* use simplex.chat relay
* update webrtc settings
* WebRTCView to use command/response types
* compress WebRTC session descriptions, simple web UI for calls
* update webrtc ui
* use webworked in desktop browser
* use RTCRtpScriptTransform in safari
* update android type
* refactor
* add await
* simplex-chat server
* typescript types for chat commands and command serialization
* typescript ChatResponse type
* more types
* more types
* websocket chat client
* aligb ts/haskell types
* chat server & TS client via websockets - it works
* TS chat client test
* TS chat client test
* update test
* more api functions
* more api methods, refactor, readme
* squaring chat bot example, fixes
* update readme
* remove console.log
* npm version 0.1.0
* mobile: webrtc calls state machine
* android: call api types
* android: call api methods
* ios: connect calls via chat UI (WIP)
* ios: webrtc call connects via UI
* core: update call duration/status when x.call.end is received
* improve call UX/UI
* audio calls
* different overlay for audio calls
* toggle video/audio in the call
* mobile: webrtc calls in webview (typescript WIP)
* typsecript compiles
* fix error messages
* TS works in chrome
* include ICE candidates into offer/answer, report connection state changes to host, end call on disconnection
* refactor, readme for .js file