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{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Bots.BroadcastTests where
import Broadcast.Bot
import Broadcast.Options
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.DBUtils
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Simplex.Chat.Bot.KnownContacts
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options (CoreChatOpts (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Options.DB
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Profile (..))
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
broadcastBotTests :: SpecWith TestParams
broadcastBotTests = do
it "should broadcast message" testBroadcastMessages
withBroadcastBot :: BroadcastBotOpts -> IO () -> IO ()
withBroadcastBot opts test =
bracket (forkIO bot) killThread (\_ -> threadDelay 500000 >> test)
bot = simplexChatCore testCfg (mkChatOpts opts) $ broadcastBot opts
broadcastBotProfile :: Profile
broadcastBotProfile = Profile {displayName = "broadcast_bot", fullName = "Broadcast Bot", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = Nothing}
mkBotOpts :: TestParams -> [KnownContact] -> BroadcastBotOpts
mkBotOpts ps publishers =
{ coreOptions =
{ dbOptions =
(dbOptions testCoreOpts)
#if defined(dbPostgres)
{dbSchemaPrefix = "client_" <> botDbPrefix}
{dbFilePrefix = tmpPath ps </> botDbPrefix}
welcomeMessage = defaultWelcomeMessage publishers,
prohibitedMessage = defaultWelcomeMessage publishers
botDbPrefix :: FilePath
botDbPrefix = "broadcast_bot"
testBroadcastMessages :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testBroadcastMessages ps = do
botLink <-
withNewTestChat ps botDbPrefix broadcastBotProfile $ \bc_bot ->
withNewTestChat ps "alice" aliceProfile $ \alice -> do
connectUsers bc_bot alice
bc_bot ##> "/ad"
getContactLink bc_bot True
let botOpts = mkBotOpts ps [KnownContact 2 "alice"]
withBroadcastBot botOpts $
withTestChat ps "alice" $ \alice ->
withNewTestChat ps "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat ps "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
bob `connectVia` botLink
bob #> "@broadcast_bot hello"
bob <# "broadcast_bot> > hello"
bob <## " Hello! I am a broadcast bot."
bob <## "I broadcast messages to all connected users from @alice."
cath `connectVia` botLink
alice #> "@broadcast_bot hello all!"
bob <# "broadcast_bot> hello all!"
cath <# "broadcast_bot> hello all!"
alice <# "broadcast_bot> > hello all!"
alice <## " Forwarded to 2 contact(s)"
cc `connectVia` botLink = do
cc ##> ("/c " <> botLink)
cc <## "connection request sent!"
cc <## "broadcast_bot (Broadcast Bot): contact is connected"
cc <# "broadcast_bot> Hello! I am a broadcast bot."
cc <## "I broadcast messages to all connected users from @alice."