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synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module RemoteTests where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Logger.Simple
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (versionNumber)
import qualified Simplex.Chat.Controller as Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Mobile.File
import Simplex.Chat.Remote (remoteFilesFolder)
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFileArgs (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String (strEncode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
import UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.Concurrent
import UnliftIO.Directory
remoteTests :: SpecWith TestParams
remoteTests = describe "Remote" $ do
describe "protocol handshake" $ do
it "connects with new pairing (stops mobile)" $ remoteHandshakeTest False
it "connects with new pairing (stops desktop)" $ remoteHandshakeTest True
it "connects with stored pairing" remoteHandshakeStoredTest
it "connects with multicast discovery" remoteHandshakeDiscoverTest
it "refuses invalid client cert" remoteHandshakeRejectTest
it "connects with stored server bindings" storedBindingsTest
it "sends messages" remoteMessageTest
describe "remote files" $ do
it "store/get/send/receive files" remoteStoreFileTest
it "should send files from CLI without /store" remoteCLIFileTest
it "switches remote hosts" switchRemoteHostTest
it "indicates remote hosts" indicateRemoteHostTest
it "works with multiple profiles" multipleProfilesTest
-- * Chat commands
remoteHandshakeTest :: HasCallStack => Bool -> TestParams -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeTest viaDesktop = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "No remote hosts"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "No remote controllers"
startRemote mobile desktop
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <## "1. Mobile (connected)"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "Remote controllers:"
mobile <## "1. My desktop (connected)"
if viaDesktop then stopDesktop mobile desktop else stopMobile mobile desktop
desktop ##> "/delete remote host 1"
desktop <## "ok"
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "No remote hosts"
mobile ##> "/delete remote ctrl 1"
mobile <## "ok"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "No remote controllers"
remoteHandshakeStoredTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeStoredTest = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
logNote "Starting new session"
startRemote mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
logNote "Starting stored session"
startRemoteStored mobile desktop
stopDesktop mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <## "1. Mobile"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "Remote controllers:"
mobile <## "1. My desktop"
logNote "Starting stored session again"
startRemoteStored mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
remoteHandshakeDiscoverTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeDiscoverTest = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
logNote "Preparing new session"
startRemote mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
logNote "Starting stored session with multicast"
startRemoteDiscover mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
remoteHandshakeRejectTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeRejectTest = testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop mobileBob -> do
logNote "Starting new session"
startRemote mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop
mobileBob ##> "/set device name MobileBob"
mobileBob <## "ok"
desktop ##> "/start remote host 1"
desktop <##. "remote host 1 started on "
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobileBob ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobileBob <## ("connecting new remote controller: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
mobileBob <## "remote controller stopped: this link was used with another controller, please create a new link on the host"
-- the server remains active after rejecting invalid client
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## ("connecting remote controller 1: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
desktop <## "remote host 1 connecting"
desktop <## "Compare session code with host:"
sessId <- getTermLine desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connected"
mobile <## "Compare session code with controller and use:"
mobile <## ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile ##> ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
stopMobile mobile desktop
storedBindingsTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
storedBindingsTest = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
desktop ##> "/set device name My desktop"
desktop <## "ok"
mobile ##> "/set device name Mobile"
mobile <## "ok"
desktop ##> "/start remote host new addr= iface=\"lo\" port=52230"
desktop <##. "new remote host started on" -- TODO: show ip?
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## ("connecting new remote controller: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
desktop <## "new remote host connecting"
mobile <## "new remote controller connected"
verifyRemoteCtrl mobile desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "new remote host 1 added: Mobile"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <##. "1. Mobile (connected) ["
stopDesktop mobile desktop
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <##. "1. Mobile ["
-- TODO: more parser tests
remoteMessageTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteMessageTest = testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob -> do
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
logNote "sending messages"
desktop #> "@bob hello there 🙂"
bob <# "alice> hello there 🙂"
bob #> "@alice hi"
desktop <# "bob> hi"
logNote "post-remote checks"
stopMobile mobile desktop
mobile ##> "/contacts"
mobile <## "bob (Bob)"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice)"
desktop ##> "/contacts"
-- empty contact list on desktop-local
threadDelay 1000000
logNote "done"
remoteStoreFileTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteStoreFileTest =
testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob ->
withXFTPServer $ do
let mobileFiles = "./tests/tmp/mobile_files"
mobile ##> ("/_files_folder " <> mobileFiles)
mobile <## "ok"
let desktopFiles = "./tests/tmp/desktop_files"
desktop ##> ("/_files_folder " <> desktopFiles)
desktop <## "ok"
let desktopHostFiles = "./tests/tmp/remote_hosts_data"
desktop ##> ("/remote_hosts_folder " <> desktopHostFiles)
desktop <## "ok"
let bobFiles = "./tests/tmp/bob_files"
bob ##> ("/_files_folder " <> bobFiles)
bob <## "ok"
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
rhs <- readTVarIO (Controller.remoteHostSessions $ chatController desktop)
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup (RHId 1) rhs of
Just (_, RHSessionConnected {storePath}) -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> remoteFilesFolder
_ -> fail "Host session 1 should be started"
desktop ##> "/store remote file 1 tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
desktop <## "file test.pdf stored on remote host 1"
src <- B.readFile "tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
B.readFile (mobileFiles </> "test.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
B.readFile (desktopHostStore </> "test.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
desktop ##> "/store remote file 1 tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
desktop <## "file test_1.pdf stored on remote host 1"
B.readFile (mobileFiles </> "test_1.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
B.readFile (desktopHostStore </> "test_1.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
desktop ##> "/store remote file 1 encrypt=on tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
desktop <## "file test_2.pdf stored on remote host 1"
Just cfArgs@(CFArgs key nonce) <- J.decode . LB.pack <$> getTermLine desktop
chatReadFile (mobileFiles </> "test_2.pdf") (strEncode key) (strEncode nonce) `shouldReturn` Right (LB.fromStrict src)
chatReadFile (desktopHostStore </> "test_2.pdf") (strEncode key) (strEncode nonce) `shouldReturn` Right (LB.fromStrict src)
removeFile (desktopHostStore </> "test_1.pdf")
removeFile (desktopHostStore </> "test_2.pdf")
-- cannot get file before it is used
desktop ##> "/get remote file 1 {\"userId\": 1, \"fileId\": 1, \"sent\": true, \"fileSource\": {\"filePath\": \"test_1.pdf\"}}"
hostError desktop "SEFileNotFound"
-- send file not encrypted locally on mobile host
desktop ##> "/_send @2 json [{\"filePath\": \"test_1.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"file\", \"text\": \"sending a file\"}}]"
desktop <# "@bob sending a file"
desktop <# "/f @bob test_1.pdf"
desktop <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> sending a file"
bob <# "alice> sends file test_1.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1"
[ do
desktop <## "completed uploading file 1 (test_1.pdf) for bob",
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to test_1.pdf"
bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from alice"
B.readFile (bobFiles </> "test_1.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
-- returns error for inactive user
desktop ##> "/get remote file 1 {\"userId\": 2, \"fileId\": 1, \"sent\": true, \"fileSource\": {\"filePath\": \"test_1.pdf\"}}"
hostError desktop "CEDifferentActiveUser"
-- returns error with incorrect file ID
desktop ##> "/get remote file 1 {\"userId\": 1, \"fileId\": 2, \"sent\": true, \"fileSource\": {\"filePath\": \"test_1.pdf\"}}"
hostError desktop "SEFileNotFound"
-- gets file
doesFileExist (desktopHostStore </> "test_1.pdf") `shouldReturn` False
desktop ##> "/get remote file 1 {\"userId\": 1, \"fileId\": 1, \"sent\": true, \"fileSource\": {\"filePath\": \"test_1.pdf\"}}"
desktop <## "ok"
B.readFile (desktopHostStore </> "test_1.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
-- send file encrypted locally on mobile host
desktop ##> ("/_send @2 json [{\"fileSource\": {\"filePath\":\"test_2.pdf\", \"cryptoArgs\": " <> LB.unpack (J.encode cfArgs) <> "}, \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"file\", \"text\": \"\"}}]")
desktop <# "/f @bob test_2.pdf"
desktop <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> sends file test_2.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 2 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 2"
[ do
desktop <## "completed uploading file 2 (test_2.pdf) for bob",
bob <## "saving file 2 from alice to test_2.pdf"
bob <## "started receiving file 2 (test_2.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 2 (test_2.pdf) from alice"
B.readFile (bobFiles </> "test_2.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
-- receive file via remote host
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg" (bobFiles </> "test.jpg")
bob #> "/f @alice test.jpg"
bob <## "use /fc 3 to cancel sending"
desktop <# "bob> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
desktop <## "use /fr 3 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
desktop ##> "/fr 3 encrypt=on"
[ do
bob <## "completed uploading file 3 (test.jpg) for alice",
desktop <## "saving file 3 from bob to test.jpg"
desktop <## "started receiving file 3 (test.jpg) from bob"
desktop <## "completed receiving file 3 (test.jpg) from bob"
Just cfArgs'@(CFArgs key' nonce') <- J.decode . LB.pack <$> getTermLine desktop
desktop <## "File received to connected remote host 1"
desktop <## "To download to this device use:"
getCmd <- getTermLine desktop
getCmd `shouldBe` ("/get remote file 1 {\"userId\":1,\"fileId\":3,\"sent\":false,\"fileSource\":{\"filePath\":\"test.jpg\",\"cryptoArgs\":" <> LB.unpack (J.encode cfArgs') <> "}}")
src' <- B.readFile (bobFiles </> "test.jpg")
chatReadFile (mobileFiles </> "test.jpg") (strEncode key') (strEncode nonce') `shouldReturn` Right (LB.fromStrict src')
doesFileExist (desktopHostStore </> "test.jpg") `shouldReturn` False
-- returns error with incorrect key
desktop ##> "/get remote file 1 {\"userId\": 1, \"fileId\": 3, \"sent\": false, \"fileSource\": {\"filePath\": \"test.jpg\", \"cryptoArgs\": null}}"
hostError desktop "SEFileNotFound"
doesFileExist (desktopHostStore </> "test.jpg") `shouldReturn` False
desktop ##> getCmd
desktop <## "ok"
chatReadFile (desktopHostStore </> "test.jpg") (strEncode key') (strEncode nonce') `shouldReturn` Right (LB.fromStrict src')
stopMobile mobile desktop
hostError cc err = do
r <- getTermLine cc
r `shouldStartWith` "remote host 1 error"
r `shouldContain` err
remoteCLIFileTest :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
remoteCLIFileTest = testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob -> withXFTPServer $ do
let mobileFiles = "./tests/tmp/mobile_files"
mobile ##> ("/_files_folder " <> mobileFiles)
mobile <## "ok"
let bobFiles = "./tests/tmp/bob_files/"
createDirectoryIfMissing True bobFiles
let desktopHostFiles = "./tests/tmp/remote_hosts_data"
desktop ##> ("/remote_hosts_folder " <> desktopHostFiles)
desktop <## "ok"
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
rhs <- readTVarIO (Controller.remoteHostSessions $ chatController desktop)
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup (RHId 1) rhs of
Just (_, RHSessionConnected {storePath}) -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> remoteFilesFolder
_ -> fail "Host session 1 should be started"
mobileName <- userName mobile
bob #> ("/f @" <> mobileName <> " " <> "tests/fixtures/test.pdf")
bob <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
desktop <# "bob> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
desktop <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
desktop ##> "/fr 1"
[ do
bob <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.pdf) for alice",
desktop <## "saving file 1 from bob to test.pdf"
desktop <## "started receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from bob"
desktop <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from bob"
desktop <## "File received to connected remote host 1"
desktop <## "To download to this device use:"
getCmd <- getTermLine desktop
src <- B.readFile "tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
B.readFile (mobileFiles </> "test.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
doesFileExist (desktopHostStore </> "test.pdf") `shouldReturn` False
desktop ##> getCmd
desktop <## "ok"
B.readFile (desktopHostStore </> "test.pdf") `shouldReturn` src
desktop `send` "/f @bob tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
desktop <# "/f @bob test.jpg"
desktop <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 2 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> ("/fr 2 " <> bobFiles)
[ do
desktop <## "completed uploading file 2 (test.jpg) for bob",
bob <## "saving file 2 from alice to ./tests/tmp/bob_files/test.jpg"
bob <## "started receiving file 2 (test.jpg) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 2 (test.jpg) from alice"
src' <- B.readFile "tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
B.readFile (mobileFiles </> "test.jpg") `shouldReturn` src'
B.readFile (desktopHostStore </> "test.jpg") `shouldReturn` src'
B.readFile (bobFiles </> "test.jpg") `shouldReturn` src'
stopMobile mobile desktop
switchRemoteHostTest :: TestParams -> IO ()
switchRemoteHostTest = testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob -> do
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
desktop ##> "/contacts"
desktop <## "bob (Bob)"
desktop ##> "/switch remote host local"
desktop <## "Using local profile"
desktop ##> "/contacts"
desktop ##> "/switch remote host 1"
desktop <## "Using remote host 1 (Mobile)"
desktop ##> "/contacts"
desktop <## "bob (Bob)"
desktop ##> "/switch remote host 123"
desktop <## "no remote host 123"
stopDesktop mobile desktop
desktop ##> "/contacts"
desktop ##> "/switch remote host 1"
desktop <## "remote host 1 error: RHEInactive"
desktop ##> "/contacts"
indicateRemoteHostTest :: TestParams -> IO ()
indicateRemoteHostTest = testChat4 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile cathProfile $ \mobile desktop bob cath -> do
connectUsers desktop cath
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
-- remote contact -> remote host
bob #> "@alice hi"
desktop <#. "bob> hi"
-- local -> remote
cath #> "@alice_desktop hello"
(desktop, "[local] ") ^<# "cath> hello"
-- local -> local
desktop ##> "/switch remote host local"
desktop <## "Using local profile"
desktop <##> cath
-- local -> remote
bob #> "@alice what's up?"
(desktop, "[remote: 1] ") ^<# "bob> what's up?"
-- local -> local after disconnect
stopDesktop mobile desktop
desktop <##> cath
cath <##> desktop
multipleProfilesTest :: TestParams -> IO ()
multipleProfilesTest = testChat4 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile cathProfile $ \mobile desktop bob cath -> do
connectUsers desktop cath
desktop ##> "/create user desk_bottom"
desktop <## "user profile: desk_bottom"
desktop <## "use /p <display name> to change it"
desktop <## "(the updated profile will be sent to all your contacts)"
desktop ##> "/users"
desktop <## "alice_desktop (Alice Desktop)"
desktop <## "desk_bottom (active)"
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
desktop ##> "/users"
desktop <## "alice (Alice) (active)"
desktop ##> "/create user alt_alice"
desktop <## "user profile: alt_alice"
desktop <## "use /p <display name> to change it"
desktop <## "(the updated profile will be sent to all your contacts)"
desktop ##> "/users"
desktop <## "alice (Alice)"
desktop <## "alt_alice (active)"
desktop ##> "/user"
desktop <## "user profile: alt_alice"
desktop <## "use /p <display name> to change it"
desktop <## "(the updated profile will be sent to all your contacts)"
bob #> "@alice hi"
(desktop, "[user: alice] ") ^<# "bob> hi"
cath #> "@alice_desktop hello"
(desktop, "[local, user: alice_desktop] ") ^<# "cath> hello"
desktop ##> "/switch remote host local"
desktop <## "Using local profile"
desktop ##> "/user"
desktop <## "user profile: desk_bottom"
desktop <## "use /p <display name> to change it"
desktop <## "(the updated profile will be sent to all your contacts)"
bob #> "@alice hey"
(desktop, "[remote: 1, user: alice] ") ^<# "bob> hey"
stopDesktop mobile desktop
-- * Utils
startRemote :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
startRemote mobile desktop = do
desktop ##> "/set device name My desktop"
desktop <## "ok"
mobile ##> "/set device name Mobile"
mobile <## "ok"
desktop ##> "/start remote host new"
desktop <##. "new remote host started on "
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## ("connecting new remote controller: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
desktop <## "new remote host connecting"
mobile <## "new remote controller connected"
verifyRemoteCtrl mobile desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "new remote host 1 added: Mobile"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
startRemoteStored :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
startRemoteStored mobile desktop = do
desktop ##> "/start remote host 1"
desktop <##. "remote host 1 started on "
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## ("connecting remote controller 1: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
desktop <## "remote host 1 connecting"
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connected"
verifyRemoteCtrl mobile desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
startRemoteDiscover :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
startRemoteDiscover mobile desktop = do
desktop ##> "/start remote host 1 multicast=on"
desktop <##. "remote host 1 started on "
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
_inv <- getTermLine desktop -- will use multicast instead
mobile ##> "/find remote ctrl"
mobile <## "ok"
mobile <## ("remote controller 1 found: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
mobile <## "use /confirm remote ctrl 1 to connect"
mobile ##> "/confirm remote ctrl 1"
mobile <## ("connecting remote controller 1: My desktop, v" <> versionNumber)
desktop <## "remote host 1 connecting"
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connected"
verifyRemoteCtrl mobile desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
verifyRemoteCtrl :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
verifyRemoteCtrl mobile desktop = do
desktop <## "Compare session code with host:"
sessId <- getTermLine desktop
mobile <## "Compare session code with controller and use:"
mobile <## ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile ##> ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
contactBob :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
contactBob desktop bob = do
logNote "exchanging contacts"
bob ##> "/c"
inv' <- getInvitation bob
desktop ##> ("/c " <> inv')
desktop <## "confirmation sent!"
(desktop <## "bob (Bob): contact is connected")
(bob <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected")
stopDesktop :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
stopDesktop mobile desktop = do
logWarn "stopping via desktop"
desktop ##> "/stop remote host 1"
desktop <## "ok"
eventually 3 $ mobile <## "remote controller stopped"
stopMobile :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
stopMobile mobile desktop = do
logWarn "stopping via mobile"
mobile ##> "/stop remote ctrl"
mobile <## "ok"
eventually 3 $ desktop <## "remote host 1 stopped"
-- | Run action with extended timeout
eventually :: Int -> IO a -> IO a
eventually retries action =
tryAny action >>= \case
-- TODO: only catch timeouts
Left err | retries == 0 -> throwIO err
Left _ -> eventually (retries - 1) action
Right r -> pure r