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synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
892 lines
30 KiB
892 lines
30 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-}
module ChatTests.Forward where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Library.Commands (fixedImagePreview)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (ImageData (..))
import System.Directory (copyFile, doesFileExist, removeFile)
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
chatForwardTests :: SpecWith TestParams
chatForwardTests = do
describe "forward messages" $ do
it "from contact to contact" testForwardContactToContact
it "from contact to group" testForwardContactToGroup
it "from contact to notes" testForwardContactToNotes
it "from group to contact" testForwardGroupToContact
it "from group to group" testForwardGroupToGroup
it "from group to notes" testForwardGroupToNotes
it "from notes to contact" testForwardNotesToContact
it "from notes to group" testForwardNotesToGroup
it "from notes to notes" testForwardNotesToNotes -- TODO forward between different folders when supported
describe "interactions with forwarded messages" $ do
it "preserve original forward info" testForwardPreserveInfo
it "received forwarded message is saved with new forward info" testForwardRcvMsgNewInfo
it "quoted message is not included" testForwardQuotedMsg
it "editing is prohibited" testForwardEditProhibited
it "delete for other" testForwardDeleteForOther
describe "forward files" $ do
it "from contact to contact" testForwardFileNoFilesFolder
it "with relative paths: from contact to contact" testForwardFileContactToContact
it "with relative paths: from group to notes" testForwardFileGroupToNotes
it "with relative paths: from notes to group" testForwardFileNotesToGroup
describe "multi forward api" $ do
it "from contact to contact" testForwardContactToContactMulti
it "from group to group" testForwardGroupToGroupMulti
it "with relative paths: multiple files from contact to contact" testMultiForwardFiles
testForwardContactToContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardContactToContact =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
connectUsers bob cath
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
msgId <- lastItemId alice
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice ##> ("/_forward @3 @2 " <> msgId)
alice <# "@cath <- you @bob"
alice <## " hi"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
alice `send` "@cath <- @bob hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
-- read chat
alice ##> "/tail @cath 2"
alice <# "@cath <- you @bob"
alice <## " hi"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath ##> "/tail @alice 2"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
-- item info
alice ##> "/item info @cath hey"
alice <##. "sent at: "
alice <## "message history:"
alice .<## ": hey"
alice <##. "forwarded from: @bob, chat item id:"
testForwardContactToGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardContactToGroup =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
createGroup2 "team" alice cath
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice `send` "#team <- @bob hi"
alice <# "#team <- you @bob"
alice <## " hi"
cath <# "#team alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
alice `send` "#team <- @bob hey"
alice <# "#team <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "#team alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardContactToNotes :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardContactToNotes =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
connectUsers alice bob
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice `send` "* <- @bob hi"
alice <# "* <- you @bob"
alice <## " hi"
alice `send` "* <- @bob hey"
alice <# "* <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
testForwardGroupToContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardGroupToContact =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
alice #> "#team hi"
bob <# "#team alice> hi"
bob #> "#team hey"
alice <# "#team bob> hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- #team hi"
alice <# "@cath <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
alice `send` "@cath <- #team @bob hey"
alice <# "@cath <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardGroupToGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardGroupToGroup =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
createGroup2 "club" alice cath
alice #> "#team hi"
bob <# "#team alice> hi"
bob #> "#team hey"
alice <# "#team bob> hey"
threadDelay 1000000
alice `send` "#club <- #team hi"
alice <# "#club <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
threadDelay 1000000
alice `send` "#club <- #team hey"
alice <# "#club <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
-- read chat
alice ##> "/tail #club 2"
alice <# "#club <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
alice <# "#club <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
cath ##> "/tail #club 2"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardGroupToNotes :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardGroupToNotes =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
alice #> "#team hi"
bob <# "#team alice> hi"
bob #> "#team hey"
alice <# "#team bob> hey"
alice `send` "* <- #team hi"
alice <# "* <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
alice `send` "* <- #team hey"
alice <# "* <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
testForwardNotesToContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardNotesToContact =
testChat2 aliceProfile cathProfile $
\alice cath -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
connectUsers alice cath
alice >* "hi"
alice `send` "@cath <- * hi"
alice <# "@cath hi"
cath <# "alice> hi"
testForwardNotesToGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardNotesToGroup =
testChat2 aliceProfile cathProfile $
\alice cath -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
createGroup2 "team" alice cath
alice >* "hi"
alice `send` "#team <- * hi"
alice <# "#team hi"
cath <# "#team alice> hi"
testForwardNotesToNotes :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardNotesToNotes ps =
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
alice >* "hi"
alice `send` "* <- * hi"
alice <# "* hi"
alice ##> "/tail * 2"
alice <# "* hi"
alice <# "* hi"
testForwardPreserveInfo :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardPreserveInfo =
testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile $
\alice bob cath dan -> do
createCCNoteFolder alice
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
createGroup2 "team" alice dan
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice `send` "* <- @bob hey"
alice <# "* <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- * hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
alice `send` "#team <- @cath hey"
alice <# "#team <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
dan <# "#team alice> -> forwarded"
dan <## " hey"
testForwardRcvMsgNewInfo :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardRcvMsgNewInfo =
testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile $
\alice bob cath dan -> do
connectUsers bob dan
createCCNoteFolder alice
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
dan #> "@bob hey"
bob <# "dan> hey"
bob `send` "@alice <- @dan hey"
bob <# "@alice <- @dan"
bob <## " hey"
alice <# "bob> -> forwarded"
alice <## " hey"
alice `send` "* <- @bob hey"
alice <# "* <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- * hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardQuotedMsg :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardQuotedMsg =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob `send` "> @alice (hi) hey"
bob <# "@alice > hi"
bob <## " hey"
alice <# "bob> > hi"
alice <## " hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- @bob hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
-- read chat
alice ##> "/tail @cath 1"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath ##> "/tail @alice 1"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardEditProhibited :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardEditProhibited =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- @bob hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
msgId <- lastItemId alice
alice ##> ("/_update item @3 " <> msgId <> " text hey edited")
alice <## "cannot update this item"
testForwardDeleteForOther :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardDeleteForOther =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice `send` "@cath <- @bob hey"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
msgId <- lastItemId alice
alice ##> ("/_delete item @3 " <> msgId <> " broadcast")
alice <## "message marked deleted"
cath <# "alice> [marked deleted] hey"
testForwardFileNoFilesFolder :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardFileNoFilesFolder =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers bob cath
-- send original file
alice ##> "/_send @2 json [{\"filePath\": \"./tests/fixtures/test.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"hi\"}}]"
alice <# "@bob hi"
alice <# "/f @bob ./tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp"
[ alice <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.pdf) for bob",
<### [ "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.pdf"
dest `shouldBe` src
-- forward file
bob `send` "@cath <- @alice hi"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## " hi"
bob <# "/f @cath ./tests/tmp/test.pdf"
bob <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "bob> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp"
[ bob <## "completed uploading file 2 (test.pdf) for cath",
<### [ "saving file 1 from bob to ./tests/tmp/test_1.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from bob"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from bob"
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test_1.pdf"
dest2 `shouldBe` src
testForwardFileContactToContact :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardFileContactToContact =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
setRelativePaths alice "./tests/fixtures" "./tests/tmp/alice_xftp"
setRelativePaths bob "./tests/tmp/bob_files" "./tests/tmp/bob_xftp"
setRelativePaths cath "./tests/tmp/cath_files" "./tests/tmp/cath_xftp"
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers bob cath
-- send original file
alice ##> "/_send @2 json [{\"filePath\": \"test.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"hi\"}}]"
alice <# "@bob hi"
alice <# "/f @bob test.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> hi"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1"
[ alice <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.pdf) for bob",
<### [ "saving file 1 from alice to test.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/bob_files/test.pdf"
dest `shouldBe` src
-- forward file
bob `send` "@cath <- @alice hi"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## " hi"
bob <# "/f @cath test_1.pdf"
bob <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "bob> sends file test_1.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath ##> "/fr 1"
[ bob <## "completed uploading file 2 (test_1.pdf) for cath",
<### [ "saving file 1 from bob to test_1.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from bob"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from bob"
src2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/bob_files/test_1.pdf"
src2 `shouldBe` dest
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test_1.pdf"
dest2 `shouldBe` src2
-- deleting original file doesn't delete forwarded file
checkActionDeletesFile "./tests/tmp/bob_files/test.pdf" $ do
bob ##> "/clear alice"
bob <## "alice: all messages are removed locally ONLY"
fwdFileExists <- doesFileExist "./tests/tmp/bob_files/test_1.pdf"
fwdFileExists `shouldBe` True
testForwardFileGroupToNotes :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardFileGroupToNotes =
testChat2 aliceProfile cathProfile $
\alice cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
setRelativePaths alice "./tests/fixtures" "./tests/tmp/alice_xftp"
setRelativePaths cath "./tests/tmp/cath_files" "./tests/tmp/cath_xftp"
createGroup2 "team" alice cath
createCCNoteFolder cath
-- send original file
alice ##> "/_send #1 json [{\"filePath\": \"test.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"hi\"}}]"
alice <# "#team hi"
alice <# "/f #team test.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
cath <# "#team alice> hi"
cath <# "#team alice> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath ##> "/fr 1"
[ alice <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.pdf) for #team",
<### [ "saving file 1 from alice to test.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.pdf) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test.pdf"
dest `shouldBe` src
-- forward file
cath `send` "* <- #team hi"
cath <# "* <- #team"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "* file 2 (test_1.pdf)"
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test_1.pdf"
dest2 `shouldBe` dest
-- deleting original file doesn't delete forwarded file
checkActionDeletesFile "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test.pdf" $ do
cath ##> "/clear #team"
cath <## "#team: all messages are removed locally ONLY"
fwdFileExists <- doesFileExist "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test_1.pdf"
fwdFileExists `shouldBe` True
testForwardFileNotesToGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardFileNotesToGroup =
testChat2 aliceProfile cathProfile $
\alice cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
setRelativePaths alice "./tests/tmp/alice_files" "./tests/tmp/alice_xftp"
setRelativePaths cath "./tests/tmp/cath_files" "./tests/tmp/cath_xftp"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.pdf" "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test.pdf"
createCCNoteFolder alice
createGroup2 "team" alice cath
-- create original file
alice ##> "/_create *1 json [{\"filePath\": \"test.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"hi\"}}]"
alice <# "* hi"
alice <# "* file 1 (test.pdf)"
-- forward file
alice `send` "#team <- * hi"
alice <# "#team hi"
alice <# "/f #team test_1.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
cath <# "#team alice> hi"
cath <# "#team alice> sends file test_1.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath ##> "/fr 1"
[ alice <## "completed uploading file 2 (test_1.pdf) for #team",
<### [ "saving file 1 from alice to test_1.pdf",
"started receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from alice"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test_1.pdf) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test.pdf"
src2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test_1.pdf"
src2 `shouldBe` src
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/cath_files/test_1.pdf"
dest2 `shouldBe` src2
-- deleting original file doesn't delete forwarded file
checkActionDeletesFile "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test.pdf" $ do
alice ##> "/clear *"
alice <## "notes: all messages are removed"
fwdFileExists <- doesFileExist "./tests/tmp/alice_files/test_1.pdf"
fwdFileExists `shouldBe` True
testForwardContactToContactMulti :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardContactToContactMulti =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers alice cath
connectUsers bob cath
alice #> "@bob hi"
bob <# "alice> hi"
msgId1 <- lastItemId alice
threadDelay 1000000
bob #> "@alice hey"
alice <# "bob> hey"
msgId2 <- lastItemId alice
alice ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgId1 <> "," <> msgId2)
alice <## "all messages can be forwarded"
alice ##> ("/_forward @3 @2 " <> msgId1 <> "," <> msgId2)
alice <# "@cath <- you @bob"
alice <## " hi"
alice <# "@cath <- @bob"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testForwardGroupToGroupMulti :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardGroupToGroupMulti =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
createGroup2 "club" alice cath
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "#team hi"
bob <# "#team alice> hi"
msgId1 <- lastItemId alice
threadDelay 1000000
bob #> "#team hey"
alice <# "#team bob> hey"
msgId2 <- lastItemId alice
alice ##> ("/_forward plan #1 " <> msgId1 <> "," <> msgId2)
alice <## "all messages can be forwarded"
alice ##> ("/_forward #2 #1 " <> msgId1 <> "," <> msgId2)
alice <# "#club <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
alice <# "#club <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
-- read chat
alice ##> "/tail #club 2"
alice <# "#club <- you #team"
alice <## " hi"
alice <# "#club <- #team"
alice <## " hey"
cath ##> "/tail #club 2"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "#club alice> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hey"
testMultiForwardFiles :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMultiForwardFiles =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
setRelativePaths alice "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files" "./tests/tmp/alice_xftp"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg" "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/test.jpg"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.pdf" "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/test.pdf"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test_1MB.pdf" "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/test_1MB.pdf"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/logo.jpg" "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/logo.jpg"
setRelativePaths bob "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files" "./tests/tmp/bob_xftp"
setRelativePaths cath "./tests/tmp/cath_app_files" "./tests/tmp/cath_xftp"
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers bob cath
threadDelay 1000000
msgIdZero <- lastItemId bob
bob #> "@alice hi"
alice <# "bob> hi"
-- send original files
let cm1 = "{\"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"text\": \"message without file\"}}"
ImageData img = fixedImagePreview
cm2 = "{\"filePath\": \"test.jpg\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"image\", \"image\":\"" <> T.unpack img <> "\", \"text\": \"\"}}"
cm3 = "{\"filePath\": \"test.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"file\", \"text\": \"\"}}"
cm4 = "{\"filePath\": \"test_1MB.pdf\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"file\", \"text\": \"message with large file\"}}"
cm5 = "{\"filePath\": \"logo.jpg\", \"msgContent\": {\"type\": \"image\", \"image\":\"" <> T.unpack img <> "\", \"text\": \"\"}}"
alice ##> ("/_send @2 json [" <> intercalate "," [cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4, cm5] <> "]")
alice <# "@bob message without file"
alice <# "/f @bob test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
alice <# "/f @bob test.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 2 to cancel sending"
alice <# "@bob message with large file"
alice <# "/f @bob test_1MB.pdf"
alice <## "use /fc 3 to cancel sending"
alice <# "/f @bob logo.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 4 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> message without file"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 2 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob <# "alice> message with large file"
bob <# "alice> sends file test_1MB.pdf (1017.7 KiB / 1042157 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 3 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob <# "alice> sends file logo.jpg (31.3 KiB / 32080 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 4 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
alice <## "completed uploading file 1 (test.jpg) for bob"
alice <## "completed uploading file 2 (test.pdf) for bob"
alice <## "completed uploading file 3 (test_1MB.pdf) for bob"
alice <## "completed uploading file 4 (logo.jpg) for bob"
-- IDs to forward
let msgId1 = (read msgIdZero :: Int) + 1
msgIds = intercalate "," $ map (show . (msgId1 +)) [0 .. 5]
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "Files can be received: 1, 2, 3, 4"
bob <## "5 message(s) out of 6 can be forwarded"
bob ##> "/fr 1"
<### [ "saving file 1 from alice to test.jpg",
"started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "Files can be received: 2, 3, 4"
bob <## "5 message(s) out of 6 can be forwarded"
bob ##> "/fr 2"
<### [ "saving file 2 from alice to test.pdf",
"started receiving file 2 (test.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 2 (test.pdf) from alice"
src1 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/test.jpg"
dest1 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test.jpg"
dest1 `shouldBe` src1
src2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/alice_app_files/test.pdf"
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test.pdf"
dest2 `shouldBe` src2
-- forward file
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "Files can be received: 3, 4"
bob <## "all messages can be forwarded"
bob ##> ("/_forward @3 @2 " <> msgIds)
-- messages printed for bob
bob <# "@cath <- you @alice"
bob <## " hi"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## " message without file"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
jpgFileName <- T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack <$> getTermLine bob
bob <# ("/f @cath " <> jpgFileName)
bob <## "use /fc 5 to cancel sending"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## " test_1.pdf"
bob <# "/f @cath test_1.pdf"
bob <## "use /fc 6 to cancel sending"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## " message with large file"
bob <# "@cath <- @alice"
bob <## ""
-- messages printed for cath
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hi"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " message without file"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## (" " <> jpgFileName)
cath <# ("bob> sends file " <> jpgFileName <> " (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)")
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " test_1.pdf"
cath <# "bob> sends file test_1.pdf (266.0 KiB / 272376 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 2 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## " message with large file"
cath <# "bob> -> forwarded"
cath <## ""
-- file transfer
bob <## ("completed uploading file 5 (" <> jpgFileName <> ") for cath")
bob <## "completed uploading file 6 (test_1.pdf) for cath"
cath ##> "/fr 1"
<### [ ConsoleString $ "saving file 1 from bob to " <> jpgFileName,
ConsoleString $ "started receiving file 1 (" <> jpgFileName <> ") from bob"
cath <## ("completed receiving file 1 (" <> jpgFileName <> ") from bob")
cath ##> "/fr 2"
<### [ "saving file 2 from bob to test_1.pdf",
"started receiving file 2 (test_1.pdf) from bob"
cath <## "completed receiving file 2 (test_1.pdf) from bob"
src1B <- B.readFile ("./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/" <> jpgFileName)
src1B `shouldBe` dest1
dest1C <- B.readFile ("./tests/tmp/cath_app_files/" <> jpgFileName)
dest1C `shouldBe` src1B
src2B <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test_1.pdf"
src2B `shouldBe` dest2
dest2C <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/cath_app_files/test_1.pdf"
dest2C `shouldBe` src2B
bob ##> "/fr 3"
<### [ "saving file 3 from alice to test_1MB.pdf",
"started receiving file 3 (test_1MB.pdf) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 3 (test_1MB.pdf) from alice"
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "Files can be received: 4"
bob <## "all messages can be forwarded"
bob ##> "/fr 4"
<### [ "saving file 4 from alice to logo.jpg",
"started receiving file 4 (logo.jpg) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 4 (logo.jpg) from alice"
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "all messages can be forwarded"
removeFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test_1MB.pdf"
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "1 file(s) are missing"
bob <## "all messages can be forwarded"
removeFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test.pdf"
bob ##> ("/_forward plan @2 " <> msgIds)
bob <## "2 file(s) are missing"
bob <## "5 message(s) out of 6 can be forwarded"
-- deleting original file doesn't delete forwarded file
checkActionDeletesFile "./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/test.jpg" $ do
bob ##> "/clear alice"
bob <## "alice: all messages are removed locally ONLY"
fwdFileExists <- doesFileExist ("./tests/tmp/bob_app_files/" <> jpgFileName)
fwdFileExists `shouldBe` True