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synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* Revert "deps: switch to base64 via simplexmq (#3957)"
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* update simplexmq
52 lines
2.5 KiB
52 lines
2.5 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module WebRTCTests where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as U
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Simplex.Chat.Mobile
import Simplex.Chat.Mobile.WebRTC
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hspec
webRTCTests :: SpecWith FilePath
webRTCTests = describe "WebRTC crypto" $ do
it "encrypts and decrypts media" $ \tmp -> do
Right c <- chatMigrateInit (tmp </> "1") "" "yesUp"
cc <- newStablePtr c
key <- U.encode <$> getRandomBytes 32
frame <- getRandomBytes 1000
Right frame' <- runExceptT $ chatEncryptMedia cc key $ frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
B.length frame' `shouldBe` B.length frame + reservedSize
Right frame'' <- runExceptT $ chatDecryptMedia key frame'
frame'' `shouldBe` frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
it "should fail on invalid frame size" $ \tmp -> do
Right c <- chatMigrateInit (tmp </> "1") "" "yesUp"
cc <- newStablePtr c
key <- U.encode <$> getRandomBytes 32
frame <- getRandomBytes 10
runExceptT (chatEncryptMedia cc key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space for] IV and/or auth tag"
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space for] IV and/or auth tag"
it "should fail on invalid key" $ \tmp -> do
Right c <- chatMigrateInit (tmp </> "1") "" "yesUp"
cc <- newStablePtr c
let key = B.replicate 32 '#'
frame <- (<> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL') <$> getRandomBytes 100
runExceptT (chatEncryptMedia cc key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "invalid key: invalid character at offset: 0"
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "invalid key: invalid character at offset: 0"
it "should fail on invalid auth tag" $ \tmp -> do
Right c <- chatMigrateInit (tmp </> "1") "" "yesUp"
cc <- newStablePtr c
key <- U.encode <$> getRandomBytes 32
frame <- getRandomBytes 1000
Right frame' <- runExceptT $ chatEncryptMedia cc key $ frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
Right frame'' <- runExceptT $ chatDecryptMedia key frame'
frame'' `shouldBe` frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
let (encFrame, rest) = B.splitAt (B.length frame' - reservedSize) frame
(_tag, iv) = B.splitAt C.authTagSize rest
badFrame = encFrame <> B.replicate C.authTagSize '\NUL' <> iv
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key badFrame) `shouldReturn` Left "AESDecryptError"