrivacy {user, updatedUser = user'}
checkDeleteChatUser :: User -> m ()
checkDeleteChatUser user@User {userId} = do
when (activeUser user) $ throwChatError (CECantDeleteActiveUser userId)
users <- withStore' getUsers
unless (length users > 1 && (isJust (viewPwdHash user) || length (filter (isNothing . viewPwdHash) users) > 1)) $
throwChatError (CECantDeleteLastUser userId)
deleteChatUser :: User -> Bool -> m ChatResponse
deleteChatUser user delSMPQueues = do
filesInfo <- withStore' (`getUserFileInfo` user)
forM_ filesInfo $ \fileInfo -> deleteFile user fileInfo
withAgent $ \a -> deleteUser a (aUserId user) delSMPQueues
withStore' (`deleteUserRecord` user)
updateChatSettings :: ChatName -> (ChatSettings -> ChatSettings) -> m ChatResponse
updateChatSettings (ChatName cType name) updateSettings = withUser $ \user -> do
(chatId, chatSettings) <- case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> do
ctId <- getContactIdByName db user name
Contact {chatSettings} <- getContact db user ctId
pure (ctId, chatSettings)
CTGroup -> withStore $ \db -> do
gId <- getGroupIdByName db user name
GroupInfo {chatSettings} <- getGroupInfo db user gId
pure (gId, chatSettings)
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
processChatCommand $ APISetChatSettings (ChatRef cType chatId) $ updateSettings chatSettings
connectPlan :: User -> AConnectionRequestUri -> m ConnectionPlan
connectPlan user (ACR SCMInvitation cReq) = do
withStore' (\db -> getConnectionEntityByConnReq db user cReqSchemas) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ CPInvitationLink ILPOk
Just (RcvDirectMsgConnection conn ct_) -> do
let Connection {connStatus, contactConnInitiated} = conn
| connStatus == ConnNew && contactConnInitiated ->
pure $ CPInvitationLink ILPOwnLink
| not (connReady conn) ->
pure $ CPInvitationLink (ILPConnecting ct_)
| otherwise -> case ct_ of
Just ct -> pure $ CPInvitationLink (ILPKnown ct)
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEInternalError "ready RcvDirectMsgConnection connection should have associated contact"
Just _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "found connection entity is not RcvDirectMsgConnection"
cReqSchemas :: (ConnReqInvitation, ConnReqInvitation)
cReqSchemas = case cReq of
(CRInvitationUri crData e2e) ->
( CRInvitationUri crData {crScheme = CRSSimplex} e2e,
CRInvitationUri crData {crScheme = simplexChat} e2e
connectPlan user (ACR SCMContact cReq) = do
let CRContactUri ConnReqUriData {crClientData} = cReq
groupLinkId = crClientData >>= decodeJSON >>= \(CRDataGroup gli) -> Just gli
case groupLinkId of
-- contact address
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkByConnReq db user cReqSchemas) >>= \case
Just _ -> pure $ CPContactAddress CAPOwnLink
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getContactConnEntityByConnReqHash db user cReqHashes) >>= \case
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getContactWithoutConnViaAddress db user cReqSchemas) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ CPContactAddress CAPOk
Just ct -> pure $ CPContactAddress (CAPContactViaAddress ct)
Just (RcvDirectMsgConnection _conn Nothing) -> pure $ CPContactAddress CAPConnectingConfirmReconnect
Just (RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct))
| not (contactReady ct) && contactActive ct -> pure $ CPContactAddress (CAPConnectingProhibit ct)
| contactDeleted ct -> pure $ CPContactAddress CAPOk
| otherwise -> pure $ CPContactAddress (CAPKnown ct)
Just _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "found connection entity is not RcvDirectMsgConnection"
-- group link
Just _ ->
withStore' (\db -> getGroupInfoByUserContactLinkConnReq db user cReqSchemas) >>= \case
Just g -> pure $ CPGroupLink (GLPOwnLink g)
Nothing -> do
connEnt_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnEntityByConnReqHash db user cReqHashes
gInfo_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupInfoByGroupLinkHash db user cReqHashes
case (gInfo_, connEnt_) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure $ CPGroupLink GLPOk
(Nothing, Just (RcvDirectMsgConnection _conn Nothing)) -> pure $ CPGroupLink GLPConnectingConfirmReconnect
(Nothing, Just (RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct)))
| not (contactReady ct) && contactActive ct -> pure $ CPGroupLink (GLPConnectingProhibit gInfo_)
| otherwise -> pure $ CPGroupLink GLPOk
(Nothing, Just _) -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "found connection entity is not RcvDirectMsgConnection"
(Just gInfo@GroupInfo {membership}, _)
| not (memberActive membership) && not (memberRemoved membership) ->
pure $ CPGroupLink (GLPConnectingProhibit gInfo_)
| memberActive membership -> pure $ CPGroupLink (GLPKnown gInfo)
| otherwise -> pure $ CPGroupLink GLPOk
cReqSchemas :: (ConnReqContact, ConnReqContact)
cReqSchemas = case cReq of
(CRContactUri crData) ->
( CRContactUri crData {crScheme = CRSSimplex},
CRContactUri crData {crScheme = simplexChat}
cReqHashes :: (ConnReqUriHash, ConnReqUriHash)
cReqHashes = bimap hash hash cReqSchemas
hash = ConnReqUriHash . C.sha256Hash . strEncode
assertDirectAllowed :: ChatMonad m => User -> MsgDirection -> Contact -> CMEventTag e -> m ()
assertDirectAllowed user dir ct event =
unless (allowedChatEvent || anyDirectOrUsed ct) . unlessM directMessagesAllowed $
throwChatError (CEDirectMessagesProhibited dir ct)
directMessagesAllowed = any (groupFeatureAllowed' SGFDirectMessages) <$> withStore' (\db -> getContactGroupPreferences db user ct)
allowedChatEvent = case event of
XMsgNew_ -> False
XMsgUpdate_ -> False
XMsgDel_ -> False
XFile_ -> False
XGrpInv_ -> False
XCallInv_ -> False
_ -> True
roundedFDCount :: Int -> Int
roundedFDCount n
| n <= 0 = 4
| otherwise = max 4 $ fromIntegral $ (2 :: Integer) ^ (ceiling (logBase 2 (fromIntegral n) :: Double) :: Integer)
startExpireCIThread :: forall m. ChatMonad' m => User -> m ()
startExpireCIThread user@User {userId} = do
expireThreads <- asks expireCIThreads
atomically (TM.lookup userId expireThreads) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
a <- Just <$> async (void $ runExceptT runExpireCIs)
atomically $ TM.insert userId a expireThreads
_ -> pure ()
runExpireCIs = do
delay <- asks (initialCleanupManagerDelay . config)
liftIO $ threadDelay' delay
interval <- asks $ ciExpirationInterval . config
forever $ do
flip catchChatError (toView . CRChatError (Just user)) $ do
expireFlags <- asks expireCIFlags
atomically $ TM.lookup userId expireFlags >>= \b -> unless (b == Just True) retry
ttl <- withStoreCtx' (Just "startExpireCIThread, getChatItemTTL") (`getChatItemTTL` user)
forM_ ttl $ \t -> expireChatItems user t False
liftIO $ threadDelay' interval
setExpireCIFlag :: ChatMonad' m => User -> Bool -> m ()
setExpireCIFlag User {userId} b = do
expireFlags <- asks expireCIFlags
atomically $ TM.insert userId b expireFlags
setAllExpireCIFlags :: ChatMonad' m => Bool -> m ()
setAllExpireCIFlags b = do
expireFlags <- asks expireCIFlags
atomically $ do
keys <- M.keys <$> readTVar expireFlags
forM_ keys $ \k -> TM.insert k b expireFlags
deleteFilesAndConns :: ChatMonad m => User -> [CIFileInfo] -> m ()
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo = do
connIds <- mapM (deleteFile user) filesInfo
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ concat connIds
deleteFile :: ChatMonad m => User -> CIFileInfo -> m [ConnId]
deleteFile user fileInfo = deleteFile' user fileInfo False
deleteFile' :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> CIFileInfo -> Bool -> m [ConnId]
deleteFile' user ciFileInfo@CIFileInfo {filePath} sendCancel = do
aConnIds <- cancelFile' user ciFileInfo sendCancel
delete `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
pure aConnIds
delete :: m ()
delete = withFilesFolder $ \filesFolder ->
liftIO . forM_ filePath $ \fPath -> do
let fsFilePath = filesFolder </> fPath
removeFile fsFilePath `catchAll` \_ ->
removePathForcibly fsFilePath `catchAll_` pure ()
-- perform an action only if filesFolder is set (i.e. on mobile devices)
withFilesFolder :: (FilePath -> m ()) -> m ()
withFilesFolder action = asks filesFolder >>= readTVarIO >>= mapM_ action
cancelFile' :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> CIFileInfo -> Bool -> m [ConnId]
cancelFile' user CIFileInfo {fileId, fileStatus} sendCancel =
case fileStatus of
Just fStatus -> cancel' fStatus `catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> [])
Nothing -> pure []
cancel' :: ACIFileStatus -> m [ConnId]
cancel' (AFS dir status) =
if ciFileEnded status
then pure []
else case dir of
SMDSnd -> do
(ftm@FileTransferMeta {cancelled}, fts) <- withStore (\db -> getSndFileTransfer db user fileId)
if cancelled then pure [] else cancelSndFile user ftm fts sendCancel
SMDRcv -> do
ft@RcvFileTransfer {cancelled} <- withStore (\db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId)
if cancelled then pure [] else maybeToList <$> cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft
updateCallItemStatus :: ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> Call -> WebRTCCallStatus -> Maybe MessageId -> m ()
updateCallItemStatus user ct Call {chatItemId} receivedStatus msgId_ = do
aciContent_ <- callStatusItemContent user ct chatItemId receivedStatus
forM_ aciContent_ $ \aciContent -> updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False msgId_
updateDirectChatItemView :: ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> ChatItemId -> ACIContent -> Bool -> Maybe MessageId -> m ()
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId (ACIContent msgDir ciContent) live msgId_ = do
ci' <- withStore $ \db -> updateDirectChatItem db user ct chatItemId ciContent live msgId_
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect msgDir (DirectChat ct) ci')
callStatusItemContent :: ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> ChatItemId -> WebRTCCallStatus -> m (Maybe ACIContent)
callStatusItemContent user Contact {contactId} chatItemId receivedStatus = do
CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {updatedAt}, content} <-
withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItem db user contactId chatItemId
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let callDuration :: Int = nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (ts `diffUTCTime` updatedAt) `div'` 1
callStatus = case content of
CISndCall st _ -> Just st
CIRcvCall st _ -> Just st
_ -> Nothing
newState_ = case (callStatus, receivedStatus) of
(Just CISCallProgress, WCSConnected) -> Nothing -- if call in-progress received connected -> no change
(Just CISCallProgress, WCSDisconnected) -> Just (CISCallEnded, callDuration) -- calculate in-progress duration
(Just CISCallProgress, WCSFailed) -> Just (CISCallEnded, callDuration) -- whether call disconnected or failed
(Just CISCallPending, WCSDisconnected) -> Just (CISCallMissed, 0)
(Just CISCallEnded, _) -> Nothing -- if call already ended or failed -> no change
(Just CISCallError, _) -> Nothing
(Just _, WCSConnecting) -> Just (CISCallNegotiated, 0)
(Just _, WCSConnected) -> Just (CISCallProgress, 0) -- if call ended that was never connected, duration = 0
(Just _, WCSDisconnected) -> Just (CISCallEnded, 0)
(Just _, WCSFailed) -> Just (CISCallError, 0)
(Nothing, _) -> Nothing -- some other content - we should never get here, but no exception is thrown
pure $ aciContent msgDir <$> newState_
aciContent :: forall d. SMsgDirection d -> (CICallStatus, Int) -> ACIContent
aciContent msgDir (callStatus', duration) = case msgDir of
SMDSnd -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndCall callStatus' duration
SMDRcv -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvCall callStatus' duration
-- mobile clients use file paths relative to app directory (e.g. for the reason ios app directory changes on updates),
-- so we have to differentiate between the file path stored in db and communicated with frontend, and the file path
-- used during file transfer for actual operations with file system
toFSFilePath :: ChatMonad' m => FilePath -> m FilePath
toFSFilePath f =
maybe f (</> f) <$> (readTVarIO =<< asks filesFolder)
setFileToEncrypt :: ChatMonad m => RcvFileTransfer -> m RcvFileTransfer
setFileToEncrypt ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} = do
cfArgs <- liftIO CF.randomArgs
withStore' $ \db -> setFileCryptoArgs db fileId cfArgs
pure (ft :: RcvFileTransfer) {cryptoArgs = Just cfArgs}
receiveFile' :: ChatMonad m => User -> RcvFileTransfer -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> m ChatResponse
receiveFile' user ft rcvInline_ filePath_ = do
(CRRcvFileAccepted user <$> acceptFileReceive user ft rcvInline_ filePath_) `catchChatError` processError
processError = \case
-- TODO AChatItem in Cancelled events
ChatErrorAgent (SMP SMP.AUTH) _ -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled user ft
ChatErrorAgent (CONN DUPLICATE) _ -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled user ft
e -> throwError e
acceptFileReceive :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> RcvFileTransfer -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> m AChatItem
acceptFileReceive user@User {userId} RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName = fName, fileConnReq, fileInline, fileSize}, fileStatus, grpMemberId, cryptoArgs} rcvInline_ filePath_ = do
unless (fileStatus == RFSNew) $ case fileStatus of
RFSCancelled _ -> throwChatError $ CEFileCancelled fName
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyReceiving fName
case (xftpRcvFile, fileConnReq) of
-- direct file protocol
(Nothing, Just connReq) -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- directMessage $ XFileAcpt fName
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True connReq dm subMode
filePath <- getRcvFilePath fileId filePath_ fName True
withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFileReceive, acceptRcvFileTransfer") $ \db -> acceptRcvFileTransfer db user fileId connIds ConnJoined filePath subMode
(Just XFTPRcvFile {}, _) -> do
filePath <- getRcvFilePath fileId filePath_ fName False
(ci, rfd) <- withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFileReceive, xftpAcceptRcvFT ...") $ \db -> do
-- marking file as accepted and reading description in the same transaction
-- to prevent race condition with appending description
ci <- xftpAcceptRcvFT db user fileId filePath
rfd <- getRcvFileDescrByFileId db fileId
pure (ci, rfd)
receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId rfd cryptoArgs
pure ci
-- group & direct file protocol
_ -> do
chatRef <- withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFileReceive, getChatRefByFileId") $ \db -> getChatRefByFileId db user fileId
case (chatRef, grpMemberId) of
(ChatRef CTDirect contactId, Nothing) -> do
ct <- withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFileReceive, getContact") $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
acceptFile CFCreateConnFileInvDirect $ \msg -> void $ sendDirectContactMessage ct msg
(ChatRef CTGroup groupId, Just memId) -> do
GroupMember {activeConn} <- withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFileReceive, getGroupMember") $ \db -> getGroupMember db user groupId memId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> do
acceptFile CFCreateConnFileInvGroup $ \msg -> void $ sendDirectMessage conn msg $ GroupId groupId
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "member connection not active"
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "invalid chat ref for file transfer"
acceptFile :: CommandFunction -> (ChatMsgEvent 'Json -> m ()) -> m AChatItem
acceptFile cmdFunction send = do
filePath <- getRcvFilePath fileId filePath_ fName True
inline <- receiveInline
| inline -> do
-- accepting inline
ci <- withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFile, acceptRcvInlineFT") $ \db -> acceptRcvInlineFT db user fileId filePath
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
send $ XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId Nothing fName
pure ci
| fileInline == Just IFMSent -> throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyReceiving fName
| otherwise -> do
-- accepting via a new connection
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
connIds <- createAgentConnectionAsync user cmdFunction True SCMInvitation subMode
withStoreCtx (Just "acceptFile, acceptRcvFileTransfer") $ \db -> acceptRcvFileTransfer db user fileId connIds ConnNew filePath subMode
receiveInline :: m Bool
receiveInline = do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize, inlineFiles = InlineFilesConfig {receiveChunks, offerChunks}} <- asks config
pure $
rcvInline_ /= Just False
&& fileInline == Just IFMOffer
&& ( fileSize <= fileChunkSize * receiveChunks
|| (rcvInline_ == Just True && fileSize <= fileChunkSize * offerChunks)
receiveViaCompleteFD :: ChatMonad m => User -> FileTransferId -> RcvFileDescr -> Maybe CryptoFileArgs -> m ()
receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId RcvFileDescr {fileDescrText, fileDescrComplete} cfArgs =
when fileDescrComplete $ do
rd <- parseFileDescription fileDescrText
aFileId <- withAgent $ \a -> xftpReceiveFile a (aUserId user) rd cfArgs
startReceivingFile user fileId
withStoreCtx' (Just "receiveViaCompleteFD, updateRcvFileAgentId") $ \db -> updateRcvFileAgentId db fileId (Just $ AgentRcvFileId aFileId)
startReceivingFile :: ChatMonad m => User -> FileTransferId -> m ()
startReceivingFile user fileId = do
ci <- withStoreCtx (Just "startReceivingFile, updateRcvFileStatus ...") $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSConnected
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId $ CIFSRcvTransfer 0 1
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileStart user ci
getRcvFilePath :: forall m. ChatMonad m => FileTransferId -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Bool -> m FilePath
getRcvFilePath fileId fPath_ fn keepHandle = case fPath_ of
Nothing ->
chatReadVar filesFolder >>= \case
Nothing ->
>>= (`uniqueCombine` fn)
>>= createEmptyFile
Just filesFolder ->
filesFolder `uniqueCombine` fn
>>= createEmptyFile
>>= pure <$> takeFileName
Just fPath ->
(doesDirectoryExist fPath)
(fPath `uniqueCombine` fn >>= createEmptyFile)
$ ifM
(doesFileExist fPath)
(throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyExists fPath)
(createEmptyFile fPath)
createEmptyFile :: FilePath -> m FilePath
createEmptyFile fPath = emptyFile fPath `catchThrow` (ChatError . CEFileWrite fPath . show)
emptyFile :: FilePath -> m FilePath
emptyFile fPath = do
h <-
if keepHandle
then getFileHandle fileId fPath rcvFiles AppendMode
else getTmpHandle fPath
liftIO $ B.hPut h "" >> hFlush h
pure fPath
getTmpHandle :: FilePath -> m Handle
getTmpHandle fPath = openFile fPath AppendMode `catchThrow` (ChatError . CEFileInternal . show)
acceptContactRequest :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> m Contact
acceptContactRequest user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = cp, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile = do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
let profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user incognitoProfile
dm <- directMessage $ XInfo profileToSend
acId <- withAgent $ \a -> acceptContact a True invId dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId cp userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode
acceptContactRequestAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> m Contact
acceptContactRequestAsync user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = p, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile = do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
let profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user incognitoProfile
(cmdId, acId) <- agentAcceptContactAsync user True invId (XInfo profileToSend) subMode
withStore' $ \db -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId p userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId} -> setCommandConnId db user cmdId connId
pure ct
acceptGroupJoinRequestAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupInfo -> UserContactRequest -> GroupMemberRole -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> m GroupMember
gInfo@GroupInfo {groupProfile, membership}
ucr@UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId}
incognitoProfile = do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
(groupMemberId, memberId) <- withStore $ \db -> createAcceptedMember db gVar user gInfo ucr gLinkMemRole
let Profile {displayName} = profileToSendOnAccept user incognitoProfile
GroupMember {memberRole = userRole, memberId = userMemberId} = membership
msg = XGrpLinkInv $ GroupLinkInvitation (MemberIdRole userMemberId userRole) displayName (MemberIdRole memberId gLinkMemRole) groupProfile
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
connIds <- agentAcceptContactAsync user True invId msg subMode
withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ createAcceptedMemberConnection db user connIds ucr groupMemberId subMode
getGroupMemberById db user groupMemberId
profileToSendOnAccept :: User -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> Profile
profileToSendOnAccept user ip = userProfileToSend user (getIncognitoProfile <$> ip) Nothing
getIncognitoProfile = \case
NewIncognito p -> p
ExistingIncognito lp -> fromLocalProfile lp
deleteGroupLink' :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupInfo -> m ()
deleteGroupLink' user gInfo = do
conn <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupLinkConnection db user gInfo
deleteGroupLink_ user gInfo conn
deleteGroupLinkIfExists :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupInfo -> m ()
deleteGroupLinkIfExists user gInfo = do
conn_ <- eitherToMaybe <$> withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupLinkConnection db user gInfo)
mapM_ (deleteGroupLink_ user gInfo) conn_
deleteGroupLink_ :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupInfo -> Connection -> m ()
deleteGroupLink_ user gInfo conn = do
deleteAgentConnectionAsync user $ aConnId conn
withStore' $ \db -> deleteGroupLink db user gInfo
agentSubscriber :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => m ()
agentSubscriber = do
q <- asks $ subQ . smpAgent
l <- asks chatLock
forever $ atomically (readTBQueue q) >>= void . process l
process :: Lock -> (ACorrId, EntityId, APartyCmd 'Agent) -> m (Either ChatError ())
process l (corrId, entId, APC e msg) = run $ case e of
SAENone -> processAgentMessageNoConn msg
SAEConn -> processAgentMessage corrId entId msg
SAERcvFile -> processAgentMsgRcvFile corrId entId msg
SAESndFile -> processAgentMsgSndFile corrId entId msg
run action = do
let name = "agentSubscriber entity=" <> show e <> " entId=" <> str entId <> " msg=" <> str (aCommandTag msg)
withLock l name $ runExceptT $ action `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError Nothing)
str :: StrEncoding a => a -> String
str = B.unpack . strEncode
type AgentBatchSubscribe m = AgentClient -> [ConnId] -> ExceptT AgentErrorType m (Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()))
subscribeUserConnections :: forall m. ChatMonad m => Bool -> AgentBatchSubscribe m -> User -> m ()
subscribeUserConnections onlyNeeded agentBatchSubscribe user@User {userId} = do
-- get user connections
ce <- asks $ subscriptionEvents . config
(conns, cts, ucs, gs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs) <-
if onlyNeeded
then do
(conns, entities) <- withStore' getConnectionsToSubscribe
let (cts, ucs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs) = foldl' addEntity (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, M.empty) entities
pure (conns, cts, ucs, [], ms, sfts, rfts, pcs)
else do
withStore' unsetConnectionToSubscribe
(ctConns, cts) <- getContactConns
(ucConns, ucs) <- getUserContactLinkConns
(gs, mConns, ms) <- getGroupMemberConns
(sftConns, sfts) <- getSndFileTransferConns
(rftConns, rfts) <- getRcvFileTransferConns
(pcConns, pcs) <- getPendingContactConns
let conns = concat [ctConns, ucConns, mConns, sftConns, rftConns, pcConns]
pure (conns, cts, ucs, gs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs)
-- subscribe using batched commands
rs <- withAgent $ \a -> agentBatchSubscribe a conns
-- send connection events to view
contactSubsToView rs cts ce
-- TODO possibly, we could either disable these events or replace with less noisy for API
contactLinkSubsToView rs ucs
groupSubsToView rs gs ms ce
sndFileSubsToView rs sfts
rcvFileSubsToView rs rfts
pendingConnSubsToView rs pcs
addEntity (cts, ucs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs) = \case
RcvDirectMsgConnection c (Just ct) -> let cts' = addConn c ct cts in (cts', ucs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs)
RcvDirectMsgConnection c Nothing -> let pcs' = addConn c (toPCC c) pcs in (cts, ucs, ms, sfts, rfts, pcs')
RcvGroupMsgConnection c _g m -> let ms' = addConn c m ms in (cts, ucs, ms', sfts, rfts, pcs)
SndFileConnection c sft -> let sfts' = addConn c sft sfts in (cts, ucs, ms, sfts', rfts, pcs)
RcvFileConnection c rft -> let rfts' = addConn c rft rfts in (cts, ucs, ms, sfts, rfts', pcs)
UserContactConnection c uc -> let ucs' = addConn c uc ucs in (cts, ucs', ms, sfts, rfts, pcs)
addConn :: Connection -> a -> Map ConnId a -> Map ConnId a
addConn = M.insert . aConnId
toPCC Connection {connId, agentConnId, connStatus, viaUserContactLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, localAlias, createdAt} =
{ pccConnId = connId,
pccAgentConnId = agentConnId,
pccConnStatus = connStatus,
viaContactUri = False,
connReqInv = Nothing,
updatedAt = createdAt
getContactConns :: m ([ConnId], Map ConnId Contact)
getContactConns = do
cts <- withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getUserContacts") getUserContacts
let connIds = catMaybes $ map contactConnId (filter contactActive cts)
pure (connIds, M.fromList $ zip connIds cts)
getUserContactLinkConns :: m ([ConnId], Map ConnId UserContact)
getUserContactLinkConns = do
(cs, ucs) <- unzip <$> withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getUserContactLinks") getUserContactLinks
let connIds = map aConnId cs
pure (connIds, M.fromList $ zip connIds ucs)
getGroupMemberConns :: m ([Group], [ConnId], Map ConnId GroupMember)
getGroupMemberConns = do
gs <- withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getUserGroups") getUserGroups
let mPairs = concatMap (\(Group _ ms) -> mapMaybe (\m -> (,m) <$> memberConnId m) (filter (not . memberRemoved) ms)) gs
pure (gs, map fst mPairs, M.fromList mPairs)
getSndFileTransferConns :: m ([ConnId], Map ConnId SndFileTransfer)
getSndFileTransferConns = do
sfts <- withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getLiveSndFileTransfers") getLiveSndFileTransfers
let connIds = map sndFileTransferConnId sfts
pure (connIds, M.fromList $ zip connIds sfts)
getRcvFileTransferConns :: m ([ConnId], Map ConnId RcvFileTransfer)
getRcvFileTransferConns = do
rfts <- withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getLiveRcvFileTransfers") getLiveRcvFileTransfers
let rftPairs = mapMaybe (\ft -> (,ft) <$> liveRcvFileTransferConnId ft) rfts
pure (map fst rftPairs, M.fromList rftPairs)
getPendingContactConns :: m ([ConnId], Map ConnId PendingContactConnection)
getPendingContactConns = do
pcs <- withStore_ ("subscribeUserConnections " <> show userId <> ", getPendingContactConnections") getPendingContactConnections
let connIds = map aConnId' pcs
pure (connIds, M.fromList $ zip connIds pcs)
contactSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId Contact -> Bool -> m ()
contactSubsToView rs cts ce = do
chatModifyVar connNetworkStatuses $ M.union (M.fromList statuses)
ifM (asks $ coreApi . config) (notifyAPI statuses) notifyCLI
notifyCLI = do
let cRs = resultsFor rs cts
cErrors = sortOn (\(Contact {localDisplayName = n}, _) -> n) $ filterErrors cRs
toView . CRContactSubSummary user $ map (uncurry ContactSubStatus) cRs
when ce $ mapM_ (toView . uncurry (CRContactSubError user)) cErrors
notifyAPI = toView . CRNetworkStatuses (Just user) . map (uncurry ConnNetworkStatus)
statuses = M.foldrWithKey' addStatus [] cts
addStatus :: ConnId -> Contact -> [(AgentConnId, NetworkStatus)] -> [(AgentConnId, NetworkStatus)]
addStatus _ Contact {activeConn = Nothing} nss = nss
addStatus connId Contact {activeConn = Just Connection {agentConnId}} nss =
let ns = (agentConnId, netStatus $ resultErr connId rs)
in ns : nss
netStatus :: Maybe ChatError -> NetworkStatus
netStatus = maybe NSConnected $ NSError . errorNetworkStatus
errorNetworkStatus :: ChatError -> String
errorNetworkStatus = \case
ChatErrorAgent (BROKER _ NETWORK) _ -> "network"
ChatErrorAgent (SMP SMP.AUTH) _ -> "contact deleted"
e -> show e
-- TODO possibly below could be replaced with less noisy events for API
contactLinkSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId UserContact -> m ()
contactLinkSubsToView rs = toView . CRUserContactSubSummary user . map (uncurry UserContactSubStatus) . resultsFor rs
groupSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> [Group] -> Map ConnId GroupMember -> Bool -> m ()
groupSubsToView rs gs ms ce = do
mapM_ groupSub $
sortOn (\(Group GroupInfo {localDisplayName = g} _) -> g) gs
toView . CRMemberSubSummary user $ map (uncurry MemberSubStatus) mRs
mRs = resultsFor rs ms
groupSub :: Group -> m ()
groupSub (Group g@GroupInfo {membership, groupId = gId} members) = do
when ce $ mapM_ (toView . uncurry (CRMemberSubError user g)) mErrors
toView groupEvent
mErrors :: [(GroupMember, ChatError)]
mErrors =
sortOn (\(GroupMember {localDisplayName = n}, _) -> n)
. filterErrors
$ filter (\(GroupMember {groupId}, _) -> groupId == gId) mRs
groupEvent :: ChatResponse
| memberStatus membership == GSMemInvited = CRGroupInvitation user g
| all (\GroupMember {activeConn} -> isNothing activeConn) members =
if memberActive membership
then CRGroupEmpty user g
else CRGroupRemoved user g
| otherwise = CRGroupSubscribed user g
sndFileSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId SndFileTransfer -> m ()
sndFileSubsToView rs sfts = do
let sftRs = resultsFor rs sfts
forM_ sftRs $ \(ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus}, err_) -> do
forM_ err_ $ toView . CRSndFileSubError user ft
void . forkIO $ do
threadDelay 1000000
l <- asks chatLock
when (fileStatus == FSConnected) . unlessM (isFileActive fileId sndFiles) . withLock l "subscribe sendFileChunk" $
sendFileChunk user ft
rcvFileSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId RcvFileTransfer -> m ()
rcvFileSubsToView rs = mapM_ (toView . uncurry (CRRcvFileSubError user)) . filterErrors . resultsFor rs
pendingConnSubsToView :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId PendingContactConnection -> m ()
pendingConnSubsToView rs = toView . CRPendingSubSummary user . map (uncurry PendingSubStatus) . resultsFor rs
withStore_ :: String -> (DB.Connection -> User -> IO [a]) -> m [a]
withStore_ ctx a = withStoreCtx' (Just ctx) (`a` user) `catchChatError` \e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> []
filterErrors :: [(a, Maybe ChatError)] -> [(a, ChatError)]
filterErrors = mapMaybe (\(a, e_) -> (a,) <$> e_)
resultsFor :: Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Map ConnId a -> [(a, Maybe ChatError)]
resultsFor rs = M.foldrWithKey' addResult []
addResult :: ConnId -> a -> [(a, Maybe ChatError)] -> [(a, Maybe ChatError)]
addResult connId = (:) . (,resultErr connId rs)
resultErr :: ConnId -> Map ConnId (Either AgentErrorType ()) -> Maybe ChatError
resultErr connId rs = case M.lookup connId rs of
Just (Left e) -> Just $ ChatErrorAgent e Nothing
Just _ -> Nothing
_ -> Just . ChatError . CEAgentNoSubResult $ AgentConnId connId
cleanupManager :: forall m. ChatMonad m => m ()
cleanupManager = do
interval <- asks (cleanupManagerInterval . config)
runWithoutInitialDelay interval
initialDelay <- asks (initialCleanupManagerDelay . config)
liftIO $ threadDelay' initialDelay
stepDelay <- asks (cleanupManagerStepDelay . config)
forever $ do
flip catchChatError (toView . CRChatError Nothing) $ do
users <- withStoreCtx' (Just "cleanupManager, getUsers 1") getUsers
let (us, us') = partition activeUser users
forM_ us $ cleanupUser interval stepDelay
forM_ us' $ cleanupUser interval stepDelay
cleanupMessages `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError Nothing)
cleanupProbes `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError Nothing)
liftIO $ threadDelay' $ diffToMicroseconds interval
runWithoutInitialDelay cleanupInterval = flip catchChatError (toView . CRChatError Nothing) $ do
users <- withStoreCtx' (Just "cleanupManager, getUsers 2") getUsers
let (us, us') = partition activeUser users
forM_ us $ \u -> cleanupTimedItems cleanupInterval u `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just u))
forM_ us' $ \u -> cleanupTimedItems cleanupInterval u `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just u))
cleanupUser cleanupInterval stepDelay user = do
cleanupTimedItems cleanupInterval user `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
liftIO $ threadDelay' stepDelay
cleanupDeletedContacts user `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
liftIO $ threadDelay' stepDelay
cleanupTimedItems cleanupInterval user = do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let startTimedThreadCutoff = addUTCTime cleanupInterval ts
timedItems <- withStoreCtx' (Just "cleanupManager, getTimedItems") $ \db -> getTimedItems db user startTimedThreadCutoff
forM_ timedItems $ \(itemRef, deleteAt) -> startTimedItemThread user itemRef deleteAt `catchChatError` const (pure ())
cleanupDeletedContacts user = do
contacts <- withStore' (`getDeletedContacts` user)
forM_ contacts $ \ct ->
withStore' (\db -> deleteContactWithoutGroups db user ct)
`catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
cleanupMessages = do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let cutoffTs = addUTCTime (-(30 * nominalDay)) ts
withStoreCtx' (Just "cleanupManager, deleteOldMessages") (`deleteOldMessages` cutoffTs)
cleanupProbes = do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let cutoffTs = addUTCTime (-(14 * nominalDay)) ts
withStore' (`deleteOldProbes` cutoffTs)
startProximateTimedItemThread :: ChatMonad m => User -> (ChatRef, ChatItemId) -> UTCTime -> m ()
startProximateTimedItemThread user itemRef deleteAt = do
interval <- asks (cleanupManagerInterval . config)
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
when (diffUTCTime deleteAt ts <= interval) $
startTimedItemThread user itemRef deleteAt
startTimedItemThread :: ChatMonad m => User -> (ChatRef, ChatItemId) -> UTCTime -> m ()
startTimedItemThread user itemRef deleteAt = do
itemThreads <- asks timedItemThreads
threadTVar_ <- atomically $ do
exists <- TM.member itemRef itemThreads
if not exists
then do
threadTVar <- newTVar Nothing
TM.insert itemRef threadTVar itemThreads
pure $ Just threadTVar
else pure Nothing
forM_ threadTVar_ $ \threadTVar -> do
tId <- mkWeakThreadId =<< deleteTimedItem user itemRef deleteAt `forkFinally` const (atomically $ TM.delete itemRef itemThreads)
atomically $ writeTVar threadTVar (Just tId)
deleteTimedItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> (ChatRef, ChatItemId) -> UTCTime -> m ()
deleteTimedItem user (ChatRef cType chatId, itemId) deleteAt = do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ threadDelay' $ diffToMicroseconds $ diffUTCTime deleteAt ts
case cType of
CTDirect -> do
(ct, CChatItem _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
deleteDirectCI user ct ci True True >>= toView
CTGroup -> do
(gInfo, CChatItem _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user chatId <*> getGroupChatItem db user chatId itemId
deletedTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci True True Nothing deletedTs >>= toView
_ -> toView . CRChatError (Just user) . ChatError $ CEInternalError "bad deleteTimedItem cType"
startUpdatedTimedItemThread :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatRef -> ChatItem c d -> ChatItem c d -> m ()
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user chatRef ci ci' =
case (chatItemTimed ci >>= timedDeleteAt', chatItemTimed ci' >>= timedDeleteAt') of
(Nothing, Just deleteAt') ->
startProximateTimedItemThread user (chatRef, chatItemId' ci') deleteAt'
_ -> pure ()
expireChatItems :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> Int64 -> Bool -> m ()
expireChatItems user@User {userId} ttl sync = do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let expirationDate = addUTCTime (-1 * fromIntegral ttl) currentTs
-- this is to keep group messages created during last 12 hours even if they're expired according to item_ts
createdAtCutoff = addUTCTime (-43200 :: NominalDiffTime) currentTs
contacts <- withStoreCtx' (Just "expireChatItems, getUserContacts") (`getUserContacts` user)
loop contacts $ processContact expirationDate
groups <- withStoreCtx' (Just "expireChatItems, getUserGroupDetails") (\db -> getUserGroupDetails db user Nothing Nothing)
loop groups $ processGroup expirationDate createdAtCutoff
loop :: [a] -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
loop [] _ = pure ()
loop (a : as) process = continue $ do
process a `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
loop as process
continue :: m () -> m ()
continue a =
if sync
then a
else do
expireFlags <- asks expireCIFlags
expire <- atomically $ TM.lookup userId expireFlags
when (expire == Just True) $ threadDelay 100000 >> a
processContact :: UTCTime -> Contact -> m ()
processContact expirationDate ct = do
filesInfo <- withStoreCtx' (Just "processContact, getContactExpiredFileInfo") $ \db -> getContactExpiredFileInfo db user ct expirationDate
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
withStoreCtx' (Just "processContact, deleteContactExpiredCIs") $ \db -> deleteContactExpiredCIs db user ct expirationDate
processGroup :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> GroupInfo -> m ()
processGroup expirationDate createdAtCutoff gInfo = do
filesInfo <- withStoreCtx' (Just "processGroup, getGroupExpiredFileInfo") $ \db -> getGroupExpiredFileInfo db user gInfo expirationDate createdAtCutoff
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
withStoreCtx' (Just "processGroup, deleteGroupExpiredCIs") $ \db -> deleteGroupExpiredCIs db user gInfo expirationDate createdAtCutoff
membersToDelete <- withStoreCtx' (Just "processGroup, getGroupMembersForExpiration") $ \db -> getGroupMembersForExpiration db user gInfo
forM_ membersToDelete $ \m -> withStoreCtx' (Just "processGroup, deleteGroupMember") $ \db -> deleteGroupMember db user m
processAgentMessage :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACorrId -> ConnId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AEConn -> m ()
processAgentMessage _ connId (DEL_RCVQ srv qId err_) =
toView $ CRAgentRcvQueueDeleted (AgentConnId connId) srv (AgentQueueId qId) err_
processAgentMessage _ connId DEL_CONN =
toView $ CRAgentConnDeleted (AgentConnId connId)
processAgentMessage corrId connId msg =
withStore' (`getUserByAConnId` AgentConnId connId) >>= \case
Just user -> processAgentMessageConn user corrId connId msg `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> throwChatError $ CENoConnectionUser (AgentConnId connId)
processAgentMessageNoConn :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACommand 'Agent 'AENone -> m ()
processAgentMessageNoConn = \case
CONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostConnected p h
DISCONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostDisconnected p h
DOWN srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns NSDisconnected CRContactsDisconnected
UP srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns NSConnected CRContactsSubscribed
SUSPENDED -> toView CRChatSuspended
DEL_USER agentUserId -> toView $ CRAgentUserDeleted agentUserId
hostEvent :: ChatResponse -> m ()
hostEvent = whenM (asks $ hostEvents . config) . toView
serverEvent srv conns nsStatus event = do
chatModifyVar connNetworkStatuses $ \m -> foldl' (\m' cId -> M.insert cId nsStatus m') m connIds
ifM (asks $ coreApi . config) (notifyAPI connIds) notifyCLI
connIds = map AgentConnId conns
notifyAPI = toView . CRNetworkStatus nsStatus
notifyCLI = do
cs <- withStore' (`getConnectionsContacts` conns)
toView $ event srv cs
processAgentMsgSndFile :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACorrId -> SndFileId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AESndFile -> m ()
processAgentMsgSndFile _corrId aFileId msg =
withStore' (`getUserByASndFileId` AgentSndFileId aFileId) >>= \case
Just user -> process user `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> do
withAgent (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
throwChatError $ CENoSndFileUser $ AgentSndFileId aFileId
process :: User -> m ()
process user = do
(ft@FileTransferMeta {fileId, cancelled}, sfts) <- withStore $ \db -> do
fileId <- getXFTPSndFileDBId db user $ AgentSndFileId aFileId
getSndFileTransfer db user fileId
unless cancelled $ case msg of
SFPROG sndProgress sndTotal -> do
let status = CIFSSndTransfer {sndProgress, sndTotal}
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId status
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileProgressXFTP user ci ft sndProgress sndTotal
SFDONE sndDescr rfds -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setSndFTPrivateSndDescr db user fileId (fileDescrText sndDescr)
ci@(AChatItem _ d cInfo _ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId = msgId_, itemDeleted}}) <-
withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
case (msgId_, itemDeleted) of
(Just sharedMsgId, Nothing) -> do
when (length rfds < length sfts) $ throwChatError $ CEInternalError "not enough XFTP file descriptions to send"
-- TODO either update database status or move to SFPROG
toView $ CRSndFileProgressXFTP user ci ft 1 1
case (rfds, sfts, d, cInfo) of
(rfd : extraRFDs, sft : _, SMDSnd, DirectChat ct) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> createExtraSndFTDescrs db user fileId (map fileDescrText extraRFDs)
msgDeliveryId <- sendFileDescription sft rfd sharedMsgId $ sendDirectContactMessage ct
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFTDeliveryXFTP db sft msgDeliveryId
withAgent (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
(_, _, SMDSnd, GroupChat g@GroupInfo {groupId}) -> do
ms <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db user g
let rfdsMemberFTs = zip rfds $ memberFTs ms
extraRFDs = drop (length rfdsMemberFTs) rfds
withStore' $ \db -> createExtraSndFTDescrs db user fileId (map fileDescrText extraRFDs)
forM_ rfdsMemberFTs $ \mt -> sendToMember mt `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
ci' <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSSndComplete
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
withAgent (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
toView $ CRSndFileCompleteXFTP user ci' ft
memberFTs :: [GroupMember] -> [(Connection, SndFileTransfer)]
memberFTs ms = M.elems $ M.intersectionWith (,) (M.fromList mConns') (M.fromList sfts')
mConns' = mapMaybe useMember ms
sfts' = mapMaybe (\sft@SndFileTransfer {groupMemberId} -> (,sft) <$> groupMemberId) sfts
useMember GroupMember {groupMemberId, activeConn = Just conn@Connection {connStatus}}
| (connStatus == ConnReady || connStatus == ConnSndReady) && not (connDisabled conn) = Just (groupMemberId, conn)
| otherwise = Nothing
useMember _ = Nothing
sendToMember :: (ValidFileDescription 'FRecipient, (Connection, SndFileTransfer)) -> m ()
sendToMember (rfd, (conn, sft)) =
void $ sendFileDescription sft rfd sharedMsgId $ \msg' -> sendDirectMessage conn msg' $ GroupId groupId
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure () -- TODO error?
| temporaryAgentError e ->
throwChatError $ CEXFTPSndFile fileId (AgentSndFileId aFileId) e
| otherwise -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSSndError
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
withAgent (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
toView $ CRSndFileError user ci
fileDescrText :: FilePartyI p => ValidFileDescription p -> T.Text
fileDescrText = safeDecodeUtf8 . strEncode
sendFileDescription :: SndFileTransfer -> ValidFileDescription 'FRecipient -> SharedMsgId -> (ChatMsgEvent 'Json -> m (SndMessage, Int64)) -> m Int64
sendFileDescription sft rfd msgId sendMsg = do
let rfdText = fileDescrText rfd
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFTDescrXFTP db user sft rfdText
partSize <- asks $ xftpDescrPartSize . config
sendParts 1 partSize rfdText
sendParts partNo partSize rfdText = do
let (part, rest) = T.splitAt partSize rfdText
complete = T.null rest
fileDescr = FileDescr {fileDescrText = part, fileDescrPartNo = partNo, fileDescrComplete = complete}
(_, msgDeliveryId) <- sendMsg $ XMsgFileDescr {msgId, fileDescr}
if complete
then pure msgDeliveryId
else sendParts (partNo + 1) partSize rest
processAgentMsgRcvFile :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACorrId -> RcvFileId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AERcvFile -> m ()
processAgentMsgRcvFile _corrId aFileId msg =
withStore' (`getUserByARcvFileId` AgentRcvFileId aFileId) >>= \case
Just user -> process user `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> do
withAgent (`xftpDeleteRcvFile` aFileId)
throwChatError $ CENoRcvFileUser $ AgentRcvFileId aFileId
process :: User -> m ()
process user = do
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \db -> do
fileId <- getXFTPRcvFileDBId db $ AgentRcvFileId aFileId
getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ case msg of
RFPROG rcvProgress rcvTotal -> do
let status = CIFSRcvTransfer {rcvProgress, rcvTotal}
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId status
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileProgressXFTP user ci rcvProgress rcvTotal
RFDONE xftpPath ->
case liveRcvFileTransferPath ft of
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEInternalError "no target path for received XFTP file"
Just targetPath -> do
fsTargetPath <- toFSFilePath targetPath
renameFile xftpPath fsTargetPath
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ do
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSComplete
updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSRcvComplete
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileComplete user ci
| temporaryAgentError e ->
throwChatError $ CEXFTPRcvFile fileId (AgentRcvFileId aFileId) e
| otherwise -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSRcvError
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileError user ci e
processAgentMessageConn :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> ACorrId -> ConnId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AEConn -> m ()
processAgentMessageConn user _ agentConnId END =
withStore (\db -> getConnectionEntity db user $ AgentConnId agentConnId) >>= \case
RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct) -> toView $ CRContactAnotherClient user ct
entity -> toView $ CRSubscriptionEnd user entity
processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
entity <- withStore (\db -> getConnectionEntity db user $ AgentConnId agentConnId) >>= updateConnStatus
case entity of
RcvDirectMsgConnection conn contact_ ->
processDirectMessage agentMessage entity conn contact_
RcvGroupMsgConnection conn gInfo m ->
processGroupMessage agentMessage entity conn gInfo m
RcvFileConnection conn ft ->
processRcvFileConn agentMessage entity conn ft
SndFileConnection conn ft ->
processSndFileConn agentMessage entity conn ft
UserContactConnection conn uc ->
processUserContactRequest agentMessage entity conn uc
updateConnStatus :: ConnectionEntity -> m ConnectionEntity
updateConnStatus acEntity = case agentMsgConnStatus agentMessage of
Just connStatus -> do
let conn = (entityConnection acEntity) {connStatus}
withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn connStatus
pure $ updateEntityConnStatus acEntity connStatus
Nothing -> pure acEntity
agentMsgConnStatus :: ACommand 'Agent e -> Maybe ConnStatus
agentMsgConnStatus = \case
CONF {} -> Just ConnRequested
INFO _ -> Just ConnSndReady
CON -> Just ConnReady
_ -> Nothing
processDirectMessage :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> Maybe Contact -> m ()
processDirectMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, peerChatVRange, viaUserContactLink, customUserProfileId, connectionCode} = \case
Nothing -> case agentMsg of
CONF confId _ connInfo -> do
-- [incognito] send saved profile
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
let profileToSend = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) Nothing
conn' <- saveConnInfo conn connInfo
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId $ XInfo profileToSend
INFO connInfo -> do
_conn' <- saveConnInfo conn connInfo
pure ()
MSG meta _msgFlags msgBody -> do
cmdId <- createAckCmd conn
withAckMessage agentConnId cmdId meta $ do
(_conn', _) <- saveDirectRcvMSG conn meta cmdId msgBody
pure False
SENT msgId ->
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction, cmdId} ->
when (cmdFunction == CFAckMessage) $ ackMsgDeliveryEvent conn cmdId
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
Just ct@Contact {contactId} -> case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
-- [async agent commands] XGrpMemIntro continuation on receiving INV
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_ ->
case cReq of
directConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> do
contData <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getXGrpMemIntroContDirect db user ct
forM_ contData $ \(hostConnId, xGrpMemIntroCont) ->
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId (Just directConnReq) xGrpMemIntroCont
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
MSG msgMeta _msgFlags msgBody -> do
cmdId <- createAckCmd conn
withAckMessage agentConnId cmdId msgMeta $ do
(conn', msg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event}) <- saveDirectRcvMSG conn msgMeta cmdId msgBody
let ct' = ct {activeConn = Just conn'} :: Contact
assertDirectAllowed user MDRcv ct' $ toCMEventTag event
updateChatLock "directMessage" event
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> newContentMessage ct' mc msg msgMeta
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> messageFileDescription ct' sharedMsgId fileDescr msgMeta
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> messageUpdate ct' sharedMsgId mContent msg msgMeta ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId _ -> messageDelete ct' sharedMsgId msg msgMeta
XMsgReact sharedMsgId _ reaction add -> directMsgReaction ct' sharedMsgId reaction add msg msgMeta
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processFileInvitation' ct' fInv msg msgMeta
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancel ct' sharedMsgId msgMeta
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName -> xFileAcptInv ct' sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName msgMeta
XInfo p -> xInfo ct' p
XDirectDel -> xDirectDel ct' msg msgMeta
XGrpInv gInv -> processGroupInvitation ct' gInv msg msgMeta
XInfoProbe probe -> xInfoProbe (COMContact ct') probe
XInfoProbeCheck probeHash -> xInfoProbeCheck (COMContact ct') probeHash
XInfoProbeOk probe -> xInfoProbeOk (COMContact ct') probe
XCallInv callId invitation -> xCallInv ct' callId invitation msg msgMeta
XCallOffer callId offer -> xCallOffer ct' callId offer msg msgMeta
XCallAnswer callId answer -> xCallAnswer ct' callId answer msg msgMeta
XCallExtra callId extraInfo -> xCallExtra ct' callId extraInfo msg msgMeta
XCallEnd callId -> xCallEnd ct' callId msg msgMeta
BFileChunk sharedMsgId chunk -> bFileChunk ct' sharedMsgId chunk msgMeta
_ -> messageError $ "unsupported message: " <> T.pack (show event)
let Contact {chatSettings = ChatSettings {sendRcpts}} = ct'
pure $ fromMaybe (sendRcptsContacts user) sendRcpts && hasDeliveryReceipt (toCMEventTag event)
RCVD msgMeta msgRcpt ->
withAckMessage' agentConnId conn msgMeta $
directMsgReceived ct conn msgMeta msgRcpt
CONF confId _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
-- confirming direct connection with a member
XGrpMemInfo _memId _memProfile -> do
-- TODO check member ID
-- TODO update member profile
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk
XInfo profile -> do
ct' <- processContactProfileUpdate ct profile False `catchChatError` const (pure ct)
-- [incognito] send incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore $ \db -> getProfileById db userId profileId
let p = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) (Just ct')
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId $ XInfo p
void $ withStore' $ \db -> resetMemberContactFields db ct'
_ -> messageError "CONF for existing contact must have or"
INFO connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
_conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo _memId _memProfile -> do
-- TODO check member ID
-- TODO update member profile
pure ()
XInfo profile ->
void $ processContactProfileUpdate ct profile False
XOk -> pure ()
_ -> messageError "INFO for existing contact must have, or x.ok"
CON ->
withStore' (\db -> getViaGroupMember db user ct) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
-- [incognito] print incognito profile used for this contact
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
setContactNetworkStatus ct NSConnected
toView $ CRContactConnected user ct (fmap fromLocalProfile incognitoProfile)
when (directOrUsed ct) $ createFeatureEnabledItems ct
when (contactConnInitiated conn) $ do
let Connection {groupLinkId} = conn
doProbeContacts = isJust groupLinkId
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct (contactConnIncognito ct) doProbeContacts
withStore' $ \db -> resetContactConnInitiated db user conn
forM_ viaUserContactLink $ \userContactLinkId ->
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId) >>= \case
Just (UserContactLink {autoAccept = Just AutoAccept {autoReply = mc_}}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) -> do
forM_ mc_ $ \mc -> do
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
forM_ groupId_ $ \groupId -> do
groupInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
groupConnIds <- createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpInv True SCMInvitation subMode
gVar <- asks idsDrg
withStore $ \db -> createNewContactMemberAsync db gVar user groupInfo ct gLinkMemRole groupConnIds (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) subMode
_ -> pure ()
Just (gInfo, m@GroupMember {activeConn}) ->
when (maybe False ((== ConnReady) . connStatus) activeConn) $ do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m $ Just ct
let connectedIncognito = contactConnIncognito ct || incognitoMembership gInfo
when (memberCategory m == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito True
SENT msgId -> do
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn msgId
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn msgId $ CISSndSent SSPComplete
SWITCH qd phase cStats -> do
toView $ CRContactSwitch user ct (SwitchProgress qd phase cStats)
when (phase `elem` [SPStarted, SPCompleted]) $ case qd of
QDRcv -> createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) (CISndConnEvent $ SCESwitchQueue phase Nothing) Nothing
QDSnd -> createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCESwitchQueue phase) Nothing
RSYNC rss cryptoErr_ cStats ->
case (rss, connectionCode, cryptoErr_) of
(RSRequired, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAllowed, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAgreed, Just _, _) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
let ct' = ct {activeConn = Just $ (conn :: Connection) {connectionCode = Nothing}} :: Contact
ratchetSyncEventItem ct'
securityCodeChanged ct'
_ -> ratchetSyncEventItem ct
processErr cryptoErr = do
let e@(mde, n) = agentMsgDecryptError cryptoErr
ci_ <- withStore $ \db ->
getDirectChatItemsLast db user contactId 1 ""
>>= liftIO
. mapM (\(ci, content') -> updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content' False Nothing)
. (mdeUpdatedCI e <=< headMaybe)
case ci_ of
Just ci -> toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> do
toView $ CRContactRatchetSync user ct (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvDecryptionError mde n) Nothing
headMaybe = \case
x : _ -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
ratchetSyncEventItem ct' = do
toView $ CRContactRatchetSync user ct' (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct') (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCERatchetSync rss) Nothing
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction, cmdId} ->
when (cmdFunction == CFAckMessage) $ ackMsgDeliveryEvent conn cmdId
MERR msgId err -> do
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn msgId $ agentErrToItemStatus err
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
processGroupMessage :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> m ()
processGroupMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, connectionCode} gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile, membership, chatSettings} m = case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction} ->
case cReq of
groupConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> case cmdFunction of
-- [async agent commands] XGrpMemIntro continuation on receiving INV
| isCompatibleRange (fromJVersionRange $ peerChatVRange conn) groupNoDirectVRange -> sendWithoutDirectCReq
| otherwise -> sendWithDirectCReq
sendWithoutDirectCReq = do
let GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} = m
hostConnId <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getHostConnId db user groupId
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId Nothing XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq}
sendWithDirectCReq = do
let GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} = m
contData <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getXGrpMemIntroContGroup db user m
forM_ contData $ \(hostConnId, directConnReq) ->
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId (Just directConnReq) XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq}
-- [async agent commands] group link auto-accept continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnGrpInv -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContactViaMember db user m
withStore' $ \db -> setNewContactMemberConnRequest db user m cReq
groupLinkId <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupLinkId db user gInfo
sendGrpInvitation ct m groupLinkId
toView $ CRSentGroupInvitation user gInfo ct m
sendGrpInvitation :: Contact -> GroupMember -> Maybe GroupLinkId -> m ()
sendGrpInvitation ct GroupMember {memberId, memberRole = memRole} groupLinkId = do
let GroupMember {memberRole = userRole, memberId = userMemberId} = membership
groupInv = GroupInvitation (MemberIdRole userMemberId userRole) (MemberIdRole memberId memRole) cReq groupProfile groupLinkId
(_msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XGrpInv groupInv
-- we could link chat item with sent group invitation message (_msg)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected cmdFunction"
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
CONF confId _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case memberCategory m of
GCInviteeMember ->
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpAcpt memId
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
withStore $ \db -> liftIO $ updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemAccepted
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk
| otherwise -> messageError "x.grp.acpt: memberId is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from invited member must have x.grp.acpt"
_ ->
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo memId _memProfile
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
-- TODO update member profile
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId $ XGrpMemInfo membership.memberId (fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile membership)
| otherwise -> messageError " memberId is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from member must have"
INFO connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
_conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo memId _memProfile
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
-- TODO update member profile
pure ()
| otherwise -> messageError " memberId is different from expected"
XInfo _ -> pure () -- sent when connecting via group link
XOk -> pure ()
_ -> messageError "INFO from member must have, or x.ok"
pure ()
CON -> do
withStore' $ \db -> do
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemConnected
unless (memberActive membership) $
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemConnected
-- possible improvement: check for each pending message, requires keeping track of connection state
unless (connDisabled conn) $ sendPendingGroupMessages user m conn
withAgent $ \a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a (aConnId conn) $ chatHasNtfs chatSettings
case memberCategory m of
GCHostMember -> do
toView $ CRUserJoinedGroup user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}} m {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}
createGroupFeatureItems gInfo m
let GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {description}} = gInfo
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
forM_ description $ groupDescriptionChatItem gInfo m
GCInviteeMember -> do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}
let Connection {viaUserContactLink} = conn
when (isJust viaUserContactLink && isNothing (memberContactId m)) sendXGrpLinkMem
members <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db user gInfo
intros <- withStore' $ \db -> createIntroductions db members m
void . sendGroupMessage user gInfo members . XGrpMemNew $ memberInfo m
shuffledIntros <- liftIO $ shuffleMembers intros $ \GroupMemberIntro {reMember = GroupMember {memberRole}} -> memberRole
forM_ shuffledIntros $ \intro ->
processIntro intro `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
sendXGrpLinkMem = do
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user profileMode
void $ sendDirectMessage conn (XGrpLinkMem profileToSend) (GroupId groupId)
processIntro intro@GroupMemberIntro {introId} = do
void $ sendDirectMessage conn (XGrpMemIntro $ memberInfo (reMember intro)) (GroupId groupId)
withStore' $ \db -> updateIntroStatus db introId GMIntroSent
_ -> do
-- TODO notify member who forwarded introduction - question - where it is stored? There is via_contact but probably there should be via_member in group_members table
let memCategory = memberCategory m
withStore' (\db -> getViaGroupContact db user m) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m Nothing
let connectedIncognito = memberIncognito membership
when (memCategory == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingMemberContact m connectedIncognito
Just ct@Contact {activeConn} ->
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connStatus} ->
when (connStatus == ConnReady) $ do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m $ Just ct
let connectedIncognito = contactConnIncognito ct || incognitoMembership gInfo
when (memCategory == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito True
sendXGrpMemCon memCategory
sendXGrpMemCon = \case
GCPreMember ->
forM_ (invitedByGroupMemberId membership) $ \hostId -> do
host <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user groupId hostId
forM_ (memberConn host) $ \hostConn ->
void $ sendDirectMessage hostConn (XGrpMemCon m.memberId) (GroupId groupId)
GCPostMember ->
forM_ (invitedByGroupMemberId m) $ \invitingMemberId -> do
im <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user groupId invitingMemberId
forM_ (memberConn im) $ \imConn ->
void $ sendDirectMessage imConn (XGrpMemCon m.memberId) (GroupId groupId)
_ -> messageWarning "sendXGrpMemCon: member category GCPreMember or GCPostMember is expected"
MSG msgMeta _msgFlags msgBody -> do
cmdId <- createAckCmd conn
tryChatError (processChatMessage cmdId) >>= \case
Right (ACMsg _ chatMsg, withRcpt) -> do
ackMsg agentConnId cmdId msgMeta $ if withRcpt then Just "" else Nothing
when (membership.memberRole >= GRAdmin) $ forwardMsg_ chatMsg
Left e -> ackMsg agentConnId cmdId msgMeta Nothing >> throwError e
processChatMessage :: Int64 -> m (AChatMessage, Bool)
processChatMessage cmdId = do
msg@(ACMsg _ chatMsg) <- parseAChatMessage conn msgMeta msgBody
checkIntegrity chatMsg `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
(msg,) <$> processEvent cmdId chatMsg
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
checkIntegrity :: ChatMessage e -> m ()
checkIntegrity ChatMessage {chatMsgEvent} = do
when checkForEvent $ checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msgMeta
checkForEvent = case chatMsgEvent of
XMsgNew _ -> True
XFileCancel _ -> True
XFileAcptInv {} -> True
XGrpMemNew _ -> True
XGrpMemRole {} -> True
XGrpMemDel _ -> True
XGrpLeave -> True
XGrpDel -> True
XGrpInfo _ -> True
XGrpDirectInv {} -> True
_ -> False
processEvent :: MsgEncodingI e => CommandId -> ChatMessage e -> m Bool
processEvent cmdId chatMsg = do
(m', conn', msg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event}) <- saveGroupRcvMsg user groupId m conn msgMeta cmdId msgBody chatMsg
updateChatLock "groupMessage" event
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend m' $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo m' mc msg brokerTs
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo m' sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo m' sharedMsgId mContent msg brokerTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memberId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId msg brokerTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memberId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId reaction add msg brokerTs
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m' fInv msg brokerTs
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancelGroup gInfo m' sharedMsgId
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName -> xFileAcptInvGroup gInfo m' sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName
XInfo p -> xInfoMember gInfo m' p
XGrpLinkMem p -> xGrpLinkMem gInfo m' conn' p
XGrpMemNew memInfo -> xGrpMemNew gInfo m' memInfo msg brokerTs
XGrpMemIntro memInfo -> xGrpMemIntro gInfo m' memInfo
XGrpMemInv memId introInv -> xGrpMemInv gInfo m' memId introInv
XGrpMemFwd memInfo introInv -> xGrpMemFwd gInfo m' memInfo introInv
XGrpMemRole memId memRole -> xGrpMemRole gInfo m' memId memRole msg brokerTs
XGrpMemCon memId -> xGrpMemCon gInfo m' memId
XGrpMemDel memId -> xGrpMemDel gInfo m' memId msg brokerTs
XGrpLeave -> xGrpLeave gInfo m' msg brokerTs
XGrpDel -> xGrpDel gInfo m' msg brokerTs
XGrpInfo p' -> xGrpInfo gInfo m' p' msg brokerTs
XGrpDirectInv connReq mContent_ -> memberCanSend m' $ xGrpDirectInv gInfo m' conn' connReq mContent_ msg brokerTs
XGrpMsgForward memberId msg' msgTs -> xGrpMsgForward gInfo m' memberId msg' msgTs
XInfoProbe probe -> xInfoProbe (COMGroupMember m') probe
XInfoProbeCheck probeHash -> xInfoProbeCheck (COMGroupMember m') probeHash
XInfoProbeOk probe -> xInfoProbeOk (COMGroupMember m') probe
BFileChunk sharedMsgId chunk -> bFileChunkGroup gInfo sharedMsgId chunk msgMeta
_ -> messageError $ "unsupported message: " <> T.pack (show event)
checkSendRcpt event
checkSendRcpt :: ChatMsgEvent e -> m Bool
checkSendRcpt event = do
currentMemCount <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCurrentMembersCount db user gInfo
let GroupInfo {chatSettings = ChatSettings {sendRcpts}} = gInfo
pure $
fromMaybe (sendRcptsSmallGroups user) sendRcpts
&& hasDeliveryReceipt (toCMEventTag event)
&& currentMemCount <= smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit
forwardMsg_ :: MsgEncodingI e => ChatMessage e -> m ()
forwardMsg_ chatMsg =
forM_ (forwardedGroupMsg chatMsg) $ \chatMsg' -> do
ChatConfig {highlyAvailable} <- asks config
-- members introduced to this invited member
introducedMembers <-
if memberCategory m == GCInviteeMember
then withStore' $ \db -> getForwardIntroducedMembers db user m highlyAvailable
else pure []
-- invited members to which this member was introduced
invitedMembers <- withStore' $ \db -> getForwardInvitedMembers db user m highlyAvailable
let ms = introducedMembers <> invitedMembers
msg = XGrpMsgForward m.memberId chatMsg' brokerTs
unless (null ms) . void $
sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms msg
RCVD msgMeta msgRcpt ->
withAckMessage' agentConnId conn msgMeta $
groupMsgReceived gInfo m conn msgMeta msgRcpt
SENT msgId -> do
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn msgId
updateGroupItemStatus gInfo m conn msgId $ CISSndSent SSPComplete
SWITCH qd phase cStats -> do
toView $ CRGroupMemberSwitch user gInfo m (SwitchProgress qd phase cStats)
when (phase `elem` [SPStarted, SPCompleted]) $ case qd of
QDRcv -> createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) (CISndConnEvent . SCESwitchQueue phase . Just $ groupMemberRef m) Nothing
QDSnd -> createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCESwitchQueue phase) Nothing
RSYNC rss cryptoErr_ cStats ->
case (rss, connectionCode, cryptoErr_) of
(RSRequired, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAllowed, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAgreed, Just _, _) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
let m' = m {activeConn = Just (conn {connectionCode = Nothing} :: Connection)} :: GroupMember
ratchetSyncEventItem m'
toView $ CRGroupMemberVerificationReset user gInfo m'
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m') (CIRcvConnEvent RCEVerificationCodeReset) Nothing
_ -> ratchetSyncEventItem m
processErr cryptoErr = do
let e@(mde, n) = agentMsgDecryptError cryptoErr
ci_ <- withStore $ \db ->
getGroupMemberChatItemLast db user groupId (groupMemberId' m)
>>= liftIO
. mapM (\(ci, content') -> updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content' False Nothing)
. mdeUpdatedCI e
case ci_ of
Just ci -> toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
_ -> do
toView $ CRGroupMemberRatchetSync user gInfo m (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvDecryptionError mde n) Nothing
ratchetSyncEventItem m' = do
toView $ CRGroupMemberRatchetSync user gInfo m' (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m') (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCERatchetSync rss) Nothing
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction, cmdId} ->
when (cmdFunction == CFAckMessage) $ ackMsgDeliveryEvent conn cmdId
MERR msgId err -> do
chatItemId_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getChatItemIdByAgentMsgId db connId msgId
forM_ chatItemId_ $ \itemId -> do
let GroupMember {groupMemberId} = m
updateGroupMemSndStatus itemId groupMemberId $ agentErrToItemStatus err
-- group errors are silenced to reduce load on UI event log
-- toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
agentMsgDecryptError :: AgentCryptoError -> (MsgDecryptError, Word32)
agentMsgDecryptError = \case
DECRYPT_AES -> (MDEOther, 1)
DECRYPT_CB -> (MDEOther, 1)
RATCHET_HEADER -> (MDERatchetHeader, 1)
RATCHET_EARLIER _ -> (MDERatchetEarlier, 1)
RATCHET_SKIPPED n -> (MDETooManySkipped, n)
RATCHET_SYNC -> (MDERatchetSync, 0)
mdeUpdatedCI :: (MsgDecryptError, Word32) -> CChatItem c -> Maybe (ChatItem c 'MDRcv, CIContent 'MDRcv)
mdeUpdatedCI (mde', n') (CChatItem _ ci@ChatItem {content = CIRcvDecryptionError mde n})
| mde == mde' = case mde of
MDERatchetHeader -> r (n + n')
MDETooManySkipped -> r n' -- the numbers are not added as sequential MDETooManySkipped will have it incremented by 1
MDERatchetEarlier -> r (n + n')
MDEOther -> r (n + n')
MDERatchetSync -> r 0
| otherwise = Nothing
r n'' = Just (ci, CIRcvDecryptionError mde n'')
mdeUpdatedCI _ _ = Nothing
processSndFileConn :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> SndFileTransfer -> m ()
processSndFileConn agentMsg connEntity conn ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileName, fileStatus} =
case agentMsg of
-- SMP CONF for SndFileConnection happens for direct file protocol
-- when recipient of the file "joins" connection created by the sender
CONF confId _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
-- TODO save XFileAcpt message
XFileAcpt name
| name == fileName -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFileStatus db ft FSAccepted
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk
| otherwise -> messageError "x.file.acpt: fileName is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from file connection must have x.file.acpt"
CON -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateSndFileStatus db ft FSConnected
updateDirectCIFileStatus db user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
toView $ CRSndFileStart user ci ft
sendFileChunk user ft
SENT msgId -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFileChunkSent db ft msgId
unless (fileStatus == FSCancelled) $ sendFileChunk user ft
MERR _ err -> do
cancelSndFileTransfer user ft True >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
case err of
SMP SMP.AUTH -> unless (fileStatus == FSCancelled) $ do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
getChatRefByFileId db user fileId >>= \case
ChatRef CTDirect _ -> liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSSndCancelled
_ -> pure ()
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileRcvCancelled user ci ft
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileSend fileId err
MSG meta _ _ -> withAckMessage' agentConnId conn meta $ pure ()
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
processRcvFileConn :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> RcvFileTransfer -> m ()
processRcvFileConn agentMsg connEntity conn ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName}, grpMemberId} =
case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction} ->
case cReq of
fileInvConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> case cmdFunction of
-- [async agent commands] direct XFileAcptInv continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnFileInvDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContactByFileId db user fileId
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
void $ sendDirectContactMessage ct (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId (Just fileInvConnReq) fileName)
-- [async agent commands] group XFileAcptInv continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnFileInvGroup -> case grpMemberId of
Just gMemberId -> do
GroupMember {groupId, activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMemberById db user gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just gMemberConn -> do
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
void $ sendDirectMessage gMemberConn (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId (Just fileInvConnReq) fileName) $ GroupId groupId
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no GroupMember activeConn"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no grpMemberId"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected cmdFunction"
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
-- SMP CONF for RcvFileConnection happens for group file protocol
-- when sender of the file "joins" connection created by the recipient
-- (sender doesn't create connections for all group members)
CONF confId _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XOk -> allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk -- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
_ -> pure ()
CON -> startReceivingFile user fileId
MSG meta _ msgBody -> do
parseFileChunk msgBody >>= receiveFileChunk ft (Just conn) meta
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
receiveFileChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> Maybe Connection -> MsgMeta -> FileChunk -> m ()
receiveFileChunk ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, chunkSize} conn_ meta@MsgMeta {recipient = (msgId, _), integrity} = \case
FileChunkCancel ->
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
FileChunk {chunkNo, chunkBytes = chunk} -> do
case integrity of
MsgOk -> pure ()
MsgError MsgDuplicate -> pure () -- TODO remove once agent removes duplicates
MsgError e ->
badRcvFileChunk ft $ "invalid file chunk number " <> show chunkNo <> ": " <> show e
withStore' (\db -> createRcvFileChunk db ft chunkNo msgId) >>= \case
RcvChunkOk ->
if B.length chunk /= fromInteger chunkSize
then badRcvFileChunk ft "incorrect chunk size"
else ack $ appendFileChunk ft chunkNo chunk False
RcvChunkFinal ->
if B.length chunk > fromInteger chunkSize
then badRcvFileChunk ft "incorrect chunk size"
else do
appendFileChunk ft chunkNo chunk True
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ do
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSComplete
updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSRcvComplete
deleteRcvFileChunks db ft
getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileComplete user ci
forM_ conn_ $ \conn -> deleteAgentConnectionAsync user (aConnId conn)
RcvChunkDuplicate -> ack $ pure ()
RcvChunkError -> badRcvFileChunk ft $ "incorrect chunk number " <> show chunkNo
ack a = case conn_ of
Just conn -> withAckMessage' agentConnId conn meta a
Nothing -> a
processUserContactRequest :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> UserContact -> m ()
processUserContactRequest agentMsg connEntity conn UserContact {userContactLinkId} = case agentMsg of
REQ invId _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
case chatMsgEvent of
XContact p xContactId_ -> profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p xContactId_
XInfo p -> profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p Nothing
-- TODO show/log error, other events in contact request
_ -> pure ()
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
profileContactRequest :: InvitationId -> VersionRange -> Profile -> Maybe XContactId -> m ()
profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p xContactId_ = do
withStore (\db -> createOrUpdateContactRequest db user userContactLinkId invId chatVRange p xContactId_) >>= \case
CORContact contact -> toView $ CRContactRequestAlreadyAccepted user contact
CORRequest cReq -> do
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId) >>= \case
Just (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) ->
case autoAccept of
Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito} -> case groupId_ of
Nothing -> do
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if acceptIncognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq incognitoProfile
toView $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
Just groupId -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
if isCompatibleRange chatVRange groupLinkNoContactVRange
then do
mem <- acceptGroupJoinRequestAsync user gInfo cReq gLinkMemRole profileMode
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo mem) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequestMember user gInfo mem
else do
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq profileMode
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequest user gInfo ct
_ -> toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
_ -> pure ()
memberCanSend :: GroupMember -> m () -> m ()
memberCanSend mem a
| mem.memberRole <= GRObserver = messageError "member is not allowed to send messages"
| otherwise = a
incAuthErrCounter :: ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> AgentErrorType -> m ()
incAuthErrCounter connEntity conn err = do
case err of
authErrCounter' <- withStore' $ \db -> incConnectionAuthErrCounter db user conn
when (authErrCounter' >= authErrDisableCount) $ do
toView $ CRConnectionDisabled connEntity
_ -> pure ()
updateChatLock :: MsgEncodingI enc => String -> ChatMsgEvent enc -> m ()
updateChatLock name event = do
l <- asks chatLock
atomically $ tryReadTMVar l >>= mapM_ (swapTMVar l . (<> s))
s = " " <> name <> "=" <> B.unpack (strEncode $ toCMEventTag event)
withCompletedCommand :: forall e. AEntityI e => Connection -> ACommand 'Agent e -> (CommandData -> m ()) -> m ()
withCompletedCommand Connection {connId} agentMsg action = do
let agentMsgTag = APCT (sAEntity @e) $ aCommandTag agentMsg
cmdData_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getCommandDataByCorrId db user corrId
case cmdData_ of
Just cmdData@CommandData {cmdId, cmdConnId = Just cmdConnId', cmdFunction}
| connId == cmdConnId' && (agentMsgTag == commandExpectedResponse cmdFunction || agentMsgTag == APCT SAEConn ERR_) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCommand db user cmdId
action cmdData
| otherwise -> err cmdId $ "not matching connection id or unexpected response, corrId = " <> show corrId
Just CommandData {cmdId, cmdConnId = Nothing} -> err cmdId $ "no command connection id, corrId = " <> show corrId
Nothing -> throwChatError . CEAgentCommandError $ "command not found, corrId = " <> show corrId
err cmdId msg = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateCommandStatus db user cmdId CSError
throwChatError . CEAgentCommandError $ msg
createAckCmd :: Connection -> m CommandId
createAckCmd Connection {connId} = do
withStore' $ \db -> createCommand db user (Just connId) CFAckMessage
withAckMessage' :: ConnId -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> m () -> m ()
withAckMessage' cId conn msgMeta action = do
cmdId <- createAckCmd conn
withAckMessage cId cmdId msgMeta $ action $> False
withAckMessage :: ConnId -> CommandId -> MsgMeta -> m Bool -> m ()
withAckMessage cId cmdId msgMeta action = do
-- [async agent commands] command should be asynchronous, continuation is ackMsgDeliveryEvent
-- TODO catching error and sending ACK after an error, particularly if it is a database error, will result in the message not processed (and no notification to the user).
-- Possible solutions are:
-- 1) retry processing several times
-- 2) stabilize database
-- 3) show screen of death to the user asking to restart
tryChatError action >>= \case
Right withRcpt -> ackMsg cId cmdId msgMeta $ if withRcpt then Just "" else Nothing
Left e -> ackMsg cId cmdId msgMeta Nothing >> throwError e
ackMsg :: ConnId -> CommandId -> MsgMeta -> Maybe MsgReceiptInfo -> m ()
ackMsg cId cmdId MsgMeta {recipient = (msgId, _)} rcpt = withAgent $ \a -> ackMessageAsync a (aCorrId cmdId) cId msgId rcpt
ackMsgDeliveryEvent :: Connection -> CommandId -> m ()
ackMsgDeliveryEvent Connection {connId} ackCmdId =
(Just $ "createRcvMsgDeliveryEvent, connId: " <> show connId <> ", ackCmdId: " <> show ackCmdId <> ", msgDeliveryStatus: MDSRcvAcknowledged")
$ \db -> createRcvMsgDeliveryEvent db connId ackCmdId MDSRcvAcknowledged
sentMsgDeliveryEvent :: Connection -> AgentMsgId -> m ()
sentMsgDeliveryEvent Connection {connId} msgId =
(Just $ "createSndMsgDeliveryEvent, connId: " <> show connId <> ", msgId: " <> show msgId <> ", msgDeliveryStatus: MDSSndSent")
$ \db -> createSndMsgDeliveryEvent db connId msgId MDSSndSent
agentErrToItemStatus :: AgentErrorType -> CIStatus 'MDSnd
agentErrToItemStatus (SMP AUTH) = CISSndErrorAuth
agentErrToItemStatus err = CISSndError . T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode err
badRcvFileChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> String -> m ()
badRcvFileChunk ft err =
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
throwChatError $ CEFileRcvChunk err
memberConnectedChatItem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> m ()
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m =
-- ts should be broker ts but we don't have it for CON
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberConnected) Nothing
groupDescriptionChatItem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Text -> m ()
groupDescriptionChatItem gInfo m descr =
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCText descr) Nothing
notifyMemberConnected :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe Contact -> m ()
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m ct_ = do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
mapM_ (`setContactNetworkStatus` NSConnected) ct_
toView $ CRConnectedToGroupMember user gInfo m ct_
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers :: Contact -> IncognitoEnabled -> Bool -> m ()
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito doProbeContacts = do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
if contactMerge && not connectedIncognito
then do
(probe, probeId) <- withStore $ \db -> createSentProbe db gVar userId (COMContact ct)
-- ! when making changes to probe-and-merge mechanism,
-- ! test scenario in which recipient receives probe after probe hashes (not covered in tests):
-- sendProbe -> sendProbeHashes (currently)
-- sendProbeHashes -> sendProbe (reversed - change order in code, may add delay)
sendProbe probe
cs <-
if doProbeContacts
then map COMContact <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingContacts db user ct)
else pure []
ms <- map COMGroupMember <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingMembers db user ct)
sendProbeHashes (cs <> ms) probe probeId
else sendProbe . Probe =<< liftIO (encodedRandomBytes gVar 32)
sendProbe :: Probe -> m ()
sendProbe probe = void . sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XInfoProbe probe
probeMatchingMemberContact :: GroupMember -> IncognitoEnabled -> m ()
probeMatchingMemberContact GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing} _ = pure ()
probeMatchingMemberContact m@GroupMember {groupId, activeConn = Just conn} connectedIncognito = do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
if contactMerge && not connectedIncognito
then do
(probe, probeId) <- withStore $ \db -> createSentProbe db gVar userId $ COMGroupMember m
sendProbe probe
cs <- map COMContact <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingMemberContacts db user m)
sendProbeHashes cs probe probeId
else sendProbe . Probe =<< liftIO (encodedRandomBytes gVar 32)
sendProbe :: Probe -> m ()
sendProbe probe = void $ sendDirectMessage conn (XInfoProbe probe) (GroupId groupId)
sendProbeHashes :: [ContactOrMember] -> Probe -> Int64 -> m ()
sendProbeHashes cgms probe probeId =
forM_ cgms $ \cgm -> sendProbeHash cgm `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
probeHash = ProbeHash $ C.sha256Hash (unProbe probe)
sendProbeHash :: ContactOrMember -> m ()
sendProbeHash cgm@(COMContact c) = do
void . sendDirectContactMessage c $ XInfoProbeCheck probeHash
withStore' $ \db -> createSentProbeHash db userId probeId cgm
sendProbeHash (COMGroupMember GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing}) = pure ()
sendProbeHash cgm@(COMGroupMember m@GroupMember {groupId, activeConn = Just conn}) =
when (memberCurrent m) $ do
void $ sendDirectMessage conn (XInfoProbeCheck probeHash) (GroupId groupId)
withStore' $ \db -> createSentProbeHash db userId probeId cgm
messageWarning :: Text -> m ()
messageWarning = toView . CRMessageError user "warning"
messageError :: Text -> m ()
messageError = toView . CRMessageError user "error"
newContentMessage :: Contact -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
newContentMessage ct@Contact {contactUsed} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
let ExtMsgContent content fInv_ _ _ = mcExtMsgContent mc
-- Uncomment to test stuck delivery on errors - see test testDirectMessageDelete
-- case content of
-- MCText "hello 111" ->
-- UE.throwIO $ userError "#####################"
-- -- throwChatError $ CECommandError "#####################"
-- _ -> pure ()
if isVoice content && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forContact ct)
then do
void $ newChatItem (CIRcvChatFeatureRejected CFVoice) Nothing Nothing False
else do
let ExtMsgContent _ _ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct itemTTL
live = fromMaybe False live_
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
autoAcceptFile file_
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci {reactions})
autoAcceptFile :: Maybe (RcvFileTransfer, CIFile 'MDRcv) -> m ()
autoAcceptFile = mapM_ $ \(ft, CIFile {fileSize}) -> do
ChatConfig {autoAcceptFileSize = sz} <- asks config
when (sz > fileSize) $ receiveFile' user ft Nothing Nothing >>= toView
messageFileDescription :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> MsgMeta -> m ()
messageFileDescription ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId fileDescr msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId contactId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr
groupMessageFileDescription :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> m ()
groupMessageFileDescription GroupInfo {groupId} _m sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr
processFDMessage :: FileTransferId -> FileDescr -> m ()
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
(rfd, RcvFileTransfer {fileStatus, xftpRcvFile, cryptoArgs}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
rfd <- appendRcvFD db userId fileId fileDescr
-- reading second time in the same transaction as appending description
-- to prevent race condition with accept
ft' <- getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
pure (rfd, ft')
case (fileStatus, xftpRcvFile) of
(RFSAccepted _, Just XFTPRcvFile {}) -> receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId rfd cryptoArgs
_ -> pure ()
processFileInvitation :: Maybe FileInvitation -> MsgContent -> (DB.Connection -> FileInvitation -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> Integer -> ExceptT StoreError IO RcvFileTransfer) -> m (Maybe (RcvFileTransfer, CIFile 'MDRcv))
processFileInvitation fInv_ mc createRcvFT = forM fInv_ $ \fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} -> do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv (Just mc) fileChunkSize
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvFT db fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
(filePath, fileStatus, ft') <- case inline of
Just IFMSent -> do
encrypt <- chatReadVar encryptLocalFiles
ft' <- (if encrypt then setFileToEncrypt else pure) ft
fPath <- getRcvFilePath fileId Nothing fileName True
withStore' $ \db -> startRcvInlineFT db user ft' fPath inline
pure (Just fPath, CIFSRcvAccepted, ft')
_ -> pure (Nothing, CIFSRcvInvitation, ft)
let RcvFileTransfer {cryptoArgs} = ft'
fileSource = (`CryptoFile` cryptoArgs) <$> filePath
pure (ft', CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus, fileProtocol})
messageUpdate :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> m ()
messageUpdate ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl live_ = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct ttl
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs content Nothing timed_ live
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content live Nothing
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci')
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
live = fromMaybe False live_
updateRcvChatItem = do
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user contactId sharedMsgId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDRcv ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemLive}, content = CIRcvMsgContent oldMC} -> do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
reactions <- getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci {reactions} content live $ Just msgId
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci')
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> messageError "x.msg.update: contact attempted invalid message update"
messageDelete :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
messageDelete ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta@MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
deleteRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` (toView . CRChatItemDeletedNotFound user ct)
deleteRcvChatItem = do
CChatItem msgDir ci <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user contactId sharedMsgId
case msgDir of
SMDRcv ->
if featureAllowed SCFFullDelete forContact ct
then deleteDirectCI user ct ci False False >>= toView
else markDirectCIDeleted user ct ci msgId False brokerTs >>= toView
SMDSnd -> messageError "x.msg.del: contact attempted invalid message delete"
directMsgReaction :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgReaction -> Bool -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
directMsgReaction ct sharedMsgId reaction add RcvMessage {msgId} MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = do
when (featureAllowed SCFReactions forContact ct) $ do
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getDirectReactions db ct sharedMsgId False
when (reactionAllowed add reaction rs) $ do
updateChatItemReaction `catchCINotFound` \_ ->
withStore' $ \db -> setDirectReaction db ct sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
updateChatItemReaction = do
cr_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
CChatItem md ci <- getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user (contactId' ct) sharedMsgId
if ciReactionAllowed ci
then liftIO $ do
setDirectReaction db ct sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
reactions <- getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) $ CIReaction CIDirectRcv ci' brokerTs reaction
pure $ Just $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
else pure Nothing
mapM_ toView cr_
groupMsgReaction :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MemberId -> MsgReaction -> Bool -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
groupMsgReaction g@GroupInfo {groupId} m sharedMsgId itemMemberId reaction add RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs = do
when (groupFeatureAllowed SGFReactions g) $ do
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupReactions db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False
when (reactionAllowed add reaction rs) $ do
updateChatItemReaction `catchCINotFound` \_ ->
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupReaction db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
updateChatItemReaction = do
cr_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
CChatItem md ci <- getGroupMemberCIBySharedMsgId db user groupId itemMemberId sharedMsgId
if ciReactionAllowed ci
then liftIO $ do
setGroupReaction db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db g itemMemberId sharedMsgId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat g) $ CIReaction (CIGroupRcv m) ci' brokerTs reaction
pure $ Just $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
else pure Nothing
mapM_ toView cr_
reactionAllowed :: Bool -> MsgReaction -> [MsgReaction] -> Bool
reactionAllowed add reaction rs = (reaction `elem` rs) /= add && not (add && length rs >= maxMsgReactions)
catchCINotFound :: m a -> (SharedMsgId -> m a) -> m a
catchCINotFound f handle =
f `catchChatError` \case
ChatErrorStore (SEChatItemSharedMsgIdNotFound sharedMsgId) -> handle sharedMsgId
e -> throwError e
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs
| isVoice content && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = rejected GFVoice
| not (isVoice content) && isJust fInv_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = rejected GFFiles
| otherwise = do
-- TODO integrity message check
-- check if message moderation event was received ahead of message
let timed_ = rcvGroupCITimed gInfo itemTTL
live = fromMaybe False live_
withStore' (\db -> getCIModeration db user gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_) >>= \case
Just ciModeration -> do
applyModeration timed_ live ciModeration
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCIModeration db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_
Nothing -> createItem timed_ live
rejected f = void $ newChatItem (CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
ExtMsgContent content fInv_ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
applyModeration timed_ live CIModeration {moderatorMember = moderator@GroupMember {memberRole = moderatorRole}, createdByMsgId, moderatedAt}
| moderatorRole < GRAdmin || moderatorRole < memberRole =
createItem timed_ live
| groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs CIRcvModerated Nothing timed_ False
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupChatItemModerated db user gInfo ci moderator moderatedAt
toView $ CRNewChatItem user $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci'
| otherwise = do
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ False
toView =<< markGroupCIDeleted user gInfo ci createdByMsgId False (Just moderator) moderatedAt
createItem timed_ live = do
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
when (showMessages $ memberSettings m) $ autoAcceptFile file_
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
groupMsgToView gInfo ci' {reactions}
groupMessageUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> m ()
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs ttl_ live_ =
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvGroupCITimed gInfo ttl_
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs content Nothing timed_ live
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content live Nothing
blockedMember m ci' $ markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci'
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
live = fromMaybe False live_
updateRcvChatItem = do
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDRcv ci@ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupRcv m', meta = CIMeta {itemLive}, content = CIRcvMsgContent oldMC} ->
if sameMemberId memberId m'
then do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci {reactions} content live $ Just msgId
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
else messageError "x.msg.update: group member attempted to update a message of another member"
_ -> messageError "x.msg.update: group member attempted invalid message update"
groupMessageDelete :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe MemberId -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
groupMessageDelete gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole = senderRole} sharedMsgId sndMemberId_ RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs = do
let msgMemberId = fromMaybe memberId sndMemberId_
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberCIBySharedMsgId db user groupId msgMemberId sharedMsgId) >>= \case
Right (CChatItem _ ci@ChatItem {chatDir}) -> case chatDir of
CIGroupRcv mem
| sameMemberId memberId mem && msgMemberId == memberId -> delete ci Nothing >>= toView
| otherwise -> deleteMsg mem ci
CIGroupSnd -> deleteMsg membership ci
Left e
| msgMemberId == memberId -> messageError $ "x.msg.del: message not found, " <> tshow e
| senderRole < GRAdmin -> messageError $ "x.msg.del: message not found, message of another member with insufficient member permissions, " <> tshow e
| otherwise -> withStore' $ \db -> createCIModeration db gInfo m msgMemberId sharedMsgId msgId brokerTs
deleteMsg :: MsgDirectionI d => GroupMember -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> m ()
deleteMsg mem ci = case sndMemberId_ of
Just sndMemberId
| sameMemberId sndMemberId mem -> checkRole mem $ delete ci (Just m) >>= toView
| otherwise -> messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member with incorrect memberId"
_ -> messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member without memberId"
checkRole GroupMember {memberRole} a
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < memberRole =
messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = a
delete :: MsgDirectionI d => ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> Maybe GroupMember -> m ChatResponse
delete ci byGroupMember
| groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo = deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci False False byGroupMember brokerTs
| otherwise = markGroupCIDeleted user gInfo ci msgId False byGroupMember brokerTs
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processFileInvitation' :: Contact -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processFileInvitation' ct fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processGroupFileInvitation' :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs = do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
blockedMember :: Monad m' => GroupMember -> ChatItem c d -> m' (ChatItem c d) -> m' (ChatItem c d)
blockedMember m ci blockedCI
| showMessages (memberSettings m) = pure ci
| otherwise = blockedCI
receiveInlineMode :: FileInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> Integer -> m (Maybe InlineFileMode)
receiveInlineMode FileInvitation {fileSize, fileInline, fileDescr} mc_ chSize = case (fileInline, fileDescr) of
(Just mode, Nothing) -> do
InlineFilesConfig {receiveChunks, receiveInstant} <- asks $ inlineFiles . config
pure $ if fileSize <= receiveChunks * chSize then inline' receiveInstant else Nothing
inline' receiveInstant = if mode == IFMOffer || (receiveInstant && maybe False isVoice mc_) then fileInline else Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
xFileCancel :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xFileCancel ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId contactId sharedMsgId
ft <- withStore (\db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId)
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
xFileAcptInv :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> String -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xFileAcptInv ct sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectFileIdBySharedMsgId db user ct sharedMsgId
(AChatItem _ _ _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ci
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileName, fileSize, fileInline, cancelled} <- withStore (\db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId)
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
if fName == fileName
then unless cancelled $ case fileConnReq_ of
-- receiving via a separate connection
Just fileConnReq -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- directMessage XOk
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True fileConnReq dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createSndDirectFTConnection db user fileId connIds subMode
-- receiving inline
_ -> do
event <- withStore $ \db -> do
ci' <- updateDirectCIFileStatus db user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
sft <- createSndDirectInlineFT db ct ft
pure $ CRSndFileStart user ci' sft
toView event
(allowSendInline fileSize fileInline)
(sendDirectFileInline ct ft sharedMsgId)
(messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileSize is bigger than allowed to send inline")
else messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileName is different from expected"
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited :: ChatItem c d -> m ()
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ChatItem {file = Just CIFile {fileId, fileProtocol}, content}
| fileProtocol == FPXFTP && not (imageOrVoice content) = throwChatError $ CEFallbackToSMPProhibited fileId
| otherwise = pure ()
imageOrVoice :: CIContent d -> Bool
imageOrVoice (CISndMsgContent (MCImage _ _)) = True
imageOrVoice (CISndMsgContent (MCVoice _ _)) = True
imageOrVoice _ = False
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited _ = pure ()
checkSndInlineFTComplete :: Connection -> AgentMsgId -> m ()
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn agentMsgId = do
sft_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getSndFTViaMsgDelivery db user conn agentMsgId
forM_ sft_ $ \sft@SndFileTransfer {fileId} -> do
ci@(AChatItem _ _ _ ChatItem {file}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateSndFileStatus db sft FSComplete
liftIO $ deleteSndFileChunks db sft
updateDirectCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSSndComplete
case file of
Just CIFile {fileProtocol = FPXFTP} -> do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileCompleteXFTP user ci ft
_ -> toView $ CRSndFileComplete user ci sft
allowSendInline :: Integer -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> m Bool
allowSendInline fileSize = \case
Just IFMOffer -> do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize, inlineFiles} <- asks config
pure $ fileSize <= fileChunkSize * offerChunks inlineFiles
_ -> pure False
bFileChunk :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> m ()
bFileChunk ct sharedMsgId chunk meta = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectFileIdBySharedMsgId db user ct sharedMsgId >>= getRcvFileTransfer db user
receiveInlineChunk ft chunk meta
bFileChunkGroup :: GroupInfo -> SharedMsgId -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> m ()
bFileChunkGroup GroupInfo {groupId} sharedMsgId chunk meta = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId >>= getRcvFileTransfer db user
receiveInlineChunk ft chunk meta
receiveInlineChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> m ()
receiveInlineChunk RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus = RFSNew} FileChunk {chunkNo} _
| chunkNo == 1 = throwChatError $ CEInlineFileProhibited fileId
| otherwise = pure ()
receiveInlineChunk ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} chunk meta = do
case chunk of
FileChunk {chunkNo} -> when (chunkNo == 1) $ startReceivingFile user fileId
_ -> pure ()
receiveFileChunk ft Nothing meta chunk
xFileCancelGroup :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> m ()
xFileCancelGroup GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {chatDir} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
case (msgDir, chatDir) of
(SMDRcv, CIGroupRcv m) -> do
if sameMemberId memberId m
then do
ft <- withStore (\db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId)
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
else messageError "x.file.cancel: group member attempted to cancel file of another member" -- shouldn't happen now that query includes group member id
(SMDSnd, _) -> messageError "x.file.cancel: group member attempted invalid file cancel"
xFileAcptInvGroup :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> String -> m ()
xFileAcptInvGroup GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {activeConn} sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
(AChatItem _ _ _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db user fileId
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ci
-- TODO check that it's not already accepted
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileName, fileSize, fileInline, cancelled} <- withStore (\db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId)
if fName == fileName
then unless cancelled $ case (fileConnReq_, activeConn) of
(Just fileConnReq, _) -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- receiving via a separate connection
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
dm <- directMessage XOk
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True fileConnReq dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createSndGroupFileTransferConnection db user fileId connIds m subMode
(_, Just conn) -> do
-- receiving inline
event <- withStore $ \db -> do
ci' <- updateDirectCIFileStatus db user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
sft <- liftIO $ createSndGroupInlineFT db m conn ft
pure $ CRSndFileStart user ci' sft
toView event
(allowSendInline fileSize fileInline)
(sendMemberFileInline m conn ft sharedMsgId)
(messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileSize is bigger than allowed to send inline")
_ -> messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: member connection is not active"
else messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileName is different from expected"
groupMsgToView :: GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup 'MDRcv -> m ()
groupMsgToView gInfo ci =
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
processGroupInvitation :: Contact -> GroupInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processGroupInvitation ct inv msg msgMeta = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = c, activeConn} = ct
GroupInvitation {fromMember = (MemberIdRole fromMemId fromRole), invitedMember = (MemberIdRole memId memRole), connRequest, groupLinkId} = inv
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId, peerChatVRange, customUserProfileId, groupLinkId = groupLinkId'} -> do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
when (fromRole < GRAdmin || fromRole < memRole) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole c)
when (fromMemId == memId) $ throwChatError CEGroupDuplicateMemberId
-- [incognito] if direct connection with host is incognito, create membership using the same incognito profile
(gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, membership = membership@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId}}, hostId) <- withStore $ \db -> createGroupInvitation db user ct inv customUserProfileId
if sameGroupLinkId groupLinkId groupLinkId'
then do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- directMessage $ XGrpAcpt memberId
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True connRequest dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> do
setViaGroupLinkHash db groupId connId
createMemberConnectionAsync db user hostId connIds (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) subMode
updateGroupMemberStatusById db userId hostId GSMemAccepted
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemAccepted
toView $ CRUserAcceptedGroupSent user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemAccepted}} (Just ct)
else do
let content = CIRcvGroupInvitation (CIGroupInvitation {groupId, groupMemberId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, status = CIGISPending}) memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs content
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupInvitationChatItemId db user groupId (chatItemId' ci)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
toView $ CRReceivedGroupInvitation {user, groupInfo = gInfo, contact = ct, fromMemberRole = fromRole, memberRole = memRole}
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
sameGroupLinkId :: Maybe GroupLinkId -> Maybe GroupLinkId -> Bool
sameGroupLinkId (Just gli) (Just gli') = gli == gli'
sameGroupLinkId _ _ = False
checkIntegrityCreateItem :: forall c. ChatTypeI c => ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> MsgMeta -> m ()
checkIntegrityCreateItem cd MsgMeta {integrity, broker = (_, brokerTs)} = case integrity of
MsgOk -> pure ()
MsgError e -> createInternalChatItem user cd (CIRcvIntegrityError e) (Just brokerTs)
xInfo :: Contact -> Profile -> m ()
xInfo c p' = void $ processContactProfileUpdate c p' True
xDirectDel :: Contact -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xDirectDel c msg msgMeta =
if directOrUsed c
then do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv c) msgMeta
ct' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateContactStatus db user c CSDeleted
contactConns <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnections db userId ct'
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId contactConns
forM_ contactConns $ \conn -> withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnDeleted
activeConn' <- forM (contactConn ct') $ \conn -> pure conn {connStatus = ConnDeleted}
let ct'' = ct' {activeConn = activeConn'} :: Contact
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct'') msg brokerTs (CIRcvDirectEvent RDEContactDeleted)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct'') ci)
toView $ CRContactDeletedByContact user ct''
else do
contactConns <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnections db userId c
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId contactConns
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContact db user c
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
processContactProfileUpdate :: Contact -> Profile -> Bool -> m Contact
processContactProfileUpdate c@Contact {profile = p} p' createItems
| fromLocalProfile p /= p' = do
c' <- withStore $ \db ->
if userTTL == rcvTTL
then updateContactProfile db user c p'
else do
c' <- liftIO $ updateContactUserPreferences db user c ctUserPrefs'
updateContactProfile db user c' p'
when (directOrUsed c' && createItems) $ createRcvFeatureItems user c c'
toView $ CRContactUpdated user c c'
pure c'
| otherwise =
pure c
Contact {userPreferences = ctUserPrefs@Preferences {timedMessages = ctUserTMPref}} = c
userTTL = prefParam $ getPreference SCFTimedMessages ctUserPrefs
Profile {preferences = rcvPrefs_} = p'
rcvTTL = prefParam $ getPreference SCFTimedMessages rcvPrefs_
ctUserPrefs' =
let userDefault = getPreference SCFTimedMessages (fullPreferences user)
userDefaultTTL = prefParam userDefault
ctUserTMPref' = case ctUserTMPref of
Just userTM -> Just (userTM :: TimedMessagesPreference) {ttl = rcvTTL}
| rcvTTL /= userDefaultTTL -> Just (userDefault :: TimedMessagesPreference) {ttl = rcvTTL}
| otherwise -> Nothing
in setPreference_ SCFTimedMessages ctUserTMPref' ctUserPrefs
xInfoMember :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Profile -> m ()
xInfoMember gInfo m p' = void $ processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m p'
xGrpLinkMem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> Profile -> m ()
xGrpLinkMem gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberCategory} Connection {viaGroupLink} p' = do
xGrpLinkMemReceived <- withStore $ \db -> getXGrpLinkMemReceived db groupMemberId
if viaGroupLink && isNothing (memberContactId m) && memberCategory == GCHostMember && not xGrpLinkMemReceived
then do
m' <- processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m p'
withStore' $ \db -> setXGrpLinkMemReceived db groupMemberId True
let connectedIncognito = memberIncognito membership
probeMatchingMemberContact m' connectedIncognito
else messageError " error: invalid group link host profile update"
processMemberProfileUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Profile -> m GroupMember
processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m@GroupMember {memberContactId} p' =
case memberContactId of
Nothing -> do
m' <- withStore $ \db -> updateMemberProfile db user m p'
toView $ CRGroupMemberUpdated user gInfo m m'
pure m'
Just mContactId -> do
mCt <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user mContactId
Contact {profile} <- processContactProfileUpdate mCt p' True
pure m {memberProfile = profile}
createFeatureEnabledItems :: Contact -> m ()
createFeatureEnabledItems ct@Contact {mergedPreferences} =
forM_ allChatFeatures $ \(ACF f) -> do
let state = featureState $ getContactUserPreference f mergedPreferences
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (uncurry (CIRcvChatFeature $ chatFeature f) state) Nothing
createGroupFeatureItems :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> m ()
createGroupFeatureItems g@GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences} m =
forM_ allGroupFeatures $ \(AGF f) -> do
let p = getGroupPreference f fullGroupPreferences
(_, param) = groupFeatureState p
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m) (CIRcvGroupFeature (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference p) param) Nothing
xInfoProbe :: ContactOrMember -> Probe -> m ()
xInfoProbe cgm2 probe = do
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
-- [incognito] unless connected incognito
when (contactMerge && not (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm2)) $ do
cgm1s <- withStore' $ \db -> matchReceivedProbe db user cgm2 probe
let cgm1s' = filter (not . contactOrMemberIncognito) cgm1s
probeMatches cgm1s' cgm2
probeMatches :: [ContactOrMember] -> ContactOrMember -> m ()
probeMatches [] _ = pure ()
probeMatches (cgm1' : cgm1s') cgm2' = do
cgm2''_ <- probeMatch cgm1' cgm2' probe `catchChatError` \_ -> pure (Just cgm2')
let cgm2'' = fromMaybe cgm2' cgm2''_
probeMatches cgm1s' cgm2''
xInfoProbeCheck :: ContactOrMember -> ProbeHash -> m ()
xInfoProbeCheck cgm1 probeHash = do
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
-- [incognito] unless connected incognito
when (contactMerge && not (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm1)) $ do
cgm2Probe_ <- withStore' $ \db -> matchReceivedProbeHash db user cgm1 probeHash
forM_ cgm2Probe_ $ \(cgm2, probe) ->
unless (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm2) . void $
probeMatch cgm1 cgm2 probe
probeMatch :: ContactOrMember -> ContactOrMember -> Probe -> m (Maybe ContactOrMember)
probeMatch cgm1 cgm2 probe =
case cgm1 of
COMContact c1@Contact {contactId = cId1, profile = p1} ->
case cgm2 of
COMContact c2@Contact {contactId = cId2, profile = p2}
| cId1 /= cId2 && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void . sendDirectContactMessage c1 $ XInfoProbeOk probe
COMContact <$$> mergeContacts c1 c2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or same contact id" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember m2@GroupMember {memberProfile = p2, memberContactId}
| isNothing memberContactId && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void . sendDirectContactMessage c1 $ XInfoProbeOk probe
COMContact <$$> associateMemberAndContact c1 m2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or member already has contact" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing} -> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember m1@GroupMember {groupId, memberProfile = p1, memberContactId, activeConn = Just conn} ->
case cgm2 of
COMContact c2@Contact {profile = p2}
| memberCurrent m1 && isNothing memberContactId && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void $ sendDirectMessage conn (XInfoProbeOk probe) (GroupId groupId)
COMContact <$$> associateMemberAndContact c2 m1
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or member already has contact or member not current" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember _ -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: members are not matched with members" >> pure Nothing
xInfoProbeOk :: ContactOrMember -> Probe -> m ()
xInfoProbeOk cgm1 probe = do
cgm2 <- withStore' $ \db -> matchSentProbe db user cgm1 probe
case cgm1 of
COMContact c1@Contact {contactId = cId1} ->
case cgm2 of
Just (COMContact c2@Contact {contactId = cId2})
| cId1 /= cId2 -> void $ mergeContacts c1 c2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: same contact id"
Just (COMGroupMember m2@GroupMember {memberContactId})
| isNothing memberContactId -> void $ associateMemberAndContact c1 m2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: member already has contact"
_ -> pure ()
COMGroupMember m1@GroupMember {memberContactId} ->
case cgm2 of
Just (COMContact c2)
| isNothing memberContactId -> void $ associateMemberAndContact c2 m1
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: member already has contact"
Just (COMGroupMember _) -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: members are not matched with members"
_ -> pure ()
-- to party accepting call
xCallInv :: Contact -> CallId -> CallInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xCallInv ct@Contact {contactId} callId CallInvitation {callType, callDhPubKey} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
if featureAllowed SCFCalls forContact ct
then do
dhKeyPair <- if encryptedCall callType then Just <$> liftIO C.generateKeyPair' else pure Nothing
ci <- saveCallItem CISCallPending
let sharedKey = C.Key . C.dhBytes' <$> (C.dh' <$> callDhPubKey <*> (snd <$> dhKeyPair))
callState = CallInvitationReceived {peerCallType = callType, localDhPubKey = fst <$> dhKeyPair, sharedKey}
call' = Call {contactId, callId, chatItemId = chatItemId' ci, callState, callTs = chatItemTs' ci}
calls <- asks currentCalls
-- theoretically, the new call invitation for the current contact can mark the in-progress call as ended
-- (and replace it in ChatController)
-- practically, this should not happen
withStore' $ \db -> createCall db user call' $ chatItemTs' ci
call_ <- atomically (TM.lookupInsert contactId call' calls)
forM_ call_ $ \call -> updateCallItemStatus user ct call WCSDisconnected Nothing
toView $ CRCallInvitation RcvCallInvitation {user, contact = ct, callType, sharedKey, callTs = chatItemTs' ci}
toView $ CRNewChatItem user $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci
else featureRejected CFCalls
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
saveCallItem status = saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs (CIRcvCall status 0)
featureRejected f = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvChatFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
-- to party initiating call
xCallOffer :: Contact -> CallId -> CallOffer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xCallOffer ct callId CallOffer {callType, rtcSession, callDhPubKey} msg msgMeta = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "" msg msgMeta $
\call -> case callState call of
CallInvitationSent {localCallType, localDhPrivKey} -> do
let sharedKey = C.Key . C.dhBytes' <$> (C.dh' <$> callDhPubKey <*> localDhPrivKey)
callState' = CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType = callType, peerCallSession = rtcSession, sharedKey}
askConfirmation = encryptedCall localCallType && not (encryptedCall callType)
toView CRCallOffer {user, contact = ct, callType, offer = rtcSession, sharedKey, askConfirmation}
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Just . ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndCall CISCallAccepted 0)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to party accepting call
xCallAnswer :: Contact -> CallId -> CallAnswer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xCallAnswer ct callId CallAnswer {rtcSession} msg msgMeta = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "" msg msgMeta $
\call -> case callState call of
CallOfferSent {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession = rtcSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallAnswer user ct rtcSession
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Just . ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvCall CISCallNegotiated 0)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to any call party
xCallExtra :: Contact -> CallId -> CallExtraInfo -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xCallExtra ct callId CallExtraInfo {rtcExtraInfo} msg msgMeta = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "" msg msgMeta $
\call -> case callState call of
CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in peerCallSession
let callState' = CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallExtraInfo user ct rtcExtraInfo
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Nothing)
CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in peerCallSession
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallExtraInfo user ct rtcExtraInfo
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Nothing)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to any call party
xCallEnd :: Contact -> CallId -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
xCallEnd ct callId msg msgMeta =
msgCurrentCall ct callId "" msg msgMeta $ \Call {chatItemId} -> do
toView $ CRCallEnded user ct
(Nothing,) <$> callStatusItemContent user ct chatItemId WCSDisconnected
msgCurrentCall :: Contact -> CallId -> Text -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> (Call -> m (Maybe Call, Maybe ACIContent)) -> m ()
msgCurrentCall ct@Contact {contactId = ctId'} callId' eventName RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta action = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
calls <- asks currentCalls
atomically (TM.lookup ctId' calls) >>= \case
Nothing -> messageError $ eventName <> ": no current call"
Just call@Call {contactId, callId, chatItemId}
| contactId /= ctId' || callId /= callId' -> messageError $ eventName <> ": wrong contact or callId"
| otherwise -> do
(call_, aciContent_) <- action call
case call_ of
Just call' -> do
unless (isRcvInvitation call') $ withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId'
atomically $ TM.insert ctId' call' calls
_ -> do
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId'
atomically $ TM.delete ctId' calls
forM_ aciContent_ $ \aciContent ->
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False $ Just msgId
msgCallStateError :: Text -> Call -> m ()
msgCallStateError eventName Call {callState} =
messageError $ eventName <> ": wrong call state " <> T.pack (show $ callStateTag callState)
mergeContacts :: Contact -> Contact -> m (Maybe Contact)
mergeContacts c1 c2 = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN1, profile = LocalProfile {displayName}} = c1
Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN2} = c2
case (suffixOrd displayName cLDN1, suffixOrd displayName cLDN2) of
(Just cOrd1, Just cOrd2)
| cOrd1 < cOrd2 -> merge c1 c2
| cOrd2 < cOrd1 -> merge c2 c1
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
merge c1' c2' = do
c2'' <- withStore $ \db -> mergeContactRecords db user c1' c2'
toView $ CRContactsMerged user c1' c2' c2''
when (directOrUsed c2'') $ showSecurityCodeChanged c2''
pure $ Just c2''
showSecurityCodeChanged mergedCt = do
let sc1_ = contactSecurityCode c1'
sc2_ = contactSecurityCode c2'
scMerged_ = contactSecurityCode mergedCt
case (sc1_, sc2_) of
(Just sc1, Nothing)
| scMerged_ /= Just sc1 -> securityCodeChanged mergedCt
| otherwise -> pure ()
(Nothing, Just sc2)
| scMerged_ /= Just sc2 -> securityCodeChanged mergedCt
| otherwise -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
associateMemberAndContact :: Contact -> GroupMember -> m (Maybe Contact)
associateMemberAndContact c m = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN, profile = LocalProfile {displayName}} = c
GroupMember {localDisplayName = mLDN} = m
case (suffixOrd displayName cLDN, suffixOrd displayName mLDN) of
(Just cOrd, Just mOrd)
| cOrd < mOrd -> Just <$> associateMemberWithContact c m
| mOrd < cOrd -> Just <$> associateContactWithMember m c
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
suffixOrd :: ContactName -> ContactName -> Maybe Int
suffixOrd displayName localDisplayName
| localDisplayName == displayName = Just 0
| otherwise = case T.stripPrefix (displayName <> "_") localDisplayName of
Just suffix -> readMaybe $ T.unpack suffix
Nothing -> Nothing
associateMemberWithContact :: Contact -> GroupMember -> m Contact
associateMemberWithContact c1 m2@GroupMember {groupId} = do
withStore' $ \db -> associateMemberWithContactRecord db user c1 m2
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
toView $ CRContactAndMemberAssociated user c1 g m2 c1
pure c1
associateContactWithMember :: GroupMember -> Contact -> m Contact
associateContactWithMember m1@GroupMember {groupId} c2 = do
c2' <- withStore $ \db -> associateContactWithMemberRecord db user m1 c2
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
toView $ CRContactAndMemberAssociated user c2 g m1 c2'
pure c2'
saveConnInfo :: Connection -> ConnInfo -> m Connection
saveConnInfo activeConn connInfo = do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage activeConn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange activeConn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XInfo p -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> createDirectContact db user conn' p
toView $ CRContactConnecting user ct
pure conn'
XGrpLinkInv glInv -> do
(gInfo, host) <- withStore $ \db -> createGroupInvitedViaLink db user conn' glInv
toView $ CRGroupLinkConnecting user gInfo host
pure conn'
-- TODO show/log error, other events in SMP confirmation
_ -> pure conn'
xGrpMemNew :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpMemNew gInfo m memInfo@(MemberInfo memId memRole _ memberProfile) msg brokerTs = do
checkHostRole m memRole
unless (sameMemberId memId $ membership gInfo) $
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right _ -> messageError " error: member already exists"
Left _ -> do
newMember@GroupMember {groupMemberId} <- withStore $ \db -> createNewGroupMember db user gInfo m memInfo GCPostMember GSMemAnnounced
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEMemberAdded groupMemberId memberProfile)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMemberConnecting user gInfo m newMember
xGrpMemIntro :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> m ()
xGrpMemIntro gInfo@GroupInfo {chatSettings} m@GroupMember {memberRole, localDisplayName = c} memInfo@(MemberInfo memId _ memChatVRange _) = do
case memberCategory m of
GCHostMember ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.intro ignored: member already exists"
Left _ -> do
when (memberRole < GRAdmin) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole c)
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- [async agent commands] commands should be asynchronous, continuation is to send XGrpMemInv - have to remember one has completed and process on second
groupConnIds <- createConn subMode
directConnIds <- case memChatVRange of
Nothing -> Just <$> createConn subMode
Just mcvr
| isCompatibleRange (fromChatVRange mcvr) groupNoDirectVRange -> pure Nothing
| otherwise -> Just <$> createConn subMode
let customUserProfileId = localProfileId <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
void $ withStore $ \db -> createIntroReMember db user gInfo m memInfo groupConnIds directConnIds customUserProfileId subMode
_ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.intro can be only sent by host member"
createConn subMode = createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpMemInv (chatHasNtfs chatSettings) SCMInvitation subMode
sendXGrpMemInv :: Int64 -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> XGrpMemIntroCont -> m ()
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId directConnReq XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq} = do
hostConn <- withStore $ \db -> getConnectionById db user hostConnId
let msg = XGrpMemInv memberId IntroInvitation {groupConnReq, directConnReq}
void $ sendDirectMessage hostConn msg (GroupId groupId)
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatusById db userId groupMemberId GSMemIntroInvited
xGrpMemInv :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> IntroInvitation -> m ()
xGrpMemInv gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m memId introInv = do
case memberCategory m of
GCInviteeMember ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.inv error: referenced member does not exist"
Right reMember -> do
GroupMemberIntro {introId} <- withStore $ \db -> saveIntroInvitation db reMember m introInv
void . sendGroupMessage' user [reMember] (XGrpMemFwd (memberInfo m) introInv) groupId (Just introId) $
withStore' $
\db -> updateIntroStatus db introId GMIntroInvForwarded
_ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.inv can be only sent by invitee member"
xGrpMemFwd :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> IntroInvitation -> m ()
xGrpMemFwd gInfo@GroupInfo {membership, chatSettings} m memInfo@(MemberInfo memId memRole memChatVRange _) introInv@IntroInvitation {groupConnReq, directConnReq} = do
checkHostRole m memRole
toMember <-
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
-- TODO if the missed messages are correctly sent as soon as there is connection before anything else is sent
-- the situation when member does not exist is an error
-- member receiving x.grp.mem.fwd should have also received prior to that.
-- For now, this branch compensates for the lack of delayed message delivery.
Left _ -> withStore $ \db -> createNewGroupMember db user gInfo m memInfo GCPostMember GSMemAnnounced
Right m' -> pure m'
withStore' $ \db -> saveMemberInvitation db toMember introInv
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- [incognito] send membership incognito profile, create direct connection as incognito
dm <- directMessage $ XGrpMemInfo membership.memberId (fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile membership)
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but commands should be asynchronous for stability
groupConnIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user (chatHasNtfs chatSettings) groupConnReq dm subMode
directConnIds <- forM directConnReq $ \dcr -> joinAgentConnectionAsync user True dcr dm subMode
let customUserProfileId = localProfileId <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
mcvr = maybe chatInitialVRange fromChatVRange memChatVRange
withStore' $ \db -> createIntroToMemberContact db user m toMember mcvr groupConnIds directConnIds customUserProfileId subMode
xGrpMemRole :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> GroupMemberRole -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpMemRole gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole = senderRole} memId memRole msg brokerTs
| membership.memberId == memId =
let gInfo' = gInfo {membership = membership {memberRole = memRole}}
in changeMemberRole gInfo' membership $ RGEUserRole memRole
| otherwise =
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right member -> changeMemberRole gInfo member $ RGEMemberRole (groupMemberId' member) (fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile member) memRole
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.role with unknown member ID"
changeMemberRole gInfo' member@GroupMember {memberRole = fromRole} gEvent
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < fromRole = messageError "x.grp.mem.role with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberRole db user member memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView CRMemberRole {user, groupInfo = gInfo', byMember = m, member = member {memberRole = memRole}, fromRole, toRole = memRole}
checkHostRole :: GroupMember -> GroupMemberRole -> m ()
checkHostRole GroupMember {memberRole, localDisplayName} memRole =
when (memberRole < GRAdmin || memberRole < memRole) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole localDisplayName)
xGrpMemCon :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> m ()
xGrpMemCon gInfo sendingMember memId = do
refMember <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId
case (memberCategory sendingMember, memberCategory refMember) of
(GCInviteeMember, GCInviteeMember) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db refMember sendingMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> inviteeXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db sendingMember refMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> forwardMemberXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introduction"
(GCInviteeMember, _) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db refMember sendingMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> inviteeXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introduction"
(_, GCInviteeMember) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db sendingMember refMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> forwardMemberXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introductiosupportn"
-- Note: we can allow XGrpMemCon to all member categories if we decide to support broader group forwarding,
-- deduplication (see saveGroupRcvMsg, saveGroupFwdRcvMsg) already supports sending XGrpMemCon
-- to any forwarding member, not only host/inviting member;
-- database would track all members connections then
-- (currently it's done via group_member_intros for introduced connections only)
_ ->
messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: neither member is invitee"
inviteeXGrpMemCon :: GroupMemberIntro -> m ()
inviteeXGrpMemCon GroupMemberIntro {introId, introStatus}
| introStatus == GMIntroReConnected = updateStatus introId GMIntroConnected
| introStatus `elem` [GMIntroToConnected, GMIntroConnected] = pure ()
| otherwise = updateStatus introId GMIntroToConnected
forwardMemberXGrpMemCon :: GroupMemberIntro -> m ()
forwardMemberXGrpMemCon GroupMemberIntro {introId, introStatus}
| introStatus == GMIntroToConnected = updateStatus introId GMIntroConnected
| introStatus `elem` [GMIntroReConnected, GMIntroConnected] = pure ()
| otherwise = updateStatus introId GMIntroReConnected
updateStatus introId status = withStore' $ \db -> updateIntroStatus db introId status
xGrpMemDel :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpMemDel gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole = senderRole} memId msg brokerTs = do
if membership.memberId == memId
then checkRole membership $ do
deleteGroupLinkIfExists user gInfo
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
members <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db user gInfo
deleteMembersConnections user members
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemRemoved
deleteMemberItem RGEUserDeleted
toView $ CRDeletedMemberUser user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemRemoved}} m
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.del with unknown member ID"
Right member@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile} ->
checkRole member $ do
-- ? prohibit deleting member if it's the sender - sender should use x.grp.leave
deleteMemberConnection user member
-- undeleted "member connected" chat item will prevent deletion of member record
deleteOrUpdateMemberRecord user member
deleteMemberItem $ RGEMemberDeleted groupMemberId (fromLocalProfile memberProfile)
toView $ CRDeletedMember user gInfo m member {memberStatus = GSMemRemoved}
checkRole GroupMember {memberRole} a
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < memberRole =
messageError "x.grp.mem.del with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = a
deleteMemberItem gEvent = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
xGrpLeave :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpLeave gInfo m msg brokerTs = do
deleteMemberConnection user m
-- member record is not deleted to allow creation of "member left" chat item
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemLeft
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberLeft)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRLeftMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemLeft}
xGrpDel :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpDel gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole} msg brokerTs = do
when (memberRole /= GROwner) $ throwChatError $ CEGroupUserRole gInfo GROwner
ms <- withStore' $ \db -> do
members <- getGroupMembers db user gInfo
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemGroupDeleted
pure members
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
deleteMembersConnections user ms
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEGroupDeleted)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRGroupDeleted user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemGroupDeleted}} m
xGrpInfo :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> GroupProfile -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpInfo g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = p} m@GroupMember {memberRole} p' msg brokerTs
| memberRole < GROwner = messageError " with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = unless (p == p') $ do
g' <- withStore $ \db -> updateGroupProfile db user g p'
toView $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' (Just m)
let cd = CDGroupRcv g' m
unless (sameGroupProfileInfo p p') $ do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user cd msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEGroupUpdated p')
groupMsgToView g' ci
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd CIRcvGroupFeature g g'
xGrpDirectInv :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> ConnReqInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpDirectInv g m mConn connReq mContent_ msg brokerTs = do
unless (groupFeatureAllowed SGFDirectMessages g) $ messageError " direct messages not allowed"
let GroupMember {memberContactId} = m
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
case memberContactId of
Nothing -> createNewContact subMode
Just mContactId -> do
mCt <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user mContactId
let Contact {activeConn, contactGrpInvSent} = mCt
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId} ->
if contactGrpInvSent
then do
ownConnReq <- withStore $ \db -> getConnReqInv db connId
-- in case both members sent before receiving other's for processing,
-- only the one who received greater connReq joins, the other creates items and waits for confirmation
if strEncode connReq > strEncode ownConnReq
then joinExistingContact subMode mCt
else createItems mCt m
else joinExistingContact subMode mCt
joinExistingContact subMode mCt = do
connIds <- joinConn subMode
mCt' <- withStore $ \db -> updateMemberContactInvited db user connIds g mConn mCt subMode
createItems mCt' m
securityCodeChanged mCt'
createNewContact subMode = do
connIds <- joinConn subMode
-- [incognito] reuse membership incognito profile
(mCt', m') <- withStore' $ \db -> createMemberContactInvited db user connIds g m mConn subMode
createItems mCt' m'
joinConn subMode = do
-- [incognito] send membership incognito profile
let p = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoMembershipProfile g) Nothing
dm <- directMessage $ XInfo p
joinAgentConnectionAsync user True connReq dm subMode
createItems mCt' m' = do
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m') (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberCreatedContact) Nothing
toView $ CRNewMemberContactReceivedInv user mCt' g m'
forM_ mContent_ $ \mc -> do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv mCt') msg brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat mCt') ci)
securityCodeChanged :: Contact -> m ()
securityCodeChanged ct = do
toView $ CRContactVerificationReset user ct
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvConnEvent RCEVerificationCodeReset) Nothing
xGrpMsgForward :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> ChatMessage 'Json -> UTCTime -> m ()
xGrpMsgForward gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m memberId msg msgTs = do
when (m.memberRole < GRAdmin) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole m.localDisplayName)
author <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMemberByMemberId db user gInfo memberId
processForwardedMsg author msg
-- Note: forwarded group events (see forwardedGroupMsg) should include msgId to be deduplicated
processForwardedMsg :: GroupMember -> ChatMessage 'Json -> m ()
processForwardedMsg author chatMsg = do
let body = LB.toStrict $ J.encode msg
rcvMsg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event} <- saveGroupFwdRcvMsg user groupId m author body chatMsg
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend author $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo author mc rcvMsg msgTs
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo author sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo author sharedMsgId mContent rcvMsg msgTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo author sharedMsgId memId rcvMsg msgTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo author sharedMsgId memId reaction add rcvMsg msgTs
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancelGroup gInfo author sharedMsgId
XInfo p -> xInfoMember gInfo author p
XGrpMemNew memInfo -> xGrpMemNew gInfo author memInfo rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpMemRole memId memRole -> xGrpMemRole gInfo author memId memRole rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpMemDel memId -> xGrpMemDel gInfo author memId rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpLeave -> xGrpLeave gInfo author rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpDel -> xGrpDel gInfo author rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpInfo p' -> xGrpInfo gInfo author p' rcvMsg msgTs
_ -> messageError $ "x.grp.msg.forward: unsupported forwarded event " <> T.pack (show $ toCMEventTag event)
directMsgReceived :: Contact -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> NonEmpty MsgReceipt -> m ()
directMsgReceived ct conn@Connection {connId} msgMeta msgRcpts = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
forM_ msgRcpts $ \MsgReceipt {agentMsgId, msgRcptStatus} -> do
withStore $ \db -> createSndMsgDeliveryEvent db connId agentMsgId $ MDSSndRcvd msgRcptStatus
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn agentMsgId $ CISSndRcvd msgRcptStatus SSPComplete
groupMsgReceived :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> NonEmpty MsgReceipt -> m ()
groupMsgReceived gInfo m conn@Connection {connId} msgMeta msgRcpts = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msgMeta
forM_ msgRcpts $ \MsgReceipt {agentMsgId, msgRcptStatus} -> do
withStore $ \db -> createSndMsgDeliveryEvent db connId agentMsgId $ MDSSndRcvd msgRcptStatus
updateGroupItemStatus gInfo m conn agentMsgId $ CISSndRcvd msgRcptStatus SSPComplete
updateDirectItemStatus :: Contact -> Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> m ()
updateDirectItemStatus ct@Contact {contactId} Connection {connId} msgId newStatus =
withStore' (\db -> getDirectChatItemByAgentMsgId db user contactId connId msgId) >>= \case
Just (CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemStatus = CISSndRcvd _ _}}) -> pure ()
Just (CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId, itemStatus}})
| itemStatus == newStatus -> pure ()
| otherwise -> do
chatItem <- withStore $ \db -> updateDirectChatItemStatus db user ct itemId newStatus
toView $ CRChatItemStatusUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) chatItem)
_ -> pure ()
updateGroupMemSndStatus :: ChatItemId -> GroupMemberId -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> m Bool
updateGroupMemSndStatus itemId groupMemberId newStatus =
runExceptT (withStore $ \db -> getGroupSndStatus db itemId groupMemberId) >>= \case
Right (CISSndRcvd _ _) -> pure False
Right memStatus
| memStatus == newStatus -> pure False
| otherwise -> withStore' (\db -> updateGroupSndStatus db itemId groupMemberId newStatus) $> True
_ -> pure False
updateGroupItemStatus :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> m ()
updateGroupItemStatus gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} Connection {connId} msgId newMemStatus =
withStore' (\db -> getGroupChatItemByAgentMsgId db user groupId connId msgId) >>= \case
Just (CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemStatus = CISSndRcvd _ SSPComplete}}) -> pure ()
Just (CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId, itemStatus}}) -> do
memStatusChanged <- updateGroupMemSndStatus itemId groupMemberId newMemStatus
when memStatusChanged $ do
memStatusCounts <- withStore' (`getGroupSndStatusCounts` itemId)
let newStatus = membersGroupItemStatus memStatusCounts
when (newStatus /= itemStatus) $ do
chatItem <- withStore $ \db -> updateGroupChatItemStatus db user gInfo itemId newStatus
toView $ CRChatItemStatusUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) chatItem)
_ -> pure ()
metaBrokerTs :: MsgMeta -> UTCTime
metaBrokerTs MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = brokerTs
sameMemberId :: MemberId -> GroupMember -> Bool
sameMemberId memId GroupMember {memberId} = memId == memberId
updatePeerChatVRange :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> VersionRange -> m Connection
updatePeerChatVRange conn@Connection {connId, peerChatVRange} msgChatVRange = do
let jMsgChatVRange = JVersionRange msgChatVRange
if jMsgChatVRange /= peerChatVRange
then do
withStore' $ \db -> setPeerChatVRange db connId msgChatVRange
pure conn {peerChatVRange = jMsgChatVRange}
else pure conn
updateMemberChatVRange :: ChatMonad m => GroupMember -> Connection -> VersionRange -> m (GroupMember, Connection)
updateMemberChatVRange mem@GroupMember {groupMemberId} conn@Connection {connId, peerChatVRange} msgChatVRange = do
let jMsgChatVRange = JVersionRange msgChatVRange
if jMsgChatVRange /= peerChatVRange
then do
withStore' $ \db -> do
setPeerChatVRange db connId msgChatVRange
setMemberChatVRange db groupMemberId msgChatVRange
let conn' = conn {peerChatVRange = jMsgChatVRange}
pure (mem {memberChatVRange = jMsgChatVRange, activeConn = Just conn'}, conn')
else pure (mem, conn)
parseFileDescription :: (ChatMonad m, FilePartyI p) => Text -> m (ValidFileDescription p)
parseFileDescription =
liftEither . first (ChatError . CEInvalidFileDescription) . (strDecode . encodeUtf8)
sendDirectFileInline :: ChatMonad m => Contact -> FileTransferMeta -> SharedMsgId -> m ()
sendDirectFileInline ct ft sharedMsgId = do
msgDeliveryId <- sendFileInline_ ft sharedMsgId $ sendDirectContactMessage ct
withStore $ \db -> updateSndDirectFTDelivery db ct ft msgDeliveryId
sendMemberFileInline :: ChatMonad m => GroupMember -> Connection -> FileTransferMeta -> SharedMsgId -> m ()
sendMemberFileInline m@GroupMember {groupId} conn ft sharedMsgId = do
msgDeliveryId <- sendFileInline_ ft sharedMsgId $ \msg -> sendDirectMessage conn msg $ GroupId groupId
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndGroupFTDelivery db m conn ft msgDeliveryId
sendFileInline_ :: ChatMonad m => FileTransferMeta -> SharedMsgId -> (ChatMsgEvent 'Binary -> m (SndMessage, Int64)) -> m Int64
sendFileInline_ FileTransferMeta {filePath, chunkSize} sharedMsgId sendMsg =
sendChunks 1 =<< liftIO . B.readFile =<< toFSFilePath filePath
sendChunks chunkNo bytes = do
let (chunk, rest) = B.splitAt chSize bytes
(_, msgDeliveryId) <- sendMsg $ BFileChunk sharedMsgId $ FileChunk chunkNo chunk
if B.null rest
then pure msgDeliveryId
else sendChunks (chunkNo + 1) rest
chSize = fromIntegral chunkSize
parseChatMessage :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> ByteString -> m (ChatMessage 'Json)
parseChatMessage conn = parseChatMessage_ conn Nothing
{-# INLINE parseChatMessage #-}
parseAChatMessage :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> MsgMeta -> ByteString -> m AChatMessage
parseAChatMessage conn msgMeta = parseChatMessage_ conn (Just msgMeta)
{-# INLINE parseAChatMessage #-}
parseChatMessage_ :: (ChatMonad m, StrEncoding s) => Connection -> Maybe MsgMeta -> ByteString -> m s
parseChatMessage_ conn msgMeta s = liftEither . first (ChatError . errType) $ strDecode s
errType = CEInvalidChatMessage conn (msgMetaToJson <$> msgMeta) (safeDecodeUtf8 s)
sendFileChunk :: ChatMonad m => User -> SndFileTransfer -> m ()
sendFileChunk user ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId} =
unless (fileStatus == FSComplete || fileStatus == FSCancelled) $
withStore' (`createSndFileChunk` ft) >>= \case
Just chunkNo -> sendFileChunkNo ft chunkNo
Nothing -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateSndFileStatus db ft FSComplete
liftIO $ deleteSndFileChunks db ft
updateDirectCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSSndComplete
toView $ CRSndFileComplete user ci ft
closeFileHandle fileId sndFiles
deleteAgentConnectionAsync user acId
sendFileChunkNo :: ChatMonad m => SndFileTransfer -> Integer -> m ()
sendFileChunkNo ft@SndFileTransfer {agentConnId = AgentConnId acId} chunkNo = do
chunkBytes <- readFileChunk ft chunkNo
msgId <- withAgent $ \a -> sendMessage a acId SMP.noMsgFlags $ smpEncode FileChunk {chunkNo, chunkBytes}
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFileChunkMsg db ft chunkNo msgId
readFileChunk :: ChatMonad m => SndFileTransfer -> Integer -> m ByteString
readFileChunk SndFileTransfer {fileId, filePath, chunkSize} chunkNo = do
fsFilePath <- toFSFilePath filePath
read_ fsFilePath `catchThrow` (ChatError . CEFileRead filePath . show)
read_ fsFilePath = do
h <- getFileHandle fileId fsFilePath sndFiles ReadMode
pos <- hTell h
let pos' = (chunkNo - 1) * chunkSize
when (pos /= pos') $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek pos'
liftIO . B.hGet h $ fromInteger chunkSize
parseFileChunk :: ChatMonad m => ByteString -> m FileChunk
parseFileChunk = liftEither . first (ChatError . CEFileRcvChunk) . smpDecode
appendFileChunk :: forall m. ChatMonad m => RcvFileTransfer -> Integer -> ByteString -> Bool -> m ()
appendFileChunk ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus, cryptoArgs} chunkNo chunk final =
case fileStatus of
RFSConnected RcvFileInfo {filePath} -> append_ filePath
-- sometimes update of file transfer status to FSConnected
-- doesn't complete in time before MSG with first file chunk
RFSAccepted RcvFileInfo {filePath} -> append_ filePath
RFSCancelled _ -> pure ()
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "receiving file transfer not in progress"
append_ :: FilePath -> m ()
append_ filePath = do
fsFilePath <- toFSFilePath filePath
h <- getFileHandle fileId fsFilePath rcvFiles AppendMode
liftIO (B.hPut h chunk >> hFlush h) `catchThrow` (fileErr . show)
withStore' $ \db -> updatedRcvFileChunkStored db ft chunkNo
when final $ do
closeFileHandle fileId rcvFiles
forM_ cryptoArgs $ \cfArgs -> do
tmpFile <- getChatTempDirectory >>= (`uniqueCombine` ft.fileInvitation.fileName)
tryChatError (liftError encryptErr $ encryptFile fsFilePath tmpFile cfArgs) >>= \case
Right () -> do
removeFile fsFilePath `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
renameFile tmpFile fsFilePath
Left e -> do
toView $ CRChatError Nothing e
removeFile tmpFile `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
withStore' (`removeFileCryptoArgs` fileId)
encryptErr e = fileErr $ e <> ", received file not encrypted"
fileErr = ChatError . CEFileWrite filePath
getFileHandle :: ChatMonad m => Int64 -> FilePath -> (ChatController -> TVar (Map Int64 Handle)) -> IOMode -> m Handle
getFileHandle fileId filePath files ioMode = do
fs <- asks files
h_ <- M.lookup fileId <$> readTVarIO fs
maybe (newHandle fs) pure h_
newHandle fs = do
h <- openFile filePath ioMode `catchThrow` (ChatError . CEFileInternal . show)
atomically . modifyTVar fs $ M.insert fileId h
pure h
isFileActive :: ChatMonad m => Int64 -> (ChatController -> TVar (Map Int64 Handle)) -> m Bool
isFileActive fileId files = do
fs <- asks files
isJust . M.lookup fileId <$> readTVarIO fs
cancelRcvFileTransfer :: ChatMonad m => User -> RcvFileTransfer -> m (Maybe ConnId)
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile, rcvFileInline} =
cancel' `catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> fileConnId)
cancel' = do
closeFileHandle fileId rcvFiles
withStore' $ \db -> do
updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSRcvCancelled
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSCancelled
deleteRcvFileChunks db ft
case xftpRcvFile of
Just XFTPRcvFile {agentRcvFileId = Just (AgentRcvFileId aFileId), agentRcvFileDeleted} ->
unless agentRcvFileDeleted $ agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
_ -> pure ()
pure fileConnId
fileConnId = if isNothing xftpRcvFile && isNothing rcvFileInline then liveRcvFileTransferConnId ft else Nothing
cancelSndFile :: ChatMonad m => User -> FileTransferMeta -> [SndFileTransfer] -> Bool -> m [ConnId]
cancelSndFile user FileTransferMeta {fileId, xftpSndFile} fts sendCancel = do
withStore' (\db -> updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSSndCancelled)
`catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
case xftpSndFile of
Nothing ->
catMaybes <$> forM fts (\ft -> cancelSndFileTransfer user ft sendCancel)
Just xsf -> do
forM_ fts (\ft -> cancelSndFileTransfer user ft False)
agentXFTPDeleteSndFileRemote user xsf fileId `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
pure []
cancelSndFileTransfer :: ChatMonad m => User -> SndFileTransfer -> Bool -> m (Maybe ConnId)
cancelSndFileTransfer user@User {userId} ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId, fileStatus, fileInline} sendCancel =
if fileStatus == FSCancelled || fileStatus == FSComplete
then pure Nothing
else cancel' `catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> fileConnId)
cancel' = do
withStore' $ \db -> do
updateSndFileStatus db ft FSCancelled
deleteSndFileChunks db ft
when sendCancel $ case fileInline of
Just _ -> do
(sharedMsgId, conn) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId <*> getConnectionById db user connId
void . sendDirectMessage conn (BFileChunk sharedMsgId FileChunkCancel) $ ConnectionId connId
_ -> withAgent $ \a -> void . sendMessage a acId SMP.noMsgFlags $ smpEncode FileChunkCancel
pure fileConnId
fileConnId = if isNothing fileInline then Just acId else Nothing
closeFileHandle :: ChatMonad m => Int64 -> (ChatController -> TVar (Map Int64 Handle)) -> m ()
closeFileHandle fileId files = do
fs <- asks files
h_ <- atomically . stateTVar fs $ \m -> (M.lookup fileId m, M.delete fileId m)
liftIO $ mapM_ hClose h_ `catchAll_` pure ()
deleteMembersConnections :: ChatMonad m => User -> [GroupMember] -> m ()
deleteMembersConnections user members = do
let memberConns =
filter (\Connection {connStatus} -> connStatus /= ConnDeleted) $
mapMaybe (\GroupMember {activeConn} -> activeConn) members
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId memberConns
forM_ memberConns $ \conn -> withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnDeleted
deleteMemberConnection :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupMember -> m ()
deleteMemberConnection user GroupMember {activeConn} = do
forM_ activeConn $ \conn -> do
deleteAgentConnectionAsync user $ aConnId conn
withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnDeleted
deleteOrUpdateMemberRecord :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupMember -> m ()
deleteOrUpdateMemberRecord user@User {userId} member =
withStore' $ \db ->
checkGroupMemberHasItems db user member >>= \case
Just _ -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId member GSMemRemoved
Nothing -> deleteGroupMember db user member
sendDirectContactMessage :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => Contact -> ChatMsgEvent e -> m (SndMessage, Int64)
sendDirectContactMessage ct@Contact {activeConn = Nothing} _ = throwChatError $ CEContactNotReady ct
sendDirectContactMessage ct@Contact {activeConn = Just conn@Connection {connId, connStatus}, contactStatus} chatMsgEvent
| connStatus /= ConnReady && connStatus /= ConnSndReady = throwChatError $ CEContactNotReady ct
| contactStatus /= CSActive = throwChatError $ CEContactNotActive ct
| connDisabled conn = throwChatError $ CEContactDisabled ct
| otherwise = sendDirectMessage conn chatMsgEvent (ConnectionId connId)
sendDirectMessage :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => Connection -> ChatMsgEvent e -> ConnOrGroupId -> m (SndMessage, Int64)
sendDirectMessage conn chatMsgEvent connOrGroupId = do
when (connDisabled conn) $ throwChatError (CEConnectionDisabled conn)
msg@SndMessage {msgId, msgBody} <- createSndMessage chatMsgEvent connOrGroupId
(msg,) <$> deliverMessage conn (toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent) msgBody msgId
createSndMessage :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => ChatMsgEvent e -> ConnOrGroupId -> m SndMessage
createSndMessage chatMsgEvent connOrGroupId = do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
ChatConfig {chatVRange} <- asks config
withStore $ \db -> createNewSndMessage db gVar connOrGroupId $ \sharedMsgId ->
let msgBody = strEncode ChatMessage {chatVRange, msgId = Just sharedMsgId, chatMsgEvent}
in NewMessage {chatMsgEvent, msgBody}
directMessage :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => ChatMsgEvent e -> m ByteString
directMessage chatMsgEvent = do
ChatConfig {chatVRange} <- asks config
pure $ strEncode ChatMessage {chatVRange, msgId = Nothing, chatMsgEvent}
deliverMessage :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> CMEventTag e -> MsgBody -> MessageId -> m Int64
deliverMessage conn@Connection {connId} cmEventTag msgBody msgId = do
let msgFlags = MsgFlags {notification = hasNotification cmEventTag}
agentMsgId <- withAgent $ \a -> sendMessage a (aConnId conn) msgFlags msgBody
let sndMsgDelivery = SndMsgDelivery {connId, agentMsgId}
withStore' $ \db -> createSndMsgDelivery db sndMsgDelivery msgId
sendGroupMessage :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> GroupInfo -> [GroupMember] -> ChatMsgEvent e -> m (SndMessage, [GroupMember])
sendGroupMessage user GroupInfo {groupId} members chatMsgEvent =
sendGroupMessage' user members chatMsgEvent groupId Nothing $ pure ()
sendGroupMessage' :: forall e m. (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> [GroupMember] -> ChatMsgEvent e -> Int64 -> Maybe Int64 -> m () -> m (SndMessage, [GroupMember])
sendGroupMessage' user members chatMsgEvent groupId introId_ postDeliver = do
msg <- createSndMessage chatMsgEvent (GroupId groupId)
-- TODO collect failed deliveries into a single error
recipientMembers <- liftIO $ shuffleMembers (filter memberCurrent members) $ \GroupMember {memberRole} -> memberRole
rs <- forM recipientMembers $ \m ->
messageMember m msg `catchChatError` (\e -> toView (CRChatError (Just user) e) $> Nothing)
let sentToMembers = catMaybes rs
pure (msg, sentToMembers)
messageMember :: GroupMember -> SndMessage -> m (Maybe GroupMember)
messageMember m@GroupMember {groupMemberId} SndMessage {msgId, msgBody} = case memberConn m of
Nothing -> pendingOrForwarded
Just conn@Connection {connStatus}
| connDisabled conn || connStatus == ConnDeleted -> pure Nothing
| connStatus == ConnSndReady || connStatus == ConnReady -> do
let tag = toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent
deliverMessage conn tag msgBody msgId >> postDeliver
pure $ Just m
| otherwise -> pendingOrForwarded
| forwardSupported && isForwardedGroupMsg chatMsgEvent = pure Nothing
| isXGrpMsgForward chatMsgEvent = pure Nothing
| otherwise = do
withStore' $ \db -> createPendingGroupMessage db groupMemberId msgId introId_
pure $ Just m
forwardSupported = do
let mcvr = memberChatVRange' m
isCompatibleRange mcvr groupForwardVRange && invitingMemberSupportsForward
invitingMemberSupportsForward = case m.invitedByGroupMemberId of
Just invMemberId ->
-- can be optimized for large groups by replacing [GroupMember] with Map GroupMemberId GroupMember
case find (\m' -> groupMemberId' m' == invMemberId) members of
Just invitingMember -> do
let mcvr = memberChatVRange' invitingMember
isCompatibleRange mcvr groupForwardVRange
Nothing -> False
Nothing -> False
isXGrpMsgForward ev = case ev of
XGrpMsgForward {} -> True
_ -> False
shuffleMembers :: [a] -> (a -> GroupMemberRole) -> IO [a]
shuffleMembers ms role = do
let (adminMs, otherMs) = partition ((GRAdmin <=) . role) ms
liftM2 (<>) (shuffle adminMs) (shuffle otherMs)
random :: IO Word16
random = randomRIO (0, 65535)
shuffle xs = map snd . sortBy (comparing fst) <$> mapM (\x -> (,x) <$> random) xs
sendPendingGroupMessages :: ChatMonad m => User -> GroupMember -> Connection -> m ()
sendPendingGroupMessages user GroupMember {groupMemberId, localDisplayName} conn = do
pendingMessages <- withStore' $ \db -> getPendingGroupMessages db groupMemberId
-- TODO ensure order - pending messages interleave with user input messages
forM_ pendingMessages $ \pgm ->
processPendingMessage pgm `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
processPendingMessage PendingGroupMessage {msgId, cmEventTag = ACMEventTag _ tag, msgBody, introId_} = do
void $ deliverMessage conn tag msgBody msgId
withStore' $ \db -> deletePendingGroupMessage db groupMemberId msgId
case tag of
XGrpMemFwd_ -> case introId_ of
Just introId -> withStore' $ \db -> updateIntroStatus db introId GMIntroInvForwarded
_ -> throwChatError $ CEGroupMemberIntroNotFound localDisplayName
_ -> pure ()
saveDirectRcvMSG :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> MsgMeta -> CommandId -> MsgBody -> m (Connection, RcvMessage)
saveDirectRcvMSG conn@Connection {connId} agentMsgMeta agentAckCmdId msgBody = do
ACMsg _ ChatMessage {chatVRange, msgId = sharedMsgId_, chatMsgEvent} <- parseAChatMessage conn agentMsgMeta msgBody
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
let agentMsgId = fst $ recipient agentMsgMeta
newMsg = NewMessage {chatMsgEvent, msgBody}
rcvMsgDelivery = RcvMsgDelivery {connId, agentMsgId, agentMsgMeta, agentAckCmdId}
msg <- withStore $ \db -> createNewMessageAndRcvMsgDelivery db (ConnectionId connId) newMsg sharedMsgId_ rcvMsgDelivery Nothing
pure (conn', msg)
saveGroupRcvMsg :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> GroupId -> GroupMember -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> CommandId -> MsgBody -> ChatMessage e -> m (GroupMember, Connection, RcvMessage)
saveGroupRcvMsg user groupId authorMember conn@Connection {connId} agentMsgMeta agentAckCmdId msgBody ChatMessage {chatVRange, msgId = sharedMsgId_, chatMsgEvent} = do
(am', conn') <- updateMemberChatVRange authorMember conn chatVRange
let agentMsgId = fst $ recipient agentMsgMeta
newMsg = NewMessage {chatMsgEvent, msgBody}
rcvMsgDelivery = RcvMsgDelivery {connId, agentMsgId, agentMsgMeta, agentAckCmdId}
amId = Just am'.groupMemberId
msg <-
withStore (\db -> createNewMessageAndRcvMsgDelivery db (GroupId groupId) newMsg sharedMsgId_ rcvMsgDelivery amId)
`catchChatError` \e -> case e of
ChatErrorStore (SEDuplicateGroupMessage _ _ _ (Just forwardedByGroupMemberId)) -> do
fm <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user groupId forwardedByGroupMemberId
forM_ (memberConn fm) $ \fmConn ->
void $ sendDirectMessage fmConn (XGrpMemCon am'.memberId) (GroupId groupId)
throwError e
_ -> throwError e
pure (am', conn', msg)
saveGroupFwdRcvMsg :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> GroupId -> GroupMember -> GroupMember -> MsgBody -> ChatMessage e -> m RcvMessage
saveGroupFwdRcvMsg user groupId forwardingMember refAuthorMember msgBody ChatMessage {msgId = sharedMsgId_, chatMsgEvent} = do
let newMsg = NewMessage {chatMsgEvent, msgBody}
fwdMemberId = Just $ groupMemberId' forwardingMember
refAuthorId = Just $ groupMemberId' refAuthorMember
withStore (\db -> createNewRcvMessage db (GroupId groupId) newMsg sharedMsgId_ refAuthorId fwdMemberId)
`catchChatError` \e -> case e of
ChatErrorStore (SEDuplicateGroupMessage _ _ (Just authorGroupMemberId) Nothing) -> do
am <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user groupId authorGroupMemberId
if sameMemberId refAuthorMember.memberId am
then forM_ (memberConn forwardingMember) $ \fmConn ->
void $ sendDirectMessage fmConn (XGrpMemCon am.memberId) (GroupId groupId)
else toView $ CRMessageError user "error" "saveGroupFwdRcvMsg: referenced author member id doesn't match message member id"
throwError e
_ -> throwError e
saveSndChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> m (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem user cd msg content = saveSndChatItem' user cd msg content Nothing Nothing Nothing False
saveSndChatItem' :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> m (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem' user cd msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId} content ciFile quotedItem itemTimed live = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
ciId <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when (ciRequiresAttention content) $ updateChatTs db user cd createdAt
ciId <- createNewSndChatItem db user cd msg content quotedItem itemTimed live createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> updateFileTransferChatItemId db fileId ciId createdAt
pure ciId
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem (Just sharedMsgId) itemTimed live createdAt Nothing createdAt
saveRcvChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> m (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem user cd msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs content =
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content Nothing Nothing False
saveRcvChatItem' :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> UTCTime -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDRcv) -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> m (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg@RcvMessage {forwardedByMember} sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile itemTimed live = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(ciId, quotedItem) <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when (ciRequiresAttention content) $ updateChatTs db user cd createdAt
(ciId, quotedItem) <- createNewRcvChatItem db user cd msg sharedMsgId_ content itemTimed live brokerTs createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> updateFileTransferChatItemId db fileId ciId createdAt
pure (ciId, quotedItem)
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem sharedMsgId_ itemTimed live brokerTs forwardedByMember createdAt
mkChatItem :: forall c d. MsgDirectionI d => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> IO (ChatItem c d)
mkChatItem cd ciId content file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemTimed live itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs = do
let itemText = ciContentToText content
itemStatus = ciCreateStatus content
meta = mkCIMeta ciId content itemText itemStatus sharedMsgId Nothing False itemTimed (justTrue live) currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs currentTs
pure ChatItem {chatDir = toCIDirection cd, meta, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem, reactions = [], file}
deleteDirectCI :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> Contact -> ChatItem 'CTDirect d -> Bool -> Bool -> m ChatResponse
deleteDirectCI user ct ci@ChatItem {file} byUser timed = do
deleteCIFile user file
withStoreCtx' (Just "deleteDirectCI, deleteDirectChatItem") $ \db -> deleteDirectChatItem db user ct ci
pure $ CRChatItemDeleted user (AChatItem SCTDirect msgDirection (DirectChat ct) ci) Nothing byUser timed
deleteGroupCI :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe GroupMember -> UTCTime -> m ChatResponse
deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci@ChatItem {file} byUser timed byGroupMember_ deletedTs = do
deleteCIFile user file
toCi <- withStoreCtx' (Just "deleteGroupCI, deleteGroupChatItem ...") $ \db ->
case byGroupMember_ of
Nothing -> deleteGroupChatItem db user gInfo ci $> Nothing
Just m -> Just <$> updateGroupChatItemModerated db user gInfo ci m deletedTs
pure $ CRChatItemDeleted user (gItem ci) (gItem <$> toCi) byUser timed
gItem = AChatItem SCTGroup msgDirection (GroupChat gInfo)
deleteCIFile :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> m ()
deleteCIFile user file_ =
forM_ file_ $ \file -> do
fileAgentConnIds <- deleteFile' user (mkCIFileInfo file) True
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user fileAgentConnIds
markDirectCIDeleted :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> Contact -> ChatItem 'CTDirect d -> MessageId -> Bool -> UTCTime -> m ChatResponse
markDirectCIDeleted user ct ci@ChatItem {file} msgId byUser deletedTs = do
cancelCIFile user file
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> markDirectChatItemDeleted db user ct ci msgId deletedTs
pure $ CRChatItemDeleted user (ctItem ci) (Just $ ctItem ci') byUser False
ctItem = AChatItem SCTDirect msgDirection (DirectChat ct)
markGroupCIDeleted :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> MessageId -> Bool -> Maybe GroupMember -> UTCTime -> m ChatResponse
markGroupCIDeleted user gInfo ci@ChatItem {file} msgId byUser byGroupMember_ deletedTs = do
cancelCIFile user file
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemDeleted db user gInfo ci msgId byGroupMember_ deletedTs
pure $ CRChatItemDeleted user (gItem ci) (Just $ gItem ci') byUser False
gItem = AChatItem SCTGroup msgDirection (GroupChat gInfo)
cancelCIFile :: (ChatMonad m, MsgDirectionI d) => User -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> m ()
cancelCIFile user file_ =
forM_ file_ $ \file -> do
fileAgentConnIds <- cancelFile' user (mkCIFileInfo file) True
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user fileAgentConnIds
createAgentConnectionAsync :: forall m c. (ChatMonad m, ConnectionModeI c) => User -> CommandFunction -> Bool -> SConnectionMode c -> SubscriptionMode -> m (CommandId, ConnId)
createAgentConnectionAsync user cmdFunction enableNtfs cMode subMode = do
cmdId <- withStore' $ \db -> createCommand db user Nothing cmdFunction
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnectionAsync a (aUserId user) (aCorrId cmdId) enableNtfs cMode subMode
pure (cmdId, connId)
joinAgentConnectionAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> Bool -> ConnectionRequestUri c -> ConnInfo -> SubscriptionMode -> m (CommandId, ConnId)
joinAgentConnectionAsync user enableNtfs cReqUri cInfo subMode = do
cmdId <- withStore' $ \db -> createCommand db user Nothing CFJoinConn
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnectionAsync a (aUserId user) (aCorrId cmdId) enableNtfs cReqUri cInfo subMode
pure (cmdId, connId)
allowAgentConnectionAsync :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> Connection -> ConfirmationId -> ChatMsgEvent e -> m ()
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn@Connection {connId} confId msg = do
cmdId <- withStore' $ \db -> createCommand db user (Just connId) CFAllowConn
dm <- directMessage msg
withAgent $ \a -> allowConnectionAsync a (aCorrId cmdId) (aConnId conn) confId dm
withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnAccepted
agentAcceptContactAsync :: (MsgEncodingI e, ChatMonad m) => User -> Bool -> InvitationId -> ChatMsgEvent e -> SubscriptionMode -> m (CommandId, ConnId)
agentAcceptContactAsync user enableNtfs invId msg subMode = do
cmdId <- withStore' $ \db -> createCommand db user Nothing CFAcceptContact
dm <- directMessage msg
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> acceptContactAsync a (aCorrId cmdId) enableNtfs invId dm subMode
pure (cmdId, connId)
deleteAgentConnectionAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> ConnId -> m ()
deleteAgentConnectionAsync user acId =
withAgent (`deleteConnectionAsync` acId) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> [ConnId] -> m ()
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync _ [] = pure ()
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user acIds =
withAgent (`deleteConnectionsAsync` acIds) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile :: ChatMonad m => RcvFileId -> FileTransferId -> m ()
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId = do
withAgent (`xftpDeleteRcvFile` aFileId)
withStore' $ \db -> setRcvFTAgentDeleted db fileId
agentXFTPDeleteSndFileRemote :: ChatMonad m => User -> XFTPSndFile -> FileTransferId -> m ()
agentXFTPDeleteSndFileRemote user XFTPSndFile {agentSndFileId = AgentSndFileId aFileId, privateSndFileDescr, agentSndFileDeleted} fileId =
unless agentSndFileDeleted $
forM_ privateSndFileDescr $ \sfdText -> do
sd <- parseFileDescription sfdText
withAgent $ \a -> xftpDeleteSndFileRemote a (aUserId user) aFileId sd
withStore' $ \db -> setSndFTAgentDeleted db user fileId
userProfileToSend :: User -> Maybe Profile -> Maybe Contact -> Profile
userProfileToSend user@User {profile = p} incognitoProfile ct =
let p' = fromMaybe (fromLocalProfile p) incognitoProfile
userPrefs = maybe (preferences' user) (const Nothing) incognitoProfile
in (p' :: Profile) {preferences = Just . toChatPrefs $ mergePreferences (userPreferences <$> ct) userPrefs}
createRcvFeatureItems :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> Contact -> m ()
createRcvFeatureItems user ct ct' =
createFeatureItems user ct ct' CDDirectRcv CIRcvChatFeature CIRcvChatPreference contactPreference
createSndFeatureItems :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> Contact -> m ()
createSndFeatureItems user ct ct' =
createFeatureItems user ct ct' CDDirectSnd CISndChatFeature CISndChatPreference getPref
getPref u = (userPreference u).preference
type FeatureContent a d = ChatFeature -> a -> Maybe Int -> CIContent d
createFeatureItems ::
forall d m.
(MsgDirectionI d, ChatMonad m) =>
User ->
Contact ->
Contact ->
(Contact -> ChatDirection 'CTDirect d) ->
FeatureContent PrefEnabled d ->
FeatureContent FeatureAllowed d ->
(forall f. ContactUserPreference (FeaturePreference f) -> FeaturePreference f) ->
m ()
createFeatureItems user Contact {mergedPreferences = cups} ct'@Contact {mergedPreferences = cups'} chatDir ciFeature ciOffer getPref =
forM_ allChatFeatures $ \(ACF f) -> createItem f
createItem :: forall f. FeatureI f => SChatFeature f -> m ()
createItem f
| state /= state' = create ciFeature state'
| prefState /= prefState' = create ciOffer prefState'
| otherwise = pure ()
create :: FeatureContent a d -> (a, Maybe Int) -> m ()
create ci (s, param) = createInternalChatItem user (chatDir ct') (ci f' s param) Nothing
f' = chatFeature f
state = featureState cup
state' = featureState cup'
prefState = preferenceState $ getPref cup
prefState' = preferenceState $ getPref cup'
cup = getContactUserPreference f cups
cup' = getContactUserPreference f cups'
createGroupFeatureChangedItems :: (MsgDirectionI d, ChatMonad m) => User -> ChatDirection 'CTGroup d -> (GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> CIContent d) -> GroupInfo -> GroupInfo -> m ()
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd ciContent GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences = gps} GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences = gps'} =
forM_ allGroupFeatures $ \(AGF f) -> do
let state = groupFeatureState $ getGroupPreference f gps
pref' = getGroupPreference f gps'
state'@(_, int') = groupFeatureState pref'
when (state /= state') $
createInternalChatItem user cd (ciContent (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference pref') int') Nothing
sameGroupProfileInfo :: GroupProfile -> GroupProfile -> Bool
sameGroupProfileInfo p p' = p {groupPreferences = Nothing} == p' {groupPreferences = Nothing}
createInternalChatItem :: forall c d m. (ChatTypeI c, MsgDirectionI d, ChatMonad m) => User -> ChatDirection c d -> CIContent d -> Maybe UTCTime -> m ()
createInternalChatItem user cd content itemTs_ = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let itemTs = fromMaybe createdAt itemTs_
ciId <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when (ciRequiresAttention content) $ updateChatTs db user cd createdAt
createNewChatItemNoMsg db user cd content itemTs createdAt
ci <- liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False itemTs Nothing createdAt
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem (chatTypeI @c) (msgDirection @d) (toChatInfo cd) ci)
getCreateActiveUser :: SQLiteStore -> Bool -> IO User
getCreateActiveUser st testView = do
user <-
withTransaction st getUsers >>= \case
[] -> newUser
users -> maybe (selectUser users) pure (find activeUser users)
unless testView $ putStrLn $ "Current user: " <> userStr user
pure user
newUser :: IO User
newUser = do
"No user profiles found, it will be created now.\n\
\Please choose your display name and your full name.\n\
\They will be sent to your contacts when you connect.\n\
\They are only stored on your device and you can change them later."
loop = do
displayName <- getContactName
withTransaction st (\db -> runExceptT $ createUserRecord db (AgentUserId 1) (profileFromName displayName) True) >>= \case
Left SEDuplicateName -> do
putStrLn "chosen display name is already used by another profile on this device, choose another one"
Left e -> putStrLn ("database error " <> show e) >> exitFailure
Right user -> pure user
selectUser :: [User] -> IO User
selectUser [user] = do
withTransaction st (`setActiveUser` user.userId)
pure user
selectUser users = do
putStrLn "Select user profile:"
forM_ (zip [1 ..] users) $ \(n :: Int, user) -> putStrLn $ show n <> " - " <> userStr user
loop = do
nStr <- getWithPrompt $ "user profile number (1 .. " <> show (length users) <> ")"
case readMaybe nStr :: Maybe Int of
Nothing -> putStrLn "invalid user number" >> loop
Just n
| n <= 0 || n > length users -> putStrLn "invalid user number" >> loop
| otherwise -> do
let user = users !! (n - 1)
withTransaction st (`setActiveUser` user.userId)
pure user
userStr :: User -> String
userStr User {localDisplayName, profile = LocalProfile {fullName}} =
T.unpack $ localDisplayName <> if T.null fullName || localDisplayName == fullName then "" else " (" <> fullName <> ")"
getContactName :: IO ContactName
getContactName = do
displayName <- getWithPrompt "display name"
let validName = mkValidName displayName
| null displayName -> putStrLn "display name can't be empty" >> getContactName
| null validName -> putStrLn "display name is invalid, please choose another" >> getContactName
| displayName /= validName -> putStrLn ("display name is invalid, you could use this one: " <> validName) >> getContactName
| otherwise -> pure $ T.pack displayName
getWithPrompt :: String -> IO String
getWithPrompt s = putStr (s <> ": ") >> hFlush stdout >> getLine
withUser' :: ChatMonad m => (User -> m ChatResponse) -> m ChatResponse
withUser' action =
asks currentUser
>>= readTVarIO
>>= maybe (throwChatError CENoActiveUser) run
run u = action u `catchChatError` (pure . CRChatCmdError (Just u))
withUser :: ChatMonad m => (User -> m ChatResponse) -> m ChatResponse
withUser action = withUser' $ \user ->
ifM chatStarted (action user) (throwChatError CEChatNotStarted)
withUser_ :: ChatMonad m => m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
withUser_ = withUser . const
withUserId :: ChatMonad m => UserId -> (User -> m ChatResponse) -> m ChatResponse
withUserId userId action = withUser $ \user -> do
checkSameUser userId user
action user
checkSameUser :: ChatMonad m => UserId -> User -> m ()
checkSameUser userId User {userId = activeUserId} = when (userId /= activeUserId) $ throwChatError (CEDifferentActiveUser userId activeUserId)
chatStarted :: ChatMonad m => m Bool
chatStarted = fmap isJust . readTVarIO =<< asks agentAsync
waitChatStarted :: ChatMonad m => m ()
waitChatStarted = do
agentStarted <- asks agentAsync
atomically $ readTVar agentStarted >>= \a -> unless (isJust a) retry
chatCommandP :: Parser ChatCommand
chatCommandP =
[ "/mute " *> ((`SetShowMessages` MFNone) <$> chatNameP),
"/unmute " *> ((`SetShowMessages` MFAll) <$> chatNameP),
"/unmute mentions " *> ((`SetShowMessages` MFMentions) <$> chatNameP),
"/receipts " *> (SetSendReceipts <$> chatNameP <* " " <*> ((Just <$> onOffP) <|> ("default" $> Nothing))),
"/block #" *> (SetShowMemberMessages <$> displayName <* <*> (char_ '@' *> displayName) <*> pure False),
"/unblock #" *> (SetShowMemberMessages <$> displayName <* <*> (char_ '@' *> displayName) <*> pure True),
"/_create user " *> (CreateActiveUser <$> jsonP),
"/create user " *> (CreateActiveUser <$> newUserP),
"/users" $> ListUsers,
"/_user " *> (APISetActiveUser <$> A.decimal <*> optional ( *> jsonP)),
("/user " <|> "/u ") *> (SetActiveUser <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> pwdP)),
"/set receipts all " *> (SetAllContactReceipts <$> onOffP),
"/_set receipts contacts " *> (APISetUserContactReceipts <$> A.decimal <* <*> receiptSettings),
"/set receipts contacts " *> (SetUserContactReceipts <$> receiptSettings),
"/_set receipts groups " *> (APISetUserGroupReceipts <$> A.decimal <* <*> receiptSettings),
"/set receipts groups " *> (SetUserGroupReceipts <$> receiptSettings),
"/_hide user " *> (APIHideUser <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_unhide user " *> (APIUnhideUser <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_mute user " *> (APIMuteUser <$> A.decimal),
"/_unmute user " *> (APIUnmuteUser <$> A.decimal),
"/hide user " *> (HideUser <$> pwdP),
"/unhide user " *> (UnhideUser <$> pwdP),
"/mute user" $> MuteUser,
"/unmute user" $> UnmuteUser,
"/_delete user " *> (APIDeleteUser <$> A.decimal <* " del_smp=" <*> onOffP <*> optional ( *> jsonP)),
"/delete user " *> (DeleteUser <$> displayName <*> pure True <*> optional ( *> pwdP)),
("/user" <|> "/u") $> ShowActiveUser,
"/_start subscribe=" *> (StartChat <$> onOffP <* " expire=" <*> onOffP <* " xftp=" <*> onOffP),
"/_start" $> StartChat True True True,
"/_stop" $> APIStopChat,
"/_app activate" $> APIActivateChat,
"/_app suspend " *> (APISuspendChat <$> A.decimal),
"/_resubscribe all" $> ResubscribeAllConnections,
"/_temp_folder " *> (SetTempFolder <$> filePath),
("/_files_folder " <|> "/files_folder ") *> (SetFilesFolder <$> filePath),
"/remote_hosts_folder " *> (SetRemoteHostsFolder <$> filePath),
"/_xftp " *> (APISetXFTPConfig <$> ("on " *> (Just <$> jsonP) <|> ("off" $> Nothing))),
"/xftp " *> (APISetXFTPConfig <$> ("on" *> (Just <$> xftpCfgP) <|> ("off" $> Nothing))),
"/_files_encrypt " *> (APISetEncryptLocalFiles <$> onOffP),
"/contact_merge " *> (SetContactMergeEnabled <$> onOffP),
"/_db export " *> (APIExportArchive <$> jsonP),
"/db export" $> ExportArchive,
"/_db import " *> (APIImportArchive <$> jsonP),
"/_db delete" $> APIDeleteStorage,
"/_db encryption " *> (APIStorageEncryption <$> jsonP),
"/db encrypt " *> (APIStorageEncryption . DBEncryptionConfig "" <$> dbKeyP),
"/db key " *> (APIStorageEncryption <$> (DBEncryptionConfig <$> dbKeyP <* <*> dbKeyP)),
"/db decrypt " *> (APIStorageEncryption . (`DBEncryptionConfig` "") <$> dbKeyP),
"/sql chat " *> (ExecChatStoreSQL <$> textP),
"/sql agent " *> (ExecAgentStoreSQL <$> textP),
"/sql slow" $> SlowSQLQueries,
"/_get chats " *> (APIGetChats <$> A.decimal <*> (" pcc=on" $> True <|> " pcc=off" $> False <|> pure False)),
"/_get chat " *> (APIGetChat <$> chatRefP <* <*> chatPaginationP <*> optional (" search=" *> stringP)),
"/_get items " *> (APIGetChatItems <$> chatPaginationP <*> optional (" search=" *> stringP)),
"/_get item info " *> (APIGetChatItemInfo <$> chatRefP <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_send " *> (APISendMessage <$> chatRefP <*> liveMessageP <*> sendMessageTTLP <*> (" json " *> jsonP <|> " text " *> (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing <$> mcTextP))),
"/_update item " *> (APIUpdateChatItem <$> chatRefP <* <*> A.decimal <*> liveMessageP <* <*> msgContentP),
"/_delete item " *> (APIDeleteChatItem <$> chatRefP <* <*> A.decimal <* <*> ciDeleteMode),
"/_delete member item #" *> (APIDeleteMemberChatItem <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_reaction " *> (APIChatItemReaction <$> chatRefP <* <*> A.decimal <* <*> onOffP <* <*> jsonP),
"/_read chat " *> (APIChatRead <$> chatRefP <*> optional ( *> ((,) <$> ("from=" *> A.decimal) <* <*> ("to=" *> A.decimal)))),
"/_unread chat " *> (APIChatUnread <$> chatRefP <* <*> onOffP),
"/_delete " *> (APIDeleteChat <$> chatRefP <*> ( *> "notify=" *> onOffP <|> pure True)),
"/_clear chat " *> (APIClearChat <$> chatRefP),
"/_accept" *> (APIAcceptContact <$> incognitoOnOffP <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_reject " *> (APIRejectContact <$> A.decimal),
"/_call invite @" *> (APISendCallInvitation <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/call " *> char_ '@' *> (SendCallInvitation <$> displayName <*> pure defaultCallType),
"/_call reject @" *> (APIRejectCall <$> A.decimal),
"/_call offer @" *> (APISendCallOffer <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_call answer @" *> (APISendCallAnswer <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_call extra @" *> (APISendCallExtraInfo <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_call end @" *> (APIEndCall <$> A.decimal),
"/_call status @" *> (APICallStatus <$> A.decimal <* <*> strP),
"/_call get" $> APIGetCallInvitations,
"/_network_statuses" $> APIGetNetworkStatuses,
"/_profile " *> (APIUpdateProfile <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_set alias @" *> (APISetContactAlias <$> A.decimal <*> ( *> textP <|> pure "")),
"/_set alias :" *> (APISetConnectionAlias <$> A.decimal <*> ( *> textP <|> pure "")),
"/_set prefs @" *> (APISetContactPrefs <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_parse " *> (APIParseMarkdown . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString),
"/_ntf get" $> APIGetNtfToken,
"/_ntf register " *> (APIRegisterToken <$> strP_ <*> strP),
"/_ntf verify " *> (APIVerifyToken <$> strP <* <*> strP <* <*> strP),
"/_ntf delete " *> (APIDeleteToken <$> strP),
"/_ntf message " *> (APIGetNtfMessage <$> strP <* <*> strP),
"/_add #" *> (APIAddMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <*> memberRole),
"/_join #" *> (APIJoinGroup <$> A.decimal),
"/_member role #" *> (APIMemberRole <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <*> memberRole),
"/_remove #" *> (APIRemoveMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_leave #" *> (APILeaveGroup <$> A.decimal),
"/_members #" *> (APIListMembers <$> A.decimal),
"/_server test " *> (APITestProtoServer <$> A.decimal <* <*> strP),
"/smp test " *> (TestProtoServer . AProtoServerWithAuth SPSMP <$> strP),
"/xftp test " *> (TestProtoServer . AProtoServerWithAuth SPXFTP <$> strP),
"/_servers " *> (APISetUserProtoServers <$> A.decimal <* <*> srvCfgP),
"/smp " *> (SetUserProtoServers . APSC SPSMP . ProtoServersConfig . map toServerCfg <$> protocolServersP),
"/smp default" $> SetUserProtoServers (APSC SPSMP $ ProtoServersConfig []),
"/xftp " *> (SetUserProtoServers . APSC SPXFTP . ProtoServersConfig . map toServerCfg <$> protocolServersP),
"/xftp default" $> SetUserProtoServers (APSC SPXFTP $ ProtoServersConfig []),
"/_servers " *> (APIGetUserProtoServers <$> A.decimal <* <*> strP),
"/smp" $> GetUserProtoServers (AProtocolType SPSMP),
"/xftp" $> GetUserProtoServers (AProtocolType SPXFTP),
"/_ttl " *> (APISetChatItemTTL <$> A.decimal <* <*> ciTTLDecimal),
"/ttl " *> (SetChatItemTTL <$> ciTTL),
"/_ttl " *> (APIGetChatItemTTL <$> A.decimal),
"/ttl" $> GetChatItemTTL,
"/_network " *> (APISetNetworkConfig <$> jsonP),
("/network " <|> "/net ") *> (APISetNetworkConfig <$> netCfgP),
("/network" <|> "/net") $> APIGetNetworkConfig,
"/reconnect" $> ReconnectAllServers,
"/_settings " *> (APISetChatSettings <$> chatRefP <* <*> jsonP),
"/_member settings #" *> (APISetMemberSettings <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/_info #" *> (APIGroupMemberInfo <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_info #" *> (APIGroupInfo <$> A.decimal),
"/_info @" *> (APIContactInfo <$> A.decimal),
("/info #" <|> "/i #") *> (GroupMemberInfo <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
("/info #" <|> "/i #") *> (ShowGroupInfo <$> displayName),
("/info " <|> "/i ") *> char_ '@' *> (ContactInfo <$> displayName),
"/_switch #" *> (APISwitchGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_switch @" *> (APISwitchContact <$> A.decimal),
"/_abort switch #" *> (APIAbortSwitchGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_abort switch @" *> (APIAbortSwitchContact <$> A.decimal),
"/_sync #" *> (APISyncGroupMemberRatchet <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <*> (" force=on" $> True <|> pure False)),
"/_sync @" *> (APISyncContactRatchet <$> A.decimal <*> (" force=on" $> True <|> pure False)),
"/switch #" *> (SwitchGroupMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
"/switch " *> char_ '@' *> (SwitchContact <$> displayName),
"/abort switch #" *> (AbortSwitchGroupMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
"/abort switch " *> char_ '@' *> (AbortSwitchContact <$> displayName),
"/sync #" *> (SyncGroupMemberRatchet <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <*> (" force=on" $> True <|> pure False)),
"/sync " *> char_ '@' *> (SyncContactRatchet <$> displayName <*> (" force=on" $> True <|> pure False)),
"/_get code @" *> (APIGetContactCode <$> A.decimal),
"/_get code #" *> (APIGetGroupMemberCode <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_verify code @" *> (APIVerifyContact <$> A.decimal <*> optional ( *> verifyCodeP)),
"/_verify code #" *> (APIVerifyGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal <*> optional ( *> verifyCodeP)),
"/_enable @" *> (APIEnableContact <$> A.decimal),
"/_enable #" *> (APIEnableGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/code " *> char_ '@' *> (GetContactCode <$> displayName),
"/code #" *> (GetGroupMemberCode <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
"/verify " *> char_ '@' *> (VerifyContact <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> verifyCodeP)),
"/verify #" *> (VerifyGroupMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <*> optional ( *> verifyCodeP)),
"/enable " *> char_ '@' *> (EnableContact <$> displayName),
"/enable #" *> (EnableGroupMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
("/help files" <|> "/help file" <|> "/hf") $> ChatHelp HSFiles,
("/help groups" <|> "/help group" <|> "/hg") $> ChatHelp HSGroups,
("/help contacts" <|> "/help contact" <|> "/hc") $> ChatHelp HSContacts,
("/help address" <|> "/ha") $> ChatHelp HSMyAddress,
("/help incognito" <|> "/hi") $> ChatHelp HSIncognito,
("/help messages" <|> "/hm") $> ChatHelp HSMessages,
("/help remote" <|> "/hr") $> ChatHelp HSRemote,
("/help settings" <|> "/hs") $> ChatHelp HSSettings,
("/help db" <|> "/hd") $> ChatHelp HSDatabase,
("/help" <|> "/h") $> ChatHelp HSMain,
("/group" <|> "/g") *> (NewGroup <$> incognitoP <* <* char_ '#' <*> groupProfile),
"/_group " *> (APINewGroup <$> A.decimal <*> incognitoOnOffP <* <*> jsonP),
("/add " <|> "/a ") *> char_ '#' *> (AddMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <*> (memberRole <|> pure GRMember)),
("/join " <|> "/j ") *> char_ '#' *> (JoinGroup <$> displayName),
("/member role " <|> "/mr ") *> char_ '#' *> (MemberRole <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <*> memberRole),
("/remove " <|> "/rm ") *> char_ '#' *> (RemoveMember <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
("/leave " <|> "/l ") *> char_ '#' *> (LeaveGroup <$> displayName),
("/delete #" <|> "/d #") *> (DeleteGroup <$> displayName),
("/delete " <|> "/d ") *> char_ '@' *> (DeleteContact <$> displayName),
"/clear #" *> (ClearGroup <$> displayName),
"/clear " *> char_ '@' *> (ClearContact <$> displayName),
("/members " <|> "/ms ") *> char_ '#' *> (ListMembers <$> displayName),
"/_groups" *> (APIListGroups <$> A.decimal <*> optional (" @" *> A.decimal) <*> optional ( *> stringP)),
("/groups" <|> "/gs") *> (ListGroups <$> optional (" @" *> displayName) <*> optional ( *> stringP)),
"/_group_profile #" *> (APIUpdateGroupProfile <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
("/group_profile " <|> "/gp ") *> char_ '#' *> (UpdateGroupNames <$> displayName <* <*> groupProfile),
("/group_profile " <|> "/gp ") *> char_ '#' *> (ShowGroupProfile <$> displayName),
"/group_descr " *> char_ '#' *> (UpdateGroupDescription <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> msgTextP)),
"/set welcome " *> char_ '#' *> (UpdateGroupDescription <$> displayName <* <*> (Just <$> msgTextP)),
"/delete welcome " *> char_ '#' *> (UpdateGroupDescription <$> displayName <*> pure Nothing),
"/show welcome " *> char_ '#' *> (ShowGroupDescription <$> displayName),
"/_create link #" *> (APICreateGroupLink <$> A.decimal <*> (memberRole <|> pure GRMember)),
"/_set link role #" *> (APIGroupLinkMemberRole <$> A.decimal <*> memberRole),
"/_delete link #" *> (APIDeleteGroupLink <$> A.decimal),
"/_get link #" *> (APIGetGroupLink <$> A.decimal),
"/create link #" *> (CreateGroupLink <$> displayName <*> (memberRole <|> pure GRMember)),
"/set link role #" *> (GroupLinkMemberRole <$> displayName <*> memberRole),
"/delete link #" *> (DeleteGroupLink <$> displayName),
"/show link #" *> (ShowGroupLink <$> displayName),
"/_create member contact #" *> (APICreateMemberContact <$> A.decimal <* <*> A.decimal),
"/_invite member contact @" *> (APISendMemberContactInvitation <$> A.decimal <*> optional ( *> msgContentP)),
(">#" <|> "> #") *> (SendGroupMessageQuote <$> displayName <* <*> pure Nothing <*> quotedMsg <*> msgTextP),
(">#" <|> "> #") *> (SendGroupMessageQuote <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> (Just <$> displayName) <* <*> quotedMsg <*> msgTextP),
"/_contacts " *> (APIListContacts <$> A.decimal),
"/contacts" $> ListContacts,
"/_connect plan " *> (APIConnectPlan <$> A.decimal <* <*> strP),
"/_connect " *> (APIConnect <$> A.decimal <*> incognitoOnOffP <* <*> ((Just <$> strP) <|> A.takeByteString $> Nothing)),
"/_connect " *> (APIAddContact <$> A.decimal <*> incognitoOnOffP),
"/_set incognito :" *> (APISetConnectionIncognito <$> A.decimal <* <*> onOffP),
("/connect" <|> "/c") *> (Connect <$> incognitoP <* <*> ((Just <$> strP) <|> A.takeTill isSpace $> Nothing)),
("/connect" <|> "/c") *> (AddContact <$> incognitoP),
SendMessage <$> chatNameP <* <*> msgTextP,
"@#" *> (SendMemberContactMessage <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <* <*> msgTextP),
"/live " *> (SendLiveMessage <$> chatNameP <*> ( *> msgTextP <|> pure "")),
(">@" <|> "> @") *> sendMsgQuote (AMsgDirection SMDRcv),
(">>@" <|> ">> @") *> sendMsgQuote (AMsgDirection SMDSnd),
("\\ " <|> "\\") *> (DeleteMessage <$> chatNameP <* <*> textP),
("\\\\ #" <|> "\\\\#") *> (DeleteMemberMessage <$> displayName <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <* <*> textP),
("! " <|> "!") *> (EditMessage <$> chatNameP <* <*> (quotedMsg <|> pure "") <*> msgTextP),
ReactToMessage <$> (("+" $> True) <|> ("-" $> False)) <*> reactionP <* <*> chatNameP' <* <*> textP,
"/feed " *> (SendMessageBroadcast <$> msgTextP),
("/chats" <|> "/cs") *> (LastChats <$> (" all" $> Nothing <|> Just <$> ( *> A.decimal <|> pure 20))),
("/tail" <|> "/t") *> (LastMessages <$> optional ( *> chatNameP) <*> msgCountP <*> pure Nothing),
("/search" <|> "/?") *> (LastMessages <$> optional ( *> chatNameP) <*> msgCountP <*> (Just <$> ( *> stringP))),
"/last_item_id" *> (LastChatItemId <$> optional ( *> chatNameP) <*> ( *> A.decimal <|> pure 0)),
"/show" *> (ShowLiveItems <$> ( *> onOffP <|> pure True)),
"/show " *> (ShowChatItem . Just <$> A.decimal),
"/item info " *> (ShowChatItemInfo <$> chatNameP <* <*> msgTextP),
("/file " <|> "/f ") *> (SendFile <$> chatNameP' <* <*> cryptoFileP),
("/image " <|> "/img ") *> (SendImage <$> chatNameP' <* <*> cryptoFileP),
("/fforward " <|> "/ff ") *> (ForwardFile <$> chatNameP' <* <*> A.decimal),
("/image_forward " <|> "/imgf ") *> (ForwardImage <$> chatNameP' <* <*> A.decimal),
("/fdescription " <|> "/fd") *> (SendFileDescription <$> chatNameP' <* <*> filePath),
("/freceive " <|> "/fr ") *> (ReceiveFile <$> A.decimal <*> optional (" encrypt=" *> onOffP) <*> optional (" inline=" *> onOffP) <*> optional ( *> filePath)),
"/_set_file_to_receive " *> (SetFileToReceive <$> A.decimal <*> optional (" encrypt=" *> onOffP)),
("/fcancel " <|> "/fc ") *> (CancelFile <$> A.decimal),
("/fstatus " <|> "/fs ") *> (FileStatus <$> A.decimal),
"/_connect contact " *> (APIConnectContactViaAddress <$> A.decimal <*> incognitoOnOffP <* <*> A.decimal),
"/simplex" *> (ConnectSimplex <$> incognitoP),
"/_address " *> (APICreateMyAddress <$> A.decimal),
("/address" <|> "/ad") $> CreateMyAddress,
"/_delete_address " *> (APIDeleteMyAddress <$> A.decimal),
("/delete_address" <|> "/da") $> DeleteMyAddress,
"/_show_address " *> (APIShowMyAddress <$> A.decimal),
("/show_address" <|> "/sa") $> ShowMyAddress,
"/_profile_address " *> (APISetProfileAddress <$> A.decimal <* <*> onOffP),
("/profile_address " <|> "/pa ") *> (SetProfileAddress <$> onOffP),
"/_auto_accept " *> (APIAddressAutoAccept <$> A.decimal <* <*> autoAcceptP),
"/auto_accept " *> (AddressAutoAccept <$> autoAcceptP),
("/accept" <|> "/ac") *> (AcceptContact <$> incognitoP <* <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
("/reject " <|> "/rc ") *> char_ '@' *> (RejectContact <$> displayName),
("/markdown" <|> "/m") $> ChatHelp HSMarkdown,
("/welcome" <|> "/w") $> Welcome,
"/set profile image " *> (UpdateProfileImage . Just . ImageData <$> imageP),
"/delete profile image" $> UpdateProfileImage Nothing,
"/show profile image" $> ShowProfileImage,
("/profile " <|> "/p ") *> (uncurry UpdateProfile <$> profileNames),
("/profile" <|> "/p") $> ShowProfile,
"/set voice #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFVoice) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set voice @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFVoice) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set voice " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFVoice) <$> strP),
"/set files #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFFiles) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set calls @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFCalls) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set calls " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFCalls) <$> strP),
"/set delete #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFFullDelete) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set delete @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFFullDelete) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set delete " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFFullDelete) <$> strP),
"/set direct #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFDirectMessages) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set disappear #" *> (SetGroupTimedMessages <$> displayName <*> ( *> timedTTLOnOffP)),
"/set disappear @" *> (SetContactTimedMessages <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> timedMessagesEnabledP)),
"/set disappear " *> (SetUserTimedMessages <$> (("yes" $> True) <|> ("no" $> False))),
("/incognito" <* optional ( *> onOffP)) $> ChatHelp HSIncognito,
"/set device name " *> (SetLocalDeviceName <$> textP),
"/list remote hosts" $> ListRemoteHosts,
"/switch remote host " *> (SwitchRemoteHost <$> ("local" $> Nothing <|> (Just <$> A.decimal))),
"/start remote host " *> (StartRemoteHost <$> ("new" $> Nothing <|> (Just <$> ((,) <$> A.decimal <*> (" multicast=" *> onOffP <|> pure False))))),
"/stop remote host " *> (StopRemoteHost <$> ("new" $> RHNew <|> RHId <$> A.decimal)),
"/delete remote host " *> (DeleteRemoteHost <$> A.decimal),
"/store remote file " *> (StoreRemoteFile <$> A.decimal <*> optional (" encrypt=" *> onOffP) <* <*> filePath),
"/get remote file " *> (GetRemoteFile <$> A.decimal <* <*> jsonP),
"/connect remote ctrl " *> (ConnectRemoteCtrl <$> strP),
"/find remote ctrl" $> FindKnownRemoteCtrl,
"/confirm remote ctrl " *> (ConfirmRemoteCtrl <$> A.decimal),
"/verify remote ctrl " *> (VerifyRemoteCtrlSession <$> textP),
"/list remote ctrls" $> ListRemoteCtrls,
"/stop remote ctrl" $> StopRemoteCtrl,
"/delete remote ctrl " *> (DeleteRemoteCtrl <$> A.decimal),
("/quit" <|> "/q" <|> "/exit") $> QuitChat,
("/version" <|> "/v") $> ShowVersion,
"/debug locks" $> DebugLocks,
"/get stats" $> GetAgentStats,
"/reset stats" $> ResetAgentStats,
"/get subs" $> GetAgentSubs,
"/get subs details" $> GetAgentSubsDetails
choice = A.choice . map (\p -> p <* A.takeWhile (== ' ') <* A.endOfInput)
incognitoP = ( *> ("incognito" <|> "i")) $> True <|> pure False
incognitoOnOffP = ( *> "incognito=" *> onOffP) <|> pure False
imagePrefix = (<>) <$> "data:" <*> ("image/png;base64," <|> "image/jpg;base64,")
imageP = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> ((<>) <$> imagePrefix <*> (B64.encode <$> base64P))
chatTypeP = A.char '@' $> CTDirect <|> A.char '#' $> CTGroup <|> A.char ':' $> CTContactConnection
chatPaginationP =
(CPLast <$ "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (CPAfter <$ "after=" <*> A.decimal <* <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (CPBefore <$ "before=" <*> A.decimal <* <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
mcTextP = MCText . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString
msgContentP = "text " *> mcTextP <|> "json " *> jsonP
ciDeleteMode = "broadcast" $> CIDMBroadcast <|> "internal" $> CIDMInternal
displayName = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> (quoted "'" <|> takeNameTill isSpace)
takeNameTill p =
A.peekChar' >>= \c ->
if refChar c then A.takeTill p else fail "invalid first character in display name"
quoted cs = A.choice [A.char c *> takeNameTill (== c) <* A.char c | c <- cs]
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@'
sendMsgQuote msgDir = SendMessageQuote <$> displayName <* <*> pure msgDir <*> quotedMsg <*> msgTextP
quotedMsg = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> (A.char '(' *> A.takeTill (== ')') <* A.char ')') <* optional
reactionP = MREmoji <$> (mrEmojiChar <$?> (toEmoji <$> A.anyChar))
toEmoji = \case
'1' -> '👍'
'+' -> '👍'
'-' -> '👎'
')' -> '😀'
',' -> '😢'
'*' -> head "❤️"
'^' -> '🚀'
c -> c
liveMessageP = " live=" *> onOffP <|> pure False
sendMessageTTLP = " ttl=" *> ((Just <$> A.decimal) <|> ("default" $> Nothing)) <|> pure Nothing
receiptSettings = do
enable <- onOffP
clearOverrides <- (" clear_overrides=" *> onOffP) <|> pure False
pure UserMsgReceiptSettings {enable, clearOverrides}
onOffP = ("on" $> True) <|> ("off" $> False)
profileNames = (,) <$> displayName <*> fullNameP
newUserP = do
sameServers <- "same_servers=" *> onOffP <* <|> pure False
(cName, fullName) <- profileNames
let profile = Just Profile {displayName = cName, fullName, image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = Nothing}
pure NewUser {profile, sameServers, pastTimestamp = False}
jsonP :: J.FromJSON a => Parser a
jsonP = J.eitherDecodeStrict' <$?> A.takeByteString
groupProfile = do
(gName, fullName) <- profileNames
let groupPreferences = Just (emptyGroupPrefs :: GroupPreferences) {directMessages = Just DirectMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}}
pure GroupProfile {displayName = gName, fullName, description = Nothing, image = Nothing, groupPreferences}
fullNameP = *> textP <|> pure ""
textP = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString
pwdP = jsonP <|> (UserPwd . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeTill (== ' '))
verifyCodeP = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeWhile (\c -> isDigit c || c == ' ')
msgTextP = jsonP <|> textP
stringP = T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString
filePath = stringP
cryptoFileP = do
cfArgs <- optional $ CFArgs <$> (" key=" *> strP <* <*> (" nonce=" *> strP)
path <- filePath
pure $ CryptoFile path cfArgs
memberRole =
[ " owner" $> GROwner,
" admin" $> GRAdmin,
" member" $> GRMember,
" observer" $> GRObserver
chatNameP = ChatName <$> chatTypeP <*> displayName
chatNameP' = ChatName <$> (chatTypeP <|> pure CTDirect) <*> displayName
chatRefP = ChatRef <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal
msgCountP = *> A.decimal <|> pure 10
ciTTLDecimal = ("none" $> Nothing) <|> (Just <$> A.decimal)
ciTTL =
("day" $> Just 86400)
<|> ("week" $> Just (7 * 86400))
<|> ("month" $> Just (30 * 86400))
<|> ("none" $> Nothing)
timedTTLP =
("30s" $> 30)
<|> ("5min" $> 300)
<|> ("1h" $> 3600)
<|> ("8h" $> (8 * 3600))
<|> ("day" $> 86400)
<|> ("week" $> (7 * 86400))
<|> ("month" $> (30 * 86400))
timedTTLOnOffP =
optional ("on" *> *> (Just <$> timedTTLP)
<|> ("off" $> Nothing)
timedMessagesEnabledP =
optional ("yes" *> *> (TMEEnableSetTTL <$> timedTTLP)
<|> ("yes" $> TMEEnableKeepTTL)
<|> ("no" $> TMEDisableKeepTTL)
netCfgP = do
socksProxy <- "socks=" *> ("off" $> Nothing <|> "on" $> Just defaultSocksProxy <|> Just <$> strP)
t_ <- optional $ " timeout=" *> A.decimal
logErrors <- " log=" *> onOffP <|> pure False
let tcpTimeout = 1000000 * fromMaybe (maybe 5 (const 10) socksProxy) t_
pure $ fullNetworkConfig socksProxy tcpTimeout logErrors
xftpCfgP = XFTPFileConfig <$> (" size=" *> fileSizeP <|> pure 0)
fileSizeP =
[ gb <$> A.decimal <* "gb",
mb <$> A.decimal <* "mb",
kb <$> A.decimal <* "kb",
dbKeyP = nonEmptyKey <$?> strP
nonEmptyKey k@(DBEncryptionKey s) = if null s then Left "empty key" else Right k
autoAcceptP =
(Just <$> (AutoAccept <$> (" incognito=" *> onOffP <|> pure False) <*> optional ( *> msgContentP)))
(pure Nothing)
srvCfgP = strP >>= \case AProtocolType p -> APSC p <$> ( *> jsonP)
toServerCfg server = ServerCfg {server, preset = False, tested = Nothing, enabled = True}
char_ = optional . A.char
adminContactReq :: ConnReqContact
adminContactReq =
either error id $ strDecode "simplex:/contact#/?v=1&"
simplexContactProfile :: Profile
simplexContactProfile =
{ displayName = "SimpleX Chat team",
fullName = "",
image = Just (ImageData ""),
contactLink = Just adminContactReq,
preferences = Nothing
timeItToView :: ChatMonad' m => String -> m a -> m a
timeItToView s action = do
t1 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
a <- action
t2 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let diff = diffToMilliseconds $ diffUTCTime t2 t1
toView $ CRTimedAction s diff
pure a
mkValidName :: String -> String
mkValidName = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . fst3 . foldl' addChar ("", '\NUL', 0 :: Int)
fst3 (x, _, _) = x
addChar (r, prev, punct) c = if validChar then (c' : r, c', punct') else (r, prev, punct)
c' = if isSpace c then ' ' else c
| isPunctuation c = punct + 1
| isSpace c = punct
| otherwise = 0
| c == '\'' = False
| prev == '\NUL' = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@' && validFirstChar
| isSpace prev = validFirstChar || (punct == 0 && isPunctuation c)
| isPunctuation prev = validFirstChar || isSpace c || (punct < 3 && isPunctuation c)
| otherwise = validFirstChar || isSpace c || isMark c || isPunctuation c
validFirstChar = isLetter c || isNumber c || isSymbol c