mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* core: member mentions, types and rfc * update * update rfc * save/get mentions (WIP) * markdown * store received mentions and userMention flag * sent mentions * update message with mentions * db queries * CLI mentions, test passes * use maps for mentions * tests * comment * save mentions on sent messages * postresql schema * refactor * M.empty * include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo * fix saving sent mentions * include mentions in previews * update plans
2909 lines
174 KiB
2909 lines
174 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Library.Subscriber where
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.Either (lefts, partitionEithers, rights)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (foldl', partition)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), (<|))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
import Data.Time (addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as V4
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Simplex.Chat.Call
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Library.Internal
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent.Events
import Simplex.Chat.ProfileGenerator (generateRandomProfile)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Connections
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Util (shuffle)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (ValidFileDescription)
import qualified Simplex.FileTransfer.Description as FD
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Protocol (FilePartyI)
import qualified Simplex.FileTransfer.Transport as XFTP
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Types (FileErrorType (..), RcvFileId, SndFileId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent as Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol as AP (AgentErrorType (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB as DB
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (ProxyClientError (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFile (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (PQEncryption (..), PQSupport (..), pattern PQEncOff, pattern PQEncOn, pattern PQSupportOff, pattern PQSupportOn)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet as CR
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (ErrorType (..), MsgFlags (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Protocol as SMP
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (TransportError (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import UnliftIO.Directory
import UnliftIO.STM
smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit :: Int
smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit = 20
processAgentMessage :: ACorrId -> ConnId -> AEvent 'AEConn -> CM ()
processAgentMessage _ _ (DEL_RCVQS delQs) =
toView $ CRAgentRcvQueuesDeleted $ L.map rcvQ delQs
rcvQ (connId, server, rcvId, err_) = DeletedRcvQueue (AgentConnId connId) server (AgentQueueId rcvId) err_
processAgentMessage _ _ (DEL_CONNS connIds) =
toView $ CRAgentConnsDeleted $ L.map AgentConnId connIds
processAgentMessage _ "" (ERR e) =
toView $ CRChatError Nothing $ ChatErrorAgent e Nothing
processAgentMessage corrId connId msg = do
lockEntity <- critical (withStore (`getChatLockEntity` AgentConnId connId))
withEntityLock "processAgentMessage" lockEntity $ do
vr <- chatVersionRange
-- getUserByAConnId never throws logical errors, only SEDBBusyError can be thrown here
critical (withStore' (`getUserByAConnId` AgentConnId connId)) >>= \case
Just user -> processAgentMessageConn vr user corrId connId msg `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> throwChatError $ CENoConnectionUser (AgentConnId connId)
-- CRITICAL error will be shown to the user as alert with restart button in Android/desktop apps.
-- SEDBBusyError will only be thrown on IO exceptions or SQLError during DB queries,
-- e.g. when database is locked or busy for longer than 3s.
-- In this case there is no better mitigation than showing alert:
-- - without ACK the message delivery will be stuck,
-- - with ACK message will be lost, as it failed to be saved.
-- Full app restart is likely to resolve database condition and the message will be received and processed again.
critical :: CM a -> CM a
critical a =
a `catchChatError` \case
ChatErrorStore SEDBBusyError {message} -> throwError $ ChatErrorAgent (CRITICAL True message) Nothing
e -> throwError e
processAgentMessageNoConn :: AEvent 'AENone -> CM ()
processAgentMessageNoConn = \case
CONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostConnected p h
DISCONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostDisconnected p h
DOWN srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns NSDisconnected CRContactsDisconnected
UP srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns NSConnected CRContactsSubscribed
SUSPENDED -> toView CRChatSuspended
DEL_USER agentUserId -> toView $ CRAgentUserDeleted agentUserId
ERRS cErrs -> errsEvent cErrs
hostEvent :: ChatResponse -> CM ()
hostEvent = whenM (asks $ hostEvents . config) . toView
serverEvent srv conns nsStatus event = do
chatModifyVar connNetworkStatuses $ \m -> foldl' (\m' cId -> M.insert cId nsStatus m') m connIds
ifM (asks $ coreApi . config) (notifyAPI connIds) notifyCLI
connIds = map AgentConnId conns
notifyAPI = toView . CRNetworkStatus nsStatus
notifyCLI = do
cs <- withStore' (`getConnectionsContacts` conns)
toView $ event srv cs
errsEvent :: [(ConnId, AgentErrorType)] -> CM ()
errsEvent cErrs = do
vr <- chatVersionRange
errs <- lift $ rights <$> withStoreBatch' (\db -> map (getChatErr vr db) cErrs)
toView $ CRChatErrors Nothing errs
getChatErr :: VersionRangeChat -> DB.Connection -> (ConnId, AgentErrorType) -> IO ChatError
getChatErr vr db (connId, err) =
let acId = AgentConnId connId
in ChatErrorAgent err <$> (getUserByAConnId db acId $>>= \user -> eitherToMaybe <$> runExceptT (getConnectionEntity db vr user acId))
processAgentMsgSndFile :: ACorrId -> SndFileId -> AEvent 'AESndFile -> CM ()
processAgentMsgSndFile _corrId aFileId msg = do
(cRef_, fileId) <- withStore (`getXFTPSndFileDBIds` AgentSndFileId aFileId)
withEntityLock_ cRef_ . withFileLock "processAgentMsgSndFile" fileId $
withStore' (`getUserByASndFileId` AgentSndFileId aFileId) >>= \case
Just user -> process user fileId `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> do
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
throwChatError $ CENoSndFileUser $ AgentSndFileId aFileId
withEntityLock_ :: Maybe ChatRef -> CM a -> CM a
withEntityLock_ cRef_ = case cRef_ of
Just (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) -> withContactLock "processAgentMsgSndFile" contactId
Just (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) -> withGroupLock "processAgentMsgSndFile" groupId
_ -> id
process :: User -> FileTransferId -> CM ()
process user fileId = do
(ft@FileTransferMeta {xftpRedirectFor, cancelled}, sfts) <- withStore $ \db -> getSndFileTransfer db user fileId
vr <- chatVersionRange
unless cancelled $ case msg of
SFPROG sndProgress sndTotal -> do
let status = CIFSSndTransfer {sndProgress, sndTotal}
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId status
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileProgressXFTP user ci ft sndProgress sndTotal
SFDONE sndDescr rfds -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setSndFTPrivateSndDescr db user fileId (fileDescrText sndDescr)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
case ci of
Nothing -> do
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
withStore' $ \db -> createExtraSndFTDescrs db user fileId (map fileDescrText rfds)
case rfds of
[] -> sendFileError (FileErrOther "no receiver descriptions") "no receiver descriptions" vr ft
rfd : _ -> case [fd | fd@(FD.ValidFileDescription FD.FileDescription {chunks = [_]}) <- rfds] of
[] -> case xftpRedirectFor of
Nothing -> xftpSndFileRedirect user fileId rfd >>= toView . CRSndFileRedirectStartXFTP user ft
Just _ -> sendFileError (FileErrOther "chaining redirects") "Prohibit chaining redirects" vr ft
rfds' -> do
-- we have 1 chunk - use it as URI whether it is redirect or not
ft' <- maybe (pure ft) (\fId -> withStore $ \db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fId) xftpRedirectFor
toView $ CRSndStandaloneFileComplete user ft' $ map (decodeLatin1 . strEncode . FD.fileDescriptionURI) rfds'
Just (AChatItem _ d cInfo _ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId = msgId_, itemDeleted}}) ->
case (msgId_, itemDeleted) of
(Just sharedMsgId, Nothing) -> do
when (length rfds < length sfts) $ throwChatError $ CEInternalError "not enough XFTP file descriptions to send"
-- TODO either update database status or move to SFPROG
toView $ CRSndFileProgressXFTP user ci ft 1 1
case (rfds, sfts, d, cInfo) of
(rfd : extraRFDs, sft : _, SMDSnd, DirectChat ct) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> createExtraSndFTDescrs db user fileId (map fileDescrText extraRFDs)
conn@Connection {connId} <- liftEither $ contactSendConn_ ct
sendFileDescriptions (ConnectionId connId) ((conn, sft, fileDescrText rfd) :| []) sharedMsgId >>= \case
Just rs -> case L.last rs of
Right ([msgDeliveryId], _) ->
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFTDeliveryXFTP db sft msgDeliveryId
Right (deliveryIds, _) -> toView $ CRChatError (Just user) $ ChatError $ CEInternalError $ "SFDONE, sendFileDescriptions: expected 1 delivery id, got " <> show (length deliveryIds)
Left e -> toView $ CRChatError (Just user) e
Nothing -> toView $ CRChatError (Just user) $ ChatError $ CEInternalError "SFDONE, sendFileDescriptions: expected at least 1 result"
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
(_, _, SMDSnd, GroupChat g@GroupInfo {groupId}) -> do
ms <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db vr user g
let rfdsMemberFTs = zipWith (\rfd (conn, sft) -> (conn, sft, fileDescrText rfd)) rfds (memberFTs ms)
extraRFDs = drop (length rfdsMemberFTs) rfds
withStore' $ \db -> createExtraSndFTDescrs db user fileId (map fileDescrText extraRFDs)
forM_ (L.nonEmpty rfdsMemberFTs) $ \rfdsMemberFTs' ->
sendFileDescriptions (GroupId groupId) rfdsMemberFTs' sharedMsgId
ci' <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSSndComplete
getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
toView $ CRSndFileCompleteXFTP user ci' ft
memberFTs :: [GroupMember] -> [(Connection, SndFileTransfer)]
memberFTs ms = M.elems $ M.intersectionWith (,) (M.fromList mConns') (M.fromList sfts')
mConns' = mapMaybe useMember ms
sfts' = mapMaybe (\sft@SndFileTransfer {groupMemberId} -> (,sft) <$> groupMemberId) sfts
-- Should match memberSendAction logic
useMember GroupMember {groupMemberId, activeConn = Just conn@Connection {connStatus}}
| (connStatus == ConnReady || connStatus == ConnSndReady) && not (connDisabled conn) && not (connInactive conn) =
Just (groupMemberId, conn)
| otherwise = Nothing
useMember _ = Nothing
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure () -- TODO error?
SFWARN e -> do
let err = tshow e
logWarn $ "Sent file warning: " <> err
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId (CIFSSndWarning $ agentFileError e)
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileWarning user ci ft err
SFERR e ->
sendFileError (agentFileError e) (tshow e) vr ft
fileDescrText :: FilePartyI p => ValidFileDescription p -> T.Text
fileDescrText = safeDecodeUtf8 . strEncode
sendFileDescriptions :: ConnOrGroupId -> NonEmpty (Connection, SndFileTransfer, RcvFileDescrText) -> SharedMsgId -> CM (Maybe (NonEmpty (Either ChatError ([Int64], PQEncryption))))
sendFileDescriptions connOrGroupId connsTransfersDescrs sharedMsgId = do
lift . void . withStoreBatch' $ \db -> L.map (\(_, sft, rfdText) -> updateSndFTDescrXFTP db user sft rfdText) connsTransfersDescrs
partSize <- asks $ xftpDescrPartSize . config
let connsIdsEvts = connDescrEvents partSize
sndMsgs_ <- lift $ createSndMessages $ L.map snd connsIdsEvts
let (errs, msgReqs) = partitionEithers . L.toList $ L.zipWith (fmap . toMsgReq) connsIdsEvts sndMsgs_
delivered <- mapM deliverMessages (L.nonEmpty msgReqs)
let errs' = errs <> maybe [] (lefts . L.toList) delivered
unless (null errs') $ toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) errs'
pure delivered
connDescrEvents :: Int -> NonEmpty (Connection, (ConnOrGroupId, ChatMsgEvent 'Json))
connDescrEvents partSize = L.fromList $ concatMap splitText (L.toList connsTransfersDescrs)
splitText :: (Connection, SndFileTransfer, RcvFileDescrText) -> [(Connection, (ConnOrGroupId, ChatMsgEvent 'Json))]
splitText (conn, _, rfdText) =
map (\fileDescr -> (conn, (connOrGroupId, XMsgFileDescr {msgId = sharedMsgId, fileDescr}))) (L.toList $ splitFileDescr partSize rfdText)
toMsgReq :: (Connection, (ConnOrGroupId, ChatMsgEvent 'Json)) -> SndMessage -> ChatMsgReq
toMsgReq (conn, _) SndMessage {msgId, msgBody} =
(conn, MsgFlags {notification = hasNotification XMsgFileDescr_}, msgBody, [msgId])
sendFileError :: FileError -> Text -> VersionRangeChat -> FileTransferMeta -> CM ()
sendFileError ferr err vr ft = do
logError $ "Sent file error: " <> err
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId (CIFSSndError ferr)
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteSndFileInternal` aFileId)
toView $ CRSndFileError user ci ft err
agentFileError :: AgentErrorType -> FileError
agentFileError = \case
XFTP _ XFTP.AUTH -> FileErrAuth
XFTP srv (XFTP.BLOCKED info) -> FileErrBlocked srv info
FILE NO_FILE -> FileErrNoFile
BROKER _ e -> brokerError FileErrRelay e
e -> FileErrOther $ tshow e
brokerError srvErr = \case
HOST -> srvErr SrvErrHost
SMP.TRANSPORT TEVersion -> srvErr SrvErrVersion
e -> srvErr . SrvErrOther $ tshow e
splitFileDescr :: Int -> RcvFileDescrText -> NonEmpty FileDescr
splitFileDescr partSize rfdText = splitParts 1 rfdText
splitParts partNo remText =
let (part, rest) = T.splitAt partSize remText
complete = T.null rest
fileDescr = FileDescr {fileDescrText = part, fileDescrPartNo = partNo, fileDescrComplete = complete}
in if complete
then fileDescr :| []
else fileDescr <| splitParts (partNo + 1) rest
processAgentMsgRcvFile :: ACorrId -> RcvFileId -> AEvent 'AERcvFile -> CM ()
processAgentMsgRcvFile _corrId aFileId msg = do
(cRef_, fileId) <- withStore (`getXFTPRcvFileDBIds` AgentRcvFileId aFileId)
withEntityLock_ cRef_ . withFileLock "processAgentMsgRcvFile" fileId $
withStore' (`getUserByARcvFileId` AgentRcvFileId aFileId) >>= \case
Just user -> process user fileId `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
_ -> do
lift $ withAgent' (`xftpDeleteRcvFile` aFileId)
throwChatError $ CENoRcvFileUser $ AgentRcvFileId aFileId
withEntityLock_ :: Maybe ChatRef -> CM a -> CM a
withEntityLock_ cRef_ = case cRef_ of
Just (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) -> withContactLock "processAgentMsgRcvFile" contactId
Just (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) -> withGroupLock "processAgentMsgRcvFile" groupId
_ -> id
process :: User -> FileTransferId -> CM ()
process user fileId = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
vr <- chatVersionRange
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ case msg of
RFPROG rcvProgress rcvTotal -> do
let status = CIFSRcvTransfer {rcvProgress, rcvTotal}
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId status
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileProgressXFTP user ci rcvProgress rcvTotal ft
RFDONE xftpPath ->
case liveRcvFileTransferPath ft of
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEInternalError "no target path for received XFTP file"
Just targetPath -> do
fsTargetPath <- lift $ toFSFilePath targetPath
renameFile xftpPath fsTargetPath
ci_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ do
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSComplete
updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSRcvComplete
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
toView $ maybe (CRRcvStandaloneFileComplete user fsTargetPath ft) (CRRcvFileComplete user) ci_
RFWARN e -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateCIFileStatus db user fileId (CIFSRcvWarning $ agentFileError e)
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileWarning user ci e ft
| e == FILE NOT_APPROVED -> do
aci_ <- resetRcvCIFileStatus user fileId CIFSRcvAborted
forM_ aci_ cleanupACIFile
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
forM_ aci_ $ \aci -> toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user aci
| otherwise -> do
aci_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId (CIFSRcvError $ agentFileError e)
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
forM_ aci_ cleanupACIFile
agentXFTPDeleteRcvFile aFileId fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileError user aci_ e ft
processAgentMessageConn :: VersionRangeChat -> User -> ACorrId -> ConnId -> AEvent 'AEConn -> CM ()
processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
-- Missing connection/entity errors here will be sent to the view but not shown as CRITICAL alert,
-- as in this case no need to ACK message - we can't process messages for this connection anyway.
-- SEDBException will be re-trown as CRITICAL as it is likely to indicate a temporary database condition
-- that will be resolved with app restart.
entity <- critical $ withStore (\db -> getConnectionEntity db vr user $ AgentConnId agentConnId) >>= updateConnStatus
case agentMessage of
END -> case entity of
RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct) -> toView $ CRContactAnotherClient user ct
_ -> toView $ CRSubscriptionEnd user entity
MSGNTF msgId msgTs_ -> toView $ CRNtfMessage user entity $ ntfMsgAckInfo msgId msgTs_
_ -> case entity of
RcvDirectMsgConnection conn contact_ ->
processDirectMessage agentMessage entity conn contact_
RcvGroupMsgConnection conn gInfo m ->
processGroupMessage agentMessage entity conn gInfo m
RcvFileConnection conn ft ->
processRcvFileConn agentMessage entity conn ft
SndFileConnection conn ft ->
processSndFileConn agentMessage entity conn ft
UserContactConnection conn uc ->
processUserContactRequest agentMessage entity conn uc
updateConnStatus :: ConnectionEntity -> CM ConnectionEntity
updateConnStatus acEntity = case agentMsgConnStatus agentMessage of
Just connStatus -> do
let conn = (entityConnection acEntity) {connStatus}
withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn connStatus
pure $ updateEntityConnStatus acEntity connStatus
Nothing -> pure acEntity
agentMsgConnStatus :: AEvent e -> Maybe ConnStatus
agentMsgConnStatus = \case
JOINED True -> Just ConnSndReady
CONF {} -> Just ConnRequested
INFO {} -> Just ConnSndReady
CON _ -> Just ConnReady
_ -> Nothing
processCONFpqSupport :: Connection -> PQSupport -> CM Connection
processCONFpqSupport conn@Connection {connId, pqSupport = pq} pq'
| pq == PQSupportOn && pq' == PQSupportOff = do
let pqEnc' = CR.pqSupportToEnc pq'
withStore' $ \db -> updateConnSupportPQ db connId pq' pqEnc'
pure (conn {pqSupport = pq', pqEncryption = pqEnc'} :: Connection)
| pq /= pq' = do
messageWarning "processCONFpqSupport: unexpected pqSupport change"
pure conn
| otherwise = pure conn
processINFOpqSupport :: Connection -> PQSupport -> CM ()
processINFOpqSupport Connection {pqSupport = pq} pq' =
when (pq /= pq') $ messageWarning "processINFOpqSupport: unexpected pqSupport change"
processDirectMessage :: AEvent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> Maybe Contact -> CM ()
processDirectMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, connChatVersion, peerChatVRange, viaUserContactLink, customUserProfileId, connectionCode} = \case
Nothing -> case agentMsg of
CONF confId pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
conn' <- processCONFpqSupport conn pqSupport
-- [incognito] send saved profile
(conn'', inGroup) <- saveConnInfo conn' connInfo
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
let profileToSend = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) Nothing inGroup
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn'' confId $ XInfo profileToSend
INFO pqSupport connInfo -> do
processINFOpqSupport conn pqSupport
void $ saveConnInfo conn connInfo
MSG meta _msgFlags _msgBody ->
-- We are not saving message (saveDirectRcvMSG) as contact hasn't been created yet,
-- chat item is also not created here
withAckMessage' "new contact msg" agentConnId meta $ pure ()
SENT msgId _proxy -> do
void $ continueSending connEntity conn
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving JOINED
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
void $ continueSending connEntity conn
MWARN _ err ->
processConnMWARN connEntity conn err
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
processConnMERR connEntity conn err
MERRS _ err -> do
-- error cannot be AUTH error here
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
Just ct@Contact {contactId} -> case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
-- [async agent commands] XGrpMemIntro continuation on receiving INV
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_ ->
case cReq of
directConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> do
contData <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getXGrpMemIntroContDirect db user ct
forM_ contData $ \(hostConnId, xGrpMemIntroCont) ->
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId (Just directConnReq) xGrpMemIntroCont
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
MSG msgMeta _msgFlags msgBody -> do
tags <- newTVarIO []
withAckMessage "contact msg" agentConnId msgMeta True (Just tags) $ \eInfo -> do
let MsgMeta {pqEncryption} = msgMeta
(ct', conn') <- updateContactPQRcv user ct conn pqEncryption
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct') msgMeta `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
forM_ aChatMsgs $ \case
Right (ACMsg _ chatMsg) ->
processEvent ct' conn' tags eInfo chatMsg `catchChatError` \e -> toView $ CRChatError (Just user) e
Left e -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' tags ("error" :)
logInfo $ "contact msg=error " <> eInfo <> " " <> tshow e
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatError . CEException $ "error parsing chat message: " <> e)
checkSendRcpt ct' $ rights aChatMsgs -- not crucial to use ct'' from processEvent
aChatMsgs = parseChatMessages msgBody
processEvent :: Contact -> Connection -> TVar [Text] -> Text -> MsgEncodingI e => ChatMessage e -> CM ()
processEvent ct' conn' tags eInfo chatMsg@ChatMessage {chatMsgEvent} = do
let tag = toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent
atomically $ modifyTVar' tags (tshow tag :)
logInfo $ "contact msg=" <> tshow tag <> " " <> eInfo
(conn'', msg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event}) <- saveDirectRcvMSG conn' msgMeta msgBody chatMsg
let ct'' = ct' {activeConn = Just conn''} :: Contact
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> newContentMessage ct'' mc msg msgMeta
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> messageFileDescription ct'' sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent _ ttl live -> messageUpdate ct'' sharedMsgId mContent msg msgMeta ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId _ -> messageDelete ct'' sharedMsgId msg msgMeta
XMsgReact sharedMsgId _ reaction add -> directMsgReaction ct'' sharedMsgId reaction add msg msgMeta
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processFileInvitation' ct'' fInv msg msgMeta
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancel ct'' sharedMsgId
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName -> xFileAcptInv ct'' sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName
XInfo p -> xInfo ct'' p
XDirectDel -> xDirectDel ct'' msg msgMeta
XGrpInv gInv -> processGroupInvitation ct'' gInv msg msgMeta
XInfoProbe probe -> xInfoProbe (COMContact ct'') probe
XInfoProbeCheck probeHash -> xInfoProbeCheck (COMContact ct'') probeHash
XInfoProbeOk probe -> xInfoProbeOk (COMContact ct'') probe
XCallInv callId invitation -> xCallInv ct'' callId invitation msg msgMeta
XCallOffer callId offer -> xCallOffer ct'' callId offer msg
XCallAnswer callId answer -> xCallAnswer ct'' callId answer msg
XCallExtra callId extraInfo -> xCallExtra ct'' callId extraInfo msg
XCallEnd callId -> xCallEnd ct'' callId msg
BFileChunk sharedMsgId chunk -> bFileChunk ct'' sharedMsgId chunk msgMeta
_ -> messageError $ "unsupported message: " <> T.pack (show event)
checkSendRcpt :: Contact -> [AChatMessage] -> CM Bool
checkSendRcpt ct' aMsgs = do
let Contact {chatSettings = ChatSettings {sendRcpts}} = ct'
pure $ fromMaybe (sendRcptsContacts user) sendRcpts && any aChatMsgHasReceipt aMsgs
aChatMsgHasReceipt (ACMsg _ ChatMessage {chatMsgEvent}) =
hasDeliveryReceipt (toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent)
RCVD msgMeta msgRcpt ->
withAckMessage' "contact rcvd" agentConnId msgMeta $
directMsgReceived ct conn msgMeta msgRcpt
CONF confId pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
conn' <- processCONFpqSupport conn pqSupport
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn' connInfo
conn'' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn' chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
-- confirming direct connection with a member
XGrpMemInfo _memId _memProfile -> do
-- TODO check member ID
-- TODO update member profile
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn'' confId XOk
XInfo profile -> do
ct' <- processContactProfileUpdate ct profile False `catchChatError` const (pure ct)
-- [incognito] send incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore $ \db -> getProfileById db userId profileId
let p = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) (Just ct') False
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn'' confId $ XInfo p
void $ withStore' $ \db -> resetMemberContactFields db ct'
XGrpLinkInv glInv -> do
-- XGrpLinkInv here means we are connecting via business contact card, so we replace contact with group
(gInfo, host) <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ deleteContactCardKeepConn db connId ct
createGroupInvitedViaLink db vr user conn'' glInv
-- [incognito] send saved profile
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \pId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId pId)
let profileToSend = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoProfile) Nothing True
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn'' confId $ XInfo profileToSend
toView $ CRBusinessLinkConnecting user gInfo host ct
_ -> messageError "CONF for existing contact must have x.grp.mem.info or x.info"
INFO pqSupport connInfo -> do
processINFOpqSupport conn pqSupport
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
_conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo _memId _memProfile -> do
-- TODO check member ID
-- TODO update member profile
pure ()
XInfo profile ->
void $ processContactProfileUpdate ct profile False
XOk -> pure ()
_ -> messageError "INFO for existing contact must have x.grp.mem.info, x.info or x.ok"
CON pqEnc ->
withStore' (\db -> getViaGroupMember db vr user ct) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
when (pqEnc == PQEncOn) $ withStore' $ \db -> updateConnPQEnabledCON db connId pqEnc
let conn' = conn {pqSndEnabled = Just pqEnc, pqRcvEnabled = Just pqEnc} :: Connection
ct' = ct {activeConn = Just conn'} :: Contact
-- [incognito] print incognito profile used for this contact
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
lift $ setContactNetworkStatus ct' NSConnected
toView $ CRContactConnected user ct' (fmap fromLocalProfile incognitoProfile)
when (directOrUsed ct') $ do
unless (contactUsed ct') $ withFastStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct'
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct') (CIRcvDirectE2EEInfo $ E2EInfo pqEnc) Nothing
createFeatureEnabledItems ct'
when (contactConnInitiated conn') $ do
let Connection {groupLinkId} = conn'
doProbeContacts = isJust groupLinkId
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct' (contactConnIncognito ct') doProbeContacts
withStore' $ \db -> resetContactConnInitiated db user conn'
forM_ viaUserContactLink $ \userContactLinkId -> do
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) = ucl
when (connChatVersion < batchSend2Version) $ sendAutoReply ct' autoAccept
forM_ groupId_ $ \groupId -> do
groupInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user groupId
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
groupConnIds <- createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpInv True SCMInvitation subMode
gVar <- asks random
withStore $ \db -> createNewContactMemberAsync db gVar user groupInfo ct' gLinkMemRole groupConnIds connChatVersion peerChatVRange subMode
Just (gInfo, m@GroupMember {activeConn}) ->
when (maybe False ((== ConnReady) . connStatus) activeConn) $ do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m $ Just ct
let connectedIncognito = contactConnIncognito ct || incognitoMembership gInfo
when (memberCategory m == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito True
SENT msgId proxy -> do
void $ continueSending connEntity conn
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn msgId
cis <- withStore $ \db -> do
cis <- updateDirectItemsStatus' db ct conn msgId (CISSndSent SSPComplete)
liftIO $ forM cis $ \ci -> setDirectSndChatItemViaProxy db user ct ci (isJust proxy)
let acis = map ctItem cis
unless (null acis) $ toView $ CRChatItemsStatusesUpdated user acis
ctItem = AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct)
SWITCH qd phase cStats -> do
toView $ CRContactSwitch user ct (SwitchProgress qd phase cStats)
when (phase == SPStarted || phase == SPCompleted) $ case qd of
QDRcv -> createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) (CISndConnEvent $ SCESwitchQueue phase Nothing) Nothing
QDSnd -> createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCESwitchQueue phase) Nothing
RSYNC rss cryptoErr_ cStats ->
case (rss, connectionCode, cryptoErr_) of
(RSRequired, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAllowed, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAgreed, Just _, _) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
let ct' = ct {activeConn = Just $ (conn :: Connection) {connectionCode = Nothing}} :: Contact
ratchetSyncEventItem ct'
securityCodeChanged ct'
_ -> ratchetSyncEventItem ct
processErr cryptoErr = do
let e@(mde, n) = agentMsgDecryptError cryptoErr
ci_ <- withStore $ \db ->
getDirectChatItemLast db user contactId
>>= liftIO
. mapM (\(ci, content') -> updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content' False False Nothing Nothing)
. mdeUpdatedCI e
case ci_ of
Just ci -> toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> do
toView $ CRContactRatchetSync user ct (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvDecryptionError mde n) Nothing
ratchetSyncEventItem ct' = do
toView $ CRContactRatchetSync user ct' (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct') (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCERatchetSync rss) Nothing
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
JOINED sqSecured ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving JOINED
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData ->
when (directOrUsed ct && sqSecured) $ do
lift $ setContactNetworkStatus ct NSConnected
toView $ CRContactSndReady user ct
forM_ viaUserContactLink $ \userContactLinkId -> do
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, _, _) = ucl
when (connChatVersion >= batchSend2Version) $ sendAutoReply ct autoAccept
void $ continueSending connEntity conn
MWARN msgId err -> do
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn msgId (CISSndWarning $ agentSndError err)
processConnMWARN connEntity conn err
MERR msgId err -> do
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn msgId (CISSndError $ agentSndError err)
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
processConnMERR connEntity conn err
MERRS msgIds err -> do
-- error cannot be AUTH error here
updateDirectItemsStatusMsgs ct conn (L.toList msgIds) (CISSndError $ agentSndError err)
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
sendAutoReply ct = \case
Just AutoAccept {autoReply = Just mc} -> do
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage user ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci]
_ -> pure ()
processGroupMessage :: AEvent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> CM ()
processGroupMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, connChatVersion, connectionCode} gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile, membership, chatSettings} m = case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction} ->
case cReq of
groupConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> case cmdFunction of
-- [async agent commands] XGrpMemIntro continuation on receiving INV
| maxVersion (peerChatVRange conn) >= groupDirectInvVersion -> sendWithoutDirectCReq
| otherwise -> sendWithDirectCReq
sendWithoutDirectCReq = do
let GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} = m
hostConnId <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getHostConnId db user groupId
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId Nothing XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq}
sendWithDirectCReq = do
let GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} = m
contData <- withStore' $ \db -> do
setConnConnReqInv db user connId cReq
getXGrpMemIntroContGroup db user m
forM_ contData $ \(hostConnId, directConnReq) ->
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId (Just directConnReq) XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq}
-- [async agent commands] group link auto-accept continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnGrpInv -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContactViaMember db vr user m
withStore' $ \db -> setNewContactMemberConnRequest db user m cReq
groupLinkId <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupLinkId db user gInfo
sendGrpInvitation ct m groupLinkId
toView $ CRSentGroupInvitation user gInfo ct m
sendGrpInvitation :: Contact -> GroupMember -> Maybe GroupLinkId -> CM ()
sendGrpInvitation ct GroupMember {memberId, memberRole = memRole} groupLinkId = do
currentMemCount <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCurrentMembersCount db user gInfo
let GroupMember {memberRole = userRole, memberId = userMemberId} = membership
groupInv =
{ fromMember = MemberIdRole userMemberId userRole,
invitedMember = MemberIdRole memberId memRole,
connRequest = cReq,
business = Nothing,
groupLinkId = groupLinkId,
groupSize = Just currentMemCount
(_msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage user ct $ XGrpInv groupInv
-- we could link chat item with sent group invitation message (_msg)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected cmdFunction"
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
CONF confId _pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case memberCategory m of
GCInviteeMember ->
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpAcpt memId
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
withStore $ \db -> liftIO $ updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemAccepted
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk
| otherwise -> messageError "x.grp.acpt: memberId is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from invited member must have x.grp.acpt"
_ ->
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo memId _memProfile
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
let GroupMember {memberId = membershipMemId} = membership
membershipProfile = redactedMemberProfile $ fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile membership
-- TODO update member profile
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId $ XGrpMemInfo membershipMemId membershipProfile
| otherwise -> messageError "x.grp.mem.info: memberId is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from member must have x.grp.mem.info"
INFO _pqSupport connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
_conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XGrpMemInfo memId _memProfile
| sameMemberId memId m -> do
-- TODO update member profile
pure ()
| otherwise -> messageError "x.grp.mem.info: memberId is different from expected"
XInfo _ -> pure () -- sent when connecting via group link
XOk -> pure ()
_ -> messageError "INFO from member must have x.grp.mem.info, x.info or x.ok"
pure ()
CON _pqEnc -> do
withStore' $ \db -> do
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemConnected
unless (memberActive membership) $
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemConnected
-- possible improvement: check for each pending message, requires keeping track of connection state
unless (connDisabled conn) $ sendPendingGroupMessages user m conn
withAgent $ \a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a (aConnId conn) $ chatHasNtfs chatSettings
case memberCategory m of
GCHostMember -> do
toView $ CRUserJoinedGroup user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}} m {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}
let cd = CDGroupRcv gInfo m
createInternalChatItem user cd (CIRcvGroupE2EEInfo E2EInfo {pqEnabled = PQEncOff}) Nothing
createGroupFeatureItems user cd CIRcvGroupFeature gInfo
let GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {description}} = gInfo
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
unless expectHistory $ forM_ description $ groupDescriptionChatItem gInfo m
expectHistory = groupFeatureAllowed SGFHistory gInfo && m `supportsVersion` groupHistoryIncludeWelcomeVersion
GCInviteeMember -> do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}
let Connection {viaUserContactLink} = conn
when (isJust viaUserContactLink && isNothing (memberContactId m)) sendXGrpLinkMem
members <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db vr user gInfo
void . sendGroupMessage user gInfo members . XGrpMemNew $ memberInfo m
sendIntroductions members
when (groupFeatureAllowed SGFHistory gInfo) sendHistory
when (connChatVersion < batchSend2Version) sendGroupAutoReply
sendXGrpLinkMem = do
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user profileMode True
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage conn (XGrpLinkMem profileToSend) groupId
sendIntroductions members = do
intros <- withStore' $ \db -> createIntroductions db (maxVersion vr) members m
shuffledIntros <- liftIO $ shuffleIntros intros
if m `supportsVersion` batchSendVersion
then do
let events = map (memberIntro . reMember) shuffledIntros
forM_ (L.nonEmpty events) $ \events' ->
sendGroupMemberMessages user conn events' groupId
else forM_ shuffledIntros $ \intro ->
processIntro intro `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
memberIntro :: GroupMember -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
memberIntro reMember =
let mInfo = memberInfo reMember
mRestrictions = memberRestrictions reMember
in XGrpMemIntro mInfo mRestrictions
shuffleIntros :: [GroupMemberIntro] -> IO [GroupMemberIntro]
shuffleIntros intros = do
let (admins, others) = partition isAdmin intros
(admPics, admNoPics) = partition hasPicture admins
(othPics, othNoPics) = partition hasPicture others
mconcat <$> mapM shuffle [admPics, admNoPics, othPics, othNoPics]
isAdmin GroupMemberIntro {reMember = GroupMember {memberRole}} = memberRole >= GRAdmin
hasPicture GroupMemberIntro {reMember = GroupMember {memberProfile = LocalProfile {image}}} = isJust image
processIntro intro@GroupMemberIntro {introId} = do
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage conn (memberIntro $ reMember intro) groupId
withStore' $ \db -> updateIntroStatus db introId GMIntroSent
sendHistory =
when (m `supportsVersion` batchSendVersion) $ do
(errs, items) <- partitionEithers <$> withStore' (\db -> getGroupHistoryItems db user gInfo m 100)
(errs', events) <- partitionEithers <$> mapM (tryChatError . itemForwardEvents) items
let errors = map ChatErrorStore errs <> errs'
unless (null errors) $ toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) errors
let events' = maybe (concat events) (\x -> concat events <> [x]) descrEvent_
forM_ (L.nonEmpty events') $ \events'' ->
sendGroupMemberMessages user conn events'' groupId
descrEvent_ :: Maybe (ChatMsgEvent 'Json)
| m `supportsVersion` groupHistoryIncludeWelcomeVersion = do
let GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {description}} = gInfo
fmap (\descr -> XMsgNew $ MCSimple $ extMsgContent (MCText descr) Nothing) description
| otherwise = Nothing
itemForwardEvents :: CChatItem 'CTGroup -> CM [ChatMsgEvent 'Json]
itemForwardEvents cci = case cci of
(CChatItem SMDRcv ci@ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupRcv sender, content = CIRcvMsgContent mc, file})
| not (blockedByAdmin sender) -> do
fInvDescr_ <- join <$> forM file getRcvFileInvDescr
processContentItem sender ci mc fInvDescr_
(CChatItem SMDSnd ci@ChatItem {content = CISndMsgContent mc, file}) -> do
fInvDescr_ <- join <$> forM file getSndFileInvDescr
processContentItem membership ci mc fInvDescr_
_ -> pure []
getRcvFileInvDescr :: CIFile 'MDRcv -> CM (Maybe (FileInvitation, RcvFileDescrText))
getRcvFileInvDescr ciFile@CIFile {fileId, fileProtocol, fileStatus} = do
expired <- fileExpired
if fileProtocol /= FPXFTP || fileStatus == CIFSRcvCancelled || expired
then pure Nothing
else do
rfd <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileDescrByRcvFileId db fileId
pure $ invCompleteDescr ciFile rfd
getSndFileInvDescr :: CIFile 'MDSnd -> CM (Maybe (FileInvitation, RcvFileDescrText))
getSndFileInvDescr ciFile@CIFile {fileId, fileProtocol, fileStatus} = do
expired <- fileExpired
if fileProtocol /= FPXFTP || fileStatus == CIFSSndCancelled || expired
then pure Nothing
else do
-- can also lookup in extra_xftp_file_descriptions, though it can be empty;
-- would be best if snd file had a single rcv description for all members saved in files table
rfd <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileDescrBySndFileId db fileId
pure $ invCompleteDescr ciFile rfd
fileExpired :: CM Bool
fileExpired = do
ttl <- asks $ rcvFilesTTL . agentConfig . config
cutoffTs <- addUTCTime (-ttl) <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
pure $ chatItemTs cci < cutoffTs
invCompleteDescr :: CIFile d -> RcvFileDescr -> Maybe (FileInvitation, RcvFileDescrText)
invCompleteDescr CIFile {fileName, fileSize} RcvFileDescr {fileDescrText, fileDescrComplete}
| fileDescrComplete =
let fInvDescr = FileDescr {fileDescrText = "", fileDescrPartNo = 0, fileDescrComplete = False}
fInv = xftpFileInvitation fileName fileSize fInvDescr
in Just (fInv, fileDescrText)
| otherwise = Nothing
processContentItem :: GroupMember -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> MsgContent -> Maybe (FileInvitation, RcvFileDescrText) -> CM [ChatMsgEvent 'Json]
processContentItem sender ChatItem {meta, quotedItem} mc fInvDescr_ =
if isNothing fInvDescr_ && not (msgContentHasText mc)
then pure []
else do
let CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId, itemTimed} = meta
quotedItemId_ = quoteItemId =<< quotedItem
fInv_ = fst <$> fInvDescr_
-- TODO [mentions] history?
let (_t, ft_) = msgContentTexts mc
(msgContainer, _, _) <- withStore $ \db -> prepareGroupMsg db user gInfo mc ft_ M.empty quotedItemId_ Nothing fInv_ itemTimed False
let senderVRange = memberChatVRange' sender
xMsgNewChatMsg = ChatMessage {chatVRange = senderVRange, msgId = itemSharedMsgId, chatMsgEvent = XMsgNew msgContainer}
fileDescrEvents <- case (snd <$> fInvDescr_, itemSharedMsgId) of
(Just fileDescrText, Just msgId) -> do
partSize <- asks $ xftpDescrPartSize . config
let parts = splitFileDescr partSize fileDescrText
pure . L.toList $ L.map (XMsgFileDescr msgId) parts
_ -> pure []
let fileDescrChatMsgs = map (ChatMessage senderVRange Nothing) fileDescrEvents
GroupMember {memberId} = sender
msgForwardEvents = map (\cm -> XGrpMsgForward memberId cm itemTs) (xMsgNewChatMsg : fileDescrChatMsgs)
pure msgForwardEvents
_ -> do
let memCategory = memberCategory m
withStore' (\db -> getViaGroupContact db vr user m) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m Nothing
let connectedIncognito = memberIncognito membership
when (memCategory == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingMemberContact m connectedIncognito
Just ct@Contact {activeConn} ->
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connStatus} ->
when (connStatus == ConnReady) $ do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m $ Just ct
let connectedIncognito = contactConnIncognito ct || incognitoMembership gInfo
when (memCategory == GCPreMember) $ probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito True
sendXGrpMemCon memCategory
GroupMember {memberId} = m
sendXGrpMemCon = \case
GCPreMember ->
forM_ (invitedByGroupMemberId membership) $ \hostId -> do
host <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db vr user groupId hostId
forM_ (memberConn host) $ \hostConn ->
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage hostConn (XGrpMemCon memberId) groupId
GCPostMember ->
forM_ (invitedByGroupMemberId m) $ \invitingMemberId -> do
im <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db vr user groupId invitingMemberId
forM_ (memberConn im) $ \imConn ->
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage imConn (XGrpMemCon memberId) groupId
_ -> messageWarning "sendXGrpMemCon: member category GCPreMember or GCPostMember is expected"
MSG msgMeta _msgFlags msgBody -> do
tags <- newTVarIO []
withAckMessage "group msg" agentConnId msgMeta True (Just tags) $ \eInfo -> do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msgMeta `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
forM_ aChatMsgs $ \case
Right (ACMsg _ chatMsg) ->
processEvent tags eInfo chatMsg `catchChatError` \e -> toView $ CRChatError (Just user) e
Left e -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' tags ("error" :)
logInfo $ "group msg=error " <> eInfo <> " " <> tshow e
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatError . CEException $ "error parsing chat message: " <> e)
forwardMsgs (rights aChatMsgs) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
checkSendRcpt $ rights aChatMsgs
aChatMsgs = parseChatMessages msgBody
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
processEvent :: TVar [Text] -> Text -> MsgEncodingI e => ChatMessage e -> CM ()
processEvent tags eInfo chatMsg@ChatMessage {chatMsgEvent} = do
let tag = toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent
atomically $ modifyTVar' tags (tshow tag :)
logInfo $ "group msg=" <> tshow tag <> " " <> eInfo
(m', conn', msg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event}) <- saveGroupRcvMsg user groupId m conn msgMeta msgBody chatMsg
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend m' $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo m' mc msg brokerTs False
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo m' sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent mentions ttl live -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo m' sharedMsgId mContent mentions msg brokerTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memberId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId msg brokerTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memberId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId reaction add msg brokerTs
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m' fInv msg brokerTs
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancelGroup gInfo m' sharedMsgId
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName -> xFileAcptInvGroup gInfo m' sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName
XInfo p -> xInfoMember gInfo m' p brokerTs
XGrpLinkMem p -> xGrpLinkMem gInfo m' conn' p
XGrpMemNew memInfo -> xGrpMemNew gInfo m' memInfo msg brokerTs
XGrpMemIntro memInfo memRestrictions_ -> xGrpMemIntro gInfo m' memInfo memRestrictions_
XGrpMemInv memId introInv -> xGrpMemInv gInfo m' memId introInv
XGrpMemFwd memInfo introInv -> xGrpMemFwd gInfo m' memInfo introInv
XGrpMemRole memId memRole -> xGrpMemRole gInfo m' memId memRole msg brokerTs
XGrpMemRestrict memId memRestrictions -> xGrpMemRestrict gInfo m' memId memRestrictions msg brokerTs
XGrpMemCon memId -> xGrpMemCon gInfo m' memId
XGrpMemDel memId -> xGrpMemDel gInfo m' memId msg brokerTs
XGrpLeave -> xGrpLeave gInfo m' msg brokerTs
XGrpDel -> xGrpDel gInfo m' msg brokerTs
XGrpInfo p' -> xGrpInfo gInfo m' p' msg brokerTs
XGrpPrefs ps' -> xGrpPrefs gInfo m' ps'
XGrpDirectInv connReq mContent_ -> memberCanSend m' $ xGrpDirectInv gInfo m' conn' connReq mContent_ msg brokerTs
XGrpMsgForward memberId msg' msgTs -> xGrpMsgForward gInfo m' memberId msg' msgTs
XInfoProbe probe -> xInfoProbe (COMGroupMember m') probe
XInfoProbeCheck probeHash -> xInfoProbeCheck (COMGroupMember m') probeHash
XInfoProbeOk probe -> xInfoProbeOk (COMGroupMember m') probe
BFileChunk sharedMsgId chunk -> bFileChunkGroup gInfo sharedMsgId chunk msgMeta
_ -> messageError $ "unsupported message: " <> tshow event
checkSendRcpt :: [AChatMessage] -> CM Bool
checkSendRcpt aMsgs = do
currentMemCount <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCurrentMembersCount db user gInfo
let GroupInfo {chatSettings = ChatSettings {sendRcpts}} = gInfo
pure $
fromMaybe (sendRcptsSmallGroups user) sendRcpts
&& any aChatMsgHasReceipt aMsgs
&& currentMemCount <= smallGroupsRcptsMemLimit
aChatMsgHasReceipt (ACMsg _ ChatMessage {chatMsgEvent}) =
hasDeliveryReceipt (toCMEventTag chatMsgEvent)
forwardMsgs :: [AChatMessage] -> CM ()
forwardMsgs aMsgs = do
let GroupMember {memberRole = membershipMemRole} = membership
when (membershipMemRole >= GRAdmin && not (blockedByAdmin m)) $ do
let forwardedMsgs = mapMaybe (\(ACMsg _ chatMsg) -> forwardedGroupMsg chatMsg) aMsgs
forM_ (L.nonEmpty forwardedMsgs) $ \forwardedMsgs' -> do
ChatConfig {highlyAvailable} <- asks config
-- members introduced to this invited member
introducedMembers <-
if memberCategory m == GCInviteeMember
then withStore' $ \db -> getForwardIntroducedMembers db vr user m highlyAvailable
else pure []
-- invited members to which this member was introduced
invitedMembers <- withStore' $ \db -> getForwardInvitedMembers db vr user m highlyAvailable
let GroupMember {memberId} = m
ms = forwardedToGroupMembers (introducedMembers <> invitedMembers) forwardedMsgs'
events = L.map (\cm -> XGrpMsgForward memberId cm brokerTs) forwardedMsgs'
unless (null ms) $ void $ sendGroupMessages user gInfo ms events
RCVD msgMeta msgRcpt ->
withAckMessage' "group rcvd" agentConnId msgMeta $
groupMsgReceived gInfo m conn msgMeta msgRcpt
SENT msgId proxy -> do
continued <- continueSending connEntity conn
sentMsgDeliveryEvent conn msgId
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn msgId
updateGroupItemsStatus gInfo m conn msgId GSSSent (Just $ isJust proxy)
when continued $ sendPendingGroupMessages user m conn
SWITCH qd phase cStats -> do
toView $ CRGroupMemberSwitch user gInfo m (SwitchProgress qd phase cStats)
when (phase == SPStarted || phase == SPCompleted) $ case qd of
QDRcv -> createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) (CISndConnEvent . SCESwitchQueue phase . Just $ groupMemberRef m) Nothing
QDSnd -> createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCESwitchQueue phase) Nothing
RSYNC rss cryptoErr_ cStats ->
case (rss, connectionCode, cryptoErr_) of
(RSRequired, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAllowed, _, Just cryptoErr) -> processErr cryptoErr
(RSAgreed, Just _, _) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
let m' = m {activeConn = Just (conn {connectionCode = Nothing} :: Connection)} :: GroupMember
ratchetSyncEventItem m'
toView $ CRGroupMemberVerificationReset user gInfo m'
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m') (CIRcvConnEvent RCEVerificationCodeReset) Nothing
_ -> ratchetSyncEventItem m
processErr cryptoErr = do
let e@(mde, n) = agentMsgDecryptError cryptoErr
ci_ <- withStore $ \db ->
getGroupMemberChatItemLast db user groupId (groupMemberId' m)
>>= liftIO
. mapM (\(ci, content') -> updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content' False False Nothing)
. mdeUpdatedCI e
case ci_ of
Just ci -> toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
_ -> do
toView $ CRGroupMemberRatchetSync user gInfo m (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvDecryptionError mde n) Nothing
ratchetSyncEventItem m' = do
toView $ CRGroupMemberRatchetSync user gInfo m' (RatchetSyncProgress rss cStats)
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m') (CIRcvConnEvent $ RCERatchetSync rss) Nothing
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
JOINED sqSecured ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving JOINED
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData ->
when (sqSecured && connChatVersion >= batchSend2Version) sendGroupAutoReply
QCONT -> do
continued <- continueSending connEntity conn
when continued $ sendPendingGroupMessages user m conn
MWARN msgId err -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupItemsErrorStatus db msgId (groupMemberId' m) (GSSWarning $ agentSndError err)
processConnMWARN connEntity conn err
MERR msgId err -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupItemsErrorStatus db msgId (groupMemberId' m) (GSSError $ agentSndError err)
-- group errors are silenced to reduce load on UI event log
-- toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
processConnMERR connEntity conn err
MERRS msgIds err -> do
let newStatus = GSSError $ agentSndError err
-- error cannot be AUTH error here
withStore' $ \db -> forM_ msgIds $ \msgId ->
updateGroupItemsErrorStatus db msgId (groupMemberId' m) newStatus `catchAll_` pure ()
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
updateGroupItemsErrorStatus :: DB.Connection -> AgentMsgId -> GroupMemberId -> GroupSndStatus -> IO ()
updateGroupItemsErrorStatus db msgId groupMemberId newStatus = do
itemIds <- getChatItemIdsByAgentMsgId db connId msgId
forM_ itemIds $ \itemId -> updateGroupMemSndStatus' db itemId groupMemberId newStatus
sendGroupAutoReply = autoReplyMC >>= mapM_ send
autoReplyMC = do
let GroupInfo {businessChat} = gInfo
GroupMember {memberId = joiningMemberId} = m
case businessChat of
Just BusinessChatInfo {customerId, chatType = BCCustomer}
| joiningMemberId == customerId -> useReply <$> withStore (`getUserAddress` user)
useReply UserContactLink {autoAccept} = case autoAccept of
Just AutoAccept {businessAddress, autoReply} | businessAddress -> autoReply
_ -> Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
send mc = do
msg <- sendGroupMessage' user gInfo [m] (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndMsgContent mc)
withStore' $ \db -> createGroupSndStatus db (chatItemId' ci) (groupMemberId' m) GSSNew
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci]
agentMsgDecryptError :: AgentCryptoError -> (MsgDecryptError, Word32)
agentMsgDecryptError = \case
DECRYPT_AES -> (MDEOther, 1)
DECRYPT_CB -> (MDEOther, 1)
RATCHET_HEADER -> (MDERatchetHeader, 1)
RATCHET_EARLIER _ -> (MDERatchetEarlier, 1)
RATCHET_SKIPPED n -> (MDETooManySkipped, n)
RATCHET_SYNC -> (MDERatchetSync, 0)
mdeUpdatedCI :: (MsgDecryptError, Word32) -> CChatItem c -> Maybe (ChatItem c 'MDRcv, CIContent 'MDRcv)
mdeUpdatedCI (mde', n') (CChatItem _ ci@ChatItem {content = CIRcvDecryptionError mde n})
| mde == mde' = case mde of
MDERatchetHeader -> r (n + n')
MDETooManySkipped -> r n' -- the numbers are not added as sequential MDETooManySkipped will have it incremented by 1
MDERatchetEarlier -> r (n + n')
MDEOther -> r (n + n')
MDERatchetSync -> r 0
| otherwise = Nothing
r n'' = Just (ci, CIRcvDecryptionError mde n'')
mdeUpdatedCI _ _ = Nothing
processSndFileConn :: AEvent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> SndFileTransfer -> CM ()
processSndFileConn agentMsg connEntity conn ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileName, fileStatus} =
case agentMsg of
-- SMP CONF for SndFileConnection happens for direct file protocol
-- when recipient of the file "joins" connection created by the sender
CONF confId _pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
-- TODO save XFileAcpt message
XFileAcpt name
| name == fileName -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFileStatus db ft FSAccepted
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk
| otherwise -> messageError "x.file.acpt: fileName is different from expected"
_ -> messageError "CONF from file connection must have x.file.acpt"
CON _ -> do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateSndFileStatus db ft FSConnected
updateDirectCIFileStatus db vr user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
toView $ CRSndFileStart user ci ft
sendFileChunk user ft
SENT msgId _proxy -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndFileChunkSent db ft msgId
unless (fileStatus == FSCancelled) $ sendFileChunk user ft
MERR _ err -> do
cancelSndFileTransfer user ft True >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
case err of
SMP _ SMP.AUTH -> unless (fileStatus == FSCancelled) $ do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO (lookupChatRefByFileId db user fileId) >>= \case
Just (ChatRef CTDirect _) -> liftIO $ updateFileCancelled db user fileId CIFSSndCancelled
_ -> pure ()
lookupChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileRcvCancelled user ci ft
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileSend fileId err
MSG meta _ _ ->
withAckMessage' "file msg" agentConnId meta $ pure ()
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving JOINED
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
processRcvFileConn :: AEvent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> RcvFileTransfer -> CM ()
processRcvFileConn agentMsg connEntity conn ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName}, grpMemberId} =
case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction} ->
case cReq of
fileInvConnReq@(CRInvitationUri _ _) -> case cmdFunction of
-- [async agent commands] direct XFileAcptInv continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnFileInvDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContactByFileId db vr user fileId
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
void $ sendDirectContactMessage user ct (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId (Just fileInvConnReq) fileName)
-- [async agent commands] group XFileAcptInv continuation on receiving INV
CFCreateConnFileInvGroup -> case grpMemberId of
Just gMemberId -> do
GroupMember {groupId, activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMemberById db vr user gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just gMemberConn -> do
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \db -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId db userId fileId
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage gMemberConn (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId (Just fileInvConnReq) fileName) groupId
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no GroupMember activeConn"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no grpMemberId"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected cmdFunction"
CRContactUri _ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unexpected ConnectionRequestUri type"
-- SMP CONF for RcvFileConnection happens for group file protocol
-- when sender of the file "joins" connection created by the recipient
-- (sender doesn't create connections for all group members)
CONF confId _pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange conn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XOk -> allowAgentConnectionAsync user conn' confId XOk -- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
_ -> pure ()
CON _ -> startReceivingFile user fileId
MSG meta _ msgBody -> do
-- XXX: not all branches do ACK
parseFileChunk msgBody >>= receiveFileChunk ft (Just conn) meta
OK ->
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving OK
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- [async agent commands] continuation on receiving JOINED
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
processConnMERR connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
receiveFileChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> Maybe Connection -> MsgMeta -> FileChunk -> CM ()
receiveFileChunk ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, chunkSize} conn_ meta@MsgMeta {recipient = (msgId, _), integrity} = \case
FileChunkCancel ->
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
FileChunk {chunkNo, chunkBytes = chunk} -> do
case integrity of
MsgOk -> pure ()
MsgError MsgDuplicate -> pure () -- TODO remove once agent removes duplicates
MsgError e ->
badRcvFileChunk ft $ "invalid file chunk number " <> show chunkNo <> ": " <> show e
withStore' (\db -> createRcvFileChunk db ft chunkNo msgId) >>= \case
RcvChunkOk ->
if B.length chunk /= fromInteger chunkSize
then badRcvFileChunk ft "incorrect chunk size"
else withAckMessage' "file msg" agentConnId meta $ appendFileChunk ft chunkNo chunk False
RcvChunkFinal ->
if B.length chunk > fromInteger chunkSize
then badRcvFileChunk ft "incorrect chunk size"
else do
appendFileChunk ft chunkNo chunk True
ci <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ do
updateRcvFileStatus db fileId FSComplete
updateCIFileStatus db user fileId CIFSRcvComplete
deleteRcvFileChunks db ft
getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileComplete user ci
forM_ conn_ $ \conn -> deleteAgentConnectionAsync user (aConnId conn)
RcvChunkDuplicate -> withAckMessage' "file msg" agentConnId meta $ pure ()
RcvChunkError -> badRcvFileChunk ft $ "incorrect chunk number " <> show chunkNo
processUserContactRequest :: AEvent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> UserContact -> CM ()
processUserContactRequest agentMsg connEntity conn UserContact {userContactLinkId} = case agentMsg of
REQ invId pqSupport _ connInfo -> do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage conn connInfo
case chatMsgEvent of
XContact p xContactId_ -> profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p xContactId_ pqSupport
XInfo p -> profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p Nothing pqSupport
-- TODO show/log error, other events in contact request
_ -> pure ()
MERR _ err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
processConnMERR connEntity conn err
ERR err -> do
toView $ CRChatError (Just user) (ChatErrorAgent err $ Just connEntity)
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
profileContactRequest :: InvitationId -> VersionRangeChat -> Profile -> Maybe XContactId -> PQSupport -> CM ()
profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p xContactId_ reqPQSup = do
withStore (\db -> createOrUpdateContactRequest db vr user userContactLinkId invId chatVRange p xContactId_ reqPQSup) >>= \case
CORContact contact -> toView $ CRContactRequestAlreadyAccepted user contact
CORGroup gInfo -> toView $ CRBusinessRequestAlreadyAccepted user gInfo
CORRequest cReq -> do
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let (UserContactLink {connReqContact, autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) = ucl
isSimplexTeam = sameConnReqContact connReqContact adminContactReq
v = maxVersion chatVRange
case autoAccept of
Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito, businessAddress}
| businessAddress ->
if v < groupFastLinkJoinVersion || (isSimplexTeam && v < businessChatsVersion)
then do
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq Nothing True reqPQSup
toView $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
else do
gInfo <- acceptBusinessJoinRequestAsync user cReq
toView $ CRAcceptingBusinessRequest user gInfo
| otherwise -> case groupId_ of
Nothing -> do
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if acceptIncognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq incognitoProfile True reqPQSup
toView $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
Just groupId -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user groupId
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
if v >= groupFastLinkJoinVersion
then do
mem <- acceptGroupJoinRequestAsync user gInfo cReq gLinkMemRole profileMode
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo mem) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequestMember user gInfo mem
else do
-- TODO v5.7 remove old API (or v6.0?)
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq profileMode False PQSupportOff
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequest user gInfo ct
_ -> toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
memberCanSend :: GroupMember -> CM () -> CM ()
memberCanSend GroupMember {memberRole} a
| memberRole <= GRObserver = messageError "member is not allowed to send messages"
| otherwise = a
processConnMERR :: ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> AgentErrorType -> CM ()
processConnMERR connEntity conn err = do
case err of
SMP _ SMP.AUTH -> do
authErrCounter' <- withStore' $ \db -> incAuthErrCounter db user conn
when (authErrCounter' >= authErrDisableCount) $ case connEntity of
RcvDirectMsgConnection ctConn (Just ct) -> do
toView $ CRContactDisabled user ct {activeConn = Just ctConn {authErrCounter = authErrCounter'}}
_ -> toView $ CRConnectionDisabled connEntity
unless (connInactive conn) $ do
withStore' $ \db -> setQuotaErrCounter db user conn quotaErrSetOnMERR
toView $ CRConnectionInactive connEntity True
_ -> pure ()
processConnMWARN :: ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> AgentErrorType -> CM ()
processConnMWARN connEntity conn err = do
case err of
unless (connInactive conn) $ do
quotaErrCounter' <- withStore' $ \db -> incQuotaErrCounter db user conn
when (quotaErrCounter' >= quotaErrInactiveCount) $
toView $
CRConnectionInactive connEntity True
_ -> pure ()
continueSending :: ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> CM Bool
continueSending connEntity conn =
if connInactive conn
then do
withStore' $ \db -> setQuotaErrCounter db user conn 0
toView $ CRConnectionInactive connEntity False
pure True
else pure False
-- TODO v5.7 / v6.0 - together with deprecating old group protocol establishing direct connections?
-- we could save command records only for agent APIs we process continuations for (INV)
withCompletedCommand :: forall e. AEntityI e => Connection -> AEvent e -> (CommandData -> CM ()) -> CM ()
withCompletedCommand Connection {connId} agentMsg action = do
let agentMsgTag = AEvtTag (sAEntity @e) $ aEventTag agentMsg
cmdData_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getCommandDataByCorrId db user corrId
case cmdData_ of
Just cmdData@CommandData {cmdId, cmdConnId = Just cmdConnId', cmdFunction}
| connId == cmdConnId' && (agentMsgTag == commandExpectedResponse cmdFunction || agentMsgTag == AEvtTag SAEConn ERR_) -> do
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCommand db user cmdId
action cmdData
| otherwise -> err cmdId $ "not matching connection id or unexpected response, corrId = " <> show corrId
Just CommandData {cmdId, cmdConnId = Nothing} -> err cmdId $ "no command connection id, corrId = " <> show corrId
Nothing -> throwChatError . CEAgentCommandError $ "command not found, corrId = " <> show corrId
err cmdId msg = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateCommandStatus db user cmdId CSError
throwChatError . CEAgentCommandError $ msg
withAckMessage' :: Text -> ConnId -> MsgMeta -> CM () -> CM ()
withAckMessage' label cId msgMeta action = do
withAckMessage label cId msgMeta False Nothing $ \_ -> action $> False
withAckMessage :: Text -> ConnId -> MsgMeta -> Bool -> Maybe (TVar [Text]) -> (Text -> CM Bool) -> CM ()
withAckMessage label cId msgMeta showCritical tags action = do
-- [async agent commands] command should be asynchronous
-- TODO catching error and sending ACK after an error, particularly if it is a database error, will result in the message not processed (and no notification to the user).
-- Possible solutions are:
-- 1) retry processing several times
-- 2) stabilize database
-- 3) show screen of death to the user asking to restart
eInfo <- eventInfo
logInfo $ label <> ": " <> eInfo
tryChatError (action eInfo) >>= \case
Right withRcpt ->
withLog (eInfo <> " ok") $ ackMsg msgMeta $ if withRcpt then Just "" else Nothing
-- If showCritical is True, then these errors don't result in ACK and show user visible alert
-- This prevents losing the message that failed to be processed.
Left (ChatErrorStore SEDBBusyError {message}) | showCritical -> throwError $ ChatErrorAgent (CRITICAL True message) Nothing
Left e -> do
withLog (eInfo <> " error: " <> tshow e) $ ackMsg msgMeta Nothing
throwError e
eventInfo = do
v <- asks eventSeq
eId <- atomically $ stateTVar v $ \i -> (i + 1, i + 1)
pure $ "conn_id=" <> tshow cId <> " event_id=" <> tshow eId
withLog eInfo' ack = do
ts <- showTags
logInfo $ T.unwords [label, "ack:", ts, eInfo']
logInfo $ T.unwords [label, "ack=success:", ts, eInfo']
showTags = do
ts <- maybe (pure []) readTVarIO tags
pure $ case ts of
[] -> "no_chat_messages"
[t] -> "chat_message=" <> t
_ -> "chat_message_batch=" <> T.intercalate "," (reverse ts)
ackMsg :: MsgMeta -> Maybe MsgReceiptInfo -> CM ()
ackMsg MsgMeta {recipient = (msgId, _)} rcpt = withAgent $ \a -> ackMessageAsync a "" cId msgId rcpt
sentMsgDeliveryEvent :: Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CM ()
sentMsgDeliveryEvent Connection {connId} msgId =
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndMsgDeliveryStatus db connId msgId MDSSndSent
agentSndError :: AgentErrorType -> SndError
agentSndError = \case
SMP _ AUTH -> SndErrAuth
SMP _ QUOTA -> SndErrQuota
BROKER _ e -> brokerError SndErrRelay e
SMP proxySrv (SMP.PROXY (SMP.BROKER e)) -> brokerError (SndErrProxy proxySrv) e
AP.PROXY proxySrv _ (ProxyProtocolError (SMP.PROXY (SMP.BROKER e))) -> brokerError (SndErrProxyRelay proxySrv) e
e -> SndErrOther $ tshow e
brokerError srvErr = \case
NETWORK -> SndErrExpired
TIMEOUT -> SndErrExpired
HOST -> srvErr SrvErrHost
SMP.TRANSPORT TEVersion -> srvErr SrvErrVersion
e -> srvErr . SrvErrOther $ tshow e
badRcvFileChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> String -> CM ()
badRcvFileChunk ft err =
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
throwChatError $ CEFileRcvChunk err
memberConnectedChatItem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> CM ()
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m =
-- ts should be broker ts but we don't have it for CON
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberConnected) Nothing
groupDescriptionChatItem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Text -> CM ()
groupDescriptionChatItem gInfo m descr =
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCText descr) Nothing
notifyMemberConnected :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe Contact -> CM ()
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m ct_ = do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
lift $ mapM_ (`setContactNetworkStatus` NSConnected) ct_
toView $ CRConnectedToGroupMember user gInfo m ct_
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers :: Contact -> IncognitoEnabled -> Bool -> CM ()
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito doProbeContacts = do
gVar <- asks random
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
if contactMerge && not connectedIncognito
then do
(probe, probeId) <- withStore $ \db -> createSentProbe db gVar userId (COMContact ct)
-- ! when making changes to probe-and-merge mechanism,
-- ! test scenario in which recipient receives probe after probe hashes (not covered in tests):
-- sendProbe -> sendProbeHashes (currently)
-- sendProbeHashes -> sendProbe (reversed - change order in code, may add delay)
sendProbe probe
cs <-
if doProbeContacts
then map COMContact <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingContacts db vr user ct)
else pure []
ms <- map COMGroupMember <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingMembers db vr user ct)
sendProbeHashes (cs <> ms) probe probeId
else sendProbe . Probe =<< liftIO (encodedRandomBytes gVar 32)
sendProbe :: Probe -> CM ()
sendProbe probe = void . sendDirectContactMessage user ct $ XInfoProbe probe
probeMatchingMemberContact :: GroupMember -> IncognitoEnabled -> CM ()
probeMatchingMemberContact GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing} _ = pure ()
probeMatchingMemberContact m@GroupMember {groupId, activeConn = Just conn} connectedIncognito = do
gVar <- asks random
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
if contactMerge && not connectedIncognito
then do
(probe, probeId) <- withStore $ \db -> createSentProbe db gVar userId $ COMGroupMember m
sendProbe probe
cs <- map COMContact <$> withStore' (\db -> getMatchingMemberContacts db vr user m)
sendProbeHashes cs probe probeId
else sendProbe . Probe =<< liftIO (encodedRandomBytes gVar 32)
sendProbe :: Probe -> CM ()
sendProbe probe = void $ sendDirectMemberMessage conn (XInfoProbe probe) groupId
sendProbeHashes :: [ContactOrMember] -> Probe -> Int64 -> CM ()
sendProbeHashes cgms probe probeId =
forM_ cgms $ \cgm -> sendProbeHash cgm `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
probeHash = ProbeHash $ C.sha256Hash (unProbe probe)
sendProbeHash :: ContactOrMember -> CM ()
sendProbeHash cgm@(COMContact c) = do
void . sendDirectContactMessage user c $ XInfoProbeCheck probeHash
withStore' $ \db -> createSentProbeHash db userId probeId cgm
sendProbeHash (COMGroupMember GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing}) = pure ()
sendProbeHash cgm@(COMGroupMember m@GroupMember {groupId, activeConn = Just conn}) =
when (memberCurrent m) $ do
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage conn (XInfoProbeCheck probeHash) groupId
withStore' $ \db -> createSentProbeHash db userId probeId cgm
messageWarning :: Text -> CM ()
messageWarning = toView . CRMessageError user "warning"
messageError :: Text -> CM ()
messageError = toView . CRMessageError user "error"
newContentMessage :: Contact -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
newContentMessage ct@Contact {contactUsed} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
let ExtMsgContent content _ fInv_ _ _ = mcExtMsgContent mc
-- Uncomment to test stuck delivery on errors - see test testDirectMessageDelete
-- case content of
-- MCText "hello 111" ->
-- UE.throwIO $ userError "#####################"
-- -- throwChatError $ CECommandError "#####################"
-- _ -> pure ()
if isVoice content && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forContact ct)
then do
void $ newChatItem (ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected CFVoice) Nothing Nothing False
else do
let ExtMsgContent _ _ _ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct itemTTL
live = fromMaybe False live_
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content, msgContentTexts content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
autoAcceptFile file_
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
newChatItem content ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile_ timed_ live M.empty
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci {reactions}]
autoAcceptFile :: Maybe (RcvFileTransfer, CIFile 'MDRcv) -> CM ()
autoAcceptFile = mapM_ $ \(ft, CIFile {fileSize}) -> do
-- ! autoAcceptFileSize is only used in tests
ChatConfig {autoAcceptFileSize = sz} <- asks config
when (sz > fileSize) $ receiveFile' user ft False Nothing Nothing >>= toView
messageFileDescription :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> CM ()
messageFileDescription ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId contactId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage (CDDirectRcv ct) sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr
groupMessageFileDescription :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> CM ()
groupMessageFileDescription g@GroupInfo {groupId} m sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage (CDGroupRcv g m) sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr
processFDMessage :: ChatTypeQuotable c => ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> SharedMsgId -> FileTransferId -> FileDescr -> CM ()
processFDMessage cd sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
(rfd@RcvFileDescr {fileDescrComplete}, ft'@RcvFileTransfer {fileStatus, xftpRcvFile, cryptoArgs}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
rfd <- appendRcvFD db userId fileId fileDescr
-- reading second time in the same transaction as appending description
-- to prevent race condition with accept
ft' <- getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
pure (rfd, ft')
when fileDescrComplete $ do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getAChatItemBySharedMsgId db user cd sharedMsgId
toView $ CRRcvFileDescrReady user ci ft' rfd
case (fileStatus, xftpRcvFile) of
(RFSAccepted _, Just XFTPRcvFile {userApprovedRelays}) -> receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId rfd userApprovedRelays cryptoArgs
_ -> pure ()
processFileInvitation :: Maybe FileInvitation -> MsgContent -> (DB.Connection -> FileInvitation -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> Integer -> ExceptT StoreError IO RcvFileTransfer) -> CM (Maybe (RcvFileTransfer, CIFile 'MDRcv))
processFileInvitation fInv_ mc createRcvFT = forM fInv_ $ \fInv' -> do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
let fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} = mkValidFileInvitation fInv'
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv (Just mc) fileChunkSize
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvFT db fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
(filePath, fileStatus, ft') <- case inline of
Just IFMSent -> do
encrypt <- chatReadVar encryptLocalFiles
ft' <- (if encrypt then setFileToEncrypt else pure) ft
fPath <- getRcvFilePath fileId Nothing fileName True
withStore' $ \db -> startRcvInlineFT db user ft' fPath inline
pure (Just fPath, CIFSRcvAccepted, ft')
_ -> pure (Nothing, CIFSRcvInvitation, ft)
let RcvFileTransfer {cryptoArgs} = ft'
fileSource = (`CryptoFile` cryptoArgs) <$> filePath
pure (ft', CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus, fileProtocol})
mkValidFileInvitation :: FileInvitation -> FileInvitation
mkValidFileInvitation fInv@FileInvitation {fileName} = fInv {fileName = FP.makeValid $ FP.takeFileName fileName}
messageUpdate :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> CM ()
messageUpdate ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl live_ = do
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct ttl
ts = ciContentTexts content
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs (content, ts) Nothing timed_ live M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content True live Nothing Nothing
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci')
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
live = fromMaybe False live_
updateRcvChatItem = do
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user contactId sharedMsgId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDRcv ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemForwarded, itemLive}, content = CIRcvMsgContent oldMC}
| isNothing itemForwarded -> do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
reactions <- getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId
let edited = itemLive /= Just True
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci {reactions} content edited live Nothing $ Just msgId
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci')
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> messageError "x.msg.update: contact attempted invalid message update"
messageDelete :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
messageDelete ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId _rcvMessage msgMeta = do
deleteRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` (toView . CRChatItemDeletedNotFound user ct)
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
deleteRcvChatItem = do
cci@(CChatItem msgDir ci) <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user contactId sharedMsgId
case msgDir of
| rcvItemDeletable ci brokerTs ->
if featureAllowed SCFFullDelete forContact ct
then deleteDirectCIs user ct [cci] False False >>= toView
else markDirectCIsDeleted user ct [cci] False brokerTs >>= toView
| otherwise -> messageError "x.msg.del: contact attempted invalid message delete"
SMDSnd -> messageError "x.msg.del: contact attempted invalid message delete"
rcvItemDeletable :: ChatItem c d -> UTCTime -> Bool
rcvItemDeletable ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemDeleted}} brokerTs =
-- 78 hours margin to account for possible sending delay
diffUTCTime brokerTs itemTs < (78 * 3600) && isNothing itemDeleted
directMsgReaction :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgReaction -> Bool -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
directMsgReaction ct sharedMsgId reaction add RcvMessage {msgId} MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = do
when (featureAllowed SCFReactions forContact ct) $ do
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getDirectReactions db ct sharedMsgId False
when (reactionAllowed add reaction rs) $ do
updateChatItemReaction `catchCINotFound` \_ ->
withStore' $ \db -> setDirectReaction db ct sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
updateChatItemReaction = do
cr_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
CChatItem md ci <- getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user (contactId' ct) sharedMsgId
if ciReactionAllowed ci
then liftIO $ do
setDirectReaction db ct sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
reactions <- getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) $ CIReaction CIDirectRcv ci' brokerTs reaction
pure $ Just $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
else pure Nothing
mapM_ toView cr_
groupMsgReaction :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MemberId -> MsgReaction -> Bool -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
groupMsgReaction g@GroupInfo {groupId} m sharedMsgId itemMemberId reaction add RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs = do
when (groupFeatureAllowed SGFReactions g) $ do
rs <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupReactions db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False
when (reactionAllowed add reaction rs) $ do
updateChatItemReaction `catchCINotFound` \_ ->
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupReaction db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
updateChatItemReaction = do
cr_ <- withStore $ \db -> do
CChatItem md ci <- getGroupMemberCIBySharedMsgId db user groupId itemMemberId sharedMsgId
if ciReactionAllowed ci
then liftIO $ do
setGroupReaction db g m itemMemberId sharedMsgId False reaction add msgId brokerTs
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db g itemMemberId sharedMsgId
let ci' = CChatItem md ci {reactions}
r = ACIReaction SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat g) $ CIReaction (CIGroupRcv m) ci' brokerTs reaction
pure $ Just $ CRChatItemReaction user add r
else pure Nothing
mapM_ toView cr_
reactionAllowed :: Bool -> MsgReaction -> [MsgReaction] -> Bool
reactionAllowed add reaction rs = (reaction `elem` rs) /= add && not (add && length rs >= maxMsgReactions)
catchCINotFound :: CM a -> (SharedMsgId -> CM a) -> CM a
catchCINotFound f handle =
f `catchChatError` \case
ChatErrorStore (SEChatItemSharedMsgIdNotFound sharedMsgId) -> handle sharedMsgId
e -> throwError e
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Bool -> CM ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs forwarded
| blockedByAdmin m = createBlockedByAdmin
| otherwise = case prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m content ft_ fInv_ of
Just f -> rejected f
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getCIModeration db vr user gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_) >>= \case
Just ciModeration -> do
applyModeration ciModeration
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCIModeration db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_
Nothing -> createContentItem
rejected f = void $ newChatItem (ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
timed' = if forwarded then rcvCITimed_ (Just Nothing) itemTTL else rcvGroupCITimed gInfo itemTTL
live' = fromMaybe False live_
ExtMsgContent content mentions fInv_ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
ts@(_, ft_) = msgContentTexts content
| groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo = do -- ignores member role when blocked by admin
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (ciContentNoParse CIRcvBlocked) Nothing timed' False M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupCIBlockedByAdmin db user gInfo ci brokerTs
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
| otherwise = do
file_ <- processFileInv
ci <- createNonLive file_
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> markGroupCIBlockedByAdmin db user gInfo ci
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
applyModeration CIModeration {moderatorMember = moderator@GroupMember {memberRole = moderatorRole}, moderatedAt}
| moderatorRole < GRModerator || moderatorRole < memberRole =
| groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFFullDelete moderator gInfo = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (ciContentNoParse CIRcvModerated) Nothing timed' False M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupChatItemModerated db user gInfo ci moderator moderatedAt
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
| otherwise = do
file_ <- processFileInv
ci <- createNonLive file_
toView =<< markGroupCIsDeleted user gInfo [CChatItem SMDRcv ci] False (Just moderator) moderatedAt
createNonLive file_ =
saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent content, ts) (snd <$> file_) timed' False mentions
createContentItem = do
file_ <- processFileInv
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content, ts) (snd <$> file_) timed' live'
when (showMessages $ memberSettings m) $ autoAcceptFile file_
processFileInv =
processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
let mentions' = if showMessages (memberSettings m) then mentions else []
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live mentions'
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
groupMsgToView gInfo ci' {reactions}
groupMessageUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> Map MemberName MemberMention -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> CM ()
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc mentions msg@RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs ttl_ live_
| prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m ft_ =
messageWarning $ "x.msg.update ignored: feature not allowed " <> groupFeatureNameText GFSimplexLinks
| otherwise = do
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvGroupCITimed gInfo ttl_
mentions' = if showMessages (memberSettings m) then mentions else []
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs (content, ts) Nothing timed_ live mentions'
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content True live Nothing
blockedMember m ci' $ markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci'
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
ts@(_, ft_) = msgContentTexts mc
live = fromMaybe False live_
updateRcvChatItem = do
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDRcv ci@ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupRcv m', meta = CIMeta {itemLive}, content = CIRcvMsgContent oldMC} ->
if sameMemberId memberId m'
then do
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId
let edited = itemLive /= Just True
mentionedMembers <- getRcvMentionedMembers db user gInfo ft_ mentions
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci {reactions} content edited live $ Just msgId
updateGroupCIMentions db gInfo ci' mentionedMembers
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
else messageError "x.msg.update: group member attempted to update a message of another member"
_ -> messageError "x.msg.update: group member attempted invalid message update"
groupMessageDelete :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe MemberId -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
groupMessageDelete gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole = senderRole} sharedMsgId sndMemberId_ RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs = do
let msgMemberId = fromMaybe memberId sndMemberId_
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberCIBySharedMsgId db user groupId msgMemberId sharedMsgId) >>= \case
Right cci@(CChatItem _ ci@ChatItem {chatDir}) -> case chatDir of
CIGroupRcv mem -> case sndMemberId_ of
-- regular deletion
| sameMemberId memberId mem && msgMemberId == memberId && rcvItemDeletable ci brokerTs ->
delete cci Nothing >>= toView
| otherwise ->
messageError "x.msg.del: member attempted invalid message delete"
-- moderation (not limited by time)
Just _
| sameMemberId memberId mem && msgMemberId == memberId ->
delete cci (Just m) >>= toView
| otherwise ->
moderate mem cci
CIGroupSnd -> moderate membership cci
Left e
| msgMemberId == memberId -> messageError $ "x.msg.del: message not found, " <> tshow e
| senderRole < GRModerator -> messageError $ "x.msg.del: message not found, message of another member with insufficient member permissions, " <> tshow e
| otherwise -> withStore' $ \db -> createCIModeration db gInfo m msgMemberId sharedMsgId msgId brokerTs
moderate :: GroupMember -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> CM ()
moderate mem cci = case sndMemberId_ of
Just sndMemberId
| sameMemberId sndMemberId mem -> checkRole mem $ do
delete cci (Just m) >>= toView
archiveMessageReports cci m
| otherwise -> messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member with incorrect memberId"
_ -> messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member without memberId"
checkRole GroupMember {memberRole} a
| senderRole < GRModerator || senderRole < memberRole =
messageError "x.msg.del: message of another member with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = a
delete :: CChatItem 'CTGroup -> Maybe GroupMember -> CM ChatResponse
delete cci byGroupMember
| groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFFullDelete m gInfo = deleteGroupCIs user gInfo [cci] False False byGroupMember brokerTs
| otherwise = markGroupCIsDeleted user gInfo [cci] False byGroupMember brokerTs
archiveMessageReports :: CChatItem 'CTGroup -> GroupMember -> CM ()
archiveMessageReports (CChatItem _ ci) byMember = do
ciIds <- withStore' $ \db -> markMessageReportsDeleted db user gInfo ci byMember brokerTs
unless (null ciIds) $ toView $ CRGroupChatItemsDeleted user gInfo ciIds False (Just byMember)
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processFileInvitation' :: Contact -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
processFileInvitation' ct fInv' msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
let fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} = mkValidFileInvitation fInv'
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile ""
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile Nothing False M.empty
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processGroupFileInvitation' :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs = do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile ""
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile Nothing False M.empty
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
blockedMember :: Monad m' => GroupMember -> ChatItem c d -> m' (ChatItem c d) -> m' (ChatItem c d)
blockedMember m ci blockedCI
| showMessages (memberSettings m) = pure ci
| otherwise = blockedCI
receiveInlineMode :: FileInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> Integer -> CM (Maybe InlineFileMode)
receiveInlineMode FileInvitation {fileSize, fileInline, fileDescr} mc_ chSize = case (fileInline, fileDescr) of
(Just mode, Nothing) -> do
InlineFilesConfig {receiveChunks, receiveInstant} <- asks $ inlineFiles . config
pure $ if fileSize <= receiveChunks * chSize then inline' receiveInstant else Nothing
inline' receiveInstant = if mode == IFMOffer || (receiveInstant && maybe False isVoice mc_) then fileInline else Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
xFileCancel :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> CM ()
xFileCancel Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId contactId sharedMsgId
ft <- withStore (\db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId)
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
xFileAcptInv :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> String -> CM ()
xFileAcptInv ct sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectFileIdBySharedMsgId db user ct sharedMsgId
(AChatItem _ _ _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ci
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileName, fileSize, fileInline, cancelled} <- withStore (\db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId)
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
if fName == fileName
then unless cancelled $ case fileConnReq_ of
-- receiving via a separate connection
Just fileConnReq -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- encodeConnInfo XOk
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True fileConnReq dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createSndDirectFTConnection db vr user fileId connIds subMode
-- receiving inline
_ -> do
event <- withStore $ \db -> do
ci' <- updateDirectCIFileStatus db vr user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
sft <- createSndDirectInlineFT db ct ft
pure $ CRSndFileStart user ci' sft
toView event
(allowSendInline fileSize fileInline)
(sendDirectFileInline user ct ft sharedMsgId)
(messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileSize is bigger than allowed to send inline")
else messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileName is different from expected"
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited :: ChatItem c d -> CM ()
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ChatItem {file = Just CIFile {fileId, fileProtocol}, content}
| fileProtocol == FPXFTP && not (imageOrVoice content) = throwChatError $ CEFallbackToSMPProhibited fileId
| otherwise = pure ()
imageOrVoice :: CIContent d -> Bool
imageOrVoice (CISndMsgContent (MCImage _ _)) = True
imageOrVoice (CISndMsgContent (MCVoice _ _)) = True
imageOrVoice _ = False
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited _ = pure ()
checkSndInlineFTComplete :: Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CM ()
checkSndInlineFTComplete conn agentMsgId = do
sft_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getSndFTViaMsgDelivery db user conn agentMsgId
forM_ sft_ $ \sft@SndFileTransfer {fileId} -> do
ci@(AChatItem _ _ _ ChatItem {file}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateSndFileStatus db sft FSComplete
liftIO $ deleteSndFileChunks db sft
updateDirectCIFileStatus db vr user fileId CIFSSndComplete
case file of
Just CIFile {fileProtocol = FPXFTP} -> do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId
toView $ CRSndFileCompleteXFTP user ci ft
_ -> toView $ CRSndFileComplete user ci sft
allowSendInline :: Integer -> Maybe InlineFileMode -> CM Bool
allowSendInline fileSize = \case
Just IFMOffer -> do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize, inlineFiles} <- asks config
pure $ fileSize <= fileChunkSize * offerChunks inlineFiles
_ -> pure False
bFileChunk :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
bFileChunk ct sharedMsgId chunk meta = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getDirectFileIdBySharedMsgId db user ct sharedMsgId >>= getRcvFileTransfer db user
receiveInlineChunk ft chunk meta
bFileChunkGroup :: GroupInfo -> SharedMsgId -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
bFileChunkGroup GroupInfo {groupId} sharedMsgId chunk meta = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId >>= getRcvFileTransfer db user
receiveInlineChunk ft chunk meta
receiveInlineChunk :: RcvFileTransfer -> FileChunk -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
receiveInlineChunk RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus = RFSNew} FileChunk {chunkNo} _
| chunkNo == 1 = throwChatError $ CEInlineFileProhibited fileId
| otherwise = pure ()
receiveInlineChunk ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} chunk meta = do
case chunk of
FileChunk {chunkNo} -> when (chunkNo == 1) $ startReceivingFile user fileId
_ -> pure ()
receiveFileChunk ft Nothing meta chunk
xFileCancelGroup :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> CM ()
xFileCancelGroup GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {chatDir} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
case (msgDir, chatDir) of
(SMDRcv, CIGroupRcv m) -> do
if sameMemberId memberId m
then do
ft <- withStore (\db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId)
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
cancelRcvFileTransfer user ft >>= mapM_ (deleteAgentConnectionAsync user)
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
toView $ CRRcvFileSndCancelled user ci ft
else messageError "x.file.cancel: group member attempted to cancel file of another member" -- shouldn't happen now that query includes group member id
(SMDSnd, _) -> messageError "x.file.cancel: group member attempted invalid file cancel"
xFileAcptInvGroup :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> String -> CM ()
xFileAcptInvGroup GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {activeConn} sharedMsgId fileConnReq_ fName = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
(AChatItem _ _ _ ci) <- withStore $ \db -> getChatItemByFileId db vr user fileId
assertSMPAcceptNotProhibited ci
-- TODO check that it's not already accepted
ft@FileTransferMeta {fileName, fileSize, fileInline, cancelled} <- withStore (\db -> getFileTransferMeta db user fileId)
if fName == fileName
then unless cancelled $ case (fileConnReq_, activeConn) of
(Just fileConnReq, _) -> do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- receiving via a separate connection
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but command should be asynchronous for stability
dm <- encodeConnInfo XOk
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True fileConnReq dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createSndGroupFileTransferConnection db vr user fileId connIds m subMode
(_, Just conn) -> do
-- receiving inline
event <- withStore $ \db -> do
ci' <- updateDirectCIFileStatus db vr user fileId $ CIFSSndTransfer 0 1
sft <- liftIO $ createSndGroupInlineFT db m conn ft
pure $ CRSndFileStart user ci' sft
toView event
(allowSendInline fileSize fileInline)
(sendMemberFileInline m conn ft sharedMsgId)
(messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileSize is bigger than allowed to send inline")
_ -> messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: member connection is not active"
else messageError "x.file.acpt.inv: fileName is different from expected"
groupMsgToView :: forall d. MsgDirectionI d => GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> CM ()
groupMsgToView gInfo ci =
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTGroup (msgDirection @d) (GroupChat gInfo) ci]
processGroupInvitation :: Contact -> GroupInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
processGroupInvitation ct inv msg msgMeta = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = c, activeConn} = ct
GroupInvitation {fromMember = (MemberIdRole fromMemId fromRole), invitedMember = (MemberIdRole memId memRole), connRequest, groupLinkId} = inv
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId, connChatVersion, peerChatVRange, customUserProfileId, groupLinkId = groupLinkId'} -> do
when (fromRole < GRAdmin || fromRole < memRole) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole c)
when (fromMemId == memId) $ throwChatError CEGroupDuplicateMemberId
-- [incognito] if direct connection with host is incognito, create membership using the same incognito profile
(gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, membership}, hostId) <- withStore $ \db -> createGroupInvitation db vr user ct inv customUserProfileId
let GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId = membershipMemId} = membership
if sameGroupLinkId groupLinkId groupLinkId'
then do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
dm <- encodeConnInfo $ XGrpAcpt membershipMemId
connIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user True connRequest dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> do
setViaGroupLinkHash db groupId connId
createMemberConnectionAsync db user hostId connIds connChatVersion peerChatVRange subMode
updateGroupMemberStatusById db userId hostId GSMemAccepted
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemAccepted
toView $ CRUserAcceptedGroupSent user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemAccepted}} (Just ct)
else do
let content = CIRcvGroupInvitation (CIGroupInvitation {groupId, groupMemberId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, status = CIGISPending}) memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs content
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupInvitationChatItemId db user groupId (chatItemId' ci)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
toView $ CRReceivedGroupInvitation {user, groupInfo = gInfo, contact = ct, fromMemberRole = fromRole, memberRole = memRole}
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
sameGroupLinkId :: Maybe GroupLinkId -> Maybe GroupLinkId -> Bool
sameGroupLinkId (Just gli) (Just gli') = gli == gli'
sameGroupLinkId _ _ = False
checkIntegrityCreateItem :: forall c. ChatTypeI c => ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
checkIntegrityCreateItem cd MsgMeta {integrity, broker = (_, brokerTs)} = case integrity of
MsgOk -> pure ()
MsgError e -> createInternalChatItem user cd (CIRcvIntegrityError e) (Just brokerTs)
xInfo :: Contact -> Profile -> CM ()
xInfo c p' = void $ processContactProfileUpdate c p' True
xDirectDel :: Contact -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
xDirectDel c msg msgMeta =
if directOrUsed c
then do
ct' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateContactStatus db user c CSDeleted
contactConns <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnections db vr userId ct'
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId contactConns
forM_ contactConns $ \conn -> withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnDeleted
activeConn' <- forM (contactConn ct') $ \conn -> pure conn {connStatus = ConnDeleted}
let ct'' = ct' {activeConn = activeConn'} :: Contact
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct'') msg brokerTs (CIRcvDirectEvent RDEContactDeleted)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct'') ci]
toView $ CRContactDeletedByContact user ct''
else do
contactConns <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactConnections db vr userId c
deleteAgentConnectionsAsync user $ map aConnId contactConns
withStore $ \db -> deleteContact db user c
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
processContactProfileUpdate :: Contact -> Profile -> Bool -> CM Contact
processContactProfileUpdate c@Contact {profile = lp} p' createItems
| p /= p' = do
c' <- withStore $ \db ->
if userTTL == rcvTTL
then updateContactProfile db user c p'
else do
c' <- liftIO $ updateContactUserPreferences db user c ctUserPrefs'
updateContactProfile db user c' p'
when (directOrUsed c' && createItems) $ do
createProfileUpdatedItem c'
lift $ createRcvFeatureItems user c c'
toView $ CRContactUpdated user c c'
pure c'
| otherwise =
pure c
p = fromLocalProfile lp
Contact {userPreferences = ctUserPrefs@Preferences {timedMessages = ctUserTMPref}} = c
userTTL = prefParam $ getPreference SCFTimedMessages ctUserPrefs
Profile {preferences = rcvPrefs_} = p'
rcvTTL = prefParam $ getPreference SCFTimedMessages rcvPrefs_
ctUserPrefs' =
let userDefault = getPreference SCFTimedMessages (fullPreferences user)
userDefaultTTL = prefParam userDefault
ctUserTMPref' = case ctUserTMPref of
Just userTM -> Just (userTM :: TimedMessagesPreference) {ttl = rcvTTL}
| rcvTTL /= userDefaultTTL -> Just (userDefault :: TimedMessagesPreference) {ttl = rcvTTL}
| otherwise -> Nothing
in setPreference_ SCFTimedMessages ctUserTMPref' ctUserPrefs
createProfileUpdatedItem c' =
when visibleProfileUpdated $ do
let ciContent = CIRcvDirectEvent $ RDEProfileUpdated p p'
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv c') ciContent Nothing
visibleProfileUpdated =
n' /= n || fn' /= fn || i' /= i || cl' /= cl
Profile {displayName = n, fullName = fn, image = i, contactLink = cl} = p
Profile {displayName = n', fullName = fn', image = i', contactLink = cl'} = p'
xInfoMember :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Profile -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xInfoMember gInfo m p' brokerTs = void $ processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m p' True (Just brokerTs)
xGrpLinkMem :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> Profile -> CM ()
xGrpLinkMem gInfo@GroupInfo {membership, businessChat} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberCategory} Connection {viaGroupLink} p' = do
xGrpLinkMemReceived <- withStore $ \db -> getXGrpLinkMemReceived db groupMemberId
if (viaGroupLink || isJust businessChat) && isNothing (memberContactId m) && memberCategory == GCHostMember && not xGrpLinkMemReceived
then do
m' <- processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m p' False Nothing
withStore' $ \db -> setXGrpLinkMemReceived db groupMemberId True
let connectedIncognito = memberIncognito membership
probeMatchingMemberContact m' connectedIncognito
else messageError "x.grp.link.mem error: invalid group link host profile update"
processMemberProfileUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Profile -> Bool -> Maybe UTCTime -> CM GroupMember
processMemberProfileUpdate gInfo m@GroupMember {memberProfile = p, memberContactId} p' createItems itemTs_
| redactedMemberProfile (fromLocalProfile p) /= redactedMemberProfile p' = do
updateBusinessChatProfile gInfo
case memberContactId of
Nothing -> do
m' <- withStore $ \db -> updateMemberProfile db user m p'
createProfileUpdatedItem m'
toView $ CRGroupMemberUpdated user gInfo m m'
pure m'
Just mContactId -> do
mCt <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db vr user mContactId
if canUpdateProfile mCt
then do
(m', ct') <- withStore $ \db -> updateContactMemberProfile db user m mCt p'
createProfileUpdatedItem m'
toView $ CRGroupMemberUpdated user gInfo m m'
toView $ CRContactUpdated user mCt ct'
pure m'
else pure m
canUpdateProfile ct
| not (contactActive ct) = True
| otherwise = case contactConn ct of
Nothing -> True
Just conn -> not (connReady conn) || (authErrCounter conn >= 1)
| otherwise =
pure m
updateBusinessChatProfile g@GroupInfo {businessChat} = case businessChat of
Just bc | isMainBusinessMember bc m -> do
g' <- withStore $ \db -> updateGroupProfileFromMember db user g p'
toView $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' (Just m)
_ -> pure ()
isMainBusinessMember BusinessChatInfo {chatType, businessId, customerId} GroupMember {memberId} = case chatType of
BCBusiness -> businessId == memberId
BCCustomer -> customerId == memberId
createProfileUpdatedItem m' =
when createItems $ do
let ciContent = CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEMemberProfileUpdated (fromLocalProfile p) p'
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m') ciContent itemTs_
createFeatureEnabledItems :: Contact -> CM ()
createFeatureEnabledItems ct@Contact {mergedPreferences} =
forM_ allChatFeatures $ \(ACF f) -> do
let state = featureState $ getContactUserPreference f mergedPreferences
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (uncurry (CIRcvChatFeature $ chatFeature f) state) Nothing
xInfoProbe :: ContactOrMember -> Probe -> CM ()
xInfoProbe cgm2 probe = do
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
-- [incognito] unless connected incognito
when (contactMerge && not (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm2)) $ do
cgm1s <- withStore' $ \db -> matchReceivedProbe db vr user cgm2 probe
let cgm1s' = filter (not . contactOrMemberIncognito) cgm1s
probeMatches cgm1s' cgm2
probeMatches :: [ContactOrMember] -> ContactOrMember -> CM ()
probeMatches [] _ = pure ()
probeMatches (cgm1' : cgm1s') cgm2' = do
cgm2''_ <- probeMatch cgm1' cgm2' probe `catchChatError` \_ -> pure (Just cgm2')
let cgm2'' = fromMaybe cgm2' cgm2''_
probeMatches cgm1s' cgm2''
xInfoProbeCheck :: ContactOrMember -> ProbeHash -> CM ()
xInfoProbeCheck cgm1 probeHash = do
contactMerge <- readTVarIO =<< asks contactMergeEnabled
-- [incognito] unless connected incognito
when (contactMerge && not (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm1)) $ do
cgm2Probe_ <- withStore' $ \db -> matchReceivedProbeHash db vr user cgm1 probeHash
forM_ cgm2Probe_ $ \(cgm2, probe) ->
unless (contactOrMemberIncognito cgm2) . void $
probeMatch cgm1 cgm2 probe
probeMatch :: ContactOrMember -> ContactOrMember -> Probe -> CM (Maybe ContactOrMember)
probeMatch cgm1 cgm2 probe =
case cgm1 of
COMContact c1@Contact {contactId = cId1, profile = p1} ->
case cgm2 of
COMContact c2@Contact {contactId = cId2, profile = p2}
| cId1 /= cId2 && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void . sendDirectContactMessage user c1 $ XInfoProbeOk probe
COMContact <$$> mergeContacts c1 c2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or same contact id" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember m2@GroupMember {memberProfile = p2, memberContactId}
| isNothing memberContactId && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void . sendDirectContactMessage user c1 $ XInfoProbeOk probe
COMContact <$$> associateMemberAndContact c1 m2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or member already has contact" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember GroupMember {activeConn = Nothing} -> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember m1@GroupMember {groupId, memberProfile = p1, memberContactId, activeConn = Just conn} ->
case cgm2 of
COMContact c2@Contact {profile = p2}
| memberCurrent m1 && isNothing memberContactId && profilesMatch p1 p2 -> do
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage conn (XInfoProbeOk probe) groupId
COMContact <$$> associateMemberAndContact c2 m1
| otherwise -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: profiles don't match or member already has contact or member not current" >> pure Nothing
COMGroupMember _ -> messageWarning "probeMatch ignored: members are not matched with members" >> pure Nothing
xInfoProbeOk :: ContactOrMember -> Probe -> CM ()
xInfoProbeOk cgm1 probe = do
cgm2 <- withStore' $ \db -> matchSentProbe db vr user cgm1 probe
case cgm1 of
COMContact c1@Contact {contactId = cId1} ->
case cgm2 of
Just (COMContact c2@Contact {contactId = cId2})
| cId1 /= cId2 -> void $ mergeContacts c1 c2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: same contact id"
Just (COMGroupMember m2@GroupMember {memberContactId})
| isNothing memberContactId -> void $ associateMemberAndContact c1 m2
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: member already has contact"
_ -> pure ()
COMGroupMember m1@GroupMember {memberContactId} ->
case cgm2 of
Just (COMContact c2)
| isNothing memberContactId -> void $ associateMemberAndContact c2 m1
| otherwise -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: member already has contact"
Just (COMGroupMember _) -> messageWarning "xInfoProbeOk ignored: members are not matched with members"
_ -> pure ()
-- to party accepting call
xCallInv :: Contact -> CallId -> CallInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
xCallInv ct@Contact {contactId} callId CallInvitation {callType, callDhPubKey} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
if featureAllowed SCFCalls forContact ct
then do
g <- asks random
dhKeyPair <- atomically $ if encryptedCall callType then Just <$> C.generateKeyPair g else pure Nothing
ci <- saveCallItem CISCallPending
callUUID <- UUID.toText <$> liftIO V4.nextRandom
let sharedKey = C.Key . C.dhBytes' <$> (C.dh' <$> callDhPubKey <*> (snd <$> dhKeyPair))
callState = CallInvitationReceived {peerCallType = callType, localDhPubKey = fst <$> dhKeyPair, sharedKey}
call' = Call {contactId, callId, callUUID, chatItemId = chatItemId' ci, callState, callTs = chatItemTs' ci}
calls <- asks currentCalls
-- theoretically, the new call invitation for the current contact can mark the in-progress call as ended
-- (and replace it in ChatController)
-- practically, this should not happen
withStore' $ \db -> createCall db user call' $ chatItemTs' ci
call_ <- atomically (TM.lookupInsert contactId call' calls)
forM_ call_ $ \call -> updateCallItemStatus user ct call WCSDisconnected Nothing
toView $ CRCallInvitation RcvCallInvitation {user, contact = ct, callType, sharedKey, callUUID, callTs = chatItemTs' ci}
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
else featureRejected CFCalls
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
saveCallItem status = saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs (CIRcvCall status 0)
featureRejected f = do
let content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected f
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content Nothing Nothing False M.empty
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
-- to party initiating call
xCallOffer :: Contact -> CallId -> CallOffer -> RcvMessage -> CM ()
xCallOffer ct callId CallOffer {callType, rtcSession, callDhPubKey} msg = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "x.call.offer" msg $
\call -> case callState call of
CallInvitationSent {localCallType, localDhPrivKey} -> do
let sharedKey = C.Key . C.dhBytes' <$> (C.dh' <$> callDhPubKey <*> localDhPrivKey)
callState' = CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType = callType, peerCallSession = rtcSession, sharedKey}
askConfirmation = encryptedCall localCallType && not (encryptedCall callType)
toView CRCallOffer {user, contact = ct, callType, offer = rtcSession, sharedKey, askConfirmation}
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Just . ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndCall CISCallAccepted 0)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "x.call.offer" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to party accepting call
xCallAnswer :: Contact -> CallId -> CallAnswer -> RcvMessage -> CM ()
xCallAnswer ct callId CallAnswer {rtcSession} msg = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "x.call.answer" msg $
\call -> case callState call of
CallOfferSent {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession = rtcSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallAnswer user ct rtcSession
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Just . ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvCall CISCallNegotiated 0)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "x.call.answer" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to any call party
xCallExtra :: Contact -> CallId -> CallExtraInfo -> RcvMessage -> CM ()
xCallExtra ct callId CallExtraInfo {rtcExtraInfo} msg = do
msgCurrentCall ct callId "x.call.extra" msg $
\call -> case callState call of
CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in peerCallSession
let callState' = CallOfferReceived {localCallType, peerCallType, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallExtraInfo user ct rtcExtraInfo
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Nothing)
CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey} -> do
-- TODO update the list of ice servers in peerCallSession
let callState' = CallNegotiated {localCallType, peerCallType, localCallSession, peerCallSession, sharedKey}
toView $ CRCallExtraInfo user ct rtcExtraInfo
pure (Just call {callState = callState'}, Nothing)
_ -> do
msgCallStateError "x.call.extra" call
pure (Just call, Nothing)
-- to any call party
xCallEnd :: Contact -> CallId -> RcvMessage -> CM ()
xCallEnd ct callId msg =
msgCurrentCall ct callId "x.call.end" msg $ \Call {chatItemId} -> do
toView $ CRCallEnded user ct
(Nothing,) <$> callStatusItemContent user ct chatItemId WCSDisconnected
msgCurrentCall :: Contact -> CallId -> Text -> RcvMessage -> (Call -> CM (Maybe Call, Maybe ACIContent)) -> CM ()
msgCurrentCall ct@Contact {contactId = ctId'} callId' eventName RcvMessage {msgId} action = do
calls <- asks currentCalls
atomically (TM.lookup ctId' calls) >>= \case
Nothing -> messageError $ eventName <> ": no current call"
Just call@Call {contactId, callId, chatItemId}
| contactId /= ctId' || callId /= callId' -> messageError $ eventName <> ": wrong contact or callId"
| otherwise -> do
(call_, aciContent_) <- action call
case call_ of
Just call' -> do
unless (isRcvInvitation call') $ withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId'
atomically $ TM.insert ctId' call' calls
_ -> do
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCalls db user ctId'
atomically $ TM.delete ctId' calls
forM_ aciContent_ $ \aciContent -> do
timed_ <- callTimed ct aciContent
updateDirectChatItemView user ct chatItemId aciContent False False timed_ $ Just msgId
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect ctId', chatItemId)
msgCallStateError :: Text -> Call -> CM ()
msgCallStateError eventName Call {callState} =
messageError $ eventName <> ": wrong call state " <> T.pack (show $ callStateTag callState)
mergeContacts :: Contact -> Contact -> CM (Maybe Contact)
mergeContacts c1 c2 = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN1, profile = LocalProfile {displayName}} = c1
Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN2} = c2
case (suffixOrd displayName cLDN1, suffixOrd displayName cLDN2) of
(Just cOrd1, Just cOrd2)
| cOrd1 < cOrd2 -> merge c1 c2
| cOrd2 < cOrd1 -> merge c2 c1
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
merge c1' c2' = do
c2'' <- withStore $ \db -> mergeContactRecords db vr user c1' c2'
toView $ CRContactsMerged user c1' c2' c2''
when (directOrUsed c2'') $ showSecurityCodeChanged c2''
pure $ Just c2''
showSecurityCodeChanged mergedCt = do
let sc1_ = contactSecurityCode c1'
sc2_ = contactSecurityCode c2'
scMerged_ = contactSecurityCode mergedCt
case (sc1_, sc2_) of
(Just sc1, Nothing)
| scMerged_ /= Just sc1 -> securityCodeChanged mergedCt
| otherwise -> pure ()
(Nothing, Just sc2)
| scMerged_ /= Just sc2 -> securityCodeChanged mergedCt
| otherwise -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
associateMemberAndContact :: Contact -> GroupMember -> CM (Maybe Contact)
associateMemberAndContact c m = do
let Contact {localDisplayName = cLDN, profile = LocalProfile {displayName}} = c
GroupMember {localDisplayName = mLDN} = m
case (suffixOrd displayName cLDN, suffixOrd displayName mLDN) of
(Just cOrd, Just mOrd)
| cOrd < mOrd -> Just <$> associateMemberWithContact c m
| mOrd < cOrd -> Just <$> associateContactWithMember m c
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
suffixOrd :: ContactName -> ContactName -> Maybe Int
suffixOrd displayName localDisplayName
| localDisplayName == displayName = Just 0
| otherwise = case T.stripPrefix (displayName <> "_") localDisplayName of
Just suffix -> readMaybe $ T.unpack suffix
Nothing -> Nothing
associateMemberWithContact :: Contact -> GroupMember -> CM Contact
associateMemberWithContact c1 m2@GroupMember {groupId} = do
withStore' $ \db -> associateMemberWithContactRecord db user c1 m2
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user groupId
toView $ CRContactAndMemberAssociated user c1 g m2 c1
pure c1
associateContactWithMember :: GroupMember -> Contact -> CM Contact
associateContactWithMember m1@GroupMember {groupId} c2 = do
c2' <- withStore $ \db -> associateContactWithMemberRecord db vr user m1 c2
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user groupId
toView $ CRContactAndMemberAssociated user c2 g m1 c2'
pure c2'
saveConnInfo :: Connection -> ConnInfo -> CM (Connection, Bool)
saveConnInfo activeConn connInfo = do
ChatMessage {chatVRange, chatMsgEvent} <- parseChatMessage activeConn connInfo
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange activeConn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XInfo p -> do
let contactUsed = connDirect activeConn
ct <- withStore $ \db -> createDirectContact db user conn' p contactUsed
toView $ CRContactConnecting user ct
pure (conn', False)
XGrpLinkInv glInv -> do
(gInfo, host) <- withStore $ \db -> createGroupInvitedViaLink db vr user conn' glInv
toView $ CRGroupLinkConnecting user gInfo host
pure (conn', True)
-- TODO show/log error, other events in SMP confirmation
_ -> pure (conn', False)
xGrpMemNew :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpMemNew gInfo m memInfo@(MemberInfo memId memRole _ _) msg brokerTs = do
checkHostRole m memRole
unless (sameMemberId memId $ membership gInfo) $
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right unknownMember@GroupMember {memberStatus = GSMemUnknown} -> do
updatedMember <- withStore $ \db -> updateUnknownMemberAnnounced db vr user m unknownMember memInfo
toView $ CRUnknownMemberAnnounced user gInfo m unknownMember updatedMember
memberAnnouncedToView updatedMember
Right _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.new error: member already exists"
Left _ -> do
newMember <- withStore $ \db -> createNewGroupMember db user gInfo m memInfo GCPostMember GSMemAnnounced
memberAnnouncedToView newMember
memberAnnouncedToView announcedMember@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile} = do
let event = RGEMemberAdded groupMemberId (fromLocalProfile memberProfile)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent event)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMemberConnecting user gInfo m announcedMember
xGrpMemIntro :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> Maybe MemberRestrictions -> CM ()
xGrpMemIntro gInfo@GroupInfo {chatSettings} m@GroupMember {memberRole, localDisplayName = c} memInfo@(MemberInfo memId _ memChatVRange _) memRestrictions = do
case memberCategory m of
GCHostMember ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.intro ignored: member already exists"
Left _ -> do
when (memberRole < GRAdmin) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole c)
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- [async agent commands] commands should be asynchronous, continuation is to send XGrpMemInv - have to remember one has completed and process on second
groupConnIds <- createConn subMode
directConnIds <- case memChatVRange of
Nothing -> Just <$> createConn subMode
Just (ChatVersionRange mcvr)
| maxVersion mcvr >= groupDirectInvVersion -> pure Nothing
| otherwise -> Just <$> createConn subMode
let customUserProfileId = localProfileId <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
chatV = maybe (minVersion vr) (\peerVR -> vr `peerConnChatVersion` fromChatVRange peerVR) memChatVRange
void $ withStore $ \db -> createIntroReMember db user gInfo m chatV memInfo memRestrictions groupConnIds directConnIds customUserProfileId subMode
_ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.intro can be only sent by host member"
createConn subMode = createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpMemInv (chatHasNtfs chatSettings) SCMInvitation subMode
sendXGrpMemInv :: Int64 -> Maybe ConnReqInvitation -> XGrpMemIntroCont -> CM ()
sendXGrpMemInv hostConnId directConnReq XGrpMemIntroCont {groupId, groupMemberId, memberId, groupConnReq} = do
hostConn <- withStore $ \db -> getConnectionById db vr user hostConnId
let msg = XGrpMemInv memberId IntroInvitation {groupConnReq, directConnReq}
void $ sendDirectMemberMessage hostConn msg groupId
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatusById db userId groupMemberId GSMemIntroInvited
xGrpMemInv :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> IntroInvitation -> CM ()
xGrpMemInv gInfo m memId introInv = do
case memberCategory m of
GCInviteeMember ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.inv error: referenced member does not exist"
Right reMember -> do
GroupMemberIntro {introId} <- withStore $ \db -> saveIntroInvitation db reMember m introInv
sendGroupMemberMessage user gInfo reMember (XGrpMemFwd (memberInfo m) introInv) (Just introId) $
withStore' $
\db -> updateIntroStatus db introId GMIntroInvForwarded
_ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.inv can be only sent by invitee member"
xGrpMemFwd :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberInfo -> IntroInvitation -> CM ()
xGrpMemFwd gInfo@GroupInfo {membership, chatSettings} m memInfo@(MemberInfo memId memRole memChatVRange _) introInv@IntroInvitation {groupConnReq, directConnReq} = do
let GroupMember {memberId = membershipMemId} = membership
checkHostRole m memRole
toMember <-
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
-- TODO if the missed messages are correctly sent as soon as there is connection before anything else is sent
-- the situation when member does not exist is an error
-- member receiving x.grp.mem.fwd should have also received x.grp.mem.new prior to that.
-- For now, this branch compensates for the lack of delayed message delivery.
Left _ -> withStore $ \db -> createNewGroupMember db user gInfo m memInfo GCPostMember GSMemAnnounced
Right m' -> pure m'
withStore' $ \db -> saveMemberInvitation db toMember introInv
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
-- [incognito] send membership incognito profile, create direct connection as incognito
let membershipProfile = redactedMemberProfile $ fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile membership
dm <- encodeConnInfo $ XGrpMemInfo membershipMemId membershipProfile
-- [async agent commands] no continuation needed, but commands should be asynchronous for stability
groupConnIds <- joinAgentConnectionAsync user (chatHasNtfs chatSettings) groupConnReq dm subMode
directConnIds <- forM directConnReq $ \dcr -> joinAgentConnectionAsync user True dcr dm subMode
let customUserProfileId = localProfileId <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
mcvr = maybe chatInitialVRange fromChatVRange memChatVRange
chatV = vr `peerConnChatVersion` mcvr
withStore' $ \db -> createIntroToMemberContact db user m toMember chatV mcvr groupConnIds directConnIds customUserProfileId subMode
xGrpMemRole :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> GroupMemberRole -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpMemRole gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole = senderRole} memId memRole msg brokerTs
| membershipMemId == memId =
let gInfo' = gInfo {membership = membership {memberRole = memRole}}
in changeMemberRole gInfo' membership $ RGEUserRole memRole
| otherwise =
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right member -> changeMemberRole gInfo member $ RGEMemberRole (groupMemberId' member) (fromLocalProfile $ memberProfile member) memRole
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.role with unknown member ID"
GroupMember {memberId = membershipMemId} = membership
changeMemberRole gInfo' member@GroupMember {memberRole = fromRole} gEvent
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < fromRole = messageError "x.grp.mem.role with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberRole db user member memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView CRMemberRole {user, groupInfo = gInfo', byMember = m, member = member {memberRole = memRole}, fromRole, toRole = memRole}
checkHostRole :: GroupMember -> GroupMemberRole -> CM ()
checkHostRole GroupMember {memberRole, localDisplayName} memRole =
when (memberRole < GRAdmin || memberRole < memRole) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole localDisplayName)
xGrpMemRestrict :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> MemberRestrictions -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership = GroupMember {memberId = membershipMemId}}
m@GroupMember {memberRole = senderRole}
MemberRestrictions {restriction}
| membershipMemId == memId =
-- member shouldn't receive this message about themselves
messageError "x.grp.mem.restrict: admin blocks you"
| otherwise =
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Right bm@GroupMember {groupMemberId = bmId, memberRole, memberProfile = bmp}
| senderRole < GRModerator || senderRole < memberRole -> messageError "x.grp.mem.restrict with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise -> do
bm' <- setMemberBlocked bmId
toggleNtf user bm' (not blocked)
let ciContent = CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEMemberBlocked bmId (fromLocalProfile bmp) blocked
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs ciContent
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView CRMemberBlockedForAll {user, groupInfo = gInfo, byMember = m, member = bm, blocked}
Left (SEGroupMemberNotFoundByMemberId _) -> do
bm <- createUnknownMember gInfo memId
bm' <- setMemberBlocked $ groupMemberId' bm
toView $ CRUnknownMemberBlocked user gInfo m bm'
Left e -> throwError $ ChatErrorStore e
setMemberBlocked bmId =
withStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ updateGroupMemberBlocked db user groupId bmId restriction
getGroupMember db vr user groupId bmId
blocked = mrsBlocked restriction
xGrpMemCon :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> CM ()
xGrpMemCon gInfo sendingMember memId = do
refMember <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId
case (memberCategory sendingMember, memberCategory refMember) of
(GCInviteeMember, GCInviteeMember) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db refMember sendingMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> inviteeXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db sendingMember refMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> forwardMemberXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introduction"
(GCInviteeMember, _) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db refMember sendingMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> inviteeXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introduction"
(_, GCInviteeMember) ->
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getIntroduction db sendingMember refMember) >>= \case
Right intro -> forwardMemberXGrpMemCon intro
Left _ -> messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: no introductiosupportn"
-- Note: we can allow XGrpMemCon to all member categories if we decide to support broader group forwarding,
-- deduplication (see saveGroupRcvMsg, saveGroupFwdRcvMsg) already supports sending XGrpMemCon
-- to any forwarding member, not only host/inviting member;
-- database would track all members connections then
-- (currently it's done via group_member_intros for introduced connections only)
_ ->
messageWarning "x.grp.mem.con: neither member is invitee"
inviteeXGrpMemCon :: GroupMemberIntro -> CM ()
inviteeXGrpMemCon GroupMemberIntro {introId, introStatus} = case introStatus of
GMIntroReConnected -> updateStatus introId GMIntroConnected
GMIntroToConnected -> pure ()
GMIntroConnected -> pure ()
_ -> updateStatus introId GMIntroToConnected
forwardMemberXGrpMemCon :: GroupMemberIntro -> CM ()
forwardMemberXGrpMemCon GroupMemberIntro {introId, introStatus} = case introStatus of
GMIntroToConnected -> updateStatus introId GMIntroConnected
GMIntroReConnected -> pure ()
GMIntroConnected -> pure ()
_ -> updateStatus introId GMIntroReConnected
updateStatus introId status = withStore' $ \db -> updateIntroStatus db introId status
xGrpMemDel :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpMemDel gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole = senderRole} memId msg brokerTs = do
let GroupMember {memberId = membershipMemId} = membership
if membershipMemId == memId
then checkRole membership $ do
deleteGroupLinkIfExists user gInfo
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
members <- withStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db vr user gInfo
deleteMembersConnections user members
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemRemoved
deleteMemberItem RGEUserDeleted
toView $ CRDeletedMemberUser user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemRemoved}} m
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memId) >>= \case
Left _ -> messageError "x.grp.mem.del with unknown member ID"
Right member@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile} ->
checkRole member $ do
-- ? prohibit deleting member if it's the sender - sender should use x.grp.leave
deleteMemberConnection user member
-- undeleted "member connected" chat item will prevent deletion of member record
deleteOrUpdateMemberRecord user member
deleteMemberItem $ RGEMemberDeleted groupMemberId (fromLocalProfile memberProfile)
toView $ CRDeletedMember user gInfo m member {memberStatus = GSMemRemoved}
checkRole GroupMember {memberRole} a
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < memberRole =
messageError "x.grp.mem.del with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = a
deleteMemberItem gEvent = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
xGrpLeave :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpLeave gInfo m msg brokerTs = do
deleteMemberConnection user m
-- member record is not deleted to allow creation of "member left" chat item
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemLeft
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberLeft)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRLeftMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemLeft}
xGrpDel :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpDel gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} m@GroupMember {memberRole} msg brokerTs = do
when (memberRole /= GROwner) $ throwChatError $ CEGroupUserRole gInfo GROwner
ms <- withStore' $ \db -> do
members <- getGroupMembers db vr user gInfo
updateGroupMemberStatus db userId membership GSMemGroupDeleted
pure members
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
deleteMembersConnections user ms
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEGroupDeleted)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRGroupDeleted user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemGroupDeleted}} m
xGrpInfo :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> GroupProfile -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpInfo g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = p, businessChat} m@GroupMember {memberRole} p' msg brokerTs
| memberRole < GROwner = messageError "x.grp.info with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = case businessChat of
Nothing -> unless (p == p') $ do
g' <- withStore $ \db -> updateGroupProfile db user g p'
toView $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' (Just m)
let cd = CDGroupRcv g' m
unless (sameGroupProfileInfo p p') $ do
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user cd msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEGroupUpdated p')
groupMsgToView g' ci
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd CIRcvGroupFeature g g'
Just _ -> updateGroupPrefs_ g m $ fromMaybe defaultBusinessGroupPrefs $ groupPreferences p'
xGrpPrefs :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> GroupPreferences -> CM ()
xGrpPrefs g m@GroupMember {memberRole} ps'
| memberRole < GROwner = messageError "x.grp.prefs with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = updateGroupPrefs_ g m ps'
updateGroupPrefs_ :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> GroupPreferences -> CM ()
updateGroupPrefs_ g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = p} m ps' =
unless (groupPreferences p == Just ps') $ do
g' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupPreferences db user g ps'
toView $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' (Just m)
let cd = CDGroupRcv g' m
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd CIRcvGroupFeature g g'
xGrpDirectInv :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> ConnReqInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpDirectInv g m mConn connReq mContent_ msg brokerTs = do
unless (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFDirectMessages m g) $ messageError "x.grp.direct.inv: direct messages not allowed"
let GroupMember {memberContactId} = m
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
case memberContactId of
Nothing -> createNewContact subMode
Just mContactId -> do
mCt <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db vr user mContactId
let Contact {activeConn, contactGrpInvSent} = mCt
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId} ->
if contactGrpInvSent
then do
ownConnReq <- withStore $ \db -> getConnReqInv db connId
-- in case both members sent x.grp.direct.inv before receiving other's for processing,
-- only the one who received greater connReq joins, the other creates items and waits for confirmation
if strEncode connReq > strEncode ownConnReq
then joinExistingContact subMode mCt
else createItems mCt m
else joinExistingContact subMode mCt
joinExistingContact subMode mCt = do
connIds <- joinConn subMode
mCt' <- withStore $ \db -> updateMemberContactInvited db user connIds g mConn mCt subMode
createItems mCt' m
securityCodeChanged mCt'
createNewContact subMode = do
connIds <- joinConn subMode
-- [incognito] reuse membership incognito profile
(mCt', m') <- withStore' $ \db -> createMemberContactInvited db user connIds g m mConn subMode
createItems mCt' m'
joinConn subMode = do
-- [incognito] send membership incognito profile
let p = userProfileToSend user (fromLocalProfile <$> incognitoMembershipProfile g) Nothing False
-- TODO PQ should negotitate contact connection with PQSupportOn? (use encodeConnInfoPQ)
dm <- encodeConnInfo $ XInfo p
joinAgentConnectionAsync user True connReq dm subMode
createItems mCt' m' = do
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m') (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberCreatedContact) Nothing
toView $ CRNewMemberContactReceivedInv user mCt' g m'
forM_ mContent_ $ \mc -> do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv mCt') msg brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent mc, msgContentTexts mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat mCt') ci]
securityCodeChanged :: Contact -> CM ()
securityCodeChanged ct = do
toView $ CRContactVerificationReset user ct
createInternalChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) (CIRcvConnEvent RCEVerificationCodeReset) Nothing
xGrpMsgForward :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MemberId -> ChatMessage 'Json -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpMsgForward gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {memberRole, localDisplayName} memberId msg msgTs = do
when (memberRole < GRAdmin) $ throwChatError (CEGroupContactRole localDisplayName)
withStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getGroupMemberByMemberId db vr user gInfo memberId) >>= \case
Right author -> processForwardedMsg author msg
Left (SEGroupMemberNotFoundByMemberId _) -> do
unknownAuthor <- createUnknownMember gInfo memberId
toView $ CRUnknownMemberCreated user gInfo m unknownAuthor
processForwardedMsg unknownAuthor msg
Left e -> throwError $ ChatErrorStore e
-- Note: forwarded group events (see forwardedGroupMsg) should include msgId to be deduplicated
processForwardedMsg :: GroupMember -> ChatMessage 'Json -> CM ()
processForwardedMsg author chatMsg = do
let body = LB.toStrict $ J.encode msg
rcvMsg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent = ACME _ event} <- saveGroupFwdRcvMsg user groupId m author body chatMsg
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend author $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo author mc rcvMsg msgTs True
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo author sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent mentions ttl live -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo author sharedMsgId mContent mentions rcvMsg msgTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo author sharedMsgId memId rcvMsg msgTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo author sharedMsgId memId reaction add rcvMsg msgTs
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancelGroup gInfo author sharedMsgId
XInfo p -> xInfoMember gInfo author p msgTs
XGrpMemNew memInfo -> xGrpMemNew gInfo author memInfo rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpMemRole memId memRole -> xGrpMemRole gInfo author memId memRole rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpMemDel memId -> xGrpMemDel gInfo author memId rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpLeave -> xGrpLeave gInfo author rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpDel -> xGrpDel gInfo author rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpInfo p' -> xGrpInfo gInfo author p' rcvMsg msgTs
XGrpPrefs ps' -> xGrpPrefs gInfo author ps'
_ -> messageError $ "x.grp.msg.forward: unsupported forwarded event " <> T.pack (show $ toCMEventTag event)
createUnknownMember :: GroupInfo -> MemberId -> CM GroupMember
createUnknownMember gInfo memberId = do
let name = T.take 7 . safeDecodeUtf8 . B64.encode . unMemberId $ memberId
withStore $ \db -> createNewUnknownGroupMember db vr user gInfo memberId name
directMsgReceived :: Contact -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> NonEmpty MsgReceipt -> CM ()
directMsgReceived ct conn@Connection {connId} msgMeta msgRcpts = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
forM_ msgRcpts $ \MsgReceipt {agentMsgId, msgRcptStatus} -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndMsgDeliveryStatus db connId agentMsgId $ MDSSndRcvd msgRcptStatus
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn agentMsgId $ CISSndRcvd msgRcptStatus SSPComplete
groupMsgReceived :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> MsgMeta -> NonEmpty MsgReceipt -> CM ()
groupMsgReceived gInfo m conn@Connection {connId} msgMeta msgRcpts = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msgMeta `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
forM_ msgRcpts $ \MsgReceipt {agentMsgId, msgRcptStatus} -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateSndMsgDeliveryStatus db connId agentMsgId $ MDSSndRcvd msgRcptStatus
updateGroupItemsStatus gInfo m conn agentMsgId (GSSRcvd msgRcptStatus) Nothing
-- Searches chat items for many agent message IDs and updates their status
updateDirectItemsStatusMsgs :: Contact -> Connection -> [AgentMsgId] -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> CM ()
updateDirectItemsStatusMsgs ct conn msgIds newStatus = do
cis <- withStore' $ \db -> forM msgIds $ \msgId -> runExceptT $ updateDirectItemsStatus' db ct conn msgId newStatus
let acis = map ctItem $ concat $ rights cis
unless (null acis) $ toView $ CRChatItemsStatusesUpdated user acis
ctItem = AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct)
updateDirectItemStatus :: Contact -> Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> CM ()
updateDirectItemStatus ct conn msgId newStatus = do
cis <- withStore $ \db -> updateDirectItemsStatus' db ct conn msgId newStatus
let acis = map ctItem cis
unless (null acis) $ toView $ CRChatItemsStatusesUpdated user acis
ctItem = AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct)
updateDirectItemsStatus' :: DB.Connection -> Contact -> Connection -> AgentMsgId -> CIStatus 'MDSnd -> ExceptT StoreError IO [ChatItem 'CTDirect 'MDSnd]
updateDirectItemsStatus' db ct@Contact {contactId} Connection {connId} msgId newStatus = do
items <- liftIO $ getDirectChatItemsByAgentMsgId db user contactId connId msgId
catMaybes <$> mapM updateItem items
updateItem :: CChatItem 'CTDirect -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Maybe (ChatItem 'CTDirect 'MDSnd))
updateItem = \case
(CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemStatus = CISSndRcvd _ _}}) -> pure Nothing
(CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId, itemStatus}})
| itemStatus == newStatus -> pure Nothing
| otherwise -> Just <$> updateDirectChatItemStatus db user ct itemId newStatus
_ -> pure Nothing
updateGroupMemSndStatus' :: DB.Connection -> ChatItemId -> GroupMemberId -> GroupSndStatus -> IO Bool
updateGroupMemSndStatus' db itemId groupMemberId newStatus =
runExceptT (getGroupSndStatus db itemId groupMemberId) >>= \case
Right (GSSRcvd _) -> pure False
Right memStatus
| memStatus == newStatus -> pure False
| otherwise -> updateGroupSndStatus db itemId groupMemberId newStatus $> True
_ -> pure False
updateGroupItemsStatus :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> AgentMsgId -> GroupSndStatus -> Maybe Bool -> CM ()
updateGroupItemsStatus gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} Connection {connId} msgId newMemStatus viaProxy_ = do
items <- withStore' (\db -> getGroupChatItemsByAgentMsgId db user groupId connId msgId)
cis <- catMaybes <$> withStore (\db -> mapM (updateItem db) items)
let acis = map gItem cis
unless (null acis) $ toView $ CRChatItemsStatusesUpdated user acis
gItem = AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo)
updateItem :: DB.Connection -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Maybe (ChatItem 'CTGroup 'MDSnd))
updateItem db = \case
(CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemStatus = CISSndRcvd _ SSPComplete}}) -> pure Nothing
(CChatItem SMDSnd ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId, itemStatus}}) -> do
forM_ viaProxy_ $ \viaProxy -> liftIO $ setGroupSndViaProxy db itemId groupMemberId viaProxy
memStatusChanged <- liftIO $ updateGroupMemSndStatus' db itemId groupMemberId newMemStatus
if memStatusChanged
then do
memStatusCounts <- liftIO $ getGroupSndStatusCounts db itemId
let newStatus = membersGroupItemStatus memStatusCounts
if newStatus /= itemStatus
then Just <$> updateGroupChatItemStatus db user gInfo itemId newStatus
else pure Nothing
else pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing