mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
Merge pull request #5588 from simplex-chat/mentions
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 1320 additions and 525 deletions
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Directory.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown (displayNameTextP)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
@ -222,16 +223,10 @@ directoryCmdP =
DCInviteOwnerToGroup_ -> gc DCInviteOwnerToGroup
DCExecuteCommand_ -> DCExecuteCommand . T.unpack <$> (A.space *> A.takeText)
gc f = f <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <* A.char ':') <*> displayNameP
displayNameP = quoted '\'' <|> takeNameTill (== ' ')
takeNameTill p =
A.peekChar' >>= \c ->
if refChar c then A.takeTill p else fail "invalid first character in display name"
quoted c = A.char c *> takeNameTill (== c) <* A.char c
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@'
gc f = f <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <* A.char ':') <*> displayNameTextP
viewName :: Text -> Text
viewName n = if any (== ' ') (T.unpack n) then "'" <> n <> "'" else n
viewName n = if T.any (== ' ') n then "'" <> n <> "'" else n
directoryCmdTag :: DirectoryCmd r -> Text
directoryCmdTag = \case
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Member mentions
## Problem
Mention members in the messages.
There are several UX objectives that mentions must deliver:
- to notify the user about the messages that mention the user or to reply to user's messages - groups must have this notification mode (already present in the API),
- to allow the user to navigate to unread mentions and replies,
- to highlight mentions and allow all users to open mentioned member profile - this is the least important objective.
## Solution
Message text should include the reference to the shared member display name:
Hello @name
Hello @'member name'
This is the same format that people already use and that is currently supported in the API. The name in the message should use the display name at the time of mention, both for backwards compatibility and for better view in compose field, and the message should additionally include the mapping from used display names to shared group member IDs, and the UI would show the current display name (at the time of loading the message to the view).
For this mapping the message JSON will include the array of mentions, as objects with properties `displayName` and `memberId`. This is to ensure the intent and that the fragments of text are treated as mentions.
Using an immutable `memberId` would prevent any race conditions and duplicate display names. The receiving client would show a local view name (display name or an alias), and might open a correct member card when mention is tapped.
As display names are not unique in the group, we should convert them to locally-unique names (per message), by appending _1, _2, as necessary, and the same locally unique names should be used in the mapping to member IDs. These locally unique names must NOT use local user aliases, and must NOT use localDisplayName, as otherwise it may leak information that is known only to the user's client.
There should be a reasonable limit on the number of mentions per message, e.g. 3. This is to prevent abuse, expensive processing both in the client and in super-peers that would have to forward member profiles if they were not forwarded before. This limit has to be enforced both on sending and receiving ends.
## UX for sending mentions
When a member types '@' character in the entry field, the app would show the paginated list of most recently active members, with search. This requires a separate API, and the same API can be used to show a paginated member list - loading the full list is already quite expensive with groups over 1-2k members.
## UX for navigating to mentions
The current circles with unread messages should indicate the number of unread mentions (including replies) above and below the view. Tapping the circle should navigate to the next unread mention, and not to the bottom/top of the conversation. Long-pressing the circle should offer the option to navigate to the top/bottom. In the absense of mentions, tapping circles would navigate to top/bottom.
## Message UI
Item text will include markdown elements for mentioned members. This will be used when rendering to show member display names or local aliases.
Chat items data will include the list of members used in the chat item, including view names and member IDs.
## Forwarding and saving to local items
When forwarding to another conversation or saving to notes a message with mentions the app should use:
- current display names instead of display names used in the message.
- remove mentions mapping from the message data.
## Schema
Two new columns for chat_items table:
- user_mention - 0 or 1 to indicate whether a message is a reply to user's message or mentions user.
- member_mentions - the object mapping display names to member IDs, either as JSON, or in a more economical comma-separated list of "ID:name" strings (or "ID:'member name'). This field can be processed to load mention information, with the limit of 3 mentions per message it's sufficient.
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ export type ChatCommand =
| APIRejectContact
| APIUpdateProfile
| APISetContactAlias
| APIParseMarkdown
| NewGroup
| APIAddMember
| APIJoinGroup
@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ type ChatCommandTag =
| "apiRejectContact"
| "apiUpdateProfile"
| "apiSetContactAlias"
| "apiParseMarkdown"
| "newGroup"
| "apiAddMember"
| "apiJoinGroup"
@ -355,11 +353,6 @@ export interface APISetContactAlias extends IChatCommand {
localAlias: string
export interface APIParseMarkdown extends IChatCommand {
type: "apiParseMarkdown"
text: string
export interface NewGroup extends IChatCommand {
type: "newGroup"
groupProfile: GroupProfile
@ -732,8 +725,6 @@ export function cmdString(cmd: ChatCommand): string {
return `/_profile ${cmd.userId} ${JSON.stringify(cmd.profile)}`
case "apiSetContactAlias":
return `/_set alias @${cmd.contactId} ${cmd.localAlias.trim()}`
case "apiParseMarkdown":
return `/_parse ${cmd.text}`
case "newGroup":
return `/_group ${JSON.stringify(cmd.groupProfile)}`
case "apiAddMember":
@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ library
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ sendComposedMessage cc = sendComposedMessage' cc . contactId'
sendComposedMessage' :: ChatController -> ContactId -> Maybe ChatItemId -> MsgContent -> IO ()
sendComposedMessage' cc ctId quotedItemId msgContent = do
let cm = ComposedMessage {fileSource = Nothing, quotedItemId, msgContent}
sendChatCmd cc (APISendMessages (ChatRef CTDirect ctId) False Nothing (cm :| [])) >>= \case
let cm = ComposedMessage {fileSource = Nothing, quotedItemId, msgContent, mentions = M.empty}
sendChatCmd cc (APISendMessages (ChatRef CTDirect ctId) False Nothing [cm]) >>= \case
CRNewChatItems {} -> printLog cc CLLInfo $ "sent message to contact ID " <> show ctId
r -> putStrLn $ "unexpected send message response: " <> show r
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ data ChatCommand
| APICreateChatItems {noteFolderId :: NoteFolderId, composedMessages :: NonEmpty ComposedMessage}
| APIReportMessage {groupId :: GroupId, chatItemId :: ChatItemId, reportReason :: ReportReason, reportText :: Text}
| ReportMessage {groupName :: GroupName, contactName_ :: Maybe ContactName, reportReason :: ReportReason, reportedMessage :: Text}
| APIUpdateChatItem {chatRef :: ChatRef, chatItemId :: ChatItemId, liveMessage :: Bool, msgContent :: MsgContent}
| APIUpdateChatItem {chatRef :: ChatRef, chatItemId :: ChatItemId, liveMessage :: Bool, updatedMessage :: UpdatedMessage}
| APIDeleteChatItem ChatRef (NonEmpty ChatItemId) CIDeleteMode
| APIDeleteMemberChatItem GroupId (NonEmpty ChatItemId)
| APIChatItemReaction {chatRef :: ChatRef, chatItemId :: ChatItemId, add :: Bool, reaction :: MsgReaction}
@ -346,7 +347,6 @@ data ChatCommand
| APISetConnectionAlias Int64 LocalAlias
| APISetUserUIThemes UserId (Maybe UIThemeEntityOverrides)
| APISetChatUIThemes ChatRef (Maybe UIThemeEntityOverrides)
| APIParseMarkdown Text
| APIGetNtfToken
| APIRegisterToken DeviceToken NotificationsMode
| APIVerifyToken DeviceToken C.CbNonce ByteString
@ -1085,22 +1085,16 @@ data UserProfileUpdateSummary = UserProfileUpdateSummary
data ComposedMessage = ComposedMessage
{ fileSource :: Maybe CryptoFile,
quotedItemId :: Maybe ChatItemId,
msgContent :: MsgContent
msgContent :: MsgContent,
mentions :: Map MemberName GroupMemberId
deriving (Show)
-- This instance is needed for backward compatibility, can be removed in v6.0
instance FromJSON ComposedMessage where
parseJSON (J.Object v) = do
fileSource <-
(v .:? "fileSource") >>= \case
Nothing -> CF.plain <$$> (v .:? "filePath")
f -> pure f
quotedItemId <- v .:? "quotedItemId"
msgContent <- v .: "msgContent"
pure ComposedMessage {fileSource, quotedItemId, msgContent}
parseJSON invalid =
JT.prependFailure "bad ComposedMessage, " (JT.typeMismatch "Object" invalid)
data UpdatedMessage = UpdatedMessage
{ msgContent :: MsgContent,
mentions :: Map MemberName GroupMemberId
deriving (Show)
data ChatTagData = ChatTagData
{ emoji :: Maybe Text,
@ -1273,7 +1267,6 @@ data ChatErrorType
| CEFileNotApproved {fileId :: FileTransferId, unknownServers :: [XFTPServer]}
| CEFallbackToSMPProhibited {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| CEInlineFileProhibited {fileId :: FileTransferId}
| CEInvalidQuote
| CEInvalidForward
| CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
| CEInvalidChatItemDelete
@ -1635,4 +1628,19 @@ $(JQ.deriveFromJSON defaultJSON ''DBEncryptionConfig)
$(JQ.deriveToJSON defaultJSON ''ComposedMessage)
instance FromJSON ComposedMessage where
parseJSON (J.Object v) = do
fileSource <-
(v .:? "fileSource") >>= \case
Nothing -> CF.plain <$$> (v .:? "filePath")
f -> pure f
quotedItemId <- v .:? "quotedItemId"
msgContent <- v .: "msgContent"
mentions <- fromMaybe M.empty <$> v .:? "mentions"
pure ComposedMessage {fileSource, quotedItemId, msgContent, mentions}
parseJSON invalid =
JT.prependFailure "bad ComposedMessage, " (JT.typeMismatch "Object" invalid)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''UpdatedMessage)
$(JQ.deriveToJSON defaultJSON ''ChatTagData)
@ -537,12 +537,16 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
Just <$> withFastStore (\db -> getAChatItem db vr user (ChatRef CTGroup gId) fwdItemId)
_ -> pure Nothing
APISendMessages (ChatRef cType chatId) live itemTTL cms -> withUser $ \user -> mapM_ assertAllowedContent' cms >> case cType of
CTDirect ->
CTDirect -> do
mapM_ assertNoMentions cms
withContactLock "sendMessage" chatId $
sendContactContentMessages user chatId live itemTTL (L.map (,Nothing) cms)
sendContactContentMessages user chatId live itemTTL (L.map composedMessageReq cms)
CTGroup ->
withGroupLock "sendMessage" chatId $
sendGroupContentMessages user chatId live itemTTL (L.map (,Nothing) cms)
withGroupLock "sendMessage" chatId $ do
(gInfo, cmrs) <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
g <- getGroupInfo db vr user chatId
(g,) <$> mapM (composedMessageReqMentions db user g) cms
sendGroupContentMessages user gInfo live itemTTL cmrs
CTLocal -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
@ -567,8 +571,8 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
withFastStore' $ \db -> reorderChatTags db user $ L.toList tagIds
ok user
APICreateChatItems folderId cms -> withUser $ \user -> do
mapM_ assertAllowedContent' cms
createNoteFolderContentItems user folderId (L.map (,Nothing) cms)
forM_ cms $ \cm -> assertAllowedContent' cm >> assertNoMentions cm
createNoteFolderContentItems user folderId (L.map composedMessageReq cms)
APIReportMessage gId reportedItemId reportReason reportText -> withUser $ \user ->
withGroupLock "reportMessage" gId $ do
(gInfo, ms) <-
@ -577,9 +581,9 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
(gInfo,) <$> liftIO (getGroupModerators db vr user gInfo)
let ms' = filter compatibleModerator ms
mc = MCReport reportText reportReason
cm = ComposedMessage {fileSource = Nothing, quotedItemId = Just reportedItemId, msgContent = mc}
cm = ComposedMessage {fileSource = Nothing, quotedItemId = Just reportedItemId, msgContent = mc, mentions = M.empty}
when (null ms') $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "no moderators support receiving reports"
sendGroupContentMessages_ user gInfo ms' False Nothing [(cm, Nothing)]
sendGroupContentMessages_ user gInfo ms' False Nothing [composedMessageReq cm]
compatibleModerator GroupMember {activeConn, memberChatVRange} =
maxVersion (maybe memberChatVRange peerChatVRange activeConn) >= contentReportsVersion
@ -587,8 +591,9 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
gId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user groupName
reportedItemId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user gId contactName_ reportedMessage
processChatCommand $ APIReportMessage gId reportedItemId reportReason ""
APIUpdateChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId live mc -> withUser $ \user -> assertAllowedContent mc >> case cType of
APIUpdateChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId live (UpdatedMessage mc mentions) -> withUser $ \user -> assertAllowedContent mc >> case cType of
CTDirect -> withContactLock "updateChatItem" chatId $ do
unless (null mentions) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "mentions are not supported in this chat"
ct@Contact {contactId} <- withFastStore $ \db -> getContact db vr user chatId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgUpdate_
cci <- withFastStore $ \db -> getDirectCIWithReactions db user ct itemId
@ -599,7 +604,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage user ct (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage user ct (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc M.empty (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
ci' <- withFastStore' $ \db -> do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
when changed $
@ -614,7 +619,8 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
CTGroup -> withGroupLock "updateChatItem" chatId $ do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} ms <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroup db vr user chatId
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
if prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo membership mc
let (_, ft_) = msgContentTexts mc
if prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo membership ft_
then pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) ("feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (groupFeatureNameText GFSimplexLinks))
else do
cci <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupCIWithReactions db user gInfo itemId
@ -625,19 +631,23 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
let changed = mc /= oldMC
if changed || fromMaybe False itemLive
then do
SndMessage {msgId} <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
ciMentions <- withFastStore $ \db -> getCIMentions db user gInfo ft_ mentions
let mentions' = M.map (\CIMention {memberId} -> MsgMention {memberId}) ciMentions
SndMessage {msgId} <- sendGroupMessage user gInfo ms (XMsgUpdate itemSharedMId mc mentions' (ttl' <$> itemTimed) (justTrue . (live &&) =<< itemLive))
ci' <- withFastStore' $ \db -> do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
when changed $
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db itemId (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (currentTs, mc)
let edited = itemLive /= Just True
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) edited live $ Just msgId
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) edited live $ Just msgId
updateGroupCIMentions db gInfo ci' ciMentions
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
pure $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
else pure $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CChatItem SMDRcv _ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CTLocal -> do
unless (null mentions) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "mentions are not supported in this chat"
(nf@NoteFolder {noteFolderId}, cci) <- withFastStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getNoteFolder db user chatId <*> getLocalChatItem db user chatId itemId
case cci of
CChatItem SMDSnd ci@ChatItem {content = CISndMsgContent oldMC}
@ -699,7 +709,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
itemsMsgIds :: [CChatItem c] -> [SharedMsgId]
itemsMsgIds = mapMaybe (\(CChatItem _ ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId}}) -> itemSharedMsgId)
APIDeleteMemberChatItem gId itemIds -> withUser $ \user -> withGroupLock "deleteChatItem" gId $ do
(gInfo@GroupInfo {membership}, items) <- getCommandGroupChatItems user gId itemIds
(gInfo, items) <- getCommandGroupChatItems user gId itemIds
ms <- withFastStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db vr user gInfo
assertDeletable gInfo items
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAdmin -- TODO GRModerator when most users migrate
@ -825,7 +835,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
MCFile t -> t /= ""
MCReport {} -> True
MCUnknown {} -> True
APIForwardChatItems (ChatRef toCType toChatId) (ChatRef fromCType fromChatId) itemIds itemTTL -> withUser $ \user -> case toCType of
APIForwardChatItems toChat@(ChatRef toCType toChatId) fromChat@(ChatRef fromCType fromChatId) itemIds itemTTL -> withUser $ \user -> case toCType of
CTDirect -> do
cmrs <- prepareForward user
case L.nonEmpty cmrs of
@ -837,8 +847,9 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
cmrs <- prepareForward user
case L.nonEmpty cmrs of
Just cmrs' ->
withGroupLock "forwardChatItem, to group" toChatId $
sendGroupContentMessages user toChatId False itemTTL cmrs'
withGroupLock "forwardChatItem, to group" toChatId $ do
gInfo <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user toChatId
sendGroupContentMessages user gInfo False itemTTL cmrs'
Nothing -> pure $ CRNewChatItems user []
CTLocal -> do
cmrs <- prepareForward user
@ -849,17 +860,17 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
prepareForward :: User -> CM [ComposeMessageReq]
prepareForward :: User -> CM [ComposedMessageReq]
prepareForward user = case fromCType of
CTDirect -> withContactLock "forwardChatItem, from contact" fromChatId $ do
(ct, items) <- getCommandDirectChatItems user fromChatId itemIds
catMaybes <$> mapM (\ci -> ciComposeMsgReq ct ci <$$> prepareMsgReq ci) items
ciComposeMsgReq :: Contact -> CChatItem 'CTDirect -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposeMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq :: Contact -> CChatItem 'CTDirect -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposedMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq ct (CChatItem md ci) (mc', file) =
let itemId = chatItemId' ci
ciff = forwardCIFF ci $ Just (CIFFContact (forwardName ct) (toMsgDirection md) (Just fromChatId) (Just itemId))
in (ComposedMessage file Nothing mc', ciff)
in (composedMessage file mc', ciff, msgContentTexts mc', M.empty)
forwardName :: Contact -> ContactName
forwardName Contact {profile = LocalProfile {displayName, localAlias}}
@ -869,11 +880,16 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
(gInfo, items) <- getCommandGroupChatItems user fromChatId itemIds
catMaybes <$> mapM (\ci -> ciComposeMsgReq gInfo ci <$$> prepareMsgReq ci) items
ciComposeMsgReq :: GroupInfo -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposeMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq gInfo (CChatItem md ci) (mc', file) = do
ciComposeMsgReq :: GroupInfo -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposedMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq gInfo (CChatItem md ci@ChatItem {mentions, formattedText}) (mc, file) = do
let itemId = chatItemId' ci
ciff = forwardCIFF ci $ Just (CIFFGroup (forwardName gInfo) (toMsgDirection md) (Just fromChatId) (Just itemId))
in (ComposedMessage file Nothing mc', ciff)
-- updates text to reflect current mentioned member names
(mc', _, mentions') = updatedMentionNames mc formattedText mentions
-- only includes mentions when forwarding to the same group
ciMentions = if toChat == fromChat then mentions' else M.empty
-- no need to have mentions in ComposedMessage, they are in ciMentions
in (ComposedMessage file Nothing mc' M.empty, ciff, msgContentTexts mc', ciMentions)
forwardName :: GroupInfo -> ContactName
forwardName GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} = displayName
@ -881,10 +897,10 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
(_, items) <- getCommandLocalChatItems user fromChatId itemIds
catMaybes <$> mapM (\ci -> ciComposeMsgReq ci <$$> prepareMsgReq ci) items
ciComposeMsgReq :: CChatItem 'CTLocal -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposeMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq :: CChatItem 'CTLocal -> (MsgContent, Maybe CryptoFile) -> ComposedMessageReq
ciComposeMsgReq (CChatItem _ ci) (mc', file) =
let ciff = forwardCIFF ci Nothing
in (ComposedMessage file Nothing mc', ciff)
in (composedMessage file mc', ciff, msgContentTexts mc', M.empty)
CTContactRequest -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
CTContactConnection -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
@ -1288,7 +1304,6 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
liftIO $ setGroupUIThemes db user g uiThemes
ok user
_ -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIParseMarkdown text -> pure . CRApiParsedMarkdown $ parseMaybeMarkdownList text
APIGetNtfToken -> withUser' $ \_ -> crNtfToken <$> withAgent getNtfToken
APIRegisterToken token mode -> withUser $ \_ ->
CRNtfTokenStatus <$> withAgent (\a -> registerNtfToken a token mode)
@ -1844,7 +1859,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
withFastStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getContactIdByName db user name) >>= \case
Right ctId -> do
let chatRef = ChatRef CTDirect ctId
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing [composedMessage Nothing mc]
Left _ ->
withFastStore' (\db -> runExceptT $ getActiveMembersByName db vr user name) >>= \case
Right [(gInfo, member)] -> do
@ -1856,13 +1871,15 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
_ ->
throwChatError $ CEContactNotFound name Nothing
CTGroup -> do
gId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user name
(gId, mentions) <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
gId <- getGroupIdByName db user name
(gId,) <$> liftIO (getMessageMentions db user gId msg)
let chatRef = ChatRef CTGroup gId
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing [ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc mentions]
| name == "" -> do
folderId <- withFastStore (`getUserNoteFolderId` user)
processChatCommand $ APICreateChatItems folderId (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APICreateChatItems folderId [composedMessage Nothing mc]
| otherwise -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
SendMemberContactMessage gName mName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
@ -1881,11 +1898,11 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
cr -> pure cr
Just ctId -> do
let chatRef = ChatRef CTDirect ctId
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing [composedMessage Nothing mc]
SendLiveMessage chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
(chatRef, mentions) <- getChatRefAndMentions user chatName msg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef True Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef True Nothing [ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing mc mentions]
SendMessageBroadcast msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
contacts <- withFastStore' $ \db -> getUserContacts db vr user
withChatLock "sendMessageBroadcast" . procCmd $ do
@ -1926,7 +1943,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
contactId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getContactIdByName db user cName
quotedItemId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText db userId contactId msgDir quotedMsg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) False Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) False Nothing [ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc M.empty]
DeleteMessage chatName deletedMsg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
deletedItemId <- getSentChatItemIdByText user chatRef deletedMsg
@ -1936,14 +1953,14 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
deletedItemId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user gId (Just mName) deletedMsg
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteMemberChatItem gId (deletedItemId :| [])
EditMessage chatName editedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
(chatRef, mentions) <- getChatRefAndMentions user chatName msg
editedItemId <- getSentChatItemIdByText user chatRef editedMsg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef editedItemId False mc
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef editedItemId False $ UpdatedMessage mc mentions
UpdateLiveMessage chatName chatItemId live msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
(chatRef, mentions) <- getChatRefAndMentions user chatName msg
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef chatItemId live mc
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem chatRef chatItemId live $ UpdatedMessage mc mentions
ReactToMessage add reaction chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatItemId <- getChatItemIdByText user chatRef msg
@ -2213,10 +2230,13 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
groupId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
processChatCommand $ APIGetGroupLink groupId
SendGroupMessageQuote gName cName quotedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupIdByName db user gName
quotedItemId <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemIdByText db user groupId cName quotedMsg
(groupId, quotedItemId, mentions) <-
withFastStore $ \db -> do
gId <- getGroupIdByName db user gName
qiId <- getGroupChatItemIdByText db user gId cName quotedMsg
(gId, qiId,) <$> liftIO (getMessageMentions db user gId msg)
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) False Nothing (ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) False Nothing [ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc mentions]
ClearNoteFolder -> withUser $ \user -> do
folderId <- withFastStore (`getUserNoteFolderId` user)
processChatCommand $ APIClearChat (ChatRef CTLocal folderId)
@ -2256,8 +2276,8 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
SendFile chatName f -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
case chatRef of
ChatRef CTLocal folderId -> processChatCommand $ APICreateChatItems folderId (ComposedMessage (Just f) Nothing (MCFile "") :| [])
_ -> processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing (ComposedMessage (Just f) Nothing (MCFile "") :| [])
ChatRef CTLocal folderId -> processChatCommand $ APICreateChatItems folderId [composedMessage (Just f) (MCFile "")]
_ -> processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing [composedMessage (Just f) (MCFile "")]
SendImage chatName f@(CryptoFile fPath _) -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
filePath <- lift $ toFSFilePath fPath
@ -2265,7 +2285,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
fileSize <- getFileSize filePath
unless (fileSize <= maxImageSize) $ throwChatError CEFileImageSize {filePath}
-- TODO include file description for preview
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing (ComposedMessage (Just f) Nothing (MCImage "" fixedImagePreview) :| [])
processChatCommand $ APISendMessages chatRef False Nothing [composedMessage (Just f) (MCImage "" fixedImagePreview)]
ForwardFile chatName fileId -> forwardFile chatName fileId SendFile
ForwardImage chatName fileId -> forwardFile chatName fileId SendImage
SendFileDescription _chatName _f -> pure $ chatCmdError Nothing "TODO"
@ -2486,6 +2506,12 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
| name == "" -> withFastStore (`getUserNoteFolderId` user)
| otherwise -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
_ -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
getChatRefAndMentions :: User -> ChatName -> Text -> CM (ChatRef, Map MemberName GroupMemberId)
getChatRefAndMentions user cName msg = do
chatRef@(ChatRef cType chatId) <- getChatRef user cName
(chatRef,) <$> case cType of
CTGroup -> withFastStore' $ \db -> getMessageMentions db user chatId msg
_ -> pure []
#if !defined(dbPostgres)
checkChatStopped :: CM ChatResponse -> CM ChatResponse
checkChatStopped a = asks agentAsync >>= readTVarIO >>= maybe a (const $ throwChatError CEChatNotStopped)
@ -2935,12 +2961,13 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
cReqHashes :: (ConnReqUriHash, ConnReqUriHash)
cReqHashes = bimap hash hash cReqSchemas
hash = ConnReqUriHash . C.sha256Hash . strEncode
updateCIGroupInvitationStatus :: User -> GroupInfo -> CIGroupInvitationStatus -> CM ()
updateCIGroupInvitationStatus user GroupInfo {groupId} newStatus = do
AChatItem _ _ cInfo ChatItem {content, meta = CIMeta {itemId}} <- withFastStore $ \db -> getChatItemByGroupId db vr user groupId
case (cInfo, content) of
(DirectChat ct@Contact {contactId}, CIRcvGroupInvitation ciGroupInv@CIGroupInvitation {status} memRole)
| status == CIGISPending -> do
let aciContent = ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupInvitation ciGroupInv {status = newStatus} memRole
let aciContent = ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupInvitation (ciGroupInv {status = newStatus} :: CIGroupInvitation) memRole
timed_ <- contactCITimed ct
updateDirectChatItemView user ct itemId aciContent False False timed_ Nothing
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
@ -2951,8 +2978,12 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
MCReport {} -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "sending reports via this API is not supported"
_ -> pure ()
assertAllowedContent' :: ComposedMessage -> CM ()
assertAllowedContent' ComposedMessage {msgContent} = assertAllowedContent msgContent
sendContactContentMessages :: User -> ContactId -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
assertAllowedContent' ComposedMessage {msgContent} = assertAllowedContent msgContent
assertNoMentions :: ComposedMessage -> CM ()
assertNoMentions ComposedMessage {mentions}
| null mentions = pure ()
| otherwise = throwChatError $ CECommandError "mentions are not supported in this chat"
sendContactContentMessages :: User -> ContactId -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
sendContactContentMessages user contactId live itemTTL cmrs = do
assertMultiSendable live cmrs
ct@Contact {contactUsed} <- withFastStore $ \db -> getContact db vr user contactId
@ -2963,7 +2994,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
assertVoiceAllowed :: Contact -> CM ()
assertVoiceAllowed ct =
when (not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forUser ct) && any (\(ComposedMessage {msgContent}, _) -> isVoice msgContent) cmrs) $
when (not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forUser ct) && any (\(ComposedMessage {msgContent}, _, _, _) -> isVoice msgContent) cmrs) $
throwChatError (CECommandError $ "feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (chatFeatureNameText CFVoice))
processComposedMessages :: Contact -> CM ChatResponse
processComposedMessages ct = do
@ -2971,7 +3002,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
timed_ <- sndContactCITimed live ct itemTTL
(msgContainers, quotedItems_) <- L.unzip <$> prepareMsgs (L.zip cmrs fInvs_) timed_
msgs_ <- sendDirectContactMessages user ct $ L.map XMsgNew msgContainers
let itemsData = prepareSndItemsData msgs_ cmrs ciFiles_ quotedItems_
let itemsData = prepareSndItemsData (L.toList cmrs) (L.toList ciFiles_) (L.toList quotedItems_) msgs_
when (length itemsData /= length cmrs) $ logError "sendContactContentMessages: cmrs and itemsData length mismatch"
r@(_, cis) <- partitionEithers <$> saveSndChatItems user (CDDirectSnd ct) itemsData timed_ live
processSendErrs user r
@ -2982,39 +3013,39 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
setupSndFileTransfers :: CM (NonEmpty (Maybe FileInvitation, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)))
setupSndFileTransfers =
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _) -> case file_ of
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _, _, _) -> case file_ of
Just file -> do
fileSize <- checkSndFile file
(fInv, ciFile) <- xftpSndFileTransfer user file fileSize 1 $ CGContact ct
pure (Just fInv, Just ciFile)
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, Nothing)
prepareMsgs :: NonEmpty (ComposeMessageReq, Maybe FileInvitation) -> Maybe CITimed -> CM (NonEmpty (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect)))
prepareMsgs cmsFileInvs timed_ =
forM cmsFileInvs $ \((ComposedMessage {quotedItemId, msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded), fInv_) ->
prepareMsgs :: NonEmpty (ComposedMessageReq, Maybe FileInvitation) -> Maybe CITimed -> CM (NonEmpty (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect)))
prepareMsgs cmsFileInvs timed_ = withFastStore $ \db ->
forM cmsFileInvs $ \((ComposedMessage {quotedItemId, msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded, _, _), fInv_) -> do
case (quotedItemId, itemForwarded) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
(Nothing, Just _) -> pure (MCForward (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc M.empty fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
(Nothing, Just _) -> pure (MCForward (ExtMsgContent mc M.empty fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
(Just qiId, Nothing) -> do
CChatItem _ qci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, formattedText, file} <-
withFastStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItem db user contactId qiId
getDirectChatItem db user contactId qiId
(origQmc, qd, sent) <- quoteData qci
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Nothing}
qmc = quoteContent mc origQmc file
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just qiId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Just quotedItem)
(Just _, Just _) -> throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc M.empty fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Just quotedItem)
(Just _, Just _) -> throwError SEInvalidQuote
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> CM (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTDirect, Bool)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> ExceptT StoreError IO (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTDirect, Bool)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} = throwError SEInvalidQuote
quoteData ChatItem {content = CISndMsgContent qmc} = pure (qmc, CIQDirectSnd, True)
quoteData ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent qmc} = pure (qmc, CIQDirectRcv, False)
quoteData _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
sendGroupContentMessages :: User -> GroupId -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
sendGroupContentMessages user groupId live itemTTL cmrs = do
quoteData _ = throwError SEInvalidQuote
sendGroupContentMessages :: User -> GroupInfo -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
sendGroupContentMessages user gInfo live itemTTL cmrs = do
assertMultiSendable live cmrs
Group gInfo ms <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroup db vr user groupId
ms <- withFastStore' $ \db -> getGroupMembers db vr user gInfo
sendGroupContentMessages_ user gInfo ms live itemTTL cmrs
sendGroupContentMessages_ :: User -> GroupInfo -> [GroupMember] -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
sendGroupContentMessages_ :: User -> GroupInfo -> [GroupMember] -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
sendGroupContentMessages_ user gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} ms live itemTTL cmrs = do
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
@ -3026,18 +3057,18 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
Just f -> throwChatError (CECommandError $ "feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (groupFeatureNameText f))
Nothing -> pure ()
findProhibited :: [ComposeMessageReq] -> Maybe GroupFeature
findProhibited :: [ComposedMessageReq] -> Maybe GroupFeature
findProhibited =
(\(ComposedMessage {fileSource, msgContent = mc}, _) acc -> prohibitedGroupContent gInfo membership mc fileSource <|> acc)
(\(ComposedMessage {fileSource, msgContent = mc}, _, (_, ft), _) acc -> prohibitedGroupContent gInfo membership mc ft fileSource <|> acc)
processComposedMessages :: CM ChatResponse
processComposedMessages = do
(fInvs_, ciFiles_) <- L.unzip <$> setupSndFileTransfers (length $ filter memberCurrent ms)
timed_ <- sndGroupCITimed live gInfo itemTTL
(msgContainers, quotedItems_) <- L.unzip <$> prepareMsgs (L.zip cmrs fInvs_) timed_
(msgs_, gsr) <- sendGroupMessages user gInfo ms $ L.map XMsgNew msgContainers
let itemsData = prepareSndItemsData (L.toList msgs_) cmrs ciFiles_ quotedItems_
(chatMsgEvents, quotedItems_) <- L.unzip <$> prepareMsgs (L.zip cmrs fInvs_) timed_
(msgs_, gsr) <- sendGroupMessages user gInfo ms chatMsgEvents
let itemsData = prepareSndItemsData (L.toList cmrs) (L.toList ciFiles_) (L.toList quotedItems_) (L.toList msgs_)
cis_ <- saveSndChatItems user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) itemsData timed_ live
when (length itemsData /= length cmrs) $ logError "sendGroupContentMessages: cmrs and cis_ length mismatch"
createMemberSndStatuses cis_ msgs_ gsr
@ -3050,16 +3081,17 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
setupSndFileTransfers :: Int -> CM (NonEmpty (Maybe FileInvitation, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)))
setupSndFileTransfers n =
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _) -> case file_ of
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _, _, _) -> case file_ of
Just file -> do
fileSize <- checkSndFile file
(fInv, ciFile) <- xftpSndFileTransfer user file fileSize n $ CGGroup gInfo ms
pure (Just fInv, Just ciFile)
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, Nothing)
prepareMsgs :: NonEmpty (ComposeMessageReq, Maybe FileInvitation) -> Maybe CITimed -> CM (NonEmpty (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup)))
prepareMsgs cmsFileInvs timed_ =
forM cmsFileInvs $ \((ComposedMessage {quotedItemId, msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded), fInv_) ->
prepareGroupMsg user gInfo mc quotedItemId itemForwarded fInv_ timed_ live
prepareMsgs :: NonEmpty (ComposedMessageReq, Maybe FileInvitation) -> Maybe CITimed -> CM (NonEmpty (ChatMsgEvent 'Json, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup)))
prepareMsgs cmsFileInvs timed_ = withFastStore $ \db ->
forM cmsFileInvs $ \((ComposedMessage {quotedItemId, msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded, _, ciMentions), fInv_) ->
let mentions = M.map (\CIMention {memberId} -> MsgMention {memberId}) ciMentions
in prepareGroupMsg db user gInfo mc mentions quotedItemId itemForwarded fInv_ timed_ live
createMemberSndStatuses ::
[Either ChatError (ChatItem 'CTGroup 'MDSnd)] ->
NonEmpty (Either ChatError SndMessage) ->
@ -3095,7 +3127,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
Right _ -> GSSInactive
Left e -> GSSError $ SndErrOther $ tshow e
forM_ ciId_ $ \ciId -> createGroupSndStatus db ciId mId status
assertMultiSendable :: Bool -> NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq -> CM ()
assertMultiSendable :: Bool -> NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq -> CM ()
assertMultiSendable live cmrs
| length cmrs == 1 = pure ()
| otherwise =
@ -3103,7 +3135,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
-- This is to support case of sending multiple attachments while also quoting another message.
-- UI doesn't allow composing with multiple quotes, so api prohibits it as well, and doesn't bother
-- batching retrieval of quoted messages (prepareMsgs).
when (live || length (L.filter (\(ComposedMessage {quotedItemId}, _) -> isJust quotedItemId) cmrs) > 1) $
when (live || length (L.filter (\(ComposedMessage {quotedItemId}, _, _, _) -> isJust quotedItemId) cmrs) > 1) $
throwChatError (CECommandError "invalid multi send: live and more than one quote not supported")
xftpSndFileTransfer :: User -> CryptoFile -> Integer -> Int -> ContactOrGroup -> CM (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd)
xftpSndFileTransfer user file fileSize n contactOrGroup = do
@ -3121,19 +3153,15 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
saveMemberFD _ = pure ()
pure (fInv, ciFile)
prepareSndItemsData ::
[ComposedMessageReq] ->
[Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)] ->
[Maybe (CIQuote c)] ->
[Either ChatError SndMessage] ->
NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq ->
NonEmpty (Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)) ->
NonEmpty (Maybe (CIQuote c)) ->
[Either ChatError (NewSndChatItemData c)]
prepareSndItemsData msgs_ cmrs' ciFiles_ quotedItems_ =
[ ( case msg_ of
Right msg -> Right $ NewSndChatItemData msg (CISndMsgContent msgContent) f q itemForwarded
Left e -> Left e -- step over original error
| (msg_, (ComposedMessage {msgContent}, itemForwarded), f, q) <-
zipWith4 (,,,) msgs_ (L.toList cmrs') (L.toList ciFiles_) (L.toList quotedItems_)
prepareSndItemsData =
zipWith4 $ \(ComposedMessage {msgContent}, itemForwarded, ts, mm) f q -> \case
Right msg -> Right $ NewSndChatItemData msg (CISndMsgContent msgContent) ts mm f q itemForwarded
Left e -> Left e -- step over original error
processSendErrs :: User -> ([ChatError], [ChatItem c d]) -> CM ()
processSendErrs user = \case
-- no errors
@ -3158,12 +3186,12 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
getCommandGroupChatItems :: User -> Int64 -> NonEmpty ChatItemId -> CM (GroupInfo, [CChatItem 'CTGroup])
getCommandGroupChatItems user gId itemIds = do
gInfo <- withFastStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user gId
(errs, items) <- lift $ partitionEithers <$> withStoreBatch (\db -> map (getGroupCI db) (L.toList itemIds))
(errs, items) <- lift $ partitionEithers <$> withStoreBatch (\db -> map (getGroupCI db gInfo) (L.toList itemIds))
unless (null errs) $ toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) errs
pure (gInfo, items)
getGroupCI :: DB.Connection -> ChatItemId -> IO (Either ChatError (CChatItem 'CTGroup))
getGroupCI db itemId = runExceptT . withExceptT ChatErrorStore $ getGroupChatItem db user gId itemId
getGroupCI :: DB.Connection -> GroupInfo -> ChatItemId -> IO (Either ChatError (CChatItem 'CTGroup))
getGroupCI db gInfo itemId = runExceptT . withExceptT ChatErrorStore $ getGroupCIWithReactions db user gInfo itemId
getCommandLocalChatItems :: User -> Int64 -> NonEmpty ChatItemId -> CM (NoteFolder, [CChatItem 'CTLocal])
getCommandLocalChatItems user nfId itemIds = do
nf <- withStore $ \db -> getNoteFolder db user nfId
@ -3178,7 +3206,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
forwardMsgContent ChatItem {content = CISndMsgContent fmc} = pure $ Just fmc
forwardMsgContent ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent fmc} = pure $ Just fmc
forwardMsgContent _ = throwChatError CEInvalidForward
createNoteFolderContentItems :: User -> NoteFolderId -> NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
createNoteFolderContentItems :: User -> NoteFolderId -> NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq -> CM ChatResponse
createNoteFolderContentItems user folderId cmrs = do
nf <- withFastStore $ \db -> getNoteFolder db user folderId
@ -3190,11 +3218,11 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
assertNoQuotes :: CM ()
assertNoQuotes =
when (any (\(ComposedMessage {quotedItemId}, _) -> isJust quotedItemId) cmrs) $
when (any (\(ComposedMessage {quotedItemId}, _, _, _) -> isJust quotedItemId) cmrs) $
throwChatError (CECommandError "createNoteFolderContentItems: quotes not supported")
createLocalFiles :: NoteFolder -> UTCTime -> CM (NonEmpty (Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)))
createLocalFiles nf createdAt =
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _) ->
forM cmrs $ \(ComposedMessage {fileSource = file_}, _, _, _) ->
forM file_ $ \cf@CryptoFile {filePath, cryptoArgs} -> do
fsFilePath <- lift $ toFSFilePath filePath
fileSize <- liftIO $ CF.getFileContentsSize $ CryptoFile fsFilePath cryptoArgs
@ -3203,13 +3231,12 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
fileId <- createLocalFile CIFSSndStored db user nf createdAt cf fileSize chunkSize
pure CIFile {fileId, fileName = takeFileName filePath, fileSize, fileSource = Just cf, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored, fileProtocol = FPLocal}
prepareLocalItemsData ::
NonEmpty ComposeMessageReq ->
NonEmpty ComposedMessageReq ->
NonEmpty (Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd)) ->
[(CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom)]
prepareLocalItemsData cmrs' ciFiles_ =
[ (CISndMsgContent mc, f, itemForwarded)
| ((ComposedMessage {msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded), f) <- zip (L.toList cmrs') (L.toList ciFiles_)
NonEmpty (CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList))
prepareLocalItemsData =
L.zipWith $ \(ComposedMessage {msgContent = mc}, itemForwarded, ts, _) f ->
(CISndMsgContent mc, f, itemForwarded, ts)
getConnQueueInfo user Connection {connId, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId} = do
msgInfo <- withFastStore' (`getLastRcvMsgInfo` connId)
CRQueueInfo user msgInfo <$> withAgent (`getConnectionQueueInfo` acId)
@ -3231,7 +3258,18 @@ updatedServers p' srvs UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} =
disableSrv srv@UserServer {preset} =
AUS SDBStored $ if preset then srv {enabled = False} else srv {deleted = True}
type ComposeMessageReq = (ComposedMessage, Maybe CIForwardedFrom)
type ComposedMessageReq = (ComposedMessage, Maybe CIForwardedFrom, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList), Map MemberName CIMention)
composedMessage :: Maybe CryptoFile -> MsgContent -> ComposedMessage
composedMessage f mc = ComposedMessage {fileSource = f, quotedItemId = Nothing, msgContent = mc, mentions = M.empty}
composedMessageReq :: ComposedMessage -> ComposedMessageReq
composedMessageReq cm@ComposedMessage {msgContent = mc} = (cm, Nothing, msgContentTexts mc, M.empty)
composedMessageReqMentions :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> ComposedMessage -> ExceptT StoreError IO ComposedMessageReq
composedMessageReqMentions db user g cm@ComposedMessage {msgContent = mc, mentions} = do
let ts@(_, ft_) = msgContentTexts mc
(cm,Nothing,ts,) <$> getCIMentions db user g ft_ mentions
data ChangedProfileContact = ChangedProfileContact
{ ct :: Contact,
@ -3692,7 +3730,7 @@ chatCommandP =
"/_create *" *> (APICreateChatItems <$> A.decimal <*> (" json " *> jsonP <|> " text " *> composedMessagesTextP)),
"/_report #" *> (APIReportMessage <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <*> (" reason=" *> strP) <*> (A.space *> textP <|> pure "")),
"/report #" *> (ReportMessage <$> displayNameP <*> optional (" @" *> displayNameP) <*> _strP <* A.space <*> msgTextP),
"/_update item " *> (APIUpdateChatItem <$> chatRefP <* A.space <*> A.decimal <*> liveMessageP <* A.space <*> msgContentP),
"/_update item " *> (APIUpdateChatItem <$> chatRefP <* A.space <*> A.decimal <*> liveMessageP <*> (" json" *> jsonP <|> " text " *> updatedMessagesTextP)),
"/_delete item " *> (APIDeleteChatItem <$> chatRefP <*> _strP <*> _strP),
"/_delete member item #" *> (APIDeleteMemberChatItem <$> A.decimal <*> _strP),
"/_reaction " *> (APIChatItemReaction <$> chatRefP <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> onOffP <* A.space <*> jsonP),
@ -3725,7 +3763,6 @@ chatCommandP =
"/_set prefs @" *> (APISetContactPrefs <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> jsonP),
"/_set theme user " *> (APISetUserUIThemes <$> A.decimal <*> optional (A.space *> jsonP)),
"/_set theme " *> (APISetChatUIThemes <$> chatRefP <*> optional (A.space *> jsonP)),
"/_parse " *> (APIParseMarkdown . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString),
"/_ntf get" $> APIGetNtfToken,
"/_ntf register " *> (APIRegisterToken <$> strP_ <*> strP),
"/_ntf verify " *> (APIVerifyToken <$> strP <* A.space <*> strP <* A.space <*> strP),
@ -4003,7 +4040,8 @@ chatCommandP =
c -> c
composedMessagesTextP = do
text <- mcTextP
pure $ (ComposedMessage Nothing Nothing text) :| []
pure [composedMessage Nothing text]
updatedMessagesTextP = (`UpdatedMessage` []) <$> mcTextP
liveMessageP = " live=" *> onOffP <|> pure False
sendMessageTTLP = " ttl=" *> ((Just <$> A.decimal) <|> ("default" $> Nothing)) <|> pure Nothing
receiptSettings = do
@ -4123,7 +4161,7 @@ displayNameP = safeDecodeUtf8 <$> (quoted '\'' <|> takeNameTill (\c -> isSpace c
A.peekChar' >>= \c ->
if refChar c then A.takeTill p else fail "invalid first character in display name"
quoted c = A.char c *> takeNameTill (== c) <* A.char c
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@'
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@' && c /= '\''
mkValidName :: String -> String
mkValidName = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . fst3 . foldl' addChar ("", '\NUL', 0 :: Int)
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import Crypto.Random (ChaChaDRG)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers, rights)
import Data.Fixed (div')
import Data.Foldable (foldr')
@ -102,6 +104,12 @@ import UnliftIO.STM
maxMsgReactions :: Int
maxMsgReactions = 3
maxRcvMentions :: Int
maxRcvMentions = 5
maxSndMentions :: Int
maxSndMentions = 3
withChatLock :: String -> CM a -> CM a
withChatLock name action = asks chatLock >>= \l -> withLock l name action
@ -181,25 +189,108 @@ toggleNtf user m ntfOn =
forM_ (memberConnId m) $ \connId ->
withAgent (\a -> toggleConnectionNtfs a connId ntfOn) `catchChatError` (toView . CRChatError (Just user))
prepareGroupMsg :: User -> GroupInfo -> MsgContent -> Maybe ChatItemId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe FileInvitation -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> CM (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup))
prepareGroupMsg user GroupInfo {groupId, membership} mc quotedItemId_ itemForwarded fInv_ timed_ live = case (quotedItemId_, itemForwarded) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
(Nothing, Just _) -> pure (MCForward (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Nothing)
prepareGroupMsg :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> MsgContent -> Map MemberName MsgMention -> Maybe ChatItemId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe FileInvitation -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> ExceptT StoreError IO (ChatMsgEvent 'Json, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup))
prepareGroupMsg db user g@GroupInfo {membership} mc mentions quotedItemId_ itemForwarded fInv_ timed_ live = case (quotedItemId_, itemForwarded) of
(Nothing, Nothing) ->
let mc' = MCSimple $ ExtMsgContent mc mentions fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)
in pure (XMsgNew mc', Nothing)
(Nothing, Just _) ->
let mc' = MCForward $ ExtMsgContent mc mentions fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)
in pure (XMsgNew mc', Nothing)
(Just quotedItemId, Nothing) -> do
CChatItem _ qci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, formattedText, file} <-
withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItem db user groupId quotedItemId
CChatItem _ qci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, formattedText, mentions = quoteMentions, file} <-
getGroupCIWithReactions db user g quotedItemId
(origQmc, qd, sent, GroupMember {memberId}) <- quoteData qci membership
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Just memberId}
qmc = quoteContent mc origQmc file
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live)), Just quotedItem)
(Just _, Just _) -> throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
(qmc', ft', _) = updatedMentionNames qmc formattedText quoteMentions
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc', formattedText = ft'}
mc' = MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc'} (ExtMsgContent mc mentions fInv_ (ttl' <$> timed_) (justTrue live))
pure (XMsgNew mc', Just quotedItem)
(Just _, Just _) -> throwError SEInvalidQuote
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> GroupMember -> CM (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTGroup, Bool, GroupMember)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
quoteData :: ChatItem c d -> GroupMember -> ExceptT StoreError IO (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTGroup, Bool, GroupMember)
quoteData ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemDeleted = Just _}} _ = throwError SEInvalidQuote
quoteData ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupSnd, content = CISndMsgContent qmc} membership' = pure (qmc, CIQGroupSnd, True, membership')
quoteData ChatItem {chatDir = CIGroupRcv m, content = CIRcvMsgContent qmc} _ = pure (qmc, CIQGroupRcv $ Just m, False, m)
quoteData _ _ = throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
quoteData _ _ = throwError SEInvalidQuote
updatedMentionNames :: MsgContent -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Map MemberName CIMention -> (MsgContent, Maybe MarkdownList, Map MemberName CIMention)
updatedMentionNames mc ft_ mentions = case ft_ of
Just ft | not (null ft) && not (null mentions) && not (all sameName $ M.assocs mentions) ->
let (mentions', ft') = mapAccumL update M.empty ft
text = T.concat $ map markdownText ft'
in (mc {text} :: MsgContent, Just ft', mentions')
_ -> (mc, ft_, mentions)
sameName (name, CIMention {memberRef}) = case memberRef of
Just CIMentionMember {displayName} -> case T.stripPrefix displayName name of
Just rest
| T.null rest -> True
| otherwise -> case T.uncons rest of
Just ('_', suffix) -> T.all isDigit suffix
_ -> False
Nothing -> False
Nothing -> True
update mentions' ft@(FormattedText f _) = case f of
Just (Mention name) -> case M.lookup name mentions of
Just mm@CIMention {memberRef} ->
let name' = uniqueMentionName 0 $ case memberRef of
Just CIMentionMember {displayName} -> displayName
Nothing -> name
in (M.insert name' mm mentions', FormattedText (Just $ Mention name') ('@' `T.cons` viewName name'))
Nothing -> (mentions', ft)
_ -> (mentions', ft)
uniqueMentionName :: Int -> Text -> Text
uniqueMentionName pfx name =
let prefixed = if pfx == 0 then name else (name `T.snoc` '_') <> tshow pfx
in if prefixed `M.member` mentions' then uniqueMentionName (pfx + 1) name else prefixed
getCIMentions :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Map MemberName GroupMemberId -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Map MemberName CIMention)
getCIMentions db user GroupInfo {groupId} ft_ mentions = case ft_ of
Just ft | not (null ft) && not (null mentions) -> do
let msgMentions = S.fromList $ mentionedNames ft
n = M.size mentions
-- prevent "invisible" and repeated-with-different-name mentions (when the same member is mentioned via another name)
unless (n <= maxSndMentions && all (`S.member` msgMentions) (M.keys mentions) && S.size (S.fromList $ M.elems mentions) == n) $
throwError SEInvalidMention
mapM (getMentionedGroupMember db user groupId) mentions
_ -> pure M.empty
getRcvCIMentions :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Map MemberName MsgMention -> IO (Map MemberName CIMention)
getRcvCIMentions db user GroupInfo {groupId} ft_ mentions = case ft_ of
Just ft | not (null ft) && not (null mentions) ->
let mentions' = uniqueMsgMentions maxRcvMentions mentions $ mentionedNames ft
in mapM (getMentionedMemberByMemberId db user groupId) mentions'
_ -> pure M.empty
-- prevent "invisible" and repeated-with-different-name mentions
uniqueMsgMentions :: Int -> Map MemberName MsgMention -> [ContactName] -> Map MemberName MsgMention
uniqueMsgMentions maxMentions mentions = go M.empty S.empty 0
go acc _ _ [] = acc
go acc seen n (name : rest)
| n >= maxMentions = acc
| otherwise = case M.lookup name mentions of
Just mm@MsgMention {memberId} | S.notMember memberId seen ->
go (M.insert name mm acc) (S.insert memberId seen) (n + 1) rest
_ -> go acc seen n rest
getMessageMentions :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupId -> Text -> IO (Map MemberName GroupMemberId)
getMessageMentions db user gId msg = case parseMaybeMarkdownList msg of
Just ft | not (null ft) -> M.fromList . catMaybes <$> mapM get (nubOrd $ mentionedNames ft)
_ -> pure M.empty
get name =
fmap (name,) . eitherToMaybe
<$> runExceptT (getGroupMemberIdByName db user gId name)
msgContentTexts :: MsgContent -> (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)
msgContentTexts mc = let t = msgContentText mc in (t, parseMaybeMarkdownList t)
ciContentTexts :: CIContent d -> (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)
ciContentTexts content = let t = ciContentToText content in (t, parseMaybeMarkdownList t)
quoteContent :: forall d. MsgContent -> MsgContent -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> MsgContent
quoteContent mc qmc ciFile_
@ -228,17 +319,17 @@ quoteContent mc qmc ciFile_
qFileName = maybe qText (T.pack . getFileName) ciFile_
qTextOrFile = if T.null qText then qFileName else qText
prohibitedGroupContent :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContent -> Maybe f -> Maybe GroupFeature
prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m mc file_
prohibitedGroupContent :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContent -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Maybe f -> Maybe GroupFeature
prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m mc ft file_
| isVoice mc && not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFVoice m gInfo) = Just GFVoice
| not (isVoice mc) && isJust file_ && not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFFiles m gInfo) = Just GFFiles
| prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m mc = Just GFSimplexLinks
| prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m ft = Just GFSimplexLinks
| otherwise = Nothing
prohibitedSimplexLinks :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContent -> Bool
prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m mc =
prohibitedSimplexLinks :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Bool
prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m ft =
not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFSimplexLinks m gInfo)
&& maybe False (any ftIsSimplexLink) (parseMaybeMarkdownList $ msgContentText mc)
&& maybe False (any ftIsSimplexLink) ft
ftIsSimplexLink :: FormattedText -> Bool
ftIsSimplexLink FormattedText {format} = maybe False isSimplexLink format
@ -863,9 +954,6 @@ startUpdatedTimedItemThread user chatRef ci ci' =
metaBrokerTs :: MsgMeta -> UTCTime
metaBrokerTs MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = brokerTs
sameMemberId :: MemberId -> GroupMember -> Bool
sameMemberId memId GroupMember {memberId} = memId == memberId
createContactPQSndItem :: User -> Contact -> Connection -> PQEncryption -> CM (Contact, Connection)
createContactPQSndItem user ct conn@Connection {pqSndEnabled} pqSndEnabled' =
flip catchChatError (const $ pure (ct, conn)) $ case (pqSndEnabled, pqSndEnabled') of
@ -1549,15 +1637,19 @@ saveGroupFwdRcvMsg user groupId forwardingMember refAuthorMember@GroupMember {me
saveSndChatItem :: ChatTypeI c => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem user cd msg content = saveSndChatItem' user cd msg content Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False
-- TODO [mentions] optimize by avoiding unnecesary parsing of control messages
saveSndChatItem' :: ChatTypeI c => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem' user cd msg content ciFile quotedItem itemForwarded itemTimed live =
saveSndChatItems user cd [Right NewSndChatItemData {msg, content, ciFile, quotedItem, itemForwarded}] itemTimed live >>= \case
saveSndChatItem' user cd msg content ciFile quotedItem itemForwarded itemTimed live = do
let itemTexts = ciContentTexts content
saveSndChatItems user cd [Right NewSndChatItemData {msg, content, itemTexts, itemMentions = M.empty, ciFile, quotedItem, itemForwarded}] itemTimed live >>= \case
[Right ci] -> pure ci
_ -> throwChatError $ CEInternalError "saveSndChatItem': expected 1 item"
data NewSndChatItemData c = NewSndChatItemData
{ msg :: SndMessage,
content :: CIContent 'MDSnd,
itemTexts :: (Text, Maybe MarkdownList),
itemMentions :: Map MemberName CIMention,
ciFile :: Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd),
quotedItem :: Maybe (CIQuote c),
itemForwarded :: Maybe CIForwardedFrom
@ -1579,31 +1671,56 @@ saveSndChatItems user cd itemsData itemTimed live = do
lift $ withStoreBatch (\db -> map (bindRight $ createItem db createdAt) itemsData)
createItem :: DB.Connection -> UTCTime -> NewSndChatItemData c -> IO (Either ChatError (ChatItem c 'MDSnd))
createItem db createdAt NewSndChatItemData {msg = msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId}, content, ciFile, quotedItem, itemForwarded} = do
createItem db createdAt NewSndChatItemData {msg = msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId}, content, itemTexts, itemMentions, ciFile, quotedItem, itemForwarded} = do
ciId <- createNewSndChatItem db user cd msg content quotedItem itemForwarded itemTimed live createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> updateFileTransferChatItemId db fileId ciId createdAt
pure $ Right $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem (Just sharedMsgId) itemForwarded itemTimed live createdAt Nothing createdAt
let ci = mkChatItem_ cd ciId content itemTexts ciFile quotedItem (Just sharedMsgId) itemForwarded itemTimed live False createdAt Nothing createdAt
Right <$> case cd of
CDGroupSnd g | not (null itemMentions) -> createGroupCIMentions db g ci itemMentions
_ -> pure ci
saveRcvChatItem :: (ChatTypeI c, ChatTypeQuotable c) => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItemNoParse :: (ChatTypeI c, ChatTypeQuotable c) => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItemNoParse user cd msg brokerTs = saveRcvChatItem user cd msg brokerTs . ciContentNoParse
saveRcvChatItem :: (ChatTypeI c, ChatTypeQuotable c) => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> (CIContent 'MDRcv, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)) -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem user cd msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs content =
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content Nothing Nothing False
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content Nothing Nothing False M.empty
saveRcvChatItem' :: (ChatTypeI c, ChatTypeQuotable c) => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> UTCTime -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDRcv) -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg@RcvMessage {forwardedByMember} sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile itemTimed live = do
ciContentNoParse :: CIContent 'MDRcv -> (CIContent 'MDRcv, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList))
ciContentNoParse content = (content, (ciContentToText content, Nothing))
saveRcvChatItem' :: (ChatTypeI c, ChatTypeQuotable c) => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> UTCTime -> (CIContent 'MDRcv, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)) -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDRcv) -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> Map MemberName MsgMention -> CM (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem' user cd msg@RcvMessage {chatMsgEvent, forwardedByMember} sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (content, (t, ft_)) ciFile itemTimed live mentions = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(ciId, quotedItem, itemForwarded) <- withStore' $ \db -> do
withStore' $ \db -> do
when (ciRequiresAttention content || contactChatDeleted cd) $ updateChatTs db user cd createdAt
r@(ciId, _, _) <- createNewRcvChatItem db user cd msg sharedMsgId_ content itemTimed live brokerTs createdAt
(mentions' :: Map MemberName CIMention, userMention) <- case cd of
CDGroupRcv g@GroupInfo {membership} _ -> do
mentions' <- getRcvCIMentions db user g ft_ mentions
let userReply = case cmToQuotedMsg chatMsgEvent of
Just QuotedMsg {msgRef = MsgRef {memberId = Just mId}} -> sameMemberId mId membership
_ -> False
userMention' = userReply || any (\CIMention {memberId} -> sameMemberId memberId membership) mentions'
in pure (mentions', userMention')
CDDirectRcv _ -> pure (M.empty, False)
(ciId, quotedItem, itemForwarded) <- createNewRcvChatItem db user cd msg sharedMsgId_ content itemTimed live userMention brokerTs createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> updateFileTransferChatItemId db fileId ciId createdAt
pure r
pure $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem sharedMsgId_ itemForwarded itemTimed live brokerTs forwardedByMember createdAt
let ci = mkChatItem_ cd ciId content (t, ft_) ciFile quotedItem sharedMsgId_ itemForwarded itemTimed live userMention brokerTs forwardedByMember createdAt
case cd of
CDGroupRcv g _ | not (null mentions') -> createGroupCIMentions db g ci mentions'
_ -> pure ci
mkChatItem :: (ChatTypeI c, MsgDirectionI d) => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> ChatItem c d
mkChatItem cd ciId content file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemTimed live itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs =
let itemText = ciContentToText content
itemStatus = ciCreateStatus content
meta = mkCIMeta ciId content itemText itemStatus Nothing sharedMsgId itemForwarded Nothing False itemTimed (justTrue live) currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs currentTs
in ChatItem {chatDir = toCIDirection cd, meta, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem, reactions = [], file}
-- TODO [mentions] optimize by avoiding unnecessary parsing
mkChatItem :: (ChatTypeI c, MsgDirectionI d) => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> Bool -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> ChatItem c d
mkChatItem cd ciId content file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemTimed live userMention itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs =
let ts = ciContentTexts content
in mkChatItem_ cd ciId content ts file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemTimed live userMention itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs
mkChatItem_ :: (ChatTypeI c, MsgDirectionI d) => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> (Text, Maybe MarkdownList) -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> Bool -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> ChatItem c d
mkChatItem_ cd ciId content (itemText, formattedText) file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemTimed live userMention itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs =
let itemStatus = ciCreateStatus content
meta = mkCIMeta ciId content itemText itemStatus Nothing sharedMsgId itemForwarded Nothing False itemTimed (justTrue live) userMention currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember currentTs currentTs
in ChatItem {chatDir = toCIDirection cd, meta, content, mentions = M.empty, formattedText, quotedItem, reactions = [], file}
createAgentConnectionAsync :: ConnectionModeI c => User -> CommandFunction -> Bool -> SConnectionMode c -> SubscriptionMode -> CM (CommandId, ConnId)
createAgentConnectionAsync user cmdFunction enableNtfs cMode subMode = do
@ -1815,26 +1932,26 @@ createInternalItemsForChats user itemTs_ dirsCIContents = do
createACIs :: DB.Connection -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> ChatDirection c d -> [CIContent d] -> [IO AChatItem]
createACIs db itemTs createdAt cd = map $ \content -> do
ciId <- createNewChatItemNoMsg db user cd content itemTs createdAt
let ci = mkChatItem cd ciId content Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False itemTs Nothing createdAt
let ci = mkChatItem cd ciId content Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False False itemTs Nothing createdAt
pure $ AChatItem (chatTypeI @c) (msgDirection @d) (toChatInfo cd) ci
createLocalChatItems ::
User ->
ChatDirection 'CTLocal 'MDSnd ->
[(CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom)] ->
NonEmpty (CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)) ->
UTCTime ->
CM [ChatItem 'CTLocal 'MDSnd]
createLocalChatItems user cd itemsData createdAt = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateChatTs db user cd createdAt
(errs, items) <- lift $ partitionEithers <$> withStoreBatch' (\db -> map (createItem db) itemsData)
(errs, items) <- lift $ partitionEithers <$> withStoreBatch' (\db -> map (createItem db) $ L.toList itemsData)
unless (null errs) $ toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) errs
pure items
createItem :: DB.Connection -> (CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom) -> IO (ChatItem 'CTLocal 'MDSnd)
createItem db (content, ciFile, itemForwarded) = do
ciId <- createNewChatItem_ db user cd Nothing Nothing content (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) itemForwarded Nothing False createdAt Nothing createdAt
createItem :: DB.Connection -> (CIContent 'MDSnd, Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd), Maybe CIForwardedFrom, (Text, Maybe MarkdownList)) -> IO (ChatItem 'CTLocal 'MDSnd)
createItem db (content, ciFile, itemForwarded, ts) = do
ciId <- createNewChatItem_ db user cd Nothing Nothing content (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) itemForwarded Nothing False False createdAt Nothing createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> updateFileTransferChatItemId db fileId ciId createdAt
pure $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile Nothing Nothing itemForwarded Nothing False createdAt Nothing createdAt
pure $ mkChatItem_ cd ciId content ts ciFile Nothing Nothing itemForwarded Nothing False False createdAt Nothing createdAt
withUser' :: (User -> CM ChatResponse) -> CM ChatResponse
withUser' action =
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (foldl', partition)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), (<|))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> newContentMessage ct'' mc msg msgMeta
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> messageFileDescription ct'' sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> messageUpdate ct'' sharedMsgId mContent msg msgMeta ttl live
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent _ ttl live -> messageUpdate ct'' sharedMsgId mContent msg msgMeta ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId _ -> messageDelete ct'' sharedMsgId msg msgMeta
XMsgReact sharedMsgId _ reaction add -> directMsgReaction ct'' sharedMsgId reaction add msg msgMeta
-- TODO discontinue XFile
@ -893,16 +894,18 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
in Just (fInv, fileDescrText)
| otherwise = Nothing
processContentItem :: GroupMember -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> MsgContent -> Maybe (FileInvitation, RcvFileDescrText) -> CM [ChatMsgEvent 'Json]
processContentItem sender ChatItem {meta, quotedItem} mc fInvDescr_ =
processContentItem sender ChatItem {formattedText, meta, quotedItem, mentions} mc fInvDescr_ =
if isNothing fInvDescr_ && not (msgContentHasText mc)
then pure []
else do
let CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId, itemTimed} = meta
quotedItemId_ = quoteItemId =<< quotedItem
fInv_ = fst <$> fInvDescr_
(msgContainer, _) <- prepareGroupMsg user gInfo mc quotedItemId_ Nothing fInv_ itemTimed False
(mc', _, mentions') = updatedMentionNames mc formattedText mentions
mentions'' = M.map (\CIMention {memberId} -> MsgMention {memberId}) mentions'
(chatMsgEvent, _) <- withStore $ \db -> prepareGroupMsg db user gInfo mc' mentions'' quotedItemId_ Nothing fInv_ itemTimed False
let senderVRange = memberChatVRange' sender
xMsgNewChatMsg = ChatMessage {chatVRange = senderVRange, msgId = itemSharedMsgId, chatMsgEvent = XMsgNew msgContainer}
xMsgNewChatMsg = ChatMessage {chatVRange = senderVRange, msgId = itemSharedMsgId, chatMsgEvent}
fileDescrEvents <- case (snd <$> fInvDescr_, itemSharedMsgId) of
(Just fileDescrText, Just msgId) -> do
partSize <- asks $ xftpDescrPartSize . config
@ -966,7 +969,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend m' $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo m' mc msg brokerTs False
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo m' sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo m' sharedMsgId mContent msg brokerTs ttl live
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent mentions ttl live -> memberCanSend m' $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo m' sharedMsgId mContent mentions msg brokerTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memberId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId msg brokerTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memberId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo m' sharedMsgId memberId reaction add msg brokerTs
-- TODO discontinue XFile
@ -1539,7 +1542,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
newContentMessage :: Contact -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CM ()
newContentMessage ct@Contact {contactUsed} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
let ExtMsgContent content fInv_ _ _ = mcExtMsgContent mc
let ExtMsgContent content _ fInv_ _ _ = mcExtMsgContent mc
-- Uncomment to test stuck delivery on errors - see test testDirectMessageDelete
-- case content of
-- MCText "hello 111" ->
@ -1548,18 +1551,18 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
-- _ -> pure ()
if isVoice content && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forContact ct)
then do
void $ newChatItem (CIRcvChatFeatureRejected CFVoice) Nothing Nothing False
void $ newChatItem (ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected CFVoice) Nothing Nothing False
else do
let ExtMsgContent _ _ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
let ExtMsgContent _ _ _ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct itemTTL
live = fromMaybe False live_
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content, msgContentTexts content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
autoAcceptFile file_
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
newChatItem content ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile_ timed_ live M.empty
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci {reactions}]
@ -1625,7 +1628,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct ttl
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs content Nothing timed_ live
ts = ciContentTexts content
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs (content, ts) Nothing timed_ live M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content True live Nothing Nothing
@ -1728,7 +1732,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Bool -> CM ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs forwarded
| blockedByAdmin m = createBlockedByAdmin
| otherwise = case prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m content fInv_ of
| otherwise = case prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m content ft_ fInv_ of
Just f -> rejected f
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getCIModeration db vr user gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_) >>= \case
@ -1737,13 +1741,14 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCIModeration db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_
Nothing -> createContentItem
rejected f = void $ newChatItem (CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
rejected f = void $ newChatItem (ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
timed' = if forwarded then rcvCITimed_ (Just Nothing) itemTTL else rcvGroupCITimed gInfo itemTTL
live' = fromMaybe False live_
ExtMsgContent content fInv_ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
ExtMsgContent content mentions fInv_ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
ts@(_, ft_) = msgContentTexts content
| groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo = do -- ignores member role when blocked by admin
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs CIRcvBlocked Nothing timed' False
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (ciContentNoParse CIRcvBlocked) Nothing timed' False M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupCIBlockedByAdmin db user gInfo ci brokerTs
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
| otherwise = do
@ -1755,7 +1760,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
| moderatorRole < GRModerator || moderatorRole < memberRole =
| groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFFullDelete moderator gInfo = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs CIRcvModerated Nothing timed' False
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (ciContentNoParse CIRcvModerated) Nothing timed' False M.empty
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupChatItemModerated db user gInfo ci moderator moderatedAt
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
| otherwise = do
@ -1763,22 +1768,23 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
ci <- createNonLive file_
toView =<< markGroupCIsDeleted user gInfo [CChatItem SMDRcv ci] False (Just moderator) moderatedAt
createNonLive file_ =
saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed' False
saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent content, ts) (snd <$> file_) timed' False mentions
createContentItem = do
file_ <- processFileInv
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed' live'
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content, ts) (snd <$> file_) timed' live'
when (showMessages $ memberSettings m) $ autoAcceptFile file_
processFileInv =
processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
let mentions' = if showMessages (memberSettings m) then mentions else []
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live mentions'
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
groupMsgToView gInfo ci' {reactions}
groupMessageUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> CM ()
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs ttl_ live_
| prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m mc =
groupMessageUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> Map MemberName MsgMention -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> CM ()
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc mentions msg@RcvMessage {msgId} brokerTs ttl_ live_
| prohibitedSimplexLinks gInfo m ft_ =
messageWarning $ "x.msg.update ignored: feature not allowed " <> groupFeatureNameText GFSimplexLinks
| otherwise = do
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
@ -1786,7 +1792,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
-- Chat item and update message which created it will have different sharedMsgId in this case...
let timed_ = rcvGroupCITimed gInfo ttl_
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs content Nothing timed_ live
mentions' = if showMessages (memberSettings m) then mentions else []
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg (Just sharedMsgId) brokerTs (content, ts) Nothing timed_ live mentions'
ci' <- withStore' $ \db -> do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content True live Nothing
@ -1794,6 +1801,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
ts@(_, ft_) = msgContentTexts mc
live = fromMaybe False live_
updateRcvChatItem = do
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItemBySharedMsgId db user groupId groupMemberId sharedMsgId
@ -1809,7 +1817,9 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId
let edited = itemLive /= Just True
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci {reactions} content edited live $ Just msgId
ciMentions <- getRcvCIMentions db user gInfo ft_ mentions
ci' <- updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci {reactions} content edited live $ Just msgId
updateGroupCIMentions db gInfo ci' ciMentions
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
@ -1870,7 +1880,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile ""
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile Nothing False M.empty
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
@ -1883,7 +1894,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m fInv inline fileChunkSize
let fileProtocol = if isJust xftpRcvFile then FPXFTP else FPSMP
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile ""
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content ciFile Nothing False M.empty
ci' <- blockedMember m ci $ withStore' $ \db -> markGroupChatItemBlocked db user gInfo ci
groupMsgToView gInfo ci'
@ -2063,7 +2075,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
toView $ CRUserAcceptedGroupSent user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemAccepted}} (Just ct)
else do
let content = CIRcvGroupInvitation (CIGroupInvitation {groupId, groupMemberId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, status = CIGISPending}) memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs content
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs content
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupInvitationChatItemId db user groupId (chatItemId' ci)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
toView $ CRReceivedGroupInvitation {user, groupInfo = gInfo, contact = ct, fromMemberRole = fromRole, memberRole = memRole}
@ -2091,7 +2103,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
forM_ contactConns $ \conn -> withStore' $ \db -> updateConnectionStatus db conn ConnDeleted
activeConn' <- forM (contactConn ct') $ \conn -> pure conn {connStatus = ConnDeleted}
let ct'' = ct' {activeConn = activeConn'} :: Contact
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct'') msg brokerTs (CIRcvDirectEvent RDEContactDeleted)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct'') msg brokerTs (CIRcvDirectEvent RDEContactDeleted)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct'') ci]
toView $ CRContactDeletedByContact user ct''
else do
@ -2300,9 +2312,10 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
else featureRejected CFCalls
brokerTs = metaBrokerTs msgMeta
saveCallItem status = saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs (CIRcvCall status 0)
saveCallItem status = saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg brokerTs (CIRcvCall status 0)
featureRejected f = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs (CIRcvChatFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
let content = ciContentNoParse $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected f
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ brokerTs content Nothing Nothing False M.empty
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci]
-- to party initiating call
@ -2480,7 +2493,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
memberAnnouncedToView announcedMember@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberProfile} = do
let event = RGEMemberAdded groupMemberId (fromLocalProfile memberProfile)
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent event)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent event)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMemberConnecting user gInfo m announcedMember
@ -2567,7 +2580,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
| senderRole < GRAdmin || senderRole < fromRole = messageError "x.grp.mem.role with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = do
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberRole db user member memRole
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView CRMemberRole {user, groupInfo = gInfo', byMember = m, member = member {memberRole = memRole}, fromRole, toRole = memRole}
@ -2594,7 +2607,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
bm' <- setMemberBlocked bmId
toggleNtf user bm' (not blocked)
let ciContent = CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEMemberBlocked bmId (fromLocalProfile bmp) blocked
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs ciContent
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs ciContent
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView CRMemberBlockedForAll {user, groupInfo = gInfo, byMember = m, member = bm, blocked}
Left (SEGroupMemberNotFoundByMemberId _) -> do
@ -2679,7 +2692,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
messageError "x.grp.mem.del with insufficient member permissions"
| otherwise = a
deleteMemberItem gEvent = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent gEvent)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
xGrpLeave :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
@ -2687,7 +2700,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
deleteMemberConnection user m
-- member record is not deleted to allow creation of "member left" chat item
withStore' $ \db -> updateGroupMemberStatus db userId m GSMemLeft
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberLeft)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberLeft)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRLeftMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemLeft}
@ -2700,7 +2713,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
pure members
-- member records are not deleted to keep history
deleteMembersConnections user ms
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEGroupDeleted)
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEGroupDeleted)
groupMsgToView gInfo ci
toView $ CRGroupDeleted user gInfo {membership = membership {memberStatus = GSMemGroupDeleted}} m
@ -2713,7 +2726,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
toView $ CRGroupUpdated user g g' (Just m)
let cd = CDGroupRcv g' m
unless (sameGroupProfileInfo p p') $ do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user cd msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEGroupUpdated p')
ci <- saveRcvChatItemNoParse user cd msg brokerTs (CIRcvGroupEvent $ RGEGroupUpdated p')
groupMsgToView g' ci
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd CIRcvGroupFeature g g'
Just _ -> updateGroupPrefs_ g m $ fromMaybe defaultBusinessGroupPrefs $ groupPreferences p'
@ -2772,7 +2785,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m') (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEMemberCreatedContact) Nothing
toView $ CRNewMemberContactReceivedInv user mCt' g m'
forM_ mContent_ $ \mc -> do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv mCt') msg brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent mc)
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv mCt') msg brokerTs (CIRcvMsgContent mc, msgContentTexts mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItems user [AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat mCt') ci]
securityCodeChanged :: Contact -> CM ()
@ -2799,7 +2812,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
case event of
XMsgNew mc -> memberCanSend author $ newGroupContentMessage gInfo author mc rcvMsg msgTs True
XMsgFileDescr sharedMsgId fileDescr -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageFileDescription gInfo author sharedMsgId fileDescr
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent ttl live -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo author sharedMsgId mContent rcvMsg msgTs ttl live
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent mentions ttl live -> memberCanSend author $ groupMessageUpdate gInfo author sharedMsgId mContent mentions rcvMsg msgTs ttl live
XMsgDel sharedMsgId memId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo author sharedMsgId memId rcvMsg msgTs
XMsgReact sharedMsgId (Just memId) reaction add -> groupMsgReaction gInfo author sharedMsgId memId reaction add rcvMsg msgTs
XFileCancel sharedMsgId -> xFileCancelGroup gInfo author sharedMsgId
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Char (isDigit, isPunctuation)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isPunctuation, isSpace)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, mapMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -50,18 +50,28 @@ data Format
| Colored {color :: FormatColor}
| Uri
| SimplexLink {linkType :: SimplexLinkType, simplexUri :: Text, smpHosts :: NonEmpty Text}
| Mention {memberName :: Text}
| Email
| Phone
deriving (Eq, Show)
mentionedNames :: MarkdownList -> [Text]
mentionedNames = mapMaybe (\(FormattedText f _) -> mentionedName =<< f)
mentionedName = \case
Mention name -> Just name
_ -> Nothing
data SimplexLinkType = XLContact | XLInvitation | XLGroup
deriving (Eq, Show)
colored :: Color -> Format
colored = Colored . FormatColor
{-# INLINE colored #-}
markdown :: Format -> Text -> Markdown
markdown = Markdown . Just
{-# INLINE markdown #-}
instance Semigroup Markdown where
m <> (Markdown _ "") = m
@ -163,6 +173,7 @@ markdownP = mconcat <$> A.many' fragmentP
'`' -> formattedP '`' Snippet
'#' -> A.char '#' *> secretP
'!' -> coloredP <|> wordP
'@' -> mentionP
| isDigit c -> phoneP <|> wordP
| otherwise -> wordP
@ -192,6 +203,11 @@ markdownP = mconcat <$> A.many' fragmentP
if T.null s || T.last s == ' '
then fail "not colored"
else pure $ markdown (colored clr) s
mentionP = do
c <- A.char '@' *> A.peekChar'
name <- displayNameTextP
let sName = if c == '\'' then '\'' `T.cons` name `T.snoc` '\'' else name
pure $ markdown (Mention name) ('@' `T.cons` sName)
colorP =
A.anyChar >>= \case
'r' -> "ed" $> Red <|> pure Red
@ -251,6 +267,48 @@ markdownP = mconcat <$> A.many' fragmentP
Just (CRDataGroup _) -> XLGroup
Nothing -> XLContact
markdownText :: FormattedText -> Text
markdownText (FormattedText f_ t) = case f_ of
Nothing -> t
Just f -> case f of
Bold -> around '*'
Italic -> around '_'
StrikeThrough -> around '~'
Snippet -> around '`'
Secret -> around '#'
Colored (FormatColor c) -> color c
Uri -> t
SimplexLink {} -> t
Mention _ -> t
Email -> t
Phone -> t
around c = c `T.cons` t `T.snoc` c
color c = case colorStr c of
Just cStr -> cStr <> t `T.snoc` '!'
Nothing -> t
colorStr = \case
Red -> Just "!1 "
Green -> Just "!2 "
Blue -> Just "!3 "
Yellow -> Just "!4 "
Cyan -> Just "!5 "
Magenta -> Just "!6 "
Black -> Nothing
White -> Nothing
displayNameTextP :: Parser Text
displayNameTextP = quoted '\'' <|> takeNameTill (== ' ')
takeNameTill p =
A.peekChar' >>= \c ->
if refChar c then A.takeTill p else fail "invalid first character in display name"
quoted c = A.char c *> takeNameTill (== c) <* A.char c
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@' && c /= '\''
viewName :: Text -> Text
viewName s = if T.any isSpace s then "'" <> s <> "'" else s
$(JQ.deriveJSON (enumJSON $ dropPrefix "XL") ''SimplexLinkType)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON fstToLower) ''Format)
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Options.DB (FromField (..), ToField (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util (textParseJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (AgentMsgId, MsgMeta (..), MsgReceiptStatus (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.File (CryptoFile (..))
@ -150,6 +152,9 @@ data ChatItem (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) = ChatItem
{ chatDir :: CIDirection c d,
meta :: CIMeta c d,
content :: CIContent d,
-- The `mentions` map prevents loading all members from UI.
-- The key is a name used in the message text, used to look up CIMention.
mentions :: Map MemberName CIMention,
formattedText :: Maybe MarkdownList,
quotedItem :: Maybe (CIQuote c),
reactions :: [CIReactionCount],
@ -157,18 +162,23 @@ data ChatItem (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) = ChatItem
deriving (Show)
isMention :: ChatItem c d -> Bool
isMention ChatItem {chatDir, quotedItem} = case chatDir of
CIDirectRcv -> userItem quotedItem
CIGroupRcv _ -> userItem quotedItem
_ -> False
userItem = \case
Nothing -> False
Just CIQuote {chatDir = cd} -> case cd of
CIQDirectSnd -> True
CIQGroupSnd -> True
_ -> False
data CIMention = CIMention
{ memberId :: MemberId,
-- member record can be created later than the mention is received
memberRef :: Maybe CIMentionMember
deriving (Eq, Show)
data CIMentionMember = CIMentionMember
{ groupMemberId :: GroupMemberId,
displayName :: Text, -- use `displayName` in copy/share actions
localAlias :: Maybe Text, -- use `fromMaybe displayName localAlias` in chat view
memberRole :: GroupMemberRole -- shown for admins/owners in the message
deriving (Eq, Show)
isUserMention :: ChatItem c d -> Bool
isUserMention ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {userMention}} = userMention
data CIDirection (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) where
CIDirectSnd :: CIDirection 'CTDirect 'MDSnd
@ -310,6 +320,7 @@ deriving instance Show AChat
data ChatStats = ChatStats
{ unreadCount :: Int, -- returned both in /_get chat initial API and in /_get chats API
unreadMentions :: Int, -- returned both in /_get chat initial API and in /_get chats API
reportsCount :: Int, -- returned both in /_get chat initial API and in /_get chats API
minUnreadItemId :: ChatItemId,
unreadChat :: Bool
@ -317,7 +328,7 @@ data ChatStats = ChatStats
deriving (Show)
emptyChatStats :: ChatStats
emptyChatStats = ChatStats 0 0 0 False
emptyChatStats = ChatStats 0 0 0 0 False
data NavigationInfo = NavigationInfo
{ afterUnread :: Int,
@ -364,6 +375,7 @@ data CIMeta (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) = CIMeta
itemEdited :: Bool,
itemTimed :: Maybe CITimed,
itemLive :: Maybe Bool,
userMention :: Bool, -- True for messages that mention user or reply to user messages
deletable :: Bool,
editable :: Bool,
forwardedByMember :: Maybe GroupMemberId,
@ -372,11 +384,11 @@ data CIMeta (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) = CIMeta
deriving (Show)
mkCIMeta :: forall c d. ChatTypeI c => ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Text -> CIStatus d -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe (CIDeleted c) -> Bool -> Maybe CITimed -> Maybe Bool -> UTCTime -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> CIMeta c d
mkCIMeta itemId itemContent itemText itemStatus sentViaProxy itemSharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted itemEdited itemTimed itemLive currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt updatedAt =
mkCIMeta :: forall c d. ChatTypeI c => ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Text -> CIStatus d -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe (CIDeleted c) -> Bool -> Maybe CITimed -> Maybe Bool -> Bool -> UTCTime -> ChatItemTs -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> CIMeta c d
mkCIMeta itemId itemContent itemText itemStatus sentViaProxy itemSharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted itemEdited itemTimed itemLive userMention currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt updatedAt =
let deletable = deletable' itemContent itemDeleted itemTs nominalDay currentTs
editable = deletable && isNothing itemForwarded
in CIMeta {itemId, itemTs, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, itemSharedMsgId, itemForwarded, itemDeleted, itemEdited, itemTimed, itemLive, deletable, editable, forwardedByMember, createdAt, updatedAt}
in CIMeta {itemId, itemTs, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, itemSharedMsgId, itemForwarded, itemDeleted, itemEdited, itemTimed, itemLive, userMention, deletable, editable, forwardedByMember, createdAt, updatedAt}
deletable' :: forall c d. ChatTypeI c => CIContent d -> Maybe (CIDeleted c) -> UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> Bool
deletable' itemContent itemDeleted itemTs allowedInterval currentTs =
@ -401,6 +413,7 @@ dummyMeta itemId ts itemText =
itemEdited = False,
itemTimed = Nothing,
itemLive = Nothing,
userMention = False,
deletable = False,
editable = False,
forwardedByMember = Nothing,
@ -1247,14 +1260,14 @@ data ChatItemVersion = ChatItemVersion
deriving (Eq, Show)
mkItemVersion :: ChatItem c d -> Maybe ChatItemVersion
mkItemVersion ChatItem {content, meta} = version <$> ciMsgContent content
mkItemVersion ChatItem {content, formattedText, meta} = version <$> ciMsgContent content
CIMeta {itemId, itemTs, createdAt} = meta
version mc =
{ chatItemVersionId = itemId,
msgContent = mc,
formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList $ msgContentText mc,
itemVersionTs = itemTs,
createdAt = createdAt
@ -1387,6 +1400,10 @@ $(JQ.deriveToJSON defaultJSON ''CIQuote)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''CIReactionCount)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''CIMentionMember)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''CIMention)
instance (ChatTypeI c, MsgDirectionI d) => FromJSON (ChatItem c d) where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''ChatItem)
@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ data AChatMessage = forall e. MsgEncodingI e => ACMsg (SMsgEncoding e) (ChatMess
data ChatMsgEvent (e :: MsgEncoding) where
XMsgNew :: MsgContainer -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgFileDescr :: {msgId :: SharedMsgId, fileDescr :: FileDescr} -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgUpdate :: {msgId :: SharedMsgId, content :: MsgContent, ttl :: Maybe Int, live :: Maybe Bool} -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgUpdate :: {msgId :: SharedMsgId, content :: MsgContent, mentions :: Map MemberName MsgMention, ttl :: Maybe Int, live :: Maybe Bool} -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgDel :: SharedMsgId -> Maybe MemberId -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgDeleted :: ChatMsgEvent 'Json
XMsgReact :: {msgId :: SharedMsgId, memberId :: Maybe MemberId, reaction :: MsgReaction, add :: Bool} -> ChatMsgEvent 'Json
@ -531,13 +533,18 @@ mcExtMsgContent = \case
MCComment _ c -> c
MCForward c -> c
isMCForward :: MsgContainer -> Bool
isMCForward = \case
MCForward _ -> True
_ -> False
data MsgContent
= MCText Text
= MCText {text :: Text}
| MCLink {text :: Text, preview :: LinkPreview}
| MCImage {text :: Text, image :: ImageData}
| MCVideo {text :: Text, image :: ImageData, duration :: Int}
| MCVoice {text :: Text, duration :: Int}
| MCFile Text
| MCFile {text :: Text}
| MCReport {text :: Text, reason :: ReportReason}
| MCUnknown {tag :: Text, text :: Text, json :: J.Object}
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -589,9 +596,23 @@ msgContentTag = \case
MCReport {} -> MCReport_
MCUnknown {tag} -> MCUnknown_ tag
data ExtMsgContent = ExtMsgContent {content :: MsgContent, file :: Maybe FileInvitation, ttl :: Maybe Int, live :: Maybe Bool}
data ExtMsgContent = ExtMsgContent
{ content :: MsgContent,
-- the key used in mentions is a locally (per message) unique display name of member.
-- Suffixes _1, _2 should be appended to make names locally unique.
-- It should be done in the UI, as they will be part of the text, and validated in the API.
mentions :: Map MemberName MsgMention,
file :: Maybe FileInvitation,
ttl :: Maybe Int,
live :: Maybe Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
data MsgMention = MsgMention {memberId :: MemberId}
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''MsgMention)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''QuotedMsg)
-- this limit reserves space for metadata in forwarded messages
@ -657,10 +678,16 @@ parseMsgContainer v =
<|> (MCForward <$> ((v .: "forward" :: JT.Parser J.Object) *> mc))
<|> MCSimple <$> mc
mc = ExtMsgContent <$> v .: "content" <*> v .:? "file" <*> v .:? "ttl" <*> v .:? "live"
mc = do
content <- v .: "content"
file <- v .:? "file"
ttl <- v .:? "ttl"
live <- v .:? "live"
mentions <- fromMaybe M.empty <$> (v .:? "mentions")
pure ExtMsgContent {content, mentions, file, ttl, live}
extMsgContent :: MsgContent -> Maybe FileInvitation -> ExtMsgContent
extMsgContent mc file = ExtMsgContent mc file Nothing Nothing
extMsgContent mc file = ExtMsgContent mc M.empty file Nothing Nothing
justTrue :: Bool -> Maybe Bool
justTrue True = Just True
@ -709,7 +736,12 @@ msgContainerJSON = \case
MCSimple mc -> o $ msgContent mc
o = JM.fromList
msgContent (ExtMsgContent c file ttl live) = ("file" .=? file) $ ("ttl" .=? ttl) $ ("live" .=? live) ["content" .= c]
msgContent ExtMsgContent {content, mentions, file, ttl, live} =
("file" .=? file) $ ("ttl" .=? ttl) $ ("live" .=? live) $ ("mentions" .=? nonEmptyMap mentions) ["content" .= content]
nonEmptyMap :: Map k v -> Maybe (Map k v)
nonEmptyMap m = if M.null m then Nothing else Just m
{-# INLINE nonEmptyMap #-}
instance ToJSON MsgContent where
toJSON = \case
@ -994,7 +1026,7 @@ appJsonToCM AppMessageJson {v, msgId, event, params} = do
msg = \case
XMsgNew_ -> XMsgNew <$> JT.parseEither parseMsgContainer params
XMsgFileDescr_ -> XMsgFileDescr <$> p "msgId" <*> p "fileDescr"
XMsgUpdate_ -> XMsgUpdate <$> p "msgId" <*> p "content" <*> opt "ttl" <*> opt "live"
XMsgUpdate_ -> XMsgUpdate <$> p "msgId" <*> p "content" <*> (fromMaybe M.empty <$> opt "mentions") <*> opt "ttl" <*> opt "live"
XMsgDel_ -> XMsgDel <$> p "msgId" <*> opt "memberId"
XMsgDeleted_ -> pure XMsgDeleted
XMsgReact_ -> XMsgReact <$> p "msgId" <*> opt "memberId" <*> p "reaction" <*> p "add"
@ -1056,7 +1088,7 @@ chatToAppMessage ChatMessage {chatVRange, msgId, chatMsgEvent} = case encoding @
params = \case
XMsgNew container -> msgContainerJSON container
XMsgFileDescr msgId' fileDescr -> o ["msgId" .= msgId', "fileDescr" .= fileDescr]
XMsgUpdate msgId' content ttl live -> o $ ("ttl" .=? ttl) $ ("live" .=? live) ["msgId" .= msgId', "content" .= content]
XMsgUpdate msgId' content mentions ttl live -> o $ ("ttl" .=? ttl) $ ("live" .=? live) $ ("mentions" .=? nonEmptyMap mentions) ["msgId" .= msgId', "content" .= content]
XMsgDel msgId' memberId -> o $ ("memberId" .=? memberId) ["msgId" .= msgId']
XMsgDeleted -> JM.empty
XMsgReact msgId' memberId reaction add -> o $ ("memberId" .=? memberId) ["msgId" .= msgId', "reaction" .= reaction, "add" .= add]
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (groupForwardVersion)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgMention (..), groupForwardVersion)
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
@ -798,6 +800,37 @@ getGroupMember db vr user@User {userId} groupId groupMemberId =
(groupMemberQuery <> " WHERE m.group_id = ? AND m.group_member_id = ? AND m.user_id = ?")
(userId, groupId, groupMemberId, userId)
getMentionedGroupMember :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupId -> GroupMemberId -> ExceptT StoreError IO CIMention
getMentionedGroupMember db User {userId} groupId gmId =
ExceptT $ firstRow toMentionedMember (SEGroupMemberNotFound gmId) $
(mentionedMemberQuery <> " WHERE m.group_id = ? AND m.group_member_id = ? AND m.user_id = ?")
(groupId, gmId, userId)
getMentionedMemberByMemberId :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupId -> MsgMention -> IO CIMention
getMentionedMemberByMemberId db User {userId} groupId MsgMention {memberId} =
fmap (fromMaybe mentionedMember) $ maybeFirstRow toMentionedMember $
(mentionedMemberQuery <> " WHERE m.group_id = ? AND m.member_id = ? AND m.user_id = ?")
(groupId, memberId, userId)
mentionedMember = CIMention {memberId, memberRef = Nothing}
mentionedMemberQuery :: Query
mentionedMemberQuery =
SELECT m.group_member_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, p.display_name, p.local_alias
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
toMentionedMember :: (GroupMemberId, MemberId, GroupMemberRole, Text, Maybe Text) -> CIMention
toMentionedMember (groupMemberId, memberId, memberRole, displayName, localAlias) =
let memberRef = Just CIMentionMember {groupMemberId, displayName, localAlias, memberRole}
in CIMention {memberId, memberRef}
getGroupMemberById :: DB.Connection -> VersionRangeChat -> User -> GroupMemberId -> ExceptT StoreError IO GroupMember
getGroupMemberById db vr user@User {userId} groupMemberId =
ExceptT . firstRow (toContactMember vr user) (SEGroupMemberNotFound groupMemberId) $
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Messages
@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..), comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -152,6 +156,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.Groups
import Simplex.Chat.Store.NoteFolders
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (AgentMsgId, ConnId, MsgMeta (..), UserId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.AgentStore (firstRow, firstRow', maybeFirstRow)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.DB (BoolInt (..))
@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ updateChatTs db User {userId} chatDirection chatTs = case toChatInfo chatDirecti
createNewSndChatItem :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> UTCTime -> IO ChatItemId
createNewSndChatItem db user chatDirection SndMessage {msgId, sharedMsgId} ciContent quotedItem itemForwarded timed live createdAt =
createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection createdByMsgId (Just sharedMsgId) ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live createdAt Nothing createdAt
createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection createdByMsgId (Just sharedMsgId) ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live False createdAt Nothing createdAt
createdByMsgId = if msgId == 0 then Nothing else Just msgId
quoteRow :: NewQuoteRow
@ -381,9 +386,9 @@ createNewSndChatItem db user chatDirection SndMessage {msgId, sharedMsgId} ciCon
CIQGroupRcv (Just GroupMember {memberId}) -> (Just False, Just memberId)
CIQGroupRcv Nothing -> (Just False, Nothing)
createNewRcvChatItem :: ChatTypeQuotable c => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> IO (ChatItemId, Maybe (CIQuote c), Maybe CIForwardedFrom)
createNewRcvChatItem db user chatDirection RcvMessage {msgId, chatMsgEvent, forwardedByMember} sharedMsgId_ ciContent timed live itemTs createdAt = do
ciId <- createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection (Just msgId) sharedMsgId_ ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt
createNewRcvChatItem :: ChatTypeQuotable c => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> Bool -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> IO (ChatItemId, Maybe (CIQuote c), Maybe CIForwardedFrom)
createNewRcvChatItem db user chatDirection RcvMessage {msgId, chatMsgEvent, forwardedByMember} sharedMsgId_ ciContent timed live userMention itemTs createdAt = do
ciId <- createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection (Just msgId) sharedMsgId_ ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live userMention itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt
quotedItem <- mapM (getChatItemQuote_ db user chatDirection) quotedMsg
pure (ciId, quotedItem, itemForwarded)
@ -400,13 +405,13 @@ createNewRcvChatItem db user chatDirection RcvMessage {msgId, chatMsgEvent, forw
createNewChatItemNoMsg :: forall c d. MsgDirectionI d => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c d -> CIContent d -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> IO ChatItemId
createNewChatItemNoMsg db user chatDirection ciContent itemTs =
createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection Nothing Nothing ciContent quoteRow Nothing Nothing False itemTs Nothing
createNewChatItem_ db user chatDirection Nothing Nothing ciContent quoteRow Nothing Nothing False False itemTs Nothing
quoteRow :: NewQuoteRow
quoteRow = (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
createNewChatItem_ :: forall c d. MsgDirectionI d => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c d -> Maybe MessageId -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> CIContent d -> NewQuoteRow -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> UTCTime -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> IO ChatItemId
createNewChatItem_ db User {userId} chatDirection msgId_ sharedMsgId ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt = do
createNewChatItem_ :: forall c d. MsgDirectionI d => DB.Connection -> User -> ChatDirection c d -> Maybe MessageId -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> CIContent d -> NewQuoteRow -> Maybe CIForwardedFrom -> Maybe CITimed -> Bool -> Bool -> UTCTime -> Maybe GroupMemberId -> UTCTime -> IO ChatItemId
createNewChatItem_ db User {userId} chatDirection msgId_ sharedMsgId ciContent quoteRow itemForwarded timed live userMention itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt = do
@ -415,20 +420,20 @@ createNewChatItem_ db User {userId} chatDirection msgId_ sharedMsgId ciContent q
user_id, created_by_msg_id, contact_id, group_id, group_member_id, note_folder_id,
-- meta
item_sent, item_ts, item_content, item_content_tag, item_text, item_status, msg_content_tag, shared_msg_id,
forwarded_by_group_member_id, include_in_history, created_at, updated_at, item_live, timed_ttl, timed_delete_at,
forwarded_by_group_member_id, include_in_history, created_at, updated_at, item_live, user_mention, timed_ttl, timed_delete_at,
-- quote
quoted_shared_msg_id, quoted_sent_at, quoted_content, quoted_sent, quoted_member_id,
-- forwarded from
fwd_from_tag, fwd_from_chat_name, fwd_from_msg_dir, fwd_from_contact_id, fwd_from_group_id, fwd_from_chat_item_id
) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
((userId, msgId_) :. idsRow :. itemRow :. quoteRow' :. forwardedFromRow)
ciId <- insertedRowId db
forM_ msgId_ $ \msgId -> insertChatItemMessage_ db ciId msgId createdAt
pure ciId
itemRow :: (SMsgDirection d, UTCTime, CIContent d, Text, Text, CIStatus d, Maybe MsgContentTag, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe GroupMemberId, BoolInt) :. (UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe BoolInt) :. (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime)
itemRow = (msgDirection @d, itemTs, ciContent, toCIContentTag ciContent, ciContentToText ciContent, ciCreateStatus ciContent, msgContentTag <$> ciMsgContent ciContent, sharedMsgId, forwardedByMember, BI includeInHistory) :. (createdAt, createdAt, BI <$> (justTrue live)) :. ciTimedRow timed
itemRow :: (SMsgDirection d, UTCTime, CIContent d, Text, Text, CIStatus d, Maybe MsgContentTag, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe GroupMemberId, BoolInt) :. (UTCTime, UTCTime, Maybe BoolInt, BoolInt) :. (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime)
itemRow = (msgDirection @d, itemTs, ciContent, toCIContentTag ciContent, ciContentToText ciContent, ciCreateStatus ciContent, msgContentTag <$> ciMsgContent ciContent, sharedMsgId, forwardedByMember, BI includeInHistory) :. (createdAt, createdAt, BI <$> (justTrue live), BI userMention) :. ciTimedRow timed
quoteRow' = let (a, b, c, d, e) = quoteRow in (a, b, c, BI <$> d, e)
idsRow :: (Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64)
idsRow = case chatDirection of
@ -565,7 +570,12 @@ data AChatPreviewData = forall c. ChatTypeI c => ACPD (SChatType c) (ChatPreview
type ChatStatsRow = (Int, Int, ChatItemId, BoolInt)
toChatStats :: ChatStatsRow -> ChatStats
toChatStats (unreadCount, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, BI unreadChat) = ChatStats {unreadCount, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
toChatStats (unreadCount, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, BI unreadChat) = ChatStats {unreadCount, unreadMentions = 0, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
type GroupStatsRow = (Int, Int, Int, ChatItemId, BoolInt)
toGroupStats :: GroupStatsRow -> ChatStats
toGroupStats (unreadCount, unreadMentions, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, BI unreadChat) = ChatStats {unreadCount, unreadMentions, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
findDirectChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [AChatPreviewData]
findDirectChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
@ -669,9 +679,9 @@ findGroupChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQ
findGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
map toPreview <$> getPreviews
toPreview :: (GroupId, UTCTime, Maybe ChatItemId) :. ChatStatsRow -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview :: (GroupId, UTCTime, Maybe ChatItemId) :. GroupStatsRow -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview ((groupId, ts, lastItemId_) :. statsRow) =
ACPD SCTGroup $ GroupChatPD ts groupId lastItemId_ (toChatStats statsRow)
ACPD SCTGroup $ GroupChatPD ts groupId lastItemId_ (toGroupStats statsRow)
baseQuery =
@ -685,12 +695,13 @@ findGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -756,7 +767,7 @@ findGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
p = baseParams :. (userId, search, search, search, search)
queryWithPagination q p
queryWithPagination :: ToRow p => Query -> p -> IO [(GroupId, UTCTime, Maybe ChatItemId) :. ChatStatsRow]
queryWithPagination :: ToRow p => Query -> p -> IO [(GroupId, UTCTime, Maybe ChatItemId) :. GroupStatsRow]
queryWithPagination query params = case pagination of
PTLast count -> DB.query db (query <> " ORDER BY g.chat_ts DESC LIMIT ?") (params :. Only count)
PTAfter ts count -> DB.query db (query <> " AND g.chat_ts > ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts ASC LIMIT ?") (params :. (ts, count))
@ -766,7 +777,7 @@ getGroupChatPreview_ :: DB.Connection -> VersionRangeChat -> User -> ChatPreview
getGroupChatPreview_ db vr user (GroupChatPD _ groupId lastItemId_ stats) = do
groupInfo <- getGroupInfo db vr user groupId
lastItem <- case lastItemId_ of
Just lastItemId -> (: []) <$> getGroupChatItem db user groupId lastItemId
Just lastItemId -> (: []) <$> getGroupCIWithReactions db user groupInfo lastItemId
Nothing -> pure []
pure $ AChat SCTGroup (Chat (GroupChat groupInfo) lastItem stats)
@ -855,7 +866,7 @@ getLocalChatPreview_ db user (LocalChatPD _ noteFolderId lastItemId_ stats) = do
-- this function can be changed so it never fails, not only avoid failure on invalid json
toLocalChatItem :: UTCTime -> ChatItemRow -> Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTLocal)
toLocalChatItem currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) =
toLocalChatItem currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive, BI userMention) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) =
chatItem $ fromRight invalid $ dbParseACIContent itemContentText
invalid = ACIContent msgDir $ CIInvalidJSON itemContentText
@ -879,7 +890,7 @@ toLocalChatItem currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentTex
_ -> Nothing
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTLocal d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> CChatItem 'CTLocal
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content file =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = Nothing, reactions = [], file}
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, mentions = M.empty, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = Nothing, reactions = [], file}
badItem = Left $ SEBadChatItem itemId (Just itemTs)
ciMeta :: CIContent d -> CIStatus d -> CIMeta 'CTLocal d
ciMeta content status =
@ -888,7 +899,7 @@ toLocalChatItem currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentTex
_ -> Just (CIDeleted @'CTLocal deletedTs)
itemEdited' = maybe False unBI itemEdited
itemForwarded = toCIForwardedFrom forwardedFromRow
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) currentTs itemTs Nothing createdAt updatedAt
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) userMention currentTs itemTs Nothing createdAt updatedAt
ciTimed :: Maybe CITimed
ciTimed = timedTTL >>= \ttl -> Just CITimed {ttl, deleteAt = timedDeleteAt}
@ -1021,6 +1032,7 @@ safeToDirectItem currentTs itemId = \case
{ chatDir = CIDirectSnd,
meta = dummyMeta itemId ts errorText,
content = CIInvalidJSON errorText,
mentions = M.empty,
formattedText = Nothing,
quotedItem = Nothing,
reactions = [],
@ -1276,6 +1288,7 @@ safeToGroupItem currentTs itemId = \case
{ chatDir = CIGroupSnd,
meta = dummyMeta itemId ts errorText,
content = CIInvalidJSON errorText,
mentions = M.empty,
formattedText = Nothing,
quotedItem = Nothing,
reactions = [],
@ -1346,19 +1359,19 @@ getGroupChatInitial_ db user g contentFilter count = do
stats <- liftIO $ getStats minUnreadItemId =<< getGroupUnreadCount_ db user g Nothing
getGroupChatAround' db user g contentFilter minUnreadItemId count "" stats
Nothing -> liftIO $ do
stats <- getStats 0 0
stats <- getStats 0 (0, 0)
(,Just $ NavigationInfo 0 0) <$> getGroupChatLast_ db user g contentFilter count "" stats
getStats minUnreadItemId unreadCount = do
getStats minUnreadItemId (unreadCount, unreadMentions) = do
reportsCount <- getGroupReportsCount_ db user g False
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat = False}
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, unreadMentions, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat = False}
getGroupStats_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> IO ChatStats
getGroupStats_ db user g = do
minUnreadItemId <- fromMaybe 0 <$> getGroupMinUnreadId_ db user g Nothing
unreadCount <- getGroupUnreadCount_ db user g Nothing
(unreadCount, unreadMentions) <- getGroupUnreadCount_ db user g Nothing
reportsCount <- getGroupReportsCount_ db user g False
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat = False}
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, unreadMentions, reportsCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat = False}
getGroupMinUnreadId_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe MsgContentTag -> IO (Maybe ChatItemId)
getGroupMinUnreadId_ db user g contentFilter =
@ -1368,11 +1381,11 @@ getGroupMinUnreadId_ db user g contentFilter =
baseQuery = "SELECT chat_item_id FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? "
orderLimit = " ORDER BY item_ts ASC, chat_item_id ASC LIMIT 1"
getGroupUnreadCount_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe MsgContentTag -> IO Int
getGroupUnreadCount_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Maybe MsgContentTag -> IO (Int, Int)
getGroupUnreadCount_ db user g contentFilter =
fromOnly . head <$> queryUnreadGroupItems db user g contentFilter baseQuery ""
head <$> queryUnreadGroupItems db user g contentFilter baseQuery ""
baseQuery = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? "
baseQuery = "SELECT COUNT(1), COALESCE(SUM(user_mention), 0) FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? "
getGroupReportsCount_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> Bool -> IO Int
getGroupReportsCount_ db User {userId} GroupInfo {groupId} archived =
@ -1501,6 +1514,7 @@ safeToLocalItem currentTs itemId = \case
{ chatDir = CILocalSnd,
meta = dummyMeta itemId ts errorText,
content = CIInvalidJSON errorText,
mentions = M.empty,
formattedText = Nothing,
quotedItem = Nothing,
reactions = [],
@ -1810,7 +1824,7 @@ updateLocalChatItemsRead db User {userId} noteFolderId = do
type MaybeCIFIleRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe String, Maybe Integer, Maybe FilePath, Maybe C.SbKey, Maybe C.CbNonce, Maybe ACIFileStatus, Maybe FileProtocol)
type ChatItemModeRow = (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe BoolInt)
type ChatItemModeRow = (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe BoolInt, BoolInt)
type ChatItemForwardedFromRow = (Maybe CIForwardedFromTag, Maybe Text, Maybe MsgDirection, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64, Maybe Int64)
@ -1834,7 +1848,7 @@ toQuote (quotedItemId, quotedSharedMsgId, quotedSentAt, quotedMsgContent, _) dir
-- this function can be changed so it never fails, not only avoid failure on invalid json
toDirectChatItem :: UTCTime -> ChatItemRow :. QuoteRow -> Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTDirect)
toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) :. quoteRow) =
toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive, BI userMention) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) :. quoteRow) =
chatItem $ fromRight invalid $ dbParseACIContent itemContentText
invalid = ACIContent msgDir $ CIInvalidJSON itemContentText
@ -1858,7 +1872,7 @@ toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentT
_ -> Nothing
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTDirect d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> CChatItem 'CTDirect
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content file =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toDirectQuote quoteRow, reactions = [], file}
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, mentions = M.empty, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toDirectQuote quoteRow, reactions = [], file}
badItem = Left $ SEBadChatItem itemId (Just itemTs)
ciMeta :: CIContent d -> CIStatus d -> CIMeta 'CTDirect d
ciMeta content status =
@ -1867,7 +1881,7 @@ toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentT
_ -> Just (CIDeleted @'CTDirect deletedTs)
itemEdited' = maybe False unBI itemEdited
itemForwarded = toCIForwardedFrom forwardedFromRow
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) currentTs itemTs Nothing createdAt updatedAt
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) userMention currentTs itemTs Nothing createdAt updatedAt
ciTimed :: Maybe CITimed
ciTimed = timedTTL >>= \ttl -> Just CITimed {ttl, deleteAt = timedDeleteAt}
@ -1891,7 +1905,7 @@ toGroupQuote qr@(_, _, _, _, quotedSent) quotedMember_ = toQuote qr $ direction
-- this function can be changed so it never fails, not only avoid failure on invalid json
toGroupChatItem :: UTCTime -> Int64 -> ChatItemRow :. Only (Maybe GroupMemberId) :. MaybeGroupMemberRow :. GroupQuoteRow :. MaybeGroupMemberRow -> Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTGroup)
toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) :. Only forwardedByMember :. memberRow_ :. (quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) :. deletedByGroupMemberRow_) = do
toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentText, itemText, itemStatus, sentViaProxy, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. forwardedFromRow :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive, BI userMention) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileKey, fileNonce, fileStatus_, fileProtocol_)) :. Only forwardedByMember :. memberRow_ :. (quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) :. deletedByGroupMemberRow_) = do
chatItem $ fromRight invalid $ dbParseACIContent itemContentText
member_ = toMaybeGroupMember userContactId memberRow_
@ -1918,7 +1932,7 @@ toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir,
_ -> Nothing
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTGroup d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> CChatItem 'CTGroup
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content file =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toGroupQuote quoteRow quotedMember_, reactions = [], file}
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, mentions = M.empty, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toGroupQuote quoteRow quotedMember_, reactions = [], file}
badItem = Left $ SEBadChatItem itemId (Just itemTs)
ciMeta :: CIContent d -> CIStatus d -> CIMeta 'CTGroup d
ciMeta content status =
@ -1929,7 +1943,7 @@ toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir,
_ -> Just (maybe (CIDeleted @'CTGroup deletedTs) (CIModerated deletedTs) deletedByGroupMember_)
itemEdited' = maybe False unBI itemEdited
itemForwarded = toCIForwardedFrom forwardedFromRow
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt updatedAt
in mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status (unBI <$> sentViaProxy) sharedMsgId itemForwarded itemDeleted' itemEdited' ciTimed (unBI <$> itemLive) userMention currentTs itemTs forwardedByMember createdAt updatedAt
ciTimed :: Maybe CITimed
ciTimed = timedTTL >>= \ttl -> Just CITimed {ttl, deleteAt = timedDeleteAt}
@ -2202,7 +2216,7 @@ getDirectChatItem db User {userId} contactId itemId = ExceptT $ do
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- DirectQuote
@ -2254,12 +2268,14 @@ getGroupCIWithReactions db user g@GroupInfo {groupId} itemId = do
liftIO . groupCIWithReactions db g =<< getGroupChatItem db user groupId itemId
groupCIWithReactions :: DB.Connection -> GroupInfo -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> IO (CChatItem 'CTGroup)
groupCIWithReactions db g cci@(CChatItem md ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId}}) = case itemSharedMsgId of
Just sharedMsgId -> do
let GroupMember {memberId} = chatItemMember g ci
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db g memberId sharedMsgId
pure $ CChatItem md ci {reactions}
Nothing -> pure cci
groupCIWithReactions db g cci@(CChatItem md ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId, itemSharedMsgId}}) = do
mentions <- getGroupCIMentions db itemId
case itemSharedMsgId of
Just sharedMsgId -> do
let GroupMember {memberId} = chatItemMember g ci
reactions <- getGroupCIReactions db g memberId sharedMsgId
pure $ CChatItem md ci {reactions, mentions}
Nothing -> pure $ if null mentions then cci else CChatItem md ci {mentions}
updateGroupChatItem :: MsgDirectionI d => DB.Connection -> User -> Int64 -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> CIContent d -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe MessageId -> IO (ChatItem 'CTGroup d)
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci newContent edited live msgId_ = do
@ -2285,6 +2301,25 @@ updateGroupChatItem_ db User {userId} groupId ChatItem {content, meta} msgId_ =
((content, itemText, itemStatus, BI itemDeleted', itemDeletedTs', BI itemEdited, BI <$> itemLive, updatedAt) :. ciTimedRow itemTimed :. (userId, groupId, itemId))
forM_ msgId_ $ \msgId -> insertChatItemMessage_ db itemId msgId updatedAt
createGroupCIMentions :: forall d. DB.Connection -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> Map MemberName CIMention -> IO (ChatItem 'CTGroup d)
createGroupCIMentions db GroupInfo {groupId} ci mentions = do
DB.executeMany db "INSERT INTO chat_item_mentions (chat_item_id, group_id, member_id, display_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)" rows
pure (ci :: ChatItem 'CTGroup d) {mentions}
rows = map (\(name, CIMention {memberId}) -> (ciId, groupId, memberId, name)) $ M.assocs mentions
ciId = chatItemId' ci
updateGroupCIMentions :: DB.Connection -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> Map MemberName CIMention -> IO (ChatItem 'CTGroup d)
updateGroupCIMentions db g ci@ChatItem {mentions} mentions'
| mentions' == mentions = pure ci
| otherwise = do
unless (null mentions) $ deleteMentions
if null mentions'
then pure ci
else createGroupCIMentions db g ci mentions'
deleteMentions = DB.execute db "DELETE FROM chat_item_mentions WHERE chat_item_id = ?" (Only $ chatItemId' ci)
deleteGroupChatItem :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> ChatItem 'CTGroup d -> IO ()
deleteGroupChatItem db User {userId} g@GroupInfo {groupId} ci = do
let itemId = chatItemId' ci
@ -2458,7 +2493,7 @@ getGroupChatItem db User {userId, userContactId} groupId itemId = ExceptT $ do
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- CIMeta forwardedByMember
@ -2562,7 +2597,7 @@ getLocalChatItem db User {userId} folderId itemId = ExceptT $ do
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol
FROM chat_items i
@ -2760,6 +2795,28 @@ getGroupCIReactions db GroupInfo {groupId} itemMemberId itemSharedMsgId =
(groupId, itemMemberId, itemSharedMsgId)
getGroupCIMentions :: DB.Connection -> ChatItemId -> IO (Map MemberName CIMention)
getGroupCIMentions db ciId =
M.fromList . map mentionedMember
<$> DB.query
SELECT r.display_name, r.member_id, m.group_member_id, m.member_role, p.display_name, p.local_alias
FROM chat_item_mentions r
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON r.group_id = m.group_id AND r.member_id = m.member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
WHERE r.chat_item_id = ?
(Only ciId)
mentionedMember :: (ContactName, MemberId, Maybe GroupMemberId, Maybe GroupMemberRole, Maybe Text, Maybe Text) -> (ContactName, CIMention)
mentionedMember (name, memberId, gmId_, mRole_, displayName_, localAlias) =
let memberRef = case (gmId_, mRole_, displayName_) of
(Just groupMemberId, Just memberRole, Just displayName) ->
Just CIMentionMember {groupMemberId, displayName, localAlias, memberRole}
_ -> Nothing
in (name, CIMention {memberId, memberRef})
getACIReactions :: DB.Connection -> AChatItem -> IO AChatItem
getACIReactions db aci@(AChatItem _ md chat ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId}}) = case itemSharedMsgId of
Just itemSharedMId -> case chat of
@ -3060,10 +3117,9 @@ getGroupSndStatusCounts db itemId =
(Only itemId)
getGroupHistoryItems :: DB.Connection -> User -> GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Int -> IO [Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTGroup)]
getGroupHistoryItems db user@User {userId} GroupInfo {groupId} m count = do
getGroupHistoryItems db user@User {userId} g@GroupInfo {groupId} m count = do
ciIds <- getLastItemIds_
-- use getGroupCIWithReactions to read reactions data
reverse <$> mapM (runExceptT . getGroupChatItem db user groupId) ciIds
reverse <$> mapM (runExceptT . getGroupCIWithReactions db user g) ciIds
getLastItemIds_ :: IO [ChatItemId]
getLastItemIds_ =
@ -426,7 +426,8 @@ CREATE TABLE chat_items(
fwd_from_chat_item_id BIGINT REFERENCES chat_items ON DELETE SET NULL,
via_proxy SMALLINT,
msg_content_tag TEXT,
include_in_history SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
include_in_history SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_groups_chat_items
@ -676,6 +677,13 @@ CREATE TABLE chat_tags_chats(
CREATE TABLE chat_item_mentions (
member_id BYTEA NOT NULL,
display_name TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX contact_profiles_index ON contact_profiles(
@ -1025,4 +1033,8 @@ CREATE INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id_group_member_id ON group_s
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_group_id ON chat_item_mentions(group_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_display_name ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id, display_name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_member_id ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id, member_id);
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20241230_reports
import Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20250105_indexes
import Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20250115_chat_ttl
import Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20250122_chat_items_include_in_history
import Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20250126_mentions
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.Shared (Migration (..))
schemaMigrations :: [(String, Query, Maybe Query)]
@ -249,7 +250,8 @@ schemaMigrations =
("20241230_reports", m20241230_reports, Just down_m20241230_reports),
("20250105_indexes", m20250105_indexes, Just down_m20250105_indexes),
("20250115_chat_ttl", m20250115_chat_ttl, Just down_m20250115_chat_ttl),
("20250122_chat_items_include_in_history", m20250122_chat_items_include_in_history, Just down_m20250122_chat_items_include_in_history)
("20250122_chat_items_include_in_history", m20250122_chat_items_include_in_history, Just down_m20250122_chat_items_include_in_history),
("20250126_mentions", m20250126_mentions, Just down_m20250126_mentions)
-- | The list of migrations in ascending order by date
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Store.SQLite.Migrations.M20250126_mentions where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20250126_mentions :: Query
m20250126_mentions =
CREATE TABLE chat_item_mentions (
member_id BLOB NOT NULL,
display_name TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_group_id ON chat_item_mentions(group_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_display_name ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id, display_name);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_member_id ON chat_item_mentions(chat_item_id, member_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention ON chat_items(user_id, group_id, item_status, user_mention);
down_m20250126_mentions :: Query
down_m20250126_mentions =
DROP INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_group_id;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_display_name;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_member_id;
DROP TABLE chat_item_mentions;
ALTER TABLE chat_items DROP COLUMN user_mention;
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Query:
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.item_status = ? AND (g.enable_ntfs = 1 OR g.enable_ntfs IS NULL)
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=?)
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_history (user_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_history (user_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ Query:
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol
FROM chat_items i
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ Query:
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- CIMeta forwardedByMember
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ Query:
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.via_proxy, i.shared_msg_id,
i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at,
i.fwd_from_tag, i.fwd_from_chat_name, i.fwd_from_msg_dir, i.fwd_from_contact_id, i.fwd_from_group_id, i.fwd_from_chat_item_id,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live, i.user_mention,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- DirectQuote
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_history (user_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH i USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH i USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
@ -1920,12 +1920,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -1949,7 +1950,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
@ -1971,12 +1972,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -1995,7 +1997,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
@ -2016,12 +2018,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2039,7 +2042,7 @@ Query:
AND g.chat_ts < ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts DESC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts<?)
@ -2060,12 +2063,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2083,7 +2087,7 @@ Query:
AND g.chat_ts > ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts ASC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts>?)
@ -2104,12 +2108,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2127,7 +2132,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
@ -2148,12 +2153,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2171,7 +2177,7 @@ Query:
AND g.chat_ts < ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts DESC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts<?)
@ -2192,12 +2198,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2215,7 +2222,7 @@ Query:
AND g.chat_ts > ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts ASC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts>?)
@ -2236,12 +2243,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2259,7 +2267,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
@ -2280,12 +2288,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2300,7 +2309,7 @@ Query:
WHERE g.user_id = ? AND g.chat_ts < ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts DESC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts<?)
@ -2321,12 +2330,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2341,7 +2351,7 @@ Query:
WHERE g.user_id = ? AND g.chat_ts > ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts ASC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=? AND chat_ts>?)
@ -2362,12 +2372,13 @@ Query:
) AS chat_item_id,
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadMentions, 0),
COALESCE(ReportCount.Count, 0),
COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, SUM(user_mention) as UnreadMentions, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id IS NOT NULL AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
@ -2382,7 +2393,7 @@ Query:
WHERE g.user_id = ? ORDER BY g.chat_ts DESC LIMIT ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id>?)
SEARCH g USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
@ -2930,7 +2941,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
@ -3295,6 +3306,18 @@ SEARCH r USING INDEX idx_received_probes_user_id (user_id=?)
SELECT r.display_name, r.member_id, m.group_member_id, m.member_role, p.display_name, p.local_alias
FROM chat_item_mentions r
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON r.group_id = m.group_id AND r.member_id = m.member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
WHERE r.chat_item_id = ?
SEARCH r USING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH m USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_group_members_1 (group_id=? AND member_id=?) LEFT-JOIN
SELECT re_group_member_id
FROM group_member_intros
@ -3489,6 +3512,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -3503,6 +3527,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -3517,6 +3542,7 @@ Query:
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -3964,12 +3990,12 @@ Query:
user_id, created_by_msg_id, contact_id, group_id, group_member_id, note_folder_id,
-- meta
item_sent, item_ts, item_content, item_content_tag, item_text, item_status, msg_content_tag, shared_msg_id,
forwarded_by_group_member_id, include_in_history, created_at, updated_at, item_live, timed_ttl, timed_delete_at,
forwarded_by_group_member_id, include_in_history, created_at, updated_at, item_live, user_mention, timed_ttl, timed_delete_at,
-- quote
quoted_shared_msg_id, quoted_sent_at, quoted_content, quoted_sent, quoted_member_id,
-- forwarded from
fwd_from_tag, fwd_from_chat_name, fwd_from_msg_dir, fwd_from_contact_id, fwd_from_group_id, fwd_from_chat_item_id
) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
@ -4065,7 +4091,7 @@ Query:
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND item_status = ? AND timed_ttl IS NOT NULL AND timed_delete_at IS NULL
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
SELECT group_snd_item_status, COUNT(1)
@ -4156,7 +4182,7 @@ Query:
WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND item_status = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
UPDATE chat_items SET item_status = ?, updated_at = ?
@ -4651,7 +4677,7 @@ Query:
JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
WHERE i.user_id = ?
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_history (user_id=?)
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
SEARCH f USING INDEX idx_files_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -4678,7 +4704,7 @@ Query:
JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.group_id = ?
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH f USING INDEX idx_files_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -4690,6 +4716,24 @@ Plan:
SEARCH i USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_notes_created_at (user_id=? AND note_folder_id=?)
SEARCH f USING INDEX idx_files_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SELECT m.group_member_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, p.display_name, p.local_alias
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
WHERE m.group_id = ? AND m.group_member_id = ? AND m.user_id = ?
SELECT m.group_member_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, p.display_name, p.local_alias
FROM group_members m
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
WHERE m.group_id = ? AND m.member_id = ? AND m.user_id = ?
SEARCH m USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_group_members_1 (group_id=? AND member_id=?)
SELECT remote_ctrl_id, ctrl_device_name, ca_key, ca_cert, ctrl_fingerprint, id_pub, dh_priv_key, prev_dh_priv_key
FROM remote_controllers
@ -4957,6 +5001,7 @@ SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_
Query: DELETE FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_id = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_contacts_created_at (user_id=? AND contact_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -4968,6 +5013,7 @@ SEARCH groups USING COVERING INDEX idx_groups_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
Query: DELETE FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_id = ? AND created_at <= ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_contacts_created_at (user_id=? AND contact_id=? AND created_at<?)
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -4978,7 +5024,8 @@ SEARCH groups USING COVERING INDEX idx_groups_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
Query: DELETE FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -4990,6 +5037,7 @@ SEARCH groups USING COVERING INDEX idx_groups_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
Query: DELETE FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND group_member_id = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_group_shared_msg_id (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND group_member_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -5001,6 +5049,7 @@ SEARCH groups USING COVERING INDEX idx_groups_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
Query: DELETE FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND note_folder_id = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_notes_created_at (user_id=? AND note_folder_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH group_snd_item_statuses USING COVERING INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
@ -5155,11 +5204,12 @@ SEARCH contacts USING COVERING INDEX idx_contacts_contact_group_member_id (conta
Query: DELETE FROM groups WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ?
SEARCH chat_item_mentions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_tags_chats USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_tags_chats_chat_tag_id_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_moderations USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_moderations_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_item_reactions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_reactions_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_fwd_from_group_id (fwd_from_group_id=?)
SCAN chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_item_ts
SCAN chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention
SEARCH messages USING COVERING INDEX idx_messages_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH user_contact_links USING COVERING INDEX idx_user_contact_links_group_id (group_id=?)
SEARCH files USING COVERING INDEX idx_files_group_id (group_id=?)
@ -5271,7 +5321,7 @@ SEARCH protocol_servers USING COVERING INDEX idx_smp_servers_user_id (user_id=?)
SEARCH settings USING COVERING INDEX idx_settings_user_id (user_id=?)
SEARCH commands USING COVERING INDEX idx_commands_user_id (user_id=?)
SEARCH calls USING COVERING INDEX idx_calls_user_id (user_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_history (user_id=?)
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=?)
SEARCH contact_requests USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_contact_requests_2 (user_id=?)
SEARCH user_contact_links USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_user_contact_links_1 (user_id=?)
SEARCH connections USING COVERING INDEX idx_connections_group_member (user_id=?)
@ -5293,6 +5343,9 @@ Plan:
Query: INSERT INTO app_settings (app_settings) VALUES (?)
Query: INSERT INTO chat_item_mentions (chat_item_id, group_id, member_id, display_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
Query: INSERT INTO chat_item_messages (chat_item_id, message_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
@ -5407,10 +5460,6 @@ Query: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM chat_item_versions WHERE chat_item_id = ?
SEARCH chat_item_versions USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_item_versions_chat_item_id (chat_item_id=?)
Query: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND item_status = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
Query: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND msg_content_tag = ? AND item_deleted = ? AND item_sent = 0
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_msg_content_tag_deleted (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND msg_content_tag=? AND item_deleted=? AND item_sent=?)
@ -5423,6 +5472,10 @@ Query: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM groups WHERE user_id = ? AND chat_item_ttl > 0
SEARCH groups USING INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts (user_id=?)
Query: SELECT COUNT(1), COALESCE(SUM(user_mention), 0) FROM chat_items WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND item_status = ?
SEARCH chat_items USING COVERING INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention (user_id=? AND group_id=? AND item_status=?)
Query: SELECT accepted_at FROM operator_usage_conditions WHERE server_operator_id = ? AND conditions_commit = ?
SEARCH operator_usage_conditions USING INDEX idx_operator_usage_conditions_conditions_commit (conditions_commit=? AND server_operator_id=?)
@ -407,7 +407,8 @@ CREATE TABLE chat_items(
fwd_from_chat_item_id INTEGER REFERENCES chat_items ON DELETE SET NULL,
via_proxy INTEGER,
msg_content_tag TEXT,
include_in_history INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
include_in_history INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq);
CREATE TABLE chat_item_messages(
@ -642,6 +643,13 @@ CREATE TABLE chat_tags_chats(
CREATE TABLE chat_item_mentions(
member_id BLOB NOT NULL,
display_name TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX contact_profiles_index ON contact_profiles(
@ -991,3 +999,21 @@ CREATE INDEX idx_group_snd_item_statuses_chat_item_id_group_member_id ON group_s
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_group_id ON chat_item_mentions(group_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_chat_item_id ON chat_item_mentions(
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_display_name ON chat_item_mentions(
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_chat_item_mentions_member_id ON chat_item_mentions(
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_groups_user_mention ON chat_items(
@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ data StoreError
| SEProhibitedDeleteUser {userId :: UserId, contactId :: ContactId}
| SEOperatorNotFound {serverOperatorId :: Int64}
| SEUsageConditionsNotFound
| SEInvalidQuote
| SEInvalidMention
deriving (Show, Exception)
$(J.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "SE") ''StoreError)
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ runTerminalOutput ct cc@ChatController {outputQ, showLiveItems, logFilePath} Cha
responseNotification ct cc r
markChatItemRead u (AChatItem _ _ chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = CIMeta {itemStatus}}) =
case (chatDirNtf u chat chatDir (isMention ci), itemStatus) of
case (chatDirNtf u chat chatDir (isUserMention ci), itemStatus) of
(True, CISRcvNew) -> do
let itemId = chatItemId' ci
chatRef = chatInfoToRef chat
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ responseNotification :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> ChatResponse -> IO ()
responseNotification t@ChatTerminal {sendNotification} cc = \case
-- At the moment of writing received items are created one at a time
CRNewChatItems u ((AChatItem _ SMDRcv cInfo ci@ChatItem {chatDir, content = CIRcvMsgContent mc, formattedText}) : _) ->
when (chatDirNtf u cInfo chatDir $ isMention ci) $ do
when (chatDirNtf u cInfo chatDir $ isUserMention ci) $ do
whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveChat t cInfo
case (cInfo, chatDir) of
(DirectChat ct, _) -> sendNtf (viewContactName ct <> "> ", text)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ responseNotification t@ChatTerminal {sendNotification} cc = \case
text = msgText mc formattedText
CRChatItemUpdated u (AChatItem _ SMDRcv cInfo ci@ChatItem {chatDir, content = CIRcvMsgContent _}) ->
whenCurrUser cc u $ when (chatDirNtf u cInfo chatDir $ isMention ci) $ setActiveChat t cInfo
whenCurrUser cc u $ when (chatDirNtf u cInfo chatDir $ isUserMention ci) $ setActiveChat t cInfo
CRContactConnected u ct _ -> when (contactNtf u ct False) $ do
whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveContact t ct
sendNtf (viewContactName ct <> "> ", "connected")
@ -366,6 +366,8 @@ type UserName = Text
type ContactName = Text
type MemberName = Text
type GroupName = Text
optionalFullName :: ContactName -> Text -> Text
@ -800,6 +802,9 @@ memberConn GroupMember {activeConn} = activeConn
memberConnId :: GroupMember -> Maybe ConnId
memberConnId GroupMember {activeConn} = aConnId <$> activeConn
sameMemberId :: MemberId -> GroupMember -> Bool
sameMemberId memId GroupMember {memberId} = memId == memberId
memberChatVRange' :: GroupMember -> VersionRangeChat
memberChatVRange' GroupMember {activeConn, memberChatVRange} = case activeConn of
Just Connection {peerChatVRange} -> peerChatVRange
@ -839,7 +844,7 @@ data NewGroupMember = NewGroupMember
newtype MemberId = MemberId {unMemberId :: ByteString}
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (FromField)
instance ToField MemberId where toField (MemberId m) = toField $ Binary m
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.Char (isSpace, toUpper)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate, intersperse, partition, sortOn)
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
contactList :: [ContactRef] -> String
contactList cs = T.unpack . T.intercalate ", " $ map (\ContactRef {localDisplayName = n} -> "@" <> n) cs
unmuted :: User -> ChatInfo c -> ChatItem c d -> [StyledString] -> [StyledString]
unmuted u chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir} = unmuted' u chat chatDir $ isMention ci
unmuted u chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir} = unmuted' u chat chatDir $ isUserMention ci
unmutedReaction :: User -> ChatInfo c -> CIReaction c d -> [StyledString] -> [StyledString]
unmutedReaction u chat CIReaction {chatDir} = unmuted' u chat chatDir False
unmuted' :: User -> ChatInfo c -> CIDirection c d -> Bool -> [StyledString] -> [StyledString]
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ viewChats ts tz = concatMap chatPreview . reverse
_ -> []
viewChatItem :: forall c d. MsgDirectionI d => ChatInfo c -> ChatItem c d -> Bool -> CurrentTime -> TimeZone -> [StyledString]
viewChatItem chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = meta@CIMeta {itemForwarded, forwardedByMember}, content, quotedItem, file} doShow ts tz =
viewChatItem chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = meta@CIMeta {itemForwarded, forwardedByMember, userMention}, content, quotedItem, file} doShow ts tz =
withGroupMsgForwarded . withItemDeleted <$> viewCI
viewCI = case chat of
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ viewChatItem chat ci@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = meta@CIMeta {itemForwarded, forwa
CIRcvBlocked {} -> receivedWithTime_ ts tz (ttyFromGroup g m) context meta [plainContent content] False
_ -> showRcvItem from
from = ttyFromGroup g m
from = ttyFromGroupAttention g m userMention
context =
@ -2178,7 +2178,6 @@ viewChatError isCmd logLevel testView = \case
CEFileNotApproved fileId unknownSrvs -> ["file " <> sShow fileId <> " aborted, unknwon XFTP servers:"] <> map (plain . show) unknownSrvs
CEFallbackToSMPProhibited fileId -> ["recipient tried to accept file " <> sShow fileId <> " via old protocol, prohibited"]
CEInlineFileProhibited _ -> ["A small file sent without acceptance - you can enable receiving such files with -f option."]
CEInvalidQuote -> ["cannot reply to this message"]
CEInvalidForward -> ["cannot forward message(s)"]
CEInvalidChatItemUpdate -> ["cannot update this item"]
CEInvalidChatItemDelete -> ["cannot delete this item"]
@ -2373,7 +2372,10 @@ ttyFullGroup GroupInfo {localDisplayName = g, groupProfile = GroupProfile {fullN
ttyGroup g <> optFullName g fullName
ttyFromGroup :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> StyledString
ttyFromGroup g m = membershipIncognito g <> ttyFrom (fromGroup_ g m)
ttyFromGroup g m = ttyFromGroupAttention g m False
ttyFromGroupAttention :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Bool -> StyledString
ttyFromGroupAttention g m attention = membershipIncognito g <> ttyFrom (fromGroupAttention_ g m attention)
ttyFromGroupEdited :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> StyledString
ttyFromGroupEdited g m = membershipIncognito g <> ttyFrom (fromGroup_ g m <> "[edited] ")
@ -2383,7 +2385,12 @@ ttyFromGroupDeleted g m deletedText_ =
membershipIncognito g <> ttyFrom (fromGroup_ g m <> maybe "" (\t -> "[" <> t <> "] ") deletedText_)
fromGroup_ :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Text
fromGroup_ g m = "#" <> viewGroupName g <> " " <> viewMemberName m <> "> "
fromGroup_ g m = fromGroupAttention_ g m False
fromGroupAttention_ :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Bool -> Text
fromGroupAttention_ g m attention =
let attn = if attention then "!" else ""
in "#" <> viewGroupName g <> " " <> viewMemberName m <> attn <> "> "
ttyFrom :: Text -> StyledString
ttyFrom = styled $ colored Yellow
@ -2397,9 +2404,6 @@ ttyToGroup g = membershipIncognito g <> ttyTo ("#" <> viewGroupName g <> " ")
ttyToGroupEdited :: GroupInfo -> StyledString
ttyToGroupEdited g = membershipIncognito g <> ttyTo ("#" <> viewGroupName g <> " [edited] ")
viewName :: Text -> Text
viewName s = if T.any isSpace s then "'" <> s <> "'" else s
ttyFilePath :: FilePath -> StyledString
ttyFilePath = plain
@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ testMuteGroup =
cath <## " hello too!"
[ do
bob <# "#team cath> > bob hello <muted>"
bob <# "#team cath!> > bob hello <muted>"
bob <## " hello too! <muted>",
alice <# "#team cath> > bob hello"
@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ testMuteGroup =
alice <## " hey bob!"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> > bob hello"
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob hello"
bob <## " hey bob!",
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hello"
@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ testMuteGroup =
bob <# "#team alice> > cath hello too! <muted>"
bob <## " hey cath! <muted>",
cath <# "#team alice> > cath hello too!"
cath <# "#team alice!> > cath hello too!"
cath <## " hey cath!"
bob ##> "/gs"
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ testGroupSendImageWithTextAndQuote =
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> > bob hi team"
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob hi team"
bob <## " hey bob"
bob <# "#team alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <# "#team alice!> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it",
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hi team"
@ -15,14 +15,18 @@ import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Monad (forM_, void, when)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Messages (ChatItemId)
import Simplex.Chat.Library.Internal (uniqueMsgMentions, updatedMentionNames)
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown (parseMaybeMarkdownList)
import Simplex.Chat.Messages (CIMention (..), CIMentionMember (..), ChatItemId)
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (supportedChatVRange)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (VersionRangeChat)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgMention (..), MsgContent (..), msgContentText, supportedChatVRange)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (MemberId (..), VersionRangeChat)
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared (GroupMemberRole (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.RetryInterval
@ -186,6 +190,12 @@ chatGroupTests = do
it "mark member inactive on reaching quota" testGroupMemberInactive
describe "group member reports" $ do
it "should send report to group owner, admins and moderators, but not other users" testGroupMemberReports
describe "group member mentions" $ do
it "should send and edit messages with member mentions" testMemberMention
it "should forward and quote message updating mentioned member name" testForwardQuoteMention
it "should send updated mentions in history" testGroupHistoryWithMentions
describe "uniqueMsgMentions" testUniqueMsgMentions
describe "updatedMentionNames" testUpdatedMentionNames
_0 = supportedChatVRange -- don't create direct connections
_1 = groupCreateDirectVRange
@ -1044,7 +1054,7 @@ testGroupMessageQuotedReply =
bob <## " hello, all good, you?"
( do
alice <# "#team bob> > alice hello! how are you?"
alice <# "#team bob!> > alice hello! how are you?"
alice <## " hello, all good, you?"
( do
@ -1079,7 +1089,7 @@ testGroupMessageQuotedReply =
alice <## " hi there!"
( do
bob <# "#team cath> > bob hello, all good, you?"
bob <# "#team cath!> > bob hello, all good, you?"
bob <## " hi there!"
cath #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=1", chat', [((1, "hi there!"), Just (0, "hello, all good, you?"))])
@ -1090,7 +1100,7 @@ testGroupMessageQuotedReply =
alice <## " go on"
( do
bob <# "#team alice> > bob will tell more"
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob will tell more"
bob <## " go on"
( do
@ -1131,7 +1141,7 @@ testGroupMessageUpdate =
bob <## " hi alice"
( do
alice <# "#team bob> > alice hey 👋"
alice <# "#team bob!> > alice hey 👋"
alice <## " hi alice"
( do
@ -1158,7 +1168,7 @@ testGroupMessageUpdate =
cath <## " greetings!"
( do
alice <# "#team cath> > alice greetings 🤝"
alice <# "#team cath!> > alice greetings 🤝"
alice <## " greetings!"
( do
@ -1272,7 +1282,7 @@ testGroupMessageDelete =
bob <## " hi alic"
( do
alice <# "#team bob> > alice hello!"
alice <# "#team bob!> > alice hello!"
alice <## " hi alic"
( do
@ -5423,7 +5433,7 @@ testGroupHistoryQuotes =
alice `send` "> #team @bob (BOB) 2"
alice <# "#team > bob BOB"
alice <## " 2"
bob <# "#team alice> > bob BOB"
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob BOB"
bob <## " 2"
threadDelay 1000000
@ -5431,7 +5441,7 @@ testGroupHistoryQuotes =
bob `send` "> #team @alice (ALICE) 3"
bob <# "#team > alice ALICE"
bob <## " 3"
alice <# "#team bob> > alice ALICE"
alice <# "#team bob!> > alice ALICE"
alice <## " 3"
threadDelay 1000000
@ -6651,3 +6661,182 @@ testGroupMemberReports =
alice #$> ("/_get chat #1 content=report count=100", chat, [(0, "report content [marked deleted by you]")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat #1 content=report count=100", chat, [(0, "report content [marked deleted by alice]")])
dan #$> ("/_get chat #1 content=report count=100", chat, [(1, "report content [marked deleted by alice]")])
testMemberMention :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testMemberMention =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
alice #> "#team hello!"
[ bob <# "#team alice> hello!",
cath <# "#team alice> hello!"
bob #> "#team hello @alice"
[ alice <# "#team bob!> hello @alice",
cath <# "#team bob> hello @alice"
alice #> "#team hello @bob @bob @cath"
[ bob <# "#team alice!> hello @bob @bob @cath",
cath <# "#team alice!> hello @bob @bob @cath"
cath #> "#team hello @Alice" -- not a mention
[ alice <# "#team cath> hello @Alice",
bob <# "#team cath> hello @Alice"
cath ##> "! #team hello @alice @bob"
cath <# "#team [edited] hello @alice @bob"
[ alice <# "#team cath> [edited] hello @alice @bob",
bob <# "#team cath> [edited] hello @alice @bob"
testForwardQuoteMention :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testForwardQuoteMention =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
bob #> "#team hello @alice @cath"
[ alice <# "#team bob!> hello @alice @cath",
cath <# "#team bob!> hello @alice @cath"
-- quote mentions
alice `send` "> #team @bob (hello) hi there!"
alice <# "#team > bob hello @alice @cath"
alice <## " hi there!"
( do
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob hello @alice @cath"
bob <## " hi there!"
( do
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hello @alice @cath"
cath <## " hi there!"
-- forward mentions to the same group
alice `send` "#team <- #team hello"
alice <# "#team <- #team"
alice <## " hello @alice @cath"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> -> forwarded"
bob <## " hello @alice @cath",
cath <# "#team alice!> -> forwarded"
cath <## " hello @alice @cath"
-- forward mentions
alice `send` "@bob <- #team hello"
alice <# "@bob <- #team"
alice <## " hello @alice @cath"
bob <# "alice> -> forwarded"
bob <## " hello @alice @cath"
-- member renamed to duplicate name
cath ##> "/p alice_1"
cath <## "user profile is changed to alice_1 (your 1 contacts are notified)"
alice <## "contact cath changed to alice_1"
alice <## "use @alice_1 <message> to send messages"
-- mention changed in quoted mentions
alice `send` "> #team @bob (hello) hi there!"
alice <# "#team > bob hello @alice @alice_1"
alice <## " hi there!"
( do
bob <# "#team alice!> > bob hello @alice @alice_1"
bob <## " hi there!"
( do
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hello @alice @alice_1"
cath <## " hi there!"
-- mention changed in forwarded message
alice `send` "@bob <- #team hello"
alice <# "@bob <- #team"
alice <## " hello @alice @alice_1"
bob <# "alice> -> forwarded"
bob <## " hello @alice @alice_1"
testGroupHistoryWithMentions :: HasCallStack => TestParams -> IO ()
testGroupHistoryWithMentions =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup2 "team" alice bob
threadDelay 1000000
alice #> "#team hello @bob"
bob <# "#team alice!> hello @bob"
bob ##> "/p robert"
bob <## "user profile is changed to robert (your 1 contacts are notified)"
alice <## "contact bob changed to robert"
alice <## "use @robert <message> to send messages"
alice ##> "/create link #team"
gLink <- getGroupLink alice "team" GRMember True
cath ##> ("/c " <> gLink)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
alice <## "cath (Catherine): accepting request to join group #team..."
[ alice <## "#team: cath joined the group",
<### [ "#team: joining the group...",
"#team: you joined the group",
WithTime "#team alice> hello @robert [>>]",
"#team: member robert is connected"
bob <## "#team: alice added cath (Catherine) to the group (connecting...)"
bob <## "#team: new member cath is connected"
testUniqueMsgMentions :: SpecWith TestParams
testUniqueMsgMentions = do
it "1 correct mention" $ \_ ->
uniqueMsgMentions 2 (mm [("alice", "abcd")]) ["alice"]
`shouldBe` (mm [("alice", "abcd")])
it "2 correct mentions" $ \_ ->
uniqueMsgMentions 2 (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh")]) ["alice", "bob"]
`shouldBe` (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh")])
it "2 correct mentions with repetition" $ \_ ->
uniqueMsgMentions 2 (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh")]) ["alice", "alice", "alice", "bob", "bob", "bob"]
`shouldBe` (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh")])
it "too many mentions - drop extras" $ \_ ->
uniqueMsgMentions 3 (mm [("a", "abcd"), ("b", "efgh"), ("c", "1234"), ("d", "5678")]) ["a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c", "d"]
`shouldBe` (mm [("a", "abcd"), ("b", "efgh"), ("c", "1234")])
it "repeated-with-different name - drop extras" $ \_ ->
uniqueMsgMentions 2 (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("alice2", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh"), ("bob2", "efgh")]) ["alice", "alice2", "bob", "bob2"]
`shouldBe` (mm [("alice", "abcd"), ("bob", "efgh")])
mm = M.fromList . map (second $ MsgMention . MemberId)
testUpdatedMentionNames :: SpecWith TestParams
testUpdatedMentionNames = do
it "keep mentions" $ \_ -> do
test (mm [("alice", Just "alice"), ("bob", Nothing)]) "hello @alice @bob"
`shouldBe` "hello @alice @bob"
test (mm [("alice_1", Just "alice"), ("alice", Just "alice")]) "hello @alice @alice_1"
`shouldBe` "hello @alice @alice_1"
it "keep non-mentions" $ \_ -> do
test (mm []) "hello @alice @bob"
`shouldBe` "hello @alice @bob"
test (mm [("alice", Just "alice")]) "hello @alice @bob"
`shouldBe` "hello @alice @bob"
it "replace changed names" $ \_ -> do
test (mm [("alice", Just "Alice Jones"), ("bob", Just "robert")]) "hello @alice @bob"
`shouldBe` "hello @'Alice Jones' @robert"
test (mm [("alice", Just "alice"), ("cath", Just "alice")]) "hello @alice @cath"
`shouldBe` "hello @alice @alice_1"
test mentions t =
let (mc', _, _) = updatedMentionNames (MCText t) (parseMaybeMarkdownList t) mentions
in msgContentText mc'
mm = M.fromList . map (second mentionedMember)
mentionedMember name_ = CIMention {memberId = MemberId "abcd", memberRef = memberInfo <$> name_}
memberInfo name = CIMentionMember {groupMemberId = 1, displayName = name, localAlias = Nothing, memberRole = GRMember}
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module MarkdownTests where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown
import System.Console.ANSI.Types
import Test.Hspec
@ -19,81 +20,102 @@ markdownTests = do
infixr 1 ==>, <==, <==>, ==>>, <<==, <<==>>
(==>) :: Text -> Markdown -> Expectation
s ==> m = parseMarkdown s `shouldBe` m
(<==) :: Text -> Markdown -> Expectation
s <== m = s <<== markdownToList m
(<==>) :: Text -> Markdown -> Expectation
s <==> m = (s ==> m) >> (s <== m)
(==>>) :: Text -> MarkdownList -> Expectation
s ==>> ft = parseMaybeMarkdownList s `shouldBe` Just ft
(<<==) :: Text -> MarkdownList -> Expectation
s <<== ft = T.concat (map markdownText ft) `shouldBe` s
(<<==>>) :: Text -> MarkdownList -> Expectation
s <<==>> ft = (s ==>> ft) >> (s <<== ft)
textFormat :: Spec
textFormat = describe "text format (bold)" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is *bold formatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "*bold formatted* text"
`shouldBe` markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is *bold*"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold"
parseMarkdown " *bold* text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " *bold* text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is *bold* "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is *bold* "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
"this is *bold formatted* text"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
"*bold formatted* text"
<==> markdown Bold "bold formatted" <> " text"
"this is *bold*"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold"
" *bold* text"
<==> " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
" *bold* text"
<==> " " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " text"
"this is *bold* "
<==> "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
"this is *bold* "
<==> "this is " <> markdown Bold "bold" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is * unformatted * text"
`shouldBe` "this is * unformatted * text"
parseMarkdown "this is *unformatted * text"
`shouldBe` "this is *unformatted * text"
parseMarkdown "this is * unformatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is * unformatted* text"
parseMarkdown "this is **unformatted** text"
`shouldBe` "this is **unformatted** text"
parseMarkdown "this is*unformatted* text"
`shouldBe` "this is*unformatted* text"
parseMarkdown "this is *unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is *unformatted text"
"this is * unformatted * text"
<==> "this is * unformatted * text"
"this is *unformatted * text"
<==> "this is *unformatted * text"
"this is * unformatted* text"
<==> "this is * unformatted* text"
"this is **unformatted** text"
<==> "this is **unformatted** text"
"this is*unformatted* text"
<==> "this is*unformatted* text"
"this is *unformatted text"
<==> "this is *unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is *long _bold_ (not italic)* text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Bold "long _bold_ (not italic)" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is *bold text*`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is *bold text*"
"this is *long _bold_ (not italic)* text"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Bold "long _bold_ (not italic)" <> " text"
"snippet: `this is *bold text*`"
<==> "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is *bold text*"
secretText :: Spec
secretText = describe "secret text" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is #black_secret# text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "black_secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "##black_secret### text"
`shouldBe` markdown Secret "#black_secret##" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #black secret# text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "black secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "##black secret### text"
`shouldBe` markdown Secret "#black secret##" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #secret#"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret"
parseMarkdown " #secret# text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " #secret# text"
`shouldBe` " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is #secret# "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is #secret# "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
"this is #black_secret# text"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Secret "black_secret" <> " text"
"##black_secret### text"
<==> markdown Secret "#black_secret##" <> " text"
"this is #black secret# text"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Secret "black secret" <> " text"
"##black secret### text"
<==> markdown Secret "#black secret##" <> " text"
"this is #secret#"
<==> "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret"
" #secret# text"
<==> " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
" #secret# text"
<==> " " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " text"
"this is #secret# "
<==> "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
"this is #secret# "
<==> "this is " <> markdown Secret "secret" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is # unformatted # text"
`shouldBe` "this is # unformatted # text"
parseMarkdown "this is #unformatted # text"
`shouldBe` "this is #unformatted # text"
parseMarkdown "this is # unformatted# text"
`shouldBe` "this is # unformatted# text"
parseMarkdown "this is ## unformatted ## text"
`shouldBe` "this is ## unformatted ## text"
parseMarkdown "this is#unformatted# text"
`shouldBe` "this is#unformatted# text"
parseMarkdown "this is #unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is #unformatted text"
"this is # unformatted # text"
<==> "this is # unformatted # text"
"this is #unformatted # text"
<==> "this is #unformatted # text"
"this is # unformatted# text"
<==> "this is # unformatted# text"
"this is ## unformatted ## text"
<==> "this is ## unformatted ## text"
"this is#unformatted# text"
<==> "this is#unformatted# text"
"this is #unformatted text"
<==> "this is #unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is #secret_text#`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is #secret_text#"
"snippet: `this is #secret_text#`"
<==> "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is #secret_text#"
red :: Text -> Markdown
red = markdown (colored Red)
@ -101,38 +123,38 @@ red = markdown (colored Red)
textColor :: Spec
textColor = describe "text color (red)" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red color! text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red color" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "!1 red! text"
`shouldBe` red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red!"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red"
parseMarkdown " !1 red! text"
`shouldBe` " " <> red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown " !1 red! text"
`shouldBe` " " <> red "red" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red! "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
parseMarkdown "this is !1 red! "
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
"this is !1 red color! text"
<==> "this is " <> red "red color" <> " text"
"!1 red! text"
<==> red "red" <> " text"
"this is !1 red!"
<==> "this is " <> red "red"
" !1 red! text"
<==> " " <> red "red" <> " text"
" !1 red! text"
<==> " " <> red "red" <> " text"
"this is !1 red! "
<==> "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
"this is !1 red! "
<==> "this is " <> red "red" <> " "
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted! text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted! text"
-- parseMarkdown "this is !!1 unformatted!! text"
-- `shouldBe` "this is " <> "!!1" <> "unformatted!! text"
parseMarkdown "this is!1 unformatted! text"
`shouldBe` "this is!1 unformatted! text"
parseMarkdown "this is !1 unformatted text"
`shouldBe` "this is !1 unformatted text"
"this is !1 unformatted ! text"
<==> "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
"this is !1 unformatted ! text"
<==> "this is !1 unformatted ! text"
"this is !1 unformatted! text"
<==> "this is !1 unformatted! text"
-- "this is !!1 unformatted!! text"
-- <==> "this is " <> "!!1" <> "unformatted!! text"
"this is!1 unformatted! text"
<==> "this is!1 unformatted! text"
"this is !1 unformatted text"
<==> "this is !1 unformatted text"
it "ignored internal markdown" do
parseMarkdown "this is !1 long *red* (not bold)! text"
`shouldBe` "this is " <> red "long *red* (not bold)" <> " text"
parseMarkdown "snippet: `this is !1 red text!`"
`shouldBe` "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is !1 red text!"
"this is !1 long *red* (not bold)! text"
<==> "this is " <> red "long *red* (not bold)" <> " text"
"snippet: `this is !1 red text!`"
<==> "snippet: " <> markdown Snippet "this is !1 red text!"
uri :: Text -> Markdown
uri = Markdown $ Just Uri
@ -143,29 +165,31 @@ simplexLink linkType simplexUri smpHosts = Markdown $ Just SimplexLink {linkType
textWithUri :: Spec
textWithUri = describe "text with Uri" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "https://simplex.chat" `shouldBe` uri "https://simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "https://simplex.chat." `shouldBe` uri "https://simplex.chat" <> "."
parseMarkdown "https://simplex.chat, hello" `shouldBe` uri "https://simplex.chat" <> ", hello"
parseMarkdown "http://simplex.chat" `shouldBe` uri "http://simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "this is https://simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "this is " <> uri "https://simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "https://simplex.chat site" `shouldBe` uri "https://simplex.chat" <> " site"
parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub: https://github.com/simplex-chat/" `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/"
parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub: https://github.com/simplex-chat." `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat" <> "."
parseMarkdown "https://github.com/simplex-chat/ - SimpleX on GitHub" `shouldBe` uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/" <> " - SimpleX on GitHub"
-- parseMarkdown "SimpleX on GitHub (https://github.com/simplex-chat/)" `shouldBe` "SimpleX on GitHub (" <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/" <> ")"
parseMarkdown "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_(software)" `shouldBe` uri "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_(software)"
"https://simplex.chat" <==> uri "https://simplex.chat"
"https://simplex.chat." <==> uri "https://simplex.chat" <> "."
"https://simplex.chat, hello" <==> uri "https://simplex.chat" <> ", hello"
"http://simplex.chat" <==> uri "http://simplex.chat"
"this is https://simplex.chat" <==> "this is " <> uri "https://simplex.chat"
"https://simplex.chat site" <==> uri "https://simplex.chat" <> " site"
"SimpleX on GitHub: https://github.com/simplex-chat/" <==> "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/"
"SimpleX on GitHub: https://github.com/simplex-chat." <==> "SimpleX on GitHub: " <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat" <> "."
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/ - SimpleX on GitHub" <==> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/" <> " - SimpleX on GitHub"
-- "SimpleX on GitHub (https://github.com/simplex-chat/)" <==> "SimpleX on GitHub (" <> uri "https://github.com/simplex-chat/" <> ")"
"https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_(software)" <==> uri "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Servo_(software)"
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "_https://simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "_https://simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "this is _https://simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "this is _https://simplex.chat"
"_https://simplex.chat" <==> "_https://simplex.chat"
"this is _https://simplex.chat" <==> "this is _https://simplex.chat"
it "SimpleX links" do
let inv = "/invitation#/?v=1&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1234-w%3D%3D%40smp.simplex.im%3A5223%2F3456-w%3D%3D%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O_NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o%253D&e2e=v%3D2%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D"
parseMarkdown ("https://simplex.chat" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> inv)
parseMarkdown ("simplex:" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("simplex:" <> inv)
parseMarkdown ("https://example.com" <> inv) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://example.com" <> inv)
("https://simplex.chat" <> inv) <==> simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> inv)
("simplex:" <> inv) <==> simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("simplex:" <> inv)
("https://example.com" <> inv) <==> simplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://example.com" <> inv)
let ct = "/contact#/?v=2&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1234-w%3D%3D%40smp.simplex.im%3A5223%2F3456-w%3D%3D%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O_NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o%253D"
parseMarkdown ("https://simplex.chat" <> ct) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLContact ("simplex:" <> ct) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> ct)
("https://simplex.chat" <> ct) <==> simplexLink XLContact ("simplex:" <> ct) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> ct)
("simplex:" <> ct) <==> simplexLink XLContact ("simplex:" <> ct) ["smp.simplex.im"] ("simplex:" <> ct)
let gr = "/contact#/?v=2&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2FWHV0YU1sYlU7NqiEHkHDB6gxO1ofTync%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAWbebOqVYuBXaiqHcXYjEHCpYi6VzDlu6CVaijDTmsQU%253D%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22mL-7Divb94GGmGmRBef5Dg%3D%3D%22%7D"
parseMarkdown ("https://simplex.chat" <> gr) `shouldBe` simplexLink XLGroup ("simplex:" <> gr) ["smp4.simplex.im", "o5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> gr)
("https://simplex.chat" <> gr) <==> simplexLink XLGroup ("simplex:" <> gr) ["smp4.simplex.im", "o5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion"] ("https://simplex.chat" <> gr)
("simplex:" <> gr) <==> simplexLink XLGroup ("simplex:" <> gr) ["smp4.simplex.im", "o5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion"] ("simplex:" <> gr)
email :: Text -> Markdown
email = Markdown $ Just Email
@ -173,15 +197,17 @@ email = Markdown $ Just Email
textWithEmail :: Spec
textWithEmail = describe "text with Email" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "chat@simplex.chat" `shouldBe` email "chat@simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "test chat@simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "test " <> email "chat@simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "test chat+123@simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "test " <> email "chat+123@simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "test chat.chat+123@simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "test " <> email "chat.chat+123@simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "chat@simplex.chat test" `shouldBe` email "chat@simplex.chat" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test1 chat@simplex.chat test2" `shouldBe` "test1 " <> email "chat@simplex.chat" <> " test2"
"chat@simplex.chat" <==> email "chat@simplex.chat"
"test chat@simplex.chat" <==> "test " <> email "chat@simplex.chat"
"test chat+123@simplex.chat" <==> "test " <> email "chat+123@simplex.chat"
"test chat.chat+123@simplex.chat" <==> "test " <> email "chat.chat+123@simplex.chat"
"chat@simplex.chat test" <==> email "chat@simplex.chat" <> " test"
"test1 chat@simplex.chat test2" <==> "test1 " <> email "chat@simplex.chat" <> " test2"
it "ignored as markdown" do
parseMarkdown "chat @simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "chat @simplex.chat"
parseMarkdown "this is chat @simplex.chat" `shouldBe` "this is chat @simplex.chat"
"chat @simplex.chat" <==> "chat " <> mention "simplex.chat" "@simplex.chat"
"this is chat @simplex.chat" <==> "this is chat " <> mention "simplex.chat" "@simplex.chat"
"this is chat@ simplex.chat" <==> "this is chat@ simplex.chat"
"this is chat @ simplex.chat" <==> "this is chat @ simplex.chat"
phone :: Text -> Markdown
phone = Markdown $ Just Phone
@ -189,20 +215,35 @@ phone = Markdown $ Just Phone
textWithPhone :: Spec
textWithPhone = describe "text with Phone" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMarkdown "07777777777" `shouldBe` phone "07777777777"
parseMarkdown "test 07777777777" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "07777777777"
parseMarkdown "07777777777 test" `shouldBe` phone "07777777777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test1 07777777777 test2" `shouldBe` "test1 " <> phone "07777777777" <> " test2"
parseMarkdown "test 07777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "07777 777 777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +447777777777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+447777777777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44 (0) 7777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777 777 777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44-7777-777-777 test" `shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44-7777-777-777" <> " test"
parseMarkdown "test +44 (0) 7777.777.777 https://simplex.chat test"
`shouldBe` "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777.777.777" <> " " <> uri "https://simplex.chat" <> " test"
"07777777777" <==> phone "07777777777"
"test 07777777777" <==> "test " <> phone "07777777777"
"07777777777 test" <==> phone "07777777777" <> " test"
"test1 07777777777 test2" <==> "test1 " <> phone "07777777777" <> " test2"
"test 07777 777 777 test" <==> "test " <> phone "07777 777 777" <> " test"
"test +447777777777 test" <==> "test " <> phone "+447777777777" <> " test"
"test +44 (0) 7777 777 777 test" <==> "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777 777 777" <> " test"
"test +44-7777-777-777 test" <==> "test " <> phone "+44-7777-777-777" <> " test"
"test +44 (0) 7777.777.777 https://simplex.chat test"
<==> "test " <> phone "+44 (0) 7777.777.777" <> " " <> uri "https://simplex.chat" <> " test"
it "ignored as markdown (too short)" $
parseMarkdown "test 077777 test" `shouldBe` "test 077777 test"
"test 077777 test" <==> "test 077777 test"
it "ignored as markdown (double spaces)" $
parseMarkdown "test 07777 777 777 test" `shouldBe` "test 07777 777 777 test"
"test 07777 777 777 test" <==> "test 07777 777 777 test"
mention :: Text -> Text -> Markdown
mention = Markdown . Just . Mention
textWithMentions :: Spec
textWithMentions = describe "text with mentions" do
it "correct markdown" do
"@alice" <==> mention "alice" "@alice"
"hello @alice" <==> "hello " <> mention "alice" "@alice"
"hello @alice !" <==> "hello " <> mention "alice" "@alice" <> " !"
"@'alice jones'" <==> mention "alice jones" "@'alice jones'"
"hello @'alice jones'!" <==> "hello " <> mention "alice jones" "@'alice jones'" <> "!"
it "ignored as markdown" $ do
"hello @'alice jones!" <==> "hello @'alice jones!"
"hello @ alice!" <==> "hello @ alice!"
uri' :: Text -> FormattedText
uri' = FormattedText $ Just Uri
@ -210,15 +251,15 @@ uri' = FormattedText $ Just Uri
multilineMarkdownList :: Spec
multilineMarkdownList = describe "multiline markdown" do
it "correct markdown" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "http://simplex.chat\nhttp://app.simplex.chat" `shouldBe` Just [uri' "http://simplex.chat", "\n", uri' "http://app.simplex.chat"]
"http://simplex.chat\nhttp://app.simplex.chat" <<==>> [uri' "http://simplex.chat", "\n", uri' "http://app.simplex.chat"]
it "combines the same formats" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "http://simplex.chat\ntext 1\ntext 2\nhttp://app.simplex.chat" `shouldBe` Just [uri' "http://simplex.chat", "\ntext 1\ntext 2\n", uri' "http://app.simplex.chat"]
"http://simplex.chat\ntext 1\ntext 2\nhttp://app.simplex.chat" <<==>> [uri' "http://simplex.chat", "\ntext 1\ntext 2\n", uri' "http://app.simplex.chat"]
it "no markdown" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList "not a\nmarkdown" `shouldBe` Nothing
let inv = "/invitation#/?v=1&smp=smp%3A%2F%2F1234-w%3D%3D%40smp.simplex.im%3A5223%2F3456-w%3D%3D%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAjiswwI3O_NlS8Fk3HJUW870EY2bAwmttMBsvRB9eV3o%253D&e2e=v%3D2%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAmKuSYeQ_m0SixPDS8Wq8VBaTS1cW-Lp0n0h4Diu-kUpR-qXx4SDJ32YGEFoGFGSbGPry5Ychr6U%3D"
it "multiline with simplex link" do
parseMaybeMarkdownList ("https://simplex.chat" <> inv <> "\ntext")
`shouldBe` Just
("https://simplex.chat" <> inv <> "\ntext")
[ FormattedText (Just $ SimplexLink XLInvitation ("simplex:" <> inv) ["smp.simplex.im"]) ("https://simplex.chat" <> inv),
@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple text - timed message TTL" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple text - live message" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
it "x.msg.new simple link" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"https://simplex.chat\",\"type\":\"link\",\"preview\":{\"description\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"image\":\"\",\"title\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"uri\":\"https://simplex.chat\"}}}}"
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCLink "https://simplex.chat" $ LinkPreview {uri = "https://simplex.chat", title = "SimpleX Chat", description = "SimpleX Chat", image = ImageData "", content = Nothing}) Nothing))
@ -146,22 +146,22 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing)))
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing)))
it "x.msg.new quote - live message" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}},\"live\":true}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") Nothing Nothing (Just True))))
(XMsgNew (MCQuote quotedMsg (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello to you too") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True))))
it "x.msg.new forward" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new forward - timed message TTL" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing (Just 3600) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new forward - live message" $
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing (Just True)))
it "x.msg.new simple text with file" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})))
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
##==## ChatMessage chatInitialVRange (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (extMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileDigest = Nothing, fileConnReq = Nothing, fileInline = Nothing, fileDescr = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.update" $
"{\"v\":\"1\",\"event\":\"x.msg.update\",\"params\":{\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\", \"content\":{\"text\":\"hello\",\"type\":\"text\"}}}"
#==# XMsgUpdate (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (MCText "hello") Nothing Nothing
#==# XMsgUpdate (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (MCText "hello") [] Nothing Nothing
it "x.msg.del" $
#==# XMsgDel (SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") Nothing
@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ saveQueryPlans = it "verify and overwrite query plans" $ \TestParams {chatQueryS
(createAgentStore (DBOpts testAgentDB "" False True TQOff) MCError)
(const $ pure ())
chatSavedPlans' `shouldBe` chatSavedPlans
agentSavedPlans' `shouldBe` agentSavedPlans
chatSavedPlans' == chatSavedPlans `shouldBe` True
agentSavedPlans' == agentSavedPlans `shouldBe` True
removeFile testDB
removeFile testAgentDB
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ testMkValidName = do
mkValidName "J . . Doe" `shouldBe` "J . Doe"
mkValidName "@alice" `shouldBe` "alice"
mkValidName "#alice" `shouldBe` "alice"
mkValidName "'alice" `shouldBe` "alice"
mkValidName " alice" `shouldBe` "alice"
mkValidName "alice " `shouldBe` "alice"
mkValidName "John Doe" `shouldBe` "John Doe"
Add table
Reference in a new issue