simplify mobile API to have single controller (#274)

* simplify mobile API to have single controller

* update chat response in swift

* add async to stack
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Poberezkin 2022-02-06 16:18:01 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9b67aa537a
commit 408a30c25b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
15 changed files with 287 additions and 237 deletions

View file

@ -15,13 +15,16 @@ private let jsonDecoder = getJSONDecoder()
private let jsonEncoder = getJSONEncoder()
enum ChatCommand {
case showActiveUser
case createActiveUser(profile: Profile)
case startChat
case apiGetChats
case apiGetChat(type: ChatType, id: Int64)
case apiSendMessage(type: ChatType, id: Int64, msg: MsgContent)
case addContact
case connect(connReq: String)
case apiDeleteChat(type: ChatType, id: Int64)
case apiUpdateProfile(profile: Profile)
case updateProfile(profile: Profile)
case createMyAddress
case deleteMyAddress
case showMyAddress
@ -32,32 +35,22 @@ enum ChatCommand {
var cmdString: String {
get {
switch self {
case .apiGetChats:
return "/_get chats"
case let .apiGetChat(type, id):
return "/_get chat \(type.rawValue)\(id) count=500"
case let .apiSendMessage(type, id, mc):
return "/_send \(type.rawValue)\(id) \(mc.cmdString)"
case .addContact:
return "/connect"
case let .connect(connReq):
return "/connect \(connReq)"
case let .apiDeleteChat(type, id):
return "/_delete \(type.rawValue)\(id)"
case let .apiUpdateProfile(profile):
return "/profile \(profile.displayName) \(profile.fullName)"
case .createMyAddress:
return "/address"
case .deleteMyAddress:
return "/delete_address"
case .showMyAddress:
return "/show_address"
case let .apiAcceptContact(contactReqId):
return "/_accept \(contactReqId)"
case let .apiRejectContact(contactReqId):
return "/_reject \(contactReqId)"
case let .string(str):
return str
case .showActiveUser: return "/u"
case let .createActiveUser(profile): return "/u \(profile.displayName) \(profile.fullName)"
case .startChat: return "/_start"
case .apiGetChats: return "/_get chats"
case let .apiGetChat(type, id): return "/_get chat \(type.rawValue)\(id) count=500"
case let .apiSendMessage(type, id, mc): return "/_send \(type.rawValue)\(id) \(mc.cmdString)"
case .addContact: return "/connect"
case let .connect(connReq): return "/connect \(connReq)"
case let .apiDeleteChat(type, id): return "/_delete \(type.rawValue)\(id)"
case let .updateProfile(profile): return "/profile \(profile.displayName) \(profile.fullName)"
case .createMyAddress: return "/address"
case .deleteMyAddress: return "/delete_address"
case .showMyAddress: return "/show_address"
case let .apiAcceptContact(contactReqId): return "/_accept \(contactReqId)"
case let .apiRejectContact(contactReqId): return "/_reject \(contactReqId)"
case let .string(str): return str
@ -69,6 +62,8 @@ struct APIResponse: Decodable {
enum ChatResponse: Decodable, Error {
case response(type: String, json: String)
case activeUser(user: User)
case chatStarted
case apiChats(chats: [ChatData])
case apiChat(chat: ChatData)
case invitation(connReqInvitation: String)
@ -90,11 +85,14 @@ enum ChatResponse: Decodable, Error {
case contactSubError(contact: Contact, chatError: ChatError)
case newChatItem(chatItem: AChatItem)
case chatCmdError(chatError: ChatError)
case chatError(chatError: ChatError)
var responseType: String {
get {
switch self {
case let .response(type, _): return "* \(type)"
case .activeUser: return "activeUser"
case .chatStarted: return "chatStarted"
case .apiChats: return "apiChats"
case .apiChat: return "apiChat"
case .invitation: return "invitation"
@ -116,6 +114,7 @@ enum ChatResponse: Decodable, Error {
case .contactSubError: return "contactSubError"
case .newChatItem: return "newChatItem"
case .chatCmdError: return "chatCmdError"
case .chatError: return "chatError"
@ -124,6 +123,8 @@ enum ChatResponse: Decodable, Error {
get {
switch self {
case let .response(_, json): return json
case let .activeUser(user): return String(describing: user)
case .chatStarted: return noDetails
case let .apiChats(chats): return String(describing: chats)
case let .apiChat(chat): return String(describing: chat)
case let .invitation(connReqInvitation): return connReqInvitation
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ enum ChatResponse: Decodable, Error {
case let .contactSubError(contact, chatError): return "contact:\n\(String(describing: contact))\nerror:\n\(String(describing: chatError))"
case let .newChatItem(chatItem): return String(describing: chatItem)
case let .chatCmdError(chatError): return String(describing: chatError)
case let .chatError(chatError): return String(describing: chatError)
@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ func apiDeleteChat(type: ChatType, id: Int64) throws {
func apiUpdateProfile(profile: Profile) throws -> Profile? {
let r = try chatSendCmd(.apiUpdateProfile(profile: profile))
let r = try chatSendCmd(.updateProfile(profile: profile))
switch r {
case .userProfileNoChange: return nil
case let .userProfileUpdated(_, toProfile): return toProfile
@ -423,16 +425,18 @@ private func encodeCJSON<T: Encodable>(_ value: T) -> [CChar] {
enum ChatError: Decodable {
case error(errorType: ChatErrorType)
case errorMessage(errorMessage: String)
case errorAgent(agentError: AgentErrorType)
case errorStore(storeError: StoreError)
case errorNotImplemented
enum ChatErrorType: Decodable {
case groupUserRole
case noActiveUser
case activeUserExists
case chatNotStarted
case invalidConnReq
case invalidChatMessage(message: String)
case contactGroups(contact: Contact, groupNames: [GroupName])
case groupUserRole
case groupContactRole(contactName: ContactName)
case groupDuplicateMember(contactName: ContactName)
case groupDuplicateMemberId

View file

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ struct TextItemView: View {
private func messageText(_ s: String, sent: Bool = false) -> Text {
if s == "" { return Text("") }
let parts = s.split(separator: " ")
var res = wordToText(parts[0], sent)
var i = 1
while i < parts.count {

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extra-source-files:
- aeson == 2.0.*
- ansi-terminal >= 0.10 && < 0.12
- async == 2.2.*
- attoparsec == 0.14.*
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- base64-bytestring >= 1.0 && < 1.3

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ library
aeson ==2.0.*
, ansi-terminal >=0.10 && <0.12
, async ==2.2.*
, attoparsec ==0.14.*
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base64-bytestring >=1.0 && <1.3
@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ executable simplex-chat
aeson ==2.0.*
, ansi-terminal >=0.10 && <0.12
, async ==2.2.*
, attoparsec ==0.14.*
, base >=4.7 && <5
, base64-bytestring >=1.0 && <1.3
@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ test-suite simplex-chat-test

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Options (ChatOpts (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Util (ifM, safeDecodeUtf8, unlessM)
import Simplex.Chat.Util (ifM, safeDecodeUtf8, unlessM, whenM)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (AgentConfig (..), defaultAgentConfig)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath (combine, splitExtensions, takeFileName)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (..), SeekMode (..), hFlush, openFile, stdout)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import UnliftIO.Async (race_)
import UnliftIO.Async (Async, async, race_)
import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import UnliftIO.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getFileSize, getHomeDirectory, getTemporaryDirectory)
import qualified UnliftIO.Exception as E
@ -83,13 +83,14 @@ defaultChatConfig =
logCfg :: LogConfig
logCfg = LogConfig {lc_file = Nothing, lc_stderr = True}
newChatController :: SQLiteStore -> User -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> (Notification -> IO ()) -> IO ChatController
newChatController :: SQLiteStore -> Maybe User -> ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> (Notification -> IO ()) -> IO ChatController
newChatController chatStore user config@ChatConfig {agentConfig = cfg, tbqSize} ChatOpts {dbFilePrefix, smpServers} sendNotification = do
let f = chatStoreFile dbFilePrefix
activeTo <- newTVarIO ActiveNone
firstTime <- not <$> doesFileExist f
currentUser <- newTVarIO user
smpAgent <- getSMPAgentClient cfg {dbFile = dbFilePrefix <> "_agent.db", smpServers}
agentAsync <- newTVarIO Nothing
idsDrg <- newTVarIO =<< drgNew
inputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
outputQ <- newTBQueueIO tbqSize
@ -97,10 +98,20 @@ newChatController chatStore user config@ChatConfig {agentConfig = cfg, tbqSize}
chatLock <- newTMVarIO ()
sndFiles <- newTVarIO M.empty
rcvFiles <- newTVarIO M.empty
pure ChatController {activeTo, firstTime, currentUser, smpAgent, chatStore, idsDrg, inputQ, outputQ, notifyQ, chatLock, sndFiles, rcvFiles, config, sendNotification}
pure ChatController {activeTo, firstTime, currentUser, smpAgent, agentAsync, chatStore, idsDrg, inputQ, outputQ, notifyQ, chatLock, sndFiles, rcvFiles, config, sendNotification}
runChatController :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => m ()
runChatController = race_ agentSubscriber notificationSubscriber
runChatController :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => User -> m ()
runChatController = race_ notificationSubscriber . agentSubscriber
startChatController :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => User -> m (Async ())
startChatController user = do
s <- asks agentAsync
readTVarIO s >>= maybe (start s) pure
start s = do
a <- async $ runChatController user
atomically . writeTVar s $ Just a
pure a
withLock :: MonadUnliftIO m => TMVar () -> m a -> m a
withLock lock =
@ -110,26 +121,31 @@ withLock lock =
execChatCommand :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ByteString -> m ChatResponse
execChatCommand s = case parseAll chatCommandP $ B.dropWhileEnd isSpace s of
Left e -> pure . CRChatError . ChatError $ CECommandError e
Right cmd -> do
ChatController {currentUser} <- ask
user <- readTVarIO currentUser
either CRChatCmdError id <$> runExceptT (processChatCommand user cmd)
Left e -> pure $ chatCmdError e
Right cmd -> either CRChatCmdError id <$> runExceptT (processChatCommand cmd)
toView :: ChatMonad m => ChatResponse -> m ()
toView event = do
q <- asks outputQ
atomically $ writeTBQueue q (Nothing, event)
processChatCommand :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
APIGetChats -> CRApiChats <$> withStore (`getChatPreviews` user)
APIGetChat cType cId pagination -> case cType of
processChatCommand :: forall m. ChatMonad m => ChatCommand -> m ChatResponse
processChatCommand = \case
ShowActiveUser -> withUser' $ pure . CRActiveUser
CreateActiveUser p -> do
u <- asks currentUser
whenM (isJust <$> readTVarIO u) $ throwChatError CEActiveUserExists
user <- withStore $ \st -> createUser st p True
atomically . writeTVar u $ Just user
pure $ CRActiveUser user
StartChat -> withUser' $ \user -> startChatController user $> CRChatStarted
APIGetChats -> CRApiChats <$> withUser (\user -> withStore (`getChatPreviews` user))
APIGetChat cType cId pagination -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
CTDirect -> CRApiChat . AChat SCTDirect <$> withStore (\st -> getDirectChat st user cId pagination)
CTGroup -> CRApiChat . AChat SCTGroup <$> withStore (\st -> getGroupChat st user cId pagination)
CTContactRequest -> pure $ CRChatError ChatErrorNotImplemented
APIGetChatItems _count -> pure $ CRChatError ChatErrorNotImplemented
APISendMessage cType chatId mc -> withChatLock $ case cType of
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not implemented"
APIGetChatItems _pagination -> pure $ chatCmdError "not implemented"
APISendMessage cType chatId mc -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} <- withStore $ \st -> getContact st userId chatId
ci <- sendDirectChatItem userId ct (XMsgNew mc) (CISndMsgContent mc)
@ -141,8 +157,8 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
ci <- sendGroupChatItem userId group (XMsgNew mc) (CISndMsgContent mc)
setActive $ ActiveG gName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci
CTContactRequest -> pure . CRChatError . ChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
APIDeleteChat cType chatId -> case cType of
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not supported"
APIDeleteChat cType chatId -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct@Contact {localDisplayName} <- withStore $ \st -> getContact st userId chatId
withStore (\st -> getContactGroupNames st userId ct) >>= \case
@ -155,16 +171,16 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
unsetActive $ ActiveC localDisplayName
pure $ CRContactDeleted ct
gs -> throwChatError $ CEContactGroups ct gs
CTGroup -> pure $ CRChatCmdError ChatErrorNotImplemented
CTContactRequest -> pure . CRChatError . ChatError $ CECommandError "not supported"
APIAcceptContact connReqId -> do
CTGroup -> pure $ chatCmdError "not implemented"
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not supported"
APIAcceptContact connReqId -> withUser $ \User {userId, profile} -> do
UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = p} <- withStore $ \st ->
getContactRequest st userId connReqId
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> acceptContact a invId . directMessage $ XInfo profile
acceptedContact <- withStore $ \st -> createAcceptedContact st userId connId cName profileId p
pure $ CRAcceptingContactRequest acceptedContact
APIRejectContact connReqId -> withChatLock $ do
APIRejectContact connReqId -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
cReq@UserContactRequest {agentContactConnId = AgentConnId connId, agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId} <-
withStore $ \st ->
getContactRequest st userId connReqId
@ -172,51 +188,51 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
withAgent $ \a -> rejectContact a connId invId
pure $ CRContactRequestRejected cReq
ChatHelp section -> pure $ CRChatHelp section
Welcome -> pure $ CRWelcome user
AddContact -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
Welcome -> withUser $ pure . CRWelcome
AddContact -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
withStore $ \st -> createDirectConnection st userId connId
pure $ CRInvitation cReq
Connect (Just (ACR SCMInvitation cReq)) -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect cReq $ XInfo profile
Connect (Just (ACR SCMInvitation cReq)) -> withUser $ \User {userId, profile} -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect userId cReq $ XInfo profile
pure CRSentConfirmation
Connect (Just (ACR SCMContact cReq)) -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect cReq $ XContact profile Nothing
Connect (Just (ACR SCMContact cReq)) -> withUser $ \User {userId, profile} -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect userId cReq $ XContact profile Nothing
pure CRSentInvitation
Connect Nothing -> throwChatError CEInvalidConnReq
ConnectAdmin -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect adminContactReq $ XContact profile Nothing
ConnectAdmin -> withUser $ \User {userId, profile} -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
connect userId adminContactReq $ XContact profile Nothing
pure CRSentInvitation
DeleteContact cName -> do
DeleteContact cName -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
processChatCommand user $ APIDeleteChat CTDirect contactId
ListContacts -> CRContactsList <$> withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
CreateMyAddress -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
processChatCommand $ APIDeleteChat CTDirect contactId
ListContacts -> withUser $ \user -> CRContactsList <$> withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
CreateMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock . procCmd $ do
(connId, cReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMContact)
withStore $ \st -> createUserContactLink st userId connId cReq
pure $ CRUserContactLinkCreated cReq
DeleteMyAddress -> withChatLock $ do
DeleteMyAddress -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
conns <- withStore $ \st -> getUserContactLinkConnections st userId
procCmd $ do
withAgent $ \a -> forM_ conns $ \conn ->
deleteConnection a (aConnId conn) `catchError` \(_ :: AgentErrorType) -> pure ()
withStore $ \st -> deleteUserContactLink st userId
pure CRUserContactLinkDeleted
ShowMyAddress -> CRUserContactLink <$> withStore (`getUserContactLink` userId)
AcceptContact cName -> do
ShowMyAddress -> CRUserContactLink <$> (withUser $ \User {userId} -> withStore (`getUserContactLink` userId))
AcceptContact cName -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
connReqId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactRequestIdByName st userId cName
processChatCommand user $ APIAcceptContact connReqId
RejectContact cName -> do
processChatCommand $ APIAcceptContact connReqId
RejectContact cName -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
connReqId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactRequestIdByName st userId cName
processChatCommand user $ APIRejectContact connReqId
SendMessage cName msg -> do
processChatCommand $ APIRejectContact connReqId
SendMessage cName msg -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand user $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId mc
NewGroup gProfile -> do
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId mc
NewGroup gProfile -> withUser $ \user -> do
gVar <- asks idsDrg
CRGroupCreated <$> withStore (\st -> createNewGroup st gVar user gProfile)
AddMember gName cName memRole -> withChatLock $ do
AddMember gName cName memRole -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
-- TODO for large groups: no need to load all members to determine if contact is a member
(group, contact) <- withStore $ \st -> (,) <$> getGroupByName st user gName <*> getContactByName st userId cName
let Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile, membership} members = group
@ -241,7 +257,7 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
Just cReq -> sendInvitation memberId cReq
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEGroupCantResendInvitation gInfo cName
| otherwise -> throwChatError $ CEGroupDuplicateMember cName
JoinGroup gName -> do
JoinGroup gName -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
ReceivedGroupInvitation {fromMember, connRequest, groupInfo = g} <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupInvitation st user gName
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
agentConnId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a connRequest . directMessage . XGrpAcpt $ memberId (membership g :: GroupMember)
@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
updateGroupMemberStatus st userId (membership g) GSMemAccepted
pure $ CRUserAcceptedGroupSent g
MemberRole _gName _cName _mRole -> throwChatError $ CECommandError "unsupported"
RemoveMember gName cName -> do
RemoveMember gName cName -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
case find ((== cName) . (localDisplayName :: GroupMember -> ContactName)) members of
Nothing -> throwChatError $ CEGroupMemberNotFound cName
@ -263,14 +279,14 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
deleteMemberConnection m
withStore $ \st -> updateGroupMemberStatus st userId m GSMemRemoved
pure $ CRUserDeletedMember gInfo m
LeaveGroup gName -> do
LeaveGroup gName -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
void $ sendGroupMessage members XGrpLeave
mapM_ deleteMemberConnection members
withStore $ \st -> updateGroupMemberStatus st userId membership GSMemLeft
pure $ CRLeftMemberUser gInfo
DeleteGroup gName -> do
DeleteGroup gName -> withUser $ \user -> do
g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
let s = memberStatus membership
canDelete =
@ -282,13 +298,13 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
mapM_ deleteMemberConnection members
withStore $ \st -> deleteGroup st user g
pure $ CRGroupDeletedUser gInfo
ListMembers gName -> CRGroupMembers <$> withStore (\st -> getGroupByName st user gName)
ListGroups -> CRGroupsList <$> withStore (`getUserGroupDetails` user)
SendGroupMessage gName msg -> do
ListMembers gName -> CRGroupMembers <$> (withUser $ \user -> withStore (\st -> getGroupByName st user gName))
ListGroups -> CRGroupsList <$> withUser (\user -> withStore (`getUserGroupDetails` user))
SendGroupMessage gName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupIdByName st user gName
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand user $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId mc
SendFile cName f -> withChatLock $ do
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId mc
SendFile cName f -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
contact <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId cName
(agentConnId, fileConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
@ -299,7 +315,7 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId ci
setActive $ ActiveC cName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat contact) ci
SendGroupFile gName f -> withChatLock $ do
SendGroupFile gName f -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} members <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
@ -319,7 +335,7 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
ciMeta@CIMeta {itemId} <- saveChatItem userId (CDGroupSnd gInfo) ci
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId itemId
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) $ ChatItem CIGroupSnd ciMeta ciContent
ReceiveFile fileId filePath_ -> do
ReceiveFile fileId filePath_ -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileConnReq}, fileStatus} <- withStore $ \st -> getRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId
unless (fileStatus == RFSNew) . throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyReceiving fileName
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
@ -331,7 +347,7 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
Left (ChatErrorAgent (SMP SMP.AUTH)) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
Left (ChatErrorAgent (CONN DUPLICATE)) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
Left e -> throwError e
CancelFile fileId -> do
CancelFile fileId -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
ft' <- withStore (\st -> getFileTransfer st userId fileId)
withChatLock . procCmd $ case ft' of
FTSnd fts -> do
@ -341,18 +357,19 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
cancelRcvFileTransfer ft
pure $ CRRcvFileCancelled ft
FileStatus fileId ->
CRFileTransferStatus <$> withStore (\st -> getFileTransferProgress st userId fileId)
ShowProfile -> pure $ CRUserProfile profile
UpdateProfile p@Profile {displayName}
| p == profile -> pure CRUserProfileNoChange
| otherwise -> do
withStore $ \st -> updateUserProfile st user p
let user' = (user :: User) {localDisplayName = displayName, profile = p}
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` user')
contacts <- withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
forM_ contacts $ \ct -> sendDirectMessage (contactConn ct) $ XInfo p
pure $ CRUserProfileUpdated profile p
CRFileTransferStatus <$> withUser (\User {userId} -> withStore $ \st -> getFileTransferProgress st userId fileId)
ShowProfile -> withUser $ \User {profile} -> pure $ CRUserProfile profile
UpdateProfile p@Profile {displayName} -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} ->
if p == profile
then pure CRUserProfileNoChange
else do
withStore $ \st -> updateUserProfile st user p
let user' = (user :: User) {localDisplayName = displayName, profile = p}
asks currentUser >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` Just user')
contacts <- withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
forM_ contacts $ \ct -> sendDirectMessage (contactConn ct) $ XInfo p
pure $ CRUserProfileUpdated profile p
QuitChat -> liftIO exitSuccess
ShowVersion -> pure CRVersionInfo
@ -367,13 +384,13 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
-- corrId <- liftIO $ SMP.CorrId <$> randomBytes gVar 8
-- void . forkIO $
-- withAgentLock a . withLock l $
-- (atomically . writeTBQueue q) . (Just corrId,) =<< (action `catchError` (pure . CRChatError))
-- (atomically . writeTBQueue q) . (Just corrId,) =<< (action `catchError` (pure . CRChatCmdError))
-- pure $ CRCmdAccepted corrId
-- use function below to make commands "synchronous"
procCmd :: m ChatResponse -> m ChatResponse
procCmd = id
connect :: ConnectionRequestUri c -> ChatMsgEvent -> m ()
connect cReq msg = do
connect :: UserId -> ConnectionRequestUri c -> ChatMsgEvent -> m ()
connect userId cReq msg = do
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a cReq $ directMessage msg
withStore $ \st -> createDirectConnection st userId connId
contactMember :: Contact -> [GroupMember] -> Maybe GroupMember
@ -416,31 +433,30 @@ processChatCommand user@User {userId, profile} = \case
f = filePath `combine` (name <> suffix <> ext)
in ifM (doesFileExist f) (tryCombine $ n + 1) (pure f)
agentSubscriber :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => m ()
agentSubscriber = do
agentSubscriber :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => User -> m ()
agentSubscriber user = do
q <- asks $ subQ . smpAgent
l <- asks chatLock
subscribeUserConnections user
forever $ do
(_, connId, msg) <- atomically $ readTBQueue q
user <- readTVarIO =<< asks currentUser
u <- readTVarIO =<< asks currentUser
withLock l . void . runExceptT $
processAgentMessage user connId msg `catchError` (toView . CRChatError)
processAgentMessage u connId msg `catchError` (toView . CRChatError)
subscribeUserConnections :: forall m. (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => m ()
subscribeUserConnections = void . runExceptT $ do
user <- readTVarIO =<< asks currentUser
subscribeContacts user
subscribeGroups user
subscribeFiles user
subscribePendingConnections user
subscribeUserContactLink user
subscribeUserConnections :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => User -> m ()
subscribeUserConnections user@User {userId} = void . runExceptT $ do
subscribeContacts user = do
subscribeContacts = do
contacts <- withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
forM_ contacts $ \ct ->
(subscribe (contactConnId ct) >> toView (CRContactSubscribed ct)) `catchError` (toView . CRContactSubError ct)
subscribeGroups user = do
subscribeGroups = do
groups <- withStore (`getUserGroups` user)
forM_ groups $ \(Group g@GroupInfo {membership} members) -> do
let connectedMembers = mapMaybe (\m -> (m,) <$> memberConnId m) members
@ -456,7 +472,7 @@ subscribeUserConnections = void . runExceptT $ do
forM_ connectedMembers $ \(GroupMember {localDisplayName = c}, cId) ->
subscribe cId `catchError` (toView . CRMemberSubError g c)
toView $ CRGroupSubscribed g
subscribeFiles user = do
subscribeFiles = do
withStore (`getLiveSndFileTransfers` user) >>= mapM_ subscribeSndFile
withStore (`getLiveRcvFileTransfers` user) >>= mapM_ subscribeRcvFile
@ -477,10 +493,10 @@ subscribeUserConnections = void . runExceptT $ do
resume RcvFileInfo {agentConnId = AgentConnId cId} =
subscribe cId `catchError` (toView . CRRcvFileSubError ft)
subscribePendingConnections user = do
subscribePendingConnections = do
cs <- withStore (`getPendingConnections` user)
subscribeConns cs `catchError` \_ -> pure ()
subscribeUserContactLink User {userId} = do
subscribeUserContactLink = do
cs <- withStore (`getUserContactLinkConnections` userId)
(subscribeConns cs >> toView CRUserContactLinkSubscribed)
`catchError` (toView . CRUserContactLinkSubError)
@ -489,8 +505,9 @@ subscribeUserConnections = void . runExceptT $ do
withAgent $ \a ->
forM_ conns $ subscribeConnection a . aConnId
processAgentMessage :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> ConnId -> ACommand 'Agent -> m ()
processAgentMessage user@User {userId, profile} agentConnId agentMessage =
processAgentMessage :: forall m. ChatMonad m => Maybe User -> ConnId -> ACommand 'Agent -> m ()
processAgentMessage Nothing _ _ = throwChatError CENoActiveUser
processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage =
(withStore (\st -> getConnectionEntity st user agentConnId) >>= updateConnStatus) >>= \case
RcvDirectMsgConnection conn contact_ ->
processDirectMessage agentMessage conn contact_
@ -1026,7 +1043,7 @@ processAgentMessage user@User {userId, profile} agentConnId agentMessage =
toView $ CRGroupDeleted gInfo m
parseChatMessage :: ByteString -> Either ChatError ChatMessage
parseChatMessage = first ChatErrorMessage . strDecode
parseChatMessage = first (ChatError . CEInvalidChatMessage) . strDecode
sendFileChunk :: ChatMonad m => SndFileTransfer -> m ()
sendFileChunk ft@SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileStatus, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId} =
@ -1319,6 +1336,18 @@ notificationSubscriber = do
ChatController {notifyQ, sendNotification} <- ask
forever $ atomically (readTBQueue notifyQ) >>= liftIO . sendNotification
withUser' :: ChatMonad m => (User -> m a) -> m a
withUser' action =
asks currentUser
>>= readTVarIO
>>= maybe (throwChatError CENoActiveUser) action
withUser :: ChatMonad m => (User -> m a) -> m a
withUser action = withUser' $ \user ->
ifM chatStarted (action user) (throwChatError CEChatNotStarted)
chatStarted = fmap isJust . readTVarIO =<< asks agentAsync
withAgent :: ChatMonad m => (AgentClient -> ExceptT AgentErrorType m a) -> m a
withAgent action =
asks smpAgent
@ -1336,7 +1365,10 @@ withStore action =
chatCommandP :: Parser ChatCommand
chatCommandP =
"/_get chats" $> APIGetChats
("/user " <|> "/u ") *> (CreateActiveUser <$> userProfile)
<|> ("/user" <|> "/u") $> ShowActiveUser
<|> "/_start" $> StartChat
<|> "/_get chats" $> APIGetChats
<|> "/_get chat " *> (APIGetChat <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* <*> chatPaginationP)
<|> "/_get items count=" *> (APIGetChatItems <$> A.decimal)
<|> "/_send " *> (APISendMessage <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* <*> msgContentP)

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Controller where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
@ -54,10 +55,11 @@ data ActiveTo = ActiveNone | ActiveC ContactName | ActiveG GroupName
deriving (Eq)
data ChatController = ChatController
{ currentUser :: TVar User,
{ currentUser :: TVar (Maybe User),
activeTo :: TVar ActiveTo,
firstTime :: Bool,
smpAgent :: AgentClient,
agentAsync :: TVar (Maybe (Async ())),
chatStore :: SQLiteStore,
idsDrg :: TVar ChaChaDRG,
inputQ :: TBQueue String,
@ -78,7 +80,10 @@ instance ToJSON HelpSection where
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding . enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HS"
data ChatCommand
= APIGetChats
= ShowActiveUser
| CreateActiveUser Profile
| StartChat
| APIGetChats
| APIGetChat ChatType Int64 ChatPagination
| APIGetChatItems Int
| APISendMessage ChatType Int64 MsgContent
@ -120,7 +125,9 @@ data ChatCommand
deriving (Show)
data ChatResponse
= CRApiChats {chats :: [AChat]}
= CRActiveUser {user :: User}
| CRChatStarted
| CRApiChats {chats :: [AChat]}
| CRApiChat {chat :: AChat}
| CRNewChatItem {chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRMsgIntegrityError {msgerror :: MsgErrorType} -- TODO make it chat item to support in mobile
@ -198,10 +205,8 @@ instance ToJSON ChatResponse where
data ChatError
= ChatError {errorType :: ChatErrorType}
| ChatErrorMessage {errorMessage :: String}
| ChatErrorAgent {agentError :: AgentErrorType}
| ChatErrorStore {storeError :: StoreError}
| ChatErrorNotImplemented
deriving (Show, Exception, Generic)
instance ToJSON ChatError where
@ -209,9 +214,13 @@ instance ToJSON ChatError where
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding . sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "Chat"
data ChatErrorType
= CEGroupUserRole
= CENoActiveUser
| CEActiveUserExists
| CEChatNotStarted
| CEInvalidConnReq
| CEInvalidChatMessage {message :: String}
| CEContactGroups {contact :: Contact, groupNames :: [GroupName]}
| CEGroupUserRole
| CEGroupContactRole {contactName :: ContactName}
| CEGroupDuplicateMember {contactName :: ContactName}
| CEGroupDuplicateMemberId
@ -240,6 +249,9 @@ instance ToJSON ChatErrorType where
type ChatMonad m = (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m, MonadError ChatError m)
chatCmdError :: String -> ChatResponse
chatCmdError = CRChatCmdError . ChatError . CECommandError
setActive :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ActiveTo -> m ()
setActive to = asks activeTo >>= atomically . (`writeTVar` to)

View file

@ -6,13 +6,10 @@
module Simplex.Chat.Mobile where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), (.=))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JE
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.List (find)
@ -26,36 +23,16 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (CorrId (..))
foreign export ccall "chat_init_store" cChatInitStore :: CString -> IO (StablePtr ChatStore)
foreign export ccall "chat_get_user" cChatGetUser :: StablePtr ChatStore -> IO CJSONString
foreign export ccall "chat_create_user" cChatCreateUser :: StablePtr ChatStore -> CJSONString -> IO CJSONString
foreign export ccall "chat_start" cChatStart :: StablePtr ChatStore -> IO (StablePtr ChatController)
foreign export ccall "chat_init" cChatInit :: CString -> IO (StablePtr ChatController)
foreign export ccall "chat_send_cmd" cChatSendCmd :: StablePtr ChatController -> CString -> IO CJSONString
foreign export ccall "chat_recv_msg" cChatRecvMsg :: StablePtr ChatController -> IO CJSONString
-- | creates or connects to chat store
cChatInitStore :: CString -> IO (StablePtr ChatStore)
cChatInitStore fp = peekCAString fp >>= chatInitStore >>= newStablePtr
-- | returns JSON in the form `{"user": <user object>}` or `{}` in case there is no active user (to show dialog to enter displayName/fullName)
cChatGetUser :: StablePtr ChatStore -> IO CJSONString
cChatGetUser cc = deRefStablePtr cc >>= chatGetUser >>= newCAString
-- | accepts Profile JSON, returns JSON `{"user": <user object>}` or `{"error": "<error>"}`
cChatCreateUser :: StablePtr ChatStore -> CJSONString -> IO CJSONString
cChatCreateUser cPtr profileCJson = do
c <- deRefStablePtr cPtr
p <- peekCAString profileCJson
newCAString =<< chatCreateUser c p
-- | this function starts chat - it cannot be started during initialization right now, as it cannot work without user (to be fixed later)
cChatStart :: StablePtr ChatStore -> IO (StablePtr ChatController)
cChatStart st = deRefStablePtr st >>= chatStart >>= newStablePtr
-- | initialize chat controller
-- The active user has to be created and the chat has to be started before most commands can be used.
cChatInit :: CString -> IO (StablePtr ChatController)
cChatInit fp = peekCAString fp >>= chatInit >>= newStablePtr
-- | send command to chat (same syntax as in terminal for now)
cChatSendCmd :: StablePtr ChatController -> CString -> IO CJSONString
@ -78,43 +55,15 @@ mobileChatOpts =
type CJSONString = CString
data ChatStore = ChatStore
{ dbFilePrefix :: FilePath,
chatStore :: SQLiteStore
chatInitStore :: String -> IO ChatStore
chatInitStore dbFilePrefix = do
let f = chatStoreFile dbFilePrefix
chatStore <- createStore f $ dbPoolSize defaultChatConfig
pure ChatStore {dbFilePrefix, chatStore}
getActiveUser_ :: SQLiteStore -> IO (Maybe User)
getActiveUser_ st = find activeUser <$> getUsers st
-- | returns JSON in the form `{"user": <user object>}` or `{}`
chatGetUser :: ChatStore -> IO JSONString
chatGetUser ChatStore {chatStore} =
maybe "{}" userObject <$> getActiveUser_ chatStore
-- | returns JSON in the form `{"user": <user object>}` or `{"error": "<error>"}`
chatCreateUser :: ChatStore -> JSONString -> IO JSONString
chatCreateUser ChatStore {chatStore} profileJson =
case J.eitherDecodeStrict' $ B.pack profileJson of
Left e -> pure $ err e
Right p -> either err userObject <$> runExceptT (createUser chatStore p True)
err e = jsonObject $ "error" .= show e
userObject :: User -> JSONString
userObject user = jsonObject $ "user" .= user
chatStart :: ChatStore -> IO ChatController
chatStart ChatStore {dbFilePrefix, chatStore} = do
Just user <- getActiveUser_ chatStore
cc <- newChatController chatStore user defaultChatConfig mobileChatOpts {dbFilePrefix} . const $ pure ()
void . forkIO $ runReaderT runChatController cc
pure cc
chatInit :: String -> IO ChatController
chatInit dbFilePrefix = do
let f = chatStoreFile dbFilePrefix
chatStore <- createStore f $ dbPoolSize defaultChatConfig
user_ <- getActiveUser_ chatStore
newChatController chatStore user_ defaultChatConfig mobileChatOpts {dbFilePrefix} . const $ pure ()
chatSendCmd :: ChatController -> String -> IO JSONString
chatSendCmd cc s = LB.unpack . J.encode . APIResponse Nothing <$> runReaderT (execChatCommand $ B.pack s) cc
@ -124,9 +73,6 @@ chatRecvMsg ChatController {outputQ} = json <$> atomically (readTBQueue outputQ)
json (corr, resp) = LB.unpack $ J.encode APIResponse {corr, resp}
jsonObject :: J.Series -> JSONString
jsonObject = LB.unpack . JE.encodingToLazyByteString . J.pairs
data APIResponse = APIResponse {corr :: Maybe CorrId, resp :: ChatResponse}
deriving (Generic)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Terminal where
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Simplex.Chat
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
@ -11,8 +14,8 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Input
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Notification
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal.Output
import Simplex.Chat.Types (User)
import Simplex.Chat.Util (whenM)
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (raceAny_)
import UnliftIO (async, waitEither_)
simplexChat :: WithTerminal t => ChatConfig -> ChatOpts -> t -> IO ()
simplexChat cfg opts t
@ -27,10 +30,15 @@ simplexChat cfg opts t
st <- createStore f $ dbPoolSize cfg
u <- getCreateActiveUser st
ct <- newChatTerminal t
cc <- newChatController st u cfg opts sendNotification'
cc <- newChatController st (Just u) cfg opts sendNotification'
runSimplexChat u ct cc
runSimplexChat :: User -> ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> IO ()
runSimplexChat u ct = runReaderT $ do
whenM (asks firstTime) . liftIO . printToTerminal ct $ chatWelcome u
raceAny_ [runTerminalInput ct, runTerminalOutput ct, runInputLoop ct, runChatController]
runSimplexChat u ct cc = do
when (firstTime cc) . printToTerminal ct $ chatWelcome u
a1 <- async $ runChatTerminal ct cc
a2 <- runReaderT (startChatController u) cc
waitEither_ a1 a2
runChatTerminal :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> IO ()
runChatTerminal ct cc = raceAny_ [runTerminalInput ct cc, runTerminalOutput ct cc, runInputLoop ct cc]

View file

@ -25,21 +25,16 @@ getKey =
Right (KeyEvent key ms) -> pure (key, ms)
_ -> getKey
runInputLoop :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ChatTerminal -> m ()
runInputLoop ct = do
q <- asks inputQ
forever $ do
s <- atomically $ readTBQueue q
r <- execChatCommand . encodeUtf8 $ T.pack s
liftIO . printToTerminal ct $ responseToView s r
runInputLoop :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> IO ()
runInputLoop ct cc = forever $ do
s <- atomically . readTBQueue $ inputQ cc
r <- runReaderT (execChatCommand . encodeUtf8 $ T.pack s) cc
printToTerminal ct $ responseToView s r
runTerminalInput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ChatTerminal -> m ()
runTerminalInput ct = do
cc <- ask
liftIO $
withChatTerm ct $ do
updateInput ct
receiveFromTTY cc ct
runTerminalInput :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> IO ()
runTerminalInput ct cc = withChatTerm ct $ do
updateInput ct
receiveFromTTY cc ct
receiveFromTTY :: MonadTerminal m => ChatController -> ChatTerminal -> m ()
receiveFromTTY ChatController {inputQ, activeTo} ct@ChatTerminal {termSize, termState} =

View file

@ -72,11 +72,10 @@ withTermLock ChatTerminal {termLock} action = do
atomically $ putTMVar termLock ()
runTerminalOutput :: (MonadUnliftIO m, MonadReader ChatController m) => ChatTerminal -> m ()
runTerminalOutput ct = do
ChatController {outputQ} <- ask
runTerminalOutput :: ChatTerminal -> ChatController -> IO ()
runTerminalOutput ct cc =
forever $
atomically (readTBQueue outputQ) >>= liftIO . printToTerminal ct . responseToView "" . snd
atomically (readTBQueue $ outputQ cc) >>= printToTerminal ct . responseToView "" . snd
printToTerminal :: ChatTerminal -> [StyledString] -> IO ()
printToTerminal ct s =

View file

@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ serializeChatResponse = unlines . map unStyle . responseToView ""
responseToView :: String -> ChatResponse -> [StyledString]
responseToView cmd = \case
CRApiChats chats -> api [sShow chats]
CRApiChat chat -> api [sShow chat]
CRActiveUser User {profile} -> r $ viewUserProfile profile
CRChatStarted -> r ["chat started"]
CRApiChats chats -> r [sShow chats]
CRApiChat chat -> r [sShow chat]
CRNewChatItem (AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> viewChatItem chat item
CRMsgIntegrityError mErr -> viewMsgIntegrityError mErr
CRCmdAccepted _ -> r []
@ -115,7 +117,6 @@ responseToView cmd = \case
CRMessageError prefix err -> [plain prefix <> ": " <> plain err]
CRChatError e -> viewChatError e
api = (highlight cmd :)
r = (plain cmd :)
-- this function should be `r` for "synchronous", `id` for "asynchronous" command responses
-- r' = id
@ -447,7 +448,11 @@ fileProgress chunksNum chunkSize fileSize =
viewChatError :: ChatError -> [StyledString]
viewChatError = \case
ChatError err -> case err of
CENoActiveUser -> ["error: active user is required"]
CEActiveUserExists -> ["error: active user already exists"]
CEChatNotStarted -> ["error: chat not started"]
CEInvalidConnReq -> viewInvalidConnReq
CEInvalidChatMessage e -> ["chat message error: " <> sShow e]
CEContactGroups Contact {localDisplayName} gNames -> [ttyContact localDisplayName <> ": contact cannot be deleted, it is a member of the group(s) " <> ttyGroups gNames]
CEGroupDuplicateMember c -> ["contact " <> ttyContact c <> " is already in the group"]
CEGroupDuplicateMemberId -> ["cannot add member - duplicate member ID"]
@ -488,8 +493,6 @@ viewChatError = \case
ChatErrorAgent err -> case err of
SMP SMP.AUTH -> ["error: this connection is deleted"]
e -> ["smp agent error: " <> sShow e]
ChatErrorMessage e -> ["chat message error: " <> sShow e]
ChatErrorNotImplemented -> ["chat error: not implemented"]
fileNotFound fileId = ["file " <> sShow fileId <> " not found"]

View file

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ virtualSimplexChat dbFilePrefix profile = do
Right user <- runExceptT $ createUser st profile True
t <- withVirtualTerminal termSettings pure
ct <- newChatTerminal t
cc <- newChatController st user cfg opts {dbFilePrefix} . const $ pure () -- no notifications
cc <- newChatController st (Just user) cfg opts {dbFilePrefix} . const $ pure () -- no notifications
chatAsync <- async $ runSimplexChat user ct cc
termQ <- newTQueueIO
termAsync <- async $ readTerminalOutput t termQ
@ -108,16 +108,18 @@ readTerminalOutput t termQ = do
then map (dropWhileEnd (== ' ')) diff
else getDiff_ (n + 1) len win' win
testChatN :: [Profile] -> ([TestCC] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
testChatN ps test =
withTmpFiles :: IO () -> IO ()
withTmpFiles =
(createDirectoryIfMissing False "tests/tmp")
(removeDirectoryRecursive "tests/tmp")
$ do
let envs = zip ps $ map ((testDBPrefix <>) . show) [(1 :: Int) ..]
tcs <- getTestCCs envs []
test tcs
concurrentlyN_ $ map (<// 100000) tcs
testChatN :: [Profile] -> ([TestCC] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
testChatN ps test = withTmpFiles $ do
let envs = zip ps $ map ((testDBPrefix <>) . show) [(1 :: Int) ..]
tcs <- getTestCCs envs []
test tcs
concurrentlyN_ $ map (<// 100000) tcs
getTestCCs [] tcs = pure tcs
getTestCCs ((p, db) : envs') tcs = (:) <$> virtualSimplexChat db p <*> getTestCCs envs' tcs

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Profile (..), User (..))
@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ connectUsers cc1 cc2 = do
showName :: TestCC -> IO String
showName (TestCC ChatController {currentUser} _ _ _ _) = do
User {localDisplayName, profile = Profile {fullName}} <- readTVarIO currentUser
Just User {localDisplayName, profile = Profile {fullName}} <- readTVarIO currentUser
pure . T.unpack $ localDisplayName <> " (" <> fullName <> ")"
createGroup2 :: String -> TestCC -> TestCC -> IO ()
@ -811,7 +812,7 @@ cc1 <##> cc2 = do
cc1 <# (name2 <> "> hey")
userName :: TestCC -> IO [Char]
userName (TestCC ChatController {currentUser} _ _ _ _) = T.unpack . localDisplayName <$> readTVarIO currentUser
userName (TestCC ChatController {currentUser} _ _ _ _) = T.unpack . localDisplayName . fromJust <$> readTVarIO currentUser
(##>) :: TestCC -> String -> IO ()
cc ##> cmd = do

tests/MobileTests.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module MobileTests where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests
import Control.Monad.Except
import Simplex.Chat.Mobile
import Simplex.Chat.Store
import Test.Hspec
mobileTests :: Spec
mobileTests = do
describe "mobile API" $ do
it "start new chat without user" testChatApiNoUser
it "start new chat with existing user" testChatApi
noActiveUser :: String
noActiveUser = "{\"resp\":{\"chatCmdError\":{\"chatError\":{\"error\":{\"errorType\":{\"noActiveUser\":{}}}}}}}"
activeUserExists :: String
activeUserExists = "{\"resp\":{\"chatCmdError\":{\"chatError\":{\"error\":{\"errorType\":{\"activeUserExists\":{}}}}}}}"
activeUser :: String
activeUser = "{\"resp\":{\"activeUser\":{\"user\":{\"userId\":1,\"userContactId\":1,\"localDisplayName\":\"alice\",\"profile\":{\"displayName\":\"alice\",\"fullName\":\"Alice\"},\"activeUser\":true}}}}"
testChatApiNoUser :: IO ()
testChatApiNoUser = withTmpFiles $ do
cc <- chatInit testDBPrefix
chatSendCmd cc "/u" `shouldReturn` noActiveUser
chatSendCmd cc "/_start" `shouldReturn` noActiveUser
chatSendCmd cc "/u alice Alice" `shouldReturn` activeUser
chatSendCmd cc "/_start" `shouldReturn` "{\"resp\":{\"chatStarted\":{}}}"
testChatApi :: IO ()
testChatApi = withTmpFiles $ do
let f = chatStoreFile testDBPrefix
st <- createStore f 1
Right _ <- runExceptT $ createUser st aliceProfile True
cc <- chatInit testDBPrefix
chatSendCmd cc "/u" `shouldReturn` activeUser
chatSendCmd cc "/u alice Alice" `shouldReturn` activeUserExists
chatSendCmd cc "/_start" `shouldReturn` "{\"resp\":{\"chatStarted\":{}}}"

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import ChatClient
import ChatTests
import MarkdownTests
import MobileTests
import ProtocolTests
import Test.Hspec
@ -8,4 +9,5 @@ main :: IO ()
main = withSmpServer . hspec $ do
describe "SimpleX chat markdown" markdownTests
describe "SimpleX chat protocol" protocolTests
describe "Mobile API Tests" mobileTests
describe "SimpleX chat client" chatTests