mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00

* core: member acceptance * migration * move hook * core: support sending direct messages to members (#5680) * fix compilation, todos * fix test * predicates * comment * extend hook * wip * wip * wip * wip * fix test * mute output * schema * better query * plans * fix test * directory * captcha * captcha works * remove column, add UI types and group status icon * fix test * query plans * exclude messages of pending members from history * commands for filter settings * core: separately delete pending approval members; other apis validation (#5699) * accepted status * send captcha messages as replies * fix blocked words * simpler filter info * info about /filter and /role after group registration * update query plans --------- Co-authored-by: spaced4ndy <8711996+spaced4ndy@users.noreply.github.com>
1267 lines
62 KiB
1267 lines
62 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PostfixOperators #-}
module Bots.DirectoryTests where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Directory.Events as DE
import Directory.Options
import Directory.Service
import Directory.Store
import GHC.IO.Handle (hClose)
import Simplex.Chat.Bot.KnownContacts
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options (CoreChatOpts (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Options.DB
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Profile (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared (GroupMemberRole (..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
directoryServiceTests :: SpecWith TestParams
directoryServiceTests = do
it "should register group" testDirectoryService
it "should suspend and resume group, send message to owner" testSuspendResume
it "should delete group registration" testDeleteGroup
it "should change initial member role" testSetRole
it "should join found group via link" testJoinGroup
it "should support group names with spaces" testGroupNameWithSpaces
it "should return more groups in search, all and recent groups" testSearchGroups
it "should invite to owners' group if specified" testInviteToOwnersGroup
describe "de-listing the group" $ do
it "should de-list if owner leaves the group" testDelistedOwnerLeaves
it "should de-list if owner is removed from the group" testDelistedOwnerRemoved
it "should NOT de-list if another member leaves the group" testNotDelistedMemberLeaves
it "should NOT de-list if another member is removed from the group" testNotDelistedMemberRemoved
it "should de-list if service is removed from the group" testDelistedServiceRemoved
it "should de-list if group is deleted" testDelistedGroupDeleted
it "should de-list/re-list when service/owner roles change" testDelistedRoleChanges
it "should NOT de-list if another member role changes" testNotDelistedMemberRoleChanged
it "should NOT send to approval if roles are incorrect" testNotSentApprovalBadRoles
it "should NOT allow approving if roles are incorrect" testNotApprovedBadRoles
describe "should require re-approval if profile is changed by" $ do
it "the registration owner" testRegOwnerChangedProfile
it "another owner" testAnotherOwnerChangedProfile -- TODO fix - doesn't work if another owner is not connected as contact
describe "should require profile update if group link is removed by " $ do
it "the registration owner" testRegOwnerRemovedLink
it "another owner" testAnotherOwnerRemovedLink -- TODO fix - doesn't work if another owner is not connected as contact
describe "duplicate groups (same display name and full name)" $ do
it "should ask for confirmation if a duplicate group is submitted" testDuplicateAskConfirmation
it "should prohibit registration if a duplicate group is listed" testDuplicateProhibitRegistration
it "should prohibit confirmation if a duplicate group is listed" testDuplicateProhibitConfirmation
it "should prohibit when profile is updated and not send for approval" testDuplicateProhibitWhenUpdated
it "should prohibit approval if a duplicate group is listed" testDuplicateProhibitApproval
describe "list groups" $ do
it "should list user's groups" testListUserGroups
describe "store log" $ do
it "should restore directory service state" testRestoreDirectory
directoryProfile :: Profile
directoryProfile = Profile {displayName = "SimpleX-Directory", fullName = "", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = Nothing}
mkDirectoryOpts :: TestParams -> [KnownContact] -> Maybe KnownGroup -> DirectoryOpts
mkDirectoryOpts TestParams {tmpPath = ps} superUsers ownersGroup =
{ coreOptions =
{ dbOptions =
(dbOptions testCoreOpts)
#if defined(dbPostgres)
{dbSchemaPrefix = "client_" <> serviceDbPrefix}
{dbFilePrefix = ps </> serviceDbPrefix}
adminUsers = [],
blockedFragmentsFile = Nothing,
blockedWordsFile = Nothing,
blockedExtensionRules = Nothing,
nameSpellingFile = Nothing,
profileNameLimit = maxBound,
captchaGenerator = Nothing,
directoryLog = Just $ ps </> "directory_service.log",
serviceName = "SimpleX-Directory",
runCLI = False,
searchResults = 3,
testing = True
serviceDbPrefix :: FilePath
serviceDbPrefix = "directory_service"
viewName :: String -> String
viewName = T.unpack . DE.viewName . T.pack
testDirectoryService :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDirectoryService ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory privacy"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > privacy"
bob <## " No groups found"
-- putStrLn "*** create a group"
bob ##> "/g PSA Privacy, Security & Anonymity"
bob <## "group #PSA (Privacy, Security & Anonymity) is created"
bob <## "to add members use /a PSA <name> or /create link #PSA"
bob ##> "/a PSA SimpleX-Directory member"
bob <## "invitation to join the group #PSA sent to SimpleX-Directory"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> You must grant directory service admin role to register the group"
bob ##> "/mr PSA SimpleX-Directory admin"
-- putStrLn "*** discover service joins group and creates the link for profile"
bob <## "#PSA: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to admin"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Joining the group PSA…"
bob <## "#PSA: SimpleX-Directory joined the group"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Joined the group PSA, creating the link…"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Created the public link to join the group via this directory service that is always online."
bob <## ""
bob <## "Please add it to the group welcome message."
bob <## "For example, add:"
welcomeWithLink <- dropStrPrefix "SimpleX-Directory> " . dropTime <$> getTermLine bob
-- putStrLn "*** update profile without link"
updateGroupProfile bob "Welcome!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The profile updated for ID 1 (PSA), but the group link is not added to the welcome message."
(superUser </)
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it has link"
updateGroupProfile bob welcomeWithLink
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink (1 :: Int)
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it still has link"
let welcomeWithLink' = "Welcome! " <> welcomeWithLink
updateGroupProfile bob welcomeWithLink'
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (PSA) is updated!"
bob <## "It is hidden from the directory until approved."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (PSA) is updated."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink' (2 :: Int)
-- putStrLn "*** try approving with the old registration code"
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:PSA 1"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:PSA 1"
bob <## " You are not allowed to use this command"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <## " Incorrect approval code"
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it has no link"
updateGroupProfile bob "Welcome!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is removed from the welcome message."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is hidden from the directory until the group link is added and the group is re-approved."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link is removed from ID 1 (PSA), de-listed."
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:PSA 2"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:PSA 2"
superUser <## " Error: the group ID 1 (PSA) is not pending approval."
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it has link again"
updateGroupProfile bob welcomeWithLink'
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink' (1 :: Int)
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /pending"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /pending"
superUser <## " 1 registered group(s)"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. PSA (Privacy, Security & Anonymity)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Welcome! Link to join the group PSA: "
superUser <## "Owner: bob"
superUser <## "2 members"
superUser <## "Status: pending admin approval"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <## " Group approved!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (PSA) is approved and listed in directory!"
bob <## "Please note: if you change the group profile it will be hidden from directory until it is re-approved."
bob <## ""
bob <## "Use /filter 1 to configure anti-spam filter and /role 1 to set default member role."
search bob "privacy" welcomeWithLink'
search bob "security" welcomeWithLink'
cath `connectVia` dsLink
search cath "privacy" welcomeWithLink'
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /exec /contacts"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /exec /contacts"
bob <## " You are not allowed to use this command"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /exec /contacts"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /exec /contacts"
superUser <## " alice (Alice)"
superUser <## "bob (Bob)"
superUser <## "cath (Catherine)"
search u s welcome = do
u #> ("@SimpleX-Directory " <> s)
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> > " <> s)
u <## " Found 1 group(s)."
u <# "SimpleX-Directory> PSA (Privacy, Security & Anonymity)"
u <## "Welcome message:"
u <## welcome
u <## "2 members"
updateGroupProfile u welcome = do
u ##> ("/set welcome #PSA " <> welcome)
u <## "description changed to:"
u <## welcome
approvalRequested su welcome grId = do
su <# "SimpleX-Directory> bob submitted the group ID 1:"
su <## "PSA (Privacy, Security & Anonymity)"
su <## "Welcome message:"
su <## welcome
su <## "2 members"
su <## ""
su <## "To approve send:"
su <# ("SimpleX-Directory> /approve 1:PSA " <> show grId)
testSuspendResume :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSuspendResume ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
groupFound bob "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /suspend 1:privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /suspend 1:privacy"
superUser <## " Group suspended!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is suspended and hidden from directory. Please contact the administrators."
groupNotFound bob "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /resume 1:privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /resume 1:privacy"
superUser <## " Group listing resumed!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is listed in the directory again!"
groupFound bob "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory privacy"
groupFoundN_ "" (Just 1) 2 superUser "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /link 1:privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /link 1:privacy"
superUser <## " The link to join the group ID 1 (privacy):"
superUser <##. "https://simplex.chat/contact"
superUser <## "New member role: member"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /owner 1:privacy hello there"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /owner 1:privacy hello there"
superUser <## " Forwarded to @bob, the owner of the group ID 1 (privacy)"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> hello there"
testDeleteGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDeleteGroup ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
groupFound bob "privacy"
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /delete 1:privacy"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /delete 1:privacy"
bob <## " Your group privacy is deleted from the directory"
groupNotFound bob "privacy"
testSetRole :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSetRole ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
groupFound bob "privacy"
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /role 1:privacy observer"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /role 1:privacy observer"
bob <## " The initial member role for the group privacy is set to observer"
bob <## ""
note <- getTermLine bob
let groupLink = dropStrPrefix "Please note: it applies only to members joining via this link: " note
cath ##> ("/c " <> groupLink)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
cath <## "#privacy: joining the group..."
cath <## "#privacy: you joined the group"
cath <#. "#privacy SimpleX-Directory> Link to join the group privacy: https://simplex.chat/"
cath <## "#privacy: member bob (Bob) is connected"
bob <## "#privacy: SimpleX-Directory added cath (Catherine) to the group (connecting...)"
bob <## "#privacy: new member cath is connected"
bob ##> "/ms #privacy"
bob <## "bob (Bob): owner, you, created group"
bob <## "SimpleX-Directory: admin, invited, connected"
bob <## "cath (Catherine): observer, connected"
cath ##> "#privacy hello"
cath <## "#privacy: you don't have permission to send messages"
testJoinGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testJoinGroup ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath ->
withNewTestChat ps "dan" danProfile $ \dan -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > privacy"
cath <## " Found 1 group(s)."
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> privacy (Privacy)"
cath <## "Welcome message:"
welcomeMsg <- getTermLine cath
let groupLink = dropStrPrefix "Link to join the group privacy: " welcomeMsg
cath <## "2 members"
cath ##> ("/c " <> groupLink)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
cath <## "#privacy: joining the group..."
cath <## "#privacy: you joined the group"
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory, #privacy SimpleX-Directory_1"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
cath <# ("#privacy SimpleX-Directory> " <> welcomeMsg)
cath <## "#privacy: member bob (Bob) is connected"
bob <## "#privacy: SimpleX-Directory added cath (Catherine) to the group (connecting...)"
bob <## "#privacy: new member cath is connected"
bob ##> "/create link #privacy"
bobLink <- getGroupLink bob "privacy" GRMember True
dan ##> ("/c " <> bobLink)
dan <## "connection request sent!"
[ do
bob <## "dan (Daniel): accepting request to join group #privacy..."
bob <## "#privacy: dan joined the group",
dan <## "#privacy: joining the group..."
dan <## "#privacy: you joined the group"
dan <# ("#privacy bob> " <> welcomeMsg)
<### [ "#privacy: member SimpleX-Directory is connected",
"#privacy: member cath (Catherine) is connected"
cath <## "#privacy: bob added dan (Daniel) to the group (connecting...)"
cath <## "#privacy: new member dan is connected"
testGroupNameWithSpaces :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testGroupNameWithSpaces ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "Privacy & Security" ""
groupFound bob "Privacy & Security"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /suspend 1:'Privacy & Security'"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /suspend 1:'Privacy & Security'"
superUser <## " Group suspended!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (Privacy & Security) is suspended and hidden from directory. Please contact the administrators."
groupNotFound bob "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /resume 1:'Privacy & Security'"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /resume 1:'Privacy & Security'"
superUser <## " Group listing resumed!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (Privacy & Security) is listed in the directory again!"
groupFound bob "Privacy & Security"
testSearchGroups :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testSearchGroups ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
cath `connectVia` dsLink
forM_ [1..8 :: Int] $ \i -> registerGroupId superUser bob (groups !! (i - 1)) "" i i
connectUsers bob cath
fullAddMember "MyGroup" "" bob cath GRMember
joinGroup "MyGroup" cath bob
cath <## "#MyGroup: member SimpleX-Directory_1 is connected"
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory, #MyGroup SimpleX-Directory_1"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory MyGroup"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > MyGroup"
cath <## " Found 7 group(s), sending top 3."
receivedGroup cath 0 3
receivedGroup cath 1 2
receivedGroup cath 2 2
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Send /next or just . for 4 more result(s)."
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /next"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /next"
cath <## " Sending 3 more group(s)."
receivedGroup cath 3 2
receivedGroup cath 4 2
receivedGroup cath 5 2
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Send /next or just . for 1 more result(s)."
-- search of another user does not affect the search of the first user
groupFound bob "Another"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory ."
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > ."
cath <## " Sending 1 more group(s)."
receivedGroup cath 6 2
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /all"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /all"
cath <## " 8 group(s) listed, sending top 3."
receivedGroup cath 0 3
receivedGroup cath 1 2
receivedGroup cath 2 2
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Send /next or just . for 5 more result(s)."
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /new"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /new"
cath <## " 8 group(s) listed, sending the most recent 3."
receivedGroup cath 7 2
receivedGroup cath 6 2
receivedGroup cath 5 2
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Send /next or just . for 5 more result(s)."
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory term3"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > term3"
cath <## " Found 3 group(s)."
receivedGroup cath 4 2
receivedGroup cath 5 2
receivedGroup cath 6 2
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory term1"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > term1"
cath <## " Found 6 group(s), sending top 3."
receivedGroup cath 1 2
receivedGroup cath 2 2
receivedGroup cath 3 2
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Send /next or just . for 3 more result(s)."
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory ."
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > ."
cath <## " Sending 3 more group(s)."
receivedGroup cath 4 2
receivedGroup cath 5 2
receivedGroup cath 6 2
groups :: [String]
groups =
[ "MyGroup",
"MyGroup term1 1",
"MyGroup term1 2",
"MyGroup term1 term2",
"MyGroup term1 term2 term3",
"MyGroup term1 term2 term3 term4",
"MyGroup term1 term2 term3 term4 term5",
receivedGroup :: TestCC -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
receivedGroup u ix count = do
u <#. ("SimpleX-Directory> " <> groups !! ix)
u <## "Welcome message:"
u <##. "Link to join the group "
u <## (show count <> " members")
testInviteToOwnersGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testInviteToOwnersGroup ps =
withDirectoryServiceCfgOwnersGroup ps testCfg True $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChatCfg ps testCfg "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroupId superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" 2 1
bob <## "#owners: SimpleX-Directory invites you to join the group as member"
bob <## "use /j owners to accept"
superUser <## "Invited @bob, the owner of the group ID 2 (privacy) to owners' group owners"
bob ##> "/j owners"
bob <## "#owners: you joined the group"
bob <## "#owners: member alice (Alice) is connected"
superUser <## "#owners: SimpleX-Directory added bob (Bob) to the group (connecting...)"
superUser <## "#owners: new member bob is connected"
-- second group
registerGroupId superUser bob "security" "Security" 3 2
superUser <## "Owner is already a member of owners' group"
testDelistedOwnerLeaves :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDelistedOwnerLeaves ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
leaveGroup "privacy" bob
cath <## "#privacy: bob left the group"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> You left the group ID 1 (privacy)."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (group owner left)."
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
testDelistedOwnerRemoved :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDelistedOwnerRemoved ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
removeMember "privacy" cath bob
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> You are removed from the group ID 1 (privacy)."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (group owner is removed)."
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
testNotDelistedMemberLeaves :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNotDelistedMemberLeaves ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
leaveGroup "privacy" cath
bob <## "#privacy: cath left the group"
(superUser </)
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory_1 privacy"
groupFoundN_ "_1" Nothing 2 cath "privacy"
testNotDelistedMemberRemoved :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNotDelistedMemberRemoved ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
removeMember "privacy" bob cath
(superUser </)
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory_1 privacy"
groupFoundN_ "_1" Nothing 2 cath "privacy"
testDelistedServiceRemoved :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDelistedServiceRemoved ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
bob ##> "/rm #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
bob <## "#privacy: you removed SimpleX-Directory from the group"
cath <## "#privacy: bob removed SimpleX-Directory from the group"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory is removed from the group ID 1 (privacy)."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (directory service is removed)."
cath `connectVia` dsLink
groupNotFound_ "_1" cath "privacy"
testDelistedGroupDeleted :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDelistedGroupDeleted ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
cath `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
connectUsers bob cath
fullAddMember "privacy" "Privacy" bob cath GROwner
joinGroup "privacy" cath bob
cath <## "#privacy: member SimpleX-Directory_1 is connected"
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory, #privacy SimpleX-Directory_1"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
bob ##> "/d #privacy"
bob <## "#privacy: you deleted the group"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is deleted."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
cath <## "#privacy: bob deleted the group"
cath <## "use /d #privacy to delete the local copy of the group"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (group is deleted)."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
testDelistedRoleChanges :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDelistedRoleChanges ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
-- de-listed if service role changed
bob ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory member"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to member"
cath <## "#privacy: bob changed the role of SimpleX-Directory from admin to member"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to member."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (SimpleX-Directory role is changed to member)."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
-- re-listed if service role changed back without profile changes
cath ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory admin"
cath <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to admin"
bob <## "#privacy: cath changed the role of SimpleX-Directory from member to admin"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to admin."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is listed in the directory again."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is listed (SimpleX-Directory role is changed to admin)."
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
-- de-listed if owner role changed
cath ##> "/mr privacy bob admin"
cath <## "#privacy: you changed the role of bob to admin"
bob <## "#privacy: cath changed your role from owner to admin"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Your role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to admin."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is de-listed (user role is set to admin)."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
-- re-listed if owner role changed back without profile changes
cath ##> "/mr privacy bob owner"
cath <## "#privacy: you changed the role of bob to owner"
bob <## "#privacy: cath changed your role from admin to owner"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Your role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to owner."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is listed in the directory again."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is listed (user role is set to owner)."
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testNotDelistedMemberRoleChanged :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNotDelistedMemberRoleChanged ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
bob ##> "/mr privacy cath member"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of cath to member"
cath <## "#privacy: bob changed your role from owner to member"
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testNotSentApprovalBadRoles :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNotSentApprovalBadRoles ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
bob ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory member"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to member"
updateProfileWithLink bob "privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> You must grant directory service admin role to register the group"
bob ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory admin"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to admin"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to admin."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is submitted for approval."
notifySuperUser superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
approveRegistration superUser bob "privacy" 1
groupFound cath "privacy"
testNotApprovedBadRoles :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testNotApprovedBadRoles ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
updateProfileWithLink bob "privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
notifySuperUser superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
bob ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory member"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to member"
let approve = "/approve 1:privacy 1"
superUser #> ("@SimpleX-Directory " <> approve)
superUser <# ("SimpleX-Directory> > " <> approve)
superUser <## " Group is not approved: SimpleX-Directory is not an admin."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
bob ##> "/mr privacy SimpleX-Directory admin"
bob <## "#privacy: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to admin"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory role in the group ID 1 (privacy) is changed to admin."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is submitted for approval."
notifySuperUser superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
approveRegistration superUser bob "privacy" 1
groupFound cath "privacy"
testRegOwnerChangedProfile :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRegOwnerChangedProfile ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
bob ##> "/gp privacy privacy Privacy and Security"
bob <## "full name changed to: Privacy and Security"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is updated!"
bob <## "It is hidden from the directory until approved."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "full name changed to: Privacy and Security"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is updated."
reapproveGroup 3 superUser bob
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testAnotherOwnerChangedProfile :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testAnotherOwnerChangedProfile ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
cath ##> "/gp privacy privacy Privacy and Security"
cath <## "full name changed to: Privacy and Security"
bob <## "cath updated group #privacy:"
bob <## "full name changed to: Privacy and Security"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is updated!"
bob <## "It is hidden from the directory until approved."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is updated."
reapproveGroup 3 superUser bob
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testRegOwnerRemovedLink :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRegOwnerRemovedLink ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
bob ##> "/show welcome #privacy"
bob <## "Welcome message:"
welcomeWithLink <- getTermLine bob
bob ##> "/set welcome #privacy Welcome!"
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## "Welcome!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is removed from the welcome message."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is hidden from the directory until the group link is added and the group is re-approved."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## "Welcome!"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link is removed from ID 1 (privacy), de-listed."
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
bob ##> ("/set welcome #privacy " <> welcomeWithLink)
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## welcomeWithLink
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## welcomeWithLink
reapproveGroup 3 superUser bob
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testAnotherOwnerRemovedLink :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testAnotherOwnerRemovedLink ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
addCathAsOwner bob cath
cath `connectVia` dsLink
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory_1, #privacy SimpleX-Directory"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
bob ##> "/show welcome #privacy"
bob <## "Welcome message:"
welcomeWithLink <- getTermLine bob
cath ##> "/set welcome #privacy Welcome!"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## "Welcome!"
bob <## "cath updated group #privacy:"
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## "Welcome!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is removed from the welcome message."
bob <## ""
bob <## "The group is hidden from the directory until the group link is added and the group is re-approved."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link is removed from ID 1 (privacy), de-listed."
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
cath ##> ("/set welcome #privacy " <> welcomeWithLink)
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## welcomeWithLink
bob <## "cath updated group #privacy:"
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## welcomeWithLink
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group link is added by another group member, your registration will not be processed."
bob <## ""
bob <## "Please update the group profile yourself."
bob ##> ("/set welcome #privacy " <> welcomeWithLink <> " - welcome!")
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## (welcomeWithLink <> " - welcome!")
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## (welcomeWithLink <> " - welcome!")
reapproveGroup 3 superUser bob
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
testDuplicateAskConfirmation :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateAskConfirmation ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
_ <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup cath "privacy" "Privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already submitted to the directory."
cath <## "To confirm the registration, please send:"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> /confirm 1:privacy"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /confirm 1:privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted cath "privacy"
groupNotFound bob "privacy"
completeRegistration superUser cath "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 2
groupFound bob "privacy"
testDuplicateProhibitRegistration :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateProhibitRegistration ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
groupFound cath "privacy"
_ <- submitGroup cath "privacy" "Privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already listed in the directory, please choose another name."
testDuplicateProhibitConfirmation :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateProhibitConfirmation ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup cath "privacy" "Privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already submitted to the directory."
cath <## "To confirm the registration, please send:"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> /confirm 1:privacy"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
completeRegistration superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
groupFound cath "privacy"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /confirm 1:privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already listed in the directory, please choose another name."
testDuplicateProhibitWhenUpdated :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateProhibitWhenUpdated ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup cath "privacy" "Privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already submitted to the directory."
cath <## "To confirm the registration, please send:"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> /confirm 1:privacy"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /confirm 1:privacy"
welcomeWithLink' <- groupAccepted cath "privacy"
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
completeRegistration superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
groupFound cath "privacy"
cath ##> ("/set welcome privacy " <> welcomeWithLink')
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## welcomeWithLink'
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already listed in the directory, please choose another name."
cath ##> "/gp privacy security Security"
cath <## "changed to #security (Security)"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 2 (security) is added to the welcome message."
cath <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
notifySuperUser superUser cath "security" "Security" welcomeWithLink' 2
approveRegistration superUser cath "security" 2
groupFound bob "security"
groupFound cath "security"
testDuplicateProhibitApproval :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testDuplicateProhibitApproval ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup bob "privacy" "Privacy"
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted bob "privacy"
cath `connectVia` dsLink
submitGroup cath "privacy" "Privacy"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group privacy (Privacy) is already submitted to the directory."
cath <## "To confirm the registration, please send:"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> /confirm 1:privacy"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /confirm 1:privacy"
welcomeWithLink' <- groupAccepted cath "privacy"
updateProfileWithLink cath "privacy" welcomeWithLink' 2
notifySuperUser superUser cath "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink' 2
groupNotFound cath "privacy"
completeRegistration superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy" welcomeWithLink 1
groupFound cath "privacy"
-- fails at approval, as already listed
let approve = "/approve 2:privacy 1"
superUser #> ("@SimpleX-Directory " <> approve)
superUser <# ("SimpleX-Directory> > " <> approve)
superUser <## " The group ID 2 (privacy) is already listed in the directory."
testListUserGroups :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testListUserGroups ps =
withDirectoryService ps $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
cath `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
connectUsers bob cath
fullAddMember "privacy" "Privacy" bob cath GRMember
joinGroup "privacy" cath bob
cath <## "#privacy: member SimpleX-Directory_1 is connected"
cath <## "contact and member are merged: SimpleX-Directory, #privacy SimpleX-Directory_1"
cath <## "use @SimpleX-Directory <message> to send messages"
registerGroupId superUser bob "security" "Security" 2 2
registerGroupId superUser cath "anonymity" "Anonymity" 3 1
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /list"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /list"
cath <## " 1 registered group(s)"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. anonymity (Anonymity)"
cath <## "Welcome message:"
cath <##. "Link to join the group anonymity: "
cath <## "2 members"
cath <## "Status: active"
-- with de-listed group
groupFound cath "anonymity"
cath ##> "/mr anonymity SimpleX-Directory member"
cath <## "#anonymity: you changed the role of SimpleX-Directory to member"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> SimpleX-Directory role in the group ID 1 (anonymity) is changed to member."
cath <## ""
cath <## "The group is no longer listed in the directory."
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 3 (anonymity) is de-listed (SimpleX-Directory role is changed to member)."
groupNotFound cath "anonymity"
listGroups superUser bob cath
testRestoreDirectory :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testRestoreDirectory ps = do
testListUserGroups ps
restoreDirectoryService ps 3 3 $ \superUser _dsLink ->
withTestChat ps "bob" $ \bob ->
withTestChat ps "cath" $ \cath -> do
bob <## "2 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
<### [ "#privacy: connected to server(s)",
"#security: connected to server(s)"
cath <## "2 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
<### [ "#privacy: connected to server(s)",
"#anonymity: connected to server(s)"
listGroups superUser bob cath
groupFoundN 3 bob "privacy"
groupFound bob "security"
groupFoundN 3 cath "privacy"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory security"
groupFoundN' 2 cath "security"
listGroups :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
listGroups superUser bob cath = do
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /list"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /list"
bob <## " 2 registered group(s)"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. privacy (Privacy)"
bob <## "Welcome message:"
bob <##. "Link to join the group privacy: "
bob <## "3 members"
bob <## "Status: active"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> 2. security (Security)"
bob <## "Welcome message:"
bob <##. "Link to join the group security: "
bob <## "2 members"
bob <## "Status: active"
cath #> "@SimpleX-Directory /list"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /list"
cath <## " 1 registered group(s)"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. anonymity (Anonymity)"
cath <## "Welcome message:"
cath <##. "Link to join the group anonymity: "
cath <## "2 members"
cath <## "Status: suspended because roles changed"
-- superuser lists all groups
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /last"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /last"
bob <## " You are not allowed to use this command"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /last"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /last"
superUser <## " 3 registered group(s)"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. privacy (Privacy)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Link to join the group privacy: "
superUser <## "Owner: bob"
superUser <## "3 members"
superUser <## "Status: active"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 2. security (Security)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Link to join the group security: "
superUser <## "Owner: bob"
superUser <## "2 members"
superUser <## "Status: active"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 3. anonymity (Anonymity)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Link to join the group anonymity: "
superUser <## "Owner: cath"
superUser <## "2 members"
superUser <## "Status: suspended because roles changed"
-- showing last 1 group
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /last 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /last 1"
superUser <## " 3 registered group(s), showing the last 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 3. anonymity (Anonymity)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Link to join the group anonymity: "
superUser <## "Owner: cath"
superUser <## "2 members"
superUser <## "Status: suspended because roles changed"
reapproveGroup :: HasCallStack => Int -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
reapproveGroup count superUser bob = do
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> bob submitted the group ID 1:"
superUser <##. "privacy ("
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Link to join the group privacy: "
superUser <## (show count <> " members")
superUser <## ""
superUser <## "To approve send:"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> /approve 1:privacy 1"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:privacy 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:privacy 1"
superUser <## " Group approved!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is approved and listed in directory!"
bob <## "Please note: if you change the group profile it will be hidden from directory until it is re-approved."
bob <## ""
bob <## "Use /filter 1 to configure anti-spam filter and /role 1 to set default member role."
addCathAsOwner :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
addCathAsOwner bob cath = do
connectUsers bob cath
fullAddMember "privacy" "Privacy" bob cath GROwner
joinGroup "privacy" cath bob
cath <## "#privacy: member SimpleX-Directory is connected"
withDirectoryService :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDirectoryService ps = withDirectoryServiceCfg ps testCfg
withDirectoryServiceCfg :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> ChatConfig -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDirectoryServiceCfg ps cfg = withDirectoryServiceCfgOwnersGroup ps cfg False
withDirectoryServiceCfgOwnersGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> ChatConfig -> Bool -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDirectoryServiceCfgOwnersGroup ps cfg createOwnersGroup test = do
dsLink <-
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg serviceDbPrefix directoryProfile $ \ds ->
withNewTestChatCfg ps cfg "super_user" aliceProfile $ \superUser -> do
connectUsers ds superUser
when createOwnersGroup $ do
superUser ##> "/g owners"
superUser <## "group #owners is created"
superUser <## "to add members use /a owners <name> or /create link #owners"
superUser ##> "/a owners SimpleX-Directory admin"
superUser <## "invitation to join the group #owners sent to SimpleX-Directory"
ds <## "#owners: alice invites you to join the group as admin"
ds <## "use /j owners to accept"
ds ##> "/j owners"
ds <## "#owners: you joined the group"
superUser <## "#owners: SimpleX-Directory joined the group"
ds ##> "/ad"
getContactLink ds True
withDirectoryOwnersGroup ps cfg dsLink createOwnersGroup test
restoreDirectoryService :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> Int -> Int -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
restoreDirectoryService ps ctCount grCount test = do
dsLink <-
withTestChat ps serviceDbPrefix $ \ds -> do
ds <## (show ctCount <> " contacts connected (use /cs for the list)")
ds <## "Your address is active! To show: /sa"
ds <## (show grCount <> " group links active")
forM_ [1 .. grCount] $ \_ -> ds <##. "#"
ds ##> "/sa"
dsLink <- getContactLink ds False
ds <## "auto_accept on"
pure dsLink
withDirectory ps testCfg dsLink test
withDirectory :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> ChatConfig -> String -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDirectory ps cfg dsLink = withDirectoryOwnersGroup ps cfg dsLink False
withDirectoryOwnersGroup :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> ChatConfig -> String -> Bool -> (TestCC -> String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withDirectoryOwnersGroup ps cfg dsLink createOwnersGroup test = do
let opts = mkDirectoryOpts ps [KnownContact 2 "alice"] $ if createOwnersGroup then Just $ KnownGroup 1 "owners" else Nothing
runDirectory cfg opts $
withTestChatCfg ps cfg "super_user" $ \superUser -> do
superUser <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
when createOwnersGroup $
superUser <## "#owners: connected to server(s)"
test superUser dsLink
runDirectory :: ChatConfig -> DirectoryOpts -> IO () -> IO ()
runDirectory cfg opts@DirectoryOpts {directoryLog} action = do
st <- restoreDirectoryStore directoryLog
t <- forkIO $ bot st
threadDelay 500000
action `finally` (mapM_ hClose (directoryLogFile st) >> killThread t)
bot st = do
env <- newServiceState opts
simplexChatCore cfg (mkChatOpts opts) $ directoryService st opts env
registerGroup :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> IO ()
registerGroup su u n fn = registerGroupId su u n fn 1 1
registerGroupId :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
registerGroupId su u n fn gId ugId = do
submitGroup u n fn
welcomeWithLink <- groupAccepted u n
completeRegistrationId su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId ugId
submitGroup :: TestCC -> String -> String -> IO ()
submitGroup u n fn = do
u ##> ("/g " <> viewName n <> if null fn then "" else " " <> fn)
u <## ("group #" <> viewName n <> (if null fn then "" else " (" <> fn <> ")") <> " is created")
u <## ("to add members use /a " <> viewName n <> " <name> or /create link #" <> viewName n)
u ##> ("/a " <> viewName n <> " SimpleX-Directory admin")
u <## ("invitation to join the group #" <> viewName n <> " sent to SimpleX-Directory")
groupAccepted :: TestCC -> String -> IO String
groupAccepted u n = do
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> Joining the group " <> n <> "…")
u <## ("#" <> viewName n <> ": SimpleX-Directory joined the group")
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> Joined the group " <> n <> ", creating the link…")
u <# "SimpleX-Directory> Created the public link to join the group via this directory service that is always online."
u <## ""
u <## "Please add it to the group welcome message."
u <## "For example, add:"
dropStrPrefix "SimpleX-Directory> " . dropTime <$> getTermLine u -- welcome message with link
completeRegistration :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
completeRegistration su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId =
completeRegistrationId su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId gId
completeRegistrationId :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
completeRegistrationId su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId ugId = do
updateProfileWithLink u n welcomeWithLink ugId
notifySuperUser su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId
approveRegistrationId su u n gId ugId
updateProfileWithLink :: TestCC -> String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
updateProfileWithLink u n welcomeWithLink ugId = do
u ##> ("/set welcome " <> viewName n <> " " <> welcomeWithLink)
u <## "description changed to:"
u <## welcomeWithLink
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID " <> show ugId <> " (" <> n <> ") is added to the welcome message.")
u <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
notifySuperUser :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
notifySuperUser su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId = do
uName <- userName u
su <# ("SimpleX-Directory> " <> uName <> " submitted the group ID " <> show gId <> ":")
su <## (n <> if null fn then "" else " (" <> fn <> ")")
su <## "Welcome message:"
su <## welcomeWithLink
su .<## "members"
su <## ""
su <## "To approve send:"
let approve = "/approve " <> show gId <> ":" <> viewName n <> " 1"
su <# ("SimpleX-Directory> " <> approve)
approveRegistration :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> Int -> IO ()
approveRegistration su u n gId =
approveRegistrationId su u n gId gId
approveRegistrationId :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
approveRegistrationId su u n gId ugId = do
let approve = "/approve " <> show gId <> ":" <> viewName n <> " 1"
su #> ("@SimpleX-Directory " <> approve)
su <# ("SimpleX-Directory> > " <> approve)
su <## " Group approved!"
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> The group ID " <> show ugId <> " (" <> n <> ") is approved and listed in directory!")
u <## "Please note: if you change the group profile it will be hidden from directory until it is re-approved."
u <## ""
u <## ("Use /filter " <> show ugId <> " to configure anti-spam filter and /role " <> show ugId <> " to set default member role.")
connectVia :: TestCC -> String -> IO ()
u `connectVia` dsLink = do
u ##> ("/c " <> dsLink)
u <## "connection request sent!"
u .<## ": contact is connected"
u .<# "> Welcome to SimpleX-Directory service!"
u <## "Send a search string to find groups or /help to learn how to add groups to directory."
u <## ""
u <## "For example, send privacy to find groups about privacy."
u <## "Or send /all or /new to list groups."
u <## ""
u <## "Content and privacy policy: https://simplex.chat/docs/directory.html"
joinGroup :: String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
joinGroup gName member host = do
let gn = "#" <> gName
memberName <- userName member
hostName <- userName host
member ##> ("/j " <> gName)
member <## (gn <> ": you joined the group")
member <#. (gn <> " " <> hostName <> "> Link to join the group " <> gName <> ": ")
host <## (gn <> ": " <> memberName <> " joined the group")
leaveGroup :: String -> TestCC -> IO ()
leaveGroup gName member = do
let gn = "#" <> gName
member ##> ("/l " <> gName)
member <## (gn <> ": you left the group")
member <## ("use /d " <> gn <> " to delete the group")
removeMember :: String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
removeMember gName admin removed = do
let gn = "#" <> gName
adminName <- userName admin
removedName <- userName removed
admin ##> ("/rm " <> gName <> " " <> removedName)
admin <## (gn <> ": you removed " <> removedName <> " from the group")
removed <## (gn <> ": " <> adminName <> " removed you from the group")
removed <## ("use /d " <> gn <> " to delete the group")
groupFound :: TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFound = groupFoundN 2
groupFoundN :: Int -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFoundN count u name = do
u #> ("@SimpleX-Directory " <> name)
groupFoundN' count u name
groupFoundN' :: Int -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFoundN' = groupFoundN_ "" Nothing
groupFoundN_ :: String -> Maybe Int -> Int -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFoundN_ suffix shownId_ count u name = do
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory" <> suffix <> "> > " <> name)
u <## " Found 1 group(s)."
u <#. ("SimpleX-Directory" <> suffix <> "> " <> maybe "" (\gId -> show gId <> ". ") shownId_ <> name)
u <## "Welcome message:"
u <##. "Link to join the group "
u <## (show count <> " members")
groupNotFound :: TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupNotFound = groupNotFound_ ""
groupNotFound_ :: String -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupNotFound_ suffix u s = do
u #> ("@SimpleX-Directory" <> suffix <> " " <> s)
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory" <> suffix <> "> > " <> s)
u <## " No groups found"