Evgeny 621b291da1
core: member mentions, types and rfc (#5555)
* core: member mentions, types and rfc

* update

* update rfc

* save/get mentions (WIP)

* markdown

* store received mentions and userMention flag

* sent mentions

* update message with mentions

* db queries

* CLI mentions, test passes

* use maps for mentions

* tests

* comment

* save mentions on sent messages

* postresql schema

* refactor

* M.empty

* include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo

* fix saving sent mentions

* include mentions in previews

* update plans
2025-01-29 13:04:48 +00:00

696 lines
33 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared where
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Crypto.Random (ChaChaDRG)
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.UITheme
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (ConnId, UserId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.AgentStore (firstRow, maybeFirstRow)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB (BoolInt (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB as DB
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (PQEncryption (..), PQSupport (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet as CR
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (dropPrefix, sumTypeJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (SubscriptionMode (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (allFinally)
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import UnliftIO.STM
#if defined(dbPostgres)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Only (..), Query, SqlError, (:.) (..))
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Errors (constraintViolation)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ (sql)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (..), Query, SQLError, (:.) (..))
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
data ChatLockEntity
= CLInvitation ByteString
| CLConnection Int64
| CLContact ContactId
| CLGroup GroupId
| CLUserContact Int64
| CLFile Int64
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- These error type constructors must be added to mobile apps
data StoreError
= SEDuplicateName
| SEUserNotFound {userId :: UserId}
| SEUserNotFoundByName {contactName :: ContactName}
| SEUserNotFoundByContactId {contactId :: ContactId}
| SEUserNotFoundByGroupId {groupId :: GroupId}
| SEUserNotFoundByFileId {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SEUserNotFoundByContactRequestId {contactRequestId :: Int64}
| SEContactNotFound {contactId :: ContactId}
| SEContactNotFoundByName {contactName :: ContactName}
| SEContactNotFoundByMemberId {groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId}
| SEContactNotReady {contactName :: ContactName}
| SEDuplicateContactLink
| SEUserContactLinkNotFound
| SEContactRequestNotFound {contactRequestId :: Int64}
| SEContactRequestNotFoundByName {contactName :: ContactName}
| SEGroupNotFound {groupId :: GroupId}
| SEGroupNotFoundByName {groupName :: GroupName}
| SEGroupMemberNameNotFound {groupId :: GroupId, groupMemberName :: ContactName}
| SEGroupMemberNotFound {groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId}
| SEGroupMemberNotFoundByMemberId {memberId :: MemberId}
| SEMemberContactGroupMemberNotFound {contactId :: ContactId}
| SEGroupWithoutUser
| SEDuplicateGroupMember
| SEGroupAlreadyJoined
| SEGroupInvitationNotFound
| SENoteFolderAlreadyExists {noteFolderId :: NoteFolderId}
| SENoteFolderNotFound {noteFolderId :: NoteFolderId}
| SEUserNoteFolderNotFound
| SESndFileNotFound {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SESndFileInvalid {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SERcvFileNotFound {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SERcvFileDescrNotFound {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SEFileNotFound {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SERcvFileInvalid {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SERcvFileInvalidDescrPart
| SELocalFileNoTransfer {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SESharedMsgIdNotFoundByFileId {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SEFileIdNotFoundBySharedMsgId {sharedMsgId :: SharedMsgId}
| SESndFileNotFoundXFTP {agentSndFileId :: AgentSndFileId}
| SERcvFileNotFoundXFTP {agentRcvFileId :: AgentRcvFileId}
| SEConnectionNotFound {agentConnId :: AgentConnId}
| SEConnectionNotFoundById {connId :: Int64}
| SEConnectionNotFoundByMemberId {groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId}
| SEPendingConnectionNotFound {connId :: Int64}
| SEIntroNotFound
| SEUniqueID
| SELargeMsg
| SEInternalError {message :: String}
| SEDBException {message :: String}
| SEDBBusyError {message :: String}
| SEBadChatItem {itemId :: ChatItemId, itemTs :: Maybe ChatItemTs}
| SEChatItemNotFound {itemId :: ChatItemId}
| SEChatItemNotFoundByText {text :: Text}
| SEChatItemSharedMsgIdNotFound {sharedMsgId :: SharedMsgId}
| SEChatItemNotFoundByFileId {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SEChatItemNotFoundByContactId {contactId :: ContactId}
| SEChatItemNotFoundByGroupId {groupId :: GroupId}
| SEProfileNotFound {profileId :: Int64}
| SEDuplicateGroupLink {groupInfo :: GroupInfo}
| SEGroupLinkNotFound {groupInfo :: GroupInfo}
| SEHostMemberIdNotFound {groupId :: Int64}
| SEContactNotFoundByFileId {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SENoGroupSndStatus {itemId :: ChatItemId, groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId}
| SEDuplicateGroupMessage {groupId :: Int64, sharedMsgId :: SharedMsgId, authorGroupMemberId :: Maybe GroupMemberId, forwardedByGroupMemberId :: Maybe GroupMemberId}
| SERemoteHostNotFound {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId}
| SERemoteHostUnknown -- attempting to store KnownHost without a known fingerprint
| SERemoteHostDuplicateCA
| SERemoteCtrlNotFound {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId}
| SERemoteCtrlDuplicateCA
| SEProhibitedDeleteUser {userId :: UserId, contactId :: ContactId}
| SEOperatorNotFound {serverOperatorId :: Int64}
| SEUsageConditionsNotFound
| SEInvalidQuote
| SEInvalidMention
deriving (Show, Exception)
$(J.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "SE") ''StoreError)
insertedRowId :: DB.Connection -> IO Int64
insertedRowId db = fromOnly . head <$> DB.query_ db q
#if defined(dbPostgres)
q = "SELECT lastval()"
q = "SELECT last_insert_rowid()"
checkConstraint :: StoreError -> ExceptT StoreError IO a -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
checkConstraint err action = ExceptT $ runExceptT action `E.catch` (pure . Left . handleSQLError err)
#if defined(dbPostgres)
type SQLError = SqlError
constraintError :: SQLError -> Bool
#if defined(dbPostgres)
constraintError = isJust . constraintViolation
constraintError e = SQL.sqlError e == SQL.ErrorConstraint
{-# INLINE constraintError #-}
handleSQLError :: StoreError -> SQLError -> StoreError
handleSQLError err e
| constraintError e = err
| otherwise = SEInternalError $ show e
storeFinally :: ExceptT StoreError IO a -> ExceptT StoreError IO b -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
storeFinally = allFinally mkStoreError
{-# INLINE storeFinally #-}
mkStoreError :: E.SomeException -> StoreError
mkStoreError = SEInternalError . show
{-# INLINE mkStoreError #-}
fileInfoQuery :: Query
fileInfoQuery =
SELECT f.file_id, f.ci_file_status, f.file_path
FROM chat_items i
JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
toFileInfo :: (Int64, Maybe ACIFileStatus, Maybe FilePath) -> CIFileInfo
toFileInfo (fileId, fileStatus, filePath) = CIFileInfo {fileId, fileStatus, filePath}
type EntityIdsRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64)
type ConnectionRow = (Int64, ConnId, Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, BoolInt, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, ConnStatus, ConnType, BoolInt, LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. (UTCTime, Maybe Text, Maybe UTCTime, PQSupport, PQEncryption, Maybe PQEncryption, Maybe PQEncryption, Int, Int, Maybe VersionChat, VersionChat, VersionChat)
type MaybeConnectionRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnId, Maybe Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe BoolInt, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnStatus, Maybe ConnType, Maybe BoolInt, Maybe LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe Text, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe PQSupport, Maybe PQEncryption, Maybe PQEncryption, Maybe PQEncryption, Maybe Int, Maybe Int, Maybe VersionChat, Maybe VersionChat, Maybe VersionChat)
toConnection :: VersionRangeChat -> ConnectionRow -> Connection
toConnection vr ((connId, acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, BI viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, BI contactConnInitiated, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_, pqSupport, pqEncryption, pqSndEnabled, pqRcvEnabled, authErrCounter, quotaErrCounter, chatV, minVer, maxVer)) =
{ connId,
agentConnId = AgentConnId acId,
connChatVersion = fromMaybe (vr `peerConnChatVersion` peerChatVRange) chatV,
peerChatVRange = peerChatVRange,
entityId = entityId_ connType,
connectionCode = SecurityCode <$> code_ <*> verifiedAt_,
peerChatVRange = fromMaybe (versionToRange maxVer) $ safeVersionRange minVer maxVer
entityId_ :: ConnType -> Maybe Int64
entityId_ ConnContact = contactId
entityId_ ConnMember = groupMemberId
entityId_ ConnRcvFile = rcvFileId
entityId_ ConnSndFile = sndFileId
entityId_ ConnUserContact = userContactLinkId
toMaybeConnection :: VersionRangeChat -> MaybeConnectionRow -> Maybe Connection
toMaybeConnection vr ((Just connId, Just agentConnId, Just connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, Just viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, Just connStatus, Just connType, Just contactConnInitiated, Just localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (Just createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_, Just pqSupport, Just pqEncryption, pqSndEnabled_, pqRcvEnabled_, Just authErrCounter, Just quotaErrCounter, connChatVersion, Just minVer, Just maxVer)) =
Just $ toConnection vr ((connId, agentConnId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, contactConnInitiated, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_, pqSupport, pqEncryption, pqSndEnabled_, pqRcvEnabled_, authErrCounter, quotaErrCounter, connChatVersion, minVer, maxVer))
toMaybeConnection _ _ = Nothing
createConnection_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> ConnType -> Maybe Int64 -> ConnId -> ConnStatus -> VersionChat -> VersionRangeChat -> Maybe ContactId -> Maybe Int64 -> Maybe ProfileId -> Int -> UTCTime -> SubscriptionMode -> PQSupport -> IO Connection
createConnection_ db userId connType entityId acId connStatus connChatVersion peerChatVRange@(VersionRange minV maxV) viaContact viaUserContactLink customUserProfileId connLevel currentTs subMode pqSup = do
viaLinkGroupId :: Maybe Int64 <- fmap join . forM viaUserContactLink $ \ucLinkId ->
maybeFirstRow fromOnly $ DB.query db "SELECT group_id FROM user_contact_links WHERE user_id = ? AND user_contact_link_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL" (userId, ucLinkId)
let viaGroupLink = isJust viaLinkGroupId
INSERT INTO connections (
user_id, agent_conn_id, conn_level, via_contact, via_user_contact_link, via_group_link, custom_user_profile_id, conn_status, conn_type,
contact_id, group_member_id, snd_file_id, rcv_file_id, user_contact_link_id, created_at, updated_at,
conn_chat_version, peer_chat_min_version, peer_chat_max_version, to_subscribe, pq_support, pq_encryption
) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
( (userId, acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, BI viaGroupLink, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType)
:. (ent ConnContact, ent ConnMember, ent ConnSndFile, ent ConnRcvFile, ent ConnUserContact, currentTs, currentTs)
:. (connChatVersion, minV, maxV, BI (subMode == SMOnlyCreate), pqSup, pqSup)
connId <- insertedRowId db
{ connId,
agentConnId = AgentConnId acId,
contactConnInitiated = False,
groupLinkId = Nothing,
localAlias = "",
createdAt = currentTs,
connectionCode = Nothing,
pqSupport = pqSup,
pqEncryption = CR.pqSupportToEnc pqSup,
pqSndEnabled = Nothing,
pqRcvEnabled = Nothing,
authErrCounter = 0,
quotaErrCounter = 0
ent ct = if connType == ct then entityId else Nothing
createIncognitoProfile_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> UTCTime -> Profile -> IO Int64
createIncognitoProfile_ db userId createdAt Profile {displayName, fullName, image} = do
INSERT INTO contact_profiles (display_name, full_name, image, user_id, incognito, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
(displayName, fullName, image, userId, Just (BI True), createdAt, createdAt)
insertedRowId db
updateConnSupportPQ :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> PQSupport -> PQEncryption -> IO ()
updateConnSupportPQ db connId pqSup pqEnc =
UPDATE connections
SET pq_support = ?, pq_encryption = ?
WHERE connection_id = ?
(pqSup, pqEnc, connId)
updateConnPQSndEnabled :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> PQEncryption -> IO ()
updateConnPQSndEnabled db connId pqSndEnabled =
UPDATE connections
SET pq_snd_enabled = ?
WHERE connection_id = ?
(pqSndEnabled, connId)
updateConnPQRcvEnabled :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> PQEncryption -> IO ()
updateConnPQRcvEnabled db connId pqRcvEnabled =
UPDATE connections
SET pq_rcv_enabled = ?
WHERE connection_id = ?
(pqRcvEnabled, connId)
updateConnPQEnabledCON :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> PQEncryption -> IO ()
updateConnPQEnabledCON db connId pqEnabled =
UPDATE connections
SET pq_snd_enabled = ?, pq_rcv_enabled = ?
WHERE connection_id = ?
(pqEnabled, pqEnabled, connId)
setPeerChatVRange :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> VersionChat -> VersionRangeChat -> IO ()
setPeerChatVRange db connId chatV (VersionRange minVer maxVer) =
UPDATE connections
SET conn_chat_version = ?, peer_chat_min_version = ?, peer_chat_max_version = ?
WHERE connection_id = ?
(chatV, minVer, maxVer, connId)
setMemberChatVRange :: DB.Connection -> GroupMemberId -> VersionRangeChat -> IO ()
setMemberChatVRange db mId (VersionRange minVer maxVer) =
UPDATE group_members
SET peer_chat_min_version = ?, peer_chat_max_version = ?
WHERE group_member_id = ?
(minVer, maxVer, mId)
setCommandConnId :: DB.Connection -> User -> CommandId -> Int64 -> IO ()
setCommandConnId db User {userId} cmdId connId = do
updatedAt <- getCurrentTime
UPDATE commands
SET connection_id = ?, updated_at = ?
WHERE user_id = ? AND command_id = ?
(connId, updatedAt, userId, cmdId)
createContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> Profile -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
createContact db User {userId} profile = do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
void $ createContact_ db userId profile "" Nothing currentTs True
createContact_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Profile -> LocalAlias -> Maybe Int64 -> UTCTime -> Bool -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Text, ContactId, ProfileId)
createContact_ db userId Profile {displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences} localAlias viaGroup currentTs contactUsed =
ExceptT . withLocalDisplayName db userId displayName $ \ldn -> do
"INSERT INTO contact_profiles (display_name, full_name, image, contact_link, user_id, local_alias, preferences, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, userId, localAlias, preferences, currentTs, currentTs)
profileId <- insertedRowId db
"INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, local_display_name, user_id, via_group, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts, contact_used) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(profileId, ldn, userId, viaGroup, currentTs, currentTs, currentTs, BI contactUsed)
contactId <- insertedRowId db
pure $ Right (ldn, contactId, profileId)
deleteUnusedIncognitoProfileById_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> ProfileId -> IO ()
deleteUnusedIncognitoProfileById_ db User {userId} profileId =
DELETE FROM contact_profiles
WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_profile_id = ? AND incognito = 1
SELECT 1 FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ? AND custom_user_profile_id = ? LIMIT 1
SELECT 1 FROM group_members
WHERE user_id = ? AND member_profile_id = ? LIMIT 1
(userId, profileId, userId, profileId, userId, profileId)
type ContactRow' = (ProfileId, ContactName, Maybe Int64, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, BoolInt, ContactStatus) :. (Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe BoolInt, BoolInt, Maybe Preferences, Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) :. (Maybe GroupMemberId, BoolInt, Maybe UIThemeEntityOverrides, BoolInt, Maybe CustomData, Maybe Int64)
type ContactRow = Only ContactId :. ContactRow'
toContact :: VersionRangeChat -> User -> [ChatTagId] -> ContactRow :. MaybeConnectionRow -> Contact
toContact vr user chatTags ((Only contactId :. (profileId, localDisplayName, viaGroup, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, BI contactUsed, contactStatus) :. (enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, BI favorite, preferences, userPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs) :. (contactGroupMemberId, BI contactGrpInvSent, uiThemes, BI chatDeleted, customData, chatItemTTL)) :. connRow) =
let profile = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences, localAlias}
activeConn = toMaybeConnection vr connRow
chatSettings = ChatSettings {enableNtfs = fromMaybe MFAll enableNtfs_, sendRcpts = unBI <$> sendRcpts, favorite}
incognito = maybe False connIncognito activeConn
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences incognito
in Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus, chatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent, chatTags, chatItemTTL, uiThemes, chatDeleted, customData}
getProfileById :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Int64 -> ExceptT StoreError IO LocalProfile
getProfileById db userId profileId =
ExceptT . firstRow toProfile (SEProfileNotFound profileId) $
SELECT cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.contact_link, cp.local_alias, cp.preferences -- , ct.user_preferences
FROM contact_profiles cp
WHERE cp.user_id = ? AND cp.contact_profile_id = ?
(userId, profileId)
toProfile :: (ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Maybe Preferences) -> LocalProfile
toProfile (displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, preferences) = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences, localAlias}
type ContactRequestRow = (Int64, ContactName, AgentInvId, Maybe ContactId, Int64, AgentConnId, Int64, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact) :. (Maybe XContactId, PQSupport, Maybe Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, VersionChat, VersionChat)
toContactRequest :: ContactRequestRow -> UserContactRequest
toContactRequest ((contactRequestId, localDisplayName, agentInvitationId, contactId_, userContactLinkId, agentContactConnId, profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink) :. (xContactId, pqSupport, preferences, createdAt, updatedAt, minVer, maxVer)) = do
let profile = Profile {displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences}
cReqChatVRange = fromMaybe (versionToRange maxVer) $ safeVersionRange minVer maxVer
in UserContactRequest {contactRequestId, agentInvitationId, contactId_, userContactLinkId, agentContactConnId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName, profileId, profile, xContactId, pqSupport, createdAt, updatedAt}
userQuery :: Query
userQuery =
SELECT u.user_id, u.agent_user_id, u.contact_id, ucp.contact_profile_id, u.active_user, u.active_order, u.local_display_name, ucp.full_name, ucp.image, ucp.contact_link, ucp.preferences,
u.show_ntfs, u.send_rcpts_contacts, u.send_rcpts_small_groups, u.view_pwd_hash, u.view_pwd_salt, u.user_member_profile_updated_at, u.ui_themes
FROM users u
JOIN contacts uct ON uct.contact_id = u.contact_id
JOIN contact_profiles ucp ON ucp.contact_profile_id = uct.contact_profile_id
toUser :: (UserId, UserId, ContactId, ProfileId, BoolInt, Int64, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, Maybe Preferences) :. (BoolInt, BoolInt, BoolInt, Maybe B64UrlByteString, Maybe B64UrlByteString, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UIThemeEntityOverrides) -> User
toUser ((userId, auId, userContactId, profileId, BI activeUser, activeOrder, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, userPreferences) :. (BI showNtfs, BI sendRcptsContacts, BI sendRcptsSmallGroups, viewPwdHash_, viewPwdSalt_, userMemberProfileUpdatedAt, uiThemes)) =
User {userId, agentUserId = AgentUserId auId, userContactId, localDisplayName = displayName, profile, activeUser, activeOrder, fullPreferences, showNtfs, sendRcptsContacts, sendRcptsSmallGroups, viewPwdHash, userMemberProfileUpdatedAt, uiThemes}
profile = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences = userPreferences, localAlias = ""}
fullPreferences = mergePreferences Nothing userPreferences
viewPwdHash = UserPwdHash <$> viewPwdHash_ <*> viewPwdSalt_
toPendingContactConnection :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> PendingContactConnection
toPendingContactConnection (pccConnId, acId, pccConnStatus, connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt) =
PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = isJust connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt}
getConnReqInv :: DB.Connection -> Int64 -> ExceptT StoreError IO ConnReqInvitation
getConnReqInv db connId =
ExceptT . firstRow fromOnly (SEConnectionNotFoundById connId) $
"SELECT conn_req_inv FROM connections WHERE connection_id = ?"
(Only connId)
-- | Saves unique local display name based on passed displayName, suffixed with _N if required.
-- This function should be called inside transaction.
withLocalDisplayName :: forall a. DB.Connection -> UserId -> Text -> (Text -> IO (Either StoreError a)) -> IO (Either StoreError a)
withLocalDisplayName db userId displayName action = getLdnSuffix >>= (`tryCreateName` 20)
getLdnSuffix :: IO Int
getLdnSuffix =
maybe 0 ((+ 1) . fromOnly) . listToMaybe
<$> DB.query
SELECT ldn_suffix FROM display_names
WHERE user_id = ? AND ldn_base = ?
ORDER BY ldn_suffix DESC
(userId, displayName)
tryCreateName :: Int -> Int -> IO (Either StoreError a)
tryCreateName _ 0 = pure $ Left SEDuplicateName
tryCreateName ldnSuffix attempts = do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
let ldn = displayName <> (if ldnSuffix == 0 then "" else T.pack $ '_' : show ldnSuffix)
E.try (insertName ldn currentTs) >>= \case
Right () -> action ldn
Left e
| constraintError e -> tryCreateName (ldnSuffix + 1) (attempts - 1)
| otherwise -> E.throwIO e
insertName ldn ts =
INSERT INTO display_names
(local_display_name, ldn_base, ldn_suffix, user_id, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)
(ldn, displayName, ldnSuffix, userId, ts, ts)
createWithRandomId :: forall a. TVar ChaChaDRG -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
createWithRandomId = createWithRandomBytes 12
createWithRandomId' :: forall a. TVar ChaChaDRG -> (ByteString -> IO (Either StoreError a)) -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
createWithRandomId' = createWithRandomBytes' 12
createWithRandomBytes :: forall a. Int -> TVar ChaChaDRG -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
createWithRandomBytes size gVar create = createWithRandomBytes' size gVar (fmap Right . create)
createWithRandomBytes' :: forall a. Int -> TVar ChaChaDRG -> (ByteString -> IO (Either StoreError a)) -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
createWithRandomBytes' size gVar create = tryCreate 3
tryCreate :: Int -> ExceptT StoreError IO a
tryCreate 0 = throwError SEUniqueID
tryCreate n = do
id' <- liftIO $ encodedRandomBytes gVar size
liftIO (E.try $ create id') >>= \case
Right x -> liftEither x
Left e
| constraintError e -> tryCreate (n - 1)
| otherwise -> throwError . SEInternalError $ show e
encodedRandomBytes :: TVar ChaChaDRG -> Int -> IO ByteString
encodedRandomBytes gVar n = atomically $ B64.encode <$> C.randomBytes n gVar
assertNotUser :: DB.Connection -> User -> Contact -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
assertNotUser db User {userId} Contact {contactId, localDisplayName} = do
r :: (Maybe Int64) <-
-- This query checks that the foreign keys in the users table
-- are not referencing the contact about to be deleted.
-- With the current schema it would cause cascade delete of user,
-- with mofified schema (in v5.6.0-beta.0) it would cause foreign key violation error.
liftIO . maybeFirstRow fromOnly $
WHERE (user_id = ? AND local_display_name = ?)
OR contact_id = ?
(userId, localDisplayName, contactId)
when (isJust r) $ throwError $ SEProhibitedDeleteUser userId contactId
safeDeleteLDN :: DB.Connection -> User -> ContactName -> IO ()
safeDeleteLDN db User {userId} localDisplayName = do
DELETE FROM display_names
WHERE user_id = ? AND local_display_name = ?
AND local_display_name NOT IN (SELECT local_display_name FROM users WHERE user_id = ?)
(userId, localDisplayName, userId)
type BusinessChatInfoRow = (Maybe BusinessChatType, Maybe MemberId, Maybe MemberId)
type GroupInfoRow = (Int64, GroupName, GroupName, Text, Text, Maybe Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ProfileId, Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe BoolInt, BoolInt, Maybe GroupPreferences) :. (UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) :. BusinessChatInfoRow :. (Maybe UIThemeEntityOverrides, Maybe CustomData, Maybe Int64) :. GroupMemberRow
type GroupMemberRow = ((Int64, Int64, MemberId, VersionChat, VersionChat, GroupMemberRole, GroupMemberCategory, GroupMemberStatus, BoolInt, Maybe MemberRestrictionStatus) :. (Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupMemberId, ContactName, Maybe ContactId, ProfileId, ProfileId, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Maybe Preferences))
toGroupInfo :: VersionRangeChat -> Int64 -> [ChatTagId] -> GroupInfoRow -> GroupInfo
toGroupInfo vr userContactId chatTags ((groupId, localDisplayName, displayName, fullName, localAlias, description, image, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, BI favorite, groupPreferences) :. (createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt) :. businessRow :. (uiThemes, customData, chatItemTTL) :. userMemberRow) =
let membership = (toGroupMember userContactId userMemberRow) {memberChatVRange = vr}
chatSettings = ChatSettings {enableNtfs = fromMaybe MFAll enableNtfs_, sendRcpts = unBI <$> sendRcpts, favorite}
fullGroupPreferences = mergeGroupPreferences groupPreferences
groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName, fullName, description, image, groupPreferences}
businessChat = toBusinessChatInfo businessRow
in GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, localAlias, businessChat, fullGroupPreferences, membership, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, chatSettings, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt, chatTags, chatItemTTL, uiThemes, customData}
toGroupMember :: Int64 -> GroupMemberRow -> GroupMember
toGroupMember userContactId ((groupMemberId, groupId, memberId, minVer, maxVer, memberRole, memberCategory, memberStatus, BI showMessages, memberRestriction_) :. (invitedById, invitedByGroupMemberId, localDisplayName, memberContactId, memberContactProfileId, profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, preferences)) =
let memberProfile = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences, localAlias}
memberSettings = GroupMemberSettings {showMessages}
blockedByAdmin = maybe False mrsBlocked memberRestriction_
invitedBy = toInvitedBy userContactId invitedById
activeConn = Nothing
memberChatVRange = fromMaybe (versionToRange maxVer) $ safeVersionRange minVer maxVer
in GroupMember {..}
toBusinessChatInfo :: BusinessChatInfoRow -> Maybe BusinessChatInfo
toBusinessChatInfo (Just chatType, Just businessId, Just customerId) = Just BusinessChatInfo {chatType, businessId, customerId}
toBusinessChatInfo _ = Nothing
groupInfoQuery :: Query
groupInfoQuery =
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, g.local_alias, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.business_chat, g.business_member_id, g.customer_member_id, g.ui_themes, g.custom_data, g.chat_item_ttl,
-- GroupMember - membership
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,
pu.display_name, pu.full_name, pu.image, pu.contact_link, pu.local_alias, pu.preferences
FROM groups g
JOIN group_profiles gp ON gp.group_profile_id = g.group_profile_id
JOIN group_members mu ON mu.group_id = g.group_id
JOIN contact_profiles pu ON pu.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(mu.member_profile_id, mu.contact_profile_id)
createChatTag :: DB.Connection -> User -> Maybe Text -> Text -> IO ChatTagId
createChatTag db User {userId} emoji text = do
INSERT INTO chat_tags (user_id, chat_tag_emoji, chat_tag_text, tag_order)
VALUES (?,?,?, COALESCE((SELECT MAX(tag_order) + 1 FROM chat_tags WHERE user_id = ?), 1))
(userId, emoji, text, userId)
insertedRowId db
deleteChatTag :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatTagId -> IO ()
deleteChatTag db User {userId} tId =
DELETE FROM chat_tags
WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_tag_id = ?
(userId, tId)
updateChatTag :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatTagId -> Maybe Text -> Text -> IO ()
updateChatTag db User {userId} tId emoji text =
UPDATE chat_tags
SET chat_tag_emoji = ?, chat_tag_text = ?
WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_tag_id = ?
(emoji, text, userId, tId)
updateChatTagOrder :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatTagId -> Int -> IO ()
updateChatTagOrder db User {userId} tId order =
UPDATE chat_tags
SET tag_order = ?
WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_tag_id = ?
(order, userId, tId)
reorderChatTags :: DB.Connection -> User -> [ChatTagId] -> IO ()
reorderChatTags db user tIds =
forM_ (zip [1 ..] tIds) $ \(order, tId) ->
updateChatTagOrder db user tId order
getUserChatTags :: DB.Connection -> User -> IO [ChatTag]
getUserChatTags db User {userId} =
map toChatTag
<$> DB.query
SELECT chat_tag_id, chat_tag_emoji, chat_tag_text
FROM chat_tags
WHERE user_id = ?
ORDER BY tag_order
(Only userId)
toChatTag :: (ChatTagId, Maybe Text, Text) -> ChatTag
toChatTag (chatTagId, chatTagEmoji, chatTagText) = ChatTag {chatTagId, chatTagEmoji, chatTagText}
getGroupChatTags :: DB.Connection -> GroupId -> IO [ChatTagId]
getGroupChatTags db groupId =
map fromOnly <$> DB.query db "SELECT chat_tag_id FROM chat_tags_chats WHERE group_id = ?" (Only groupId)
addGroupChatTags :: DB.Connection -> GroupInfo -> IO GroupInfo
addGroupChatTags db g@GroupInfo {groupId} = do
chatTags <- getGroupChatTags db groupId
pure (g :: GroupInfo) {chatTags}