mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: include pending group link connections into chat previews on joining side (#1291)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 33 additions and 26 deletions
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Currently members can have one of three roles - `owner`, `admin` and `member`. T
### Messages to manage groups and add members
`x.grp.inv` message is sent to invite contact to the group via contact's direct connection and includes group member connection address. This message MUST only be sent by members with `admin` or `owner` role.
`x.grp.inv` message is sent to invite contact to the group via contact's direct connection and includes group member connection address. This message MUST only be sent by members with `admin` or `owner` role. Optional `groupLinkId` is included when this message is sent to contacts connected via the user's group link. This identifier is a random byte sequence, with no global or even local uniqueness - it is only used for the user's invitations to a given group to provide confirmation to the contact that the group invitation is for the same group the contact was connecting to via the group link, so that the invitation can be automatically accepted by the contact - the contact compares it with the group link id contained in the group link uri's data field.
`x.grp.acpt` message is sent as part of group member connection handshake, only to the inviting user.
@ -108,6 +108,12 @@
"invitedMember": {"ref": "memberIdRole"},
"connRequest": {"ref": "connReqUri"},
"groupProfile": {"ref": "profile"}
"optionalProperties": {
"groupLinkId": {"ref": "base64url"},
"metadata": {
"comment": "used to identify invitation via group link"
"memberIdRole": {
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
when (memberStatus membership == GSMemInvited) $ throwChatError (CEGroupNotJoined gInfo)
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
groupLinkId <- GroupLinkId <$> (asks idsDrg >>= liftIO . (`randomBytes` 16))
let crClientData = encodeJson $ CRGroupData groupLinkId
let crClientData = encodeJSON $ CRGroupData groupLinkId
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a True SCMContact $ Just crClientData
withStore $ \db -> createGroupLink db user gInfo connId cReq groupLinkId
pure $ CRGroupLinkCreated gInfo cReq
@ -1125,7 +1125,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
let profileToSend = fromMaybe profile incognitoProfile
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a True cReq $ directMessage (XContact profileToSend $ Just xContactId)
let groupLinkId = crClientData >>= decodeJson >>= \(CRGroupData gli) -> Just gli
let groupLinkId = crClientData >>= decodeJSON >>= \(CRGroupData gli) -> Just gli
conn <- withStore' $ \db -> createConnReqConnection db userId connId cReqHash xContactId incognitoProfile groupLinkId
toView $ CRNewContactConnection conn
pure $ CRSentInvitation incognitoProfile
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Contact, ContactId, decodeJson, encodeJson)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Contact, ContactId, decodeJSON, encodeJSON)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (dropPrefix, enumJSON, fromTextField_, fstToLower, singleFieldJSON)
@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ instance ToJSON CallState where
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding $ singleFieldJSON fstToLower
instance ToField CallState where
toField = toField . encodeJson
toField = toField . encodeJSON
instance FromField CallState where
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJson
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJSON
newtype CallId = CallId ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ msgDirToDeletedContent_ msgDir mode = case msgDir of
-- platform independent
instance ToField (CIContent d) where
toField = toField . encodeJson . dbJsonCIContent
toField = toField . encodeJSON . dbJsonCIContent
-- platform specific
instance ToJSON (CIContent d) where
@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ instance FromJSON ACIContent where
parseJSON = fmap aciContentJSON . J.parseJSON
-- platform independent
instance FromField ACIContent where fromField = fromTextField_ $ fmap aciContentDBJSON . decodeJson
instance FromField ACIContent where fromField = fromTextField_ $ fmap aciContentDBJSON . decodeJSON
-- platform specific
data JSONCIContent
@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ instance ToJSON MsgContent where
MCFile t -> J.pairs $ "type" .= MCFile_ <> "text" .= t
instance ToField MsgContent where
toField = toField . encodeJson
toField = toField . encodeJSON
instance FromField MsgContent where
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJson
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJSON
data CMEventTag (e :: MsgEncoding) where
XMsgNew_ :: CMEventTag 'Json
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ createConnReqConnection db userId acId cReqHash xContactId incognitoProfile grou
((userId, acId, pccConnStatus, ConnContact, cReqHash, xContactId) :. (customUserProfileId, isJust groupLinkId, groupLinkId, createdAt, createdAt))
pccConnId <- insertedRowId db
pure PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = True, viaUserContactLink = Nothing, customUserProfileId, connReqInv = Nothing, localAlias = "", createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt}
pure PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = True, viaUserContactLink = Nothing, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connReqInv = Nothing, localAlias = "", createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt}
getConnReqContactXContactId :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> ConnReqUriHash -> IO (Maybe Contact, Maybe XContactId)
getConnReqContactXContactId db userId cReqHash = do
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ createDirectConnection db userId acId cReq pccConnStatus incognitoProfile = do
(userId, acId, cReq, pccConnStatus, ConnContact, customUserProfileId, createdAt, createdAt)
pccConnId <- insertedRowId db
pure PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = False, viaUserContactLink = Nothing, customUserProfileId, connReqInv = Just cReq, localAlias = "", createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt}
pure PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = False, viaUserContactLink = Nothing, groupLinkId = Nothing, customUserProfileId, connReqInv = Just cReq, localAlias = "", createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt}
createIncognitoProfile_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> UTCTime -> Profile -> IO Int64
createIncognitoProfile_ db userId createdAt Profile {displayName, fullName, image} = do
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ getPendingContactConnections db User {userId} = do
<$> DB.queryNamed
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = :user_id
AND conn_type = :conn_type
@ -3342,13 +3342,13 @@ getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ db User {userId} _ =
<$> DB.query
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ? AND conn_type = ? AND contact_id IS NULL AND conn_level = 0 AND via_group_link = 0 AND via_contact IS NULL
WHERE user_id = ? AND conn_type = ? AND contact_id IS NULL AND conn_level = 0 AND via_contact IS NULL AND (via_group_link = 0 || (via_group_link = 1 AND group_link_id IS NOT NULL))
(userId, ConnContact)
toContactConnectionChatPreview :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> AChat
toContactConnectionChatPreview :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> AChat
toContactConnectionChatPreview connRow =
let conn = toPendingContactConnection connRow
stats = ChatStats {unreadCount = 0, minUnreadItemId = 0, unreadChat = False}
@ -3360,7 +3360,7 @@ getPendingContactConnection db userId connId = do
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ?
AND connection_id = ?
@ -3394,9 +3394,9 @@ updateGroupSettings :: DB.Connection -> User -> Int64 -> ChatSettings -> IO ()
updateGroupSettings db User {userId} groupId ChatSettings {enableNtfs} =
DB.execute db "UPDATE groups SET enable_ntfs = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?" (enableNtfs, userId, groupId)
toPendingContactConnection :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> PendingContactConnection
toPendingContactConnection (pccConnId, acId, pccConnStatus, connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt) =
PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = isJust connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt}
toPendingContactConnection :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> PendingContactConnection
toPendingContactConnection (pccConnId, acId, pccConnStatus, connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt) =
PendingContactConnection {pccConnId, pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId, pccConnStatus, viaContactUri = isJust connReqHash, viaUserContactLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connReqInv, localAlias, createdAt, updatedAt}
getDirectChat :: DB.Connection -> User -> Int64 -> ChatPagination -> Maybe String -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Chat 'CTDirect)
getDirectChat db user contactId pagination search_ = do
@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ instance ToJSON ChatPreferences where
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
instance ToField ChatPreferences where
toField = toField . encodeJson
toField = toField . encodeJSON
instance FromField ChatPreferences where
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJson
fromField = fromTextField_ decodeJSON
data Preference = Preference
{enable :: PrefSwitch}
@ -935,6 +935,7 @@ data PendingContactConnection = PendingContactConnection
pccConnStatus :: ConnStatus,
viaContactUri :: Bool,
viaUserContactLink :: Maybe Int64,
groupLinkId :: Maybe GroupLinkId,
customUserProfileId :: Maybe Int64,
connReqInv :: Maybe ConnReqInvitation,
localAlias :: Text,
@ -1164,8 +1165,8 @@ data XGrpMemIntroCont = XGrpMemIntroCont
deriving (Show)
encodeJson :: ToJSON a => a -> Text
encodeJson = safeDecodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict . J.encode
encodeJSON :: ToJSON a => a -> Text
encodeJSON = safeDecodeUtf8 . LB.toStrict . J.encode
decodeJson :: FromJSON a => Text -> Maybe a
decodeJson = J.decode . LB.fromStrict . encodeUtf8
decodeJSON :: FromJSON a => Text -> Maybe a
decodeJSON = J.decode . LB.fromStrict . encodeUtf8
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