mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* core: member mentions, types and rfc * update * update rfc * save/get mentions (WIP) * markdown * store received mentions and userMention flag * sent mentions * update message with mentions * db queries * CLI mentions, test passes * use maps for mentions * tests * comment * save mentions on sent messages * postresql schema * refactor * M.empty * include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo * fix saving sent mentions * include mentions in previews * update plans
3204 lines
123 KiB
3204 lines
123 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-ambiguous-fields #-}
module ChatTests.Direct where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.AppSettings (defaultAppSettings)
import qualified Simplex.Chat.AppSettings as AS
import Simplex.Chat.Call
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), PresetServers (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Messages (ChatItemId)
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (supportedChatVRange)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (VersionRangeChat, authErrDisableCount, sameVerificationCode, verificationCode, pattern VersionChat)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.RetryInterval
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB as DB
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Server.Env.STM hiding (subscriptions)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (safeDecodeUtf8)
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import System.Directory (copyFile, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
#if defined(dbPostgres)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Only (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Options.DB
import System.FilePath ((</>))
chatDirectTests :: SpecWith TestParams
chatDirectTests = do
describe "direct messages" $ do
describe "add contact and send/receive messages" testAddContact
it "retry connecting via the same link" testRetryConnecting
xit'' "retry connecting via the same link with client timeout" testRetryConnectingClientTimeout
it "mark multiple messages as read" testMarkReadDirect
it "clear chat with contact" testContactClear
it "deleting contact deletes profile" testDeleteContactDeletesProfile
it "delete contact keeping conversation" testDeleteContactKeepConversation
it "delete conversation keeping contact" testDeleteConversationKeepContact
it "unused contact is deleted silently" testDeleteUnusedContactSilent
it "direct message quoted replies" testDirectMessageQuotedReply
it "direct message update" testDirectMessageUpdate
it "direct message edit history" testDirectMessageEditHistory
it "direct message delete" testDirectMessageDelete
it "direct message delete multiple" testDirectMessageDeleteMultiple
it "direct message delete multiple (many chat batches)" testDirectMessageDeleteMultipleManyBatches
it "direct live message" testDirectLiveMessage
it "direct timed message" testDirectTimedMessage
it "repeat AUTH errors disable contact" testRepeatAuthErrorsDisableContact
it "should send multiline message" testMultilineMessage
it "send large message" testLargeMessage
it "initial chat pagination" testChatPaginationInitial
describe "batch send messages" $ do
it "send multiple messages api" testSendMulti
it "send multiple timed messages" testSendMultiTimed
it "send multiple messages, including quote" testSendMultiWithQuote
it "send multiple messages (many chat batches)" testSendMultiManyBatches
describe "duplicate contacts" $ do
it "duplicate contacts are separate (contacts don't merge)" testDuplicateContactsSeparate
it "new contact is separate with multiple duplicate contacts (contacts don't merge)" testDuplicateContactsMultipleSeparate
describe "invitation link connection plan" $ do
it "invitation link ok to connect" testPlanInvitationLinkOk
it "own invitation link" testPlanInvitationLinkOwn
it "connecting via invitation link" testPlanInvitationLinkConnecting
describe "SMP servers" $ do
it "get and set SMP servers" testGetSetSMPServers
it "test SMP server connection" testTestSMPServerConnection
describe "XFTP servers" $ do
it "get and set XFTP servers" testGetSetXFTPServers
it "test XFTP server connection" testTestXFTPServer
describe "operators and usage conditions" $ do
it "get and enable operators, accept conditions" testOperators
describe "async connection handshake" $ do
describe "connect when initiating client goes offline" $ do
it "curr" $ testAsyncInitiatingOffline testCfg testCfg
it "v5" $ testAsyncInitiatingOffline testCfgSlow testCfgSlow
it "v5/curr" $ testAsyncInitiatingOffline testCfgSlow testCfg
it "curr/v5" $ testAsyncInitiatingOffline testCfg testCfgSlow
describe "connect when accepting client goes offline" $ do
it "curr" $ testAsyncAcceptingOffline testCfg testCfg
it "v5" $ testAsyncAcceptingOffline testCfgSlow testCfgSlow
it "v5/curr" $ testAsyncAcceptingOffline testCfgSlow testCfg
it "curr/v5" $ testAsyncAcceptingOffline testCfg testCfgSlow
describe "connect, fully asynchronous (when clients are never simultaneously online)" $ do
it "curr" testFullAsyncFast
-- fails in CI
xit'' "v5" $ testFullAsyncSlow testCfgSlow testCfgSlow
xit'' "v5/curr" $ testFullAsyncSlow testCfgSlow testCfg
xit'' "curr/v5" $ testFullAsyncSlow testCfg testCfgSlow
describe "webrtc calls api" $ do
it "negotiate call" testNegotiateCall
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
describe "maintenance mode" $ do
it "start/stop/export/import chat" testMaintenanceMode
it "export/import chat with files" testMaintenanceModeWithFiles
it "encrypt/decrypt database" testDatabaseEncryption
describe "coordination between app and NSE" $ do
it "should not subscribe in NSE and subscribe in the app" testSubscribeAppNSE
describe "mute/unmute messages" $ do
it "mute/unmute contact" testMuteContact
it "mute/unmute group and member" testMuteGroup
describe "multiple users" $ do
it "create second user" testCreateSecondUser
it "multiple users subscribe and receive messages after restart" testUsersSubscribeAfterRestart
it "both users have contact link" testMultipleUserAddresses
it "create user with same servers" testCreateUserSameServers
it "delete user" testDeleteUser
it "users have different chat item TTL configuration, chat items expire" testUsersDifferentCIExpirationTTL
it "chat items expire after restart for all users according to per user configuration" testUsersRestartCIExpiration
it "chat items only expire for users who configured expiration" testEnableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser
it "disabling chat item expiration doesn't disable it for other users" testDisableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser
it "both users have configured timed messages with contacts, messages expire, restart" testUsersTimedMessages
it "user profile privacy: hide profiles and notifications" testUserPrivacy
it "set direct chat expiration TTL" testSetDirectChatTTL
describe "settings" $ do
it "set chat item expiration TTL" testSetChatItemTTL
it "save/get app settings" testAppSettings
describe "connection switch" $ do
it "switch contact to a different queue" testSwitchContact
it "stop switching contact to a different queue" testAbortSwitchContact
it "switch group member to a different queue" testSwitchGroupMember
it "stop switching group member to a different queue" testAbortSwitchGroupMember
describe "connection verification code" $ do
it "verificationCode function converts ByteString to series of digits" $ \_ ->
verificationCode (C.sha256Hash "abcd") `shouldBe` "61889 38426 63934 09576 96390 79389 84124 85253 63658 69469 70853 37788 95900 68296 20156 25"
it "sameVerificationCode function should ignore spaces" $ \_ ->
sameVerificationCode "123 456 789" "12345 6789" `shouldBe` True
it "mark contact verified" testMarkContactVerified
it "mark group member verified" testMarkGroupMemberVerified
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
-- TODO [postgres] restore from outdated db backup (same as in agent)
describe "message errors" $ do
it "show message decryption error" testMsgDecryptError
it "should report ratchet de-synchronization, synchronize ratchets" testSyncRatchet
it "synchronize ratchets, reset connection code" testSyncRatchetCodeReset
describe "message reactions" $ do
it "set message reactions" testSetMessageReactions
describe "delivery receipts" $ do
it "should send delivery receipts" testSendDeliveryReceipts
it "should send delivery receipts depending on configuration" testConfigureDeliveryReceipts
describe "negotiate connection peer chat protocol version range" $ do
describe "peer version range correctly set for new connection via invitation" $ do
testInvVRange supportedChatVRange supportedChatVRange
testInvVRange supportedChatVRange vr11
testInvVRange vr11 supportedChatVRange
testInvVRange vr11 vr11
describe "peer version range correctly set for new connection via contact request" $ do
testReqVRange supportedChatVRange supportedChatVRange
testReqVRange supportedChatVRange vr11
testReqVRange vr11 supportedChatVRange
testReqVRange vr11 vr11
it "update peer version range on received messages" testUpdatePeerChatVRange
describe "network statuses" $ do
it "should get network statuses" testGetNetworkStatuses
testInvVRange vr1 vr2 = it (vRangeStr vr1 <> " - " <> vRangeStr vr2) $ testConnInvChatVRange vr1 vr2
testReqVRange vr1 vr2 = it (vRangeStr vr1 <> " - " <> vRangeStr vr2) $ testConnReqChatVRange vr1 vr2
testAddContact :: HasCallStack => SpecWith TestParams
testAddContact = versionTestMatrix2 runTestAddContact
runTestAddContact pqExpected alice bob = do
alice ##> "/_connect 1"
inv <- getInvitation alice
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
threadDelay 100000
alice #> "@bob hello there 🙂"
bob <# "alice> hello there 🙂"
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 on"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 off"
alice <## "ok"
bob #> "@alice hello there"
alice <# "bob> hello there"
bob #> "@alice how are you?"
alice <# "bob> how are you?"
chatsEmpty = do
alice @@@ [("@bob", lastChatFeature)]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features)
bob @@@ [("@alice", lastChatFeature)]
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features)
chatsOneMessage = do
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hello there 🙂")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features <> [(1, "hello there 🙂")])
bob @@@ [("@alice", "hello there 🙂")]
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features <> [(0, "hello there 🙂")])
chatsManyMessages = do
alice @@@ [("@bob", "how are you?")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features <> [(1, "hello there 🙂"), (0, "hello there"), (0, "how are you?")])
bob @@@ [("@alice", "how are you?")]
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, features <> [(0, "hello there 🙂"), (1, "hello there"), (1, "how are you?")])
-- pagination
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 after=" <> itemId 1 <> " count=100", chat, [(0, "hello there"), (0, "how are you?")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 before=" <> itemId 2 <> " count=100", chat, features <> [(1, "hello there 🙂")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 around=" <> itemId 2 <> " count=2", chat, [(0, "Audio/video calls: enabled"), (1, "hello there 🙂"), (0, "hello there"), (0, "how are you?")])
-- search
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100 search=ello ther", chat, [(1, "hello there 🙂"), (0, "hello there")])
-- read messages
alice #$> ("/_read chat @2", id, "ok")
bob #$> ("/_read chat @2", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/read user", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/_read user 1", id, "ok")
features =
if pqExpected
then chatFeatures
else (0, e2eeInfoNoPQStr) : tail chatFeatures
testRetryConnecting :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRetryConnecting ps = testChatCfgOpts2 cfg' opts' aliceProfile bobProfile test ps
tmp = tmpPath ps
test alice bob = do
inv <- withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
alice ##> "/_connect 1"
getInvitation alice
alice <## "server disconnected localhost ()"
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
bob <##. "smp agent error: BROKER"
withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
alice <## "server connected localhost ()"
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
alice #> "@bob message 1"
bob <# "alice> message 1"
bob #> "@alice message 2"
alice <# "bob> message 2"
bob <## "server disconnected localhost (@alice)"
alice <## "server disconnected localhost (@bob)"
serverCfg' =
{ transports = [("7003", transport @TLS, False)],
msgQueueQuota = 2,
storeLogFile = Just $ tmp <> "/smp-server-store.log",
storeMsgsFile = Just $ tmp <> "/smp-server-messages.log"
fastRetryInterval = defaultReconnectInterval {initialInterval = 50000} -- same as in agent tests
cfg' =
{ agentConfig =
{ quotaExceededTimeout = 1,
messageRetryInterval = RetryInterval2 {riFast = fastRetryInterval, riSlow = fastRetryInterval}
opts' =
{ coreOptions =
{ smpServers = ["smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7003"]
testRetryConnectingClientTimeout :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRetryConnectingClientTimeout ps = do
inv <- withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
withNewTestChatCfgOpts ps cfg' opts' "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/_connect 1"
inv <- getInvitation alice
withNewTestChatCfgOpts ps cfgZeroTimeout opts' "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "smp agent error: BROKER {brokerAddress = \"smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=@localhost:7003\", brokerErr = TIMEOUT}"
pure inv
logFile <- readFile $ tmp <> "/smp-server-store.log"
logFile `shouldContain` "SECURE"
withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
withTestChatCfgOpts ps cfg' opts' "alice" $ \alice -> do
withTestChatCfgOpts ps cfg' opts' "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
alice #> "@bob message 1"
bob <# "alice> message 1"
bob #> "@alice message 2"
alice <# "bob> message 2"
tmp = tmpPath ps
serverCfg' =
{ transports = [("7003", transport @TLS, False)],
msgQueueQuota = 2,
storeLogFile = Just $ tmp <> "/smp-server-store.log",
storeMsgsFile = Just $ tmp <> "/smp-server-messages.log"
fastRetryInterval = defaultReconnectInterval {initialInterval = 50000} -- same as in agent tests
cfg' =
{ agentConfig =
{ quotaExceededTimeout = 1,
messageRetryInterval = RetryInterval2 {riFast = fastRetryInterval, riSlow = fastRetryInterval}
cfgZeroTimeout =
(testCfg :: ChatConfig)
{ agentConfig =
{ quotaExceededTimeout = 1,
messageRetryInterval = RetryInterval2 {riFast = fastRetryInterval, riSlow = fastRetryInterval}
presetServers =
let def@PresetServers {netCfg} = presetServers testCfg
in def {netCfg = (netCfg :: NetworkConfig) {tcpTimeout = 10}}
opts' =
{ coreOptions =
{ smpServers = ["smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7003"]
testMarkReadDirect :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMarkReadDirect = testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob 1"
alice #> "@bob 2"
alice #> "@bob 3"
alice #> "@bob 4"
bob <# "alice> 1"
bob <# "alice> 2"
bob <# "alice> 3"
bob <# "alice> 4"
bob ##> "/last_item_id"
i :: ChatItemId <- read <$> getTermLine bob
let itemIds = intercalate "," $ map show [i - 3 .. i]
bob #$> ("/_read chat items @2 " <> itemIds, id, "ok")
testChatPaginationInitial :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testChatPaginationInitial = testChatOpts2 opts aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
-- Wait, otherwise ids are going to be wrong.
threadDelay 1000000
-- Send messages from alice to bob
forM_ ([1 .. 10] :: [Int]) $ \n -> alice #> ("@bob " <> show n)
-- Bob receives the messages.
forM_ ([1 .. 10] :: [Int]) $ \n -> bob <# ("alice> " <> show n)
-- All messages are unread for bob, should return area around unread
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 initial=2", chat, [(0, "Voice messages: enabled"), (0, "Audio/video calls: enabled"), (0, "1"), (0, "2"), (0, "3")])
-- Read next 2 items
let itemIds = intercalate "," $ map itemId [1 .. 2]
bob #$> ("/_read chat items @2 " <> itemIds, id, "ok")
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 initial=2", chat, [(0, "1"), (0, "2"), (0, "3"), (0, "4"), (0, "5")])
-- Read all items
bob #$> ("/_read chat @2", id, "ok")
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 initial=3", chat, [(0, "8"), (0, "9"), (0, "10")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 initial=5", chat, [(0, "6"), (0, "7"), (0, "8"), (0, "9"), (0, "10")])
opts =
{ markRead = False
testDuplicateContactsSeparate :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateContactsSeparate =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/c"
inv' <- getInvitation alice
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv')
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(alice <## "bob_1 (Bob): contact is connected")
(bob <## "alice_1 (Alice): contact is connected")
alice <##> bob
alice #> "@bob_1 1"
bob <# "alice_1> 1"
bob #> "@alice_1 2"
alice <# "bob_1> 2"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey"), ("@bob_1", "2")]
alice `hasContactProfiles` ["alice", "bob", "bob"]
bob @@@ [("@alice", "hey"), ("@alice_1", "2")]
bob `hasContactProfiles` ["bob", "alice", "alice"]
testDuplicateContactsMultipleSeparate :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateContactsMultipleSeparate =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/c"
inv' <- getInvitation alice
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv')
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(alice <## "bob_1 (Bob): contact is connected")
(bob <## "alice_1 (Alice): contact is connected")
alice ##> "/c"
inv'' <- getInvitation alice
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv'')
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(alice <## "bob_2 (Bob): contact is connected")
(bob <## "alice_2 (Alice): contact is connected")
alice <##> bob
alice #> "@bob_1 1"
bob <# "alice_1> 1"
bob #> "@alice_1 2"
alice <# "bob_1> 2"
alice #> "@bob_2 3"
bob <# "alice_2> 3"
bob #> "@alice_2 4"
alice <# "bob_2> 4"
alice ##> "/contacts"
alice <### ["bob (Bob)", "bob_1 (Bob)", "bob_2 (Bob)"]
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <### ["alice (Alice)", "alice_1 (Alice)", "alice_2 (Alice)"]
alice `hasContactProfiles` ["alice", "bob", "bob", "bob"]
bob `hasContactProfiles` ["bob", "alice", "alice", "alice"]
testPlanInvitationLinkOk :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testPlanInvitationLinkOk =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
alice ##> "/c"
inv <- getInvitation alice
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect" -- conn_req_inv is forgotten after connection
alice <##> bob
testPlanInvitationLinkOwn :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testPlanInvitationLinkOwn ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/c"
inv <- getInvitation alice
alice ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
alice <## "invitation link: own link"
let invSchema2 = linkAnotherSchema inv
alice ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> invSchema2)
alice <## "invitation link: own link"
alice ##> ("/c " <> inv)
alice <## "confirmation sent!"
<### [ "alice_1 (Alice): contact is connected",
"alice_2 (Alice): contact is connected"
alice ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
alice <## "invitation link: ok to connect" -- conn_req_inv is forgotten after connection
threadDelay 100000
alice @@@ [("@alice_1", lastChatFeature), ("@alice_2", lastChatFeature)]
alice `send` "@alice_2 hi"
<### [ WithTime "@alice_2 hi",
WithTime "alice_1> hi"
alice `send` "@alice_1 hey"
<### [ WithTime "@alice_1 hey",
WithTime "alice_2> hey"
alice @@@ [("@alice_1", "hey"), ("@alice_2", "hey")]
testPlanInvitationLinkConnecting :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testPlanInvitationLinkConnecting ps = do
inv <- withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/c"
getInvitation alice
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: connecting"
let invSchema2 = linkAnotherSchema inv
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> invSchema2)
bob <## "invitation link: connecting"
testContactClear :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testContactClear =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
threadDelay 500000
alice #$> ("/clear bob", id, "bob: all messages are removed locally ONLY")
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
bob #$> ("/clear alice", id, "alice: all messages are removed locally ONLY")
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
testDeleteContactDeletesProfile :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteContactDeletesProfile =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
-- alice deletes contact, profile is deleted
alice ##> "/_delete @2 full notify=on"
alice <## "bob: contact is deleted"
bob <## "alice (Alice) deleted contact with you"
alice ##> "/_contacts 1"
(alice </)
alice `hasContactProfiles` ["alice"]
-- bob deletes contact, profile is deleted
bob ##> "/d alice"
bob <## "alice: contact is deleted"
bob ##> "/contacts"
(bob </)
bob `hasContactProfiles` ["bob"]
testDeleteContactKeepConversation :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteContactKeepConversation =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/_delete @2 entity notify=on"
alice <## "bob: contact is deleted"
bob <## "alice (Alice) deleted contact with you"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey")]
alice ##> "@bob hi"
alice <## "bob: not ready"
bob @@@ [("@alice", "contact deleted")]
bob ##> "@alice hey"
bob <## "alice: not ready"
testDeleteConversationKeepContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteConversationKeepContact =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey")]
alice ##> "/_delete @2 messages"
alice <## "bob: contact is deleted"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "")] -- UI would filter
bob @@@ [("@alice", "hey")]
bob #> "@alice hi"
alice <# "bob> hi"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hi")]
alice <##> bob
testDeleteUnusedContactSilent :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteUnusedContactSilent =
testChatCfg3 testCfgCreateGroupDirect aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <### ["alice (Alice)", "cath (Catherine)"]
bob `hasContactProfiles` ["bob", "alice", "cath"]
cath ##> "/contacts"
cath <### ["alice (Alice)", "bob (Bob)"]
cath `hasContactProfiles` ["cath", "alice", "bob"]
-- bob deletes cath, cath's bob contact is deleted silently
bob ##> "/d cath"
bob <## "cath: contact is deleted"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice)"
threadDelay 50000
cath ##> "/contacts"
cath <## "alice (Alice)"
-- group messages work
alice #> "#team hello"
[ bob <# "#team alice> hello",
cath <# "#team alice> hello"
bob #> "#team hi there"
[ alice <# "#team bob> hi there",
cath <# "#team bob> hi there"
cath #> "#team hey"
[ alice <# "#team cath> hey",
bob <# "#team cath> hey"
testDirectMessageQuotedReply :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageQuotedReply =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 text hello! how are you?"
alice <# "@bob hello! how are you?"
bob <# "alice> hello! how are you?"
bob #> "@alice hi!"
alice <# "bob> hi!"
bob `send` "> @alice (hello) all good - you?"
bob <# "@alice > hello! how are you?"
bob <## " all good - you?"
alice <# "bob> > hello! how are you?"
alice <## " all good - you?"
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=1", chat', [((1, "all good - you?"), Just (0, "hello! how are you?"))])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=1", chat', [((0, "all good - you?"), Just (1, "hello! how are you?"))])
bob `send` ">> @alice (all good) will tell more"
bob <# "@alice >> all good - you?"
bob <## " will tell more"
alice <# "bob> >> all good - you?"
alice <## " will tell more"
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=1", chat', [((1, "will tell more"), Just (1, "all good - you?"))])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=1", chat', [((0, "will tell more"), Just (0, "all good - you?"))])
testDirectMessageUpdate :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageUpdate =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
-- msg id 1
alice #> "@bob hello 🙂"
bob <# "alice> hello 🙂"
-- msg id 2
bob `send` "> @alice (hello) hi alice"
bob <# "@alice > hello 🙂"
bob <## " hi alice"
alice <# "bob> > hello 🙂"
alice <## " hi alice"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((1, "hello 🙂"), Nothing), ((0, "hi alice"), Just (1, "hello 🙂"))])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "hello 🙂"), Nothing), ((1, "hi alice"), Just (0, "hello 🙂"))])
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hello 🙂")
alice <## "message didn't change"
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hey 👋")
alice <# "@bob [edited] hey 👋"
bob <# "alice> [edited] hey 👋"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((1, "hey 👋"), Nothing), ((0, "hi alice"), Just (1, "hello 🙂"))])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "hey 👋"), Nothing), ((1, "hi alice"), Just (0, "hello 🙂"))])
-- msg id 3
bob `send` "> @alice (hey) hey alice"
bob <# "@alice > hey 👋"
bob <## " hey alice"
alice <# "bob> > hey 👋"
alice <## " hey alice"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((1, "hey 👋"), Nothing), ((0, "hi alice"), Just (1, "hello 🙂")), ((0, "hey alice"), Just (1, "hey 👋"))])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "hey 👋"), Nothing), ((1, "hi alice"), Just (0, "hello 🙂")), ((1, "hey alice"), Just (0, "hey 👋"))])
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text greetings 🤝")
alice <# "@bob [edited] greetings 🤝"
bob <# "alice> [edited] greetings 🤝"
alice #$> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " text updating bob's message", id, "cannot update this item")
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((1, "greetings 🤝"), Nothing), ((0, "hi alice"), Just (1, "hello 🙂")), ((0, "hey alice"), Just (1, "hey 👋"))])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "greetings 🤝"), Nothing), ((1, "hi alice"), Just (0, "hello 🙂")), ((1, "hey alice"), Just (0, "hey 👋"))])
bob ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " text hey Alice")
bob <# "@alice [edited] > hello 🙂"
bob <## " hey Alice"
alice <# "bob> [edited] > hello 🙂"
alice <## " hey Alice"
bob ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 3 <> " text greetings Alice")
bob <# "@alice [edited] > hey 👋"
bob <## " greetings Alice"
alice <# "bob> [edited] > hey 👋"
alice <## " greetings Alice"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((1, "greetings 🤝"), Nothing), ((0, "hey Alice"), Just (1, "hello 🙂")), ((0, "greetings Alice"), Just (1, "hey 👋"))])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "greetings 🤝"), Nothing), ((1, "hey Alice"), Just (0, "hello 🙂")), ((1, "greetings Alice"), Just (0, "hey 👋"))])
testDirectMessageEditHistory :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageEditHistory =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hello!"
bob <# "alice> hello!"
alice ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 1)
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hello!"
bob ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 1)
bob <##. "sent at: "
bob <##. "received at: "
bob <## "message history:"
bob .<## ": hello!"
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hey 👋")
alice <# "@bob [edited] hey 👋"
bob <# "alice> [edited] hey 👋"
alice ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 1)
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hey 👋"
alice .<## ": hello!"
bob ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 1)
bob <##. "sent at: "
bob <##. "received at: "
bob <## "message history:"
bob .<## ": hey 👋"
bob .<## ": hello!"
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hello there")
alice <# "@bob [edited] hello there"
bob <# "alice> [edited] hello there"
alice ##> "/item info @bob hello"
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hello there"
alice .<## ": hey 👋"
alice .<## ": hello!"
bob ##> "/item info @alice hello"
bob <##. "sent at: "
bob <##. "received at: "
bob <## "message history:"
bob .<## ": hello there"
bob .<## ": hey 👋"
bob .<## ": hello!"
bob #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hey there")
alice <# "@bob [edited] hey there"
bob <# "alice> [edited] hey there"
alice ##> "/item info @bob hey"
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hey there"
alice .<## ": hello there"
alice .<## ": hey 👋"
alice .<## ": hello!"
bob ##> "/item info @alice hey"
bob <##. "sent at: "
bob <##. "received at: "
bob <## "message history:"
bob .<## ": hey there"
testDirectMessageDelete :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageDelete =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
-- Test for exception not interrupting the delivery - uncomment lines in newContentMessage
-- alice #> "@bob hello 111"
-- bob <## "exception: user error (#####################)"
-- -- bob <## "bad chat command: #####################"
-- -- bob <# "alice> hello 111"
-- alice, bob: msg id 1
alice #> "@bob hello 🙂"
bob <# "alice> hello 🙂"
-- alice, bob: msg id 2
bob `send` "> @alice (hello 🙂) hey alic"
bob <# "@alice > hello 🙂"
bob <## " hey alic"
alice <# "bob> > hello 🙂"
alice <## " hey alic"
-- alice: deletes msg ids 1,2
alice #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
alice #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
alice @@@ [("@bob", lastChatFeature)]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures)
-- alice: msg id 3
bob ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " text hey alice")
bob <# "@alice [edited] > hello 🙂"
bob <## " hey alice"
alice <# "bob> [edited] hey alice"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey alice")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "hey alice")])
-- bob: marks deleted msg id 2
bob #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " broadcast", id, "message marked deleted")
bob @@@ [("@alice", "hey alice [marked deleted]")]
alice <# "bob> [marked deleted] hey alice"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey alice [marked deleted]")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "hey alice [marked deleted]")])
-- alice: deletes msg id 3 that was broadcast deleted by bob
alice #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 3 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
alice @@@ [("@bob", lastChatFeature)]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures)
-- alice: msg id 4, bob: msg id 3 (quoting message alice deleted locally)
bob `send` "> @alice (hello 🙂) do you receive my messages?"
bob <# "@alice > hello 🙂"
bob <## " do you receive my messages?"
alice <# "bob> > hello 🙂"
alice <## " do you receive my messages?"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "do you receive my messages?")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "do you receive my messages?"), Just (1, "hello 🙂"))])
alice #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 4 <> " broadcast", id, "cannot delete this item")
-- alice: msg id 5, bob: msg id 4
bob #> "@alice how are you?"
alice <# "bob> how are you?"
-- alice: deletes msg id 5
alice #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 5 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
-- bob: marks deleted msg id 4 (that alice deleted locally)
bob #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 4 <> " broadcast", id, "message marked deleted")
alice <## "bob> [deleted - original message not found]"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "do you receive my messages?")]
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "do you receive my messages?"), Just (1, "hello 🙂"))])
bob @@@ [("@alice", "how are you? [marked deleted]")]
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "hello 🙂"), Nothing), ((1, "hey alice [marked deleted]"), Just (0, "hello 🙂")), ((1, "do you receive my messages?"), Just (0, "hello 🙂")), ((1, "how are you? [marked deleted]"), Nothing)])
-- bob: deletes msg ids 2,4 (that he has marked deleted)
bob #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
bob #$> ("/_delete item @2 " <> itemId 4 <> " internal", id, "message deleted")
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat', chatFeatures' <> [((0, "hello 🙂"), Nothing), ((1, "do you receive my messages?"), Just (0, "hello 🙂"))])
testDirectMessageDeleteMultiple :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageDeleteMultiple =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hello"
bob <# "alice> hello"
msgId1 <- lastItemId alice
alice #> "@bob hey"
bob <# "alice> hey"
msgId2 <- lastItemId alice
alice ##> ("/_delete item @2 " <> msgId1 <> "," <> msgId2 <> " broadcast")
alice <## "2 messages deleted"
bob <# "alice> [marked deleted] hello"
bob <# "alice> [marked deleted] hey"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=2", chat, [(1, "hello [marked deleted]"), (1, "hey [marked deleted]")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=2", chat, [(0, "hello [marked deleted]"), (0, "hey [marked deleted]")])
testDirectMessageDeleteMultipleManyBatches :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectMessageDeleteMultipleManyBatches =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
msgIdZero <- lastItemId alice
let cm i = "{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message " <> show i <> "\"}}"
cms = intercalate ", " (map cm [1 .. 300 :: Int])
alice `send` ("/_send @2 json [" <> cms <> "]")
_ <- getTermLine alice
alice <## "300 messages sent"
msgIdLast <- lastItemId alice
forM_ [(1 :: Int) .. 300] $ \i -> do
bob <# ("alice> message " <> show i)
let mIdFirst = (read msgIdZero :: Int) + 1
mIdLast = read msgIdLast :: Int
deleteIds = intercalate "," (map show [mIdFirst .. mIdLast])
alice `send` ("/_delete item @2 " <> deleteIds <> " broadcast")
_ <- getTermLine alice
alice <## "300 messages deleted"
forM_ [(1 :: Int) .. 300] $ \i -> do
bob <# ("alice> [marked deleted] message " <> show i)
testDirectLiveMessage :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectLiveMessage =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
-- non-empty live message is sent instantly
alice `send` "/live @bob hello"
bob <# "alice> [LIVE started] use /show [on/off/7] hello"
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 1 <> " text hello there")
alice <# "@bob [LIVE] hello there"
bob <# "alice> [LIVE ended] hello there"
-- empty live message is also sent instantly
alice `send` "/live @bob"
bob <# "alice> [LIVE started] use /show [on/off/8]"
alice ##> ("/_update item @2 " <> itemId 2 <> " text hello 2")
alice <# "@bob [LIVE] hello 2"
bob <# "alice> [LIVE ended] hello 2"
-- live message has edit history
alice ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 2)
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hello 2"
alice .<## ":"
bob ##> ("/_get item info @2 " <> itemId 2)
bob <##. "sent at: "
bob <##. "received at: "
bob <## "message history:"
bob .<## ": hello 2"
bob .<## ":"
testDirectTimedMessage :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectTimedMessage =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 ttl=1 text hello!"
alice <# "@bob hello!"
bob <# "alice> hello!"
alice <## "timed message deleted: hello!"
bob <## "timed message deleted: hello!"
alice ##> "/_send @2 live=off ttl=1 text hey"
alice <# "@bob hey"
bob <# "alice> hey"
alice <## "timed message deleted: hey"
bob <## "timed message deleted: hey"
alice ##> "/_send @2 ttl=default text hello"
alice <# "@bob hello"
bob <# "alice> hello"
alice ##> "/_send @2 live=off text hi"
alice <# "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
testRepeatAuthErrorsDisableContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRepeatAuthErrorsDisableContact =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
threadDelay 500000
bob ##> "/_delete @2 notify=off"
bob <## "alice: contact is deleted"
forM_ [1 .. authErrDisableCount] $ \_ -> sendAuth alice
alice <## "[bob] connection is disabled, to enable: /enable bob, to delete: /d bob"
alice ##> "@bob hey"
alice <## "bob: disabled, to enable: /enable bob, to delete: /d bob"
alice ##> "/enable bob"
alice <## "ok"
sendAuth alice
sendAuth alice = do
alice #> "@bob hey"
alice <## "[bob, contactId: 2, connId: 1] error: connection authorization failed - this could happen if connection was deleted, secured with different credentials, or due to a bug - please re-create the connection"
testMultilineMessage :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMultilineMessage = testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $ \alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
alice `send` "@bob \"hello\\nthere\"" -- @bob "hello\nthere"
alice <# "@bob hello"
alice <## "there"
bob <# "alice> hello"
bob <## "there"
alice `send` "/feed \"hello\\nthere\"" -- /feed "hello\nthere"
alice <##. "/feed (2)"
alice <## "there"
bob <# "alice> hello"
bob <## "there"
cath <# "alice> hello"
cath <## "there"
testLargeMessage :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testLargeMessage =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
img <- genProfileImg
let profileImage = "data:image/png;base64," <> B.unpack img
alice `send` ("/_profile 1 {\"displayName\": \"alice2\", \"fullName\": \"\", \"image\": \"" <> profileImage <> "\"}")
_trimmedCmd1 <- getTermLine alice
alice <## "user profile is changed to alice2 (your 1 contacts are notified)"
bob <## "contact alice changed to alice2"
bob <## "use @alice2 <message> to send messages"
testSendMulti :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSendMulti =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 json [{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"test 1\"}}, {\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"test 2\"}}]"
alice <# "@bob test 1"
alice <# "@bob test 2"
bob <# "alice> test 1"
bob <# "alice> test 2"
testSendMultiTimed :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSendMultiTimed =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 ttl=1 json [{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"test 1\"}}, {\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"test 2\"}}]"
alice <# "@bob test 1"
alice <# "@bob test 2"
bob <# "alice> test 1"
bob <# "alice> test 2"
<### [ "timed message deleted: test 1",
"timed message deleted: test 2"
<### [ "timed message deleted: test 1",
"timed message deleted: test 2"
testSendMultiWithQuote :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSendMultiWithQuote =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hello"
bob <# "alice> hello"
msgId1 <- lastItemId alice
threadDelay 1000000
bob #> "@alice hi"
alice <# "bob> hi"
msgId2 <- lastItemId alice
let cm1 = "{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message 1\"}}"
cm2 = "{\"quotedItemId\": " <> msgId1 <> ", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message 2\"}}"
cm3 = "{\"quotedItemId\": " <> msgId2 <> ", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message 3\"}}"
alice ##> ("/_send @2 json [" <> cm1 <> ", " <> cm2 <> ", " <> cm3 <> "]")
alice <## "bad chat command: invalid multi send: live and more than one quote not supported"
alice ##> ("/_send @2 json [" <> cm1 <> ", " <> cm2 <> "]")
alice <# "@bob message 1"
alice <# "@bob >> hello"
alice <## " message 2"
bob <# "alice> message 1"
bob <# "alice> >> hello"
bob <## " message 2"
alice ##> ("/_send @2 json [" <> cm3 <> ", " <> cm1 <> "]")
alice <# "@bob > hi"
alice <## " message 3"
alice <# "@bob message 1"
bob <# "alice> > hi"
bob <## " message 3"
bob <# "alice> message 1"
testSendMultiManyBatches :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSendMultiManyBatches =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
threadDelay 1000000
msgIdAlice <- lastItemId alice
msgIdBob <- lastItemId bob
let cm i = "{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message " <> show i <> "\"}}"
cms = intercalate ", " (map cm [1 .. 300 :: Int])
alice `send` ("/_send @2 json [" <> cms <> "]")
_ <- getTermLine alice
alice <## "300 messages sent"
forM_ [(1 :: Int) .. 300] $ \i ->
bob <# ("alice> message " <> show i)
aliceItemsCount <- withCCTransaction alice $ \db ->
DB.query db "SELECT count(1) FROM chat_items WHERE chat_item_id > ?" (Only msgIdAlice) :: IO [[Int]]
aliceItemsCount `shouldBe` [[300]]
bobItemsCount <- withCCTransaction bob $ \db ->
DB.query db "SELECT count(1) FROM chat_items WHERE chat_item_id > ?" (Only msgIdBob) :: IO [[Int]]
bobItemsCount `shouldBe` [[300]]
testGetSetSMPServers :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testGetSetSMPServers =
testChat aliceProfile $
\alice -> do
alice ##> "/_servers 1"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://1234-w==@smp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://1234-w==@smp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im", id, "ok")
-- alice #$> ("/smp", id, "smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im"
alice <## " smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224"
testTestSMPServerConnection :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testTestSMPServerConnection =
testChat aliceProfile $
\alice -> do
alice ##> "/smp test smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=@localhost:7001"
alice <## "SMP server test passed"
-- to test with password:
-- alice <## "SMP server test failed at CreateQueue, error: SMP AUTH"
-- alice <## "Server requires authorization to create queues, check password"
alice ##> "/smp test smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice <## "SMP server test passed"
alice ##> "/smp test smp://LcJU@localhost:7001"
alice <## "SMP server test failed at Connect, error: BROKER {brokerAddress = \"smp://LcJU@localhost:7001\", brokerErr = NETWORK}"
alice <## "Possibly, certificate fingerprint in SMP server address is incorrect"
testGetSetXFTPServers :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testGetSetXFTPServers =
testChat aliceProfile $
\alice -> withXFTPServer $ do
alice ##> "/_servers 1"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://1234-w==@xftp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://1234-w==@xftp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://1234-w==:password@xftp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://1234-w==:password@xftp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im"
alice <## " xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224"
testTestXFTPServer :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testTestXFTPServer =
testChat aliceProfile $
\alice -> withXFTPServer $ do
alice ##> "/xftp test xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=@localhost:7002"
alice <## "XFTP server test passed"
-- to test with password:
-- alice <## "XFTP server test failed at CreateFile, error: XFTP AUTH"
-- alice <## "Server requires authorization to upload files, check password"
alice ##> "/xftp test xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"
alice <## "XFTP server test passed"
alice ##> "/xftp test xftp://LcJU@localhost:7002"
alice <## "XFTP server test failed at Connect, error: BROKER {brokerAddress = \"xftp://LcJU@localhost:7002\", brokerErr = NETWORK}"
alice <## "Possibly, certificate fingerprint in XFTP server address is incorrect"
testOperators :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testOperators =
testChatCfgOpts testCfg opts' aliceProfile $
\alice -> do
-- initial load
alice ##> "/_conditions"
alice <##. "Current conditions: 2."
alice ##> "/_operators"
alice <##. "1 (simplex). SimpleX Chat (SimpleX Chat Ltd), domains: simplex.im, servers: enabled, conditions: required"
alice <## "2 (flux). Flux (InFlux Technologies Limited), domains: simplexonflux.com, servers: disabled, conditions: required"
alice <##. "The new conditions will be accepted for SimpleX Chat Ltd at "
-- set conditions notified
alice ##> "/_conditions_notified 2"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_operators"
alice <##. "1 (simplex). SimpleX Chat (SimpleX Chat Ltd), domains: simplex.im, servers: enabled, conditions: required"
alice <## "2 (flux). Flux (InFlux Technologies Limited), domains: simplexonflux.com, servers: disabled, conditions: required"
alice ##> "/_conditions"
alice <##. "Current conditions: 2 (notified)."
-- accept conditions
alice ##> "/_accept_conditions 2 1,2"
alice <##. "1 (simplex). SimpleX Chat (SimpleX Chat Ltd), domains: simplex.im, servers: enabled, conditions: accepted ("
alice <##. "2 (flux). Flux (InFlux Technologies Limited), domains: simplexonflux.com, servers: disabled, conditions: accepted ("
-- update operators
alice ##> "/operators 2:on:smp=proxy:xftp=off"
alice <##. "1 (simplex). SimpleX Chat (SimpleX Chat Ltd), domains: simplex.im, servers: enabled, conditions: accepted ("
alice <##. "2 (flux). Flux (InFlux Technologies Limited), domains: simplexonflux.com, servers: SMP enabled proxy, XFTP disabled (servers known), conditions: accepted ("
opts' = testOpts {coreOptions = testCoreOpts {smpServers = [], xftpServers = []}}
testAsyncInitiatingOffline :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> TestParams -> IO ()
testAsyncInitiatingOffline aliceCfg bobCfg ps = do
inv <- withNewTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
threadDelay 250000
alice ##> "/c"
getInvitation alice
withNewTestChatCfg ps bobCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
withTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice" $ \alice -> do
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
testAsyncAcceptingOffline :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> TestParams -> IO ()
testAsyncAcceptingOffline aliceCfg bobCfg ps = do
inv <- withNewTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/c"
getInvitation alice
withNewTestChatCfg ps bobCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
withTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice" $ \alice -> do
withTestChatCfg ps bobCfg "bob" $ \bob -> do
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
testFullAsyncFast :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testFullAsyncFast ps = do
inv <- withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
threadDelay 250000
alice ##> "/c"
getInvitation alice
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
threadDelay 250000
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice ->
alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected"
withTestChat ps "bob" $ \bob ->
bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected"
testFullAsyncSlow :: HasCallStack => ChatConfig -> ChatConfig -> TestParams -> IO ()
testFullAsyncSlow aliceCfg bobCfg ps = do
inv <- withNewTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
threadDelay 250000
alice ##> "/c"
getInvitation alice
withNewTestChatCfg ps bobCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/c " <> inv)
bob <## "confirmation sent!"
withAlice $ \_ -> pure () -- connecting... notification in UI
withBob $ \_ -> pure () -- connecting... notification in UI
withAlice $ \alice -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected"
withBob $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected"
withAlice = withTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "alice"
withBob = withTestChatCfg ps aliceCfg "bob"
testCallType :: CallType
testCallType = CallType {media = CMVideo, capabilities = CallCapabilities {encryption = True}}
testWebRTCSession :: WebRTCSession
testWebRTCSession =
{ rtcSession = "{}",
rtcIceCandidates = "[]"
testWebRTCCallOffer :: WebRTCCallOffer
testWebRTCCallOffer =
{ callType = testCallType,
rtcSession = testWebRTCSession
serialize :: ToJSON a => a -> String
serialize = B.unpack . LB.toStrict . J.encode
repeatM_ :: Int -> IO a -> IO ()
repeatM_ n a = forM_ [1 .. n] $ const a
testNegotiateCall :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNegotiateCall =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
-- just for testing db query
alice ##> "/_call get"
-- alice invite bob to call
alice ##> ("/_call invite @2 " <> serialize testCallType)
alice <## "ok"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "outgoing call: calling...")])
bob <## "alice wants to connect with you via WebRTC video call (e2e encrypted)"
repeatM_ 3 $ getTermLine bob
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "incoming call: calling...")])
-- bob accepts call by sending WebRTC offer
bob ##> ("/_call offer @2 " <> serialize testWebRTCCallOffer)
bob <## "ok"
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "incoming call: accepted")])
alice <## "bob accepted your WebRTC video call (e2e encrypted)"
repeatM_ 3 $ getTermLine alice
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "outgoing call: accepted")])
-- alice confirms call by sending WebRTC answer
alice ##> ("/_call answer @2 " <> serialize testWebRTCSession)
alice <## "ok"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "outgoing call: connecting...")])
bob <## "alice continued the WebRTC call"
repeatM_ 3 $ getTermLine bob
threadDelay 100000
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "incoming call: connecting...")])
-- participants can update calls as connected
alice ##> "/_call status @2 connected"
alice <## "ok"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "outgoing call: in progress (00:00)")])
bob ##> "/_call status @2 connected"
bob <## "ok"
threadDelay 100000
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "incoming call: in progress (00:00)")])
-- either party can end the call
bob ##> "/_call end @2"
bob <## "ok"
threadDelay 100000
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "incoming call: ended (00:00)")])
alice <## "call with bob ended"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "outgoing call: ended (00:00)")])
testMaintenanceMode :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMaintenanceMode ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatOpts ps testOpts {maintenance = True} "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/c"
alice <## "error: chat not started"
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
alice ##> "/_db export {\"archivePath\": \"./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip\"}"
alice <## "error: chat not stopped"
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
-- chat works after start
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice #> "@bob hi again"
bob <# "alice> hi again"
bob #> "@alice hello"
alice <# "bob> hello"
-- export / delete / import
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/_db export {\"archivePath\": \"./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip\"}"
alice <## "ok"
doesFileExist "./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip" `shouldReturn` True
alice ##> "/_db import {\"archivePath\": \"./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip\"}"
alice <## "ok"
-- cannot start chat after import
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "error: chat store changed, please restart chat"
-- works after full restart
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice -> testChatWorking alice bob
testChatWorking :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
testChatWorking alice bob = do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice #> "@bob hello again"
bob <# "alice> hello again"
bob #> "@alice hello too"
alice <# "bob> hello too"
testMaintenanceModeWithFiles :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMaintenanceModeWithFiles ps = withXFTPServer $ do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatOpts ps testOpts {maintenance = True} "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
alice ##> "/_files_folder ./tests/tmp/alice_files"
alice <## "ok"
connectUsers alice bob
bob #> "/f @alice ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
bob <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
alice <# "bob> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
alice <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.jpg) for alice"
alice ##> "/fr 1"
<### [ "saving file 1 from bob to test.jpg",
"started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from bob"
alice <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from bob"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
threadDelay 500000
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/_db export {\"archivePath\": \"./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip\"}"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_db delete"
alice <## "ok"
-- cannot start chat after delete
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "error: chat store changed, please restart chat"
doesDirectoryExist "./tests/tmp/alice_files" `shouldReturn` False
alice ##> "/_db import {\"archivePath\": \"./tests/tmp/alice-chat.zip\"}"
alice <## "ok"
B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test.jpg" `shouldReturn` src
-- works after full restart
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice -> testChatWorking alice bob
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
testDatabaseEncryption :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDatabaseEncryption ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatOpts ps testOpts {maintenance = True} "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
alice ##> "/db encrypt mykey"
alice <## "error: chat not stopped"
alice ##> "/db decrypt mykey"
alice <## "error: chat not stopped"
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/db decrypt mykey"
alice <## "error: chat database is not encrypted"
alice ##> "/db encrypt mykey"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "error: chat store changed, please restart chat"
withTestChatOpts ps (getTestOpts True "mykey") "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
testChatWorking alice bob
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/db test key wrongkey"
alice <## "error opening database after encryption: wrong passphrase or invalid database file"
alice ##> "/db test key mykey"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/db key wrongkey nextkey"
alice <## "error encrypting database: wrong passphrase or invalid database file"
alice ##> "/db key mykey nextkey"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_db encryption {\"currentKey\":\"nextkey\",\"newKey\":\"anotherkey\"}"
alice <## "ok"
withTestChatOpts ps (getTestOpts True "anotherkey") "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice ##> "/_start"
alice <## "chat started"
testChatWorking alice bob
alice ##> "/_stop"
alice <## "chat stopped"
alice ##> "/db decrypt anotherkey"
alice <## "ok"
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice -> do
testChatWorking alice bob
testSubscribeAppNSE :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSubscribeAppNSE ps =
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withTestChatOpts ps testOpts {maintenance = True} "alice" $ \nseAlice -> do
alice ##> "/_app suspend 1"
alice <## "ok"
alice <## "chat suspended"
nseAlice ##> "/_start main=off"
nseAlice <## "chat started"
threadDelay 100000
nseAlice ##> "/ad"
cLink <- getContactLink nseAlice True
bob ##> ("/c " <> cLink)
bob <## "connection request sent!"
(nseAlice </)
alice ##> "/_app activate"
alice <## "ok"
alice <## "Your address is active! To show: /sa"
alice <## "bob (Bob) wants to connect to you!"
alice <## "to accept: /ac bob"
alice <## "to reject: /rc bob (the sender will NOT be notified)"
alice ##> "/ac bob"
alice <## "bob (Bob): accepting contact request, you can send messages to contact"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
threadDelay 100000
alice <##> bob
testMuteContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMuteContact =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hello"
bob <# "alice> hello"
bob ##> "/mute @alice"
bob <## "ok"
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi <muted>"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice) (muted, you can /unmute @alice)"
bob ##> "/unmute @alice"
bob <## "ok"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice)"
alice #> "@bob hi again"
bob <# "alice> hi again"
testMuteGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMuteGroup =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "#team hello!"
(bob <# "#team alice> hello!")
(cath <# "#team alice> hello!")
bob ##> "/mute #team"
bob <## "ok"
alice #> "#team hi"
(bob <# "#team alice> hi <muted>")
(cath <# "#team alice> hi")
bob #> "#team hello"
(alice <# "#team bob> hello")
(cath <# "#team bob> hello")
cath `send` "> #team (hello) hello too!"
cath <# "#team > bob hello"
cath <## " hello too!"
[ do
bob <# "#team cath!> > bob hello <muted>"
bob <## " hello too! <muted>",
alice <# "#team cath> > bob hello"
alice <## " hello too!"
bob ##> "/unmute mentions #team"
bob <## "ok"
alice `send` "> #team @bob (hello) hey bob!"
alice <# "#team > bob hello"
alice <## " hey bob!"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob hello"
bob <## " hey bob!",
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hello"
cath <## " hey bob!"
alice `send` "> #team @cath (hello) hey cath!"
alice <# "#team > cath hello too!"
alice <## " hey cath!"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> > cath hello too! <muted>"
bob <## " hey cath! <muted>",
cath <# "#team alice!> > cath hello too!"
cath <## " hey cath!"
bob ##> "/gs"
bob <## "#team (3 members, mentions only, you can /unmute #team)"
bob ##> "/unmute #team"
bob <## "ok"
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "#team hi again"
(bob <# "#team alice> hi again")
(cath <# "#team alice> hi again")
bob ##> "/block #team alice"
bob <## "admins or above can't block member for self, use /block for all #team alice"
-- can bypass with api
bob ##> "/_member settings #1 1 {\"showMessages\": false}"
bob <## "ok"
bob ##> "/ms team"
bob <## "bob (Bob): admin, you, connected"
bob <## "alice (Alice): owner, host, connected, blocked"
bob <## "cath (Catherine): admin, connected"
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "#team test 1"
(bob <# "#team alice> test 1 [blocked] <muted>")
(cath <# "#team alice> test 1")
threadDelay 1000000
cath #> "#team test 2"
(bob <# "#team cath> test 2")
(alice <# "#team cath> test 2")
bob ##> "/tail #team 3"
bob <# "#team alice> hi again"
bob <# "#team alice> test 1 [blocked]"
bob <# "#team cath> test 2"
threadDelay 1000000
bob ##> "/unblock #team alice"
bob <## "admins or above can't block member for self, use /unblock for all #team alice"
-- can bypass with api
bob ##> "/_member settings #1 1 {\"showMessages\": true}"
bob <## "ok"
bob ##> "/ms team"
bob <## "bob (Bob): admin, you, connected"
bob <## "alice (Alice): owner, host, connected"
bob <## "cath (Catherine): admin, connected"
alice #> "#team test 3"
(bob <# "#team alice> test 3")
(cath <# "#team alice> test 3")
cath #> "#team test 4"
(bob <# "#team cath> test 4")
(alice <# "#team cath> test 4")
bob ##> "/gs"
bob <## "#team (3 members)"
testCreateSecondUser :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testCreateSecondUser =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
-- connect using second user
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hello"
bob <# "alisa> hello"
bob #> "@alisa hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice ##> "/user"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alice (Alice)"
alice <## "alisa (active)"
-- receive message to first user
bob #> "@alice hey alice"
(alice, "alice") $<# "bob> hey alice"
connectUsers alice cath
-- set active user to first user
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice ##> "/user"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alice (Alice) (active)"
alice <## "alisa"
alice <##> bob
cath #> "@alisa hey alisa"
(alice, "alisa") $<# "cath> hey alisa"
alice ##> "@cath hi cath"
alice <## "no contact cath"
-- set active user to second user
alice ##> "/_user 2"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
testUsersSubscribeAfterRestart :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUsersSubscribeAfterRestart ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice -> do
-- second user is active
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "[user: alice] 1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
-- second user receives message
alice <##> bob
-- first user receives message
bob #> "@alice hey alice"
(alice, "alice") $<# "bob> hey alice"
testMultipleUserAddresses :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMultipleUserAddresses =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
alice ##> "/ad"
cLinkAlice <- getContactLink alice True
bob ##> ("/c " <> cLinkAlice)
alice <#? bob
alice @@@ [("<@bob", "")]
alice ##> "/ac bob"
alice <## "bob (Bob): accepting contact request, you can send messages to contact"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
threadDelay 100000
alice @@@ [("@bob", lastChatFeature)]
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
-- connect using second user address
alice ##> "/ad"
cLinkAlisa <- getContactLink alice True
bob ##> ("/c " <> cLinkAlisa)
alice <#? bob
alice #$> ("/_get chats 2 pcc=on", chats, [("<@bob", ""), ("@SimpleX Chat team", ""), ("@SimpleX-Status", ""), ("*", "")])
alice ##> "/ac bob"
alice <## "bob (Bob): accepting contact request, you can send messages to contact"
(bob <## "alisa: contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chats 2 pcc=on", chats, [("@bob", lastChatFeature), ("@SimpleX Chat team", ""), ("@SimpleX-Status", ""), ("*", "")])
alice <##> bob
bob #> "@alice hey alice"
(alice, "alice") $<# "bob> hey alice"
-- delete first user address
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice ##> "/da"
alice <## "Your chat address is deleted - accepted contacts will remain connected."
alice <## "To create a new chat address use /ad"
-- second user receives request when not active
cath ##> ("/c " <> cLinkAlisa)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
alice <## "[user: alisa] cath (Catherine) wants to connect to you!"
alice <## "to accept: /ac cath"
alice <## "to reject: /rc cath (the sender will NOT be notified)"
-- accept request
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice ##> "/ac cath"
alice <## "cath (Catherine): accepting contact request, you can send messages to contact"
(cath <## "alisa: contact is connected")
(alice <## "cath (Catherine): contact is connected")
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chats 2 pcc=on", chats, [("@cath", lastChatFeature), ("@bob", "hey"), ("@SimpleX Chat team", ""), ("@SimpleX-Status", ""), ("*", "")])
alice <##> cath
-- first user doesn't have cath as contact
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice @@@ [("@bob", "hey alice")]
testCreateUserSameServers :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testCreateUserSameServers =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice _ -> do
alice #$> ("/smp smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
checkCustomServers alice
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
checkCustomServers alice
checkCustomServers alice = do
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im"
alice <## " smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224"
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im"
alice <## " xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224"
testDeleteUser :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteUser =
testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile $
\alice bob cath dan -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
-- cannot delete active user when there is another user
alice ##> "/_delete user 2 del_smp=off"
alice <## "cannot delete active user"
-- delete user without deleting SMP queues
connectUsers alice cath
alice <##> cath
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alice (Alice)"
alice <## "alisa (active)"
alice ##> "/_delete user 1 del_smp=off"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alisa (active)"
bob #> "@alice hey"
-- no connection authorization error - connection wasn't deleted
(alice </)
-- cannot delete active user when there is another user
alice ##> "/create user alisa2"
showActiveUser alice "alisa2"
connectUsers alice dan
alice <##> dan
alice ##> "/delete user alisa2"
alice <## "cannot delete active user"
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alisa"
alice <## "alisa2 (active)"
alice <##> dan
-- delete user deleting SMP queues
alice ##> "/delete user alisa"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alisa2 (active)"
cath #> "@alisa hey"
cath <## "[alisa, contactId: 2, connId: 1] error: connection authorization failed - this could happen if connection was deleted, secured with different credentials, or due to a bug - please re-create the connection"
(alice </)
alice <##> dan
-- delete last active user
alice ##> "/delete user alisa2 del_smp=off"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "no users"
alice ##> "/create user alisa3"
showActiveUser alice "alisa3"
alice ##> "/delete user alisa3 del_smp=on"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "no users"
alice ##> "/create user alisa4"
showActiveUser alice "alisa4"
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
alice ##> "/delete user alisa4 del_smp=on"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "no users"
testUsersDifferentCIExpirationTTL :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUsersDifferentCIExpirationTTL ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
-- first user messages
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob alice 1"
bob <# "alice> alice 1"
bob #> "@alice alice 2"
alice <# "bob> alice 2"
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob alisa 1"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 1"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 2"
alice <# "bob> alisa 2"
-- set ttl for first user
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 2", id, "ok")
-- set ttl for second user
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_ttl 2 4", id, "ok")
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 2 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alice 3"
bob <# "alice> alice 3"
bob #> "@alice alice 4"
alice <# "bob> alice 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alice 1"), (0, "alice 2"), (1, "alice 3"), (0, "alice 4")])
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 4 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alisa 3"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 3"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 4"
alice <# "bob> alisa 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 3000000
-- messages both before and after setting chat item ttl are deleted
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 2000000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
cfg = testCfg {initialCleanupManagerDelay = 0, cleanupManagerStepDelay = 0, ciExpirationInterval = 500000}
testUsersRestartCIExpiration :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUsersRestartCIExpiration ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
-- set ttl for first user
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 2", id, "ok")
connectUsers alice bob
-- create second user and set ttl
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_ttl 2 5", id, "ok")
connectUsers alice bob
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #> "@bob alice 1"
bob <# "alice> alice 1"
bob #> "@alice alice 2"
alice <# "bob> alice 2"
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #> "@bob alisa 1"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 1"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 2"
alice <# "bob> alisa 2"
-- first user will be active on restart
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "[user: alisa] 1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 2 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alice 3"
bob <# "alice> alice 3"
bob #> "@alice alice 4"
alice <# "bob> alice 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alice 1"), (0, "alice 2"), (1, "alice 3"), (0, "alice 4")])
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 5 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alisa 3"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 3"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 4"
alice <# "bob> alisa 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 3000000
-- messages both before and after restart are deleted
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 4000000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
cfg = testCfg {initialCleanupManagerDelay = 0, cleanupManagerStepDelay = 0, ciExpirationInterval = 500000}
testEnableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testEnableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
-- first user messages
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob alice 1"
bob <# "alice> alice 1"
bob #> "@alice alice 2"
alice <# "bob> alice 2"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alice 1"), (0, "alice 2")])
-- second user messages before first user sets ttl
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob alisa 1"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 1"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 2"
alice <# "bob> alisa 2"
-- set ttl for first user
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 1", id, "ok")
-- second user messages after first user sets ttl
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #> "@bob alisa 3"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 3"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 4"
alice <# "bob> alisa 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 2000000
-- messages are deleted for first user
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
-- messages are not deleted for second user
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "[user: alice] 1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
-- messages are not deleted for second user after restart
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
alice #> "@bob alisa 5"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 5"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 6"
alice <# "bob> alisa 6"
threadDelay 2000000
-- new messages are not deleted for second user
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2"), (1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4"), (1, "alisa 5"), (0, "alisa 6")])
cfg = testCfg {initialCleanupManagerDelay = 0, cleanupManagerStepDelay = 0, ciExpirationInterval = 500000}
testDisableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDisableCIExpirationOnlyForOneUser ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
-- set ttl for first user
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 1", id, "ok")
connectUsers alice bob
-- create second user and set ttl
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_ttl 2 1", id, "ok")
connectUsers alice bob
-- first user disables expiration
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/ttl none", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are not being deleted")
-- second user still has ttl configured
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 1 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alisa 1"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 1"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 2"
alice <# "bob> alisa 2"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2")])
threadDelay 2000000
-- second user messages are deleted
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "[user: alice] 1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
-- second user still has ttl configured after restart
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 1 second(s)")
alice #> "@bob alisa 3"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 3"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 4"
alice <# "bob> alisa 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [(1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 2000000
-- second user messages are deleted
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
cfg = testCfg {initialCleanupManagerDelay = 0, cleanupManagerStepDelay = 0, ciExpirationInterval = 500000}
testUsersTimedMessages :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUsersTimedMessages ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
connectUsers alice bob
configureTimedMessages alice bob "2" "2"
-- create second user and configure timed messages for contact
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
connectUsers alice bob
configureTimedMessages alice bob "6" "3"
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #> "@bob alice 1"
bob <# "alice> alice 1"
bob #> "@alice alice 2"
alice <# "bob> alice 2"
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #> "@bob alisa 1"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 1"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 2"
alice <# "bob> alisa 2"
-- messages are deleted after ttl
threadDelay 1500000
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "alice 1"), (0, "alice 2")])
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2")])
threadDelay 1000000
alice <## "[user: alice] timed message deleted: alice 1"
alice <## "[user: alice] timed message deleted: alice 2"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alice 1"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alice 2"
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [(1, "alisa 1"), (0, "alisa 2")])
threadDelay 1000000
alice <## "timed message deleted: alisa 1"
alice <## "timed message deleted: alisa 2"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alisa 1"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alisa 2"
alice ##> "/user"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
-- first user messages
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #> "@bob alice 3"
bob <# "alice> alice 3"
bob #> "@alice alice 4"
alice <# "bob> alice 4"
-- second user messages
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #> "@bob alisa 3"
bob <# "alisa> alisa 3"
bob #> "@alisa alisa 4"
alice <# "bob> alisa 4"
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice <## "[user: alice] 1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "alice 3"), (0, "alice 4")])
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [(1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
-- messages are deleted after restart
threadDelay 1000000
alice <## "[user: alice] timed message deleted: alice 3"
alice <## "[user: alice] timed message deleted: alice 4"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alice 3"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alice 4"
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
alice ##> "/user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [(1, "alisa 3"), (0, "alisa 4")])
threadDelay 1000000
alice <## "timed message deleted: alisa 3"
alice <## "timed message deleted: alisa 4"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alisa 3"
bob <## "timed message deleted: alisa 4"
alice ##> "/user"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @6 count=100", chat, [])
configureTimedMessages :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> IO ()
configureTimedMessages alice bob bobId ttl = do
aliceName <- userName alice
alice ##> ("/_set prefs @" <> bobId <> " {\"timedMessages\": {\"allow\": \"yes\", \"ttl\": " <> ttl <> "}}")
alice <## "you updated preferences for bob:"
alice <## ("Disappearing messages: enabled (you allow: yes (" <> ttl <> " sec), contact allows: yes)")
bob <## (aliceName <> " updated preferences for you:")
bob <## ("Disappearing messages: enabled (you allow: yes (" <> ttl <> " sec), contact allows: yes (" <> ttl <> " sec))")
alice #$> ("/clear bob", id, "bob: all messages are removed locally ONLY") -- to remove feature items
testUserPrivacy :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUserPrivacy =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/create user alisa"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
-- connect using second user
connectUsers alice bob
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "@bob hello"
threadDelay 1000000
bob <# "alisa> hello"
bob #> "@alisa hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
bob #> "@alice hey"
(alice, "[user: alice] ") ^<# "bob> hey"
-- hide user profile
alice ##> "/hide user my_password"
userHidden alice "current "
-- shows messages when active
bob #> "@alisa hello again"
alice <# "bob> hello again"
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
-- does not show messages to user
bob #> "@alisa this won't show"
(alice </)
-- does not show hidden user
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alice (Alice) (active)"
(alice </)
-- requires password to switch to the user
alice ##> "/user alisa"
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/user alisa wrong_password"
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/user alisa my_password"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
-- shows hidden user when active
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "alice (Alice)"
alice <## "alisa (active, hidden, muted, unread: 1)"
-- hidden message is saved
alice ##> "/tail"
alice <##? chatHistory
alice ##> "/_get items count=10"
alice <##? chatHistory
alice ##> "/_get items before=13 count=10"
<##? [ ConsoleString ("bob> " <> e2eeInfoPQStr),
"bob> Disappearing messages: allowed",
"bob> Full deletion: off",
"bob> Message reactions: enabled",
"bob> Voice messages: enabled",
"bob> Audio/video calls: enabled"
alice ##> "/_get items around=11 count=2"
<##? [ "bob> Full deletion: off",
"bob> Message reactions: enabled",
"bob> Voice messages: enabled",
"bob> Audio/video calls: enabled",
"@bob hello"
alice ##> "/_get items after=12 count=10"
<##? [ "@bob hello",
"bob> hey",
"bob> hello again",
"bob> this won't show"
-- change profile password
alice ##> "/unmute user"
alice <## "hidden user always muted when inactive"
alice ##> "/hide user password"
alice <## "user is already hidden"
alice ##> "/unhide user wrong_password"
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/unhide user my_password"
userVisible alice "current "
alice ##> "/hide user new_password"
userHidden alice "current "
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
-- delete last visible active user
alice ##> "/_delete user 1 del_smp=on"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
-- hidden user is not shown
alice ##> "/users"
alice <## "no users"
-- but it is still possible to switch to it
alice ##> "/user alisa wrong_password"
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/user alisa new_password"
showActiveUser alice "alisa"
alice ##> "/create user alisa2"
showActiveUser alice "alisa2"
alice ##> "/_hide user 3 \"password2\""
alice <## "cannot hide the only not hidden user"
-- change profile privacy for inactive user via API requires correct password
alice ##> "/_unmute user 2"
alice <## "hidden user always muted when inactive"
alice ##> "/_hide user 2 \"password\""
alice <## "user is already hidden"
alice ##> "/_unhide user 2 \"wrong_password\""
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/_unhide user 2 \"new_password\""
userVisible alice ""
alice ##> "/_hide user 2 \"another_password\""
userHidden alice ""
alice ##> "/_delete user 2 del_smp=on"
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/_delete user 2 del_smp=on \"wrong_password\""
alice <## "user does not exist or incorrect password"
alice ##> "/_delete user 2 del_smp=on \"another_password\""
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
alice ##> "/_delete user 3 del_smp=on"
alice <### ["ok", "completed deleting user"]
userHidden alice current = do
alice <## (current <> "user alisa:")
alice <## "messages are hidden (use /tail to view)"
alice <## "profile is hidden"
userVisible alice current = do
alice <## (current <> "user alisa:")
alice <## "messages are shown"
alice <## "profile is visible"
chatHistory =
[ ConsoleString ("bob> " <> e2eeInfoPQStr),
"bob> Disappearing messages: allowed",
"bob> Full deletion: off",
"bob> Message reactions: enabled",
"bob> Voice messages: enabled",
"bob> Audio/video calls: enabled",
"@bob hello",
"bob> hey",
"bob> hello again",
"bob> this won't show"
testSetChatItemTTL :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSetChatItemTTL =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob 1"
bob <# "alice> 1"
bob #> "@alice 2"
alice <# "bob> 2"
-- chat item with file
alice #$> ("/_files_folder ./tests/tmp/app_files", id, "ok")
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg" "./tests/tmp/app_files/test.jpg"
alice ##> "/_send @2 json [{\"filePath\": \"test.jpg\", \"msgContent\": {\"text\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}}]"
alice <# "/f @bob test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
-- above items should be deleted after we set ttl
threadDelay 3000000
alice #> "@bob 3"
bob <# "alice> 3"
bob #> "@alice 4"
alice <# "bob> 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, chatFeaturesF <> [((1, "1"), Nothing), ((0, "2"), Nothing), ((1, ""), Just "test.jpg"), ((1, "3"), Nothing), ((0, "4"), Nothing)])
checkActionDeletesFile "./tests/tmp/app_files/test.jpg" $
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 2", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "3"), (0, "4")]) -- when expiration is turned on, first cycle is synchronous
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "1"), (1, "2"), (0, ""), (0, "3"), (1, "4")])
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 2 second(s)")
alice #$> ("/ttl week", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: one week")
alice #$> ("/ttl none", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl", id, "old messages are not being deleted")
testSetDirectChatTTL :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSetDirectChatTTL =
testChatCfg3 testCfgCreateGroupDirect aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
alice #> "@bob 1"
bob <# "alice> 1"
bob #> "@alice 2"
alice <# "bob> 2"
-- above items should be deleted after we set ttl
alice #> "@cath 10"
cath <# "alice> 10"
cath #> "@alice 11"
alice <# "cath> 11"
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath none", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are not being deleted")
threadDelay 3000000
alice #> "@bob 3"
bob <# "alice> 3"
bob #> "@alice 4"
alice <# "bob> 4"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, chatFeaturesF <> [((1, "1"), Nothing), ((0, "2"), Nothing), ((1, "3"), Nothing), ((0, "4"), Nothing)])
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 2", id, "ok")
-- when expiration is turned on, first cycle is synchronous
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "3"), (0, "4")])
-- chat @3 doesn't expire since it was set to not expire
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "10"), (0, "11")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "1"), (1, "2"), (0, "3"), (1, "4")])
-- remove global ttl
alice #$> ("/ttl none", id, "ok")
alice #> "@bob 5"
bob <# "alice> 5"
bob #> "@alice 6"
alice <# "bob> 6"
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "10"), (0, "11")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "3"), (0, "4"), (1, "5"), (0, "6")])
-- set ttl for chat @3, only chat @3 is affected since global ttl is disabled
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 @3 1", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: 1 second(s)")
threadDelay 3000000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, [])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "3"), (0, "4"), (1, "5"), (0, "6")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "1"), (1, "2"), (0, "3"), (1, "4"), (0, "5"), (1, "6")])
-- set ttl to never expire again
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath none", id, "ok")
alice #> "@cath 12"
cath <# "alice> 12"
cath #> "@alice 13"
alice <# "cath> 13"
threadDelay 3000000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, [(1, "12"), (0, "13")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [(1, "3"), (0, "4"), (1, "5"), (0, "6")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "1"), (1, "2"), (0, "3"), (1, "4"), (0, "5"), (1, "6")])
-- set ttl back to default
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath default", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to delete according to default user config")
alice #$> ("/_ttl 1 2", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, [])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath day", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: one day")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath week", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: one week")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath month", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: one month")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath year", id, "ok")
alice #$> ("/ttl @cath", id, "old messages are set to be deleted after: one year")
testAppSettings :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testAppSettings ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
let settings = T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict $ J.encode defaultAppSettings
settingsApp = T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict $ J.encode defaultAppSettings {AS.webrtcICEServers = Just ["non-default.value.com"]}
-- app-provided defaults
alice ##> ("/_get app settings " <> settingsApp)
alice <## ("app settings: " <> settingsApp)
-- parser defaults fallback
alice ##> "/_get app settings"
alice <## ("app settings: " <> settings)
-- store
alice ##> ("/_save app settings " <> settingsApp)
alice <## "ok"
-- read back
alice ##> "/_get app settings"
alice <## ("app settings: " <> settingsApp)
testSwitchContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSwitchContact =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #$> ("/switch bob", id, "switch started")
bob <## "alice started changing address for you"
alice <## "bob: you started changing address"
bob <## "alice changed address for you"
alice <## "bob: you changed address"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "started changing address..."), (1, "you changed address")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "changed address for you")])
alice <##> bob
testAbortSwitchContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testAbortSwitchContact ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #$> ("/switch bob", id, "switch started")
alice <## "bob: you started changing address"
-- repeat switch is prohibited
alice ##> "/switch bob"
alice <## "error: command is prohibited, switchConnectionAsync: already switching"
-- stop switch
alice #$> ("/abort switch bob", id, "switch aborted")
-- repeat switch stop is prohibited
alice ##> "/abort switch bob"
alice <## "error: command is prohibited, abortConnectionSwitch: not allowed"
withTestChatContactConnected ps "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "alice started changing address for you"
-- alice changes address again
alice #$> ("/switch bob", id, "switch started")
alice <## "bob: you started changing address"
bob <## "alice started changing address for you"
bob <## "alice changed address for you"
alice <## "bob: you changed address"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "started changing address..."), (1, "started changing address..."), (1, "you changed address")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "changed address for you")])
alice <##> bob
testSwitchGroupMember :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSwitchGroupMember =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
alice #$> ("/switch #team bob", id, "switch started")
bob <## "#team: alice started changing address for you"
alice <## "#team: you started changing address for bob"
bob <## "#team: alice changed address for you"
alice <## "#team: you changed address for bob"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat, sndGroupFeatures <> [(0, "connected"), (1, "started changing address for bob..."), (1, "you changed address for bob")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat, groupFeatures <> [(0, "connected"), (0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "changed address for you")])
alice #> "#team hey"
bob <# "#team alice> hey"
bob #> "#team hi"
alice <# "#team bob> hi"
testAbortSwitchGroupMember :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testAbortSwitchGroupMember ps = do
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
alice #$> ("/switch #team bob", id, "switch started")
alice <## "#team: you started changing address for bob"
-- repeat switch is prohibited
alice ##> "/switch #team bob"
alice <## "error: command is prohibited, switchConnectionAsync: already switching"
-- stop switch
alice #$> ("/abort switch #team bob", id, "switch aborted")
-- repeat switch stop is prohibited
alice ##> "/abort switch #team bob"
alice <## "error: command is prohibited, abortConnectionSwitch: not allowed"
withTestChatContactConnected ps "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "#team: connected to server(s)"
bob <## "#team: alice started changing address for you"
-- alice changes address again
alice #$> ("/switch #team bob", id, "switch started")
alice <## "#team: you started changing address for bob"
bob <## "#team: alice started changing address for you"
bob <## "#team: alice changed address for you"
alice <## "#team: you changed address for bob"
threadDelay 100000
alice #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat, sndGroupFeatures <> [(0, "connected"), (1, "started changing address for bob..."), (1, "started changing address for bob..."), (1, "you changed address for bob")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat, groupFeatures <> [(0, "connected"), (0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "started changing address for you..."), (0, "changed address for you")])
alice #> "#team hey"
bob <# "#team alice> hey"
bob #> "#team hi"
alice <# "#team bob> hi"
testMarkContactVerified :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMarkContactVerified =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice False
alice ##> "/code bob"
bCode <- getTermLine alice
bob ##> "/code alice"
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify bob 123"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> ("/verify bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice True
alice ##> "/verify bob"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice False
bobInfo :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Bool -> IO ()
bobInfo alice verified = do
alice <## "contact ID: 2"
alice <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
alice <## "sending messages via: localhost"
alice <## "you've shared main profile with this contact"
alice <## connVerified
alice <## "quantum resistant end-to-end encryption"
alice <## currentChatVRangeInfo
| verified = "connection verified"
| otherwise = "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
testMarkGroupMemberVerified :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMarkGroupMemberVerified =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice False
alice ##> "/code #team bob"
bCode <- getTermLine alice
bob ##> "/code #team alice"
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify #team bob 123"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> ("/verify #team bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice True
alice ##> "/verify #team bob"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice False
bobInfo :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Bool -> IO ()
bobInfo alice verified = do
alice <## "group ID: 1"
alice <## "member ID: 2"
alice <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
alice <## "sending messages via: localhost"
alice <## connVerified
alice <## currentChatVRangeInfo
| verified = "connection verified"
| otherwise = "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
testMsgDecryptError :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMsgDecryptError ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
setupDesynchronizedRatchet ps alice
withTestChat ps "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice #> "@bob hello again"
bob <# "alice> skipped message ID 9..11"
bob <# "alice> hello again"
bob #> "@alice received!"
alice <# "bob> received!"
setupDesynchronizedRatchet :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> TestCC -> IO ()
setupDesynchronizedRatchet ps alice = do
copyDb "bob" "bob_old"
withTestChat ps "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
alice #> "@bob 1"
bob <# "alice> 1"
bob #> "@alice 2"
alice <# "bob> 2"
alice #> "@bob 3"
bob <# "alice> 3"
bob #> "@alice 4"
alice <# "bob> 4"
threadDelay 500000
withTestChat ps "bob_old" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob ##> "/sync alice"
bob <## "error: command is prohibited, synchronizeRatchet: not allowed"
alice #> "@bob 1"
bob <## "alice: decryption error (connection out of sync), synchronization required"
bob <## "use /sync alice to synchronize"
alice #> "@bob 2"
alice #> "@bob 3"
(bob </)
bob ##> "/tail @alice 1"
bob <# "alice> decryption error, possibly due to the device change (header, 3 messages)"
bob ##> "@alice 1"
bob <## "error: command is prohibited, sendMessagesB: send prohibited"
(alice </)
tmp = tmpPath ps
copyDb from to = do
copyFile (tmp </> (from <> chatSuffix)) (tmp </> (to <> chatSuffix))
copyFile (tmp </> (from <> agentSuffix)) (tmp </> (to <> agentSuffix))
testSyncRatchet :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSyncRatchet ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
setupDesynchronizedRatchet ps alice
withTestChat ps "bob_old" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob ##> "/sync alice"
bob <## "connection synchronization started"
alice <## "bob: connection synchronization agreed"
bob <## "alice: connection synchronization agreed"
alice <## "bob: connection synchronized"
bob <## "alice: connection synchronized"
threadDelay 100000
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=3", chat, [(1, "connection synchronization started"), (0, "connection synchronization agreed"), (0, "connection synchronized")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=2", chat, [(0, "connection synchronization agreed"), (0, "connection synchronized")])
alice #> "@bob hello again"
bob <# "alice> hello again"
bob #> "@alice received!"
alice <# "bob> received!"
testSyncRatchetCodeReset :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSyncRatchetCodeReset ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
-- connection not verified
bob ##> "/i alice"
aliceInfo bob False
-- verify connection
alice ##> "/code bob"
bCode <- getTermLine alice
bob ##> ("/verify alice " <> bCode)
bob <## "connection verified"
-- connection verified
bob ##> "/i alice"
aliceInfo bob True
setupDesynchronizedRatchet ps alice
withTestChat ps "bob_old" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob ##> "/sync alice"
bob <## "connection synchronization started"
alice <## "bob: connection synchronization agreed"
bob <## "alice: connection synchronization agreed"
bob <## "alice: security code changed"
alice <## "bob: connection synchronized"
bob <## "alice: connection synchronized"
threadDelay 100000
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=4", chat, [(1, "connection synchronization started"), (0, "connection synchronization agreed"), (0, "security code changed"), (0, "connection synchronized")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=2", chat, [(0, "connection synchronization agreed"), (0, "connection synchronized")])
-- connection not verified
bob ##> "/i alice"
aliceInfo bob False
alice #> "@bob hello again"
bob <# "alice> hello again"
bob #> "@alice received!"
alice <# "bob> received!"
aliceInfo :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> Bool -> IO ()
aliceInfo bob verified = do
bob <## "contact ID: 2"
bob <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
bob <## "sending messages via: localhost"
bob <## "you've shared main profile with this contact"
bob <## connVerified
bob <## "quantum resistant end-to-end encryption"
bob <## currentChatVRangeInfo
| verified = "connection verified"
| otherwise = "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
testSetMessageReactions :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSetMessageReactions =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob ##> "+1 alice hi"
bob <## "added 👍"
alice <# "bob> >> hi"
alice <## " + 👍"
bob ##> "+1 alice hi"
bob <## "bad chat command: reaction already added"
bob ##> "+^ alice hi"
bob <## "added 🚀"
alice <# "bob> >> hi"
alice <## " + 🚀"
alice ##> "/tail @bob 1"
alice <# "@bob hi"
alice <## " 👍 1 🚀 1"
bob ##> "/tail @alice 1"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob <## " 👍 1 🚀 1"
alice ##> "+1 bob hi"
alice <## "added 👍"
bob <# "alice> > hi"
bob <## " + 👍"
alice ##> "/tail @bob 1"
alice <# "@bob hi"
alice <## " 👍 2 🚀 1"
bob ##> "/tail @alice 1"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob <## " 👍 2 🚀 1"
bob ##> "-1 alice hi"
bob <## "removed 👍"
alice <# "bob> >> hi"
alice <## " - 👍"
bob ##> "-^ alice hi"
bob <## "removed 🚀"
alice <# "bob> >> hi"
alice <## " - 🚀"
alice ##> "/tail @bob 1"
alice <# "@bob hi"
alice <## " 👍 1"
bob ##> "/tail @alice 1"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob <## " 👍 1"
testSendDeliveryReceipts :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSendDeliveryReceipts ps =
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
alice ⩗ "@bob hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
bob ⩗ "@alice hey"
cfg = testCfg {showReceipts = True}
testConfigureDeliveryReceipts :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testConfigureDeliveryReceipts ps =
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
-- for new users receipts are enabled by default
receipt bob alice "1"
receipt cath alice "2"
-- configure receipts in all chats
alice ##> "/set receipts all off"
alice <## "ok"
noReceipt bob alice "3"
noReceipt cath alice "4"
-- configure receipts for user contacts
alice ##> "/_set receipts contacts 1 on"
alice <## "ok"
receipt bob alice "5"
receipt cath alice "6"
-- configure receipts for user contacts (terminal api)
alice ##> "/set receipts contacts off"
alice <## "ok"
noReceipt bob alice "7"
noReceipt cath alice "8"
-- configure receipts for contact
alice ##> "/receipts @bob on"
alice <## "ok"
receipt bob alice "9"
noReceipt cath alice "10"
-- configure receipts for user contacts (don't clear overrides)
alice ##> "/_set receipts contacts 1 off"
alice <## "ok"
receipt bob alice "11"
noReceipt cath alice "12"
alice ##> "/_set receipts contacts 1 off clear_overrides=off"
alice <## "ok"
receipt bob alice "13"
noReceipt cath alice "14"
-- configure receipts for user contacts (clear overrides)
alice ##> "/set receipts contacts off clear_overrides=on"
alice <## "ok"
noReceipt bob alice "15"
noReceipt cath alice "16"
-- configure receipts for contact, reset to default
alice ##> "/receipts @bob on"
alice <## "ok"
receipt bob alice "17"
noReceipt cath alice "18"
alice ##> "/receipts @bob default"
alice <## "ok"
noReceipt bob alice "19"
noReceipt cath alice "20"
cfg = testCfg {showReceipts = True}
receipt cc1 cc2 msg = do
name1 <- userName cc1
name2 <- userName cc2
cc1 #> ("@" <> name2 <> " " <> msg)
cc2 <# (name1 <> "> " <> msg)
cc1 ⩗ ("@" <> name2 <> " " <> msg)
noReceipt cc1 cc2 msg = do
name1 <- userName cc1
name2 <- userName cc2
cc1 #> ("@" <> name2 <> " " <> msg)
cc2 <# (name1 <> "> " <> msg)
cc1 <// 50000
testConnInvChatVRange :: HasCallStack => VersionRangeChat -> VersionRangeChat -> TestParams -> IO ()
testConnInvChatVRange ct1VRange ct2VRange ps =
withNewTestChatCfg ps testCfg {chatVRange = ct1VRange} "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps testCfg {chatVRange = ct2VRange} "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/i bob"
contactInfoChatVRange alice ct2VRange
bob ##> "/i alice"
contactInfoChatVRange bob ct1VRange
testConnReqChatVRange :: HasCallStack => VersionRangeChat -> VersionRangeChat -> TestParams -> IO ()
testConnReqChatVRange ct1VRange ct2VRange ps =
withNewTestChatCfg ps testCfg {chatVRange = ct1VRange} "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps testCfg {chatVRange = ct2VRange} "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
alice ##> "/ad"
cLink <- getContactLink alice True
bob ##> ("/c " <> cLink)
alice <#? bob
alice ##> "/ac bob"
alice <## "bob (Bob): accepting contact request, you can send messages to contact"
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
(alice <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
alice ##> "/i bob"
contactInfoChatVRange alice ct2VRange
bob ##> "/i alice"
contactInfoChatVRange bob ct1VRange
testUpdatePeerChatVRange :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testUpdatePeerChatVRange ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg11 "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/i bob"
contactInfoChatVRange alice vr11
bob ##> "/i alice"
contactInfoChatVRange bob supportedChatVRange
withTestChat ps "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob #> "@alice hello 1"
alice <# "bob> hello 1"
alice ##> "/i bob"
contactInfoChatVRange alice supportedChatVRange
bob ##> "/i alice"
contactInfoChatVRange bob supportedChatVRange
withTestChatCfg ps cfg11 "bob" $ \bob -> do
bob <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob #> "@alice hello 2"
alice <# "bob> hello 2"
alice ##> "/i bob"
contactInfoChatVRange alice vr11
bob ##> "/i alice"
contactInfoChatVRange bob supportedChatVRange
cfg11 = testCfg {chatVRange = vr11} :: ChatConfig
testGetNetworkStatuses :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testGetNetworkStatuses ps = do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_network_statuses"
alice <## "1 connections connected"
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "alice" $ \alice ->
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "bob" $ \bob -> do
alice <## "1 connections connected"
bob <## "1 connections connected"
cfg = testCfg {coreApi = True}
vr11 :: VersionRangeChat
vr11 = mkVersionRange (VersionChat 1) (VersionChat 1)
contactInfoChatVRange :: TestCC -> VersionRangeChat -> IO ()
contactInfoChatVRange cc (VersionRange minVer maxVer) = do
cc <## "contact ID: 2"
cc <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
cc <## "sending messages via: localhost"
cc <## "you've shared main profile with this contact"
cc <## "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
cc <## "quantum resistant end-to-end encryption"
cc <## ("peer chat protocol version range: (" <> show minVer <> ", " <> show maxVer <> ")")