mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: use xrcp protocol for desktop/mobile connection (#3305)
* WIP: start working on /connect remote ctrl OOB is broken, requires fixing simplexmq bits. * WIP: pull CtrlCryptoHandle from xrcp * place xrcp stubs * WIP: start switching to RemoteControl.Client types * fix http2 sha * fix sha256map.nix * fix cabal.project * update RC test * WIP: add new remote session * fix compilation * simplify * attach HTTP2 server to TLS * starting host session in controller (WIP) * more WIP * compiles * compiles2 * wip * pass startRemote' test * async to poll for events from host, test to send messages fails * move xrcp handshake test to simplexmq * detect session stops * fix connectRemoteCtrl * use step type * app info * WIP: pairing stores * plug in hello/appInfo/pairings * negotiate app version * update simplexmw, remove KEM secrets from DB * fix file tests * tone down http2 shutdown errors * Add stored session test * bump simplexmq tag * update simplexmq * refactor, fix * removed unused errors * rename fields, remove unused file * rename errors --------- Co-authored-by: Evgeny Poberezkin <2769109+epoberezkin@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 761 additions and 581 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ constraints: zip +disable-bzip2 +disable-zstd
type: git
location: https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git
tag: 1a0c4b73de5cda4ac6765dd47e0199238e498d5f
tag: 102487bc4fbb865aac4207d2ba6f2ea77eff3290
type: git
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."1a0c4b73de5cda4ac6765dd47e0199238e498d5f" = "12xpr2lxw9rr3v2bz5m5g9bb0kj7c5yyan47w0nnp52gzfs4pff0";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."102487bc4fbb865aac4207d2ba6f2ea77eff3290" = "1zay63ix9vh20p6843l1zry47zwb7lkirmxrrgdcc7qwl89js1bs";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/hs-socks.git"."a30cc7a79a08d8108316094f8f2f82a0c5e1ac51" = "0yasvnr7g91k76mjkamvzab2kvlb1g5pspjyjn2fr6v83swjhj38";
"https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/http2.git"."f5525b755ff2418e6e6ecc69e877363b0d0bcaeb" = "0fyx0047gvhm99ilp212mmz37j84cwrfnpmssib5dw363fyb88b6";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/direct-sqlcipher.git"."f814ee68b16a9447fbb467ccc8f29bdd3546bfd9" = "1ql13f4kfwkbaq7nygkxgw84213i0zm7c1a8hwvramayxl38dq5d";
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ library
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, listToMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, addUTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime, nominalDay, nominalDiffTimeToSeconds)
import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime, systemToUTCTime)
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Remote
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
@ -376,8 +375,8 @@ restoreCalls = do
stopChatController :: forall m. MonadUnliftIO m => ChatController -> m ()
stopChatController ChatController {smpAgent, agentAsync = s, sndFiles, rcvFiles, expireCIFlags, remoteHostSessions, remoteCtrlSession} = do
readTVarIO remoteHostSessions >>= mapM_ cancelRemoteHostSession
readTVarIO remoteCtrlSession >>= mapM_ cancelRemoteCtrlSession_
readTVarIO remoteHostSessions >>= mapM_ (liftIO . cancelRemoteHost)
atomically (stateTVar remoteCtrlSession (,Nothing)) >>= mapM_ (liftIO . cancelRemoteCtrl)
disconnectAgentClient smpAgent
readTVarIO s >>= mapM_ (\(a1, a2) -> uninterruptibleCancel a1 >> mapM_ uninterruptibleCancel a2)
closeFiles sndFiles
@ -409,7 +408,7 @@ execChatCommand_ :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand_ u cmd = handleCommandError u $ processChatCommand cmd
execRemoteCommand :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> RemoteHostId -> ChatCommand -> ByteString -> m ChatResponse
execRemoteCommand u rhId cmd s = handleCommandError u $ getRemoteHostSession rhId >>= \rh -> processRemoteCommand rhId rh cmd s
execRemoteCommand u rhId cmd s = handleCommandError u $ getRemoteHostClient rhId >>= \rh -> processRemoteCommand rhId rh cmd s
handleCommandError :: ChatMonad' m => Maybe User -> ExceptT ChatError m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
handleCommandError u a = either (CRChatCmdError u) id <$> (runExceptT a `E.catch` (pure . Left . mkChatError))
@ -1953,17 +1952,18 @@ processChatCommand = \case
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p ->
p {groupPreferences = Just . setGroupPreference' SGFTimedMessages pref $ groupPreferences p}
SetLocalDeviceName name -> withUser_ $ chatWriteVar localDeviceName name >> ok_
CreateRemoteHost -> CRRemoteHostCreated <$> createRemoteHost
ListRemoteHosts -> CRRemoteHostList <$> listRemoteHosts
StartRemoteHost rh -> startRemoteHost rh >> ok_
StopRemoteHost rh -> closeRemoteHostSession rh >> ok_
DeleteRemoteHost rh -> deleteRemoteHost rh >> ok_
StoreRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath -> CRRemoteFileStored rh <$> storeRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath
GetRemoteFile rh rf -> getRemoteFile rh rf >> ok_
ConnectRemoteCtrl oob -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteCtrlRegistered <$> withStore' (`insertRemoteCtrl` oob)
FindKnownRemoteCtrl -> withUser_ $ findKnownRemoteCtrl (execChatCommand Nothing) >> ok_
ListRemoteHosts -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteHostList <$> listRemoteHosts
StartRemoteHost rh_ -> withUser_ $ do
(remoteHost_, inv) <- startRemoteHost' rh_
pure CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost_, invitation = decodeLatin1 $ strEncode inv}
StopRemoteHost rh_ -> withUser_ $ closeRemoteHost rh_ >> ok_
DeleteRemoteHost rh -> withUser_ $ deleteRemoteHost rh >> ok_
StoreRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteFileStored rh <$> storeRemoteFile rh encrypted_ localPath
GetRemoteFile rh rf -> withUser_ $ getRemoteFile rh rf >> ok_
ConnectRemoteCtrl oob -> withUser_ $ connectRemoteCtrl oob >> ok_
FindKnownRemoteCtrl -> withUser_ $ findKnownRemoteCtrl >> ok_
ConfirmRemoteCtrl rc -> withUser_ $ confirmRemoteCtrl rc >> ok_
VerifyRemoteCtrlSession rc sessId -> withUser_ $ verifyRemoteCtrlSession rc sessId >> ok_
VerifyRemoteCtrlSession sessId -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteCtrlConnected <$> verifyRemoteCtrlSession (execChatCommand Nothing) sessId
StopRemoteCtrl -> withUser_ $ stopRemoteCtrl >> ok_
ListRemoteCtrls -> withUser_ $ CRRemoteCtrlList <$> listRemoteCtrls
DeleteRemoteCtrl rc -> withUser_ $ deleteRemoteCtrl rc >> ok_
@ -5717,12 +5717,6 @@ waitChatStarted = do
agentStarted <- asks agentAsync
atomically $ readTVar agentStarted >>= \a -> unless (isJust a) retry
withAgent :: ChatMonad m => (AgentClient -> ExceptT AgentErrorType m a) -> m a
withAgent action =
asks smpAgent
>>= runExceptT . action
>>= liftEither . first (`ChatErrorAgent` Nothing)
chatCommandP :: Parser ChatCommand
chatCommandP =
@ -5981,17 +5975,17 @@ chatCommandP =
"/set disappear " *> (SetUserTimedMessages <$> (("yes" $> True) <|> ("no" $> False))),
("/incognito" <* optional (A.space *> onOffP)) $> ChatHelp HSIncognito,
"/set device name " *> (SetLocalDeviceName <$> textP),
"/create remote host" $> CreateRemoteHost,
-- "/create remote host" $> CreateRemoteHost,
"/list remote hosts" $> ListRemoteHosts,
"/start remote host " *> (StartRemoteHost <$> A.decimal),
"/stop remote host " *> (StopRemoteHost <$> A.decimal),
"/start remote host " *> (StartRemoteHost <$> ("new" $> Nothing <|> (Just <$> ((,) <$> A.decimal <*> (" multicast=" *> onOffP <|> pure False))))),
"/stop remote host " *> (StopRemoteHost <$> ("new" $> RHNew <|> RHId <$> A.decimal)),
"/delete remote host " *> (DeleteRemoteHost <$> A.decimal),
"/store remote file " *> (StoreRemoteFile <$> A.decimal <*> optional (" encrypt=" *> onOffP) <* A.space <*> filePath),
"/get remote file " *> (GetRemoteFile <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> jsonP),
"/connect remote ctrl " *> (ConnectRemoteCtrl <$> strP),
"/find remote ctrl" $> FindKnownRemoteCtrl,
"/confirm remote ctrl " *> (ConfirmRemoteCtrl <$> A.decimal),
"/verify remote ctrl " *> (VerifyRemoteCtrlSession <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> textP),
"/verify remote ctrl " *> (VerifyRemoteCtrlSession <$> textP),
"/list remote ctrls" $> ListRemoteCtrls,
"/stop remote ctrl" $> StopRemoteCtrl,
"/delete remote ctrl " *> (DeleteRemoteCtrl <$> A.decimal),
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Controller where
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Invitation (RCSignedInvitation)
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Exception
@ -40,7 +41,6 @@ import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Exp, Q, runIO)
import Numeric.Natural
import qualified Paths_simplex_chat as SC
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Markdown (MarkdownList)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.AppVersion
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Store (AutoAccept, StoreError (..), UserContactLink, UserMsgReceiptSettings)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
@ -73,10 +74,12 @@ import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (simplexMQVersion)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (allFinally, catchAllErrors, liftEitherError, tryAllErrors, (<$$>))
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.Mem.Weak (Weak)
import UnliftIO.STM
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Client
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
versionNumber :: String
versionNumber = showVersion SC.version
@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ data ChatController = ChatController
currentCalls :: TMap ContactId Call,
localDeviceName :: TVar Text,
multicastSubscribers :: TMVar Int,
remoteHostSessions :: TMap RemoteHostId RemoteHostSession, -- All the active remote hosts
remoteHostSessions :: TMap RHKey RemoteHostSession, -- All the active remote hosts
remoteHostsFolder :: TVar (Maybe FilePath), -- folder for remote hosts data
remoteCtrlSession :: TVar (Maybe RemoteCtrlSession), -- Supervisor process for hosted controllers
config :: ChatConfig,
@ -419,18 +422,18 @@ data ChatCommand
| SetContactTimedMessages ContactName (Maybe TimedMessagesEnabled)
| SetGroupTimedMessages GroupName (Maybe Int)
| SetLocalDeviceName Text
| CreateRemoteHost -- ^ Configure a new remote host
-- | CreateRemoteHost -- ^ Configure a new remote host
| ListRemoteHosts
| StartRemoteHost RemoteHostId -- ^ Start and announce a remote host
| StartRemoteHost (Maybe (RemoteHostId, Bool)) -- ^ Start new or known remote host with optional multicast for known host
-- | SwitchRemoteHost (Maybe RemoteHostId) -- ^ Switch current remote host
| StopRemoteHost RemoteHostId -- ^ Shut down a running session
| StopRemoteHost RHKey -- ^ Shut down a running session
| DeleteRemoteHost RemoteHostId -- ^ Unregister remote host and remove its data
| StoreRemoteFile {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId, storeEncrypted :: Maybe Bool, localPath :: FilePath}
| GetRemoteFile {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId, file :: RemoteFile}
| ConnectRemoteCtrl SignedOOB -- ^ Connect new or existing controller via OOB data
| ConnectRemoteCtrl RCSignedInvitation -- ^ Connect new or existing controller via OOB data
| FindKnownRemoteCtrl -- ^ Start listening for announcements from all existing controllers
| ConfirmRemoteCtrl RemoteCtrlId -- ^ Confirm the connection with found controller
| VerifyRemoteCtrlSession RemoteCtrlId Text -- ^ Verify remote controller session
| VerifyRemoteCtrlSession Text -- ^ Verify remote controller session
| ListRemoteCtrls
| StopRemoteCtrl -- ^ Stop listening for announcements or terminate an active session
| DeleteRemoteCtrl RemoteCtrlId -- ^ Remove all local data associated with a remote controller session
@ -451,7 +454,6 @@ allowRemoteCommand = \case
APISuspendChat _ -> False
SetTempFolder _ -> False
QuitChat -> False
CreateRemoteHost -> False
ListRemoteHosts -> False
StartRemoteHost _ -> False
-- SwitchRemoteHost {} -> False
@ -642,8 +644,8 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRContactConnectionDeleted {user :: User, connection :: PendingContactConnection}
| CRRemoteHostCreated {remoteHost :: RemoteHostInfo}
| CRRemoteHostList {remoteHosts :: [RemoteHostInfo]}
| CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost :: RemoteHostInfo, sessionOOB :: Text}
| CRRemoteHostSessionCode {remoteHost :: RemoteHostInfo, sessionCode :: Text}
| CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost_ :: Maybe RemoteHostInfo, invitation :: Text}
| CRRemoteHostSessionCode {remoteHost_ :: Maybe RemoteHostInfo, sessionCode :: Text}
| CRRemoteHostConnected {remoteHost :: RemoteHostInfo}
| CRRemoteHostStopped {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId}
| CRRemoteFileStored {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId, remoteFileSource :: CryptoFile}
@ -652,7 +654,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRRemoteCtrlAnnounce {fingerprint :: C.KeyHash} -- TODO remove, unregistered fingerprint, needs confirmation -- TODO is it needed?
| CRRemoteCtrlFound {remoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlInfo} -- registered fingerprint, may connect
| CRRemoteCtrlConnecting {remoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlInfo} -- TODO is remove
| CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlInfo, sessionCode :: Text, newCtrl :: Bool}
| CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl_ :: Maybe RemoteCtrlInfo, sessionCode :: Text}
| CRRemoteCtrlConnected {remoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlInfo}
| CRRemoteCtrlStopped
| CRSQLResult {rows :: [Text]}
@ -949,7 +951,7 @@ data ChatError
| ChatErrorStore {storeError :: StoreError}
| ChatErrorDatabase {databaseError :: DatabaseError}
| ChatErrorRemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlError :: RemoteCtrlError}
| ChatErrorRemoteHost {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId, remoteHostError :: RemoteHostError}
| ChatErrorRemoteHost {rhKey :: RHKey, remoteHostError :: RemoteHostError}
deriving (Show, Exception)
data ChatErrorType
@ -1048,29 +1050,24 @@ throwDBError = throwError . ChatErrorDatabase
-- TODO review errors, some of it can be covered by HTTP2 errors
data RemoteHostError
= RHMissing -- ^ No remote session matches this identifier
| RHBusy -- ^ A session is already running
| RHRejected -- ^ A session attempt was rejected by a host
| RHTimeout -- ^ A discovery or a remote operation has timed out
| RHDisconnected {reason :: Text} -- ^ A session disconnected by a host
| RHConnectionLost {reason :: Text} -- ^ A session disconnected due to transport issues
| RHProtocolError RemoteProtocolError
= RHEMissing -- ^ No remote session matches this identifier
| RHEBusy -- ^ A session is already running
| RHEBadState -- ^ Illegal state transition
| RHEBadVersion {appVersion :: AppVersion}
| RHEDisconnected {reason :: Text} -- TODO should be sent when disconnected?
| RHEProtocolError RemoteProtocolError
deriving (Show, Exception)
-- TODO review errors, some of it can be covered by HTTP2 errors
data RemoteCtrlError
= RCEInactive -- ^ No session is running
| RCEBadState -- ^ A session is in a wrong state for the current operation
| RCEBusy -- ^ A session is already running
| RCETimeout -- ^ Remote operation timed out
| RCEDisconnected {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId, reason :: Text} -- ^ A session disconnected by a controller
| RCEConnectionLost {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId, reason :: Text} -- ^ A session disconnected due to transport issues
| RCECertificateExpired {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId} -- ^ A connection or CA certificate in a chain have bad validity period
| RCECertificateUntrusted {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId} -- ^ TLS is unable to validate certificate chain presented for a connection
| RCEBadFingerprint -- ^ Bad fingerprint data provided in OOB
| RCEBadInvitation
| RCEBadVersion {appVersion :: AppVersion}
| RCEBadVerificationCode -- ^ The code submitted doesn't match session TLSunique
| RCEHTTP2Error {http2Error :: String}
| RCEHTTP2RespStatus {statusCode :: Maybe Int} -- TODO remove
| RCEInvalidResponse {responseError :: String}
| RCEHTTP2Error {http2Error :: Text} -- TODO currently not used
| RCEProtocolError {protocolError :: RemoteProtocolError}
deriving (Show, Exception)
@ -1080,15 +1077,26 @@ data ArchiveError
deriving (Show, Exception)
-- | Host (mobile) side of transport to process remote commands and forward notifications
data RemoteCtrlSession = RemoteCtrlSession
{ discoverer :: Async (), -- multicast listener
supervisor :: Async (), -- session state/subprocess supervisor
hostServer :: Maybe (Async ()), -- a running session
discovered :: TMap C.KeyHash (TransportHost, Word16), -- multicast-announced services
confirmed :: TMVar RemoteCtrlId, -- connection fingerprint found/stored in DB
verified :: TMVar (RemoteCtrlId, Text), -- user confirmed the session
remoteOutputQ :: TBQueue ChatResponse
data RemoteCtrlSession
= RCSessionStarting
| RCSessionConnecting
{ rcsClient :: RCCtrlClient,
rcsWaitSession :: Async ()
| RCSessionPendingConfirmation
{ ctrlName :: Text,
rcsClient :: RCCtrlClient,
sessionCode :: Text,
rcsWaitSession :: Async (),
rcsWaitConfirmation :: TMVar (Either RCErrorType (RCCtrlSession, RCCtrlPairing))
| RCSessionConnected
{ remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId,
rcsClient :: RCCtrlClient,
rcsSession :: RCCtrlSession,
http2Server :: Async (),
remoteOutputQ :: TBQueue ChatResponse
type ChatMonad' m = (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m)
@ -1140,17 +1148,13 @@ throwChatError = throwError . ChatError
toView :: ChatMonad' m => ChatResponse -> m ()
toView event = do
localQ <- asks outputQ
chatReadVar remoteCtrlSession >>= \case
Nothing -> atomically $ writeTBQueue localQ (Nothing, Nothing, event)
Just RemoteCtrlSession {remoteOutputQ} ->
if allowRemoteEvent event
then do
-- TODO: filter events or let the UI ignore trigger events by itself?
-- traceM $ "Sending event to remote Q: " <> show event
atomically $ writeTBQueue remoteOutputQ event -- TODO: check full?
else do
-- traceM $ "Sending event to local Q: " <> show event
atomically $ writeTBQueue localQ (Nothing, Nothing, event)
session <- asks remoteCtrlSession
atomically $
readTVar session >>= \case
Just RCSessionConnected {remoteOutputQ} | allowRemoteEvent event ->
writeTBQueue remoteOutputQ event
-- TODO potentially, it should hold some events while connecting
_ -> writeTBQueue localQ (Nothing, Nothing, event)
withStore' :: ChatMonad m => (DB.Connection -> IO a) -> m a
withStore' action = withStore $ liftIO . action
@ -1179,6 +1183,12 @@ withStoreCtx ctx_ action = do
handleInternal :: String -> SomeException -> IO (Either StoreError a)
handleInternal ctxStr e = pure . Left . SEInternalError $ show e <> ctxStr
withAgent :: ChatMonad m => (AgentClient -> ExceptT AgentErrorType m a) -> m a
withAgent action =
asks smpAgent
>>= runExceptT . action
>>= liftEither . first (`ChatErrorAgent` Nothing)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HS") ''HelpSection)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "ILP") ''InvitationLinkPlan)
@ -10,18 +10,32 @@ m20231114_remote_controller =
CREATE TABLE remote_hosts ( -- hosts known to a controlling app
store_path TEXT NOT NULL, -- file path relative to app store (must not contain "/")
display_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- user-provided name for a remote host
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- private key for signing session certificates
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- root certificate, whose fingerprint is pinned on a remote
contacted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 -- 0 (first time), 1 (connected before)
host_device_name TEXT NOT NULL,
store_path TEXT NOT NULL, -- file path for host files relative to app storage (must not contain "/")
-- RCHostPairing
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- private key to sign session certificates
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- root certificate
id_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- long-term/identity signing key
-- KnownHostPairing
host_fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- pinned remote host CA, set when connected
-- stored host session key
host_dh_pub BLOB NOT NULL, -- session DH key
UNIQUE (host_fingerprint) ON CONFLICT FAIL
CREATE TABLE remote_controllers ( -- controllers known to a hosting app
display_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- user-provided name for a remote controller
fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller CA fingerprint
accepted INTEGER -- NULL (unknown), 0 (rejected), 1 (confirmed)
ctrl_device_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-- RCCtrlPairing
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- CA key
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- CA certificate for TLS clients
ctrl_fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller CA, set when connected
id_pub BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller long-term/identity key to verify signatures
-- stored session key, commited on connection confirmation
dh_priv_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- session DH key
-- prev session key
prev_dh_priv_key BLOB, -- previous session DH key
UNIQUE (ctrl_fingerprint) ON CONFLICT FAIL
@ -523,18 +523,32 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "received_probes"(
CREATE TABLE remote_hosts(
-- hosts known to a controlling app
store_path TEXT NOT NULL, -- file path relative to app store(must not contain "/")
display_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- user-provided name for a remote host
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- private key for signing session certificates
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- root certificate, whose fingerprint is pinned on a remote
contacted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 -- 0(first time), 1(connected before)
host_device_name TEXT NOT NULL,
store_path TEXT NOT NULL, -- file path for host files relative to app storage(must not contain "/")
-- RCHostPairing
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- private key to sign session certificates
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- root certificate
id_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- long-term/identity signing key
-- KnownHostPairing
host_fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- pinned remote host CA, set when connected
-- stored host session key
host_dh_pub BLOB NOT NULL, -- session DH key
UNIQUE(host_fingerprint) ON CONFLICT FAIL
CREATE TABLE remote_controllers(
-- controllers known to a hosting app
display_name TEXT NOT NULL, -- user-provided name for a remote controller
fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller CA fingerprint
accepted INTEGER -- NULL(unknown), 0(rejected), 1(confirmed)
ctrl_device_name TEXT NOT NULL,
-- RCCtrlPairing
ca_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- CA key
ca_cert BLOB NOT NULL, -- CA certificate for TLS clients
ctrl_fingerprint BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller CA, set when connected
id_pub BLOB NOT NULL, -- remote controller long-term/identity key to verify signatures
-- stored session key, commited on connection confirmation
dh_priv_key BLOB NOT NULL, -- session DH key
-- prev session key
prev_dh_priv_key BLOB, -- previous session DH key
UNIQUE(ctrl_fingerprint) ON CONFLICT FAIL
CREATE INDEX contact_profiles_index ON contact_profiles(
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Remote where
@ -18,161 +19,202 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.STM (retry)
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JT
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64U
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import Network.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2Error (..))
import Network.HTTP2.Server (responseStreaming)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr (..), hostAddressToTuple)
import qualified Paths_simplex_chat as SC
import Simplex.Chat.Archive (archiveFilesFolder)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Messages (chatNameStr)
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.AppVersion
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.RevHTTP (announceRevHTTP2, attachHTTP2Server)
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.RevHTTP (attachHTTP2Server, attachRevHTTP2Client)
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Transport
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Files
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Remote
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types (User (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Util (encryptFile)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (FileDigest (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (AgentErrorType (RCP))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFile (..), CryptoFileArgs (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File as CF
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding (smpDecode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String (StrEncoding (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.TMap as TM
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (tlsUniq)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Credentials (genCredentials, tlsCredentials)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2ClientError, closeHTTP2Client)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.File (hSendFile)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Server (HTTP2Request (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (ifM, liftEitherError, liftEitherWith, liftError, liftIOEither, tryAllErrors, tshow, ($>>=), (<$$>))
import qualified Simplex.RemoteControl.Discovery as Discovery
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Client
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Invitation (RCInvitation (..), RCSignedInvitation (..))
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
import UnliftIO
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO)
import UnliftIO.Directory (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, renameFile)
-- when acting as host
minRemoteCtrlVersion :: AppVersion
minRemoteCtrlVersion = AppVersion [5, 4, 0, 2]
-- when acting as controller
minRemoteHostVersion :: AppVersion
minRemoteHostVersion = AppVersion [5, 4, 0, 2]
currentAppVersion :: AppVersion
currentAppVersion = AppVersion SC.version
ctrlAppVersionRange :: AppVersionRange
ctrlAppVersionRange = mkAppVersionRange minRemoteHostVersion currentAppVersion
hostAppVersionRange :: AppVersionRange
hostAppVersionRange = mkAppVersionRange minRemoteCtrlVersion currentAppVersion
-- * Desktop side
getRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m RemoteHostSession
getRemoteHostSession rhId = withRemoteHostSession rhId $ \_ s -> pure $ Right s
withRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> (TM.TMap RemoteHostId RemoteHostSession -> RemoteHostSession -> STM (Either ChatError a)) -> m a
withRemoteHostSession rhId = withRemoteHostSession_ rhId missing
getRemoteHostClient :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m RemoteHostClient
getRemoteHostClient rhId = withRemoteHostSession rhKey $ \case
s@RHSessionConnected {rhClient} -> Right (rhClient, s)
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey RHEBadState
missing _ = pure . Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId RHMissing
rhKey = RHId rhId
withNoRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> (TM.TMap RemoteHostId RemoteHostSession -> STM (Either ChatError a)) -> m a
withNoRemoteHostSession rhId action = withRemoteHostSession_ rhId action busy
busy _ _ = pure . Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId RHBusy
withRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RHKey -> (RemoteHostSession -> Either ChatError (a, RemoteHostSession)) -> m a
withRemoteHostSession rhKey state = withRemoteHostSession_ rhKey $ maybe (Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey $ RHEMissing) ((second . second) Just . state)
-- | Atomically process controller state wrt. specific remote host session
withRemoteHostSession_ :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> (TM.TMap RemoteHostId RemoteHostSession -> STM (Either ChatError a)) -> (TM.TMap RemoteHostId RemoteHostSession -> RemoteHostSession -> STM (Either ChatError a)) -> m a
withRemoteHostSession_ rhId missing present = do
withRemoteHostSession_ :: ChatMonad m => RHKey -> (Maybe RemoteHostSession -> Either ChatError (a, Maybe RemoteHostSession)) -> m a
withRemoteHostSession_ rhKey state = do
sessions <- asks remoteHostSessions
liftIOEither . atomically $ TM.lookup rhId sessions >>= maybe (missing sessions) (present sessions)
r <- atomically $ do
s <- TM.lookup rhKey sessions
case state s of
Left e -> pure $ Left e
Right (a, s') -> Right a <$ maybe (TM.delete rhKey) (TM.insert rhKey) s' sessions
liftEither r
startRemoteHost :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m ()
startRemoteHost rhId = do
rh <- withStore (`getRemoteHost` rhId)
tasks <- startRemoteHostSession rh
logInfo $ "Remote host session starting for " <> tshow rhId
asyncRegistered tasks $
run rh tasks `catchAny` \err -> do
logError $ "Remote host session startup failed for " <> tshow rhId <> ": " <> tshow err
cancelTasks tasks
chatModifyVar remoteHostSessions $ M.delete rhId
throwError $ fromMaybe (mkChatError err) $ fromException err
setNewRemoteHostId :: ChatMonad m => RHKey -> RemoteHostId -> m ()
setNewRemoteHostId rhKey rhId = do
sessions <- asks remoteHostSessions
r <- atomically $ do
TM.lookupDelete rhKey sessions >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey RHEMissing
Just s -> Right () <$ TM.insert (RHId rhId) s sessions
liftEither r
startRemoteHost' :: ChatMonad m => Maybe (RemoteHostId, Bool) -> m (Maybe RemoteHostInfo, RCSignedInvitation)
startRemoteHost' rh_ = do
(rhKey, multicast, remoteHost_, pairing) <- case rh_ of
Just (rhId, multicast) -> do
rh@RemoteHost {hostPairing} <- withStore $ \db -> getRemoteHost db rhId
pure (RHId rhId, multicast, Just $ remoteHostInfo rh True, hostPairing) -- get from the database, start multicast if requested
Nothing -> (RHNew,False,Nothing,) <$> rcNewHostPairing
withRemoteHostSession_ rhKey $ maybe (Right ((), Just RHSessionStarting)) (\_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey RHEBusy)
ctrlAppInfo <- mkCtrlAppInfo
(invitation, rchClient, vars) <- withAgent $ \a -> rcConnectHost a pairing (J.toJSON ctrlAppInfo) multicast
rhsWaitSession <- async $ waitForSession rhKey remoteHost_ rchClient vars
let rhs = RHPendingSession {rhKey, rchClient, rhsWaitSession, remoteHost_}
withRemoteHostSession rhKey $ \case
RHSessionStarting -> Right ((), RHSessionConnecting rhs)
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey RHEBadState
pure (remoteHost_, invitation)
-- logInfo $ "Remote host session starting for " <> tshow rhId
run :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHost -> Tasks -> m ()
run rh@RemoteHost {storePath} tasks = do
(fingerprint, credentials) <- liftIO $ genSessionCredentials rh
cleanupIO <- toIO $ do
logNote $ "Remote host session stopping for " <> tshow rhId
cancelTasks tasks -- cancel our tasks anyway
chatModifyVar currentRemoteHost $ \cur -> if cur == Just rhId then Nothing else cur -- only wipe the closing RH
withRemoteHostSession rhId $ \sessions _ -> Right <$> TM.delete rhId sessions
toView (CRRemoteHostStopped rhId) -- only signal "stopped" when the session is unregistered cleanly
-- block until some client is connected or an error happens
logInfo $ "Remote host session connecting for " <> tshow rhId
rcName <- chatReadVar localDeviceName
localAddr <- asks multicastSubscribers >>= Discovery.getLocalAddress >>= maybe (throwError . ChatError $ CEInternalError "unable to get local address") pure
(dhKey, sigKey, ann, oob) <- Discovery.startSession (if rcName == "" then Nothing else Just rcName) (localAddr, read Discovery.DISCOVERY_PORT) fingerprint
toView CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost = remoteHostInfo rh True, sessionOOB = decodeUtf8 $ strEncode oob}
httpClient <- liftEitherError (ChatErrorRemoteCtrl . RCEHTTP2Error . show) $ announceRevHTTP2 tasks (sigKey, ann) credentials cleanupIO
logInfo $ "Remote host session connected for " <> tshow rhId
-- test connection and establish a protocol layer
remoteHostClient <- liftRH rhId $ createRemoteHostClient httpClient dhKey rcName
-- set up message polling
mkCtrlAppInfo = do
deviceName <- chatReadVar localDeviceName
pure CtrlAppInfo {appVersionRange = ctrlAppVersionRange, deviceName}
parseHostAppInfo RCHostHello {app = hostAppInfo} rhKey = do
HostAppInfo {deviceName, appVersion} <-
liftEitherWith (ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey . RHEProtocolError . RPEInvalidJSON) $ JT.parseEither J.parseJSON hostAppInfo
unless (isAppCompatible appVersion ctrlAppVersionRange) $ throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey $ RHEBadVersion appVersion
pure deviceName
waitForSession :: ChatMonad m => RHKey -> Maybe RemoteHostInfo -> RCHostClient -> RCStepTMVar (ByteString, RCStepTMVar (RCHostSession, RCHostHello, RCHostPairing)) -> m ()
waitForSession rhKey remoteHost_ _rchClient_kill_on_error vars = do
-- TODO handle errors
(sessId, vars') <- takeRCStep vars
toView $ CRRemoteHostSessionCode {remoteHost_, sessionCode = verificationCode sessId} -- display confirmation code, wait for mobile to confirm
(RCHostSession {tls, sessionKeys}, rhHello, pairing') <- takeRCStep vars'
hostDeviceName <- parseHostAppInfo rhHello rhKey
withRemoteHostSession rhKey $ \case
RHSessionConnecting rhs' -> Right ((), RHSessionConfirmed rhs') -- TODO check it's the same session?
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey RHEBadState -- TODO kill client on error
-- update remoteHost with updated pairing
rhi@RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId, storePath} <- upsertRemoteHost pairing' remoteHost_ hostDeviceName
let rhKey' = RHId remoteHostId
disconnected <- toIO $ onDisconnected remoteHostId
httpClient <- liftEitherError (httpError rhKey) $ attachRevHTTP2Client disconnected tls
rhClient <- liftRC $ createRemoteHostClient httpClient sessionKeys storePath hostDeviceName
pollAction <- async $ pollEvents remoteHostId rhClient
withRemoteHostSession rhKey' $ \case
RHSessionConfirmed RHPendingSession {} -> Right ((), RHSessionConnected {rhClient, pollAction, storePath})
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey' RHEBadState -- TODO kill client on error
chatWriteVar currentRemoteHost $ Just remoteHostId -- this is required for commands to be passed to remote host
toView $ CRRemoteHostConnected rhi
upsertRemoteHost :: ChatMonad m => RCHostPairing -> Maybe RemoteHostInfo -> Text -> m RemoteHostInfo
upsertRemoteHost pairing'@RCHostPairing {knownHost = kh_} rh_ hostDeviceName = do
KnownHostPairing {hostDhPubKey = hostDhPubKey'} <- maybe (throwError . ChatError $ CEInternalError "KnownHost is known after verification") pure kh_
case rh_ of
Nothing -> do
storePath <- liftIO randomStorePath
rh@RemoteHost {remoteHostId} <- withStore $ \db -> insertRemoteHost db hostDeviceName storePath pairing' >>= getRemoteHost db
setNewRemoteHostId RHNew remoteHostId
pure $ remoteHostInfo rh True
Just rhi@RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId} -> do
withStore' $ \db -> updateHostPairing db remoteHostId hostDeviceName hostDhPubKey'
pure rhi
onDisconnected :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m ()
onDisconnected remoteHostId = do
logDebug "HTTP2 client disconnected"
chatModifyVar currentRemoteHost $ \cur -> if cur == Just remoteHostId then Nothing else cur -- only wipe the closing RH
sessions <- asks remoteHostSessions
void . atomically $ TM.lookupDelete (RHId remoteHostId) sessions
toView $ CRRemoteHostStopped remoteHostId
pollEvents :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> RemoteHostClient -> m ()
pollEvents rhId rhClient = do
oq <- asks outputQ
asyncRegistered tasks . forever $ do
liftRH rhId (remoteRecv remoteHostClient 1000000) >>= mapM_ (atomically . writeTBQueue oq . (Nothing,Just rhId,))
-- update session state
logInfo $ "Remote host session started for " <> tshow rhId
chatModifyVar remoteHostSessions $ M.adjust (\rhs -> rhs {remoteHostClient = Just remoteHostClient}) rhId
chatWriteVar currentRemoteHost $ Just rhId
toView $
{ remoteHostId = rhId,
storePath = storePath,
displayName = hostDeviceName remoteHostClient,
sessionActive = True
forever $ do
r_ <- liftRH rhId $ remoteRecv rhClient 10000000
forM r_ $ \r -> atomically $ writeTBQueue oq (Nothing, Just rhId, r)
httpError :: RHKey -> HTTP2ClientError -> ChatError
httpError rhKey = ChatErrorRemoteHost rhKey . RHEProtocolError . RPEHTTP2 . tshow
genSessionCredentials RemoteHost {caKey, caCert} = do
sessionCreds <- genCredentials (Just parent) (0, 24) "Session"
pure . tlsCredentials $ sessionCreds :| [parent]
parent = (C.signatureKeyPair caKey, caCert)
closeRemoteHost :: ChatMonad m => RHKey -> m ()
closeRemoteHost rhKey = do
logNote $ "Closing remote host session for " <> tshow rhKey
chatModifyVar currentRemoteHost $ \cur -> if (RHId <$> cur) == Just rhKey then Nothing else cur -- only wipe the closing RH
join . withRemoteHostSession_ rhKey . maybe (Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEInactive) $
\s -> Right (liftIO $ cancelRemoteHost s, Nothing)
-- | Atomically check/register session and prepare its task list
startRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHost -> m Tasks
startRemoteHostSession RemoteHost {remoteHostId, storePath} = withNoRemoteHostSession remoteHostId $ \sessions -> do
remoteHostTasks <- newTVar []
TM.insert remoteHostId RemoteHostSession {remoteHostTasks, storePath, remoteHostClient = Nothing} sessions
pure $ Right remoteHostTasks
closeRemoteHostSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m ()
closeRemoteHostSession rhId = do
logNote $ "Closing remote host session for " <> tshow rhId
chatModifyVar currentRemoteHost $ \cur -> if cur == Just rhId then Nothing else cur -- only wipe the closing RH
session <- withRemoteHostSession rhId $ \sessions rhs -> Right rhs <$ TM.delete rhId sessions
cancelRemoteHostSession session
cancelRemoteHostSession :: MonadUnliftIO m => RemoteHostSession -> m ()
cancelRemoteHostSession RemoteHostSession {remoteHostTasks, remoteHostClient} = do
cancelTasks remoteHostTasks
mapM_ closeRemoteHostClient remoteHostClient
createRemoteHost :: ChatMonad m => m RemoteHostInfo
createRemoteHost = do
((_, caKey), caCert) <- liftIO $ genCredentials Nothing (-25, 24 * 365) "Host"
storePath <- liftIO randomStorePath
let remoteName = "" -- will be passed from remote host in hello
rhId <- withStore' $ \db -> insertRemoteHost db storePath remoteName caKey caCert
rh <- withStore $ \db -> getRemoteHost db rhId
pure $ remoteHostInfo rh False
cancelRemoteHost :: RemoteHostSession -> IO ()
cancelRemoteHost = \case
RHSessionStarting -> pure ()
RHSessionConnecting rhs -> cancelPendingSession rhs
RHSessionConfirmed rhs -> cancelPendingSession rhs
RHSessionConnected {rhClient = RemoteHostClient {httpClient}, pollAction} -> do
uninterruptibleCancel pollAction
closeHTTP2Client httpClient
cancelPendingSession RHPendingSession {rchClient, rhsWaitSession} = do
cancelHostClient rchClient
uninterruptibleCancel rhsWaitSession
-- | Generate a random 16-char filepath without / in it by using base64url encoding.
randomStorePath :: IO FilePath
@ -184,11 +226,12 @@ listRemoteHosts = do
map (rhInfo active) <$> withStore' getRemoteHosts
rhInfo active rh@RemoteHost {remoteHostId} =
remoteHostInfo rh (M.member remoteHostId active)
remoteHostInfo rh (M.member (RHId remoteHostId) active)
-- XXX: replacing hostPairing replaced with sessionActive, could be a ($>)
remoteHostInfo :: RemoteHost -> Bool -> RemoteHostInfo
remoteHostInfo RemoteHost {remoteHostId, storePath, displayName} sessionActive =
RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId, storePath, displayName, sessionActive}
remoteHostInfo RemoteHost {remoteHostId, storePath, hostName} sessionActive =
RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId, storePath, hostName, sessionActive}
deleteRemoteHost :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> m ()
deleteRemoteHost rhId = do
@ -202,20 +245,17 @@ deleteRemoteHost rhId = do
storeRemoteFile :: forall m. ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> Maybe Bool -> FilePath -> m CryptoFile
storeRemoteFile rhId encrypted_ localPath = do
RemoteHostSession {remoteHostClient, storePath} <- getRemoteHostSession rhId
case remoteHostClient of
Nothing -> throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId RHMissing
Just c@RemoteHostClient {encryptHostFiles} -> do
let encrypt = fromMaybe encryptHostFiles encrypted_
cf@CryptoFile {filePath} <- if encrypt then encryptLocalFile else pure $ CF.plain localPath
filePath' <- liftRH rhId $ remoteStoreFile c filePath (takeFileName localPath)
hf_ <- chatReadVar remoteHostsFolder
forM_ hf_ $ \hf -> do
let rhf = hf </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
hPath = rhf </> takeFileName filePath'
createDirectoryIfMissing True rhf
(if encrypt then renameFile else copyFile) filePath hPath
pure (cf :: CryptoFile) {filePath = filePath'}
c@RemoteHostClient {encryptHostFiles, storePath} <- getRemoteHostClient rhId
let encrypt = fromMaybe encryptHostFiles encrypted_
cf@CryptoFile {filePath} <- if encrypt then encryptLocalFile else pure $ CF.plain localPath
filePath' <- liftRH rhId $ remoteStoreFile c filePath (takeFileName localPath)
hf_ <- chatReadVar remoteHostsFolder
forM_ hf_ $ \hf -> do
let rhf = hf </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
hPath = rhf </> takeFileName filePath'
createDirectoryIfMissing True rhf
(if encrypt then renameFile else copyFile) filePath hPath
pure (cf :: CryptoFile) {filePath = filePath'}
encryptLocalFile :: m CryptoFile
encryptLocalFile = do
@ -228,78 +268,69 @@ storeRemoteFile rhId encrypted_ localPath = do
getRemoteFile :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> RemoteFile -> m ()
getRemoteFile rhId rf = do
RemoteHostSession {remoteHostClient, storePath} <- getRemoteHostSession rhId
case remoteHostClient of
Nothing -> throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId RHMissing
Just c -> do
dir <- (</> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder) <$> (maybe getDefaultFilesFolder pure =<< chatReadVar remoteHostsFolder)
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
liftRH rhId $ remoteGetFile c dir rf
c@RemoteHostClient {storePath} <- getRemoteHostClient rhId
dir <- (</> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder) <$> (maybe getDefaultFilesFolder pure =<< chatReadVar remoteHostsFolder)
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
liftRH rhId $ remoteGetFile c dir rf
processRemoteCommand :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> RemoteHostSession -> ChatCommand -> ByteString -> m ChatResponse
processRemoteCommand remoteHostId RemoteHostSession {remoteHostClient = Just rhc} cmd s = case cmd of
processRemoteCommand :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> RemoteHostClient -> ChatCommand -> ByteString -> m ChatResponse
processRemoteCommand remoteHostId c cmd s = case cmd of
SendFile chatName f -> sendFile "/f" chatName f
SendImage chatName f -> sendFile "/img" chatName f
_ -> liftRH remoteHostId $ remoteSend rhc s
_ -> liftRH remoteHostId $ remoteSend c s
sendFile cmdName chatName (CryptoFile path cfArgs) = do
-- don't encrypt in host if already encrypted locally
CryptoFile path' cfArgs' <- storeRemoteFile remoteHostId (cfArgs $> False) path
let f = CryptoFile path' (cfArgs <|> cfArgs') -- use local or host encryption
liftRH remoteHostId $ remoteSend rhc $ B.unwords [cmdName, B.pack (chatNameStr chatName), cryptoFileStr f]
liftRH remoteHostId $ remoteSend c $ B.unwords [cmdName, B.pack (chatNameStr chatName), cryptoFileStr f]
cryptoFileStr CryptoFile {filePath, cryptoArgs} =
maybe "" (\(CFArgs key nonce) -> "key=" <> strEncode key <> " nonce=" <> strEncode nonce <> " ") cryptoArgs
<> encodeUtf8 (T.pack filePath)
processRemoteCommand _ _ _ _ = pure $ chatCmdError Nothing "remote command sent before session started"
liftRH :: ChatMonad m => RemoteHostId -> ExceptT RemoteProtocolError IO a -> m a
liftRH rhId = liftError (ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId . RHProtocolError)
liftRH rhId = liftError (ChatErrorRemoteHost (RHId rhId) . RHEProtocolError)
-- * Mobile side
findKnownRemoteCtrl :: forall m. ChatMonad m => (ByteString -> m ChatResponse) -> m ()
findKnownRemoteCtrl execChatCommand = do
logInfo "Starting remote host"
checkNoRemoteCtrlSession -- tiny race with the final @chatWriteVar@ until the setup finishes and supervisor spawned
discovered <- newTVarIO mempty
discoverer <- async $ discoverRemoteCtrls discovered -- TODO extract to a controller service singleton
size <- asks $ tbqSize . config
remoteOutputQ <- newTBQueueIO size
confirmed <- newEmptyTMVarIO
verified <- newEmptyTMVarIO
supervisor <- async $ do
threadDelay 500000 -- give chat controller a chance to reply with "ok" to prevent flaking tests
runHost discovered confirmed verified $ handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand remoteOutputQ
chatWriteVar remoteCtrlSession $ Just RemoteCtrlSession {discoverer, supervisor, hostServer = Nothing, discovered, confirmed, verified, remoteOutputQ}
findKnownRemoteCtrl :: ChatMonad m => m ()
findKnownRemoteCtrl = undefined -- do
-- | Track remote host lifecycle in controller session state and signal UI on its progress
runHost :: ChatMonad m => TM.TMap C.KeyHash (TransportHost, Word16) -> TMVar RemoteCtrlId -> TMVar (RemoteCtrlId, Text) -> (HTTP2Request -> m ()) -> m ()
runHost discovered confirmed verified handleHttp = do
remoteCtrlId <- atomically (readTMVar confirmed) -- wait for discoverRemoteCtrls.process or confirmRemoteCtrl to confirm fingerprint as a known RC
rc@RemoteCtrl {fingerprint} <- withStore (`getRemoteCtrl` remoteCtrlId)
serviceAddress <- atomically $ TM.lookup fingerprint discovered >>= maybe retry pure -- wait for location of the matching fingerprint
toView $ CRRemoteCtrlConnecting $ remoteCtrlInfo rc False
atomically $ writeTVar discovered mempty -- flush unused sources
server <- async $
-- spawn server for remote protocol commands
Discovery.connectTLSClient serviceAddress fingerprint $ \tls -> do
let sessionCode = decodeUtf8 . strEncode $ tlsUniq tls
toView $ CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl = remoteCtrlInfo rc True, sessionCode, newCtrl = False}
userInfo <- atomically $ readTMVar verified
if userInfo == (remoteCtrlId, sessionCode)
then do
toView $ CRRemoteCtrlConnected $ remoteCtrlInfo rc True
attachHTTP2Server handleHttp tls
else do
toView $ CRChatCmdError Nothing $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadVerificationCode
-- the server doesn't enter its loop and waitCatch below falls through
chatModifyVar remoteCtrlSession $ fmap $ \s -> s {hostServer = Just server}
_ <- waitCatch server -- wait for the server to finish
chatWriteVar remoteCtrlSession Nothing
toView CRRemoteCtrlStopped
-- | Use provided OOB link as an annouce
connectRemoteCtrl :: ChatMonad m => RCSignedInvitation -> m ()
connectRemoteCtrl inv@RCSignedInvitation {invitation = RCInvitation {ca, app}} = do
(ctrlDeviceName, v) <- parseCtrlAppInfo app
withRemoteCtrlSession_ $ maybe (Right ((), Just RCSessionStarting)) (\_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBusy)
rc_ <- withStore' $ \db -> getRemoteCtrlByFingerprint db ca
hostAppInfo <- getHostAppInfo v
(rcsClient, vars) <- withAgent $ \a -> rcConnectCtrlURI a inv (ctrlPairing <$> rc_) (J.toJSON hostAppInfo)
rcsWaitSession <- async $ waitForSession rc_ ctrlDeviceName rcsClient vars
updateRemoteCtrlSession $ \case
RCSessionStarting -> Right RCSessionConnecting {rcsClient, rcsWaitSession}
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadState -- TODO kill rcsClient
waitForSession :: ChatMonad m => Maybe RemoteCtrl -> Text -> RCCtrlClient -> RCStepTMVar (ByteString, RCStepTMVar (RCCtrlSession, RCCtrlPairing)) -> m ()
waitForSession rc_ ctrlName rcsClient vars = do
(uniq, rcsWaitConfirmation) <- takeRCStep vars
let sessionCode = verificationCode uniq
toView CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl_ = (`remoteCtrlInfo` True) <$> rc_, sessionCode}
updateRemoteCtrlSession $ \case
RCSessionConnecting {rcsWaitSession} -> Right RCSessionPendingConfirmation {ctrlName, rcsClient, sessionCode, rcsWaitSession, rcsWaitConfirmation}
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadState -- TODO kill rcsClient
parseCtrlAppInfo ctrlAppInfo = do
CtrlAppInfo {deviceName, appVersionRange} <-
liftEitherWith (const $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadInvitation) $ JT.parseEither J.parseJSON ctrlAppInfo
v <- case compatibleAppVersion hostAppVersionRange appVersionRange of
Just (AppCompatible v) -> pure v
Nothing -> throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl $ RCEBadVersion $ maxVersion appVersionRange
pure (deviceName, v)
getHostAppInfo appVersion = do
hostDeviceName <- chatReadVar localDeviceName
encryptFiles <- chatReadVar encryptLocalFiles
pure HostAppInfo {appVersion, deviceName = hostDeviceName, encoding = localEncoding, encryptFiles}
handleRemoteCommand :: forall m. ChatMonad m => (ByteString -> m ChatResponse) -> TBQueue ChatResponse -> HTTP2Request -> m ()
handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand remoteOutputQ HTTP2Request {request, reqBody, sendResponse} = do
handleRemoteCommand :: forall m. ChatMonad m => (ByteString -> m ChatResponse) -> CtrlSessKeys -> TBQueue ChatResponse -> HTTP2Request -> m ()
handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand _sessionKeys remoteOutputQ HTTP2Request {request, reqBody, sendResponse} = do
logDebug "handleRemoteCommand"
liftRC (tryRemoteError parseRequest) >>= \case
Right (getNext, rc) -> do
@ -311,7 +342,7 @@ handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand remoteOutputQ HTTP2Request {request, reqBody
parseRequest :: ExceptT RemoteProtocolError IO (GetChunk, RemoteCommand)
parseRequest = do
(header, getNext) <- parseHTTP2Body request reqBody
(getNext,) <$> liftEitherWith (RPEInvalidJSON . T.pack) (J.eitherDecodeStrict' header)
(getNext,) <$> liftEitherWith RPEInvalidJSON (J.eitherDecodeStrict' header)
replyError = reply . RRChatResponse . CRChatCmdError Nothing
processCommand :: User -> GetChunk -> RemoteCommand -> m ()
processCommand user getNext = \case
@ -329,6 +360,9 @@ handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand remoteOutputQ HTTP2Request {request, reqBody
attach send
takeRCStep :: ChatMonad m => RCStepTMVar a -> m a
takeRCStep = liftEitherError (\e -> ChatErrorAgent {agentError = RCP e, connectionEntity_ = Nothing}) . atomically . takeTMVar
type GetChunk = Int -> IO ByteString
type SendChunk = Builder -> IO ()
@ -393,83 +427,79 @@ handleGetFile User {userId} RemoteFile {userId = commandUserId, fileId, sent, fi
discoverRemoteCtrls :: ChatMonad m => TM.TMap C.KeyHash (TransportHost, Word16) -> m ()
discoverRemoteCtrls discovered = do
subscribers <- asks multicastSubscribers
Discovery.withListener subscribers run
run sock = receive sock >>= process sock
receive sock =
Discovery.recvAnnounce sock >>= \case
(SockAddrInet _sockPort sockAddr, sigAnnBytes) -> case smpDecode sigAnnBytes of
Right (SignedAnnounce ann _sig) -> pure (sockAddr, ann)
Left _ -> receive sock -- TODO it is probably better to report errors to view here
_nonV4 -> receive sock
process sock (sockAddr, Announce {caFingerprint, serviceAddress = (annAddr, port)}) = do
unless (annAddr == sockAddr) $ logError "Announced address doesn't match socket address"
let addr = THIPv4 (hostAddressToTuple sockAddr)
(atomically $ TM.member caFingerprint discovered)
(logDebug $ "Fingerprint already known: " <> tshow (addr, caFingerprint))
( do
logInfo $ "New fingerprint announced: " <> tshow (addr, caFingerprint)
atomically $ TM.insert caFingerprint (addr, port) discovered
-- TODO we check fingerprint for duplicate where id doesn't matter - to prevent re-insert - and don't check to prevent duplicate events,
-- so UI now will have to check for duplicates again
withStore' (`getRemoteCtrlByFingerprint` caFingerprint) >>= \case
Nothing -> toView $ CRRemoteCtrlAnnounce caFingerprint -- unknown controller, ui "register" action required
-- TODO Maybe Bool is very confusing - the intent is very unclear here
Just found@RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId, accepted = storedChoice} -> case storedChoice of
Nothing -> toView $ CRRemoteCtrlFound $ remoteCtrlInfo found False -- first-time controller, ui "accept" action required
Just False -> run sock -- restart, skipping a rejected item
Just True ->
chatReadVar remoteCtrlSession >>= \case
Nothing -> toView . CRChatError Nothing . ChatError $ CEInternalError "Remote host found without running a session"
Just RemoteCtrlSession {confirmed} -> atomically $ void $ tryPutTMVar confirmed remoteCtrlId -- previously accepted controller, connect automatically
error "TODO: discoverRemoteCtrls"
listRemoteCtrls :: ChatMonad m => m [RemoteCtrlInfo]
listRemoteCtrls = do
active <-
chatReadVar remoteCtrlSession $>>= \RemoteCtrlSession {confirmed} ->
atomically $ tryReadTMVar confirmed
active <- chatReadVar remoteCtrlSession >>= \case
Just RCSessionConnected {remoteCtrlId} -> pure $ Just remoteCtrlId
_ -> pure Nothing
map (rcInfo active) <$> withStore' getRemoteCtrls
rcInfo activeRcId rc@RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId} =
remoteCtrlInfo rc $ activeRcId == Just remoteCtrlId
remoteCtrlInfo :: RemoteCtrl -> Bool -> RemoteCtrlInfo
remoteCtrlInfo RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId, displayName, fingerprint, accepted} sessionActive =
RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, displayName, fingerprint, accepted, sessionActive}
remoteCtrlInfo RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId, ctrlName} sessionActive =
RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, ctrlName, sessionActive}
-- XXX: only used for multicast
confirmRemoteCtrl :: ChatMonad m => RemoteCtrlId -> m ()
confirmRemoteCtrl rcId = do
confirmRemoteCtrl _rcId = do
-- TODO check it exists, check the ID is the same as in session
RemoteCtrlSession {confirmed} <- getRemoteCtrlSession
withStore' $ \db -> markRemoteCtrlResolution db rcId True
atomically . void $ tryPutTMVar confirmed rcId -- the remote host can now proceed with connection
-- RemoteCtrlSession {confirmed} <- getRemoteCtrlSession
-- withStore' $ \db -> markRemoteCtrlResolution db rcId True
-- atomically . void $ tryPutTMVar confirmed rcId -- the remote host can now proceed with connection
verifyRemoteCtrlSession :: ChatMonad m => RemoteCtrlId -> Text -> m ()
verifyRemoteCtrlSession rcId sessId = do
RemoteCtrlSession {verified} <- getRemoteCtrlSession
void . atomically $ tryPutTMVar verified (rcId, sessId)
-- | Take a look at emoji of tlsunique, commit pairing, and start session server
verifyRemoteCtrlSession :: ChatMonad m => (ByteString -> m ChatResponse) -> Text -> m RemoteCtrlInfo
verifyRemoteCtrlSession execChatCommand sessCode' = do
(client, ctrlName, sessionCode, vars) <-
getRemoteCtrlSession >>= \case
RCSessionPendingConfirmation {rcsClient, ctrlName, sessionCode, rcsWaitConfirmation} -> pure (rcsClient, ctrlName, sessionCode, rcsWaitConfirmation)
_ -> throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadState
let verified = sameVerificationCode sessCode' sessionCode
liftIO $ confirmCtrlSession client verified
unless verified $ throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadVerificationCode
(rcsSession@RCCtrlSession {tls, sessionKeys}, rcCtrlPairing) <- takeRCStep vars
rc@RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId} <- withStore $ \db -> do
rc_ <- liftIO $ getRemoteCtrlByFingerprint db (ctrlFingerprint rcCtrlPairing)
case rc_ of
Nothing -> insertRemoteCtrl db ctrlName rcCtrlPairing >>= getRemoteCtrl db
Just rc@RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId} -> do
liftIO $ updateCtrlPairingKeys db remoteCtrlId (dhPrivKey rcCtrlPairing)
pure rc
remoteOutputQ <- asks (tbqSize . config) >>= newTBQueueIO
http2Server <- async $ attachHTTP2Server tls $ handleRemoteCommand execChatCommand sessionKeys remoteOutputQ
withRemoteCtrlSession $ \case
RCSessionPendingConfirmation {} -> Right ((), RCSessionConnected {remoteCtrlId, rcsClient = client, rcsSession, http2Server, remoteOutputQ})
_ -> Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBadState
void . forkIO $ do
waitCatch http2Server >>= \case
Left err | Just (BadThingHappen innerErr) <- fromException err -> logWarn $ "HTTP2 server crashed with internal " <> tshow innerErr
Left err | isNothing (fromException @AsyncCancelled err) -> logError $ "HTTP2 server crashed with " <> tshow err
_ -> logInfo "HTTP2 server stopped"
toView CRRemoteCtrlStopped
pure $ remoteCtrlInfo rc True
stopRemoteCtrl :: ChatMonad m => m ()
stopRemoteCtrl = do
rcs <- getRemoteCtrlSession
cancelRemoteCtrlSession rcs $ chatWriteVar remoteCtrlSession Nothing
stopRemoteCtrl =
join . withRemoteCtrlSession_ . maybe (Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEInactive) $
\s -> Right (liftIO $ cancelRemoteCtrl s, Nothing)
cancelRemoteCtrlSession_ :: MonadUnliftIO m => RemoteCtrlSession -> m ()
cancelRemoteCtrlSession_ rcs = cancelRemoteCtrlSession rcs $ pure ()
cancelRemoteCtrlSession :: MonadUnliftIO m => RemoteCtrlSession -> m () -> m ()
cancelRemoteCtrlSession RemoteCtrlSession {discoverer, supervisor, hostServer} cleanup = do
cancel discoverer -- may be gone by now
case hostServer of
Just host -> cancel host -- supervisor will clean up
Nothing -> do
cancel supervisor -- supervisor is blocked until session progresses
cancelRemoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlSession -> IO ()
cancelRemoteCtrl = \case
RCSessionStarting -> pure ()
RCSessionConnecting {rcsClient, rcsWaitSession} -> do
cancelCtrlClient rcsClient
uninterruptibleCancel rcsWaitSession
RCSessionPendingConfirmation {rcsClient, rcsWaitSession} -> do
cancelCtrlClient rcsClient
uninterruptibleCancel rcsWaitSession
RCSessionConnected {rcsClient, http2Server} -> do
cancelCtrlClient rcsClient
uninterruptibleCancel http2Server
deleteRemoteCtrl :: ChatMonad m => RemoteCtrlId -> m ()
deleteRemoteCtrl rcId = do
@ -485,6 +515,23 @@ checkNoRemoteCtrlSession :: ChatMonad m => m ()
checkNoRemoteCtrlSession =
chatReadVar remoteCtrlSession >>= maybe (pure ()) (\_ -> throwError $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEBusy)
withRemoteCtrlSession :: ChatMonad m => (RemoteCtrlSession -> Either ChatError (a, RemoteCtrlSession)) -> m a
withRemoteCtrlSession state = withRemoteCtrlSession_ $ maybe (Left $ ChatErrorRemoteCtrl RCEInactive) ((second . second) Just . state)
-- | Atomically process controller state wrt. specific remote ctrl session
withRemoteCtrlSession_ :: ChatMonad m => (Maybe RemoteCtrlSession -> Either ChatError (a, Maybe RemoteCtrlSession)) -> m a
withRemoteCtrlSession_ state = do
session <- asks remoteCtrlSession
r <-
atomically $ stateTVar session $ \s ->
case state s of
Left e -> (Left e, s)
Right (a, s') -> (Right a, s')
liftEither r
updateRemoteCtrlSession :: ChatMonad m => (RemoteCtrlSession -> Either ChatError RemoteCtrlSession) -> m ()
updateRemoteCtrlSession state = withRemoteCtrlSession $ fmap ((),) . state
utf8String :: [Char] -> ByteString
utf8String = encodeUtf8 . T.pack
{-# INLINE utf8String #-}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Remote.AppVersion
( AppVersionRange (minVersion, maxVersion),
AppVersion (..),
pattern AppCompatible,
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JE
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Version (parseVersion, showVersion)
import qualified Data.Version as V
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (defaultJSON)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
newtype AppVersion = AppVersion V.Version
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToJSON AppVersion where
toJSON (AppVersion v) = J.String . T.pack $ showVersion v
toEncoding (AppVersion v) = JE.text . T.pack $ showVersion v
instance FromJSON AppVersion where
parseJSON = J.withText "AppVersion" $ parse . T.unpack
parse s = case filter (null . snd) $ readP_to_S parseVersion s of
(v, _) : _ -> pure $ AppVersion v
_ -> fail $ "bad AppVersion: " <> s
data AppVersionRange = AppVRange
{ minVersion :: AppVersion,
maxVersion :: AppVersion
mkAppVersionRange :: AppVersion -> AppVersion -> AppVersionRange
mkAppVersionRange v1 v2
| v1 <= v2 = AppVRange v1 v2
| otherwise = error "invalid version range"
newtype AppCompatible a = AppCompatible_ a
pattern AppCompatible :: a -> AppCompatible a
pattern AppCompatible a <- AppCompatible_ a
{-# COMPLETE AppCompatible #-}
isAppCompatible :: AppVersion -> AppVersionRange -> Bool
isAppCompatible v (AppVRange v1 v2) = v1 <= v && v <= v2
isCompatibleAppRange :: AppVersionRange -> AppVersionRange -> Bool
isCompatibleAppRange (AppVRange min1 max1) (AppVRange min2 max2) = min1 <= max2 && min2 <= max1
compatibleAppVersion :: AppVersionRange -> AppVersionRange -> Maybe (AppCompatible AppVersion)
compatibleAppVersion vr1 vr2 =
min (maxVersion vr1) (maxVersion vr2) `mkCompatibleIf` isCompatibleAppRange vr1 vr2
mkCompatibleIf :: AppVersion -> Bool -> Maybe (AppCompatible AppVersion)
v `mkCompatibleIf` cond = if cond then Just $ AppCompatible_ v else Nothing
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''AppVersionRange)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as JM
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JT
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, word32BE, lazyByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, lazyByteString, word32BE)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2 (HTTP2Body (..), HTTP2BodyChunk, getBod
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2Client, HTTP2Response (..), closeHTTP2Client, sendRequestDirect)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.File (hSendFile)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (liftEitherError, liftEitherWith, tshow)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeFileName)
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types (HostSessKeys)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
import UnliftIO
data RemoteCommand
@ -66,14 +67,21 @@ $(deriveJSON (taggedObjectJSON $ dropPrefix "RR") ''RemoteResponse)
-- * Client side / desktop
createRemoteHostClient :: HTTP2Client -> dh -> Text -> ExceptT RemoteProtocolError IO RemoteHostClient
createRemoteHostClient httpClient todo'dhKey desktopName = do
createRemoteHostClient :: HTTP2Client -> HostSessKeys -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT RemoteProtocolError IO RemoteHostClient
createRemoteHostClient httpClient sessionKeys storePath desktopName = do
logDebug "Sending initial hello"
sendRemoteCommand' httpClient localEncoding Nothing RCHello {deviceName = desktopName} >>= \case
RRHello {encoding, deviceName = mobileName, encryptFiles} -> do
logDebug "Got initial hello"
when (encoding == PEKotlin && localEncoding == PESwift) $ throwError RPEIncompatibleEncoding
pure RemoteHostClient {hostEncoding = encoding, hostDeviceName = mobileName, httpClient, encryptHostFiles = encryptFiles}
pure RemoteHostClient
{ hostEncoding = encoding,
hostDeviceName = mobileName,
encryptHostFiles = encryptFiles,
r -> badResponse r
closeRemoteHostClient :: MonadIO m => RemoteHostClient -> m ()
@ -8,37 +8,20 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Remote.RevHTTP where
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Discovery
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import Control.Logger.Simple
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Transport as Transport
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport (TLS)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2 (defaultHTTP2BufferSize, getHTTP2Body)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2Client, HTTP2ClientError (..), attachHTTP2Client, bodyHeadSize, connTimeout, defaultHTTP2ClientConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Server (HTTP2Request (..), runHTTP2ServerWith)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (ifM)
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Discovery
import UnliftIO
announceRevHTTP2 :: MonadUnliftIO m => Tasks -> (C.PrivateKeyEd25519, Announce) -> TLS.Credentials -> m () -> m (Either HTTP2ClientError HTTP2Client)
announceRevHTTP2 = announceCtrl runHTTP2Client
-- | Attach HTTP2 client and hold the TLS until the attached client finishes.
runHTTP2Client :: MVar () -> MVar (Either HTTP2ClientError HTTP2Client) -> Transport.TLS -> IO ()
runHTTP2Client finishedVar clientVar tls =
ifM (isEmptyMVar clientVar)
(logError "HTTP2 session already started on this listener")
attachRevHTTP2Client :: IO () -> TLS -> IO (Either HTTP2ClientError HTTP2Client)
attachRevHTTP2Client disconnected = attachHTTP2Client config ANY_ADDR_V4 "0" disconnected defaultHTTP2BufferSize
attachClient = do
client <- attachHTTP2Client config ANY_ADDR_V4 DISCOVERY_PORT (putMVar finishedVar ()) defaultHTTP2BufferSize tls
putMVar clientVar client
readMVar finishedVar
-- TODO connection timeout
config = defaultHTTP2ClientConfig {bodyHeadSize = doNotPrefetchHead, connTimeout = maxBound}
attachHTTP2Server :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => (HTTP2Request -> m ()) -> Transport.TLS -> m ()
attachHTTP2Server processRequest tls = do
attachHTTP2Server :: MonadUnliftIO m => TLS -> (HTTP2Request -> m ()) -> m ()
attachHTTP2Server tls processRequest = do
withRunInIO $ \unlift ->
runHTTP2ServerWith defaultHTTP2BufferSize ($ tls) $ \sessionId r sendResponse -> do
reqBody <- getHTTP2Body r doNotPrefetchHead
@ -9,34 +9,45 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.AppVersion
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (defaultJSON, dropPrefix, enumJSON, sumTypeJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2Client)
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types (Tasks)
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Client
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFile)
data RemoteHostClient = RemoteHostClient
{ hostEncoding :: PlatformEncoding,
hostDeviceName :: Text,
httpClient :: HTTP2Client,
encryptHostFiles :: Bool
data RemoteHostSession = RemoteHostSession
{ remoteHostTasks :: Tasks,
remoteHostClient :: Maybe RemoteHostClient,
sessionKeys :: HostSessKeys,
encryptHostFiles :: Bool,
storePath :: FilePath
data RHPendingSession = RHPendingSession
{ rhKey :: RHKey,
rchClient :: RCHostClient,
rhsWaitSession :: Async (),
remoteHost_ :: Maybe RemoteHostInfo
data RemoteHostSession
= RHSessionStarting
| RHSessionConnecting {rhPendingSession :: RHPendingSession}
| RHSessionConfirmed {rhPendingSession :: RHPendingSession}
| RHSessionConnected {rhClient :: RemoteHostClient, pollAction :: Async (), storePath :: FilePath}
data RemoteProtocolError
= -- | size prefix is malformed
| -- | failed to parse RemoteCommand or RemoteResponse
RPEInvalidJSON {invalidJSON :: Text}
RPEInvalidJSON {invalidJSON :: String}
| RPEIncompatibleEncoding
| RPEUnexpectedFile
| RPENoFile
@ -52,47 +63,39 @@ data RemoteProtocolError
type RemoteHostId = Int64
data RHKey = RHNew | RHId {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Storable/internal remote host data
data RemoteHost = RemoteHost
{ remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId,
hostName :: Text,
storePath :: FilePath,
displayName :: Text,
-- | Credentials signing key for root and session certs
caKey :: C.APrivateSignKey,
-- | A stable part of TLS credentials used in remote session
caCert :: C.SignedCertificate,
contacted :: Bool
hostPairing :: RCHostPairing
deriving (Show)
data RemoteCtrlOOB = RemoteCtrlOOB
{ fingerprint :: C.KeyHash,
displayName :: Text
deriving (Show)
-- | UI-accessible remote host information
data RemoteHostInfo = RemoteHostInfo
{ remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId,
hostName :: Text,
storePath :: FilePath,
displayName :: Text,
sessionActive :: Bool
deriving (Show)
type RemoteCtrlId = Int64
-- | Storable/internal remote controller data
data RemoteCtrl = RemoteCtrl
{ remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId,
displayName :: Text,
fingerprint :: C.KeyHash,
accepted :: Maybe Bool
ctrlName :: Text,
ctrlPairing :: RCCtrlPairing
deriving (Show)
-- | UI-accessible remote controller information
data RemoteCtrlInfo = RemoteCtrlInfo
{ remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId,
displayName :: Text,
fingerprint :: C.KeyHash,
accepted :: Maybe Bool,
ctrlName :: Text,
sessionActive :: Bool
deriving (Show)
@ -117,14 +120,30 @@ data RemoteFile = RemoteFile
deriving (Show)
data CtrlAppInfo = CtrlAppInfo
{ appVersionRange :: AppVersionRange,
deviceName :: Text
data HostAppInfo = HostAppInfo
{ appVersion :: AppVersion,
deviceName :: Text,
encoding :: PlatformEncoding,
encryptFiles :: Bool -- if the host encrypts files in app storage
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''RemoteFile)
$(J.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "RPE") ''RemoteProtocolError)
$(J.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "RH") ''RHKey)
$(J.deriveJSON (enumJSON $ dropPrefix "PE") ''PlatformEncoding)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''RemoteHostInfo)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''RemoteCtrl)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''RemoteCtrlInfo)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''CtrlAppInfo)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''HostAppInfo)
@ -1,26 +1,39 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Store.Remote where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Only (..))
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQL
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (firstRow, maybeFirstRow)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import UnliftIO
insertRemoteHost :: DB.Connection -> FilePath -> Text -> C.APrivateSignKey -> C.SignedCertificate -> IO RemoteHostId
insertRemoteHost db storePath displayName caKey caCert = do
DB.execute db "INSERT INTO remote_hosts (store_path, display_name, ca_key, ca_cert) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" (storePath, displayName, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert)
insertedRowId db
insertRemoteHost :: DB.Connection -> Text -> FilePath -> RCHostPairing -> ExceptT StoreError IO RemoteHostId
insertRemoteHost db hostDeviceName storePath RCHostPairing {caKey, caCert, idPrivKey, knownHost = kh_} = do
KnownHostPairing {hostFingerprint, hostDhPubKey} <-
maybe (throwError SERemoteHostUnknown) pure kh_
checkConstraint SERemoteHostDuplicateCA . liftIO $
INSERT INTO remote_hosts
(host_device_name, store_path, ca_key, ca_cert, id_key, host_fingerprint, host_dh_pub)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
(hostDeviceName, storePath, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert, idPrivKey, hostFingerprint, hostDhPubKey)
liftIO $ insertedRowId db
getRemoteHosts :: DB.Connection -> IO [RemoteHost]
getRemoteHosts db =
@ -31,22 +44,52 @@ getRemoteHost db remoteHostId =
ExceptT . firstRow toRemoteHost (SERemoteHostNotFound remoteHostId) $
DB.query db (remoteHostQuery <> " WHERE remote_host_id = ?") (Only remoteHostId)
remoteHostQuery :: SQL.Query
remoteHostQuery = "SELECT remote_host_id, store_path, display_name, ca_key, ca_cert, contacted FROM remote_hosts"
getRemoteHostByFingerprint :: DB.Connection -> C.KeyHash -> IO (Maybe RemoteHost)
getRemoteHostByFingerprint db fingerprint =
maybeFirstRow toRemoteHost $
DB.query db (remoteHostQuery <> " WHERE host_fingerprint = ?") (Only fingerprint)
toRemoteHost :: (Int64, FilePath, Text, C.APrivateSignKey, C.SignedObject C.Certificate, Bool) -> RemoteHost
toRemoteHost (remoteHostId, storePath, displayName, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert, contacted) =
RemoteHost {remoteHostId, storePath, displayName, caKey, caCert, contacted}
remoteHostQuery :: SQL.Query
remoteHostQuery =
SELECT remote_host_id, host_device_name, store_path, ca_key, ca_cert, id_key, host_fingerprint, host_dh_pub
FROM remote_hosts
toRemoteHost :: (Int64, Text, FilePath, C.APrivateSignKey, C.SignedObject C.Certificate, C.PrivateKeyEd25519, C.KeyHash, C.PublicKeyX25519) -> RemoteHost
toRemoteHost (remoteHostId, hostName, storePath, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert, idPrivKey, hostFingerprint, hostDhPubKey) =
RemoteHost {remoteHostId, hostName, storePath, hostPairing}
hostPairing = RCHostPairing {caKey, caCert, idPrivKey, knownHost = Just knownHost}
knownHost = KnownHostPairing {hostFingerprint, hostDhPubKey}
updateHostPairing :: DB.Connection -> RemoteHostId -> Text -> C.PublicKeyX25519 -> IO ()
updateHostPairing db rhId hostName hostDhPubKey =
UPDATE remote_hosts
SET host_device_name = ?, host_dh_pub = ?
WHERE remote_host_id = ?
(hostName, hostDhPubKey, rhId)
deleteRemoteHostRecord :: DB.Connection -> RemoteHostId -> IO ()
deleteRemoteHostRecord db remoteHostId = DB.execute db "DELETE FROM remote_hosts WHERE remote_host_id = ?" (Only remoteHostId)
insertRemoteCtrl :: DB.Connection -> SignedOOB -> IO RemoteCtrlInfo
insertRemoteCtrl db (SignedOOB OOB {deviceName, caFingerprint = fingerprint} _) = do
let displayName = fromMaybe "" deviceName
DB.execute db "INSERT INTO remote_controllers (display_name, fingerprint) VALUES (?,?)" (displayName, fingerprint)
remoteCtrlId <- insertedRowId db
pure RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, displayName, fingerprint, accepted = Nothing, sessionActive = False}
insertRemoteCtrl :: DB.Connection -> Text -> RCCtrlPairing -> ExceptT StoreError IO RemoteCtrlId
insertRemoteCtrl db ctrlDeviceName RCCtrlPairing {caKey, caCert, ctrlFingerprint, idPubKey, dhPrivKey, prevDhPrivKey} = do
checkConstraint SERemoteCtrlDuplicateCA . liftIO $
INSERT INTO remote_controllers
(ctrl_device_name, ca_key, ca_cert, ctrl_fingerprint, id_pub, dh_priv_key, prev_dh_priv_key)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
(ctrlDeviceName, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert, ctrlFingerprint, idPubKey, dhPrivKey, prevDhPrivKey)
liftIO $ insertedRowId db
getRemoteCtrls :: DB.Connection -> IO [RemoteCtrl]
getRemoteCtrls db =
@ -55,24 +98,49 @@ getRemoteCtrls db =
getRemoteCtrl :: DB.Connection -> RemoteCtrlId -> ExceptT StoreError IO RemoteCtrl
getRemoteCtrl db remoteCtrlId =
ExceptT . firstRow toRemoteCtrl (SERemoteCtrlNotFound remoteCtrlId) $
DB.query db (remoteCtrlQuery <> " WHERE remote_controller_id = ?") (Only remoteCtrlId)
DB.query db (remoteCtrlQuery <> " WHERE remote_ctrl_id = ?") (Only remoteCtrlId)
getRemoteCtrlByFingerprint :: DB.Connection -> C.KeyHash -> IO (Maybe RemoteCtrl)
getRemoteCtrlByFingerprint db fingerprint =
maybeFirstRow toRemoteCtrl $
DB.query db (remoteCtrlQuery <> " WHERE fingerprint = ?") (Only fingerprint)
DB.query db (remoteCtrlQuery <> " WHERE ctrl_fingerprint = ?") (Only fingerprint)
remoteCtrlQuery :: SQL.Query
remoteCtrlQuery = "SELECT remote_controller_id, display_name, fingerprint, accepted FROM remote_controllers"
remoteCtrlQuery =
SELECT remote_ctrl_id, ctrl_device_name, ca_key, ca_cert, ctrl_fingerprint, id_pub, dh_priv_key, prev_dh_priv_key
FROM remote_controllers
toRemoteCtrl :: (Int64, Text, C.KeyHash, Maybe Bool) -> RemoteCtrl
toRemoteCtrl (remoteCtrlId, displayName, fingerprint, accepted) =
RemoteCtrl {remoteCtrlId, displayName, fingerprint, accepted}
toRemoteCtrl ::
( RemoteCtrlId,
C.SignedObject C.Certificate,
Maybe C.PrivateKeyX25519
) ->
toRemoteCtrl (remoteCtrlId, ctrlName, caKey, C.SignedObject caCert, ctrlFingerprint, idPubKey, dhPrivKey, prevDhPrivKey) =
{ remoteCtrlId,
ctrlPairing = RCCtrlPairing {caKey, caCert, ctrlFingerprint, idPubKey, dhPrivKey, prevDhPrivKey}
markRemoteCtrlResolution :: DB.Connection -> RemoteCtrlId -> Bool -> IO ()
markRemoteCtrlResolution db remoteCtrlId accepted =
DB.execute db "UPDATE remote_controllers SET accepted = ? WHERE remote_controller_id = ? AND accepted IS NULL" (accepted, remoteCtrlId)
updateCtrlPairingKeys :: DB.Connection -> RemoteCtrlId -> C.PrivateKeyX25519 -> IO ()
updateCtrlPairingKeys db rcId dhPrivKey =
UPDATE remote_controllers
SET dh_priv_key = ?, prev_dh_priv_key = dh_priv_key
WHERE remote_ctrl_id = ?
(dhPrivKey, rcId)
deleteRemoteCtrlRecord :: DB.Connection -> RemoteCtrlId -> IO ()
deleteRemoteCtrlRecord db remoteCtrlId =
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM remote_controllers WHERE remote_controller_id = ?" (Only remoteCtrlId)
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM remote_controllers WHERE remote_ctrl_id = ?" (Only remoteCtrlId)
@ -100,7 +100,10 @@ data StoreError
| SEContactNotFoundByFileId {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| SENoGroupSndStatus {itemId :: ChatItemId, groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId}
| SERemoteHostNotFound {remoteHostId :: RemoteHostId}
| SERemoteHostUnknown -- ^ attempting to store KnownHost without a known fingerprint
| SERemoteHostDuplicateCA
| SERemoteCtrlNotFound {remoteCtrlId :: RemoteCtrlId}
| SERemoteCtrlDuplicateCA
deriving (Show, Exception)
$(J.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "SE") ''StoreError)
@ -277,9 +277,16 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
CRNtfMessages {} -> []
CRRemoteHostCreated RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId} -> ["remote host " <> sShow remoteHostId <> " created"]
CRRemoteHostList hs -> viewRemoteHosts hs
CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost = RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId = rhId}, sessionOOB} -> ["remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " started", "connection code:", plain sessionOOB]
CRRemoteHostSessionCode {remoteHost = RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId = rhId}, sessionCode} ->
["remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " is connecting", "Compare session code with host:", plain sessionCode]
CRRemoteHostStarted {remoteHost_, invitation} ->
[ maybe "new remote host started" (\RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId = rhId} -> "remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " started") remoteHost_,
"Remote session invitation:",
plain invitation
CRRemoteHostSessionCode {remoteHost_, sessionCode} ->
[ maybe "new remote host connecting" (\RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId = rhId} -> "remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " connecting") remoteHost_,
"Compare session code with host:",
plain sessionCode
CRRemoteHostConnected RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId = rhId} -> ["remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " connected"]
CRRemoteHostStopped rhId -> ["remote host " <> sShow rhId <> " stopped"]
CRRemoteFileStored rhId (CryptoFile filePath cfArgs_) ->
@ -292,12 +299,15 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
["remote controller announced", "connection code:", plain $ strEncode fingerprint]
CRRemoteCtrlFound rc ->
["remote controller found:", viewRemoteCtrl rc]
CRRemoteCtrlConnecting RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId = rcId, displayName = rcName} ->
["remote controller " <> sShow rcId <> " connecting to " <> plain rcName]
CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl = RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId = rcId, displayName = rcName}, sessionCode} ->
["remote controller " <> sShow rcId <> " connected to " <> plain rcName, "Compare session code with controller and use:", "/verify remote ctrl " <> sShow rcId <> " " <> plain sessionCode]
CRRemoteCtrlConnected RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId = rcId, displayName = rcName} ->
["remote controller " <> sShow rcId <> " session started with " <> plain rcName]
CRRemoteCtrlConnecting RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId = rcId, ctrlName} ->
["remote controller " <> sShow rcId <> " connecting to " <> plain ctrlName]
CRRemoteCtrlSessionCode {remoteCtrl_, sessionCode} ->
[ maybe "new remote controller connected" (\RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId} -> "remote controller " <> sShow remoteCtrlId <> " connected") remoteCtrl_,
"Compare session code with controller and use:",
"/verify remote ctrl " <> plain sessionCode -- TODO maybe pass rcId
CRRemoteCtrlConnected RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId = rcId, ctrlName} ->
["remote controller " <> sShow rcId <> " session started with " <> plain ctrlName]
CRRemoteCtrlStopped -> ["remote controller stopped"]
CRSQLResult rows -> map plain rows
CRSlowSQLQueries {chatQueries, agentQueries} ->
@ -1681,21 +1691,21 @@ viewRemoteHosts = \case
[] -> ["No remote hosts"]
hs -> "Remote hosts: " : map viewRemoteHostInfo hs
viewRemoteHostInfo RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId, displayName, sessionActive} =
plain $ tshow remoteHostId <> ". " <> displayName <> if sessionActive then " (active)" else ""
viewRemoteHostInfo RemoteHostInfo {remoteHostId, hostName, sessionActive} =
plain $ tshow remoteHostId <> ". " <> hostName <> if sessionActive then " (active)" else ""
viewRemoteCtrls :: [RemoteCtrlInfo] -> [StyledString]
viewRemoteCtrls = \case
[] -> ["No remote controllers"]
hs -> "Remote controllers: " : map viewRemoteCtrlInfo hs
viewRemoteCtrlInfo RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, displayName, sessionActive} =
plain $ tshow remoteCtrlId <> ". " <> displayName <> if sessionActive then " (active)" else ""
viewRemoteCtrlInfo RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, ctrlName, sessionActive} =
plain $ tshow remoteCtrlId <> ". " <> ctrlName <> if sessionActive then " (active)" else ""
-- TODO fingerprint, accepted?
viewRemoteCtrl :: RemoteCtrlInfo -> StyledString
viewRemoteCtrl RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, displayName} =
plain $ tshow remoteCtrlId <> ". " <> displayName
viewRemoteCtrl RemoteCtrlInfo {remoteCtrlId, ctrlName} =
plain $ tshow remoteCtrlId <> ". " <> ctrlName
viewChatError :: ChatLogLevel -> ChatError -> [StyledString]
viewChatError logLevel = \case
@ -1843,7 +1853,8 @@ viewChatError logLevel = \case
cId :: Connection -> StyledString
cId conn = sShow conn.connId
ChatErrorRemoteCtrl e -> [plain $ "remote controller error: " <> show e]
ChatErrorRemoteHost rhId e -> [plain $ "remote host " <> show rhId <> " error: " <> show e]
ChatErrorRemoteHost RHNew e -> [plain $ "new remote host error: " <> show e]
ChatErrorRemoteHost (RHId rhId) e -> [plain $ "remote host " <> show rhId <> " error: " <> show e]
fileNotFound fileId = ["file " <> sShow fileId <> " not found"]
sqliteError' = \case
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ extra-deps:
# - simplexmq-1.0.0@sha256:34b2004728ae396e3ae449cd090ba7410781e2b3cefc59259915f4ca5daa9ea8,8561
# - ../simplexmq
- github: simplex-chat/simplexmq
commit: 1a0c4b73de5cda4ac6765dd47e0199238e498d5f
commit: 102487bc4fbb865aac4207d2ba6f2ea77eff3290
- github: kazu-yamamoto/http2
commit: f5525b755ff2418e6e6ecc69e877363b0d0bcaeb
# - ../direct-sqlcipher
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ termSettings :: VirtualTerminalSettings
termSettings =
{ virtualType = "xterm",
virtualWindowSize = pure C.Size {height = 24, width = 1000},
virtualWindowSize = pure C.Size {height = 24, width = 2250},
virtualEvent = retry,
virtualInterrupt = retry
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module RemoteTests where
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.RevHTTP
import qualified Simplex.RemoteControl.Discovery as Discovery
import Simplex.RemoteControl.Types
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Logger.Simple
@ -16,11 +14,6 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.String (fromString)
import Network.HTTP.Types (ok200)
import qualified Network.HTTP2.Client as C
import qualified Network.HTTP2.Server as S
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import Simplex.Chat.Archive (archiveFilesFolder)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), XFTPFileConfig (..))
@ -29,12 +22,8 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Mobile.File
import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFileArgs (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding (smpDecode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String (strEncode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Credentials (genCredentials, tlsCredentials)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Client (HTTP2Response (..), closeHTTP2Client, sendRequest)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.HTTP2.Server (HTTP2Request (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hspec
@ -44,113 +33,35 @@ import UnliftIO.Directory
remoteTests :: SpecWith FilePath
remoteTests = describe "Remote" $ do
-- it "generates usable credentials" genCredentialsTest
-- it "OOB encoding, decoding, and signatures are correct" oobCodecTest
it "connects announcer with discoverer over reverse-http2" announceDiscoverHttp2Test
it "performs protocol handshake" remoteHandshakeTest
it "performs protocol handshake (again)" remoteHandshakeTest -- leaking servers regression check
describe "protocol handshake" $ do
it "connects with new pairing" remoteHandshakeTest
it "connects with new pairing (again)" remoteHandshakeTest -- leaking servers regression check
it "connects with stored pairing" remoteHandshakeStoredTest
it "sends messages" remoteMessageTest
describe "remote files" $ do
it "store/get/send/receive files" remoteStoreFileTest
it "should sends files from CLI wihtout /store" remoteCLIFileTest
-- * Low-level TLS with ephemeral credentials
-- -- XXX: extract
-- genCredentialsTest :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
-- genCredentialsTest _tmp = do
-- (fingerprint, credentials) <- genTestCredentials
-- started <- newEmptyTMVarIO
-- bracket (startTLSServer started credentials serverHandler) cancel $ \_server -> do
-- ok <- atomically (readTMVar started)
-- port <- maybe (error "TLS server failed to start") pure ok
-- logNote $ "Assigned port: " <> tshow port
-- connectTLSClient ("", fromIntegral port) fingerprint clientHandler
-- where
-- serverHandler serverTls = do
-- logNote "Sending from server"
-- Transport.putLn serverTls "hi client"
-- logNote "Reading from server"
-- Transport.getLn serverTls `shouldReturn` "hi server"
-- clientHandler clientTls = do
-- logNote "Sending from client"
-- Transport.putLn clientTls "hi server"
-- logNote "Reading from client"
-- Transport.getLn clientTls `shouldReturn` "hi client"
-- * UDP discovery and rever HTTP2
-- oobCodecTest :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
-- oobCodecTest _tmp = do
-- subscribers <- newTMVarIO 0
-- localAddr <- Discovery.getLocalAddress subscribers >>= maybe (fail "unable to get local address") pure
-- (fingerprint, _credentials) <- genTestCredentials
-- (_dhKey, _sigKey, _ann, signedOOB@(SignedOOB oob _sig)) <- Discovery.startSession (Just "Desktop") (localAddr, read Discovery.DISCOVERY_PORT) fingerprint
-- verifySignedOOB signedOOB `shouldBe` True
-- strDecode (strEncode oob) `shouldBe` Right oob
-- strDecode (strEncode signedOOB) `shouldBe` Right signedOOB
announceDiscoverHttp2Test :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
announceDiscoverHttp2Test _tmp = do
subscribers <- newTMVarIO 0
localAddr <- Discovery.getLocalAddress subscribers >>= maybe (fail "unable to get local address") pure
(fingerprint, credentials) <- genTestCredentials
(_dhKey, sigKey, ann, _oob) <- Discovery.startSession (Just "Desktop") (localAddr, read Discovery.DISCOVERY_PORT) fingerprint
tasks <- newTVarIO []
finished <- newEmptyMVar
controller <- async $ do
logNote "Controller: starting"
(announceRevHTTP2 tasks (sigKey, ann) credentials (putMVar finished ()) >>= either (fail . show) pure)
( \http -> do
logNote "Controller: got client"
sendRequest http (C.requestNoBody "GET" "/" []) (Just 10000000) >>= \case
Left err -> do
logNote "Controller: got error"
fail $ show err
Right HTTP2Response {} ->
logNote "Controller: got response"
host <- async $ Discovery.withListener subscribers $ \sock -> do
(N.SockAddrInet _port addr, sigAnn) <- Discovery.recvAnnounce sock
SignedAnnounce Announce {caFingerprint, serviceAddress=(hostAddr, port)} _sig <- either fail pure $ smpDecode sigAnn
caFingerprint `shouldBe` fingerprint
addr `shouldBe` hostAddr
let service = (THIPv4 $ N.hostAddressToTuple hostAddr, port)
logNote $ "Host: connecting to " <> tshow service
server <- async $ Discovery.connectTLSClient service fingerprint $ \tls -> do
logNote "Host: got tls"
flip attachHTTP2Server tls $ \HTTP2Request {sendResponse} -> do
logNote "Host: got request"
sendResponse $ S.responseNoBody ok200 []
logNote "Host: sent response"
takeMVar finished `finally` cancel server
logNote "Host: finished"
tasks `registerAsync` controller
tasks `registerAsync` host
(waitBoth host controller `shouldReturn` ((), ())) `finally` cancelTasks tasks
it "should send files from CLI wihtout /store" remoteCLIFileTest
-- * Chat commands
remoteHandshakeTest :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeTest = testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \desktop mobile -> do
remoteHandshakeTest :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeTest = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "No remote hosts"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "No remote controllers"
startRemote mobile desktop
logNote "Session active"
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <## "1. (active)"
desktop <## "1. Mobile (active)"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "Remote controllers:"
mobile <## "1. My desktop (active)"
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
-- TODO: add a case for 'stopDesktop'
desktop ##> "/delete remote host 1"
desktop <## "ok"
@ -162,7 +73,28 @@ remoteHandshakeTest = testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \desktop mobile -> do
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "No remote controllers"
remoteMessageTest :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeStoredTest :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteHandshakeStoredTest = testChat2 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile $ \mobile desktop -> do
logNote "Starting new session"
startRemote mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
logNote "Starting stored session"
startRemoteStored mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
desktop ##> "/list remote hosts"
desktop <## "Remote hosts:"
desktop <## "1. Mobile"
mobile ##> "/list remote ctrls"
mobile <## "Remote controllers:"
mobile <## "1. My desktop"
logNote "Starting stored session again"
startRemoteStored mobile desktop
stopMobile mobile desktop `catchAny` (logError . tshow)
remoteMessageTest :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteMessageTest = testChat3 aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob -> do
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
@ -204,11 +136,13 @@ remoteStoreFileTest =
let bobFiles = "./tests/tmp/bob_files"
bob ##> ("/_files_folder " <> bobFiles)
bob <## "ok"
startRemote mobile desktop
contactBob desktop bob
rhs <- readTVarIO (Controller.remoteHostSessions $ chatController desktop)
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup 1 rhs of
Just RemoteHostSession {storePath} -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup (RHId 1) rhs of
Just RHSessionConnected {storePath} -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
_ -> fail "Host session 1 should be started"
desktop ##> "/store remote file 1 tests/fixtures/test.pdf"
desktop <## "file test.pdf stored on remote host 1"
@ -317,7 +251,7 @@ remoteStoreFileTest =
r `shouldStartWith` "remote host 1 error"
r `shouldContain` err
remoteCLIFileTest :: (HasCallStack) => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteCLIFileTest :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
remoteCLIFileTest = testChatCfg3 cfg aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile $ \mobile desktop bob -> withXFTPServer $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True "./tests/tmp/tmp/"
let mobileFiles = "./tests/tmp/mobile_files"
@ -333,8 +267,8 @@ remoteCLIFileTest = testChatCfg3 cfg aliceProfile aliceDesktopProfile bobProfile
contactBob desktop bob
rhs <- readTVarIO (Controller.remoteHostSessions $ chatController desktop)
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup 1 rhs of
Just RemoteHostSession {storePath} -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
desktopHostStore <- case M.lookup (RHId 1) rhs of
Just RHSessionConnected {storePath} -> pure $ desktopHostFiles </> storePath </> archiveFilesFolder
_ -> fail "Host session 1 should be started"
mobileName <- userName mobile
@ -395,41 +329,41 @@ startRemote :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
startRemote mobile desktop = do
desktop ##> "/set device name My desktop"
desktop <## "ok"
desktop ##> "/create remote host"
desktop <## "remote host 1 created"
-- A new host is started [automatically] by UI
desktop ##> "/start remote host 1"
desktop <## "ok"
desktop <## "remote host 1 started"
desktop <## "connection code:"
oobLink <- getTermLine desktop
OOB {caFingerprint = oobFingerprint} <- either (fail . mappend "OOB link failed: ") pure $ decodeOOBLink (fromString oobLink)
-- Desktop displays OOB QR code
mobile ##> "/set device name Mobile"
mobile <## "ok"
mobile ##> "/find remote ctrl"
desktop ##> "/start remote host new"
desktop <## "new remote host started"
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## "ok"
mobile <## "remote controller announced"
mobile <## "connection code:"
annFingerprint <- getTermLine mobile
-- The user scans OOB QR code and confirms it matches the announced stuff
fromString annFingerprint `shouldBe` strEncode oobFingerprint
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> oobLink)
mobile <## "remote controller 1 registered"
mobile ##> "/confirm remote ctrl 1"
mobile <## "ok"
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connecting to My desktop"
-- TODO: rework tls connection prelude
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connected to My desktop"
desktop <## "new remote host connecting"
desktop <## "Compare session code with host:"
sessId <- getTermLine desktop
mobile <## "new remote controller connected"
mobile <## "Compare session code with controller and use:"
verifyCmd <- getTermLine mobile
mobile ##> verifyCmd
mobile <## ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile ##> ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
startRemoteStored :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
startRemoteStored mobile desktop = do
desktop ##> "/start remote host 1"
desktop <## "remote host 1 started"
desktop <## "Remote session invitation:"
inv <- getTermLine desktop
mobile ##> ("/connect remote ctrl " <> inv)
mobile <## "ok"
(mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop")
(desktop <## "remote host 1 connected")
desktop <## "remote host 1 connecting"
desktop <## "Compare session code with host:"
sessId <- getTermLine desktop
mobile <## "remote controller 1 connected"
mobile <## "Compare session code with controller and use:"
mobile <## ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile ##> ("/verify remote ctrl " <> sessId)
mobile <## "remote controller 1 session started with My desktop"
desktop <## "remote host 1 connected"
contactBob :: TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
contactBob desktop bob = do
@ -453,9 +387,12 @@ stopDesktop mobile desktop = do
logWarn "stopping via desktop"
desktop ##> "/stop remote host 1"
-- desktop <## "ok"
(desktop <## "remote host 1 stopped")
(eventually 3 $ mobile <## "remote controller stopped")
[ do
desktop <## "remote host 1 stopped"
desktop <## "ok",
eventually 3 $ mobile <## "remote controller stopped"
stopMobile :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
stopMobile mobile desktop = do
@ -468,7 +405,9 @@ stopMobile mobile desktop = do
-- | Run action with extended timeout
eventually :: Int -> IO a -> IO a
eventually retries action = tryAny action >>= \case -- TODO: only catch timeouts
Left err | retries == 0 -> throwIO err
Left _ -> eventually (retries - 1) action
Right r -> pure r
eventually retries action =
tryAny action >>= \case
-- TODO: only catch timeouts
Left err | retries == 0 -> throwIO err
Left _ -> eventually (retries - 1) action
Right r -> pure r
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