mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: use random servers for each operator (#5192)
* core: use random servers for each operator (WIP, compiles with undefined stub) * compiles * fix some, break some * tests pass * cleanup * delays in tests * enable random servers test * remove new preset servers in down migration * fix migration * test
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 319 additions and 248 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
@ -178,6 +179,8 @@ defaultChatConfig =
chatVRange = supportedChatVRange,
confirmMigrations = MCConsole,
-- this property should NOT use operator = Nothing
-- non-operator servers can be passed via options
presetServers =
{ operators =
@ -310,11 +313,15 @@ newChatController
config = cfg {logLevel, showReactions, tbqSize, subscriptionEvents = logConnections, hostEvents = logServerHosts, presetServers = presetServers', inlineFiles = inlineFiles', autoAcceptFileSize, highlyAvailable, confirmMigrations = confirmMigrations'}
firstTime = dbNew chatStore
currentUser <- newTVarIO user
randomSMP <- randomPresetServers SPSMP presetServers'
randomXFTP <- randomPresetServers SPXFTP presetServers'
let randomServers = RandomServers {smpServers = randomSMP, xftpServers = randomXFTP}
randomPresetServers <- chooseRandomServers presetServers'
let rndSrvs = L.toList randomPresetServers
operatorWithId (i, op) = (\o -> o {operatorId = DBEntityId i}) <$> pOperator op
opDomains = operatorDomains $ mapMaybe operatorWithId $ zip [1..] rndSrvs
agentSMP <- randomServerCfgs "agent SMP servers" SPSMP opDomains rndSrvs
agentXFTP <- randomServerCfgs "agent XFTP servers" SPXFTP opDomains rndSrvs
let randomAgentServers = RandomAgentServers {smpServers = agentSMP, xftpServers = agentXFTP}
currentRemoteHost <- newTVarIO Nothing
servers <- withTransaction chatStore $ \db -> agentServers db config randomServers
servers <- withTransaction chatStore $ \db -> agentServers db config randomPresetServers randomAgentServers
smpAgent <- getSMPAgentClient aCfg {tbqSize} servers agentStore backgroundMode
agentAsync <- newTVarIO Nothing
random <- liftIO C.newRandom
@ -350,7 +357,8 @@ newChatController
{ firstTime,
@ -410,19 +418,26 @@ newChatController
xftp = map newUserServer xftpSrvs,
useXFTP = 0
agentServers :: DB.Connection -> ChatConfig -> RandomServers -> IO InitialAgentServers
agentServers db ChatConfig {presetServers = PresetServers {operators = presetOps, ntf, netCfg}} rs = do
randomServerCfgs :: UserProtocol p => String -> SProtocolType p -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> [PresetOperator] -> IO (NonEmpty (ServerCfg p))
randomServerCfgs name p opDomains rndSrvs =
toJustOrError name $ L.nonEmpty $ agentServerCfgs p opDomains $ concatMap (pServers p) rndSrvs
agentServers :: DB.Connection -> ChatConfig -> NonEmpty PresetOperator -> RandomAgentServers -> IO InitialAgentServers
agentServers db ChatConfig {presetServers = PresetServers {ntf, netCfg}} presetOps as = do
users <- getUsers db
opDomains <- operatorDomains <$> getUpdateServerOperators db presetOps (null users)
smp' <- getServers SPSMP users opDomains
xftp' <- getServers SPXFTP users opDomains
pure InitialAgentServers {smp = smp', xftp = xftp', ntf, netCfg}
ops <- getUpdateServerOperators db presetOps (null users)
let opDomains = operatorDomains $ mapMaybe snd ops
(smp', xftp') <- unzip <$> mapM (getServers ops opDomains) users
pure InitialAgentServers {smp = M.fromList smp', xftp = M.fromList xftp', ntf, netCfg}
getServers :: forall p. (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> [User] -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> IO (Map UserId (NonEmpty (ServerCfg p)))
getServers p users opDomains = do
let rs' = rndServers p rs
fmap M.fromList $ forM users $ \u ->
(aUserId u,) . agentServerCfgs p opDomains rs' <$> getUpdateUserServers db p presetOps rs' u
getServers :: [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe ServerOperator)] -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> User -> IO ((UserId, NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PSMP)), (UserId, NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PXFTP)))
getServers ops opDomains user' = do
smpSrvs <- getProtocolServers db SPSMP user'
xftpSrvs <- getProtocolServers db SPXFTP user'
uss <- groupByOperator' (ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs)
ts <- getCurrentTime
uss' <- mapM (setUserServers' db user' ts . updatedUserServers) uss
let auId = aUserId user'
pure $ bimap (auId,) (auId,) $ useServers as opDomains uss'
updateNetworkConfig :: NetworkConfig -> SimpleNetCfg -> NetworkConfig
updateNetworkConfig cfg SimpleNetCfg {socksProxy, socksMode, hostMode, requiredHostMode, smpProxyMode_, smpProxyFallback_, smpWebPort, tcpTimeout_, logTLSErrors} =
@ -465,28 +480,31 @@ withFileLock :: String -> Int64 -> CM a -> CM a
withFileLock name = withEntityLock name . CLFile
{-# INLINE withFileLock #-}
serverCfg :: ProtoServerWithAuth p -> ServerCfg p
serverCfg server = ServerCfg {server, operator = Nothing, enabled = True, roles = allRoles}
useServers :: Foldable f => RandomAgentServers -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> f UserOperatorServers -> (NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PSMP), NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PXFTP))
useServers as opDomains uss =
let smp' = useServerCfgs SPSMP as opDomains $ concatMap (servers' SPSMP) uss
xftp' = useServerCfgs SPXFTP as opDomains $ concatMap (servers' SPXFTP) uss
in (smp', xftp')
useServers :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> RandomServers -> [UserServer p] -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p)
useServers p rs servers = case L.nonEmpty servers of
Nothing -> rndServers p rs
Just srvs -> L.map (\srv -> (srv :: UserServer p) {serverId = DBNewEntity}) srvs
rndServers :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> RandomServers -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p)
rndServers p RandomServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
randomPresetServers :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> PresetServers -> IO (NonEmpty (NewUserServer p))
randomPresetServers p PresetServers {operators} = toJust . L.nonEmpty . concat =<< mapM opSrvs operators
useServerCfgs :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> RandomAgentServers -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> [UserServer p] -> NonEmpty (ServerCfg p)
useServerCfgs p RandomAgentServers {smpServers, xftpServers} opDomains =
fromMaybe (rndAgentServers p) . L.nonEmpty . agentServerCfgs p opDomains
toJust = \case
Just a -> pure a
Nothing -> E.throwIO $ userError "no preset servers"
opSrvs :: PresetOperator -> IO [NewUserServer p]
opSrvs op = do
let srvs = operatorServers p op
rndAgentServers :: SProtocolType p -> NonEmpty (ServerCfg p)
rndAgentServers = \case
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
chooseRandomServers :: PresetServers -> IO (NonEmpty PresetOperator)
chooseRandomServers PresetServers {operators} =
forM operators $ \op -> do
smp' <- opSrvs SPSMP op
xftp' <- opSrvs SPXFTP op
pure (op :: PresetOperator) {smp = smp', xftp = xftp'}
opSrvs :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> PresetOperator -> IO [NewUserServer p]
opSrvs p op = do
let srvs = pServers p op
toUse = operatorServersToUse p op
(enbldSrvs, dsbldSrvs) = partition (\UserServer {enabled} -> enabled) srvs
if toUse <= 0 || toUse >= length enbldSrvs
@ -497,6 +515,13 @@ randomPresetServers p PresetServers {operators} = toJust . L.nonEmpty . concat =
pure $ sortOn server' $ enbldSrvs' <> dsbldSrvs' <> dsbldSrvs
server' UserServer {server = ProtoServerWithAuth srv _} = srv
toJustOrError :: String -> Maybe a -> IO a
toJustOrError name = \case
Just a -> pure a
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ name <> ": expected Just, exiting"
E.throwIO $ userError name
-- enableSndFiles has no effect when mainApp is True
startChatController :: Bool -> Bool -> CM' (Async ())
startChatController mainApp enableSndFiles = do
@ -525,7 +550,7 @@ startChatController mainApp enableSndFiles = do
startXFTP startWorkers = do
tmp <- readTVarIO =<< asks tempDirectory
runExceptT (withAgent $ \a -> startWorkers a tmp) >>= \case
Left e -> liftIO $ print $ "Error starting XFTP workers: " <> show e
Left e -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Error starting XFTP workers: " <> show e
Right _ -> pure ()
startCleanupManager = do
cleanupAsync <- asks cleanupManagerAsync
@ -639,36 +664,43 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
forM_ profile $ \Profile {displayName} -> checkValidName displayName
p@Profile {displayName} <- liftIO $ maybe generateRandomProfile pure profile
u <- asks currentUser
smpServers <- chooseServers SPSMP
xftpServers <- chooseServers SPXFTP
users <- withFastStore' getUsers
forM_ users $ \User {localDisplayName = n, activeUser, viewPwdHash} ->
when (n == displayName) . throwChatError $
if activeUser || isNothing viewPwdHash then CEUserExists displayName else CEInvalidDisplayName {displayName, validName = ""}
opDomains <- operatorDomains . serverOperators <$> withFastStore getServerOperators
rs <- asks randomServers
let smp = agentServerCfgs SPSMP opDomains (rndServers SPSMP rs) smpServers
xftp = agentServerCfgs SPXFTP opDomains (rndServers SPXFTP rs) xftpServers
auId <- withAgent (\a -> createUser a smp xftp)
(uss, (smp', xftp')) <- chooseServers =<< readTVarIO u
auId <- withAgent $ \a -> createUser a smp' xftp'
ts <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime >>= if pastTimestamp then coupleDaysAgo else pure
user <- withFastStore $ \db -> createUserRecordAt db (AgentUserId auId) p True ts
createPresetContactCards user `catchChatError` \_ -> pure ()
withFastStore $ \db -> do
user <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
user <- createUserRecordAt db (AgentUserId auId) p True ts
mapM_ (setUserServers db user ts) uss
createPresetContactCards db user `catchStoreError` \_ -> pure ()
createNoteFolder db user
liftIO $ mapM_ (insertProtocolServer db SPSMP user ts) $ useServers SPSMP rs smpServers
liftIO $ mapM_ (insertProtocolServer db SPXFTP user ts) $ useServers SPXFTP rs xftpServers
pure user
atomically . writeTVar u $ Just user
pure $ CRActiveUser user
createPresetContactCards :: User -> CM ()
createPresetContactCards user =
withFastStore $ \db -> do
createContact db user simplexStatusContactProfile
createContact db user simplexTeamContactProfile
chooseServers :: forall p. ProtocolTypeI p => SProtocolType p -> CM [UserServer p]
chooseServers p = do
srvs <- chatReadVar currentUser >>= mapM (\user -> withFastStore' $ \db -> getProtocolServers db p user)
pure $ fromMaybe [] srvs
createPresetContactCards :: DB.Connection -> User -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
createPresetContactCards db user = do
createContact db user simplexStatusContactProfile
createContact db user simplexTeamContactProfile
chooseServers :: Maybe User -> CM ([UpdatedUserOperatorServers], (NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PSMP), NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PXFTP)))
chooseServers user_ = do
as <- asks randomAgentServers
mapM (withFastStore . flip getUserServers >=> liftIO . groupByOperator) user_ >>= \case
Just uss -> do
let opDomains = operatorDomains $ mapMaybe operator' uss
uss' = map copyServers uss
pure $ (uss',) $ useServers as opDomains uss
Nothing -> do
ps <- asks randomPresetServers
uss <- presetUserServers <$> withFastStore' (\db -> getUpdateServerOperators db ps True)
let RandomAgentServers {smpServers = smp', xftpServers = xftp'} = as
pure (uss, (smp', xftp'))
copyServers :: UserOperatorServers -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers
copyServers UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} =
let new srv = AUS SDBNew srv {serverId = DBNewEntity}
in UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers = map new smpServers, xftpServers = map new xftpServers}
coupleDaysAgo t = (`addUTCTime` t) . fromInteger . negate . (+ (2 * day)) <$> randomRIO (0, day)
day = 86400
ListUsers -> CRUsersList <$> withFastStore' getUsersInfo
@ -1568,32 +1600,16 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
pure $ CRConnNtfMessages ntfMsgs
GetUserProtoServers (AProtocolType p) -> withUser $ \user -> withServerProtocol p $ do
srvs <- withFastStore (`getUserServers` user)
CRUserServers user <$> liftIO (groupedServers srvs p)
groupedServers :: UserProtocol p => ([ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> SProtocolType p -> IO [UserOperatorServers]
groupedServers (operators, smpServers, xftpServers) = \case
SPSMP -> groupByOperator (operators, smpServers, [])
SPXFTP -> groupByOperator (operators, [], xftpServers)
liftIO $ CRUserServers user <$> groupByOperator (protocolServers p srvs)
SetUserProtoServers (AProtocolType (p :: SProtocolType p)) srvs -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withServerProtocol p $ do
srvs' <- mapM aUserServer srvs
userServers_ <- liftIO . groupByOperator =<< withFastStore (`getUserServers` user)
case L.nonEmpty userServers_ of
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no servers"
Just userServers -> case srvs of
[] -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "no servers"
_ -> processChatCommand $ APISetUserServers userId $ L.map (updatedSrvs p) userServers
-- disable preset and replace custom servers (groupByOperator always adds custom)
updatedSrvs :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> UserOperatorServers -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers
updatedSrvs p' UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} = case p' of
SPSMP -> u (updateSrvs smpServers, map (AUS SDBStored) xftpServers)
SPXFTP -> u (map (AUS SDBStored) smpServers, updateSrvs xftpServers)
u = uncurry $ UpdatedUserOperatorServers operator
updateSrvs :: [UserServer p] -> [AUserServer p]
updateSrvs pSrvs = map disableSrv pSrvs <> maybe srvs' (const []) operator
disableSrv srv@UserServer {preset} =
AUS SDBStored $ if preset then srv {enabled = False} else srv {deleted = True}
_ -> do
srvs' <- mapM aUserServer srvs
processChatCommand $ APISetUserServers userId $ L.map (updatedServers p srvs') userServers
aUserServer :: AProtoServerWithAuth -> CM (AUserServer p)
aUserServer (AProtoServerWithAuth p' srv) = case testEquality p p' of
@ -1607,20 +1623,21 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
APISetServerOperators operatorsEnabled -> withFastStore $ \db -> do
liftIO $ setServerOperators db operatorsEnabled
CRServerOperatorConditions <$> getServerOperators db
APIGetUserServers userId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withFastStore $ \db ->
APIGetUserServers userId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withFastStore $ \db -> do
CRUserServers user <$> (liftIO . groupByOperator =<< getUserServers db user)
APISetUserServers userId userServers -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
errors <- validateAllUsersServers userId $ L.toList userServers
unless (null errors) $ throwChatError (CECommandError $ "user servers validation error(s): " <> show errors)
(operators, smpServers, xftpServers) <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
setUserServers db user userServers
getUserServers db user
let opDomains = operatorDomains operators
rs <- asks randomServers
uss <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
ts <- liftIO getCurrentTime
mapM (setUserServers db user ts) userServers
as <- asks randomAgentServers
lift $ withAgent' $ \a -> do
let auId = aUserId user
setProtocolServers a auId $ agentServerCfgs SPSMP opDomains (rndServers SPSMP rs) smpServers
setProtocolServers a auId $ agentServerCfgs SPXFTP opDomains (rndServers SPXFTP rs) xftpServers
opDomains = operatorDomains $ mapMaybe operator' $ L.toList uss
(smp', xftp') = useServers as opDomains uss
setProtocolServers a auId smp'
setProtocolServers a auId xftp'
APIValidateServers userId userServers -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRUserServersValidation user <$> validateAllUsersServers userId userServers
@ -1897,7 +1914,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
let ConnReqUriData {crSmpQueues = q :| _} = crData
SMPQueueUri {queueAddress = SMPQueueAddress {smpServer}} = q
newUserServers <-
map protoServer' . filter (\ServerCfg {enabled} -> enabled)
map protoServer' . L.filter (\ServerCfg {enabled} -> enabled)
<$> getKnownAgentServers SPSMP newUser
pure $ smpServer `elem` newUserServers
updateConnRecord user@User {userId} conn@PendingContactConnection {customUserProfileId} newUser = do
@ -3375,6 +3392,23 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
msgInfo <- withFastStore' (`getLastRcvMsgInfo` connId)
CRQueueInfo user msgInfo <$> withAgent (`getConnectionQueueInfo` acId)
protocolServers :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> ([Maybe ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> ([Maybe ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP])
protocolServers p (operators, smpServers, xftpServers) = case p of
SPSMP -> (operators, smpServers, [])
SPXFTP -> (operators, [], xftpServers)
-- disable preset and replace custom servers (groupByOperator always adds custom)
updatedServers :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> [AUserServer p] -> UserOperatorServers -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers
updatedServers p' srvs UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} = case p' of
SPSMP -> u (updateSrvs smpServers, map (AUS SDBStored) xftpServers)
SPXFTP -> u (map (AUS SDBStored) smpServers, updateSrvs xftpServers)
u = uncurry $ UpdatedUserOperatorServers operator
updateSrvs :: [UserServer p] -> [AUserServer p]
updateSrvs pSrvs = map disableSrv pSrvs <> maybe srvs (const []) operator
disableSrv srv@UserServer {preset} =
AUS SDBStored $ if preset then srv {enabled = False} else srv {deleted = True}
type ComposeMessageReq = (ComposedMessage, Maybe CIForwardedFrom)
contactCITimed :: Contact -> CM (Maybe CITimed)
@ -3761,7 +3795,7 @@ receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId RcvFileDescr {fileDescrText, fileDescrComplete}
S.toList $ S.fromList $ concatMap (\FD.FileChunk {replicas} -> map (\FD.FileChunkReplica {server} -> server) replicas) chunks
getUnknownSrvs :: [XFTPServer] -> CM [XFTPServer]
getUnknownSrvs srvs = do
knownSrvs <- map protoServer' <$> getKnownAgentServers SPXFTP user
knownSrvs <- L.map protoServer' <$> getKnownAgentServers SPXFTP user
pure $ filter (`notElem` knownSrvs) srvs
ipProtectedForSrvs :: [XFTPServer] -> CM Bool
ipProtectedForSrvs srvs = do
@ -3775,13 +3809,13 @@ receiveViaCompleteFD user fileId RcvFileDescr {fileDescrText, fileDescrComplete}
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user aci
throwChatError $ CEFileNotApproved fileId unknownSrvs
getKnownAgentServers :: (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> User -> CM [ServerCfg p]
getKnownAgentServers :: (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> User -> CM (NonEmpty (ServerCfg p))
getKnownAgentServers p user = do
rs <- asks randomServers
as <- asks randomAgentServers
withStore $ \db -> do
opDomains <- operatorDomains . serverOperators <$> getServerOperators db
srvs <- liftIO $ getProtocolServers db p user
pure $ L.toList $ agentServerCfgs p opDomains (rndServers p rs) srvs
pure $ useServerCfgs p as opDomains srvs
protoServer' :: ServerCfg p -> ProtocolServer p
protoServer' ServerCfg {server} = protoServer server
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Util (liftIOEither)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (FileDescriptionURI)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent (AgentClient, SubscriptionsInfo)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Client (AgentLocks, AgentQueuesInfo (..), AgentWorkersDetails (..), AgentWorkersSummary (..), ProtocolTestFailure, SMPServerSubs, ServerQueueInfo, UserNetworkInfo)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig, NetworkConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig, NetworkConfig, ServerCfg)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Lock
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (MigrationConfirmation, SQLiteStore, UpMigration, withTransaction, withTransactionPriority)
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ data ChatConfig = ChatConfig
chatHooks :: ChatHooks
data RandomServers = RandomServers
{ smpServers :: NonEmpty (NewUserServer 'PSMP),
xftpServers :: NonEmpty (NewUserServer 'PXFTP)
data RandomAgentServers = RandomAgentServers
{ smpServers :: NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PSMP),
xftpServers :: NonEmpty (ServerCfg 'PXFTP)
deriving (Show)
@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ data PresetServers = PresetServers
ntf :: [NtfServer],
netCfg :: NetworkConfig
deriving (Show)
data InlineFilesConfig = InlineFilesConfig
{ offerChunks :: Integer,
@ -206,7 +207,8 @@ data ChatDatabase = ChatDatabase {chatStore :: SQLiteStore, agentStore :: SQLite
data ChatController = ChatController
{ currentUser :: TVar (Maybe User),
randomServers :: RandomServers,
randomPresetServers :: NonEmpty PresetOperator,
randomAgentServers :: RandomAgentServers,
currentRemoteHost :: TVar (Maybe RemoteHostId),
firstTime :: Bool,
smpAgent :: AgentClient,
@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ DROP INDEX idx_operator_usage_conditions_server_operator_id;
DROP TABLE operator_usage_conditions;
DROP TABLE usage_conditions;
DROP TABLE server_operators;
DELETE FROM protocol_servers WHERE host LIKE "%.simplexonflux.com,%";
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Foldable (foldMap')
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.IORef
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Kind
@ -234,13 +235,13 @@ class UserServersClass u where
type AServer u = (s :: ProtocolType -> Type) | s -> u
operator' :: u -> Maybe ServerOperator
partitionValid :: [AServer u p] -> ([Text], [AUserServer p])
servers' :: UserProtocol p => u -> SProtocolType p -> [AServer u p]
servers' :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> u -> [AServer u p]
instance UserServersClass UserOperatorServers where
type AServer UserOperatorServers = UserServer_ 'DBStored ProtoServerWithAuth
operator' UserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid ss = ([], map (AUS SDBStored) ss)
servers' UserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
servers' p UserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ instance UserServersClass UpdatedUserOperatorServers where
type AServer UpdatedUserOperatorServers = AUserServer
operator' UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid = ([],)
servers' UpdatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
servers' p UpdatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ instance UserServersClass ValidatedUserOperatorServers where
serverOrErr :: AValidatedServer p -> Either Text (AUserServer p)
serverOrErr (AVS s srv@UserServer {server = server'}) = (\server -> AUS s srv {server}) <$> unVPS server'
servers' ValidatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
servers' p ValidatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
@ -290,9 +291,13 @@ data PresetOperator = PresetOperator
xftp :: [NewUserServer 'PXFTP],
useXFTP :: Int
deriving (Show)
operatorServers :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> PresetOperator -> [NewUserServer p]
operatorServers p PresetOperator {smp, xftp} = case p of
pOperator :: PresetOperator -> Maybe NewServerOperator
pOperator PresetOperator {operator} = operator
pServers :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> PresetOperator -> [NewUserServer p]
pServers p PresetOperator {smp, xftp} = case p of
SPSMP -> smp
SPXFTP -> xftp
@ -335,83 +340,113 @@ usageConditionsToAdd' prevCommit sourceCommit newUser createdAt = \case
conditions cId commit = UsageConditions {conditionsId = cId, conditionsCommit = commit, notifiedAt = Nothing, createdAt}
presetUserServers :: [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe ServerOperator)] -> [UpdatedUserOperatorServers]
presetUserServers = mapMaybe $ \(presetOp_, op) -> mkUS op <$> presetOp_
mkUS op PresetOperator {smp, xftp} =
UpdatedUserOperatorServers op (map (AUS SDBNew) smp) (map (AUS SDBNew) xftp)
-- This function should be used inside DB transaction to update operators.
-- It allows to add/remove/update preset operators in the database preserving enabled and roles settings,
-- and preserves custom operators without tags for forward compatibility.
updatedServerOperators :: NonEmpty PresetOperator -> [ServerOperator] -> [AServerOperator]
updatedServerOperators :: NonEmpty PresetOperator -> [ServerOperator] -> [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe AServerOperator)]
updatedServerOperators presetOps storedOps =
foldr addPreset [] presetOps
<> map (ASO SDBStored) (filter (isNothing . operatorTag) storedOps)
<> map (\op -> (Nothing, Just $ ASO SDBStored op)) (filter (isNothing . operatorTag) storedOps)
-- TODO remove domains of preset operators from custom
addPreset PresetOperator {operator} = case operator of
Nothing -> id
Just presetOp -> (storedOp' :)
storedOp' = case find ((operatorTag presetOp ==) . operatorTag) storedOps of
Just ServerOperator {operatorId, conditionsAcceptance, enabled, smpRoles, xftpRoles} ->
ASO SDBStored presetOp {operatorId, conditionsAcceptance, enabled, smpRoles, xftpRoles}
Nothing -> ASO SDBNew presetOp
addPreset op = ((Just op, storedOp' <$> pOperator op) :)
storedOp' presetOp = case find ((operatorTag presetOp ==) . operatorTag) storedOps of
Just ServerOperator {operatorId, conditionsAcceptance, enabled, smpRoles, xftpRoles} ->
ASO SDBStored presetOp {operatorId, conditionsAcceptance, enabled, smpRoles, xftpRoles}
Nothing -> ASO SDBNew presetOp
-- This function should be used inside DB transaction to update servers.
updatedUserServers :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> NonEmpty PresetOperator -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p) -> [UserServer p] -> NonEmpty (AUserServer p)
updatedUserServers _ _ randomSrvs [] = L.map (AUS SDBNew) randomSrvs
updatedUserServers p presetOps randomSrvs srvs =
fromMaybe (L.map (AUS SDBNew) randomSrvs) (L.nonEmpty updatedSrvs)
updatedUserServers :: (Maybe PresetOperator, UserOperatorServers) -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers
updatedUserServers (presetOp_, UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers}) =
UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers = smp', xftpServers = xftp'}
updatedSrvs = map userServer presetSrvs <> map (AUS SDBStored) (filter customServer srvs)
storedSrvs :: Map (ProtoServerWithAuth p) (UserServer p)
storedSrvs = foldl' (\ss srv@UserServer {server} -> M.insert server srv ss) M.empty srvs
customServer :: UserServer p -> Bool
customServer srv = not (preset srv) && all (`S.notMember` presetHosts) (srvHost srv)
presetSrvs :: [NewUserServer p]
presetSrvs = concatMap (operatorServers p) presetOps
presetHosts :: Set TransportHost
presetHosts = foldMap' (S.fromList . L.toList . srvHost) presetSrvs
userServer :: NewUserServer p -> AUserServer p
userServer srv@UserServer {server} = maybe (AUS SDBNew srv) (AUS SDBStored) (M.lookup server storedSrvs)
stored = map (AUS SDBStored)
(smp', xftp') = case presetOp_ of
Nothing -> (stored smpServers, stored xftpServers)
Just presetOp -> (updated SPSMP smpServers, updated SPXFTP xftpServers)
updated :: forall p. UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> [UserServer p] -> [AUserServer p]
updated p srvs = map userServer presetSrvs <> stored (filter customServer srvs)
storedSrvs :: Map (ProtoServerWithAuth p) (UserServer p)
storedSrvs = foldl' (\ss srv@UserServer {server} -> M.insert server srv ss) M.empty srvs
customServer :: UserServer p -> Bool
customServer srv = not (preset srv) && all (`S.notMember` presetHosts) (srvHost srv)
presetSrvs :: [NewUserServer p]
presetSrvs = pServers p presetOp
presetHosts :: Set TransportHost
presetHosts = foldMap' (S.fromList . L.toList . srvHost) presetSrvs
userServer :: NewUserServer p -> AUserServer p
userServer srv@UserServer {server} = maybe (AUS SDBNew srv) (AUS SDBStored) (M.lookup server storedSrvs)
srvHost :: UserServer' s p -> NonEmpty TransportHost
srvHost UserServer {server = ProtoServerWithAuth srv _} = host srv
agentServerCfgs :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p) -> [UserServer' s p] -> NonEmpty (ServerCfg p)
agentServerCfgs p opDomains randomSrvs =
fromMaybe fallbackSrvs . L.nonEmpty . mapMaybe enabledOpAgentServer
agentServerCfgs :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> [(Text, ServerOperator)] -> [UserServer' s p] -> [ServerCfg p]
agentServerCfgs p opDomains = mapMaybe agentServer
fallbackSrvs = L.map (snd . agentServer) randomSrvs
enabledOpAgentServer srv =
let (opEnabled, srvCfg) = agentServer srv
in if opEnabled then Just srvCfg else Nothing
agentServer :: UserServer' s p -> (Bool, ServerCfg p)
agentServer :: UserServer' s p -> Maybe (ServerCfg p)
agentServer srv@UserServer {server, enabled} =
case find (\(d, _) -> any (matchingHost d) (srvHost srv)) opDomains of
Just (_, op@ServerOperator {operatorId = DBEntityId opId, enabled = opEnabled}) ->
(opEnabled, ServerCfg {server, enabled, operator = Just opId, roles = operatorRoles p op})
Just (_, op@ServerOperator {operatorId = DBEntityId opId, enabled = opEnabled})
| opEnabled -> Just ServerCfg {server, enabled, operator = Just opId, roles = operatorRoles p op}
| otherwise -> Nothing
Nothing ->
(True, ServerCfg {server, enabled, operator = Nothing, roles = allRoles})
Just ServerCfg {server, enabled, operator = Nothing, roles = allRoles}
matchingHost :: Text -> TransportHost -> Bool
matchingHost d = \case
THDomainName h -> d `T.isSuffixOf` T.pack h
_ -> False
operatorDomains :: [ServerOperator] -> [(Text, ServerOperator)]
operatorDomains :: [ServerOperator' s] -> [(Text, ServerOperator' s)]
operatorDomains = foldr (\op ds -> foldr (\d -> ((d, op) :)) ds (serverDomains op)) []
groupByOperator :: ([ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> IO [UserOperatorServers]
groupByOperator (ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs) = do
ss <- mapM (\op -> (serverDomains op,) <$> newIORef (UserOperatorServers (Just op) [] [])) ops
custom <- newIORef $ UserOperatorServers Nothing [] []
class Box b where
box :: a -> b a
unbox :: b a -> a
instance Box Identity where
box = Identity
unbox = runIdentity
instance Box ((,) (Maybe a)) where
box = (Nothing,)
unbox = snd
groupByOperator :: ([Maybe ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> IO [UserOperatorServers]
groupByOperator (ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs) = map runIdentity <$> groupByOperator_ (map Identity ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs)
-- For the initial app start this function relies on tuple being Functor/Box
-- to preserve the information about operator being DBNew or DBStored
groupByOperator' :: ([(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe ServerOperator)], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> IO [(Maybe PresetOperator, UserOperatorServers)]
groupByOperator' = groupByOperator_
{-# INLINE groupByOperator' #-}
groupByOperator_ :: forall f. (Box f, Traversable f) => ([f (Maybe ServerOperator)], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP]) -> IO [f UserOperatorServers]
groupByOperator_ (ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs) = do
let ops' = mapMaybe sequence ops
customOp_ = find (isNothing . unbox) ops
ss <- mapM ((\op -> (serverDomains (unbox op),) <$> newIORef (mkUS . Just <$> op))) ops'
custom <- newIORef $ maybe (box $ mkUS Nothing) (mkUS <$>) customOp_
mapM_ (addServer ss custom addSMP) (reverse smpSrvs)
mapM_ (addServer ss custom addXFTP) (reverse xftpSrvs)
opSrvs <- mapM (readIORef . snd) ss
customSrvs <- readIORef custom
pure $ opSrvs <> [customSrvs]
addServer :: [([Text], IORef UserOperatorServers)] -> IORef UserOperatorServers -> (UserServer p -> UserOperatorServers -> UserOperatorServers) -> UserServer p -> IO ()
mkUS op = UserOperatorServers op [] []
addServer :: [([Text], IORef (f UserOperatorServers))] -> IORef (f UserOperatorServers) -> (UserServer p -> UserOperatorServers -> UserOperatorServers) -> UserServer p -> IO ()
addServer ss custom add srv =
let v = maybe custom snd $ find (\(ds, _) -> any (\d -> any (matchingHost d) (srvHost srv)) ds) ss
in atomicModifyIORef'_ v $ add srv
in atomicModifyIORef'_ v (add srv <$>)
addSMP srv s@UserOperatorServers {smpServers} = (s :: UserOperatorServers) {smpServers = srv : smpServers}
addXFTP srv s@UserOperatorServers {xftpServers} = (s :: UserOperatorServers) {xftpServers = srv : xftpServers}
@ -434,7 +469,7 @@ validateUserServers curr others = currUserErrs <> concatMap otherUserErrs others
| otherwise = [USEStorageMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole storage)] <> [USEProxyMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole proxy)]
p' = AProtocolType p
noServers cond = not $ any srvEnabled $ snd $ partitionValid $ concatMap (`servers'` p) $ filter cond uss
noServers cond = not $ any srvEnabled $ snd $ partitionValid $ concatMap (servers' p) $ filter cond uss
opEnabled = maybe True (\ServerOperator {enabled} -> enabled) . operator'
hasRole roleSel = maybe True (\op@ServerOperator {enabled} -> enabled && roleSel (operatorRoles p op)) . operator'
srvEnabled (AUS _ UserServer {deleted, enabled}) = enabled && not deleted
@ -442,7 +477,7 @@ validateUserServers curr others = currUserErrs <> concatMap otherUserErrs others
serverErrs p uss = map (USEInvalidServer p') invalidSrvs <> mapMaybe duplicateErr_ srvs
p' = AProtocolType p
(invalidSrvs, userSrvs) = partitionValid $ concatMap (`servers'` p) uss
(invalidSrvs, userSrvs) = partitionValid $ concatMap (servers' p) uss
srvs = filter (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted}) -> not deleted) userSrvs
duplicateErr_ (AUS _ srv@UserServer {server}) =
USEDuplicateServer p' (safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode server)
@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
-- overwriteOperatorsAndServers,
@ -63,6 +60,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1, encodeUtf8)
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet as CR
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (defaultJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BasicAuth (..), ProtoServerWithAuth (..), ProtocolServer (..), ProtocolType (..), ProtocolTypeI (..), SProtocolType (..), SubscriptionMode, UserProtocol)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BasicAuth (..), ProtoServerWithAuth (..), ProtocolServer (..), ProtocolType (..), ProtocolTypeI (..), SProtocolType (..), SubscriptionMode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (eitherToMaybe, safeDecodeUtf8)
@ -532,18 +530,6 @@ updateUserAddressAutoAccept db user@User {userId} autoAccept = do
Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito, autoReply} -> (True, acceptIncognito, autoReply)
_ -> (False, False, Nothing)
getUpdateUserServers :: forall p. (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => DB.Connection -> SProtocolType p -> NonEmpty PresetOperator -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p) -> User -> IO [UserServer p]
getUpdateUserServers db p presetOps randomSrvs user = do
ts <- getCurrentTime
srvs <- getProtocolServers db p user
let srvs' = L.toList $ updatedUserServers p presetOps randomSrvs srvs
mapM (upsertServer ts) srvs'
upsertServer :: UTCTime -> AUserServer p -> IO (UserServer p)
upsertServer ts (AUS _ s@UserServer {serverId}) = case serverId of
DBNewEntity -> insertProtocolServer db p user ts s
DBEntityId _ -> updateProtocolServer db p ts s $> s
getProtocolServers :: forall p. ProtocolTypeI p => DB.Connection -> SProtocolType p -> User -> IO [UserServer p]
getProtocolServers db p User {userId} =
map toUserServer
@ -561,26 +547,6 @@ getProtocolServers db p User {userId} =
let server = ProtoServerWithAuth (ProtocolServer p host port keyHash) (BasicAuth . encodeUtf8 <$> auth_)
in UserServer {serverId, server, preset, tested, enabled, deleted = False}
-- TODO remove
-- overwriteOperatorsAndServers :: forall p. ProtocolTypeI p => DB.Connection -> User -> Maybe [ServerOperator] -> [ServerCfg p] -> ExceptT StoreError IO [ServerCfg p]
-- overwriteOperatorsAndServers db user@User {userId} operators_ servers = do
overwriteProtocolServers :: ProtocolTypeI p => DB.Connection -> SProtocolType p -> User -> [UserServer p] -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
overwriteProtocolServers db p User {userId} servers =
-- liftIO $ mapM_ (updateServerOperators_ db) operators_
checkConstraint SEUniqueID . ExceptT $ do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM protocol_servers WHERE user_id = ? AND protocol = ? " (userId, decodeLatin1 $ strEncode p)
forM_ servers $ \UserServer {serverId, server, preset, tested, enabled} -> do
INSERT INTO protocol_servers
(server_id, protocol, host, port, key_hash, basic_auth, preset, tested, enabled, user_id, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
(Only serverId :. serverColumns p server :. (preset, tested, enabled, userId, currentTs, currentTs))
pure $ Right ()
insertProtocolServer :: forall p. ProtocolTypeI p => DB.Connection -> SProtocolType p -> User -> UTCTime -> NewUserServer p -> IO (UserServer p)
insertProtocolServer db p User {userId} ts srv@UserServer {server, preset, tested, enabled} = do
@ -623,10 +589,10 @@ getServerOperators db = do
let conditionsAction = usageConditionsAction ops currentConditions now
pure ServerOperatorConditions {serverOperators = ops, currentConditions, conditionsAction}
getUserServers :: DB.Connection -> User -> ExceptT StoreError IO ([ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP])
getUserServers :: DB.Connection -> User -> ExceptT StoreError IO ([Maybe ServerOperator], [UserServer 'PSMP], [UserServer 'PXFTP])
getUserServers db user =
<$> (serverOperators <$> getServerOperators db)
<$> (map Just . serverOperators <$> getServerOperators db)
<*> liftIO (getProtocolServers db SPSMP user)
<*> liftIO (getProtocolServers db SPXFTP user)
@ -646,7 +612,7 @@ updateServerOperator db currentTs ServerOperator {operatorId, enabled, smpRoles,
(enabled, storage smpRoles, proxy smpRoles, storage xftpRoles, proxy xftpRoles, currentTs, operatorId)
getUpdateServerOperators :: DB.Connection -> NonEmpty PresetOperator -> Bool -> IO [ServerOperator]
getUpdateServerOperators :: DB.Connection -> NonEmpty PresetOperator -> Bool -> IO [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe ServerOperator)]
getUpdateServerOperators db presetOps newUser = do
conds <- map toUsageConditions <$> DB.query_ db usageCondsQuery
now <- getCurrentTime
@ -654,7 +620,7 @@ getUpdateServerOperators db presetOps newUser = do
mapM_ insertConditions condsToAdd
latestAcceptedConds_ <- getLatestAcceptedConditions db
ops <- updatedServerOperators presetOps <$> getServerOperators_ db
forM ops $ \(ASO _ op) ->
forM ops $ traverse $ mapM $ \(ASO _ op) -> -- traverse for tuple, mapM for Maybe
case operatorId op of
DBNewEntity -> do
op' <- insertOperator op
@ -825,22 +791,24 @@ getUsageConditionsById_ db conditionsId =
(Only conditionsId)
setUserServers :: DB.Connection -> User -> NonEmpty UpdatedUserOperatorServers -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
setUserServers db user@User {userId} userServers = checkConstraint SEUniqueID $ liftIO $ do
ts <- getCurrentTime
forM_ userServers $ \UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} -> do
mapM_ (updateServerOperator db ts) operator
mapM_ (upsertOrDelete SPSMP ts) smpServers
mapM_ (upsertOrDelete SPXFTP ts) xftpServers
setUserServers :: DB.Connection -> User -> UTCTime -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers -> ExceptT StoreError IO UserOperatorServers
setUserServers db user ts = checkConstraint SEUniqueID . liftIO . setUserServers' db user ts
setUserServers' :: DB.Connection -> User -> UTCTime -> UpdatedUserOperatorServers -> IO UserOperatorServers
setUserServers' db user@User {userId} ts UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers, xftpServers} = do
mapM_ (updateServerOperator db ts) operator
smpSrvs' <- catMaybes <$> mapM (upsertOrDelete SPSMP) smpServers
xftpSrvs' <- catMaybes <$> mapM (upsertOrDelete SPXFTP) xftpServers
pure UserOperatorServers {operator, smpServers = smpSrvs', xftpServers = xftpSrvs'}
upsertOrDelete :: ProtocolTypeI p => SProtocolType p -> UTCTime -> AUserServer p -> IO ()
upsertOrDelete p ts (AUS _ s@UserServer {serverId, deleted}) = case serverId of
upsertOrDelete :: ProtocolTypeI p => SProtocolType p -> AUserServer p -> IO (Maybe (UserServer p))
upsertOrDelete p (AUS _ s@UserServer {serverId, deleted}) = case serverId of
| deleted -> pure ()
| otherwise -> void $ insertProtocolServer db p user ts s
| deleted -> pure Nothing
| otherwise -> Just <$> insertProtocolServer db p user ts s
DBEntityId srvId
| deleted -> DB.execute db "DELETE FROM protocol_servers WHERE user_id = ? AND smp_server_id = ? AND preset = ?" (userId, srvId, False)
| otherwise -> updateProtocolServer db p ts s
| deleted -> Nothing <$ DB.execute db "DELETE FROM protocol_servers WHERE user_id = ? AND smp_server_id = ? AND preset = ?" (userId, srvId, False)
| otherwise -> Just s <$ updateProtocolServer db p ts s
createCall :: DB.Connection -> User -> Call -> UTCTime -> IO ()
createCall db user@User {userId} Call {contactId, callId, callUUID, chatItemId, callState} callTs = do
@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.Socket
import Simplex.Chat
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatCommand (..), ChatConfig (..), ChatController (..), ChatDatabase (..), ChatLogLevel (..), PresetServers (..), defaultSimpleNetCfg)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatCommand (..), ChatConfig (..), ChatController (..), ChatDatabase (..), ChatLogLevel (..), defaultSimpleNetCfg)
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Operators (PresetOperator (..), presetServer)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (currentChatVersion, pqEncryptionCompressionVersion)
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
@ -95,8 +94,8 @@ testCoreOpts =
{ dbFilePrefix = "./simplex_v1",
dbKey = "",
-- dbKey = "this is a pass-phrase to encrypt the database",
smpServers = [],
xftpServers = [],
smpServers = ["smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"],
xftpServers = ["xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"],
simpleNetCfg = defaultSimpleNetCfg,
logLevel = CLLImportant,
logConnections = False,
@ -150,18 +149,6 @@ testCfg :: ChatConfig
testCfg =
{ agentConfig = testAgentCfg,
presetServers =
(presetServers defaultChatConfig)
{ operators =
[ PresetOperator
{ operator = Nothing,
smp = map (presetServer True) ["smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"],
useSMP = 1,
xftp = map (presetServer True) ["xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"],
useXFTP = 1
showReceipts = False,
testView = True,
tbqSize = 16
@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ testRetryConnecting tmp = testChatCfgOpts2 cfg' opts' aliceProfile bobProfile te
bob <##. "smp agent error: BROKER"
withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
alice <## "server connected localhost ()"
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> inv)
bob <## "invitation link: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> inv)
@ -1144,27 +1145,24 @@ testGetSetSMPServers =
alice ##> "/_servers 1"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset)"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset)"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://1234-w==@smp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " smp://1234-w==@smp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im", id, "ok")
-- alice #$> ("/smp", id, "smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " smp://1234-w==:password@smp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im"
alice <## " smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224"
@ -1190,26 +1188,23 @@ testGetSetXFTPServers =
alice ##> "/_servers 1"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset)"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset)"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://1234-w==@xftp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " xftp://1234-w==@xftp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://1234-w==:password@xftp1.example.im", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " xftp://1234-w==:password@xftp1.example.im"
alice #$> ("/xftp xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im"
alice <## " xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224"
@ -1831,13 +1826,11 @@ testCreateUserSameServers =
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " smp://2345-w==@smp2.example.im"
alice <## " smp://3456-w==@smp3.example.im:5224"
alice ##> "/xftp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " XFTP servers"
alice <## " xftp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7002 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " xftp://2345-w==@xftp2.example.im"
alice <## " xftp://3456-w==@xftp3.example.im:5224"
@ -1988,7 +1988,6 @@ testGroupAsync tmp = do
(bob <## "#team: you joined the group")
alice #> "#team hello bob"
bob <# "#team alice> hello bob"
print (1 :: Integer)
withTestChat tmp "alice" $ \alice -> do
withNewTestChat tmp "cath" cathProfile $ \cath -> do
alice <## "1 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
@ -2008,7 +2007,6 @@ testGroupAsync tmp = do
alice #> "#team hello cath"
cath <# "#team alice> hello cath"
print (2 :: Integer)
withTestChat tmp "bob" $ \bob -> do
withTestChat tmp "cath" $ \cath -> do
@ -2024,7 +2022,6 @@ testGroupAsync tmp = do
cath <## "#team: member bob (Bob) is connected"
threadDelay 500000
print (3 :: Integer)
withTestChat tmp "bob" $ \bob -> do
withNewTestChat tmp "dan" danProfile $ \dan -> do
bob <## "2 contacts connected (use /cs for the list)"
@ -2044,7 +2041,6 @@ testGroupAsync tmp = do
threadDelay 1000000
threadDelay 1000000
print (4 :: Integer)
withTestChat tmp "alice" $ \alice -> do
withTestChat tmp "cath" $ \cath -> do
withTestChat tmp "dan" $ \dan -> do
@ -2066,7 +2062,6 @@ testGroupAsync tmp = do
dan <## "#team: member cath (Catherine) is connected"
threadDelay 1000000
print (5 :: Integer)
withTestChat tmp "alice" $ \alice -> do
withTestChat tmp "bob" $ \bob -> do
withTestChat tmp "cath" $ \cath -> do
@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ testRetryAcceptingViaContactLink tmp = testChatCfgOpts2 cfg' opts' aliceProfile
bob <##. "smp agent error: BROKER"
withSmpServer' serverCfg' $ do
alice <## "server connected localhost ()"
threadDelay 250000
bob ##> ("/_connect plan 1 " <> cLink)
bob <## "contact address: ok to connect"
bob ##> ("/_connect 1 " <> cLink)
@ -1737,12 +1738,11 @@ testChangePCCUserDiffSrv tmp = do
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset)"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001"
alice #$> ("/smp smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@", id, "ok")
alice ##> "/smp"
alice <## "Your servers"
alice <## " SMP servers"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@localhost:7001 (preset, disabled)"
alice <## " smp://LcJUMfVhwD8yxjAiSaDzzGF3-kLG4Uh0Fl_ZIjrRwjI=:server_password@"
alice ##> "/user alice"
showActiveUser alice "alice (Alice)"
@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
@ -8,8 +14,10 @@
module OperatorTests (operatorTests) where
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Simplex.Chat
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), PresetServers (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Operators
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Presets (defaultXFTPServers)
@ -19,10 +27,11 @@ import Test.Hspec
operatorTests :: Spec
operatorTests = describe "managing server operators" $ do
validateServers :: Spec
validateServers = describe "validate user servers" $ do
validateServersTest :: Spec
validateServersTest = describe "validate user servers" $ do
it "should pass valid user servers" $ validateUserServers [valid] [] `shouldBe` []
it "should fail without servers" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidNoServers] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aSMP Nothing]
@ -41,6 +50,50 @@ validateServers = describe "validate user servers" $ do
aSMP = AProtocolType SPSMP
aXFTP = AProtocolType SPXFTP
updatedServersTest :: Spec
updatedServersTest = describe "validate user servers" $ do
it "adding preset operators on first start" $ do
let ops' :: [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe AServerOperator)] =
updatedServerOperators operators []
length ops' `shouldBe` 2
all addedPreset ops' `shouldBe` True
let ops'' :: [(Maybe PresetOperator, Maybe ServerOperator)] =
saveOps ops' -- mock getUpdateServerOperators
uss <- groupByOperator' (ops'', [], []) -- no stored servers
length uss `shouldBe` 3
[op1, op2, op3] <- pure $ map updatedUserServers uss
[p1, p2] <- pure operators -- presets
sameServers p1 op1
sameServers p2 op2
null (servers' SPSMP op3) `shouldBe` True
null (servers' SPXFTP op3) `shouldBe` True
it "adding preset operators and assiging servers to operator for existing users" $ do
let ops' = updatedServerOperators operators []
ops'' = saveOps ops'
uss <-
( ops'',
saveSrvs $ take 3 simplexChatSMPServers <> [newUserServer "smp://abcd@smp.example.im"],
saveSrvs $ map (presetServer True) $ L.take 3 defaultXFTPServers
[op1, op2, op3] <- pure $ map updatedUserServers uss
[p1, p2] <- pure operators -- presets
sameServers p1 op1
sameServers p2 op2
map srvHost' (servers' SPSMP op3) `shouldBe` [["smp.example.im"]]
null (servers' SPXFTP op3) `shouldBe` True
addedPreset = \case
(Just PresetOperator {operator = Just op}, Just (ASO SDBNew op')) -> operatorTag op == operatorTag op'
_ -> False
saveOps = zipWith (\i -> second ((\(ASO _ op) -> op {operatorId = DBEntityId i}) <$>)) [1..]
saveSrvs = zipWith (\i srv -> srv {serverId = DBEntityId i}) [1..]
sameServers preset op = do
map srvHost (pServers SPSMP preset) `shouldBe` map srvHost' (servers' SPSMP op)
map srvHost (pServers SPXFTP preset) `shouldBe` map srvHost' (servers' SPXFTP op)
srvHost' (AUS _ s) = srvHost s
PresetServers {operators} = presetServers defaultChatConfig
deriving instance Eq User
deriving instance Eq UserServersError
@ -14,9 +14,8 @@ import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap')
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
import Simplex.Chat (defaultChatConfig, randomPresetServers)
import Simplex.Chat (defaultChatConfig, chooseRandomServers)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), PresetServers (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Operators
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (ServerRoles (..))
@ -38,22 +37,25 @@ testRandomSMPServers :: IO ()
testRandomSMPServers = do
[srvs1, srvs2, srvs3] <-
replicateM 3 $
checkEnabled SPSMP 7 False =<< randomPresetServers SPSMP (presetServers defaultChatConfig)
checkEnabled SPSMP 7 False =<< chooseRandomServers (presetServers defaultChatConfig)
(srvs1 == srvs2 && srvs2 == srvs3) `shouldBe` False -- && to avoid rare failures
testRandomXFTPServers :: IO ()
testRandomXFTPServers = do
[srvs1, srvs2, srvs3] <-
replicateM 3 $
checkEnabled SPXFTP 6 False =<< randomPresetServers SPXFTP (presetServers defaultChatConfig)
checkEnabled SPXFTP 6 False =<< chooseRandomServers (presetServers defaultChatConfig)
(srvs1 == srvs2 && srvs2 == srvs3) `shouldBe` False -- && to avoid rare failures
checkEnabled :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> Int -> Bool -> NonEmpty (NewUserServer p) -> IO [NewUserServer p]
checkEnabled p n allUsed srvs = do
let srvs' = sortOn server' $ L.toList srvs
PresetServers {operators = presetOps} = presetServers defaultChatConfig
presetSrvs = sortOn server' $ concatMap (operatorServers p) presetOps
checkEnabled :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> Int -> Bool -> NonEmpty (PresetOperator) -> IO [NewUserServer p]
checkEnabled p n allUsed presetOps' = do
let PresetServers {operators = presetOps} = presetServers defaultChatConfig
presetSrvs = sortOn server' $ concatMap (pServers p) presetOps
srvs' = sortOn server' $ concatMap (pServers p) presetOps'
Sum toUse = foldMap' (Sum . operatorServersToUse p) presetOps
Sum toUse' = foldMap' (Sum . operatorServersToUse p) presetOps'
length presetOps `shouldBe` length presetOps'
toUse `shouldBe` toUse'
srvs' == presetSrvs `shouldBe` allUsed
map enable srvs' `shouldBe` map enable presetSrvs
let enbldSrvs = filter (\UserServer {enabled} -> enabled) srvs'
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