mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: verify connection (#1530)
* core: verify connection * update commands * api to get/set verification code/status * add migration * refactor * change command / response names * reset verified status if code from agent doesn't match
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 245 additions and 60 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ constraints: zip +disable-bzip2 +disable-zstd
type: git
location: https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git
tag: e4842f4f47fb60ef8843dbce6fd43dec96f157d2
tag: fb21d9836e07706c7498baa967f932cb11b818e5
type: git
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."e4842f4f47fb60ef8843dbce6fd43dec96f157d2" = "191h2v5jcn51haj0mi5y5pm8x8fi9pz49ydxwwzqr3m6zjp21ngg";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."fb21d9836e07706c7498baa967f932cb11b818e5" = "0dl08ag38d1azzil1xxi6xrzqwfcv550wi5kjdmxn4h820icl2ja";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/direct-sqlcipher.git"."34309410eb2069b029b8fc1872deb1e0db123294" = "0kwkmhyfsn2lixdlgl15smgr1h5gjk7fky6abzh8rng2h5ymnffd";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/sqlcipher-simple.git"."5e154a2aeccc33ead6c243ec07195ab673137221" = "1d1gc5wax4vqg0801ajsmx1sbwvd9y7p7b8mmskvqsmpbwgbh0m0";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/aeson.git"."3eb66f9a68f103b5f1489382aad89f5712a64db7" = "0kilkx59fl6c3qy3kjczqvm8c3f4n3p0bdk9biyflf51ljnzp4yp";
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ library
@ -758,24 +758,53 @@ processChatCommand = \case
case memberConnId m of
Just connId -> withAgent (\a -> switchConnectionAsync a "" connId) $> CRCmdOk
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIGetContactCode contactId -> withUser $ \user -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn = conn@Connection {connId}} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
code <- getConnectionCode (contactConnId ct)
ct' <- case contactSecurityCode ct of
Just SecurityCode {securityCode}
| sameVerificationCode code securityCode -> pure ct
| otherwise -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure (ct :: Contact) {activeConn = conn {connectionCode = Nothing}}
_ -> pure ct
pure $ CRContactCode ct' code
APIGetGroupMemberCode gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m@GroupMember {activeConn}) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db user gId <*> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just conn@Connection {connId} -> do
code <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
m' <- case memberSecurityCode m of
Just SecurityCode {securityCode}
| sameVerificationCode code securityCode -> pure m
| otherwise -> do
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure (m :: GroupMember) {activeConn = Just $ (conn :: Connection) {connectionCode = Nothing}}
_ -> pure m
pure $ CRGroupMemberCode g m' code
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
APIVerifyContact contactId code -> withUser $ \user -> do
Contact {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user contactId
verifyConnectionCode user activeConn code
APIVerifyGroupMember gId gMemberId code -> withUser $ \user -> do
GroupMember {activeConn} <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupMember db user gId gMemberId
case activeConn of
Just conn -> verifyConnectionCode user conn code
_ -> throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
ShowMessages (ChatName cType name) ntfOn -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatId <- case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user name
CTGroup -> withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user name
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
processChatCommand $ APISetChatSettings (ChatRef cType chatId) $ ChatSettings ntfOn
ContactInfo cName -> withUser $ \user -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APIContactInfo contactId
GroupMemberInfo gName mName -> withUser $ \user -> do
(gId, mId) <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName >>= \gId -> (gId,) <$> getGroupMemberIdByName db user gId mName
processChatCommand $ APIGroupMemberInfo gId mId
SwitchContact cName -> withUser $ \user -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APISwitchContact contactId
SwitchGroupMember gName mName -> withUser $ \user -> do
(gId, mId) <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName >>= \gId -> (gId,) <$> getGroupMemberIdByName db user gId mName
processChatCommand $ APISwitchGroupMember gId mId
ContactInfo cName -> withContactName cName APIContactInfo
GroupMemberInfo gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APIGroupMemberInfo
SwitchContact cName -> withContactName cName APISwitchContact
SwitchGroupMember gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APISwitchGroupMember
GetContactCode cName -> withContactName cName APIGetContactCode
GetGroupMemberCode gName mName -> withMemberName gName mName APIGetGroupMemberCode
VerifyContact cName code -> withContactName cName (`APIVerifyContact` code)
VerifyGroupMember gName mName code -> withMemberName gName mName $ \gId mId -> APIVerifyGroupMember gId mId code
ChatHelp section -> pure $ CRChatHelp section
Welcome -> withUser $ pure . CRWelcome
AddContact -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock "addContact" . procCmd $ do
@ -802,12 +831,8 @@ processChatCommand = \case
ConnectSimplex -> withUser $ \user ->
-- [incognito] generate profile to send
connectViaContact user adminContactReq
DeleteContact cName -> withUser $ \user -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteChat (ChatRef CTDirect contactId)
ClearContact cName -> withUser $ \user -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
processChatCommand $ APIClearChat (ChatRef CTDirect contactId)
DeleteContact cName -> withContactName cName $ APIDeleteChat . ChatRef CTDirect
ClearContact cName -> withContactName cName $ APIClearChat . ChatRef CTDirect
ListContacts -> withUser $ \user -> CRContactsList <$> withStore' (`getUserContacts` user)
CreateMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock "createMyAddress" . procCmd $ do
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent $ \a -> createConnection a True SCMContact Nothing
@ -977,12 +1002,8 @@ processChatCommand = \case
JoinGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIJoinGroup groupId
MemberRole gName groupMemberName memRole -> do
(groupId, groupMemberId) <- getGroupAndMemberId gName groupMemberName
processChatCommand $ APIMemberRole groupId groupMemberId memRole
RemoveMember gName groupMemberName -> do
(groupId, groupMemberId) <- getGroupAndMemberId gName groupMemberName
processChatCommand $ APIRemoveMember groupId groupMemberId
MemberRole gName gMemberName memRole -> withMemberName gName gMemberName $ \gId gMemberId -> APIMemberRole gId gMemberId memRole
RemoveMember gName gMemberName -> withMemberName gName gMemberName APIRemoveMember
LeaveGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APILeaveGroup groupId
@ -1135,6 +1156,20 @@ processChatCommand = \case
withStoreChanged a = checkChatStopped $ a >> setStoreChanged $> CRCmdOk
checkStoreNotChanged :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
checkStoreNotChanged = ifM (asks chatStoreChanged >>= readTVarIO) (throwChatError CEChatStoreChanged)
withContactName :: ContactName -> (ContactId -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
withContactName cName cmd = withUser $ \user ->
withStore (\db -> getContactIdByName db user cName) >>= processChatCommand . cmd
withMemberName :: GroupName -> ContactName -> (GroupId -> GroupMemberId -> ChatCommand) -> m ChatResponse
withMemberName gName mName cmd = withUser $ \user ->
getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName >>= processChatCommand . uncurry cmd
getConnectionCode :: ConnId -> m Text
getConnectionCode connId = verificationCode <$> withAgent (`getConnectionRatchetAdHash` connId)
verifyConnectionCode :: User -> Connection -> Text -> m ChatResponse
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} code = do
code' <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
let verified = sameVerificationCode code code'
when verified . withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId $ Just code'
pure $ CRCodeVerification verified code'
getSentChatItemIdByText :: User -> ChatRef -> ByteString -> m Int64
getSentChatItemIdByText user@User {userId, localDisplayName} (ChatRef cType cId) msg = case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText db userId cId SMDSnd (safeDecodeUtf8 msg)
@ -1253,8 +1288,8 @@ processChatCommand = \case
_ -> throwChatError CEFileNotReceived {fileId}
forward = processChatCommand . sendCommand chatName
getGroupAndMemberId :: GroupName -> ContactName -> m (GroupId, GroupMemberId)
getGroupAndMemberId gName groupMemberName = withUser $ \user -> do
getGroupAndMemberId :: User -> GroupName -> ContactName -> m (GroupId, GroupMemberId)
getGroupAndMemberId user gName groupMemberName =
withStore $ \db -> do
groupId <- getGroupIdByName db user gName
groupMemberId <- getGroupMemberIdByName db user groupId groupMemberName
@ -3391,6 +3426,14 @@ chatCommandP =
"/_switch @" *> (APISwitchContact <$> A.decimal),
"/switch #" *> (SwitchGroupMember <$> displayName <* A.space <* optional (A.char '@') <*> displayName),
("/switch @" <|> "/switch ") *> (SwitchContact <$> displayName),
"/_get code @" *> (APIGetContactCode <$> A.decimal),
"/_get code #" *> (APIGetGroupMemberCode <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal),
"/_verify code @" *> (APIVerifyContact <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> textP),
"/_verify code @" *> (APIVerifyGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> textP),
("/code @" <|> "/code ") *> (GetContactCode <$> displayName),
"/code #" *> (GetGroupMemberCode <$> displayName <* A.space <* optional (A.char '@') <*> displayName),
("/verify @" <|> "/verify ") *> (VerifyContact <$> displayName <* A.space <*> textP),
"/verify #" *> (VerifyGroupMember <$> displayName <* A.space <* optional (A.char '@') <*> displayName <* A.space <*> textP),
("/help files" <|> "/help file" <|> "/hf") $> ChatHelp HSFiles,
("/help groups" <|> "/help group" <|> "/hg") $> ChatHelp HSGroups,
("/help address" <|> "/ha") $> ChatHelp HSMyAddress,
@ -200,11 +200,19 @@ data ChatCommand
| APIGroupMemberInfo GroupId GroupMemberId
| APISwitchContact ContactId
| APISwitchGroupMember GroupId GroupMemberId
| APIGetContactCode ContactId
| APIGetGroupMemberCode GroupId GroupMemberId
| APIVerifyContact ContactId Text
| APIVerifyGroupMember GroupId GroupMemberId Text
| ShowMessages ChatName Bool
| ContactInfo ContactName
| GroupMemberInfo GroupName ContactName
| SwitchContact ContactName
| SwitchGroupMember GroupName ContactName
| GetContactCode ContactName
| GetGroupMemberCode GroupName ContactName
| VerifyContact ContactName Text
| VerifyGroupMember GroupName ContactName Text
| ChatHelp HelpSection
| Welcome
| AddContact
@ -276,6 +284,9 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRGroupMemberInfo {groupInfo :: GroupInfo, member :: GroupMember, connectionStats_ :: Maybe ConnectionStats}
| CRContactSwitch {contact :: Contact, switchProgress :: SwitchProgress}
| CRGroupMemberSwitch {groupInfo :: GroupInfo, member :: GroupMember, switchProgress :: SwitchProgress}
| CRContactCode {contact :: Contact, connectionCode :: Text}
| CRGroupMemberCode {groupInfo :: GroupInfo, member :: GroupMember, connectionCode :: Text}
| CRCodeVerification {verified :: Bool, expectedCode :: Text}
| CRNewChatItem {chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRChatItemStatusUpdated {chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRChatItemUpdated {chatItem :: AChatItem}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221209_verified_connection where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20221209_verified_connection :: Query
m20221209_verified_connection =
ALTER TABLE connections ADD COLUMN security_code TEXT NULL;
ALTER TABLE connections ADD COLUMN security_code_verified_at TEXT NULL;
@ -258,6 +258,8 @@ CREATE TABLE connections(
local_alias DEFAULT '' CHECK(local_alias NOT NULL),
via_group_link INTEGER DEFAULT 0 CHECK(via_group_link NOT NULL),
group_link_id BLOB,
security_code TEXT NULL,
security_code_verified_at TEXT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY(snd_file_id, connection_id)
REFERENCES snd_files(file_id, connection_id)
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store
@ -304,6 +305,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221112_server_password
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221115_server_cfg
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221129_delete_group_feature_items
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221130_delete_item_deleted
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20221209_verified_connection
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (ACorrId, AgentMsgId, ConnId, InvitationId, MsgMeta (..))
@ -354,7 +356,8 @@ schemaMigrations =
("20221112_server_password", m20221112_server_password),
("20221115_server_cfg", m20221115_server_cfg),
("20221129_delete_group_feature_items", m20221129_delete_group_feature_items),
("20221130_delete_item_deleted", m20221130_delete_item_deleted)
("20221130_delete_item_deleted", m20221130_delete_item_deleted),
("20221209_verified_connection", m20221209_verified_connection)
-- | The list of migrations in ascending order by date
@ -465,7 +468,7 @@ getConnReqContactXContactId db user@User {userId} cReqHash = do
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON ct.contact_profile_id = cp.contact_profile_id
JOIN connections c ON c.contact_id = ct.contact_id
@ -540,7 +543,7 @@ createConnection_ db userId connType entityId acId viaContact viaUserContactLink
:. (ent ConnContact, ent ConnMember, ent ConnSndFile, ent ConnRcvFile, ent ConnUserContact, currentTs, currentTs)
connId <- insertedRowId db
pure Connection {connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId, connType, entityId, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId = Nothing, customUserProfileId, connLevel, connStatus = ConnNew, localAlias = "", createdAt = currentTs}
pure Connection {connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId, connType, entityId, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId = Nothing, customUserProfileId, connLevel, connStatus = ConnNew, localAlias = "", createdAt = currentTs, connectionCode = Nothing}
ent ct = if connType == ct then entityId else Nothing
@ -722,6 +725,11 @@ updateGroupUnreadChat db User {userId} GroupInfo {groupId} unreadChat = do
updatedAt <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE groups SET unread_chat = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?" (unreadChat, updatedAt, userId, groupId)
setConnectionVerified :: DB.Connection -> User -> Int64 -> Maybe Text -> IO ()
setConnectionVerified db User {userId} connId code = do
updatedAt <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE connections SET security_code = ?, security_code_verified_at = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND connection_id = ?" (code, code $> updatedAt, updatedAt, userId, connId)
updateContactProfile_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> ProfileId -> Profile -> IO ()
updateContactProfile_ db userId profileId profile = do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
@ -821,7 +829,7 @@ getUserAddressConnections db User {userId} = do
SELECT c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM connections c
JOIN user_contact_links uc ON c.user_contact_link_id = uc.user_contact_link_id
WHERE c.user_id = ? AND uc.user_id = ? AND uc.local_display_name = '' AND uc.group_id IS NULL
@ -835,7 +843,7 @@ getUserContactLinks db User {userId} =
SELECT c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at,
uc.user_contact_link_id, uc.conn_req_contact, uc.group_id
FROM connections c
JOIN user_contact_links uc ON c.user_contact_link_id = uc.user_contact_link_id
@ -968,7 +976,7 @@ getGroupLinkConnection db User {userId} groupInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} =
SELECT c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM connections c
JOIN user_contact_links uc ON c.user_contact_link_id = uc.user_contact_link_id
WHERE c.user_id = ? AND uc.user_id = ? AND uc.group_id = ?
@ -1071,7 +1079,7 @@ createOrUpdateContactRequest db user@User {userId} userContactLinkId invId Profi
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON ct.contact_profile_id = cp.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.contact_id = ct.contact_id
@ -1266,7 +1274,7 @@ getContactConnections db userId Contact {contactId} =
SELECT c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM connections c
JOIN contacts ct ON ct.contact_id = c.contact_id
WHERE c.user_id = ? AND ct.user_id = ? AND ct.contact_id = ?
@ -1277,14 +1285,15 @@ getContactConnections db userId Contact {contactId} =
type EntityIdsRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64)
type ConnectionRow = (Int64, ConnId, Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Bool, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, ConnStatus, ConnType, LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. Only UTCTime
type ConnectionRow = (Int64, ConnId, Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Bool, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, ConnStatus, ConnType, LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. (UTCTime, Maybe Text, Maybe UTCTime)
type MaybeConnectionRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnId, Maybe Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Bool, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnStatus, Maybe ConnType, Maybe LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. Only (Maybe UTCTime)
type MaybeConnectionRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnId, Maybe Int, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Bool, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnStatus, Maybe ConnType, Maybe LocalAlias) :. EntityIdsRow :. (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe Text, Maybe UTCTime)
toConnection :: ConnectionRow -> Connection
toConnection ((connId, acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. Only createdAt) =
toConnection ((connId, acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_)) =
let entityId = entityId_ connType
in Connection {connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias, entityId, createdAt}
connectionCode = SecurityCode <$> code_ <*> verifiedAt_
in Connection {connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias, entityId, connectionCode, createdAt}
entityId_ :: ConnType -> Maybe Int64
entityId_ ConnContact = contactId
@ -1294,8 +1303,8 @@ toConnection ((connId, acId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroup
entityId_ ConnUserContact = userContactLinkId
toMaybeConnection :: MaybeConnectionRow -> Maybe Connection
toMaybeConnection ((Just connId, Just agentConnId, Just connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, Just viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, Just connStatus, Just connType, Just localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. Only (Just createdAt)) =
Just $ toConnection ((connId, agentConnId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. Only createdAt)
toMaybeConnection ((Just connId, Just agentConnId, Just connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, Just viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, Just connStatus, Just connType, Just localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (Just createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_)) =
Just $ toConnection ((connId, agentConnId, connLevel, viaContact, viaUserContactLink, viaGroupLink, groupLinkId, customUserProfileId, connStatus, connType, localAlias) :. (contactId, groupMemberId, sndFileId, rcvFileId, userContactLinkId) :. (createdAt, code_, verifiedAt_))
toMaybeConnection _ = Nothing
getMatchingContacts :: DB.Connection -> User -> Contact -> IO [Contact]
@ -1466,7 +1475,7 @@ getConnectionEntity db user@User {userId, userContactId} agentConnId = do
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_level, via_contact, via_user_contact_link, via_group_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id,
conn_status, conn_type, local_alias, contact_id, group_member_id, snd_file_id, rcv_file_id, user_contact_link_id, created_at
conn_status, conn_type, local_alias, contact_id, group_member_id, snd_file_id, rcv_file_id, user_contact_link_id, created_at, security_code, security_code_verified_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ? AND agent_conn_id = ?
@ -1564,7 +1573,7 @@ getConnectionById db User {userId} connId = ExceptT $ do
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_level, via_contact, via_user_contact_link, via_group_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id,
conn_status, conn_type, local_alias, contact_id, group_member_id, snd_file_id, rcv_file_id, user_contact_link_id, created_at
conn_status, conn_type, local_alias, contact_id, group_member_id, snd_file_id, rcv_file_id, user_contact_link_id, created_at, security_code, security_code_verified_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ? AND connection_id = ?
@ -1609,7 +1618,7 @@ getGroupAndMember db User {userId, userContactId} groupMemberId =
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category, m.member_status,
m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias, p.preferences,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
JOIN groups g ON g.group_id = m.group_id
@ -1891,7 +1900,7 @@ getGroupMember db user@User {userId} groupId groupMemberId =
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category, m.member_status,
m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias, p.preferences,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.connection_id = (
@ -1913,7 +1922,7 @@ getGroupMembers db user@User {userId, userContactId} GroupInfo {groupId} = do
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category, m.member_status,
m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias, p.preferences,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.connection_id = (
@ -1935,7 +1944,7 @@ getGroupMembersForExpiration db user@User {userId, userContactId} GroupInfo {gro
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category, m.member_status,
m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.connection_id = (
@ -2060,7 +2069,7 @@ getContactViaMember db user@User {userId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} =
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON cp.contact_profile_id = ct.contact_profile_id
JOIN connections c ON c.connection_id = (
@ -2365,7 +2374,7 @@ getViaGroupMember db User {userId, userContactId} Contact {contactId} =
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category, m.member_status,
m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias, p.preferences,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM group_members m
JOIN contacts ct ON ct.contact_id = m.contact_id
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
@ -2397,7 +2406,7 @@ getViaGroupContact db user@User {userId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} =
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.local_alias, ct.via_group, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, p.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id,
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias, c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles p ON ct.contact_profile_id = p.contact_profile_id
JOIN connections c ON c.connection_id = (
@ -3276,7 +3285,7 @@ getDirectChatPreviews_ db user@User {userId} = do
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at,
-- ChatStats
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), ct.unread_chat,
-- ChatItem
@ -3598,7 +3607,7 @@ getContact db user@User {userId} contactId =
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.enable_ntfs, cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON ct.contact_profile_id = cp.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.contact_id = ct.contact_id
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Types where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Crypto.Number.Serialize (os2ip)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JE
@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ directContact Contact {contactUsed, activeConn = Connection {connLevel, viaGroup
anyDirectContact :: Contact -> Bool
anyDirectContact Contact {contactUsed, activeConn = Connection {connLevel}} = connLevel == 0 || contactUsed
contactSecurityCode :: Contact -> Maybe SecurityCode
contactSecurityCode Contact {activeConn} = connectionCode activeConn
data ContactRef = ContactRef
{ contactId :: ContactId,
localDisplayName :: ContactName
@ -866,6 +870,9 @@ groupMemberId' GroupMember {groupMemberId} = groupMemberId
memberIncognito :: GroupMember -> Bool
memberIncognito GroupMember {memberProfile, memberContactProfileId} = localProfileId memberProfile /= memberContactProfileId
memberSecurityCode :: GroupMember -> Maybe SecurityCode
memberSecurityCode GroupMember {activeConn} = connectionCode =<< activeConn
data NewGroupMember = NewGroupMember
{ memInfo :: MemberInfo,
memCategory :: GroupMemberCategory,
@ -1302,10 +1309,29 @@ data Connection = Connection
connStatus :: ConnStatus,
localAlias :: Text,
entityId :: Maybe Int64, -- contact, group member, file ID or user contact ID
connectionCode :: Maybe SecurityCode,
createdAt :: UTCTime
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
data SecurityCode = SecurityCode {securityCode :: Text, verifiedAt :: UTCTime}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON SecurityCode where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
verificationCode :: ByteString -> Text
verificationCode = T.pack . unwords . chunks 5 . show . os2ip
chunks _ [] = []
chunks n xs = let (h, t) = splitAt n xs in h : chunks n t
sameVerificationCode :: Text -> Text -> Bool
sameVerificationCode c1 c2 = noSpaces c1 == noSpaces c2
noSpaces = T.filter (/= ' ')
aConnId :: Connection -> ConnId
aConnId Connection {agentConnId = AgentConnId cId} = cId
@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ responseToView user_ testView ts = \case
CRGroupMemberInfo g m cStats -> viewGroupMemberInfo g m cStats
CRContactSwitch ct progress -> viewContactSwitch ct progress
CRGroupMemberSwitch g m progress -> viewGroupMemberSwitch g m progress
CRCodeVerification verified code -> [plain $ if verified then "connection verified" else "error: current connection code is " <> code]
CRContactCode ct code -> viewContactCode ct code testView
CRGroupMemberCode g m code -> viewGroupMemberCode g m code testView
CRNewChatItem (AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> unmuted chat item $ viewChatItem chat item False ts
CRLastMessages chatItems -> concatMap (\(AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> viewChatItem chat item True ts) chatItems
CRChatItemStatusUpdated _ -> []
@ -497,8 +500,8 @@ viewCannotResendInvitation GroupInfo {localDisplayName = gn} c =
viewDirectMessagesProhibited :: MsgDirection -> Contact -> [StyledString]
viewDirectMessagesProhibited MDSnd c = [ "direct messages to indirect contact " <> ttyContact' c <> " are prohibited"]
viewDirectMessagesProhibited MDRcv c = [ "received prohibited direct message from indirect contact " <> ttyContact' c <> " (discarded)"]
viewDirectMessagesProhibited MDSnd c = ["direct messages to indirect contact " <> ttyContact' c <> " are prohibited"]
viewDirectMessagesProhibited MDRcv c = ["received prohibited direct message from indirect contact " <> ttyContact' c <> " (discarded)"]
viewUserJoinedGroup :: GroupInfo -> [StyledString]
viewUserJoinedGroup g@GroupInfo {membership = membership@GroupMember {memberProfile}} =
@ -681,21 +684,27 @@ viewNetworkConfig NetworkConfig {socksProxy, tcpTimeout} =
viewContactInfo :: Contact -> ConnectionStats -> Maybe Profile -> [StyledString]
viewContactInfo Contact {contactId, profile = LocalProfile {localAlias}} stats incognitoProfile =
viewContactInfo ct@Contact {contactId, profile = LocalProfile {localAlias}} stats incognitoProfile =
["contact ID: " <> sShow contactId] <> viewConnectionStats stats
<> maybe
["you've shared main profile with this contact"]
(\p -> ["you've shared incognito profile with this contact: " <> incognitoProfile' p])
<> if localAlias /= "" then ["alias: " <> plain localAlias] else ["alias not set"]
<> ["alias: " <> plain localAlias | localAlias /= ""]
<> [viewConnectionVerified (contactSecurityCode ct)]
viewGroupMemberInfo :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe ConnectionStats -> [StyledString]
viewGroupMemberInfo GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile = LocalProfile {localAlias}} stats =
viewGroupMemberInfo GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile = LocalProfile {localAlias}} stats =
[ "group ID: " <> sShow groupId,
"member ID: " <> sShow groupMemberId
<> maybe ["member not connected"] viewConnectionStats stats
<> if localAlias /= "" then ["alias: " <> plain localAlias] else ["no alias for contact"]
<> ["alias: " <> plain localAlias | localAlias /= ""]
<> [viewConnectionVerified (memberSecurityCode m) | isJust stats]
viewConnectionVerified :: Maybe SecurityCode -> StyledString
viewConnectionVerified (Just _) = "connection verified" -- TODO show verification time?
viewConnectionVerified _ = "connection not verified, use " <> highlight' "/code" <> " command to see security code"
viewConnectionStats :: ConnectionStats -> [StyledString]
viewConnectionStats ConnectionStats {rcvServers, sndServers} =
@ -720,6 +729,17 @@ viewGroupMemberSwitch g m (SwitchProgress qd phase _) = case qd of
QDRcv -> [ttyGroup' g <> ": you " <> viewSwitchPhase phase <> " for " <> ttyMember m]
QDSnd -> [ttyGroup' g <> ": " <> ttyMember m <> " " <> viewSwitchPhase phase <> " for you"]
viewContactCode :: Contact -> Text -> Bool -> [StyledString]
viewContactCode ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} = viewSecurityCode (ttyContact' ct) ("/verify " <> c <> " <code from your contact>")
viewGroupMemberCode :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Text -> Bool -> [StyledString]
viewGroupMemberCode g m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = n} = viewSecurityCode (ttyGroup' g <> " " <> ttyMember m) ("/verify #" <> groupName' g <> " " <> n <> " <code from your contact>")
viewSecurityCode :: StyledString -> Text -> Text -> Bool -> [StyledString]
viewSecurityCode name cmd code testView
| testView = [plain code]
| otherwise = [name <> " security code:", plain code, "pass this code to your contact and use " <> highlight cmd <> " to verify"]
viewSwitchPhase :: SwitchPhase -> StyledString
viewSwitchPhase SPCompleted = "changed address"
viewSwitchPhase phase = plain (strEncode phase) <> " changing address"
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ extra-deps:
# - simplexmq-1.0.0@sha256:34b2004728ae396e3ae449cd090ba7410781e2b3cefc59259915f4ca5daa9ea8,8561
# - ../simplexmq
- github: simplex-chat/simplexmq
commit: e4842f4f47fb60ef8843dbce6fd43dec96f157d2
commit: fb21d9836e07706c7498baa967f932cb11b818e5
# - ../direct-sqlcipher
- github: simplex-chat/direct-sqlcipher
commit: 34309410eb2069b029b8fc1872deb1e0db123294
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Options (ChatOpts (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Store (getUserContactProfiles)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (withTransaction)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (unlessM)
import System.Directory (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
@ -168,6 +169,13 @@ chatTests = do
describe "queue rotation" $ do
it "switch contact to a different queue" testSwitchContact
it "switch group member to a different queue" testSwitchGroupMember
describe "connection verification code" $ do
it "verificationCode function converts ByteString to series of digits" $
verificationCode (C.sha256Hash "abcd") `shouldBe` "61889 38426 63934 09576 96390 79389 84124 85253 63658 69469 70853 37788 95900 68296 20156 25"
it "sameVerificationCode function should ignore spaces" $
sameVerificationCode "123 456 789" "12345 6789" `shouldBe` True
it "mark contact verified" testMarkContactVerified
it "mark group member verified" testMarkGroupMemberVerified
versionTestMatrix2 :: (TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()) -> Spec
versionTestMatrix2 runTest = do
@ -4551,6 +4559,58 @@ testSwitchGroupMember =
bob #> "#team hi"
alice <# "#team bob> hi"
testMarkContactVerified :: IO ()
testMarkContactVerified =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
alice ##> "/code bob"
bCode <- getTermLine alice
bob ##> "/code alice"
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify bob 123"
alice <##. "error: current connection code is "
alice ##> ("/verify bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection verified"
bobInfo alice = do
alice <## "contact ID: 2"
alice <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
alice <## "sending messages via: localhost"
alice <## "you've shared main profile with this contact"
testMarkGroupMemberVerified :: IO ()
testMarkGroupMemberVerified =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $ \alice bob -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
alice ##> "/code #team bob"
bCode <- getTermLine alice
bob ##> "/code #team alice"
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify #team bob 123"
alice <##. "error: current connection code is "
alice ##> ("/verify #team bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection verified"
bobInfo alice = do
alice <## "group ID: 1"
alice <## "member ID: 2"
alice <## "receiving messages via: localhost"
alice <## "sending messages via: localhost"
withTestChatContactConnected :: String -> (TestCC -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestChatContactConnected dbPrefix action =
withTestChat dbPrefix $ \cc -> do
Add table
Reference in a new issue