core: move CLI notifications and active chat to view layer (for remote CLI) (#3196)

* core: move CLI notifications to view layer (to allow notifications in remote CLI)

* remove unused

* refactor activeTo

* move activeTo to ChatTerminal

* refactor

* move back

* remove extension
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Poberezkin 2023-10-11 09:50:11 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent a67b79952b
commit 4ecf94dfad
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
21 changed files with 249 additions and 181 deletions

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- welcomeGetOpts
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts Nothing mySquaringBot
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts mySquaringBot
welcomeGetOpts :: IO ChatOpts
welcomeGetOpts = do

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- welcomeGetOpts
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts Nothing $
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts $
chatBotRepl welcomeMessage $ \_contact msg ->
pure $ case readMaybe msg :: Maybe Integer of
Just n -> msg <> " * " <> msg <> " = " <> show (n * n)

View file

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Terminal (terminalChatConfig)
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- welcomeGetOpts
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig (mkChatOpts opts) Nothing $ broadcastBot opts
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig (mkChatOpts opts) $ broadcastBot opts

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ main = do
welcome opts
t <- withTerminal pure
simplexChatTerminal terminalChatConfig opts t
else simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts Nothing $ \user cc -> do
else simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig opts $ \user cc -> do
r <- sendChatCmdStr cc chatCmd
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import UnliftIO.STM
simplexChatServer :: ChatServerConfig -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ()
simplexChatServer srvCfg cfg opts =
simplexChatCore cfg opts Nothing . const $ runChatServer srvCfg
simplexChatCore cfg opts . const $ runChatServer srvCfg
data ChatServerConfig = ChatServerConfig
{ chatPort :: ServiceName,

View file

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
opts@DirectoryOpts {directoryLog} <- welcomeGetOpts
st <- restoreDirectoryStore directoryLog
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig (mkChatOpts opts) Nothing $ directoryService st opts
simplexChatCore terminalChatConfig (mkChatOpts opts) $ directoryService st opts

View file

@ -183,13 +183,11 @@ createChatDatabase filePrefix key confirmMigrations = runExceptT $ do
agentStore <- ExceptT $ createAgentStore (agentStoreFile filePrefix) key confirmMigrations
pure ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore}
newChatController :: ChatDatabase -> Maybe User -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> Maybe (Notification -> IO ()) -> IO ChatController
newChatController ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore} user cfg@ChatConfig {agentConfig = aCfg, defaultServers, inlineFiles, tempDir} ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {smpServers, xftpServers, networkConfig, logLevel, logConnections, logServerHosts, logFile, tbqSize}, optFilesFolder, showReactions, allowInstantFiles, autoAcceptFileSize} sendToast = do
newChatController :: ChatDatabase -> Maybe User -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> IO ChatController
newChatController ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore} user cfg@ChatConfig {agentConfig = aCfg, defaultServers, inlineFiles, tempDir} ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {smpServers, xftpServers, networkConfig, logLevel, logConnections, logServerHosts, logFile, tbqSize}, optFilesFolder, showReactions, allowInstantFiles, autoAcceptFileSize} = do
let inlineFiles' = if allowInstantFiles || autoAcceptFileSize > 0 then inlineFiles else inlineFiles {sendChunks = 0, receiveInstant = False}
config = cfg {logLevel, showReactions, tbqSize, subscriptionEvents = logConnections, hostEvents = logServerHosts, defaultServers = configServers, inlineFiles = inlineFiles', autoAcceptFileSize}
sendNotification = fromMaybe (const $ pure ()) sendToast
firstTime = dbNew chatStore
activeTo <- newTVarIO ActiveNone
currentUser <- newTVarIO user
servers <- agentServers config
smpAgent <- getSMPAgentClient aCfg {tbqSize} servers agentStore
@ -197,7 +195,6 @@ newChatController ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore} user cfg@ChatConfig {agen
idsDrg <- newTVarIO =<< liftIO drgNew
inputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
outputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
notifyQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
subscriptionMode <- newTVarIO SMSubscribe
chatLock <- newEmptyTMVarIO
sndFiles <- newTVarIO M.empty
@ -213,7 +210,34 @@ newChatController ChatDatabase {chatStore, agentStore} user cfg@ChatConfig {agen
userXFTPFileConfig <- newTVarIO $ xftpFileConfig cfg
tempDirectory <- newTVarIO tempDir
contactMergeEnabled <- newTVarIO True
pure ChatController {activeTo, firstTime, currentUser, smpAgent, agentAsync, chatStore, chatStoreChanged, idsDrg, inputQ, outputQ, notifyQ, subscriptionMode, chatLock, sndFiles, rcvFiles, currentCalls, config, sendNotification, filesFolder, expireCIThreads, expireCIFlags, cleanupManagerAsync, timedItemThreads, showLiveItems, userXFTPFileConfig, tempDirectory, logFilePath = logFile, contactMergeEnabled}
{ firstTime,
logFilePath = logFile,
configServers :: DefaultAgentServers
configServers =
@ -260,7 +284,7 @@ startChatController subConns enableExpireCIs startXFTPWorkers = do
readTVarIO s >>= maybe (start s users) (pure . fst)
start s users = do
a1 <- async $ race_ notificationSubscriber agentSubscriber
a1 <- async agentSubscriber
a2 <-
if subConns
then Just <$> async (subscribeUsers False users)
@ -376,7 +400,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
user <- withStore $ \db -> createUserRecordAt db (AgentUserId auId) p True ts
storeServers user smpServers
storeServers user xftpServers
setActive ActiveNone
atomically . writeTVar u $ Just user
pure $ CRActiveUser user
@ -402,7 +425,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
user' <- privateGetUser userId'
validateUserPassword user user' viewPwd_
withStoreCtx' (Just "APISetActiveUser, setActiveUser") $ \db -> setActiveUser db userId'
setActive ActiveNone
let user'' = user' {activeUser = True}
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just user'')
pure $ CRActiveUser user''
@ -532,7 +554,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIGetChatItems pagination search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user pagination search
pure $ CRChatItems user chatItems
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
APIGetChatItemInfo chatRef itemId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(aci@(AChatItem cType dir _ ci), versions) <- withStore $ \db ->
(,) <$> getAChatItem db user chatRef itemId <*> liftIO (getChatItemVersions db itemId)
@ -546,7 +568,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
pure $ CRChatItemInfo user aci ChatItemInfo {itemVersions, memberDeliveryStatuses}
APISendMessage (ChatRef cType chatId) live itemTTL (ComposedMessage file_ quotedItemId_ mc) -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock "sendMessage" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = c, contactUsed} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
ct@Contact {contactId, contactUsed} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgNew_
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
if isVoice mc && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forUser ct)
@ -563,7 +585,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
ci <- saveSndChatItem' user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile_ quotedItem_ timed_ live
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId, chatItemId' ci)
setActive $ ActiveC c
pure $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
setupSndFileTransfer :: Contact -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta))
@ -614,7 +635,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
send g
send g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership, localDisplayName = gName} ms)
send g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} ms)
| isVoice mc && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = notAllowedError GFVoice
| not (isVoice mc) && isJust file_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = notAllowedError GFFiles
| otherwise = do
@ -629,7 +650,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
createGroupSndStatus db (chatItemId' ci) groupMemberId CISSndNew
forM_ (timed_ >>= timedDeleteAt') $
startProximateTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId, chatItemId' ci)
setActive $ ActiveG gName
pure $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
notAllowedError f = pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) ("feature not allowed " <> T.unpack (groupFeatureNameText f))
setupSndFileTransfer :: Group -> Int -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd, FileTransferMeta))
@ -734,7 +754,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
unzipMaybe3 _ = (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
APIUpdateChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId live mc -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "updateChatItem" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
(ct@Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = c}, cci) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
(ct@Contact {contactId}, cci) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgUpdate_
case cci of
CChatItem SMDSnd ci@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, itemTimed, itemLive, editable}, content = ciContent} -> do
@ -750,13 +770,12 @@ processChatCommand = \case
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db itemId (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (currentTs, mc)
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) live $ Just msgId
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTDirect contactId) ci ci'
setActive $ ActiveC c
pure $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci')
else pure $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CChatItem SMDRcv _ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
CTGroup -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName = gName} ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} ms <- withStore $ \db -> getGroup db user chatId
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
cci <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupChatItem db user chatId itemId
case cci of
@ -773,7 +792,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db itemId (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (currentTs, mc)
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci (CISndMsgContent mc) live $ Just msgId
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
setActive $ ActiveG gName
pure $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
else pure $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidChatItemUpdate
@ -782,13 +800,12 @@ processChatCommand = \case
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIDeleteChatItem (ChatRef cType chatId) itemId mode -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "deleteChatItem" $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
(ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c}, ci@(CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, editable}})) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
(ct, ci@(CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemSharedMsgId, editable}})) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getContact db user chatId <*> getDirectChatItem db user chatId itemId
case (mode, msgDir, itemSharedMsgId, editable) of
(CIDMInternal, _, _, _) -> deleteDirectCI user ct ci True False
(CIDMBroadcast, SMDSnd, Just itemSharedMId, True) -> do
assertDirectAllowed user MDSnd ct XMsgDel_
(SndMessage {msgId}, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgDel itemSharedMId Nothing)
setActive $ ActiveC c
if featureAllowed SCFFullDelete forUser ct
then deleteDirectCI user ct ci True False
else markDirectCIDeleted user ct ci msgId True =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
@ -898,7 +915,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
_ -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIDeleteChat (ChatRef cType chatId) notify -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {localDisplayName} <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
ct <- withStore $ \db -> getContact db user chatId
filesInfo <- withStore' $ \db -> getContactFileInfo db user ct
withChatLock "deleteChat direct" . procCmd $ do
deleteFilesAndConns user filesInfo
@ -910,7 +927,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
-- (possibly, race condition on integrity check?)
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles db userId ct
withStore' $ \db -> deleteContact db user ct
unsetActive $ ActiveC localDisplayName
pure $ CRContactDeleted user ct
CTContactConnection -> withChatLock "deleteChat contactConnection" . procCmd $ do
conn@PendingContactConnection {pccAgentConnId = AgentConnId acId} <- withStore $ \db -> getPendingContactConnection db userId chatId
@ -1698,11 +1714,10 @@ processChatCommand = \case
LastMessages (Just chatName) count search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatResp <- processChatCommand $ APIGetChat chatRef (CPLast count) search
setActive $ chatActiveTo chatName
pure $ CRChatItems user (aChatItems . chat $ chatResp)
pure $ CRChatItems user (Just chatName) (aChatItems . chat $ chatResp)
LastMessages Nothing count search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user (CPLast count) search
pure $ CRChatItems user chatItems
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
LastChatItemId (Just chatName) index -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatResp <- processChatCommand (APIGetChat chatRef (CPLast $ index + 1) Nothing)
@ -1714,10 +1729,10 @@ processChatCommand = \case
chatItem <- withStore $ \db -> do
chatRef <- getChatRefViaItemId db user itemId
getAChatItem db user chatRef itemId
pure $ CRChatItems user ((: []) chatItem)
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing ((: []) chatItem)
ShowChatItem Nothing -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatItems <- withStore $ \db -> getAllChatItems db user (CPLast 1) Nothing
pure $ CRChatItems user chatItems
pure $ CRChatItems user Nothing chatItems
ShowChatItemInfo chatName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
itemId <- getChatItemIdByText user chatRef msg
@ -2059,8 +2074,7 @@ processChatCommand = \case
when (memberRemoved membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberNotActive
delGroupChatItem :: User -> GroupInfo -> CChatItem 'CTGroup -> MessageId -> Maybe GroupMember -> m ChatResponse
delGroupChatItem user gInfo@GroupInfo {localDisplayName = gName} ci msgId byGroupMember = do
setActive $ ActiveG gName
delGroupChatItem user gInfo ci msgId byGroupMember = do
deletedTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
if groupFeatureAllowed SGFFullDelete gInfo
then deleteGroupCI user gInfo ci True False byGroupMember deletedTs
@ -2117,7 +2131,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
let content = CISndGroupInvitation (CIGroupInvitation {groupId, groupMemberId, localDisplayName, groupProfile, status = CIGISPending}) memRole
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg content
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
setActive $ ActiveG localDisplayName
sndContactCITimed :: Bool -> Contact -> Maybe Int -> m (Maybe CITimed)
sndContactCITimed live = sndCITimed_ live . contactTimedTTL
sndGroupCITimed :: Bool -> GroupInfo -> Maybe Int -> m (Maybe CITimed)
@ -2167,7 +2180,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
users <- withStore' getUsers
unless (length users > 1 && (isJust (viewPwdHash user) || length (filter (isNothing . viewPwdHash) users) > 1)) $
throwChatError (CECantDeleteLastUser userId)
setActive ActiveNone
deleteChatUser :: User -> Bool -> m ChatResponse
deleteChatUser user delSMPQueues = do
filesInfo <- withStore' (`getUserFileInfo` user)
@ -2867,17 +2879,16 @@ processAgentMessageNoConn :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACommand 'Agent 'AENone ->
processAgentMessageNoConn = \case
CONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostConnected p h
DISCONNECT p h -> hostEvent $ CRHostDisconnected p h
DOWN srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns CRContactsDisconnected "disconnected"
UP srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns CRContactsSubscribed "connected"
DOWN srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns CRContactsDisconnected
UP srv conns -> serverEvent srv conns CRContactsSubscribed
SUSPENDED -> toView CRChatSuspended
DEL_USER agentUserId -> toView $ CRAgentUserDeleted agentUserId
hostEvent :: ChatResponse -> m ()
hostEvent = whenM (asks $ hostEvents . config) . toView
serverEvent srv@(SMPServer host _ _) conns event str = do
cs <- withStore' $ \db -> getConnectionsContacts db conns
serverEvent srv conns event = do
cs <- withStore' (`getConnectionsContacts` conns)
toView $ event srv cs
showToast ("server " <> str) (safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode host)
processAgentMsgSndFile :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ACorrId -> SndFileId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AESndFile -> m ()
processAgentMsgSndFile _corrId aFileId msg =
@ -3014,10 +3025,7 @@ processAgentMsgRcvFile _corrId aFileId msg =
processAgentMessageConn :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> ACorrId -> ConnId -> ACommand 'Agent 'AEConn -> m ()
processAgentMessageConn user _ agentConnId END =
withStore (\db -> getConnectionEntity db user $ AgentConnId agentConnId) >>= \case
RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c}) -> do
toView $ CRContactAnotherClient user ct
whenUserNtfs user $ showToast (c <> "> ") "connected to another client"
unsetActive $ ActiveC c
RcvDirectMsgConnection _ (Just ct) -> toView $ CRContactAnotherClient user ct
entity -> toView $ CRSubscriptionEnd user entity
processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
entity <- withStore (\db -> getConnectionEntity db user $ AgentConnId agentConnId) >>= updateConnStatus
@ -3084,7 +3092,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
when (corrId /= "") $ withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_cmdData -> pure ()
-- TODO add debugging output
_ -> pure ()
Just ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c, contactId} -> case agentMsg of
Just ct@Contact {contactId} -> case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
-- [async agent commands] XGrpMemIntro continuation on receiving INV
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \_ ->
@ -3169,9 +3177,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
incognitoProfile <- forM customUserProfileId $ \profileId -> withStore (\db -> getProfileById db userId profileId)
toView $ CRContactConnected user ct (fmap fromLocalProfile incognitoProfile)
when (directOrUsed ct) $ createFeatureEnabledItems ct
whenUserNtfs user $ do
setActive $ ActiveC c
showToast (c <> "> ") "connected"
when (contactConnInitiated conn) $ do
let Connection {groupLinkId} = conn
doProbeContacts = isJust groupLinkId
@ -3248,7 +3253,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
_ -> pure ()
processGroupMessage :: ACommand 'Agent e -> ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> m ()
processGroupMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, connectionCode} gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName = gName, groupProfile, membership, chatSettings} m = case agentMsg of
processGroupMessage agentMsg connEntity conn@Connection {connId, connectionCode} gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile, membership, chatSettings} m = case agentMsg of
INV (ACR _ cReq) ->
withCompletedCommand conn agentMsg $ \CommandData {cmdFunction} ->
case cReq of
@ -3338,15 +3343,9 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
let GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {description}} = gInfo
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
forM_ description $ groupDescriptionChatItem gInfo m
whenUserNtfs user $ do
setActive $ ActiveG gName
showToast ("#" <> gName) "you are connected to group"
GCInviteeMember -> do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
toView $ CRJoinedGroupMember user gInfo m {memberStatus = GSMemConnected}
whenGroupNtfs user gInfo $ do
setActive $ ActiveG gName
showToast ("#" <> gName) $ "member " <> m.localDisplayName <> " is connected"
intros <- withStore' $ \db -> createIntroductions db members m
void . sendGroupMessage user gInfo members . XGrpMemNew $ memberInfo m
forM_ intros $ \intro ->
@ -3642,7 +3641,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
profileContactRequest invId chatVRange p xContactId_ = do
withStore (\db -> createOrUpdateContactRequest db user userContactLinkId invId chatVRange p xContactId_) >>= \case
CORContact contact -> toView $ CRContactRequestAlreadyAccepted user contact
CORRequest cReq@UserContactRequest {localDisplayName} -> do
CORRequest cReq -> do
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId) >>= \case
Just (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, _) ->
case autoAccept of
@ -3657,10 +3656,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq profileMode
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequest user gInfo ct
_ -> do
toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
whenUserNtfs user $
showToast (localDisplayName <> "> ") "wants to connect to you"
_ -> toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
_ -> pure ()
incAuthErrCounter :: ConnectionEntity -> Connection -> AgentErrorType -> m ()
@ -3751,13 +3747,9 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCText descr) Nothing
notifyMemberConnected :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Maybe Contact -> m ()
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c} ct_ = do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m ct_ = do
memberConnectedChatItem gInfo m
toView $ CRConnectedToGroupMember user gInfo m ct_
let g = groupName' gInfo
whenGroupNtfs user gInfo $ do
setActive $ ActiveG g
showToast ("#" <> g) $ "member " <> c <> " is connected"
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers :: Contact -> IncognitoEnabled -> Bool -> m ()
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct connectedIncognito doProbeContacts = do
@ -3819,7 +3811,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
messageError = toView . CRMessageError user "error"
newContentMessage :: Contact -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
newContentMessage ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c, contactUsed} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
newContentMessage ct@Contact {contactUsed} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
unless contactUsed $ withStore' $ \db -> updateContactUsed db user ct
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
let ExtMsgContent content fInv_ _ _ = mcExtMsgContent mc
@ -3832,23 +3824,18 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
if isVoice content && not (featureAllowed SCFVoice forContact ct)
then do
void $ newChatItem (CIRcvChatFeatureRejected CFVoice) Nothing Nothing False
setActive $ ActiveC c
else do
let ExtMsgContent _ _ itemTTL live_ = mcExtMsgContent mc
timed_ = rcvContactCITimed ct itemTTL
live = fromMaybe False live_
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvFileTransfer db userId ct
ChatItem {formattedText} <- newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
autoAcceptFile file_
whenContactNtfs user ct $ do
showMsgToast (c <> "> ") content formattedText
setActive $ ActiveC c
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ msgMeta ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getDirectCIReactions db ct sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci {reactions})
pure ci
autoAcceptFile :: Maybe (RcvFileTransfer, CIFile 'MDRcv) -> m ()
autoAcceptFile = mapM_ $ \(ft, CIFile {fileSize}) -> do
@ -3907,7 +3894,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
pure (ft, CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource, fileStatus, fileProtocol})
messageUpdate :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> m ()
messageUpdate ct@Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = c} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl live_ = do
messageUpdate ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl live_ = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
@ -3919,7 +3906,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
updateDirectChatItem' db user contactId ci content live Nothing
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci')
setActive $ ActiveC c
MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = msgMeta
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
@ -4006,7 +3992,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
e -> throwError e
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c, memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta
| isVoice content && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = rejected GFVoice
| not (isVoice content) && isJust fInv_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = rejected GFFiles
| otherwise = do
@ -4036,20 +4022,15 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
toView cr
createItem timed_ live = do
file_ <- processFileInvitation fInv_ content $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m
ChatItem {formattedText} <- newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
newChatItem (CIRcvMsgContent content) (snd <$> file_) timed_ live
autoAcceptFile file_
let g = groupName' gInfo
whenGroupNtfs user gInfo $ do
showMsgToast ("#" <> g <> " " <> c <> "> ") content formattedText
setActive $ ActiveG g
newChatItem ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live = do
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ msgMeta ciContent ciFile_ timed_ live
reactions <- maybe (pure []) (\sharedMsgId -> withStore' $ \db -> getGroupCIReactions db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId) sharedMsgId_
groupMsgToView gInfo m ci {reactions} msgMeta
pure ci
groupMessageUpdate :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Bool -> m ()
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, localDisplayName = g} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl_ live_ =
groupMessageUpdate gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} m@GroupMember {groupMemberId, memberId} sharedMsgId mc msg@RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta ttl_ live_ =
updateRcvChatItem `catchCINotFound` \_ -> do
-- This patches initial sharedMsgId into chat item when locally deleted chat item
-- received an update from the sender, so that it can be referenced later (e.g. by broadcast delete).
@ -4060,7 +4041,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
createChatItemVersion db (chatItemId' ci) brokerTs mc
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content live Nothing
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
setActive $ ActiveG g
MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} = msgMeta
content = CIRcvMsgContent mc
@ -4079,7 +4059,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
addInitialAndNewCIVersions db (chatItemId' ci) (chatItemTs' ci, oldMC) (brokerTs, mc)
updateGroupChatItem db user groupId ci content live $ Just msgId
toView $ CRChatItemUpdated user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci')
setActive $ ActiveG g
startUpdatedTimedItemThread user (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) ci ci'
else toView $ CRChatItemNotChanged user (AChatItem SCTGroup SMDRcv (GroupChat gInfo) ci)
else messageError "x.msg.update: group member attempted to update a message of another member"
@ -4115,7 +4094,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processFileInvitation' :: Contact -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processFileInvitation' ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
processFileInvitation' ct fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
checkIntegrityCreateItem (CDDirectRcv ct) msgMeta
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
@ -4124,13 +4103,10 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg sharedMsgId_ msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
whenContactNtfs user ct $ do
showToast (c <> "> ") "wants to send a file"
setActive $ ActiveC c
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processGroupFileInvitation' :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c} fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} msgMeta = do
ChatConfig {fileChunkSize} <- asks config
inline <- receiveInlineMode fInv Nothing fileChunkSize
RcvFileTransfer {fileId, xftpRcvFile} <- withStore $ \db -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer db userId m fInv inline fileChunkSize
@ -4138,10 +4114,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, fileSource = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation, fileProtocol}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem' user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg sharedMsgId_ msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCFile "") ciFile Nothing False
groupMsgToView gInfo m ci msgMeta
let g = groupName' gInfo
whenGroupNtfs user gInfo $ do
showToast ("#" <> g <> " " <> c <> "> ") "wants to send a file"
setActive $ ActiveG g
receiveInlineMode :: FileInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> Integer -> m (Maybe InlineFileMode)
receiveInlineMode FileInvitation {fileSize, fileInline, fileDescr} mc_ chSize = case (fileInline, fileDescr) of
@ -4322,8 +4294,6 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
withStore' $ \db -> setGroupInvitationChatItemId db user groupId (chatItemId' ci)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci)
toView $ CRReceivedGroupInvitation {user, groupInfo = gInfo, contact = ct, fromMemberRole = fromRole, memberRole = memRole}
whenContactNtfs user ct $
showToast ("#" <> localDisplayName <> " " <> c <> "> ") "invited you to join the group"
sameGroupLinkId :: Maybe GroupLinkId -> Maybe GroupLinkId -> Bool
sameGroupLinkId (Just gli) (Just gli') = gli == gli'
@ -5470,29 +5440,20 @@ getCreateActiveUser st testView = do
getWithPrompt :: String -> IO String
getWithPrompt s = putStr (s <> ": ") >> hFlush stdout >> getLine
whenUserNtfs :: ChatMonad' m => User -> m () -> m ()
whenUserNtfs User {showNtfs, activeUser} = when $ showNtfs || activeUser
userNtf :: User -> Bool
userNtf User {showNtfs, activeUser} = showNtfs || activeUser
whenContactNtfs :: ChatMonad' m => User -> Contact -> m () -> m ()
whenContactNtfs user Contact {chatSettings} = whenUserNtfs user . when (enableNtfs chatSettings)
chatNtf :: User -> ChatInfo c -> Bool
chatNtf user = \case
DirectChat ct -> contactNtf user ct
GroupChat g -> groupNtf user g
_ -> False
whenGroupNtfs :: ChatMonad' m => User -> GroupInfo -> m () -> m ()
whenGroupNtfs user GroupInfo {chatSettings} = whenUserNtfs user . when (enableNtfs chatSettings)
contactNtf :: User -> Contact -> Bool
contactNtf user Contact {chatSettings} = userNtf user && enableNtfs chatSettings
showMsgToast :: ChatMonad' m => Text -> MsgContent -> Maybe MarkdownList -> m ()
showMsgToast from mc md_ = showToast from $ maybe (msgContentText mc) (mconcat . map hideSecret) md_
hideSecret :: FormattedText -> Text
hideSecret FormattedText {format = Just Secret} = "..."
hideSecret FormattedText {text} = text
showToast :: ChatMonad' m => Text -> Text -> m ()
showToast title text = atomically . (`writeTBQueue` Notification {title, text}) =<< asks notifyQ
notificationSubscriber :: ChatMonad' m => m ()
notificationSubscriber = do
ChatController {notifyQ, sendNotification} <- ask
forever $ atomically (readTBQueue notifyQ) >>= liftIO . sendNotification
groupNtf :: User -> GroupInfo -> Bool
groupNtf user GroupInfo {chatSettings} = userNtf user && enableNtfs chatSettings
withUser' :: ChatMonad m => (User -> m ChatResponse) -> m ChatResponse
withUser' action =

View file

@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Exp, Q, runIO)
@ -153,20 +152,10 @@ defaultInlineFilesConfig =
receiveInstant = True -- allow receiving instant files, within receiveChunks limit
data ActiveTo = ActiveNone | ActiveC ContactName | ActiveG GroupName
deriving (Eq)
chatActiveTo :: ChatName -> ActiveTo
chatActiveTo (ChatName cType name) = case cType of
CTDirect -> ActiveC name
CTGroup -> ActiveG name
_ -> ActiveNone
data ChatDatabase = ChatDatabase {chatStore :: SQLiteStore, agentStore :: SQLiteStore}
data ChatController = ChatController
{ currentUser :: TVar (Maybe User),
activeTo :: TVar ActiveTo,
firstTime :: Bool,
smpAgent :: AgentClient,
agentAsync :: TVar (Maybe (Async (), Maybe (Async ()))),
@ -175,8 +164,6 @@ data ChatController = ChatController
idsDrg :: TVar ChaChaDRG,
inputQ :: TBQueue String,
outputQ :: TBQueue (Maybe CorrId, ChatResponse),
notifyQ :: TBQueue Notification,
sendNotification :: Notification -> IO (),
subscriptionMode :: TVar SubscriptionMode,
chatLock :: Lock,
sndFiles :: TVar (Map Int64 Handle),
@ -433,7 +420,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRApiChats {user :: User, chats :: [AChat]}
| CRChats {chats :: [AChat]}
| CRApiChat {user :: User, chat :: AChat}
| CRChatItems {user :: User, chatItems :: [AChatItem]}
| CRChatItems {user :: User, chatName_ :: Maybe ChatName, chatItems :: [AChatItem]}
| CRChatItemInfo {user :: User, chatItem :: AChatItem, chatItemInfo :: ChatItemInfo}
| CRChatItemId User (Maybe ChatItemId)
| CRApiParsedMarkdown {formattedText :: Maybe MarkdownList}
@ -1074,14 +1061,6 @@ mkChatError = ChatError . CEException . show
chatCmdError :: Maybe User -> String -> ChatResponse
chatCmdError user = CRChatCmdError user . ChatError . CECommandError
setActive :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ActiveTo -> m ()
setActive to = asks activeTo >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` to)
unsetActive :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ActiveTo -> m ()
unsetActive a = asks activeTo >>= atomically . (`modifyTVar` unset)
unset a' = if a == a' then ActiveNone else a'
toView :: ChatMonad' m => ChatResponse -> m ()
toView event = do
q <- asks outputQ

View file

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Types
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import UnliftIO.Async
simplexChatCore :: ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> Maybe (Notification -> IO ()) -> (User -> ChatController -> IO ()) -> IO ()
simplexChatCore cfg@ChatConfig {confirmMigrations, testView} opts@ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbFilePrefix, dbKey, logAgent}} sendToast chat =
simplexChatCore :: ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> (User -> ChatController -> IO ()) -> IO ()
simplexChatCore cfg@ChatConfig {confirmMigrations, testView} opts@ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbFilePrefix, dbKey, logAgent}} chat =
case logAgent of
Just level -> do
setLogLevel level
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ simplexChatCore cfg@ChatConfig {confirmMigrations, testView} opts@ChatOpts {core
run db@ChatDatabase {chatStore} = do
u <- getCreateActiveUser chatStore testView
cc <- newChatController db (Just u) cfg opts sendToast
cc <- newChatController db (Just u) cfg opts
runSimplexChat opts u cc chat
runSimplexChat :: ChatOpts -> User -> ChatController -> (User -> ChatController -> IO ()) -> IO ()

View file

@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ import Simplex.Messaging.Util (eitherToMaybe, safeDecodeUtf8, (<$?>))
data ChatType = CTDirect | CTGroup | CTContactRequest | CTContactConnection
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
data ChatName = ChatName ChatType Text
deriving (Show)
data ChatName = ChatName {chatType :: ChatType, chatName :: Text}
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON ChatName where toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions
chatTypeStr :: ChatType -> String
chatTypeStr = \case

View file

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ chatMigrateInit dbFilePrefix dbKey confirm = runExceptT $ do
initialize st db = do
user_ <- getActiveUser_ st
newChatController db user_ defaultMobileConfig (mobileChatOpts dbFilePrefix dbKey) Nothing
newChatController db user_ defaultMobileConfig (mobileChatOpts dbFilePrefix dbKey)
migrate createStore dbFile confirmMigrations =
ExceptT $
(first (DBMErrorMigration dbFile) <$> createStore dbFile dbKey confirmMigrations)

View file

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (BasicAuth (..), ProtoServerWithAuth (..), ProtocolServer (..), ProtocolTypeI (..), SubscriptionMode)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (eitherToMaybe, safeDecodeUtf8)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (safeDecodeUtf8)
createUserRecord :: DB.Connection -> AgentUserId -> Profile -> Bool -> ExceptT StoreError IO User
createUserRecord db auId p activeUser = createUserRecordAt db auId p activeUser =<< liftIO getCurrentTime

View file

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Help (chatWelcome)
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Input
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Notification
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Output
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Presets (defaultXFTPServers)
import Simplex.Messaging.Client (defaultNetworkConfig)
@ -40,10 +39,9 @@ terminalChatConfig =
simplexChatTerminal :: WithTerminal t => ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> t -> IO ()
simplexChatTerminal cfg opts t = do
sendToast <- if muteNotifications opts then pure Nothing else Just <$> initializeNotifications
handle checkDBKeyError . simplexChatCore cfg opts sendToast $ \u cc -> do
ct <- newChatTerminal t
simplexChatTerminal cfg opts t =
handle checkDBKeyError . simplexChatCore cfg opts $ \u cc -> do
ct <- newChatTerminal t opts
when (firstTime cc) . printToTerminal ct $ chatWelcome u
runChatTerminal ct cc

View file

@ -57,14 +57,26 @@ runInputLoop ct@ChatTerminal {termState, liveMessageState} cc = forever $ do
cmd = parseChatCommand bs
unless (isMessage cmd) $ echo s
r <- runReaderT (execChatCommand bs) cc
case r of
CRChatCmdError _ _ -> when (isMessage cmd) $ echo s
CRChatError _ _ -> when (isMessage cmd) $ echo s
_ -> pure ()
processResp s cmd r
printRespToTerminal ct cc False r
startLiveMessage cmd r
echo s = printToTerminal ct [plain s]
processResp s cmd = \case
CRActiveUser _ -> setActive ct ""
CRChatItems u chatName_ _ -> whenCurrUser cc u $ mapM_ (setActive ct . chatActiveTo) chatName_
CRNewChatItem u (AChatItem _ SMDSnd cInfo _) -> whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveChat ct cInfo
CRChatItemUpdated u (AChatItem _ SMDSnd cInfo _) -> whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveChat ct cInfo
CRChatItemDeleted u (AChatItem _ _ cInfo _) _ _ _ -> whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveChat ct cInfo
CRContactDeleted u c -> whenCurrUser cc u $ unsetActiveContact ct c
CRGroupDeletedUser u g -> whenCurrUser cc u $ unsetActiveGroup ct g
CRSentGroupInvitation u g _ _ -> whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveGroup ct g
CRChatCmdError _ _ -> when (isMessage cmd) $ echo s
CRChatError _ _ -> when (isMessage cmd) $ echo s
CRCmdOk _ -> case cmd of
Right APIDeleteUser {} -> setActive ct ""
_ -> pure ()
_ -> pure ()
isMessage = \case
Right SendMessage {} -> True
Right SendLiveMessage {} -> True
@ -134,7 +146,7 @@ runTerminalInput ct cc = withChatTerm ct $ do
receiveFromTTY cc ct
receiveFromTTY :: forall m. MonadTerminal m => ChatController -> ChatTerminal -> m ()
receiveFromTTY cc@ChatController {inputQ, activeTo, currentUser, chatStore} ct@ChatTerminal {termSize, termState, liveMessageState} =
receiveFromTTY cc@ChatController {inputQ, currentUser, chatStore} ct@ChatTerminal {termSize, termState, liveMessageState, activeTo} =
forever $ getKey >>= liftIO . processKey >> withTermLock ct (updateInput ct)
processKey :: (Key, Modifiers) -> IO ()
@ -153,11 +165,11 @@ receiveFromTTY cc@ChatController {inputQ, activeTo, currentUser, chatStore} ct@C
when (inputString ts /= "" || isLive) $
atomically (submitInput live ts) >>= mapM_ (uncurry endLiveMessage)
update key = do
ac <- readTVarIO activeTo
chatPrefix <- readTVarIO activeTo
live <- isJust <$> readTVarIO liveMessageState
ts <- readTVarIO termState
user_ <- readTVarIO currentUser
ts' <- updateTermState user_ chatStore ac live (width termSize) key ts
ts' <- updateTermState user_ chatStore chatPrefix live (width termSize) key ts
atomically $ writeTVar termState $! ts'
endLiveMessage :: String -> LiveMessage -> IO ()
@ -203,8 +215,8 @@ data AutoComplete
| ACCommand Text
| ACNone
updateTermState :: Maybe User -> SQLiteStore -> ActiveTo -> Bool -> Int -> (Key, Modifiers) -> TerminalState -> IO TerminalState
updateTermState user_ st ac live tw (key, ms) ts@TerminalState {inputString = s, inputPosition = p, autoComplete = acp} = case key of
updateTermState :: Maybe User -> SQLiteStore -> String -> Bool -> Int -> (Key, Modifiers) -> TerminalState -> IO TerminalState
updateTermState user_ st chatPrefix live tw (key, ms) ts@TerminalState {inputString = s, inputPosition = p, autoComplete = acp} = case key of
CharKey c
| ms == mempty || ms == shiftKey -> pure $ insertChars $ charsWithContact [c]
| ms == altKey && c == 'b' -> pure $ setPosition prevWordPos
@ -326,17 +338,13 @@ updateTermState user_ st ac live tw (key, ms) ts@TerminalState {inputString = s,
charsWithContact cs
| live = cs
| null s && cs /= "@" && cs /= "#" && cs /= "/" && cs /= ">" && cs /= "\\" && cs /= "!" && cs /= "+" && cs /= "-" =
contactPrefix <> cs
chatPrefix <> cs
| (s == ">" || s == "\\" || s == "!") && cs == " " =
cs <> contactPrefix
cs <> chatPrefix
| otherwise = cs
insertChars = ts' . if p >= length s then append else insert
append cs = let s' = s <> cs in (s', length s')
insert cs = let (b, a) = splitAt p s in (b <> cs <> a, p + length cs)
contactPrefix = case ac of
ActiveNone -> ""
ActiveC c -> "@" <> T.unpack c <> " "
ActiveG g -> "#" <> T.unpack g <> " "
| p == 0 || null s = ts
| p >= length s = ts' (init s, length s - 1)

View file

@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (catchAll_)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, findExecutable, getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.FilePath (combine)
import System.Info (os)
import System.Process (readCreateProcess, shell)
data Notification = Notification {title :: Text, text :: Text}
initializeNotifications :: IO (Notification -> IO ())
initializeNotifications =
hideException <$> case os of

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -14,13 +15,24 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Simplex.Chat (processChatCommand)
import Simplex.Chat (processChatCommand, chatNtf, contactNtf, groupNtf, userNtf)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Messages hiding (NewChatItem (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent (CIContent(..), SMsgDirection (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..), msgContentText)
import Simplex.Chat.Styled
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Notification (Notification (..), initializeNotifications)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Contact, GroupInfo (..), User (..), UserContactRequest (..))
import Simplex.Chat.View
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (safeDecodeUtf8)
import System.Console.ANSI.Types
import System.IO (IOMode (..), hPutStrLn, withFile)
import System.Mem.Weak (Weak)
@ -34,7 +46,9 @@ data ChatTerminal = ChatTerminal
termSize :: Size,
liveMessageState :: TVar (Maybe LiveMessage),
nextMessageRow :: TVar Int,
termLock :: TMVar ()
termLock :: TMVar (),
sendNotification :: Maybe (Notification -> IO ()),
activeTo :: TVar String
data TerminalState = TerminalState
@ -79,16 +93,28 @@ instance WithTerminal VirtualTerminal where
withChatTerm :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => ChatTerminal -> (forall t. WithTerminal t => TerminalT t m a) -> m a
withChatTerm ChatTerminal {termDevice = TerminalDevice t} action = withTerm t $ runTerminalT action
newChatTerminal :: WithTerminal t => t -> IO ChatTerminal
newChatTerminal t = do
newChatTerminal :: WithTerminal t => t -> ChatOpts -> IO ChatTerminal
newChatTerminal t opts = do
termSize <- withTerm t . runTerminalT $ getWindowSize
let lastRow = height termSize - 1
termState <- newTVarIO mkTermState
liveMessageState <- newTVarIO Nothing
termLock <- newTMVarIO ()
nextMessageRow <- newTVarIO lastRow
sendNotification <- if muteNotifications opts then pure Nothing else Just <$> initializeNotifications
activeTo <- newTVarIO ""
-- threadDelay 500000 -- this delay is the same as timeout in getTerminalSize
return ChatTerminal {termDevice = TerminalDevice t, termState, termSize, liveMessageState, nextMessageRow, termLock}
{ termDevice = TerminalDevice t,
mkTermState :: TerminalState
mkTermState =
@ -122,6 +148,7 @@ runTerminalOutput ct cc@ChatController {outputQ, showLiveItems, logFilePath} = d
_ -> printToTerminal ct
liveItems <- readTVarIO showLiveItems
responseString cc liveItems r >>= printResp
responseNotification ct cc r
markChatItemRead (AChatItem _ _ chat item@ChatItem {chatDir, meta = CIMeta {itemStatus}}) =
case (muted chat chatDir, itemStatus) of
@ -132,6 +159,100 @@ runTerminalOutput ct cc@ChatController {outputQ, showLiveItems, logFilePath} = d
_ -> pure ()
logResponse path s = withFile path AppendMode $ \h -> mapM_ (hPutStrLn h . unStyle) s
responseNotification :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> ChatResponse -> IO ()
responseNotification t@ChatTerminal {sendNotification} cc = \case
CRNewChatItem u (AChatItem _ SMDRcv cInfo ChatItem {chatDir, content = CIRcvMsgContent mc, formattedText}) ->
when (chatNtf u cInfo) $ do
whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveChat t cInfo
case (cInfo, chatDir) of
(DirectChat ct, _) -> sendNtf (viewContactName ct <> "> ", text)
(GroupChat g, CIGroupRcv m) -> sendNtf (fromGroup_ g m, text)
_ -> pure ()
text = msgText mc formattedText
CRChatItemUpdated u (AChatItem _ SMDRcv cInfo ChatItem {content = CIRcvMsgContent _}) ->
whenCurrUser cc u $ when (chatNtf u cInfo) $ setActiveChat t cInfo
CRContactConnected u ct _ -> when (contactNtf u ct) $ do
whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveContact t ct
sendNtf (viewContactName ct <> "> ", "connected")
CRContactAnotherClient u ct -> do
whenCurrUser cc u $ unsetActiveContact t ct
when (contactNtf u ct) $ sendNtf (viewContactName ct <> "> ", "connected to another client")
CRContactsDisconnected srv _ -> serverNtf srv "disconnected"
CRContactsSubscribed srv _ -> serverNtf srv "connected"
CRReceivedGroupInvitation u g ct _ _ ->
when (contactNtf u ct) $
sendNtf ("#" <> viewGroupName g <> " " <> viewContactName ct <> "> ", "invited you to join the group")
CRUserJoinedGroup u g _ -> when (groupNtf u g) $ do
whenCurrUser cc u $ setActiveGroup t g
sendNtf ("#" <> viewGroupName g, "you are connected to group")
CRJoinedGroupMember u g m ->
when (groupNtf u g) $ sendNtf ("#" <> viewGroupName g, "member " <> viewMemberName m <> " is connected")
CRConnectedToGroupMember u g m _ ->
when (groupNtf u g) $ sendNtf ("#" <> viewGroupName g, "member " <> viewMemberName m <> " is connected")
CRReceivedContactRequest u UserContactRequest {localDisplayName = n} ->
when (userNtf u) $ sendNtf (viewName n <> ">", "wants to connect to you")
_ -> pure ()
sendNtf = maybe (\_ -> pure ()) (. uncurry Notification) sendNotification
serverNtf (SMPServer host _ _) str = sendNtf ("server " <> str, safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode host)
msgText :: MsgContent -> Maybe MarkdownList -> Text
msgText (MCFile _) _ = "wants to send a file"
msgText mc md_ = maybe (msgContentText mc) (mconcat . map hideSecret) md_
hideSecret :: FormattedText -> Text
hideSecret FormattedText {format = Just Secret} = "..."
hideSecret FormattedText {text} = text
chatActiveTo :: ChatName -> String
chatActiveTo (ChatName cType name) = case cType of
CTDirect -> T.unpack $ "@" <> viewName name <> " "
CTGroup -> T.unpack $ "#" <> viewName name <> " "
_ -> ""
chatInfoActiveTo :: ChatInfo c -> String
chatInfoActiveTo = \case
DirectChat c -> contactActiveTo c
GroupChat g -> groupActiveTo g
_ -> ""
contactActiveTo :: Contact -> String
contactActiveTo c = T.unpack $ "@" <> viewContactName c <> " "
groupActiveTo :: GroupInfo -> String
groupActiveTo g = T.unpack $ "#" <> viewGroupName g <> " "
setActiveChat :: ChatTerminal -> ChatInfo c -> IO ()
setActiveChat t = setActive t . chatInfoActiveTo
setActiveContact :: ChatTerminal -> Contact -> IO ()
setActiveContact t = setActive t . contactActiveTo
setActiveGroup :: ChatTerminal -> GroupInfo -> IO ()
setActiveGroup t = setActive t . groupActiveTo
setActive :: ChatTerminal -> String -> IO ()
setActive ChatTerminal {activeTo} to = atomically $ writeTVar activeTo to
unsetActiveContact :: ChatTerminal -> Contact -> IO ()
unsetActiveContact t = unsetActive t . contactActiveTo
unsetActiveGroup :: ChatTerminal -> GroupInfo -> IO ()
unsetActiveGroup t = unsetActive t . groupActiveTo
unsetActive :: ChatTerminal -> String -> IO ()
unsetActive ChatTerminal {activeTo} to' = atomically $ modifyTVar activeTo unset
unset to = if to == to' then "" else to
whenCurrUser :: ChatController -> User -> IO () -> IO ()
whenCurrUser cc u a = do
u_ <- readTVarIO $ currentUser cc
when (sameUser u u_) a
sameUser User {userId = uId} = maybe False $ \User {userId} -> userId == uId
printRespToTerminal :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> Bool -> ChatResponse -> IO ()
printRespToTerminal ct cc liveItems r = responseString cc liveItems r >>= printToTerminal ct

View file

@ -1424,8 +1424,6 @@ serializeIntroStatus = \case
GMIntroToConnected -> "to-con"
GMIntroConnected -> "con"
data Notification = Notification {title :: Text, text :: Text}
textParseJSON :: TextEncoding a => String -> J.Value -> JT.Parser a
textParseJSON name = J.withText name $ maybe (fail $ "bad " <> name) pure . textDecode

View file

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ responseToView user_ ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showReceipts, testView
CRContactCode u ct code -> ttyUser u $ viewContactCode ct code testView
CRGroupMemberCode u g m code -> ttyUser u $ viewGroupMemberCode g m code testView
CRNewChatItem u (AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> ttyUser u $ unmuted chat item $ viewChatItem chat item False ts tz <> viewItemReactions item
CRChatItems u chatItems -> ttyUser u $ concatMap (\(AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> viewChatItem chat item True ts tz <> viewItemReactions item) chatItems
CRChatItems u _ chatItems -> ttyUser u $ concatMap (\(AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> viewChatItem chat item True ts tz <> viewItemReactions item) chatItems
CRChatItemInfo u ci ciInfo -> ttyUser u $ viewChatItemInfo ci ciInfo tz
CRChatItemId u itemId -> ttyUser u [plain $ maybe "no item" show itemId]
CRChatItemStatusUpdated u ci -> ttyUser u $ viewChatItemStatusUpdated ci ts tz testView showReceipts

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ withBroadcastBot :: BroadcastBotOpts -> IO () -> IO ()
withBroadcastBot opts test =
bracket (forkIO bot) killThread (\_ -> threadDelay 500000 >> test)
bot = simplexChatCore testCfg (mkChatOpts opts) Nothing $ broadcastBot opts
bot = simplexChatCore testCfg (mkChatOpts opts) $ broadcastBot opts
broadcastBotProfile :: Profile
broadcastBotProfile = Profile {displayName = "broadcast_bot", fullName = "Broadcast Bot", image = Nothing, contactLink = Nothing, preferences = Nothing}

View file

@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ runDirectory cfg opts@DirectoryOpts {directoryLog} action = do
threadDelay 500000
action `finally` (mapM_ hClose (directoryLogFile st) >> killThread t)
bot st = simplexChatCore cfg (mkChatOpts opts) Nothing $ directoryService st opts
bot st = simplexChatCore cfg (mkChatOpts opts) $ directoryService st opts
registerGroup :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> IO ()
registerGroup su u n fn = registerGroupId su u n fn 1 1

View file

@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ startTestChat tmp cfg opts@ChatOpts {coreOptions = CoreChatOpts {dbKey}} dbPrefi
startTestChat_ :: ChatDatabase -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> User -> IO TestCC
startTestChat_ db cfg opts user = do
t <- withVirtualTerminal termSettings pure
ct <- newChatTerminal t
cc <- newChatController db (Just user) cfg opts Nothing -- no notifications
ct <- newChatTerminal t opts
cc <- newChatController db (Just user) cfg opts
chatAsync <- async . runSimplexChat opts user cc . const $ runChatTerminal ct
atomically . unless (maintenance opts) $ readTVar (agentAsync cc) >>= \a -> when (isNothing a) retry
termQ <- newTQueueIO