const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); let supportedLangs = [] const translationsDirectoryPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "langs") const files = fs.readdirSync(translationsDirectoryPath); const jsonFileNames = files.filter(file => file.endsWith('.json')); supportedLangs = => file.replace('.json', '')) // keys of the english language are used as the base keys const enStrings = require(path.resolve(__dirname, "langs/en.json")) const languages = {} for (const lang of supportedLangs) { languages[lang] = require(path.resolve(__dirname, `langs/${lang}.json`)) } // this program generates a combined translations.json file const translations = {} for (const key in enStrings) { const langStrings = {} for (const lang of supportedLangs) { const str = languages[lang][key] if (str) langStrings[lang] = str } translations[key] = langStrings } saveFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "translations.json"), translations) function saveFile(relPath, data) { filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, relPath) fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(data, undefined, " "), 'utf-8'); console.log(`Data was successfully written to ${filePath}`); }