mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
directory service: list pending groups (#5029)
* directory service: list pending groups * user commands to remove a group from directory and to set initial member role (TODO tests) * tests
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 150 additions and 30 deletions
@ -106,11 +106,13 @@ data DirectoryCmdTag (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCListUserGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCSetRole_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCRejectGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCSuspendGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCResumeGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCListLastGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCListPendingGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCExecuteCommand_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
deriving instance Show (DirectoryCmdTag r)
@ -127,11 +129,13 @@ data DirectoryCmd (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup :: UserGroupRegId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCListUserGroups :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup :: UserGroupRegId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSetRole :: GroupId -> GroupName -> GroupMemberRole -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup :: {groupId :: GroupId, displayName :: GroupName, groupApprovalId :: GroupApprovalId} -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCRejectGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCSuspendGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCResumeGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCListLastGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCListPendingGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCExecuteCommand :: String -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCUnknownCommand :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCCommandError :: DirectoryCmdTag r -> DirectoryCmd r
@ -163,11 +167,13 @@ directoryCmdP =
"list" -> u DCListUserGroups_
"ls" -> u DCListUserGroups_
"delete" -> u DCDeleteGroup_
"role" -> u DCSetRole_
"approve" -> su DCApproveGroup_
"reject" -> su DCRejectGroup_
"suspend" -> su DCSuspendGroup_
"resume" -> su DCResumeGroup_
"last" -> su DCListLastGroups_
"pending" -> su DCListPendingGroups_
"exec" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
"x" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
_ -> fail "bad command tag"
@ -184,14 +190,19 @@ directoryCmdP =
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup_ -> gc DCConfirmDuplicateGroup
DCListUserGroups_ -> pure DCListUserGroups
DCDeleteGroup_ -> gc DCDeleteGroup
DCSetRole_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
memberRole <- A.space *> ("member" $> GRMember <|> "observer" $> GRObserver)
pure $ DCSetRole groupId displayName memberRole
DCApproveGroup_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
groupApprovalId <- A.space *> A.decimal
pure $ DCApproveGroup {groupId, displayName, groupApprovalId}
pure DCApproveGroup {groupId, displayName, groupApprovalId}
DCRejectGroup_ -> gc DCRejectGroup
DCSuspendGroup_ -> gc DCSuspendGroup
DCResumeGroup_ -> gc DCResumeGroup
DCListLastGroups_ -> DCListLastGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCListPendingGroups_ -> DCListPendingGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCExecuteCommand_ -> DCExecuteCommand . T.unpack <$> (A.space *> A.takeText)
gc f = f <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <* A.char ':') <*> displayNameP
@ -214,13 +225,15 @@ directoryCmdTag = \case
DCRecentGroups -> "new"
DCSubmitGroup _ -> "submit"
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup {} -> "confirm"
DCListUserGroups -> "list"
DCListUserGroups -> "list"
DCDeleteGroup {} -> "delete"
DCApproveGroup {} -> "approve"
DCSetRole {} -> "role"
DCRejectGroup {} -> "reject"
DCSuspendGroup {} -> "suspend"
DCResumeGroup {} -> "resume"
DCListLastGroups _ -> "last"
DCListPendingGroups _ -> "pending"
DCExecuteCommand _ -> "exec"
DCUnknownCommand -> "unknown"
DCCommandError _ -> "error"
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Directory.Events
@ -447,30 +448,43 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
DCRecentGroups -> withFoundListedGroups Nothing $ sendAllGroups takeRecent "the most recent" STRecent
DCSubmitGroup _link -> pure ()
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup ugrId gName ->
atomically (getUserGroupReg st (contactId' ct) ugrId) >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Just GroupReg {dbGroupId, groupRegStatus} -> do
getGroup cc dbGroupId >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Just g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}}
| displayName == gName ->
readTVarIO groupRegStatus >>= \case
GRSPendingConfirmation -> do
getDuplicateGroup g >>= \case
Nothing -> sendMessage cc ct "Error: getDuplicateGroup. Please notify the developers."
Just DGReserved -> sendMessage cc ct $ groupAlreadyListed g
_ -> processInvitation ct g
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group ID " <> show ugrId <> " (" <> T.unpack displayName <> ") is not pending confirmation."
| otherwise -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " has the display name " <> T.unpack displayName
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \gr g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSPendingConfirmation ->
getDuplicateGroup g >>= \case
Nothing -> sendMessage cc ct "Error: getDuplicateGroup. Please notify the developers."
Just DGReserved -> sendMessage cc ct $ groupAlreadyListed g
_ -> processInvitation ct g
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group ID " <> show ugrId <> " (" <> T.unpack displayName <> ") is not pending confirmation."
DCListUserGroups ->
atomically (getUserGroupRegs st $ contactId' ct) >>= \grs -> do
sendReply $ show (length grs) <> " registered group(s)"
void . forkIO $ forM_ (reverse grs) $ \gr@GroupReg {userGroupRegId} ->
sendGroupInfo ct gr userGroupRegId Nothing
DCDeleteGroup _ugrId _gName -> pure ()
DCDeleteGroup ugrId gName ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \gr GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} -> do
delGroupReg st gr
sendReply $ T.unpack $ "Your group " <> displayName <> " is deleted from the directory"
DCSetRole ugrId gName mRole ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \_gr GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} -> do
gLink_ <- setGroupLinkRole cc groupId mRole
sendReply $ T.unpack $ case gLink_ of
Nothing -> "Error: the initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " was NOT upgated"
Just gLink ->
("The initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " is set to *" <> decodeLatin1 (strEncode mRole) <> "*\n\n")
<> ("*Please note*: it applies only to members joining via this link: " <> safeDecodeUtf8 (strEncode $ simplexChatContact gLink))
DCUnknownCommand -> sendReply "Unknown command"
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> show tag
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName action =
atomically (getUserGroupReg st (contactId' ct) ugrId) >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Just gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId} -> do
getGroup cc dbGroupId >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Just g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}}
| displayName == gName -> action gr g
| otherwise -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " has the display name " <> T.unpack displayName
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just ciId) . textMsgContent
withFoundListedGroups s_ action =
getGroups_ s_ >>= \case
@ -576,13 +590,8 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
notifyOwner gr $ "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr gName <> " is listed in the directory again!"
sendReply "Group listing resumed!"
_ -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is not suspended, can't be resumed."
DCListLastGroups count ->
readTVarIO (groupRegs st) >>= \grs -> do
sendReply $ show (length grs) <> " registered group(s)" <> (if length grs > count then ", showing the last " <> show count else "")
void . forkIO $ forM_ (reverse $ take count grs) $ \gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId, dbContactId} -> do
ct_ <- getContact cc dbContactId
let ownerStr = "Owner: " <> maybe "getContact error" localDisplayName' ct_
sendGroupInfo ct gr dbGroupId $ Just ownerStr
DCListLastGroups count -> listGroups count False
DCListPendingGroups count -> listGroups count True
DCExecuteCommand cmdStr ->
sendChatCmdStr cc cmdStr >>= \r -> do
ts <- getCurrentTime
@ -593,6 +602,17 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
superUser = KnownContact {contactId = contactId' ct, localDisplayName = localDisplayName' ct}
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just ciId) . textMsgContent
listGroups count pending =
readTVarIO (groupRegs st) >>= \groups -> do
grs <-
if pending
then filterM (fmap pendingApproval . readTVarIO . groupRegStatus) groups
else pure groups
sendReply $ show (length grs) <> " registered group(s)" <> (if length grs > count then ", showing the last " <> show count else "")
void . forkIO $ forM_ (reverse $ take count grs) $ \gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId, dbContactId} -> do
ct_ <- getContact cc dbContactId
let ownerStr = "Owner: " <> maybe "getContact error" localDisplayName' ct_
sendGroupInfo ct gr dbGroupId $ Just ownerStr
getGroupAndReg :: GroupId -> GroupName -> IO (Maybe (GroupInfo, GroupReg))
getGroupAndReg gId gName =
@ -641,5 +661,12 @@ getGroupAndSummary cc gId = resp <$> sendChatCmd cc (APIGroupInfo gId)
CRGroupInfo {groupInfo, groupSummary} -> Just (groupInfo, groupSummary)
_ -> Nothing
setGroupLinkRole :: ChatController -> GroupId -> GroupMemberRole -> IO (Maybe ConnReqContact)
setGroupLinkRole cc gId mRole = resp <$> sendChatCmd cc (APIGroupLinkMemberRole gId mRole)
resp = \case
CRGroupLink _ _ gLink _ -> Just gLink
_ -> Nothing
unexpectedError :: String -> String
unexpectedError err = "Unexpected error: " <> err <> ", please notify the developers."
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Directory.Store
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ module Directory.Store
@ -79,6 +81,11 @@ data GroupRegStatus
| GRSSuspendedBadRoles
| GRSRemoved
pendingApproval :: GroupRegStatus -> Bool
pendingApproval = \case
GRSPendingApproval _ -> True
_ -> False
data DirectoryStatus = DSListed | DSReserved | DSRegistered
groupRegStatusText :: GroupRegStatus -> Text
@ -118,6 +125,12 @@ addGroupReg st ct GroupInfo {groupId} grStatus = do
| dbContactId == ctId && userGroupRegId > mx = userGroupRegId
| otherwise = mx
delGroupReg :: DirectoryStore -> GroupReg -> IO ()
delGroupReg st GroupReg {dbGroupId = gId} = do
logGDelete st gId
atomically $ unlistGroup st gId
atomically $ modifyTVar' (groupRegs st) $ filter ((gId ==) . dbGroupId)
setGroupStatus :: DirectoryStore -> GroupReg -> GroupRegStatus -> IO ()
setGroupStatus st gr grStatus = do
logGUpdateStatus st (dbGroupId gr) grStatus
@ -167,10 +180,15 @@ unlistGroup st gId = do
data DirectoryLogRecord
= GRCreate GroupRegData
| GRDelete GroupId
| GRUpdateStatus GroupId GroupRegStatus
| GRUpdateOwner GroupId GroupMemberId
data DLRTag = GRCreate_ | GRUpdateStatus_ | GRUpdateOwner_
data DLRTag
= GRCreate_
| GRDelete_
| GRUpdateStatus_
| GRUpdateOwner_
logDLR :: DirectoryStore -> DirectoryLogRecord -> IO ()
logDLR st r = forM_ (directoryLogFile st) $ \h -> B.hPutStrLn h (strEncode r)
@ -178,6 +196,9 @@ logDLR st r = forM_ (directoryLogFile st) $ \h -> B.hPutStrLn h (strEncode r)
logGCreate :: DirectoryStore -> GroupRegData -> IO ()
logGCreate st = logDLR st . GRCreate
logGDelete :: DirectoryStore -> GroupId -> IO ()
logGDelete st = logDLR st . GRDelete
logGUpdateStatus :: DirectoryStore -> GroupId -> GroupRegStatus -> IO ()
logGUpdateStatus st = logDLR st .: GRUpdateStatus
@ -187,11 +208,13 @@ logGUpdateOwner st = logDLR st .: GRUpdateOwner
instance StrEncoding DLRTag where
strEncode = \case
GRCreate_ -> "GCREATE"
GRDelete_ -> "GDELETE"
GRUpdateStatus_ -> "GSTATUS"
GRUpdateOwner_ -> "GOWNER"
strP =
A.takeTill (== ' ') >>= \case
"GCREATE" -> pure GRCreate_
"GDELETE" -> pure GRDelete_
"GSTATUS" -> pure GRUpdateStatus_
"GOWNER" -> pure GRUpdateOwner_
_ -> fail "invalid DLRTag"
@ -199,13 +222,15 @@ instance StrEncoding DLRTag where
instance StrEncoding DirectoryLogRecord where
strEncode = \case
GRCreate gr -> strEncode (GRCreate_, gr)
GRDelete gId -> strEncode (GRDelete_, gId)
GRUpdateStatus gId grStatus -> strEncode (GRUpdateStatus_, gId, grStatus)
GRUpdateOwner gId grOwnerId -> strEncode (GRUpdateOwner_, gId, grOwnerId)
strP =
strP >>= \case
GRCreate_ -> GRCreate <$> (A.space *> strP)
GRUpdateStatus_ -> GRUpdateStatus <$> (A.space *> A.decimal) <*> (A.space *> strP)
GRUpdateOwner_ -> GRUpdateOwner <$> (A.space *> A.decimal) <*> (A.space *> A.decimal)
strP_ >>= \case
GRCreate_ -> GRCreate <$> strP
GRDelete_ -> GRDelete <$> strP
GRUpdateStatus_ -> GRUpdateStatus <$> A.decimal <*> _strP
GRUpdateOwner_ -> GRUpdateOwner <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal
instance StrEncoding GroupRegData where
strEncode GroupRegData {dbGroupId_, userGroupRegId_, dbContactId_, dbOwnerMemberId_, groupRegStatus_} =
@ -314,6 +339,9 @@ readDirectoryData f =
putStrLn $
"Warning: duplicate group with ID " <> show gId <> ", group replaced."
pure $ M.insert gId gr m
GRDelete gId -> case M.lookup gId m of
Just _ -> pure $ M.delete gId m
Nothing -> m <$ putStrLn ("Warning: no group with ID " <> show gId <> ", deletion ignored.")
GRUpdateStatus gId groupRegStatus_ -> case M.lookup gId m of
Just gr -> pure $ M.insert gId gr {groupRegStatus_} m
Nothing -> m <$ putStrLn ("Warning: no group with ID " <> show gId <> ", status update ignored.")
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ directoryServiceTests :: SpecWith FilePath
directoryServiceTests = do
it "should register group" testDirectoryService
it "should suspend and resume group" testSuspendResume
it "should delete group registration" testDeleteGroup
it "should change initial member role" testSetRole
it "should join found group via link" testJoinGroup
it "should support group names with spaces" testGroupNameWithSpaces
it "should return more groups in search, all and recent groups" testSearchGroups
@ -139,6 +141,15 @@ testDirectoryService tmp =
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink' (1 :: Int)
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /pending"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /pending"
superUser <## " 1 registered group(s)"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> 1. PSA (Privacy, Security & Anonymity)"
superUser <## "Welcome message:"
superUser <##. "Welcome! Link to join the group PSA: "
superUser <## "Owner: bob"
superUser <## "2 members"
superUser <## "Status: pending admin approval"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /approve 1:PSA 1"
superUser <## " Group approved!"
@ -197,6 +208,47 @@ testSuspendResume tmp =
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is listed in the directory again!"
groupFound bob "privacy"
testDeleteGroup :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testDeleteGroup tmp =
withDirectoryService tmp $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat tmp "bob" bobProfile $ \bob -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
groupFound bob "privacy"
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /delete 1:privacy"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /delete 1:privacy"
bob <## " Your group privacy is deleted from the directory"
groupNotFound bob "privacy"
testSetRole :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testSetRole tmp =
withDirectoryService tmp $ \superUser dsLink ->
withNewTestChat tmp "bob" bobProfile $ \bob ->
withNewTestChat tmp "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
bob `connectVia` dsLink
registerGroup superUser bob "privacy" "Privacy"
groupFound bob "privacy"
bob #> "@SimpleX-Directory /role 1:privacy observer"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /role 1:privacy observer"
bob <## " The initial member role for the group privacy is set to observer"
bob <## ""
note <- getTermLine bob
let groupLink = dropStrPrefix "Please note: it applies only to members joining via this link: " note
cath ##> ("/c " <> groupLink)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
cath <## "#privacy: joining the group..."
cath <## "#privacy: you joined the group"
cath <#. "#privacy SimpleX-Directory> Link to join the group privacy: https://simplex.chat/"
cath <## "#privacy: member bob (Bob) is connected"
bob <## "#privacy: SimpleX-Directory added cath (Catherine) to the group (connecting...)"
bob <## "#privacy: new member cath is connected"
bob ##> "/ms #privacy"
bob <## "bob (Bob): owner, you, created group"
bob <## "SimpleX-Directory: admin, invited, connected"
bob <## "cath (Catherine): observer, connected"
cath ##> "#privacy hello"
cath <## "#privacy: you don't have permission to send messages"
testJoinGroup :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testJoinGroup tmp =
withDirectoryServiceCfg tmp testCfgGroupLinkViaContact $ \superUser dsLink ->
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