mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* core: member mentions, types and rfc * update * update rfc * save/get mentions (WIP) * markdown * store received mentions and userMention flag * sent mentions * update message with mentions * db queries * CLI mentions, test passes * use maps for mentions * tests * comment * save mentions on sent messages * postresql schema * refactor * M.empty * include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo * fix saving sent mentions * include mentions in previews * update plans
316 lines
31 KiB
316 lines
31 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module ProtocolTests where
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (..), systemToUTCTime)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (EntityId (..), supportedSMPClientVRange)
import Simplex.Messaging.ServiceScheme
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Test.Hspec
protocolTests :: Spec
protocolTests = decodeChatMessageTest
srv :: SMPServer
srv = SMPServer "smp.simplex.im" "5223" (C.KeyHash "\215m\248\251")
queue :: SMPQueueUri
queue =
{ smpServer = srv,
senderId = EntityId "\223\142z\251",
dhPublicKey = "MCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O/NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o=",
sndSecure = False
connReqData :: ConnReqUriData
connReqData =
{ crScheme = SSSimplex,
crAgentVRange = mkVersionRange (VersionSMPA 1) (VersionSMPA 1),
crSmpQueues = [queue],
crClientData = Nothing
testDhPubKey :: C.PublicKeyX448
testDhPubKey = "MEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ/m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW+Lp0n0h4Diu+kUpR+qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U="
testE2ERatchetParams :: RcvE2ERatchetParamsUri 'C.X448
testE2ERatchetParams = E2ERatchetParamsUri supportedE2EEncryptVRange testDhPubKey testDhPubKey Nothing
testConnReq :: ConnectionRequestUri 'CMInvitation
testConnReq = CRInvitationUri connReqData testE2ERatchetParams
quotedMsg :: QuotedMsg
quotedMsg =
(MsgRef (Just $ SharedMsgId "\5\6\7\8") (systemToUTCTime $ MkSystemTime 1 1) True Nothing)
$ MCText "hello there!"
(==##) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMessage e -> Expectation
s ==## msg = do
case parseChatMessages s of
[acMsg] -> case acMsg of
Right (ACMsg _ msg') -> case checkEncoding msg' of
Right msg'' -> msg'' `shouldBe` msg
Left e -> expectationFailure $ "checkEncoding error: " <> show e
Left e -> expectationFailure $ "parse error: " <> show e
_ -> expectationFailure "exactly one message expected"
(##==) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMessage e -> Expectation
s ##== msg = do
let r = encodeChatMessage maxEncodedMsgLength msg
case r of
ECMEncoded encodedBody ->
J.eitherDecodeStrict' encodedBody
`shouldBe` (J.eitherDecodeStrict' s :: Either String J.Value)
ECMLarge -> expectationFailure "large message"
(##==##) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMessage e -> Expectation
s ##==## msg = do
s ##== msg
s ==## msg
(==#) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMsgEvent e -> Expectation
s ==# msg = s ==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange Nothing msg
(#==) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMsgEvent e -> Expectation
s #== msg = s ##== ChatMessage chatInitialVRange Nothing msg
(#==#) :: MsgEncodingI e => ByteString -> ChatMsgEvent e -> Expectation
s #==# msg = do
s #== msg
s ==# msg
testChatPreferences :: Maybe Preferences
testChatPreferences = Just Preferences {voice = Just VoicePreference {allow = FAYes}, fullDelete = Nothing, timedMessages = Nothing, calls = Nothing, reactions = Just ReactionsPreference {allow = FAYes}}
testGroupPreferences :: Maybe GroupPreferences
testGroupPreferences = Just GroupPreferences {timedMessages = Nothing, directMessages = Nothing, reactions = Just ReactionsGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}, voice = Just VoiceGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing}, files = Nothing, fullDelete = Nothing, simplexLinks = Nothing, history = Nothing}
testProfile :: Profile
testProfile = Profile {displayName = "alice", fullName = "Alice", image = Just (ImageData ""), contactLink = Nothing, preferences = testChatPreferences}
testGroupProfile :: GroupProfile
testGroupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName = "team", fullName = "Team", description = Nothing, image = Nothing, groupPreferences = testGroupPreferences}
decodeChatMessageTest :: Spec
decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
it "x.msg.new simple text" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple text - timed message TTL" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple text - live message" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
it "x.msg.new simple link" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"https://simplex.chat\",\"type\":\"link\",\"preview\":{\"description\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"image\":\"\",\"title\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"uri\":\"https://simplex.chat\"}}}}"
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCLink "https://simplex.chat" $ LinkPreview {uri = "https://simplex.chat", title = "SimpleX Chat", description = "SimpleX Chat", image = ImageData "", content = Nothing}) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple image" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCImage "" $ ImageData "") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple image with text" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"here's an image\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}}}"
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCImage "here's an image" $ ImageData "") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new chat message" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new chat message with chat version range" $
##==## ChatMessage supportedChatVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new quote" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}}}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (extMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new quote - timed message TTL" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}},\"ttl\":3600}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new quote - live message" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}},\"live\":true}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True))))
it "x.msg.new forward" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new forward - timed message TTL" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new forward - live message" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
it "x.msg.new simple text with file" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.new simple file with file" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCFile "") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "file.txt", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.new quote with file" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}},\"file\":{\"fileSize\":12345,\"fileName\":\"photo.jpg\"}}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
( XMsgNew
( MCQuote
( extMsgContent
(MCText "hello to you too")
(Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})
it "x.msg.new report" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"\",\"reason\":\"spam\",\"type\":\"report\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}}}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (extMsgContent (MCReport "" RRSpam) Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new forward with file" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.update" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.update\",\"params\":{\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\", \"content\":{\"text\":\"hello\",\"type\":\"text\"}}}"
#==# XMsgUpdate (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing
it "x.msg.del" $
#==# XMsgDel (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") Nothing
it "x.msg.deleted" $
#==# XMsgDeleted
it "x.file" $
#==# XFile FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Just testConnReq, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing}
it "x.file without file invitation" $
#==# XFile FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing}
it "x.file.acpt" $
#==# XFileAcpt "photo.jpg"
it "x.file.acpt.inv" $
#==# XFileAcptInv (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (Just testConnReq) "photo.jpg"
it "x.file.acpt.inv" $
#==# XFileAcptInv (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") Nothing "photo.jpg"
it "x.file.cancel" $
#==# XFileCancel (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.info" $
#==# XInfo testProfile
it "x.info with empty full name" $
#==# XInfo Profile {displayName = "alice", fullName = "", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = testChatPreferences}
it "x.contact with xContactId" $
#==# XContact testProfile (Just $ XContactId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.contact without XContactId" $
#==# XContact testProfile Nothing
it "x.contact with content null" $
==# XContact testProfile Nothing
it "x.contact with content (ignored)" $
==# XContact testProfile Nothing
it "x.grp.inv" $
#==# XGrpInv GroupInvitation {fromMember = MemberIdRole (MemberId "\1\2\3\4") GRAdmin, invitedMember = MemberIdRole (MemberId "\5\6\7\8") GRMember, connRequest = testConnReq, groupProfile = testGroupProfile, business = Nothing, groupLinkId = Nothing, groupSize = Nothing}
it "x.grp.inv with group link id" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.grp.inv\",\"params\":{\"groupInvitation\":{\"connRequest\":\"simplex:/invitation#/?v=1&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1234-w%3D%3D%40smp.simplex.im%3A5223%2F3456-w%3D%3D%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O_NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o%253D&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D\",\"invitedMember\":{\"memberRole\":\"member\",\"memberId\":\"BQYHCA==\"},\"groupProfile\":{\"fullName\":\"Team\",\"displayName\":\"team\",\"groupPreferences\":{\"reactions\":{\"enable\":\"on\"},\"voice\":{\"enable\":\"on\"}}},\"fromMember\":{\"memberRole\":\"admin\",\"memberId\":\"AQIDBA==\"}, \"groupLinkId\":\"AQIDBA==\"}}}"
#==# XGrpInv GroupInvitation {fromMember = MemberIdRole (MemberId "\1\2\3\4") GRAdmin, invitedMember = MemberIdRole (MemberId "\5\6\7\8") GRMember, connRequest = testConnReq, groupProfile = testGroupProfile, business = Nothing, groupLinkId = Just $ GroupLinkId "\1\2\3\4", groupSize = Nothing}
it "x.grp.acpt without incognito profile" $
#==# XGrpAcpt (MemberId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.grp.mem.new" $
#==# XGrpMemNew MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Nothing, profile = testProfile}
it "x.grp.mem.new with member chat version range" $
#==# XGrpMemNew MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Just $ ChatVersionRange supportedChatVRange, profile = testProfile}
it "x.grp.mem.intro" $
#==# XGrpMemIntro MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Nothing, profile = testProfile} Nothing
it "x.grp.mem.intro with member chat version range" $
#==# XGrpMemIntro MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Just $ ChatVersionRange supportedChatVRange, profile = testProfile} Nothing
it "x.grp.mem.intro with member restrictions" $
#==# XGrpMemIntro MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Nothing, profile = testProfile} (Just MemberRestrictions {restriction = MRSBlocked})
it "x.grp.mem.inv" $
#==# XGrpMemInv (MemberId "\1\2\3\4") IntroInvitation {groupConnReq = testConnReq, directConnReq = Just testConnReq}
it "x.grp.mem.inv w/t directConnReq" $
#==# XGrpMemInv (MemberId "\1\2\3\4") IntroInvitation {groupConnReq = testConnReq, directConnReq = Nothing}
it "x.grp.mem.fwd" $
#==# XGrpMemFwd MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Nothing, profile = testProfile} IntroInvitation {groupConnReq = testConnReq, directConnReq = Just testConnReq}
it "x.grp.mem.fwd with member chat version range and w/t directConnReq" $
#==# XGrpMemFwd MemberInfo {memberId = MemberId "\1\2\3\4", memberRole = GRAdmin, v = Just $ ChatVersionRange supportedChatVRange, profile = testProfile} IntroInvitation {groupConnReq = testConnReq, directConnReq = Nothing}
it "x.grp.mem.info" $
#==# XGrpMemInfo (MemberId "\1\2\3\4") testProfile
it "x.grp.mem.con" $
#==# XGrpMemCon (MemberId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.grp.mem.con.all" $
#==# XGrpMemConAll (MemberId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.grp.mem.del" $
#==# XGrpMemDel (MemberId "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.grp.leave" $
==# XGrpLeave
it "x.grp.del" $
==# XGrpDel
it "x.grp.direct.inv" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.grp.direct.inv\",\"params\":{\"connReq\":\"simplex:/invitation#/?v=1&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1234-w%3D%3D%40smp.simplex.im%3A5223%2F3456-w%3D%3D%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O_NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o%253D&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D\", \"content\":{\"text\":\"hello\",\"type\":\"text\"}}}"
#==# XGrpDirectInv testConnReq (Just $ MCText "hello")
it "x.grp.direct.inv without content" $
#==# XGrpDirectInv testConnReq Nothing
-- it "x.grp.msg.forward"
-- $ "{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.grp.msg.forward\",\"params\":{\"msgForward\":{\"memberId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"msg\":\"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello\",\"type\":\"text\"}}}\",\"msgTs\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}}}"
-- #==# XGrpMsgForward
-- (MemberId "\1\2\3\4")
-- (ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))))
-- (systemToUTCTime $ MkSystemTime 1 1)
it "x.info.probe" $
#==# XInfoProbe (Probe "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.info.probe.check" $
#==# XInfoProbeCheck (ProbeHash "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.info.probe.ok" $
#==# XInfoProbeOk (Probe "\1\2\3\4")
it "x.ok" $
==# XOk