Evgeny 621b291da1
core: member mentions, types and rfc (#5555)
* core: member mentions, types and rfc

* update

* update rfc

* save/get mentions (WIP)

* markdown

* store received mentions and userMention flag

* sent mentions

* update message with mentions

* db queries

* CLI mentions, test passes

* use maps for mentions

* tests

* comment

* save mentions on sent messages

* postresql schema

* refactor

* M.empty

* include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo

* fix saving sent mentions

* include mentions in previews

* update plans
2025-01-29 13:04:48 +00:00

242 lines
14 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module MarkdownTests where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown
import System.Console.ANSI.Types
import Test.Hspec
markdownTests :: Spec
markdownTests = do
textFormat :: Spec
textFormat = describe "text format (bold)" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is *bold formatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "*bold formatted* text"
`shouldBe` markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is *bold*"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold"
parseMarkdown " *bold* text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " *bold* text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is *bold* "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is *bold* "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is * unformatted * text"
`shouldBe` "this is * unformatted * text"
parseMarkdown "this is *unformatted * text"
`shouldBe` "this is *unformatted * text"
parseMarkdown "this is * unformatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is * unformatted* text"
parseMarkdown "this is **unformatted** text"
`shouldBe` "this is **unformatted** text"
parseMarkdown "this is*unformatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is*unformatted* text"
parseMarkdown "this is *unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is *unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is *long _bold_ (not italic)* text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "long _bold_ (not italic)" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is *bold text*`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is *bold text*"
secretText :: Spec
secretText = describe "secret text" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is #black_secret# text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "black_secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "##black_secret### text"
`shouldBe` markdown Secret "#black_secret##" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #black secret# text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "black secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "##black secret### text"
`shouldBe` markdown Secret "#black secret##" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #secret#"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret"
parseMarkdown " #secret# text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " #secret# text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #secret# "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is #secret# "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is # unformatted # text"
`shouldBe` "this is # unformatted # text"
parseMarkdown "this is #unformatted # text"
`shouldBe` "this is #unformatted # text"
parseMarkdown "this is # unformatted# text"
`shouldBe` "this is # unformatted# text"
parseMarkdown "this is ## unformatted ## text"
`shouldBe` "this is ## unformatted ## text"
parseMarkdown "this is#unformatted# text"
`shouldBe` "this is#unformatted# text"
parseMarkdown "this is #unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is #unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is #secret_text#`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is #secret_text#"
red :: Text -> Markdown
red = markdown (colored Red)
textColor :: Spec
textColor = describe "text color (red)" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red color! text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red color" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "!1 red! text"
`shouldBe` red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red!"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red"
parseMarkdown " !1 red! text"
`shouldBe` " " <> red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " !1 red! text"
`shouldBe` " " <> red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red! "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red! "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted! text"
-- parseMarkdown "this is !!1 unformatted!! text"
-- `shouldBe` "this is " <> "!!1" <> "unformatted!! text"
parseMarkdown "this is!1 unformatted! text"
`shouldBe` "this is!1 unformatted! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 long *red* (not bold)! text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "long *red* (not bold)" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is !1 red text!`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is !1 red text!"
uri :: Text -> Markdown
uri = Markdown $ Just Uri
simplexLink :: SimplexLinkType -> Text -> NonEmpty Text -> Text -> Markdown
simplexLink linkType simplexUri smpHosts = Markdown $ Just SimplexLink {linkType, simplexUri, smpHosts}
textWithUri :: Spec
textWithUri = describe "text with Uri" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "" `shouldBe` uri ""
parseMarkdown "" `shouldBe` uri "" <> "."
parseMarkdown ", hello" `shouldBe` uri "" <> ", hello"
parseMarkdown "" `shouldBe` uri ""
parseMarkdown "this is" `shouldBe` "this is " <> uri ""
parseMarkdown " site" `shouldBe` uri "" <> " site"
parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub:" `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri ""
parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub:" `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri "" <> "."
parseMarkdown " - SimpleX on GitHub" `shouldBe` uri "" <> " - SimpleX on GitHub"
-- parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub (" `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub (" <> uri "" <> ")"
parseMarkdown "" `shouldBe` uri ""
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "_" `shouldBe` "_"
parseMarkdown "this is _" `shouldBe` "this is _"
it "SimpleX links" do
let inv = "/invitation#/?v=1&"
parseMarkdown ("" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) [""] ("" <> inv)
parseMarkdown ("simplex:" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) [""] ("simplex:" <> inv)
parseMarkdown ("" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) [""] ("" <> inv)
let ct = "/contact#/?v=2&"
parseMarkdown ("" <> ct) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLContact ("simplex:" <> ct) [""] ("" <> ct)
let gr = "/contact#/?v=2&"
parseMarkdown ("" <> gr) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLGroup ("simplex:" <> gr) ["", "o5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion"] ("" <> gr)
email :: Text -> Markdown
email = Markdown $ Just Email
textWithEmail :: Spec
textWithEmail = describe "text with Email" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "" `shouldBe` email ""
parseMarkdown "test" `shouldBe` "test " <> email ""
parseMarkdown "test" `shouldBe` "test " <> email ""
parseMarkdown "test" `shouldBe` "test " <> email ""
parseMarkdown " test" `shouldBe` email "" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test1 test2" `shouldBe` "test1 " <> email "" <> " test2"
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "chat" `shouldBe` "chat " <> mention "" ""
parseMarkdown "this is chat" `shouldBe` "this is chat " <> mention "" ""
parseMarkdown "this is chat@" `shouldBe` "this is chat@"
parseMarkdown "this is chat @" `shouldBe` "this is chat @"
phone :: Text -> Markdown
phone = Markdown $ Just Phone
textWithPhone :: Spec
textWithPhone = describe "text with Phone" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "07777777777" `shouldBe` phone "07777777777"
parseMarkdown "test 07777777777" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "07777777777"
parseMarkdown "07777777777 test" `shouldBe` phone "07777777777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test1 07777777777 test2" `shouldBe` "test1 " <> phone "07777777777" <> " test2"
parseMarkdown "test 07777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "07777 777 777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +447777777777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+447777777777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44 (0) 7777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777 777 777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44-7777-777-777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44-7777-777-777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44 (0) 7777.777.777 test"
`shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777.777.777" <> " " <> uri "" <> " test"
it "ignored as markdown (too short)" $
parseMarkdown "test 077777 test" `shouldBe` "test 077777 test"
it "ignored as markdown (double spaces)" $
parseMarkdown "test 07777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test 07777 777 777 test"
mention :: Text -> Text -> Markdown
mention = Markdown . Just . Mention
textWithMentions :: Spec
textWithMentions = describe "text with mentions" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "@alice" `shouldBe` mention "alice" "@alice"
parseMarkdown "hello @alice" `shouldBe` "hello " <> mention "alice" "@alice"
parseMarkdown "hello @alice !" `shouldBe` "hello " <> mention "alice" "@alice" <> " !"
parseMarkdown "@'alice jones'" `shouldBe` mention "alice jones" "@'alice jones'"
parseMarkdown "hello @'alice jones'!" `shouldBe` "hello " <> mention "alice jones" "@'alice jones'" <> "!"
it "ignored as markdown" $ do
parseMarkdown "hello @'alice jones!" `shouldBe` "hello @'alice jones!"
parseMarkdown "hello @ alice!" `shouldBe` "hello @ alice!"
uri' :: Text -> FormattedText
uri' = FormattedText $ Just Uri
multilineMarkdownList :: Spec
multilineMarkdownList = describe "multiline markdown" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "\n" `shouldBe` Just [uri' "", "\n", uri' ""]
it "combines the same formats" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "\ntext 1\ntext 2\n" `shouldBe` Just [uri' "", "\ntext 1\ntext 2\n", uri' ""]
it "no markdown" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "not a\nmarkdown" `shouldBe` Nothing
let inv = "/invitation#/?v=1&"
it "multiline with simplex link" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList ("" <> inv <> "\ntext")
`shouldBe` Just
[ FormattedText (Just $ SimplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) [""]) ("" <> inv),