Evgeny 621b291da1
core: member mentions, types and rfc (#5555)
* core: member mentions, types and rfc

* update

* update rfc

* save/get mentions (WIP)

* markdown

* store received mentions and userMention flag

* sent mentions

* update message with mentions

* db queries

* CLI mentions, test passes

* use maps for mentions

* tests

* comment

* save mentions on sent messages

* postresql schema

* refactor

* M.empty

* include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo

* fix saving sent mentions

* include mentions in previews

* update plans
2025-01-29 13:04:48 +00:00

184 lines
7.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module SchemaDump where
import ChatClient (withTmpFiles)
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (unless, void)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, sort)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Store (createChatStore)
import qualified Simplex.Chat.Store as Store
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (createAgentStore)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.Common (withConnection)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB (TrackQueries (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB as DB
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.Interface
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.Migrations as Migrations
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.Shared (Migration (..), MigrationConfirmation (..), MigrationsToRun (..), toDownMigration)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (ifM, tshow, whenM)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Process (readCreateProcess, shell)
import Test.Hspec
testDB :: FilePath
testDB = "tests/tmp/test_chat.db"
testAgentDB :: FilePath
testAgentDB = "tests/tmp/test_agent.db"
appSchema :: FilePath
appSchema = "src/Simplex/Chat/Store/SQLite/Migrations/chat_schema.sql"
-- Some indexes found by `.lint fkey-indexes` are not added to schema, explanation:
-- - CREATE INDEX 'chat_items_group_id' ON 'chat_items'('group_id'); --> groups(group_id)
-- Covering index is used instead. See for example:
-- (uses idx_chat_items_groups_item_status)
-- - CREATE INDEX 'connections_group_member_id' ON 'connections'('group_member_id'); --> group_members(group_member_id)
-- Covering index is used instead. See for example:
-- (uses idx_connections_group_member)
appLint :: FilePath
appLint = "src/Simplex/Chat/Store/SQLite/Migrations/chat_lint.sql"
appChatQueryPlans :: FilePath
appChatQueryPlans = "src/Simplex/Chat/Store/SQLite/Migrations/chat_query_plans.txt"
appAgentQueryPlans :: FilePath
appAgentQueryPlans = "src/Simplex/Chat/Store/SQLite/Migrations/agent_query_plans.txt"
testSchema :: FilePath
testSchema = "tests/tmp/test_agent_schema.sql"
schemaDumpTest :: Spec
schemaDumpTest = do
it "verify and overwrite schema dump" testVerifySchemaDump
it "verify .lint fkey-indexes" testVerifyLintFKeyIndexes
it "verify schema down migrations" testSchemaMigrations
testVerifySchemaDump :: IO ()
testVerifySchemaDump = withTmpFiles $ do
savedSchema <- ifM (doesFileExist appSchema) (readFile appSchema) (pure "")
savedSchema `deepseq` pure ()
void $ createChatStore (DBOpts testDB "" False True TQOff) MCError
getSchema testDB appSchema `shouldReturn` savedSchema
removeFile testDB
testVerifyLintFKeyIndexes :: IO ()
testVerifyLintFKeyIndexes = withTmpFiles $ do
savedLint <- ifM (doesFileExist appLint) (readFile appLint) (pure "")
savedLint `deepseq` pure ()
void $ createChatStore (DBOpts testDB "" False True TQOff) MCError
getLintFKeyIndexes testDB "tests/tmp/chat_lint.sql" `shouldReturn` savedLint
removeFile testDB
testSchemaMigrations :: IO ()
testSchemaMigrations = withTmpFiles $ do
let noDownMigrations = dropWhileEnd (\Migration {down} -> isJust down) Store.migrations
Right st <- createDBStore (DBOpts testDB "" False True TQOff) noDownMigrations MCError
mapM_ (testDownMigration st) $ drop (length noDownMigrations) Store.migrations
closeDBStore st
removeFile testDB
whenM (doesFileExist testSchema) $ removeFile testSchema
testDownMigration st m = do
putStrLn $ "down migration " <> name m
let downMigr = fromJust $ toDownMigration m
schema <- getSchema testDB testSchema st True $ MTRUp [m]
schema' <- getSchema testDB testSchema
schema' `shouldNotBe` schema st True $ MTRDown [downMigr]
unless (name m `elem` skipComparisonForDownMigrations) $ do
schema'' <- getSchema testDB testSchema
schema'' `shouldBe` schema st True $ MTRUp [m]
schema''' <- getSchema testDB testSchema
schema''' `shouldBe` schema'
skipComparisonForDownMigrations :: [String]
skipComparisonForDownMigrations =
[ -- on down migration msg_delivery_events table moves down to the end of the file
-- on down migration idx_chat_items_timed_delete_at index moves down to the end of the file
-- table and index definitions move down the file, so fields are re-created as not unique
-- on down migration idx_connections_via_contact_uri_hash index moves down to the end of the file
-- table and indexes move down to the end of the file
-- on down migration idx_msg_deliveries_agent_ack_cmd_id index moves down to the end of the file
-- sequence table moves down to the end of the file
-- indexes move down to the end of the file
getSchema :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO String
getSchema dbPath schemaPath = do
void $ readCreateProcess (shell $ "sqlite3 " <> dbPath <> " '.schema --indent' > " <> schemaPath) ""
sch <- readFile schemaPath
sch `deepseq` pure sch
getLintFKeyIndexes :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO String
getLintFKeyIndexes dbPath lintPath = do
void $ readCreateProcess (shell $ "sqlite3 " <> dbPath <> " '.lint fkey-indexes' > " <> lintPath) ""
lint <- readFile lintPath
lint `deepseq` pure lint
saveQueryPlans :: SpecWith TestParams
saveQueryPlans = it "verify and overwrite query plans" $ \TestParams {chatQueryStats, agentQueryStats} -> do
(chatSavedPlans, chatSavedPlans') <-
(createChatStore (DBOpts testDB "" False True TQOff) MCError)
(`DB.execute_` "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp_conn_ids (conn_id BLOB)")
(agentSavedPlans, agentSavedPlans') <-
(createAgentStore (DBOpts testAgentDB "" False True TQOff) MCError)
(const $ pure ())
chatSavedPlans' == chatSavedPlans `shouldBe` True
agentSavedPlans' == agentSavedPlans `shouldBe` True
removeFile testDB
removeFile testAgentDB
updatePlans plansFile statsSel createStore prepareStore = do
savedPlans <- ifM (doesFileExist plansFile) (T.readFile plansFile) (pure "")
savedPlans `deepseq` pure ()
queries <- sort . M.keys <$> readTVarIO statsSel
Right st <- createStore
plans' <- withConnection st $ \db -> do
void $ prepareStore db
mapM (getQueryPlan db) queries
let savedPlans' = T.unlines plans'
T.writeFile plansFile savedPlans'
pure (savedPlans, savedPlans')
getQueryPlan :: DB.Connection -> Query -> IO Text
getQueryPlan db q =
(("Query: " <> fromQuery q) <>) . result <$> E.try (DB.query_ db $ "explain query plan " <> q)
result = \case
Right r -> "\nPlan:\n" <> T.unlines (map planDetail r)
Left (e :: E.SomeException) -> "\nError: " <> tshow e <> "\n"
planDetail :: (Int, Int, Int, Text) -> Text
planDetail (_, _, _, detail) = detail