mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: use 12 bytes IV for WebRTC frame encryption with AES-GCM (#1951)
* core: use 12 bytes IV for WebRTC frame encryption with AES-GCM * refactor
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 36 additions and 37 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ constraints: zip +disable-bzip2 +disable-zstd
type: git
location: https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git
tag: a8121fc8add20f4f63ba6ba598e4adbe25c52605
tag: e4aad7583f425765c605cd8042e3136e048bdbec
type: git
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."a8121fc8add20f4f63ba6ba598e4adbe25c52605" = "08rjzw759iqkfdmdicnqj8aam7r9irnrr6129hz8s3mxz9g7d2jp";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplexmq.git"."e4aad7583f425765c605cd8042e3136e048bdbec" = "043b0k4ivnd4h5ja5qddq8zqr91g2198sii78njwcj1nc6nnhrdd";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/hs-socks.git"."a30cc7a79a08d8108316094f8f2f82a0c5e1ac51" = "0yasvnr7g91k76mjkamvzab2kvlb1g5pspjyjn2fr6v83swjhj38";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/direct-sqlcipher.git"."34309410eb2069b029b8fc1872deb1e0db123294" = "0kwkmhyfsn2lixdlgl15smgr1h5gjk7fky6abzh8rng2h5ymnffd";
"https://github.com/simplex-chat/sqlcipher-simple.git"."5e154a2aeccc33ead6c243ec07195ab673137221" = "1d1gc5wax4vqg0801ajsmx1sbwvd9y7p7b8mmskvqsmpbwgbh0m0";
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Mobile.WebRTC where
module Simplex.Chat.Mobile.WebRTC (
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Types as AES
import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
@ -41,44 +46,37 @@ cTransformMedia f cKey cFrame cFrameLen = do
chatEncryptMedia :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ExceptT String IO ByteString
chatEncryptMedia keyStr frame = do
checkFrameLen frame
len <- checkFrameLen frame
key <- decodeKey keyStr
iv <- liftIO $ getRandomBytes ivSize
let (frame', _) = B.splitAt (B.length frame - reservedSize) frame
(tag, frame'') <- withExceptT show $ C.encryptAESNoPad key (C.IV $ iv <> ivPad) frame'
let authTag = BA.convert $ C.unAuthTag tag
pure $ frame'' <> authTag <> iv
iv <- liftIO C.randomGCMIV
(tag, frame') <- withExceptT show $ C.encryptAESNoPad key iv $ B.take len frame
pure $ frame' <> BA.convert (C.unAuthTag tag) <> C.unGCMIV iv
chatDecryptMedia :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ExceptT String IO ByteString
chatDecryptMedia keyStr frame = do
checkFrameLen frame
len <- checkFrameLen frame
key <- decodeKey keyStr
let (rest, iv) = B.splitAt (B.length frame - ivSize) frame
(frame', tag) = B.splitAt (B.length rest - C.authTagSize) rest
let (frame', rest) = B.splitAt len frame
(tag, iv) = B.splitAt C.authTagSize rest
authTag = C.AuthTag $ AES.AuthTag $ BA.convert tag
frame'' <- withExceptT show $ C.decryptAESNoPad key (C.IV $ iv <> ivPad) frame' authTag
pure $ frame'' <> B.replicate reservedSize 0
withExceptT show $ do
iv' <- liftEither $ C.gcmIV iv
frame'' <- C.decryptAESNoPad key iv' frame' authTag
pure $ frame'' <> framePad
checkFrameLen :: ByteString -> ExceptT String IO ()
checkFrameLen frame =
when (B.length frame < reservedSize) $ throwError "frame has no [reserved space] IV and/or auth tag"
checkFrameLen :: ByteString -> ExceptT String IO Int
checkFrameLen frame = do
let len = B.length frame - reservedSize
when (len < 0) $ throwError "frame has no [reserved space for] IV and/or auth tag"
pure len
{-# INLINE checkFrameLen #-}
decodeKey :: ByteString -> ExceptT String IO C.Key
decodeKey = liftEither . bimap ("invalid key: " <>) C.Key . U.decode
{-# INLINE decodeKey #-}
authTagSize :: Int
authTagSize = C.authTagSize
{-# INLINE authTagSize #-}
ivSize :: Int
ivSize = 12
{-# INLINE ivSize #-}
ivPad :: ByteString
ivPad = B.replicate 4 0
reservedSize :: Int
reservedSize = authTagSize + ivSize
{-# INLINE reservedSize #-}
reservedSize = C.authTagSize + C.gcmIVSize
framePad :: ByteString
framePad = B.replicate reservedSize 0
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ extra-deps:
# - simplexmq-1.0.0@sha256:34b2004728ae396e3ae449cd090ba7410781e2b3cefc59259915f4ca5daa9ea8,8561
# - ../simplexmq
- github: simplex-chat/simplexmq
commit: a8121fc8add20f4f63ba6ba598e4adbe25c52605
commit: e4aad7583f425765c605cd8042e3136e048bdbec
# - ../direct-sqlcipher
- github: simplex-chat/direct-sqlcipher
commit: 34309410eb2069b029b8fc1872deb1e0db123294
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Crypto.Random (getRandomBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as U
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Simplex.Chat.Mobile.WebRTC
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Test.Hspec
webRTCTests :: Spec
@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ webRTCTests = describe "WebRTC crypto" $ do
it "should fail on invalid frame size" $ do
key <- U.encode <$> getRandomBytes 32
frame <- getRandomBytes 10
runExceptT (chatEncryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space] IV and/or auth tag"
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space] IV and/or auth tag"
runExceptT (chatEncryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space for] IV and/or auth tag"
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key frame) `shouldReturn` Left "frame has no [reserved space for] IV and/or auth tag"
it "should fail on invalid key" $ do
let key = B.replicate 32 '#'
frame <- (<> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL') <$> getRandomBytes 100
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ webRTCTests = describe "WebRTC crypto" $ do
Right frame' <- runExceptT $ chatEncryptMedia key $ frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
Right frame'' <- runExceptT $ chatDecryptMedia key frame'
frame'' `shouldBe` frame <> B.replicate reservedSize '\NUL'
let (rest, iv) = B.splitAt (B.length frame' - ivSize) frame
(encFrame, _tag) = B.splitAt (B.length rest - authTagSize) rest
badFrame = encFrame <> B.replicate authTagSize '\NUL' <> iv
let (encFrame, rest) = B.splitAt (B.length frame' - reservedSize) frame
(_tag, iv) = B.splitAt C.authTagSize rest
badFrame = encFrame <> B.replicate C.authTagSize '\NUL' <> iv
runExceptT (chatDecryptMedia key badFrame) `shouldReturn` Left "AESDecryptError"
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