mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: remove a separate type to validate servers with invalid addresses (they are prevented by the UI) (#5211)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 15 additions and 67 deletions
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ data ChatCommand
| APISetServerOperators (NonEmpty ServerOperator)
| APIGetUserServers UserId
| APISetUserServers UserId (NonEmpty UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
| APIValidateServers UserId [ValidatedUserOperatorServers] -- response is CRUserServersValidation
| APIValidateServers UserId [UpdatedUserOperatorServers] -- response is CRUserServersValidation
| APIGetUsageConditions
| APISetConditionsNotified Int64
| APIAcceptConditions Int64 (NonEmpty Int64)
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JE
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Foldable (foldMap')
import Data.Functor.Identity
@ -217,32 +216,19 @@ data UpdatedUserOperatorServers = UpdatedUserOperatorServers
deriving (Show)
data ValidatedUserOperatorServers = ValidatedUserOperatorServers
{ operator :: Maybe ServerOperator,
smpServers :: [AValidatedServer 'PSMP],
xftpServers :: [AValidatedServer 'PXFTP]
deriving (Show)
data AValidatedServer p = forall s. AVS (SDBStored s) (ValidatedServer s p)
deriving instance Show (AValidatedServer p)
type ValidatedServer s p = UserServer_ s ValidatedProtoServer p
data ValidatedProtoServer p = ValidatedProtoServer {unVPS :: Either Text (ProtoServerWithAuth p)}
deriving (Show)
class UserServersClass u where
type AServer u = (s :: ProtocolType -> Type) | s -> u
operator' :: u -> Maybe ServerOperator
partitionValid :: [AServer u p] -> ([Text], [AUserServer p])
aUserServer' :: AServer u p -> AUserServer p
servers' :: UserProtocol p => SProtocolType p -> u -> [AServer u p]
instance UserServersClass UserOperatorServers where
type AServer UserOperatorServers = UserServer_ 'DBStored ProtoServerWithAuth
type AServer UserOperatorServers = UserServer' 'DBStored
operator' UserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid ss = ([], map (AUS SDBStored) ss)
aUserServer' = AUS SDBStored
servers' p UserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
@ -250,24 +236,11 @@ instance UserServersClass UserOperatorServers where
instance UserServersClass UpdatedUserOperatorServers where
type AServer UpdatedUserOperatorServers = AUserServer
operator' UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid = ([],)
aUserServer' = id
servers' p UpdatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
instance UserServersClass ValidatedUserOperatorServers where
type AServer ValidatedUserOperatorServers = AValidatedServer
operator' ValidatedUserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid = partitionEithers . map serverOrErr
serverOrErr :: AValidatedServer p -> Either Text (AUserServer p)
serverOrErr (AVS s srv@UserServer {server = server'}) = (\server -> AUS s srv {server}) <$> unVPS server'
servers' p ValidatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = case p of
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
type UserServer' s p = UserServer_ s ProtoServerWithAuth p
type UserServer p = UserServer' 'DBStored p
type NewUserServer p = UserServer' 'DBNew p
@ -276,9 +249,9 @@ data AUserServer p = forall s. AUS (SDBStored s) (UserServer' s p)
deriving instance Show (AUserServer p)
data UserServer_ s (srv :: ProtocolType -> Type) (p :: ProtocolType) = UserServer
data UserServer' s (p :: ProtocolType) = UserServer
{ serverId :: DBEntityId' s,
server :: srv p,
server :: ProtoServerWithAuth p,
preset :: Bool,
tested :: Maybe Bool,
enabled :: Bool,
@ -456,7 +429,6 @@ data UserServersError
= USENoServers {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEStorageMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEProxyMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEInvalidServer {protocol :: AProtocolType, invalidServer :: Text}
| USEDuplicateServer {protocol :: AProtocolType, duplicateServer :: Text, duplicateHost :: TransportHost}
deriving (Show)
@ -471,16 +443,15 @@ validateUserServers curr others = currUserErrs <> concatMap otherUserErrs others
| otherwise = [USEStorageMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole storage)] <> [USEProxyMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole proxy)]
p' = AProtocolType p
noServers cond = not $ any srvEnabled $ snd $ partitionValid $ concatMap (servers' p) $ filter cond uss
noServers cond = not $ any srvEnabled $ userServers p $ filter cond uss
opEnabled = maybe True (\ServerOperator {enabled} -> enabled) . operator'
hasRole roleSel = maybe True (\op@ServerOperator {enabled} -> enabled && roleSel (operatorRoles p op)) . operator'
srvEnabled (AUS _ UserServer {deleted, enabled}) = enabled && not deleted
serverErrs :: (UserServersClass u, ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> [u] -> [UserServersError]
serverErrs p uss = map (USEInvalidServer p') invalidSrvs <> mapMaybe duplicateErr_ srvs
serverErrs p uss = mapMaybe duplicateErr_ srvs
p' = AProtocolType p
(invalidSrvs, userSrvs) = partitionValid $ concatMap (servers' p) uss
srvs = filter (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted}) -> not deleted) userSrvs
srvs = filter (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted}) -> not deleted) $ userServers p uss
duplicateErr_ (AUS _ srv@UserServer {server}) =
USEDuplicateServer p' (safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode server)
<$> find (`S.member` duplicateHosts) (srvHost srv)
@ -489,6 +460,8 @@ validateUserServers curr others = currUserErrs <> concatMap otherUserErrs others
addHost (hs, dups) h
| h `S.member` hs = (hs, S.insert h dups)
| otherwise = (S.insert h hs, dups)
userServers :: (UserServersClass u, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> [u] -> [AUserServer p]
userServers p = map aUserServer' . concatMap (servers' p)
instance ToJSON (DBEntityId' s) where
toEncoding = \case
@ -525,30 +498,18 @@ $(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "UCA") ''UsageConditionsAction)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''ServerOperatorConditions)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => ToJSON (UserServer' s p) where
toEncoding = $(JQ.mkToEncoding defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
toJSON = $(JQ.mkToJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
toEncoding = $(JQ.mkToEncoding defaultJSON ''UserServer')
toJSON = $(JQ.mkToJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer')
instance (DBStoredI s, ProtocolTypeI p) => FromJSON (UserServer' s p) where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer')
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (AUserServer p) where
parseJSON v = (AUS SDBStored <$> parseJSON v) <|> (AUS SDBNew <$> parseJSON v)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (ValidatedProtoServer p) where
parseJSON v = ValidatedProtoServer <$> ((Right <$> parseJSON v) <|> (Left <$> parseJSON v))
instance (DBStoredI s, ProtocolTypeI p) => FromJSON (ValidatedServer s p) where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (AValidatedServer p) where
parseJSON v = (AVS SDBStored <$> parseJSON v) <|> (AVS SDBNew <$> parseJSON v)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''UserOperatorServers)
instance FromJSON UpdatedUserOperatorServers where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
instance FromJSON ValidatedUserOperatorServers where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''ValidatedUserOperatorServers)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "USE") ''UserServersError)
@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ validateServersTest = describe "validate user servers" $ do
[ USEDuplicateServer aSMP "smp://0YuTwO05YJWS8rkjn9eLJDjQhFKvIYd8d4xG8X1blIU=@smp8.simplex.im,beccx4yfxxbvyhqypaavemqurytl6hozr47wfc7uuecacjqdvwpw2xid.onion" "smp8.simplex.im",
USEDuplicateServer aSMP "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im" "smp8.simplex.im"
it "should fail with invalid host" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidHost] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aXFTP Nothing, USEInvalidServer aSMP "smp:abcd@smp8.simplex.im"]
aSMP = AProtocolType SPSMP
aXFTP = AProtocolType SPXFTP
@ -132,14 +130,3 @@ invalidDuplicate =
(valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
{ smpServers = map (AUS SDBNew) $ simplexChatSMPServers <> [presetServer True "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im"]
invalidHost :: ValidatedUserOperatorServers
invalidHost =
{ operator = Just operatorSimpleXChat {operatorId = DBEntityId 1},
smpServers = [validatedServer (Left "smp:abcd@smp8.simplex.im"), validatedServer (Right "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im")],
xftpServers = []
validatedServer srv =
AVS SDBNew (presetServer @'PSMP True "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im") {server = ValidatedProtoServer srv}
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