mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* core: member mentions, types and rfc * update * update rfc * save/get mentions (WIP) * markdown * store received mentions and userMention flag * sent mentions * update message with mentions * db queries * CLI mentions, test passes * use maps for mentions * tests * comment * save mentions on sent messages * postresql schema * refactor * M.empty * include both displayName and localAlias into MentionedMemberInfo * fix saving sent mentions * include mentions in previews * update plans
254 lines
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254 lines
11 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Directory.Events
( DirectoryEvent (..),
DirectoryCmd (..),
ADirectoryCmd (..),
DirectoryRole (..),
SDirectoryRole (..),
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Directory.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown (displayNameTextP)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (AgentErrorType (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BrokerErrorType (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (tshow, (<$?>))
data DirectoryEvent
= DEContactConnected Contact
| DEGroupInvitation {contact :: Contact, groupInfo :: GroupInfo, fromMemberRole :: GroupMemberRole, memberRole :: GroupMemberRole}
| DEServiceJoinedGroup {contactId :: ContactId, groupInfo :: GroupInfo, hostMember :: GroupMember}
| DEGroupUpdated {contactId :: ContactId, fromGroup :: GroupInfo, toGroup :: GroupInfo}
| DEContactRoleChanged GroupInfo ContactId GroupMemberRole -- contactId here is the contact whose role changed
| DEServiceRoleChanged GroupInfo GroupMemberRole
| DEContactRemovedFromGroup ContactId GroupInfo
| DEContactLeftGroup ContactId GroupInfo
| DEServiceRemovedFromGroup GroupInfo
| DEGroupDeleted GroupInfo
| DEUnsupportedMessage Contact ChatItemId
| DEItemEditIgnored Contact
| DEItemDeleteIgnored Contact
| DEContactCommand Contact ChatItemId ADirectoryCmd
| DELogChatResponse Text
deriving (Show)
crDirectoryEvent :: ChatResponse -> Maybe DirectoryEvent
crDirectoryEvent = \case
CRContactConnected {contact} -> Just $ DEContactConnected contact
CRReceivedGroupInvitation {contact, groupInfo, fromMemberRole, memberRole} -> Just $ DEGroupInvitation {contact, groupInfo, fromMemberRole, memberRole}
CRUserJoinedGroup {groupInfo, hostMember} -> (\contactId -> DEServiceJoinedGroup {contactId, groupInfo, hostMember}) <$> memberContactId hostMember
CRGroupUpdated {fromGroup, toGroup, member_} -> (\contactId -> DEGroupUpdated {contactId, fromGroup, toGroup}) <$> (memberContactId =<< member_)
CRMemberRole {groupInfo, member, toRole}
| groupMemberId' member == groupMemberId' (membership groupInfo) -> Just $ DEServiceRoleChanged groupInfo toRole
| otherwise -> (\ctId -> DEContactRoleChanged groupInfo ctId toRole) <$> memberContactId member
CRDeletedMember {groupInfo, deletedMember} -> (`DEContactRemovedFromGroup` groupInfo) <$> memberContactId deletedMember
CRLeftMember {groupInfo, member} -> (`DEContactLeftGroup` groupInfo) <$> memberContactId member
CRDeletedMemberUser {groupInfo} -> Just $ DEServiceRemovedFromGroup groupInfo
CRGroupDeleted {groupInfo} -> Just $ DEGroupDeleted groupInfo
CRChatItemUpdated {chatItem = AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) _} -> Just $ DEItemEditIgnored ct
CRChatItemsDeleted {chatItemDeletions = ((ChatItemDeletion (AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) _) _) : _), byUser = False} -> Just $ DEItemDeleteIgnored ct
CRNewChatItems {chatItems = (AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci@ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent mc, meta = CIMeta {itemLive}}) : _} ->
Just $ case (mc, itemLive) of
(MCText t, Nothing) -> DEContactCommand ct ciId $ fromRight err $ A.parseOnly (directoryCmdP <* A.endOfInput) $ T.dropWhileEnd isSpace t
_ -> DEUnsupportedMessage ct ciId
ciId = chatItemId' ci
err = ADC SDRUser DCUnknownCommand
CRMessageError {severity, errorMessage} -> Just $ DELogChatResponse $ "message error: " <> severity <> ", " <> errorMessage
CRChatCmdError {chatError} -> Just $ DELogChatResponse $ "chat cmd error: " <> tshow chatError
CRChatError {chatError} -> case chatError of
ChatErrorAgent {agentError = BROKER _ NETWORK} -> Nothing
ChatErrorAgent {agentError = BROKER _ TIMEOUT} -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ DELogChatResponse $ "chat error: " <> tshow chatError
CRChatErrors {chatErrors} -> Just $ DELogChatResponse $ "chat errors: " <> T.intercalate ", " (map tshow chatErrors)
_ -> Nothing
data DirectoryRole = DRUser | DRAdmin | DRSuperUser
data SDirectoryRole (r :: DirectoryRole) where
SDRUser :: SDirectoryRole 'DRUser
SDRAdmin :: SDirectoryRole 'DRAdmin
SDRSuperUser :: SDirectoryRole 'DRSuperUser
deriving instance Show (SDirectoryRole r)
data DirectoryCmdTag (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCHelp_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCSearchNext_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCAllGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCRecentGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCSubmitGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCListUserGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCSetRole_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCRejectGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCSuspendGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCResumeGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCListLastGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCListPendingGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCShowGroupLink_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCSendToGroupOwner_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCInviteOwnerToGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCExecuteCommand_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
deriving instance Show (DirectoryCmdTag r)
data ADirectoryCmdTag = forall r. ADCT (SDirectoryRole r) (DirectoryCmdTag r)
data DirectoryCmd (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCHelp :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSearchGroup :: Text -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSearchNext :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCAllGroups :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCRecentGroups :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSubmitGroup :: ConnReqContact -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup :: UserGroupRegId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCListUserGroups :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup :: UserGroupRegId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSetRole :: GroupId -> GroupName -> GroupMemberRole -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup :: {groupId :: GroupId, displayName :: GroupName, groupApprovalId :: GroupApprovalId} -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCRejectGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCSuspendGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCResumeGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCListLastGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCListPendingGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCShowGroupLink :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCSendToGroupOwner :: GroupId -> GroupName -> Text -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCInviteOwnerToGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCExecuteCommand :: String -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCUnknownCommand :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCCommandError :: DirectoryCmdTag r -> DirectoryCmd r
deriving instance Show (DirectoryCmd r)
data ADirectoryCmd = forall r. ADC (SDirectoryRole r) (DirectoryCmd r)
deriving instance Show ADirectoryCmd
directoryCmdP :: Parser ADirectoryCmd
directoryCmdP =
(A.char '/' *> cmdStrP)
<|> (A.char '.' $> ADC SDRUser DCSearchNext)
<|> (ADC SDRUser . DCSearchGroup <$> A.takeText)
cmdStrP =
(tagP >>= \(ADCT u t) -> ADC u <$> (cmdP t <|> pure (DCCommandError t)))
<|> pure (ADC SDRUser DCUnknownCommand)
tagP =
A.takeTill (== ' ') >>= \case
"help" -> u DCHelp_
"h" -> u DCHelp_
"next" -> u DCSearchNext_
"all" -> u DCAllGroups_
"new" -> u DCRecentGroups_
"submit" -> u DCSubmitGroup_
"confirm" -> u DCConfirmDuplicateGroup_
"list" -> u DCListUserGroups_
"ls" -> u DCListUserGroups_
"delete" -> u DCDeleteGroup_
"role" -> u DCSetRole_
"approve" -> au DCApproveGroup_
"reject" -> au DCRejectGroup_
"suspend" -> au DCSuspendGroup_
"resume" -> au DCResumeGroup_
"last" -> au DCListLastGroups_
"pending" -> au DCListPendingGroups_
"link" -> au DCShowGroupLink_
"owner" -> au DCSendToGroupOwner_
"invite" -> au DCInviteOwnerToGroup_
"exec" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
"x" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
_ -> fail "bad command tag"
u = pure . ADCT SDRUser
au = pure . ADCT SDRAdmin
su = pure . ADCT SDRSuperUser
cmdP :: DirectoryCmdTag r -> Parser (DirectoryCmd r)
cmdP = \case
DCHelp_ -> pure DCHelp
DCSearchNext_ -> pure DCSearchNext
DCAllGroups_ -> pure DCAllGroups
DCRecentGroups_ -> pure DCRecentGroups
DCSubmitGroup_ -> fmap DCSubmitGroup . strDecode . encodeUtf8 <$?> (A.takeWhile1 isSpace *> A.takeText)
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup_ -> gc DCConfirmDuplicateGroup
DCListUserGroups_ -> pure DCListUserGroups
DCDeleteGroup_ -> gc DCDeleteGroup
DCSetRole_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
memberRole <- A.space *> ("member" $> GRMember <|> "observer" $> GRObserver)
pure $ DCSetRole groupId displayName memberRole
DCApproveGroup_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
groupApprovalId <- A.space *> A.decimal
pure DCApproveGroup {groupId, displayName, groupApprovalId}
DCRejectGroup_ -> gc DCRejectGroup
DCSuspendGroup_ -> gc DCSuspendGroup
DCResumeGroup_ -> gc DCResumeGroup
DCListLastGroups_ -> DCListLastGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCListPendingGroups_ -> DCListPendingGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCShowGroupLink_ -> gc DCShowGroupLink
DCSendToGroupOwner_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
msg <- A.space *> A.takeText
pure $ DCSendToGroupOwner groupId displayName msg
DCInviteOwnerToGroup_ -> gc DCInviteOwnerToGroup
DCExecuteCommand_ -> DCExecuteCommand . T.unpack <$> (A.space *> A.takeText)
gc f = f <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <* A.char ':') <*> displayNameTextP
viewName :: Text -> Text
viewName n = if any (== ' ') (T.unpack n) then "'" <> n <> "'" else n
directoryCmdTag :: DirectoryCmd r -> Text
directoryCmdTag = \case
DCHelp -> "help"
DCSearchGroup _ -> "search"
DCSearchNext -> "next"
DCAllGroups -> "all"
DCRecentGroups -> "new"
DCSubmitGroup _ -> "submit"
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup {} -> "confirm"
DCListUserGroups -> "list"
DCDeleteGroup {} -> "delete"
DCApproveGroup {} -> "approve"
DCSetRole {} -> "role"
DCRejectGroup {} -> "reject"
DCSuspendGroup {} -> "suspend"
DCResumeGroup {} -> "resume"
DCListLastGroups _ -> "last"
DCListPendingGroups _ -> "pending"
DCShowGroupLink {} -> "link"
DCSendToGroupOwner {} -> "owner"
DCInviteOwnerToGroup {} -> "invite"
DCExecuteCommand _ -> "exec"
DCUnknownCommand -> "unknown"
DCCommandError _ -> "error"