mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: fix unused contact deletion (#2023)
* core: failing test for leaving and deleting the group joined via link * fix test * merge logic * fix * add condition * refactor Co-authored-by: Evgeny Poberezkin <2769109+epoberezkin@users.noreply.github.com> * compiles --------- Co-authored-by: spaced4ndy <8711996+spaced4ndy@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 100 additions and 8 deletions
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
module Simplex.Chat where
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM (retry, stateTVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (retry)
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
@ -3224,9 +3224,9 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
messageError $ eventName <> ": wrong call state " <> T.pack (show $ callStateTag callState)
mergeContacts :: Contact -> Contact -> m ()
mergeContacts to from = do
withStore' $ \db -> mergeContactRecords db userId to from
toView $ CRContactsMerged user to from
mergeContacts c1 c2 = do
withStore' $ \db -> mergeContactRecords db userId c1 c2
toView $ CRContactsMerged user c1 c2
saveConnInfo :: Connection -> ConnInfo -> m ()
saveConnInfo activeConn connInfo = do
@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.STM (stateTVar)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad.Except
@ -1592,8 +1591,17 @@ matchSentProbe db user@User {userId} _from@Contact {contactId} (Probe probe) = d
cId : _ -> eitherToMaybe <$> runExceptT (getContact db user cId)
mergeContactRecords :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Contact -> Contact -> IO ()
mergeContactRecords db userId Contact {contactId = toContactId} Contact {contactId = fromContactId, localDisplayName} = do
mergeContactRecords db userId ct1 ct2 = do
let (toCt, fromCt) = toFromContacts ct1 ct2
Contact {contactId = toContactId} = toCt
Contact {contactId = fromContactId, localDisplayName} = fromCt
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
-- TODO next query fixes incorrect unused contacts deletion; consider more thorough fix
when (contactDirect toCt && not (contactUsed toCt)) $
"UPDATE contacts SET contact_used = 1, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_id = ?"
(currentTs, userId, toContactId)
"UPDATE connections SET contact_id = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE contact_id = ? AND user_id = ?"
@ -1629,6 +1637,17 @@ mergeContactRecords db userId Contact {contactId = toContactId} Contact {contact
deleteContactProfile_ db userId fromContactId
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM contacts WHERE contact_id = ? AND user_id = ?" (fromContactId, userId)
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM display_names WHERE local_display_name = ? AND user_id = ?" (localDisplayName, userId)
toFromContacts :: Contact -> Contact -> (Contact, Contact)
toFromContacts c1 c2
| d1 && not d2 = (c1, c2)
| d2 && not d1 = (c2, c1)
| ctCreatedAt c1 <= ctCreatedAt c2 = (c1, c2)
| otherwise = (c2, c1)
d1 = directOrUsed c1
d2 = directOrUsed c2
ctCreatedAt Contact {createdAt} = createdAt
getConnectionEntity :: DB.Connection -> User -> AgentConnId -> ExceptT StoreError IO ConnectionEntity
getConnectionEntity db user@User {userId, userContactId} agentConnId = do
@ -160,9 +160,12 @@ contactConnId = aConnId . contactConn
contactConnIncognito :: Contact -> Bool
contactConnIncognito = connIncognito . contactConn
contactDirect :: Contact -> Bool
contactDirect Contact {activeConn = Connection {connLevel, viaGroupLink}} = connLevel == 0 && not viaGroupLink
directOrUsed :: Contact -> Bool
directOrUsed Contact {contactUsed, activeConn = Connection {connLevel, viaGroupLink}} =
(connLevel == 0 && not viaGroupLink) || contactUsed
directOrUsed ct@Contact {contactUsed} =
contactDirect ct || contactUsed
anyDirectOrUsed :: Contact -> Bool
anyDirectOrUsed Contact {contactUsed, activeConn = Connection {connLevel}} = connLevel == 0 || contactUsed
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ chatGroupTests = do
it "unused host contact is deleted after all groups with it are deleted" testGroupLinkUnusedHostContactDeleted
it "leaving groups with unused host contacts deletes incognito profiles" testGroupLinkIncognitoUnusedHostContactsDeleted
it "group link member role" testGroupLinkMemberRole
it "leaving and deleting the group joined via link should NOT delete previously existing direct contacts" testGroupLinkLeaveDelete
testGroup :: HasCallStack => SpecWith FilePath
testGroup = versionTestMatrix3 runTestGroup
@ -1916,3 +1917,72 @@ testGroupLinkMemberRole =
(alice <# "#team bob> hey now")
(cath <# "#team bob> hey now")
testGroupLinkLeaveDelete :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testGroupLinkLeaveDelete =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
connectUsers cath bob
alice ##> "/g team"
alice <## "group #team is created"
alice <## "to add members use /a team <name> or /create link #team"
alice ##> "/create link #team"
gLink <- getGroupLink alice "team" GRMember True
bob ##> ("/c " <> gLink)
bob <## "connection request sent!"
alice <## "bob_1 (Bob): accepting request to join group #team..."
[ alice
<### [ "bob_1 (Bob): contact is connected",
"contact bob_1 is merged into bob",
"use @bob <message> to send messages",
EndsWith "invited to group #team via your group link",
EndsWith "joined the group"
<### [ "alice_1 (Alice): contact is connected",
"contact alice_1 is merged into alice",
"use @alice <message> to send messages",
"#team: you joined the group"
cath ##> ("/c " <> gLink)
cath <## "connection request sent!"
alice <## "cath (Catherine): accepting request to join group #team..."
[ alice
<### [ "cath (Catherine): contact is connected",
"cath invited to group #team via your group link",
"#team: cath joined the group"
<### [ "alice (Alice): contact is connected",
"#team: you joined the group",
"#team: member bob_1 (Bob) is connected",
"contact bob_1 is merged into bob",
"use @bob <message> to send messages"
<### [ "#team: alice added cath_1 (Catherine) to the group (connecting...)",
"#team: new member cath_1 is connected",
"contact cath_1 is merged into cath",
"use @cath <message> to send messages"
bob ##> "/l team"
[ do
bob <## "#team: you left the group"
bob <## "use /d #team to delete the group",
alice <## "#team: bob left the group",
cath <## "#team: bob left the group"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice)"
bob <## "cath (Catherine)"
bob ##> "/d #team"
bob <## "#team: you deleted the group"
bob ##> "/contacts"
bob <## "alice (Alice)"
bob <## "cath (Catherine)"
Add table
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