core: chat hooks allowing to extend or customize chat core (#3953)

* core: chat hooks allowing to extend or customize chat core

* update

* json

* custom response

* user in db queries
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Poberezkin 2024-03-29 18:30:17 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 735359c279
commit 86fe28f1ed
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
17 changed files with 223 additions and 109 deletions

View file

@ -1,61 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Server
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatController (..), ChatResponse (..), currentRemoteHost, versionNumber, versionString)
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal
import Simplex.Chat.View (serializeChatResponse)
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (NetworkConfig (..))
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.Terminal (withTerminal)
import Server (simplexChatServer)
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal (terminalChatConfig)
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Main (simplexChatCLI)
main :: IO ()
main = do
appDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "simplex"
opts@ChatOpts {chatCmd, chatServerPort} <- getChatOpts appDir "simplex_v1"
if null chatCmd
then case chatServerPort of
Just chatPort -> simplexChatServer defaultChatServerConfig {chatPort} terminalChatConfig opts
_ -> runCLI opts
else simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts $ runCommand opts
runCLI opts = do
welcome opts
t <- withTerminal pure
simplexChatTerminal terminalChatConfig opts t
runCommand ChatOpts {chatCmd, chatCmdLog, chatCmdDelay} user cc = do
when (chatCmdLog /= CCLNone) . void . forkIO . forever $ do
(_, _, r') <- atomically . readTBQueue $ outputQ cc
case r' of
CRNewChatItem {} -> printResponse r'
_ -> when (chatCmdLog == CCLAll) $ printResponse r'
sendChatCmdStr cc chatCmd >>= printResponse
threadDelay $ chatCmdDelay * 1000000
printResponse r = do
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
rh <- readTVarIO $ currentRemoteHost cc
putStrLn $ serializeChatResponse (rh, Just user) ts tz rh r
welcome :: ChatOpts -> IO ()
welcome ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbFilePrefix, networkConfig}} =
[ versionString versionNumber,
"db: " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_chat.db, " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_agent.db",
"direct network connection - use `/network` command or `-x` CLI option to connect via SOCKS5 at :9050"
(("using SOCKS5 proxy " <>) . show)
(socksProxy networkConfig),
"type \"/help\" or \"/h\" for usage info"
main = simplexChatCLI terminalChatConfig (Just simplexChatServer)

View file

@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ import Simplex.Messaging.Util (raceAny_)
import UnliftIO.Exception
import UnliftIO.STM
simplexChatServer :: ChatServerConfig -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ()
simplexChatServer srvCfg cfg opts =
simplexChatCore cfg opts . const $ runChatServer srvCfg
simplexChatServer :: ServiceName -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ()
simplexChatServer chatPort cfg opts =
simplexChatCore cfg opts . const $ runChatServer defaultChatServerConfig {chatPort}
data ChatServerConfig = ChatServerConfig
{ chatPort :: ServiceName,

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ crDirectoryEvent = \case
CRChatItemDeleted {deletedChatItem = AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) _, byUser = False} -> Just $ DEItemDeleteIgnored ct
CRNewChatItem {chatItem = AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci@ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent mc, meta = CIMeta {itemLive}}} ->
Just $ case (mc, itemLive) of
(MCText t, Nothing) -> DEContactCommand ct ciId $ fromRight err $ A.parseOnly directoryCmdP $ T.dropWhileEnd isSpace t
(MCText t, Nothing) -> DEContactCommand ct ciId $ fromRight err $ A.parseOnly (directoryCmdP <* A.endOfInput) $ T.dropWhileEnd isSpace t
_ -> DEUnsupportedMessage ct ciId
ciId = chatItemId' ci

View file

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ library
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ library

View file

@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ defaultChatConfig =
ciExpirationInterval = 30 * 60 * 1000000, -- 30 minutes
coreApi = False,
highlyAvailable = False,
deviceNameForRemote = ""
deviceNameForRemote = "",
chatHooks = defaultChatHooks
_defaultSMPServers :: NonEmpty SMPServerWithAuth
@ -424,7 +425,9 @@ execChatCommand rh s = do
Just rhId
| allowRemoteCommand cmd -> execRemoteCommand u rhId cmd s
| otherwise -> pure $ CRChatCmdError u $ ChatErrorRemoteHost (RHId rhId) $ RHELocalCommand
_ -> execChatCommand_ u cmd
_ -> do
cc@ChatController {config = ChatConfig {chatHooks}} <- ask
liftIO (preCmdHook chatHooks cc cmd) >>= either pure (execChatCommand_ u)
execChatCommand' :: ChatMonad' m => ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand' cmd = asks currentUser >>= readTVarIO >>= (`execChatCommand_` cmd)
@ -2094,6 +2097,9 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
SubInfo {server, subError = Just e} -> M.alter (Just . maybe [e] (e :)) server m
_ -> m
GetAgentSubsDetails -> CRAgentSubsDetails <$> withAgent getAgentSubscriptions
-- CustomChatCommand is unsupported, it can be processed in preCmdHook
-- in a modified CLI app or core - the hook should return Either ChatResponse ChatCommand
CustomChatCommand _cmd -> withUser $ \user -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
withChatLock name action = asks chatLock >>= \l -> withLock l name action
-- below code would make command responses asynchronous where they can be slow
@ -4553,25 +4559,28 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
when (sz > fileSize) $ receiveFile' user ft Nothing Nothing >>= toView
messageFileDescription :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> m ()
messageFileDescription Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
messageFileDescription ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId contactId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr
processFDMessage (CDDirectRcv ct) sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr
groupMessageFileDescription :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> FileDescr -> m ()
groupMessageFileDescription GroupInfo {groupId} _m sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
groupMessageFileDescription g@GroupInfo {groupId} m sharedMsgId fileDescr = do
fileId <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupFileIdBySharedMsgId db userId groupId sharedMsgId
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr
processFDMessage (CDGroupRcv g m) sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr
processFDMessage :: FileTransferId -> FileDescr -> m ()
processFDMessage fileId fileDescr = do
processFDMessage :: ChatTypeQuotable c => ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> SharedMsgId -> FileTransferId -> FileDescr -> m ()
processFDMessage cd sharedMsgId fileId fileDescr = do
ft <- withStore $ \db -> getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
unless (rcvFileCompleteOrCancelled ft) $ do
(rfd, RcvFileTransfer {fileStatus, xftpRcvFile, cryptoArgs}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
(rfd@RcvFileDescr {fileDescrComplete}, ft'@RcvFileTransfer {fileStatus, xftpRcvFile, cryptoArgs}) <- withStore $ \db -> do
rfd <- appendRcvFD db userId fileId fileDescr
-- reading second time in the same transaction as appending description
-- to prevent race condition with accept
ft' <- getRcvFileTransfer db user fileId
pure (rfd, ft')
when fileDescrComplete $ do
ci <- withStore $ \db -> getAChatItemBySharedMsgId db user cd sharedMsgId
toView $ CRRcvFileDescrReady user ci ft' rfd
case (fileStatus, xftpRcvFile) of
(RFSAccepted _, Just XFTPRcvFile {}) -> receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId rfd cryptoArgs
_ -> pure ()
@ -7040,7 +7049,8 @@ chatCommandP =
"/get subs" $> GetAgentSubs,
"/get subs details" $> GetAgentSubsDetails,
"/get workers" $> GetAgentWorkers,
"/get workers details" $> GetAgentWorkersDetails
"/get workers details" $> GetAgentWorkersDetails,
"//" *> (CustomChatCommand <$> A.takeByteString)
choice = A.choice . map (\p -> p <* A.takeWhile (== ' ') <* A.endOfInput)

View file

@ -144,9 +144,28 @@ data ChatConfig = ChatConfig
ciExpirationInterval :: Int64, -- microseconds
coreApi :: Bool,
highlyAvailable :: Bool,
deviceNameForRemote :: Text
deviceNameForRemote :: Text,
chatHooks :: ChatHooks
-- The hooks can be used to extend or customize chat core in mobile or CLI clients.
data ChatHooks = ChatHooks
{ -- preCmdHook can be used to process or modify the commands before they are processed.
-- This hook should be used to process CustomChatCommand.
-- if this hook returns ChatResponse, the command processing will be skipped.
preCmdHook :: ChatController -> ChatCommand -> IO (Either ChatResponse ChatCommand),
-- eventHook can be used to additionally process or modify events,
-- it is called before the event is sent to the user (or to the UI).
eventHook :: ChatController -> ChatResponse -> IO ChatResponse
defaultChatHooks :: ChatHooks
defaultChatHooks =
{ preCmdHook = \_ -> pure . Right,
eventHook = \_ -> pure
data DefaultAgentServers = DefaultAgentServers
{ smp :: NonEmpty SMPServerWithAuth,
ntf :: [NtfServer],
@ -471,6 +490,9 @@ data ChatCommand
| GetAgentSubsDetails
| GetAgentWorkers
| GetAgentWorkersDetails
-- The parser will return this command for strings that start from "//".
-- This command should be processed in preCmdHook
| CustomChatCommand ByteString
deriving (Show)
allowRemoteCommand :: ChatCommand -> Bool -- XXX: consider using Relay/Block/ForceLocal
@ -597,10 +619,9 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRContactRequestAlreadyAccepted {user :: User, contact :: Contact}
| CRLeftMemberUser {user :: User, groupInfo :: GroupInfo}
| CRGroupDeletedUser {user :: User, groupInfo :: GroupInfo}
| CRRcvFileDescrReady {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRRcvFileDescrReady {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem, rcvFileTransfer :: RcvFileTransfer, rcvFileDescr :: RcvFileDescr}
| CRRcvFileAccepted {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled {user :: User, rcvFileTransfer :: RcvFileTransfer}
| CRRcvFileDescrNotReady {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRStandaloneFileInfo {fileMeta :: Maybe J.Value}
| CRRcvStandaloneFileCreated {user :: User, rcvFileTransfer :: RcvFileTransfer} -- returned by _download
| CRRcvFileStart {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem} -- sent by chats
@ -726,6 +747,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRArchiveImported {archiveErrors :: [ArchiveError]}
| CRAppSettings {appSettings :: AppSettings}
| CRTimedAction {action :: String, durationMilliseconds :: Int64}
| CRCustomChatResponse {user_ :: Maybe User, response :: Text}
deriving (Show)
-- some of these can only be used as command responses
@ -1278,9 +1300,9 @@ throwChatError = throwError . ChatError
-- | Emit local events.
toView :: ChatMonad' m => ChatResponse -> m ()
toView event = do
localQ <- asks outputQ
session <- asks remoteCtrlSession
toView ev = do
cc@ChatController {outputQ = localQ, remoteCtrlSession = session, config = ChatConfig {chatHooks}} <- ask
event <- liftIO $ eventHook chatHooks cc ev
atomically $
readTVar session >>= \case
Just (_, RCSessionConnected {remoteOutputQ})

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240324_custom_data where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20240324_custom_data :: Query
m20240324_custom_data =
ALTER TABLE contacts ADD COLUMN custom_data BLOB;
ALTER TABLE groups ADD COLUMN custom_data BLOB;
down_m20240324_custom_data :: Query
down_m20240324_custom_data =
ALTER TABLE contacts DROP COLUMN custom_data;
ALTER TABLE groups DROP COLUMN custom_data;

View file

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ CREATE TABLE contacts(
REFERENCES group_members(group_member_id) ON DELETE SET NULL,
contact_grp_inv_sent INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
contact_status TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'active',
custom_data BLOB,
FOREIGN KEY(user_id, local_display_name)
REFERENCES display_names(user_id, local_display_name)
@ -120,7 +121,8 @@ CREATE TABLE groups(
send_rcpts INTEGER,
via_group_link_uri_hash BLOB,
user_member_profile_sent_at TEXT, -- received
user_member_profile_sent_at TEXT,
custom_data BLOB, -- received
FOREIGN KEY(user_id, local_display_name)
REFERENCES display_names(user_id, local_display_name)

View file

@ -75,19 +75,19 @@ getConnectionEntity db vr user@User {userId, userContactId} agentConnId = do
c.contact_profile_id, c.local_display_name, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.contact_link, p.local_alias, c.via_group, c.contact_used, c.contact_status, c.enable_ntfs, c.send_rcpts, c.favorite,
p.preferences, c.user_preferences, c.created_at, c.updated_at, c.chat_ts, c.contact_group_member_id, c.contact_grp_inv_sent
p.preferences, c.user_preferences, c.created_at, c.updated_at, c.chat_ts, c.contact_group_member_id, c.contact_grp_inv_sent, c.custom_data
FROM contacts c
JOIN contact_profiles p ON c.contact_profile_id = p.contact_profile_id
WHERE c.user_id = ? AND c.contact_id = ? AND c.deleted = 0
(userId, contactId)
toContact' :: Int64 -> Connection -> [(ProfileId, ContactName, Text, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Maybe Int64, Bool, ContactStatus) :. (Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe Preferences, Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe GroupMemberId, Bool)] -> Either StoreError Contact
toContact' contactId conn [(profileId, localDisplayName, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus) :. (enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, preferences, userPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent)] =
toContact' :: Int64 -> Connection -> [(ProfileId, ContactName, Text, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Maybe Int64, Bool, ContactStatus) :. (Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe Preferences, Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe GroupMemberId, Bool, Maybe CustomData)] -> Either StoreError Contact
toContact' contactId conn [(profileId, localDisplayName, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus) :. (enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, preferences, userPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent, customData)] =
let profile = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences, localAlias}
chatSettings = ChatSettings {enableNtfs = fromMaybe MFAll enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite}
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito conn
activeConn = Just conn
in Right Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus, chatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent}
in Right Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus, chatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent, customData}
toContact' _ _ _ = Left $ SEInternalError "referenced contact not found"
getGroupAndMember_ :: Int64 -> Connection -> ExceptT StoreError IO (GroupInfo, GroupMember)
getGroupAndMember_ groupMemberId c = ExceptT $ do
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ getConnectionEntity db vr user@User {userId, userContactId} agentConnId = do
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.custom_data,
-- GroupInfo {membership}
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,

View file

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ getContactByConnReqHash db vr user@User {userId} cReqHash =
-- Contact
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.contact_link, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.contact_status, ct.enable_ntfs, ct.send_rcpts, ct.favorite,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent, ct.custom_data,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.contact_conn_initiated, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at, c.pq_support, c.pq_encryption, c.pq_snd_enabled, c.pq_rcv_enabled, c.auth_err_counter,
@ -221,7 +222,7 @@ createDirectContact db user@User {userId} conn@Connection {connId, localAlias} p
let profile = toLocalProfile profileId p localAlias
userPreferences = emptyChatPrefs
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito conn
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False, customData = Nothing}
deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Contact -> IO ()
deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles db userId Contact {contactId} = do
@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ createOrUpdateContactRequest db vr user@User {userId} userContactLinkId invId (V
-- Contact
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.contact_link, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.contact_status, ct.enable_ntfs, ct.send_rcpts, ct.favorite,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent, ct.custom_data,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.contact_conn_initiated, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at, c.pq_support, c.pq_encryption, c.pq_snd_enabled, c.pq_rcv_enabled, c.auth_err_counter,
@ -724,7 +725,7 @@ createAcceptedContact db user@User {userId, profile = LocalProfile {preferences}
contactId <- insertedRowId db
conn <- createConnection_ db userId ConnContact (Just contactId) agentConnId connChatVersion cReqChatVRange Nothing (Just userContactLinkId) customUserProfileId 0 createdAt subMode pqSup
let mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito conn
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = toLocalProfile profileId profile "", activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt, chatTs = Just createdAt, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = toLocalProfile profileId profile "", activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt, chatTs = Just createdAt, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False, customData = Nothing}
getContactIdByName :: DB.Connection -> User -> ContactName -> ExceptT StoreError IO Int64
getContactIdByName db User {userId} cName =
@ -743,7 +744,7 @@ getContact_ db vr user@User {userId} contactId deleted =
-- Contact
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.contact_link, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.contact_status, ct.enable_ntfs, ct.send_rcpts, ct.favorite,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent, ct.custom_data,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.contact_conn_initiated, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at, c.pq_support, c.pq_encryption, c.pq_snd_enabled, c.pq_rcv_enabled, c.auth_err_counter,
@ -883,3 +884,8 @@ resetContactConnInitiated db User {userId} Connection {connId} = do
WHERE user_id = ? AND connection_id = ?
(updatedAt, userId, connId)
setContactCustomData :: DB.Connection -> User -> Contact -> Maybe CustomData -> IO ()
setContactCustomData db User {userId} Contact {contactId} customData = do
updatedAt <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE contacts SET custom_data = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_id = ?" (customData, updatedAt, userId, contactId)

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@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
@ -148,19 +149,19 @@ import Simplex.Messaging.Util (eitherToMaybe, ($>>=), (<$$>))
import Simplex.Messaging.Version
import UnliftIO.STM
type GroupInfoRow = (Int64, GroupName, GroupName, Text, Maybe Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ProfileId, Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe GroupPreferences) :. (UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) :. GroupMemberRow
type GroupInfoRow = (Int64, GroupName, GroupName, Text, Maybe Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ProfileId, Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe GroupPreferences) :. (UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe CustomData) :. GroupMemberRow
type GroupMemberRow = ((Int64, Int64, MemberId, VersionChat, VersionChat, GroupMemberRole, GroupMemberCategory, GroupMemberStatus, Bool, Maybe MemberRestrictionStatus) :. (Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupMemberId, ContactName, Maybe ContactId, ProfileId, ProfileId, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Maybe Preferences))
type MaybeGroupMemberRow = ((Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe MemberId, Maybe VersionChat, Maybe VersionChat, Maybe GroupMemberRole, Maybe GroupMemberCategory, Maybe GroupMemberStatus, Maybe Bool, Maybe MemberRestrictionStatus) :. (Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupMemberId, Maybe ContactName, Maybe ContactId, Maybe ProfileId, Maybe ProfileId, Maybe ContactName, Maybe Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, Maybe LocalAlias, Maybe Preferences))
toGroupInfo :: (PQSupport -> VersionRangeChat) -> Int64 -> GroupInfoRow -> GroupInfo
toGroupInfo vr userContactId ((groupId, localDisplayName, displayName, fullName, description, image, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, groupPreferences) :. (createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt) :. userMemberRow) =
toGroupInfo vr userContactId ((groupId, localDisplayName, displayName, fullName, description, image, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, groupPreferences) :. (createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt, customData) :. userMemberRow) =
let membership = (toGroupMember userContactId userMemberRow) {memberChatVRange = vr PQSupportOff}
chatSettings = ChatSettings {enableNtfs = fromMaybe MFAll enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite}
fullGroupPreferences = mergeGroupPreferences groupPreferences
groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName, fullName, description, image, groupPreferences}
in GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, fullGroupPreferences, membership, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, chatSettings, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt}
in GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, fullGroupPreferences, membership, hostConnCustomUserProfileId, chatSettings, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, userMemberProfileSentAt, customData}
toGroupMember :: Int64 -> GroupMemberRow -> GroupMember
toGroupMember userContactId ((groupMemberId, groupId, memberId, minVer, maxVer, memberRole, memberCategory, memberStatus, showMessages, memberRestriction_) :. (invitedById, invitedByGroupMemberId, localDisplayName, memberContactId, memberContactProfileId, profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, preferences)) =
@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ getGroupAndMember db User {userId, userContactId} groupMemberId vr =
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.custom_data,
-- GroupInfo {membership}
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,
@ -344,7 +345,8 @@ createNewGroup db vr gVar user@User {userId} groupProfile incognitoProfile = Exc
createdAt = currentTs,
updatedAt = currentTs,
chatTs = Just currentTs,
userMemberProfileSentAt = Just currentTs
userMemberProfileSentAt = Just currentTs,
customData = Nothing
-- | creates a new group record for the group the current user was invited to, or returns an existing one
@ -409,7 +411,8 @@ createGroupInvitation db vr user@User {userId} contact@Contact {contactId, activ
createdAt = currentTs,
updatedAt = currentTs,
chatTs = Just currentTs,
userMemberProfileSentAt = Just currentTs
userMemberProfileSentAt = Just currentTs,
customData = Nothing
@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ getUserGroupDetails db vr User {userId, userContactId} _contactId_ search_ =
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.custom_data,
mu.group_member_id, g.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category, mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction,
mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id, pu.display_name, pu.full_name, pu.image, pu.contact_link, pu.local_alias, pu.preferences
FROM groups g
@ -1293,7 +1296,7 @@ getViaGroupMember db vr User {userId, userContactId} Contact {contactId} =
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.custom_data,
-- GroupInfo {membership}
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,
@ -1389,7 +1392,7 @@ getGroupInfo db vr User {userId, userContactId} groupId =
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image,
g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at,
g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts, g.user_member_profile_sent_at, g.custom_data,
-- GroupMember - membership
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.member_restriction, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,
@ -1951,7 +1954,7 @@ createMemberContact
authErrCounter = 0
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito ctConn
pure Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = memberProfile, activeConn = Just ctConn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = True, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Just groupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent = False}
pure Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = memberProfile, activeConn = Just ctConn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = True, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Just groupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent = False, customData = Nothing}
getMemberContact :: DB.Connection -> (PQSupport -> VersionRangeChat) -> User -> ContactId -> ExceptT StoreError IO (GroupInfo, GroupMember, Contact, ConnReqInvitation)
getMemberContact db vr user contactId = do
@ -1988,7 +1991,7 @@ createMemberContactInvited
contactId <- createContactUpdateMember currentTs userPreferences
ctConn <- createMemberContactConn_ db user connIds gInfo mConn contactId subMode
let mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito ctConn
mCt' = Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = memberLDN, profile = memberProfile, activeConn = Just ctConn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = True, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
mCt' = Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = memberLDN, profile = memberProfile, activeConn = Just ctConn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = True, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False, customData = Nothing}
m' = m {memberContactId = Just contactId}
pure (mCt', m')
@ -2188,3 +2191,8 @@ updateUserMemberProfileSentAt db User {userId} GroupInfo {groupId} sentTs =
"UPDATE groups SET user_member_profile_sent_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?"
(sentTs, userId, groupId)
setGroupCustomData :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe CustomData -> IO ()
setGroupCustomData db User {userId} GroupInfo {groupId} customData = do
updatedAt <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE groups SET custom_data = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?" (customData, updatedAt, userId, groupId)

View file

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Messages
@ -2202,6 +2203,15 @@ getAChatItem db vr user chatRef itemId = case chatRef of
pure $ AChatItem SCTLocal msgDir (LocalChat nf) ci
_ -> throwError $ SEChatItemNotFound itemId
getAChatItemBySharedMsgId :: ChatTypeQuotable c => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> SharedMsgId -> ExceptT StoreError IO AChatItem
getAChatItemBySharedMsgId db user cd sharedMsgId = case cd of
CDDirectRcv ct@Contact {contactId} -> do
(CChatItem msgDir ci) <- getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId db user contactId sharedMsgId
pure $ AChatItem SCTDirect msgDir (DirectChat ct) ci
CDGroupRcv g@GroupInfo {groupId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} -> do
(CChatItem msgDir ci) <- getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
pure $ AChatItem SCTGroup msgDir (GroupChat g) ci
getChatItemVersions :: DB.Connection -> ChatItemId -> IO [ChatItemVersion]
getChatItemVersions db itemId = do
map toChatItemVersion

View file

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240222_app_settings
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240226_users_restrict
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240228_pq
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20240324_custom_data
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.Migrations (Migration (..))
schemaMigrations :: [(String, Query, Maybe Query)]
@ -205,7 +206,8 @@ schemaMigrations =
("20240222_app_settings", m20240222_app_settings, Just down_m20240222_app_settings),
("20240226_users_restrict", m20240226_users_restrict, Just down_m20240226_users_restrict),
("20240228_pq", m20240228_pq, Just down_m20240228_pq),
("20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id", m20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id, Just down_m20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id)
("20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id", m20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id, Just down_m20240313_drop_agent_ack_cmd_id),
("20240324_custom_data", m20240324_custom_data, Just down_m20240324_custom_data)
-- | The list of migrations in ascending order by date

View file

@ -371,16 +371,16 @@ deleteUnusedIncognitoProfileById_ db User {userId} profileId =
[":user_id" := userId, ":profile_id" := profileId]
type ContactRow = (ContactId, ProfileId, ContactName, Maybe Int64, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Bool, ContactStatus) :. (Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe Preferences, Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe GroupMemberId, Bool)
type ContactRow = (ContactId, ProfileId, ContactName, Maybe Int64, ContactName, Text, Maybe ImageData, Maybe ConnReqContact, LocalAlias, Bool, ContactStatus) :. (Maybe MsgFilter, Maybe Bool, Bool, Maybe Preferences, Preferences, UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe GroupMemberId, Bool, Maybe CustomData)
toContact :: (PQSupport -> VersionRangeChat) -> User -> ContactRow :. MaybeConnectionRow -> Contact
toContact vr user (((contactId, profileId, localDisplayName, viaGroup, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, contactUsed, contactStatus) :. (enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, preferences, userPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent)) :. connRow) =
toContact vr user (((contactId, profileId, localDisplayName, viaGroup, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, localAlias, contactUsed, contactStatus) :. (enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite, preferences, userPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent, customData)) :. connRow) =
let profile = LocalProfile {profileId, displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences, localAlias}
activeConn = toMaybeConnection vr connRow
chatSettings = ChatSettings {enableNtfs = fromMaybe MFAll enableNtfs_, sendRcpts, favorite}
incognito = maybe False connIncognito activeConn
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences incognito
in Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus, chatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent}
in Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, contactUsed, contactStatus, chatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt, updatedAt, chatTs, contactGroupMemberId, contactGrpInvSent, customData}
getProfileById :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Int64 -> ExceptT StoreError IO LocalProfile
getProfileById db userId profileId =

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Main where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Network.Socket
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig, ChatController (..), ChatResponse (..), currentRemoteHost, versionNumber, versionString)
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal
import Simplex.Chat.View (serializeChatResponse)
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (NetworkConfig (..))
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Terminal (withTerminal)
simplexChatCLI :: ChatConfig -> Maybe (ServiceName -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ()) -> IO ()
simplexChatCLI cfg server_ = do
appDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "simplex"
opts@ChatOpts {chatCmd, chatServerPort} <- getChatOpts appDir "simplex_v1"
if null chatCmd
then case chatServerPort of
Just chatPort -> case server_ of
Just server -> server chatPort cfg opts
Nothing -> putStrLn "Not allowed to run as a WebSockets server" >> exitFailure
_ -> runCLI opts
else simplexChatCore cfg opts $ runCommand opts
runCLI opts = do
welcome opts
t <- withTerminal pure
simplexChatTerminal cfg opts t
runCommand ChatOpts {chatCmd, chatCmdLog, chatCmdDelay} user cc = do
when (chatCmdLog /= CCLNone) . void . forkIO . forever $ do
(_, _, r') <- atomically . readTBQueue $ outputQ cc
case r' of
CRNewChatItem {} -> printResponse r'
_ -> when (chatCmdLog == CCLAll) $ printResponse r'
sendChatCmdStr cc chatCmd >>= printResponse
threadDelay $ chatCmdDelay * 1000000
printResponse r = do
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
rh <- readTVarIO $ currentRemoteHost cc
putStrLn $ serializeChatResponse (rh, Just user) ts tz rh r
welcome :: ChatOpts -> IO ()
welcome ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbFilePrefix, networkConfig}} =
[ versionString versionNumber,
"db: " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_chat.db, " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_agent.db",
"direct network connection - use `/network` command or `-x` CLI option to connect via SOCKS5 at :9050"
(("using SOCKS5 proxy " <>) . show)
(socksProxy networkConfig),
"type \"/help\" or \"/h\" for usage info"

View file

@ -174,10 +174,25 @@ data Contact = Contact
updatedAt :: UTCTime,
chatTs :: Maybe UTCTime,
contactGroupMemberId :: Maybe GroupMemberId,
contactGrpInvSent :: Bool
contactGrpInvSent :: Bool,
customData :: Maybe CustomData
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CustomData = CustomData J.Object
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON CustomData where
toJSON (CustomData v) = toJSON v
toEncoding (CustomData v) = toEncoding v
instance FromJSON CustomData where
parseJSON = J.withObject "CustomData" (pure . CustomData)
instance ToField CustomData where toField (CustomData v) = toField $ J.encode v
instance FromField CustomData where fromField = fromBlobField_ J.eitherDecodeStrict
contactConn :: Contact -> Maybe Connection
contactConn Contact {activeConn} = activeConn
@ -356,7 +371,8 @@ data GroupInfo = GroupInfo
createdAt :: UTCTime,
updatedAt :: UTCTime,
chatTs :: Maybe UTCTime,
userMemberProfileSentAt :: Maybe UTCTime
userMemberProfileSentAt :: Maybe UTCTime,
customData :: Maybe CustomData
deriving (Eq, Show)

View file

@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
CRUnknownMemberBlocked u g byM um -> ttyUser u [ttyGroup' g <> ": " <> ttyMember byM <> " blocked an unknown member, creating unknown member record " <> ttyMember um]
CRUnknownMemberAnnounced u g _ um m -> ttyUser u [ttyGroup' g <> ": unknown member " <> ttyMember um <> " updated to " <> ttyMember m]
CRGroupDeletedUser u g -> ttyUser u [ttyGroup' g <> ": you deleted the group"]
CRRcvFileDescrReady _ _ -> []
CRRcvFileDescrNotReady _ _ -> []
CRRcvFileDescrReady _ _ _ _ -> []
CRRcvFileProgressXFTP {} -> []
CRRcvFileAccepted u ci -> ttyUser u $ savingFile' ci
CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled u ft -> ttyUser u $ viewRcvFileSndCancelled ft
@ -391,6 +390,7 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
CRArchiveImported archiveErrs -> if null archiveErrs then ["ok"] else ["archive import errors: " <> plain (show archiveErrs)]
CRAppSettings as -> ["app settings: " <> plain (LB.unpack $ J.encode as)]
CRTimedAction _ _ -> []
CRCustomChatResponse u r -> ttyUser' u $ [plain r]
ttyUser :: User -> [StyledString] -> [StyledString]
ttyUser user@User {showNtfs, activeUser} ss
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ viewNetworkConfig NetworkConfig {socksProxy, tcpTimeout} =
viewContactInfo :: Contact -> Maybe ConnectionStats -> Maybe Profile -> [StyledString]
viewContactInfo ct@Contact {contactId, profile = LocalProfile {localAlias, contactLink}, activeConn} stats incognitoProfile =
viewContactInfo ct@Contact {contactId, profile = LocalProfile {localAlias, contactLink}, activeConn, customData} stats incognitoProfile =
["contact ID: " <> sShow contactId]
<> maybe [] viewConnectionStats stats
<> maybe [] (\l -> ["contact address: " <> (plain . strEncode) (simplexChatContact l)]) contactLink
@ -1179,12 +1179,17 @@ viewContactInfo ct@Contact {contactId, profile = LocalProfile {localAlias, conta
<> [viewConnectionVerified (contactSecurityCode ct)]
<> ["quantum resistant end-to-end encryption" | contactPQEnabled ct == CR.PQEncOn]
<> maybe [] (\ac -> [viewPeerChatVRange (peerChatVRange ac)]) activeConn
<> viewCustomData customData
viewGroupInfo :: GroupInfo -> GroupSummary -> [StyledString]
viewGroupInfo GroupInfo {groupId} s =
viewGroupInfo GroupInfo {groupId, customData} s =
[ "group ID: " <> sShow groupId,
"current members: " <> sShow (currentMembers s)
<> viewCustomData customData
viewCustomData :: Maybe CustomData -> [StyledString]
viewCustomData = maybe [] (\(CustomData v) -> ["custom data: " <> plain (LB.toStrict . J.encode $ J.Object v)])
viewGroupMemberInfo :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe ConnectionStats -> [StyledString]
viewGroupMemberInfo GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile = LocalProfile {localAlias, contactLink}, activeConn} stats =