const markdownIt = require("markdown-it") const markdownItAnchor = require("markdown-it-anchor") const markdownItReplaceLink = require('markdown-it-replace-link') const slugify = require("slugify") const uri = require('fast-uri') const i18n = require('eleventy-plugin-i18n') const fs = require("fs") const path = require("path") const matter = require('gray-matter') const pluginRss = require('@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss') const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom') // The implementation of Glossary feature const md = new markdownIt() const glossaryMarkdownContent = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../docs/'), 'utf8') const glossaryHtmlContent = md.render(glossaryMarkdownContent) const glossaryDOM = new JSDOM(glossaryHtmlContent) const glossaryDocument = glossaryDOM.window.document const glossary = require('./src/_data/glossary.json') glossary.forEach(item => { const headers = Array.from(glossaryDocument.querySelectorAll("h2")) const matchingHeader = headers.find(header => 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files.filter(file => { return file.endsWith('.json') && fs.statSync(translationsDirectoryPath + '/' + file).isFile() }) supportedLangs = => file.replace('.json', '')) }) const translations = require("./translations.json") module.exports = function (ty) { ty.addShortcode("cfg", (name) => globalConfig[name]) ty.addFilter("getlang", (path) => { const lang = path.split("/")[1] if (supportedRoutes.includes(lang)) return "en" else if (supportedLangs.includes(lang)) return lang return "en" }) ty.addFilter("getlang", (path) => { const urlParts = path.split("/") if (urlParts[1] === "docs") { if (urlParts[2] === "lang") { return urlParts[3] } return "en" } else { if (supportedRoutes.includes(urlParts[1])) return "en" else if (supportedLangs.includes(urlParts[1])) return urlParts[1] return "en" } }) ty.addFilter('applyGlossary', function (content) { const dom = new JSDOM(content) const { document } = dom.window const body = document.querySelector('body') const allContentNodes = document.querySelectorAll('p, td, a, h1, h2, h3, h4') const overlayIds = [] glossary.forEach((term, index) => { let changeNoted = false const id = term.term.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-') allContentNodes.forEach((node) => { const regex = new RegExp(`(?${term.term}` const beforeContent = node.innerHTML node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace(regex, replacement) if (beforeContent !== node.innerHTML && !changeNoted) { changeNoted = true } }) if (changeNoted) { const definitionTooltipDiv = document.createElement('div') = `tooltip-${id}` definitionTooltipDiv.className = "glossary-tooltip" const titleH4 = document.createElement('h4') titleH4.innerHTML = term.term titleH4.className = "tooltip-title" const p = document.createElement('p') p.innerHTML = term.tooltip const innerDiv = document.createElement('div') innerDiv.appendChild(titleH4) innerDiv.appendChild(p) if (term.hasMultipleParagraphs) { const readMoreBtn = document.createElement('button') readMoreBtn.innerHTML = "Read more" 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