mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: chat list pagination (#3505)
* add pagination args to APIGetChats * add search to chat list API * rename arg to paginationTs_ to match type * lift another condition to ids query * collect all chat refs before sorting, then get details * split remaining preview functions * roll back to collecting ids first with query cleanup * add connection join back to filter out groups * extract and expand tests * add fav/unread args * WIP * lay out the queries with favs * tweak tests * add fav tests * fix order by in the before case * build query footer wholly from pagination * add migration for direct contacts * fix setting contact_used * fix setting contact_used for group link contacts * align search x filters space with UI, support filter by either favorite or unread, optimize queries, indexes * always set chat_ts, fix tests * refactor tests * fix pagination logic, more tests * refactor, rename * increase default pagination count * comments * refactor * comment * report errors * refactor * remove unused type --------- Co-authored-by: spaced4ndy <8711996+spaced4ndy@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 805 additions and 302 deletions
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ library
@ -532,6 +533,7 @@ test-suite simplex-chat-test
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.Char
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import Data.Either (fromRight, rights)
import Data.Either (fromRight, partitionEithers, rights)
import Data.Fixed (div')
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Int (Int64)
@ -596,8 +596,10 @@ processChatCommand = \case
. sortOn (timeAvg . snd)
. M.assocs
<$> withConnection st (readTVarIO . DB.slow)
APIGetChats userId withPCC -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRApiChats user <$> withStoreCtx' (Just "APIGetChats, getChatPreviews") (\db -> getChatPreviews db user withPCC)
APIGetChats {userId, pendingConnections, pagination, query} -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
(errs, previews) <- partitionEithers <$> withStore' (\db -> getChatPreviews db user pendingConnections pagination query)
toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) (map ChatErrorStore errs)
pure $ CRApiChats user previews
APIGetChat (ChatRef cType cId) pagination search -> withUser $ \user -> case cType of
-- TODO optimize queries calculating ChatStats, currently they're disabled
CTDirect -> do
@ -1048,10 +1050,12 @@ processChatCommand = \case
CTContactConnection -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError (Just user) "not supported"
APIAcceptContact incognito connReqId -> withUser $ \_ -> withChatLock "acceptContact" $ do
(user, cReq) <- withStore $ \db -> getContactRequest' db connReqId
(user@User {userId}, cReq@UserContactRequest {userContactLinkId}) <- withStore $ \db -> getContactRequest' db connReqId
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let contactUsed = (\(_, groupId_, _) -> isNothing groupId_) ucl
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if incognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequest user cReq incognitoProfile
ct <- acceptContactRequest user cReq incognitoProfile contactUsed
pure $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
APIRejectContact connReqId -> withUser $ \user -> withChatLock "rejectContact" $ do
cReq@UserContactRequest {agentContactConnId = AgentConnId connId, agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId} <-
@ -1824,8 +1828,10 @@ processChatCommand = \case
let mc = MCText msg
processChatCommand . APISendMessage (ChatRef CTGroup groupId) False Nothing $ ComposedMessage Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
LastChats count_ -> withUser' $ \user -> do
chats <- withStore' $ \db -> getChatPreviews db user False
pure $ CRChats $ maybe id take count_ chats
let count = fromMaybe 5000 count_
(errs, previews) <- partitionEithers <$> withStore' (\db -> getChatPreviews db user False (PTLast count) clqNoFilters)
toView $ CRChatErrors (Just user) (map ChatErrorStore errs)
pure $ CRChats previews
LastMessages (Just chatName) count search -> withUser $ \user -> do
chatRef <- getChatRef user chatName
chatResp <- processChatCommand $ APIGetChat chatRef (CPLast count) search
@ -2691,21 +2697,21 @@ getRcvFilePath fileId fPath_ fn keepHandle = case fPath_ of
getTmpHandle :: FilePath -> m Handle
getTmpHandle fPath = openFile fPath AppendMode `catchThrow` (ChatError . CEFileInternal . show)
acceptContactRequest :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> m Contact
acceptContactRequest user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = cp, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile = do
acceptContactRequest :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> Bool -> m Contact
acceptContactRequest user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = cp, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile contactUsed = do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
let profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user incognitoProfile
dm <- directMessage $ XInfo profileToSend
acId <- withAgent $ \a -> acceptContact a True invId dm subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId cp userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode
withStore' $ \db -> createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId cp userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode contactUsed
acceptContactRequestAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> m Contact
acceptContactRequestAsync user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = p, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile = do
acceptContactRequestAsync :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> Bool -> m Contact
acceptContactRequestAsync user UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, cReqChatVRange, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = p, userContactLinkId, xContactId} incognitoProfile contactUsed = do
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
let profileToSend = profileToSendOnAccept user incognitoProfile
(cmdId, acId) <- agentAcceptContactAsync user True invId (XInfo profileToSend) subMode
withStore' $ \db -> do
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId p userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode
ct@Contact {activeConn} <- createAcceptedContact db user acId (fromJVersionRange cReqChatVRange) cName profileId p userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode contactUsed
forM_ activeConn $ \Connection {connId} -> setCommandConnId db user cmdId connId
pure ct
@ -3384,20 +3390,20 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
doProbeContacts = isJust groupLinkId
probeMatchingContactsAndMembers ct (contactConnIncognito ct) doProbeContacts
withStore' $ \db -> resetContactConnInitiated db user conn
forM_ viaUserContactLink $ \userContactLinkId ->
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId) >>= \case
Just (UserContactLink {autoAccept = Just AutoAccept {autoReply = mc_}}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) -> do
forM_ mc_ $ \mc -> do
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
forM_ groupId_ $ \groupId -> do
groupInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
groupConnIds <- createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpInv True SCMInvitation subMode
gVar <- asks idsDrg
withStore $ \db -> createNewContactMemberAsync db gVar user groupInfo ct gLinkMemRole groupConnIds (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) subMode
_ -> pure ()
forM_ viaUserContactLink $ \userContactLinkId -> do
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) = ucl
forM_ autoAccept $ \(AutoAccept {autoReply = mc_}) ->
forM_ mc_ $ \mc -> do
(msg, _) <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (extMsgContent mc Nothing))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc)
toView $ CRNewChatItem user (AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci)
forM_ groupId_ $ \groupId -> do
groupInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
groupConnIds <- createAgentConnectionAsync user CFCreateConnGrpInv True SCMInvitation subMode
gVar <- asks idsDrg
withStore $ \db -> createNewContactMemberAsync db gVar user groupInfo ct gLinkMemRole groupConnIds (fromJVersionRange peerChatVRange) subMode
Just (gInfo, m@GroupMember {activeConn}) ->
when (maybe False ((== ConnReady) . connStatus) activeConn) $ do
notifyMemberConnected gInfo m $ Just ct
@ -3915,28 +3921,27 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
withStore (\db -> createOrUpdateContactRequest db user userContactLinkId invId chatVRange p xContactId_) >>= \case
CORContact contact -> toView $ CRContactRequestAlreadyAccepted user contact
CORRequest cReq -> do
withStore' (\db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId) >>= \case
Just (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) ->
case autoAccept of
Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito} -> case groupId_ of
Nothing -> do
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if acceptIncognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq incognitoProfile
toView $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
Just groupId -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
if isCompatibleRange chatVRange groupLinkNoContactVRange
then do
mem <- acceptGroupJoinRequestAsync user gInfo cReq gLinkMemRole profileMode
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo mem) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequestMember user gInfo mem
else do
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq profileMode
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequest user gInfo ct
_ -> toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
_ -> pure ()
ucl <- withStore $ \db -> getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId
let (UserContactLink {autoAccept}, groupId_, gLinkMemRole) = ucl
case autoAccept of
Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito} -> case groupId_ of
Nothing -> do
-- [incognito] generate profile to send, create connection with incognito profile
incognitoProfile <- if acceptIncognito then Just . NewIncognito <$> liftIO generateRandomProfile else pure Nothing
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq incognitoProfile True
toView $ CRAcceptingContactRequest user ct
Just groupId -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db user groupId
let profileMode = ExistingIncognito <$> incognitoMembershipProfile gInfo
if isCompatibleRange chatVRange groupLinkNoContactVRange
then do
mem <- acceptGroupJoinRequestAsync user gInfo cReq gLinkMemRole profileMode
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo mem) (CIRcvGroupEvent RGEInvitedViaGroupLink) Nothing
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequestMember user gInfo mem
else do
ct <- acceptContactRequestAsync user cReq profileMode False
toView $ CRAcceptingGroupJoinRequest user gInfo ct
_ -> toView $ CRReceivedContactRequest user cReq
memberCanSend :: GroupMember -> m () -> m ()
memberCanSend mem a
@ -4932,7 +4937,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage = do
conn' <- updatePeerChatVRange activeConn chatVRange
case chatMsgEvent of
XInfo p -> do
ct <- withStore $ \db -> createDirectContact db user conn' p
let contactUsed = connDirect activeConn
ct <- withStore $ \db -> createDirectContact db user conn' p contactUsed
toView $ CRContactConnecting user ct
pure conn'
XGrpLinkInv glInv -> do
@ -5982,7 +5988,13 @@ chatCommandP =
"/sql chat " *> (ExecChatStoreSQL <$> textP),
"/sql agent " *> (ExecAgentStoreSQL <$> textP),
"/sql slow" $> SlowSQLQueries,
"/_get chats " *> (APIGetChats <$> A.decimal <*> (" pcc=on" $> True <|> " pcc=off" $> False <|> pure False)),
"/_get chats "
*> ( APIGetChats
<$> A.decimal
<*> (" pcc=on" $> True <|> " pcc=off" $> False <|> pure False)
<*> (A.space *> paginationByTimeP <|> pure (PTLast 5000))
<*> (A.space *> jsonP <|> pure clqNoFilters)
"/_get chat " *> (APIGetChat <$> chatRefP <* A.space <*> chatPaginationP <*> optional (" search=" *> stringP)),
"/_get items " *> (APIGetChatItems <$> chatPaginationP <*> optional (" search=" *> stringP)),
"/_get item info " *> (APIGetChatItemInfo <$> chatRefP <* A.space <*> A.decimal),
@ -6222,6 +6234,10 @@ chatCommandP =
(CPLast <$ "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (CPAfter <$ "after=" <*> A.decimal <* A.space <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (CPBefore <$ "before=" <*> A.decimal <* A.space <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
paginationByTimeP =
(PTLast <$ "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (PTAfter <$ "after=" <*> strP <* A.space <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
<|> (PTBefore <$ "before=" <*> strP <* A.space <* "count=" <*> A.decimal)
mcTextP = MCText . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString
msgContentP = "text " *> mcTextP <|> "json " *> jsonP
ciDeleteMode = "broadcast" $> CIDMBroadcast <|> "internal" $> CIDMInternal
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ data ChatCommand
| ExecChatStoreSQL Text
| ExecAgentStoreSQL Text
| SlowSQLQueries
| APIGetChats {userId :: UserId, pendingConnections :: Bool}
| APIGetChats {userId :: UserId, pendingConnections :: Bool, pagination :: PaginationByTime, query :: ChatListQuery}
| APIGetChat ChatRef ChatPagination (Maybe String)
| APIGetChatItems ChatPagination (Maybe String)
| APIGetChatItemInfo ChatRef ChatItemId
@ -685,6 +685,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRMessageError {user :: User, severity :: Text, errorMessage :: Text}
| CRChatCmdError {user_ :: Maybe User, chatError :: ChatError}
| CRChatError {user_ :: Maybe User, chatError :: ChatError}
| CRChatErrors {user_ :: Maybe User, chatErrors :: [ChatError]}
| CRArchiveImported {archiveErrors :: [ArchiveError]}
| CRTimedAction {action :: String, durationMilliseconds :: Int64}
deriving (Show)
@ -733,6 +734,26 @@ logResponseToFile = \case
CRMessageError {} -> True
_ -> False
data ChatPagination
= CPLast Int
| CPAfter ChatItemId Int
| CPBefore ChatItemId Int
deriving (Show)
data PaginationByTime
= PTLast Int
| PTAfter UTCTime Int
| PTBefore UTCTime Int
deriving (Show)
data ChatListQuery
= CLQFilters {favorite :: Bool, unread :: Bool}
| CLQSearch {search :: String}
deriving (Show)
clqNoFilters :: ChatListQuery
clqNoFilters = CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = False}
data ConnectionPlan
= CPInvitationLink {invitationLinkPlan :: InvitationLinkPlan}
| CPContactAddress {contactAddressPlan :: ContactAddressPlan}
@ -1266,6 +1287,8 @@ withAgent action =
$(JQ.deriveJSON (enumJSON $ dropPrefix "HS") ''HelpSection)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "CLQ") ''ChatListQuery)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "ILP") ''InvitationLinkPlan)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "CAP") ''ContactAddressPlan)
@ -713,12 +713,6 @@ type ChatItemId = Int64
type ChatItemTs = UTCTime
data ChatPagination
= CPLast Int
| CPAfter ChatItemId Int
| CPBefore ChatItemId Int
deriving (Show)
data SChatType (c :: ChatType) where
SCTDirect :: SChatType 'CTDirect
SCTGroup :: SChatType 'CTGroup
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20221222_chat_ts :: Query
m20221222_chat_ts =
ALTER TABLE contacts ADD COLUMN chat_ts TEXT; -- must be not NULL
ALTER TABLE groups ADD COLUMN chat_ts TEXT; -- must be not NULL
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231207_chat_list_pagination where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20231207_chat_list_pagination :: Query
m20231207_chat_list_pagination =
UPDATE contacts SET contact_used = 1
WHERE contact_id = (
SELECT contact_id FROM connections
WHERE conn_level = 0 AND via_group_link = 0
UPDATE contacts
SET chat_ts = updated_at
WHERE chat_ts IS NULL;
UPDATE groups
SET chat_ts = updated_at
WHERE chat_ts IS NULL;
CREATE INDEX idx_contacts_chat_ts ON contacts(user_id, chat_ts);
CREATE INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts ON groups(user_id, chat_ts);
CREATE INDEX idx_contact_requests_updated_at ON contact_requests(user_id, updated_at);
CREATE INDEX idx_connections_updated_at ON connections(user_id, updated_at);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_contact_id_item_status ON chat_items(contact_id, item_status);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_group_id_item_status ON chat_items(group_id, item_status);
down_m20231207_chat_list_pagination :: Query
down_m20231207_chat_list_pagination =
DROP INDEX idx_contacts_chat_ts;
DROP INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts;
DROP INDEX idx_contact_requests_updated_at;
DROP INDEX idx_connections_updated_at;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_items_contact_id_item_status;
DROP INDEX idx_chat_items_group_id_item_status;
@ -810,3 +810,18 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_remote_hosts_host_fingerprint ON remote_hosts(
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_remote_controllers_ctrl_fingerprint ON remote_controllers(
CREATE INDEX idx_contacts_chat_ts ON contacts(user_id, chat_ts);
CREATE INDEX idx_groups_chat_ts ON groups(user_id, chat_ts);
CREATE INDEX idx_contact_requests_updated_at ON contact_requests(
CREATE INDEX idx_connections_updated_at ON connections(user_id, updated_at);
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_contact_id_item_status ON chat_items(
CREATE INDEX idx_chat_items_group_id_item_status ON chat_items(
@ -201,15 +201,15 @@ createIncognitoProfile db User {userId} p = do
createdAt <- getCurrentTime
createIncognitoProfile_ db userId createdAt p
createDirectContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> Connection -> Profile -> ExceptT StoreError IO Contact
createDirectContact db user@User {userId} conn@Connection {connId, localAlias} p@Profile {preferences} = do
createDirectContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> Connection -> Profile -> Bool -> ExceptT StoreError IO Contact
createDirectContact db user@User {userId} conn@Connection {connId, localAlias} p@Profile {preferences} contactUsed = do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(localDisplayName, contactId, profileId) <- createContact_ db userId p localAlias Nothing currentTs (Just currentTs)
(localDisplayName, contactId, profileId) <- createContact_ db userId p localAlias Nothing currentTs contactUsed
liftIO $ DB.execute db "UPDATE connections SET contact_id = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE connection_id = ?" (contactId, currentTs, connId)
let profile = toLocalProfile profileId p localAlias
userPreferences = emptyChatPrefs
mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito conn
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = False, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = currentTs, updatedAt = currentTs, chatTs = Just currentTs, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Contact -> IO ()
deleteContactConnectionsAndFiles db userId Contact {contactId} = do
@ -650,8 +650,8 @@ deleteContactRequest db User {userId} contactRequestId = do
(userId, userId, contactRequestId)
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM contact_requests WHERE user_id = ? AND contact_request_id = ?" (userId, contactRequestId)
createAcceptedContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> ConnId -> VersionRange -> ContactName -> ProfileId -> Profile -> Int64 -> Maybe XContactId -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> SubscriptionMode -> IO Contact
createAcceptedContact db user@User {userId, profile = LocalProfile {preferences}} agentConnId cReqChatVRange localDisplayName profileId profile userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode = do
createAcceptedContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> ConnId -> VersionRange -> ContactName -> ProfileId -> Profile -> Int64 -> Maybe XContactId -> Maybe IncognitoProfile -> SubscriptionMode -> Bool -> IO Contact
createAcceptedContact db user@User {userId, profile = LocalProfile {preferences}} agentConnId cReqChatVRange localDisplayName profileId profile userContactLinkId xContactId incognitoProfile subMode contactUsed = do
DB.execute db "DELETE FROM contact_requests WHERE user_id = ? AND local_display_name = ?" (userId, localDisplayName)
createdAt <- getCurrentTime
customUserProfileId <- forM incognitoProfile $ \case
@ -660,12 +660,12 @@ createAcceptedContact db user@User {userId, profile = LocalProfile {preferences}
let userPreferences = fromMaybe emptyChatPrefs $ incognitoProfile >> preferences
"INSERT INTO contacts (user_id, local_display_name, contact_profile_id, enable_ntfs, user_preferences, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts, xcontact_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, localDisplayName, profileId, True, userPreferences, createdAt, createdAt, createdAt, xContactId)
"INSERT INTO contacts (user_id, local_display_name, contact_profile_id, enable_ntfs, user_preferences, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts, xcontact_id, contact_used) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, localDisplayName, profileId, True, userPreferences, createdAt, createdAt, createdAt, xContactId, contactUsed)
contactId <- insertedRowId db
conn <- createConnection_ db userId ConnContact (Just contactId) agentConnId cReqChatVRange Nothing (Just userContactLinkId) customUserProfileId 0 createdAt subMode
let mergedPreferences = contactUserPreferences user userPreferences preferences $ connIncognito conn
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = toLocalProfile profileId profile "", activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed = False, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt, chatTs = Just createdAt, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
pure $ Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile = toLocalProfile profileId profile "", activeConn = Just conn, viaGroup = Nothing, contactUsed, contactStatus = CSActive, chatSettings = defaultChatSettings, userPreferences, mergedPreferences, createdAt = createdAt, updatedAt = createdAt, chatTs = Just createdAt, contactGroupMemberId = Nothing, contactGrpInvSent = False}
getContactIdByName :: DB.Connection -> User -> ContactName -> ExceptT StoreError IO Int64
getContactIdByName db User {userId} cName =
@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ createIntroReMember db user@User {userId} gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} _host@GroupM
Just (directCmdId, directAgentConnId) -> do
Connection {connId = directConnId} <- liftIO $ createConnection_ db userId ConnContact Nothing directAgentConnId mcvr memberContactId Nothing customUserProfileId cLevel currentTs subMode
liftIO $ setCommandConnId db user directCmdId directConnId
(localDisplayName, contactId, memProfileId) <- createContact_ db userId memberProfile "" (Just groupId) currentTs Nothing
(localDisplayName, contactId, memProfileId) <- createContact_ db userId memberProfile "" (Just groupId) currentTs False
liftIO $ DB.execute db "UPDATE connections SET contact_id = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE connection_id = ?" (contactId, currentTs, directConnId)
pure $ NewGroupMember {memInfo, memCategory = GCPreMember, memStatus = GSMemIntroduced, memInvitedBy = IBUnknown, memInvitedByGroupMemberId = Nothing, localDisplayName, memContactId = Just contactId, memProfileId}
Nothing -> do
@ -1178,12 +1178,12 @@ createIntroToMemberContact db user@User {userId} GroupMember {memberContactId =
INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, via_group, local_display_name, user_id, created_at, updated_at)
SELECT contact_profile_id, group_id, ?, ?, ?, ?
INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, via_group, local_display_name, user_id, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts)
SELECT contact_profile_id, group_id, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
FROM group_members
WHERE group_member_id = ?
(localDisplayName, userId, ts, ts, groupMemberId)
(localDisplayName, userId, ts, ts, ts, groupMemberId)
contactId <- insertedRowId db
DB.execute db "UPDATE connections SET contact_id = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE connection_id = ?" (contactId, ts, connId)
pure contactId
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -109,14 +110,15 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Either (fromRight, rights)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Data.Ord (Down (..), comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), getCurrentTime)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (NamedParam (..), Only (..), (:.) (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple (NamedParam (..), Only (..), Query, (:.) (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatListQuery (..), ChatPagination (..), PaginationByTime (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Markdown
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
@ -467,7 +469,7 @@ getChatItemQuote_ db User {userId, userContactId} chatDirection QuotedMsg {msgRe
<$> DB.queryNamed
SELECT i.chat_item_id,
SELECT i.chat_item_id,
-- GroupMember
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.peer_chat_min_version, m.peer_chat_max_version, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.show_messages, m.invited_by, m.invited_by_group_member_id, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id,
@ -486,209 +488,402 @@ getChatItemQuote_ db User {userId, userContactId} chatDirection QuotedMsg {msgRe
ciQuoteGroup [] = ciQuote Nothing $ CIQGroupRcv Nothing
ciQuoteGroup ((Only itemId :. memberRow) : _) = ciQuote itemId . CIQGroupRcv . Just $ toGroupMember userContactId memberRow
getChatPreviews :: DB.Connection -> User -> Bool -> IO [AChat]
getChatPreviews db user withPCC = do
directChats <- getDirectChatPreviews_ db user
groupChats <- getGroupChatPreviews_ db user
cReqChats <- getContactRequestChatPreviews_ db user
connChats <- getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ db user withPCC
pure $ sortOn (Down . ts) (directChats <> groupChats <> cReqChats <> connChats)
getChatPreviews :: DB.Connection -> User -> Bool -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [Either StoreError AChat]
getChatPreviews db user withPCC pagination query = do
directChats <- findDirectChatPreviews_ db user pagination query
groupChats <- findGroupChatPreviews_ db user pagination query
cReqChats <- getContactRequestChatPreviews_ db user pagination query
connChats <- if withPCC then getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ db user pagination query else pure []
let refs = sortTake $ concat [directChats, groupChats, cReqChats, connChats]
mapM (runExceptT <$> getChatPreview) refs
ts :: AChat -> UTCTime
ts (AChat _ Chat {chatInfo, chatItems}) = case chatInfoChatTs chatInfo of
Just chatTs -> chatTs
Nothing -> case chatItems of
ci : _ -> max (chatItemTs ci) (chatInfoUpdatedAt chatInfo)
_ -> chatInfoUpdatedAt chatInfo
ts :: AChatPreviewData -> UTCTime
ts (ACPD _ cpd) = case cpd of
(DirectChatPD t _ _) -> t
(GroupChatPD t _ _) -> t
(ContactRequestPD t _) -> t
(ContactConnectionPD t _) -> t
sortTake = case pagination of
PTLast count -> take count . sortBy (comparing $ Down . ts)
PTAfter _ count -> reverse . take count . sortBy (comparing ts)
PTBefore _ count -> take count . sortBy (comparing $ Down . ts)
getChatPreview :: AChatPreviewData -> ExceptT StoreError IO AChat
getChatPreview (ACPD cType cpd) = case cType of
SCTDirect -> getDirectChatPreview_ db user cpd
SCTGroup -> getGroupChatPreview_ db user cpd
SCTContactRequest -> let (ContactRequestPD _ chat) = cpd in pure chat
SCTContactConnection -> let (ContactConnectionPD _ chat) = cpd in pure chat
getDirectChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> IO [AChat]
getDirectChatPreviews_ db user@User {userId} = do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
map (toDirectChatPreview currentTs)
<$> DB.query
-- Contact
ct.contact_id, ct.contact_profile_id, ct.local_display_name, ct.via_group, cp.display_name, cp.full_name, cp.image, cp.contact_link, cp.local_alias, ct.contact_used, ct.contact_status, ct.enable_ntfs, ct.send_rcpts, ct.favorite,
cp.preferences, ct.user_preferences, ct.created_at, ct.updated_at, ct.chat_ts, ct.contact_group_member_id, ct.contact_grp_inv_sent,
-- Connection
c.connection_id, c.agent_conn_id, c.conn_level, c.via_contact, c.via_user_contact_link, c.via_group_link, c.group_link_id, c.custom_user_profile_id, c.conn_status, c.conn_type, c.contact_conn_initiated, c.local_alias,
c.contact_id, c.group_member_id, c.snd_file_id, c.rcv_file_id, c.user_contact_link_id, c.created_at, c.security_code, c.security_code_verified_at, c.auth_err_counter,
c.peer_chat_min_version, c.peer_chat_max_version,
-- ChatStats
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), ct.unread_chat,
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at, i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON ct.contact_profile_id = cp.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN connections c ON c.contact_id = ct.contact_id
SELECT contact_id, chat_item_id, MAX(created_at)
FROM chat_items
GROUP BY contact_id
) LastItems ON LastItems.contact_id = ct.contact_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items i ON i.contact_id = LastItems.contact_id
AND i.chat_item_id = LastItems.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
SELECT contact_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = ?
GROUP BY contact_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.contact_id = ct.contact_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON ri.user_id = i.user_id AND ri.contact_id = i.contact_id AND ri.shared_msg_id = i.quoted_shared_msg_id
WHERE ct.user_id = ?
AND ct.is_user = 0
AND ct.deleted = 0
((c.conn_level = 0 AND c.via_group_link = 0) OR ct.contact_used = 1)
AND c.connection_id = (
SELECT cc_connection_id FROM (
cc.connection_id AS cc_connection_id,
cc.created_at AS cc_created_at,
(CASE WHEN cc.conn_status = ? OR cc.conn_status = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS cc_conn_status_ord
FROM connections cc
WHERE cc.user_id = ct.user_id AND cc.contact_id = ct.contact_id
ORDER BY cc_conn_status_ord DESC, cc_created_at DESC
OR c.connection_id IS NULL
data ChatPreviewData (c :: ChatType) where
DirectChatPD :: UTCTime -> ContactId -> Maybe ChatStats -> ChatPreviewData 'CTDirect
GroupChatPD :: UTCTime -> GroupId -> Maybe ChatStats -> ChatPreviewData 'CTGroup
ContactRequestPD :: UTCTime -> AChat -> ChatPreviewData 'CTContactRequest
ContactConnectionPD :: UTCTime -> AChat -> ChatPreviewData 'CTContactConnection
data AChatPreviewData = forall c. ChatTypeI c => ACPD (SChatType c) (ChatPreviewData c)
paginationByTimeFilter :: PaginationByTime -> (Query, [NamedParam])
paginationByTimeFilter = \case
PTLast count -> ("\nORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT :count", [":count" := count])
PTAfter ts count -> ("\nAND ts > :ts ORDER BY ts ASC LIMIT :count", [":ts" := ts, ":count" := count])
PTBefore ts count -> ("\nAND ts < :ts ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT :count", [":ts" := ts, ":count" := count])
type MaybeChatStatsRow = (Maybe Int, Maybe ChatItemId, Maybe Bool)
toMaybeChatStats :: MaybeChatStatsRow -> Maybe ChatStats
toMaybeChatStats (Just unreadCount, Just minUnreadItemId, Just unreadChat) = Just ChatStats {unreadCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
toMaybeChatStats _ = Nothing
findDirectChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [AChatPreviewData]
findDirectChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
map toPreview <$> getPreviews
toPreview :: (ContactId, UTCTime) :. MaybeChatStatsRow -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview ((contactId, ts) :. statsRow_) =
ACPD SCTDirect $ DirectChatPD ts contactId (toMaybeChatStats statsRow_)
(pagQuery, pagParams) = paginationByTimeFilter pagination
getPreviews = case clq of
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = False} ->
( [sql|
SELECT ct.contact_id, ct.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM contacts ct
WHERE ct.user_id = :user_id AND ct.is_user = 0 AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.contact_used
<> pagQuery
ORDER BY i.item_ts DESC
(CISRcvNew, userId, ConnReady, ConnSndReady)
toDirectChatPreview :: UTCTime -> ContactRow :. MaybeConnectionRow :. ChatStatsRow :. MaybeChatItemRow :. QuoteRow -> AChat
toDirectChatPreview currentTs (contactRow :. connRow :. statsRow :. ciRow_) =
let contact = toContact user $ contactRow :. connRow
ci_ = toDirectChatItemList currentTs ciRow_
stats = toChatStats statsRow
in AChat SCTDirect $ Chat (DirectChat contact) ci_ stats
([":user_id" := userId] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = False} ->
( [sql|
SELECT ct.contact_id, ct.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM contacts ct
WHERE ct.user_id = :user_id AND ct.is_user = 0 AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.contact_used
AND ct.favorite = 1
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = True} ->
( [sql|
SELECT ct.contact_id, ct.chat_ts as ts, COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), ct.unread_chat
FROM contacts ct
SELECT contact_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = :rcv_new
GROUP BY contact_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.contact_id = ct.contact_id
WHERE ct.user_id = :user_id AND ct.is_user = 0 AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.contact_used
AND (ct.unread_chat = 1 OR ChatStats.UnreadCount > 0)
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":rcv_new" := CISRcvNew] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = True} ->
( [sql|
SELECT ct.contact_id, ct.chat_ts as ts, COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), ct.unread_chat
FROM contacts ct
SELECT contact_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = :rcv_new
GROUP BY contact_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.contact_id = ct.contact_id
WHERE ct.user_id = :user_id AND ct.is_user = 0 AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.contact_used
AND (ct.favorite = 1
OR ct.unread_chat = 1 OR ChatStats.UnreadCount > 0)
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":rcv_new" := CISRcvNew] <> pagParams)
CLQSearch {search} ->
( [sql|
SELECT ct.contact_id, ct.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM contacts ct
JOIN contact_profiles cp ON ct.contact_profile_id = cp.contact_profile_id
WHERE ct.user_id = :user_id AND ct.is_user = 0 AND ct.deleted = 0 AND ct.contact_used
ct.local_display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR cp.display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR cp.full_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR cp.local_alias LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":search" := search] <> pagParams)
getGroupChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> IO [AChat]
getGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId, userContactId} = do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
map (toGroupChatPreview currentTs)
<$> DB.query
-- GroupInfo
g.group_id, g.local_display_name, gp.display_name, gp.full_name, gp.description, gp.image, g.host_conn_custom_user_profile_id, g.enable_ntfs, g.send_rcpts, g.favorite, gp.preferences, g.created_at, g.updated_at, g.chat_ts,
-- GroupMember - membership
mu.group_member_id, mu.group_id, mu.member_id, mu.peer_chat_min_version, mu.peer_chat_max_version, mu.member_role, mu.member_category,
mu.member_status, mu.show_messages, mu.invited_by, mu.invited_by_group_member_id, mu.local_display_name, mu.contact_id, mu.contact_profile_id, pu.contact_profile_id,
pu.display_name, pu.full_name, pu.image, pu.contact_link, pu.local_alias, pu.preferences,
-- ChatStats
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), g.unread_chat,
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_sent, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_deleted_ts, i.item_edited, i.created_at, i.updated_at, i.timed_ttl, i.timed_delete_at, i.item_live,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.file_crypto_key, f.file_crypto_nonce, f.ci_file_status, f.protocol,
-- CIMeta forwardedByMember
-- Maybe GroupMember - sender
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.peer_chat_min_version, m.peer_chat_max_version, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.show_messages, m.invited_by, m.invited_by_group_member_id, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id, m.contact_profile_id, p.contact_profile_id,
p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.contact_link, p.local_alias, p.preferences,
-- quoted ChatItem
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent,
-- quoted GroupMember
rm.group_member_id, rm.group_id, rm.member_id, rm.peer_chat_min_version, rm.peer_chat_max_version, rm.member_role, rm.member_category,
rm.member_status, rm.show_messages, rm.invited_by, rm.invited_by_group_member_id, rm.local_display_name, rm.contact_id, rm.contact_profile_id, rp.contact_profile_id,
rp.display_name, rp.full_name, rp.image, rp.contact_link, rp.local_alias, rp.preferences,
-- deleted by GroupMember
dbm.group_member_id, dbm.group_id, dbm.member_id, dbm.peer_chat_min_version, dbm.peer_chat_max_version, dbm.member_role, dbm.member_category,
dbm.member_status, dbm.show_messages, dbm.invited_by, dbm.invited_by_group_member_id, dbm.local_display_name, dbm.contact_id, dbm.contact_profile_id, dbp.contact_profile_id,
dbp.display_name, dbp.full_name, dbp.image, dbp.contact_link, dbp.local_alias, dbp.preferences
FROM groups g
JOIN group_profiles gp ON gp.group_profile_id = g.group_profile_id
JOIN group_members mu ON mu.group_id = g.group_id
JOIN contact_profiles pu ON pu.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(mu.member_profile_id, mu.contact_profile_id)
SELECT group_id, chat_item_id, MAX(item_ts)
FROM chat_items
GROUP BY group_id
) LastItems ON LastItems.group_id = g.group_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items i ON i.group_id = LastItems.group_id
AND i.chat_item_id = LastItems.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.group_id = g.group_id
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON m.group_member_id = i.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(m.member_profile_id, m.contact_profile_id)
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON ri.shared_msg_id = i.quoted_shared_msg_id AND ri.group_id = i.group_id
LEFT JOIN group_members rm ON rm.group_member_id = ri.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles rp ON rp.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(rm.member_profile_id, rm.contact_profile_id)
LEFT JOIN group_members dbm ON dbm.group_member_id = i.item_deleted_by_group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles dbp ON dbp.contact_profile_id = COALESCE(dbm.member_profile_id, dbm.contact_profile_id)
WHERE g.user_id = ? AND mu.contact_id = ?
ORDER BY i.item_ts DESC
(CISRcvNew, userId, userContactId)
getDirectChatPreview_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatPreviewData 'CTDirect -> ExceptT StoreError IO AChat
getDirectChatPreview_ db user (DirectChatPD _ contactId stats_) = do
contact <- getContact db user contactId
lastItem <- getLastItem
stats <- maybe getChatStats pure stats_
pure $ AChat SCTDirect (Chat (DirectChat contact) lastItem stats)
toGroupChatPreview :: UTCTime -> GroupInfoRow :. ChatStatsRow :. MaybeGroupChatItemRow -> AChat
toGroupChatPreview currentTs (groupInfoRow :. statsRow :. ciRow_) =
let groupInfo = toGroupInfo userContactId groupInfoRow
ci_ = toGroupChatItemList currentTs userContactId ciRow_
stats = toChatStats statsRow
in AChat SCTGroup $ Chat (GroupChat groupInfo) ci_ stats
getLastItem :: ExceptT StoreError IO [CChatItem 'CTDirect]
getLastItem =
liftIO getLastItemId >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just lastItemId -> (: []) <$> getDirectChatItem db user contactId lastItemId
getLastItemId :: IO (Maybe ChatItemId)
getLastItemId =
maybeFirstRow fromOnly $
SELECT chat_item_id FROM (
SELECT contact_id, chat_item_id, MAX(created_at)
FROM chat_items
WHERE contact_id = ?
GROUP BY contact_id
(Only contactId)
getChatStats :: ExceptT StoreError IO ChatStats
getChatStats = do
r_ <- liftIO getUnreadStats
let (unreadCount, minUnreadItemId) = maybe (0, 0) (\(_, unreadCnt, minId) -> (unreadCnt, minId)) r_
-- unread_chat could be read into contact to not search twice
unreadChat <-
ExceptT . firstRow fromOnly (SEInternalError $ "unread_chat not found for contact " <> show contactId) $
DB.query db "SELECT unread_chat FROM contacts WHERE contact_id = ?" (Only contactId)
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
getUnreadStats :: IO (Maybe (ContactId, Int, ChatItemId))
getUnreadStats =
maybeFirstRow id $
SELECT contact_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE contact_id = ? AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY contact_id
(contactId, CISRcvNew)
getContactRequestChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> IO [AChat]
getContactRequestChatPreviews_ db User {userId} =
map toContactRequestChatPreview
<$> DB.query
cr.contact_request_id, cr.local_display_name, cr.agent_invitation_id, cr.user_contact_link_id,
c.agent_conn_id, cr.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.contact_link, cr.xcontact_id, p.preferences, cr.created_at, cr.updated_at,
cr.peer_chat_min_version, cr.peer_chat_max_version
FROM contact_requests cr
JOIN connections c ON c.user_contact_link_id = cr.user_contact_link_id
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = cr.contact_profile_id
JOIN user_contact_links uc ON uc.user_contact_link_id = cr.user_contact_link_id
WHERE cr.user_id = ? AND uc.user_id = ? AND uc.local_display_name = '' AND uc.group_id IS NULL
(userId, userId)
findGroupChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [AChatPreviewData]
findGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq =
map toPreview <$> getPreviews
toContactRequestChatPreview :: ContactRequestRow -> AChat
toContactRequestChatPreview cReqRow =
let cReq = toContactRequest cReqRow
toPreview :: (GroupId, UTCTime) :. MaybeChatStatsRow -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview ((groupId, ts) :. statsRow_) =
ACPD SCTGroup $ GroupChatPD ts groupId (toMaybeChatStats statsRow_)
(pagQuery, pagParams) = paginationByTimeFilter pagination
getPreviews = case clq of
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = False} ->
( [sql|
SELECT g.group_id, g.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM groups g
WHERE g.user_id = :user_id
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = False} ->
( [sql|
SELECT g.group_id, g.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM groups g
WHERE g.user_id = :user_id
AND g.favorite = 1
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = True} ->
( [sql|
SELECT g.group_id, g.chat_ts as ts, COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), g.unread_chat
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = :rcv_new
GROUP BY group_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.group_id = g.group_id
WHERE g.user_id = :user_id
AND (g.unread_chat = 1 OR ChatStats.UnreadCount > 0)
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":rcv_new" := CISRcvNew] <> pagParams)
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = True} ->
( [sql|
SELECT g.group_id, g.chat_ts as ts, COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0), g.unread_chat
FROM groups g
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE item_status = :rcv_new
GROUP BY group_id
) ChatStats ON ChatStats.group_id = g.group_id
WHERE g.user_id = :user_id
AND (g.favorite = 1
OR g.unread_chat = 1 OR ChatStats.UnreadCount > 0)
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":rcv_new" := CISRcvNew] <> pagParams)
CLQSearch {search} ->
( [sql|
SELECT g.group_id, g.chat_ts as ts, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM groups g
JOIN group_profiles gp ON gp.group_profile_id = g.group_profile_id
WHERE g.user_id = :user_id
g.local_display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR gp.display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR gp.full_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR gp.description LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":search" := search] <> pagParams)
getGroupChatPreview_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatPreviewData 'CTGroup -> ExceptT StoreError IO AChat
getGroupChatPreview_ db user (GroupChatPD _ groupId stats_) = do
groupInfo <- getGroupInfo db user groupId
lastItem <- getLastItem
stats <- maybe getChatStats pure stats_
pure $ AChat SCTGroup (Chat (GroupChat groupInfo) lastItem stats)
getLastItem :: ExceptT StoreError IO [CChatItem 'CTGroup]
getLastItem =
liftIO getLastItemId >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just lastItemId -> (: []) <$> getGroupChatItem db user groupId lastItemId
getLastItemId :: IO (Maybe ChatItemId)
getLastItemId =
maybeFirstRow fromOnly $
SELECT chat_item_id FROM (
SELECT group_id, chat_item_id, MAX(item_ts)
FROM chat_items
WHERE group_id = ?
GROUP BY group_id
(Only groupId)
getChatStats :: ExceptT StoreError IO ChatStats
getChatStats = do
r_ <- liftIO getUnreadStats
let (unreadCount, minUnreadItemId) = maybe (0, 0) (\(_, unreadCnt, minId) -> (unreadCnt, minId)) r_
-- unread_chat could be read into group to not search twice
unreadChat <-
ExceptT . firstRow fromOnly (SEInternalError $ "unread_chat not found for group " <> show groupId) $
DB.query db "SELECT unread_chat FROM groups WHERE group_id = ?" (Only groupId)
pure ChatStats {unreadCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
getUnreadStats :: IO (Maybe (GroupId, Int, ChatItemId))
getUnreadStats =
maybeFirstRow id $
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
WHERE group_id = ? AND item_status = ?
GROUP BY group_id
(groupId, CISRcvNew)
getContactRequestChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [AChatPreviewData]
getContactRequestChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq = case clq of
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = False} -> query ""
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = False} -> pure []
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = True} -> query ""
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = True} -> query ""
CLQSearch {search} -> query search
(pagQuery, pagParams) = paginationByTimeFilter pagination
query search =
map toPreview
<$> DB.queryNamed
( [sql|
cr.contact_request_id, cr.local_display_name, cr.agent_invitation_id, cr.user_contact_link_id,
c.agent_conn_id, cr.contact_profile_id, p.display_name, p.full_name, p.image, p.contact_link, cr.xcontact_id, p.preferences,
cr.created_at, cr.updated_at as ts,
cr.peer_chat_min_version, cr.peer_chat_max_version
FROM contact_requests cr
JOIN connections c ON c.user_contact_link_id = cr.user_contact_link_id
JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = cr.contact_profile_id
JOIN user_contact_links uc ON uc.user_contact_link_id = cr.user_contact_link_id
WHERE cr.user_id = :user_id
AND uc.user_id = :user_id
AND uc.local_display_name = ''
AND uc.group_id IS NULL
cr.local_display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR p.display_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
OR p.full_name LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":search" := search] <> pagParams)
toPreview :: ContactRequestRow -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview cReqRow =
let cReq@UserContactRequest {updatedAt} = toContactRequest cReqRow
stats = ChatStats {unreadCount = 0, minUnreadItemId = 0, unreadChat = False}
in AChat SCTContactRequest $ Chat (ContactRequest cReq) [] stats
aChat = AChat SCTContactRequest $ Chat (ContactRequest cReq) [] stats
in ACPD SCTContactRequest $ ContactRequestPD updatedAt aChat
getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> Bool -> IO [AChat]
getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ _ _ False = pure []
getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ db User {userId} _ =
map toContactConnectionChatPreview
<$> DB.query
SELECT connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, group_link_id, custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = ? AND conn_type = ? AND contact_id IS NULL AND conn_level = 0 AND via_contact IS NULL AND (via_group_link = 0 || (via_group_link = 1 AND group_link_id IS NOT NULL))
(userId, ConnContact)
getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ :: DB.Connection -> User -> PaginationByTime -> ChatListQuery -> IO [AChatPreviewData]
getContactConnectionChatPreviews_ db User {userId} pagination clq = case clq of
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = False} -> query ""
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = False} -> pure []
CLQFilters {favorite = False, unread = True} -> pure []
CLQFilters {favorite = True, unread = True} -> pure []
CLQSearch {search} -> query search
toContactConnectionChatPreview :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> AChat
toContactConnectionChatPreview connRow =
let conn = toPendingContactConnection connRow
(pagQuery, pagParams) = paginationByTimeFilter pagination
query search =
map toPreview
<$> DB.queryNamed
( [sql|
connection_id, agent_conn_id, conn_status, via_contact_uri_hash, via_user_contact_link, group_link_id,
custom_user_profile_id, conn_req_inv, local_alias, created_at, updated_at as ts
FROM connections
WHERE user_id = :user_id
AND conn_type = :conn_contact
AND contact_id IS NULL
AND conn_level = 0
AND via_contact IS NULL
AND (via_group_link = 0 || (via_group_link = 1 AND group_link_id IS NOT NULL))
AND local_alias LIKE '%' || :search || '%'
<> pagQuery
([":user_id" := userId, ":conn_contact" := ConnContact, ":search" := search] <> pagParams)
toPreview :: (Int64, ConnId, ConnStatus, Maybe ByteString, Maybe Int64, Maybe GroupLinkId, Maybe Int64, Maybe ConnReqInvitation, LocalAlias, UTCTime, UTCTime) -> AChatPreviewData
toPreview connRow =
let conn@PendingContactConnection {updatedAt} = toPendingContactConnection connRow
stats = ChatStats {unreadCount = 0, minUnreadItemId = 0, unreadChat = False}
in AChat SCTContactConnection $ Chat (ContactConnection conn) [] stats
aChat = AChat SCTContactConnection $ Chat (ContactConnection conn) [] stats
in ACPD SCTContactConnection $ ContactConnectionPD updatedAt aChat
getDirectChat :: DB.Connection -> User -> Int64 -> ChatPagination -> Maybe String -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Chat 'CTDirect)
getDirectChat db user contactId pagination search_ = do
@ -993,19 +1188,12 @@ setGroupChatItemDeleteAt db User {userId} groupId chatItemId deleteAt =
"UPDATE chat_items SET timed_delete_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND chat_item_id = ?"
(deleteAt, userId, groupId, chatItemId)
type ChatStatsRow = (Int, ChatItemId, Bool)
toChatStats :: ChatStatsRow -> ChatStats
toChatStats (unreadCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat) = ChatStats {unreadCount, minUnreadItemId, unreadChat}
type MaybeCIFIleRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe String, Maybe Integer, Maybe FilePath, Maybe C.SbKey, Maybe C.CbNonce, Maybe ACIFileStatus, Maybe FileProtocol)
type ChatItemModeRow = (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe Bool)
type ChatItemRow = (Int64, ChatItemTs, AMsgDirection, Text, Text, ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId) :. (Int, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe Bool, UTCTime, UTCTime) :. ChatItemModeRow :. MaybeCIFIleRow
type MaybeChatItemRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ChatItemTs, Maybe AMsgDirection, Maybe Text, Maybe Text, Maybe ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId) :. (Maybe Int, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe Bool, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) :. ChatItemModeRow :. MaybeCIFIleRow
type QuoteRow = (Maybe ChatItemId, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe MsgContent, Maybe Bool)
toDirectQuote :: QuoteRow -> Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect)
@ -1055,15 +1243,8 @@ toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir, itemContentT
ciTimed :: Maybe CITimed
ciTimed = timedTTL >>= \ttl -> Just CITimed {ttl, deleteAt = timedDeleteAt}
toDirectChatItemList :: UTCTime -> MaybeChatItemRow :. QuoteRow -> [CChatItem 'CTDirect]
toDirectChatItemList currentTs (((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just msgDir, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId) :. (Just itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, Just createdAt, Just updatedAt) :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. fileRow) :. quoteRow) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toDirectChatItem currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, msgDir, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. fileRow) :. quoteRow)
toDirectChatItemList _ _ = []
type GroupQuoteRow = QuoteRow :. MaybeGroupMemberRow
type MaybeGroupChatItemRow = MaybeChatItemRow :. Only (Maybe GroupMemberId) :. MaybeGroupMemberRow :. GroupQuoteRow :. MaybeGroupMemberRow
toGroupQuote :: QuoteRow -> Maybe GroupMember -> Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup)
toGroupQuote qr@(_, _, _, _, quotedSent) quotedMember_ = toQuote qr $ direction quotedSent quotedMember_
@ -1114,11 +1295,6 @@ toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, AMsgDirection msgDir,
ciTimed :: Maybe CITimed
ciTimed = timedTTL >>= \ttl -> Just CITimed {ttl, deleteAt = timedDeleteAt}
toGroupChatItemList :: UTCTime -> Int64 -> MaybeGroupChatItemRow -> [CChatItem 'CTGroup]
toGroupChatItemList currentTs userContactId (((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just msgDir, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId) :. (Just itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, Just createdAt, Just updatedAt) :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. fileRow) :. forwardedByMember :. memberRow_ :. (quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) :. deletedByGroupMemberRow_) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toGroupChatItem currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, msgDir, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId) :. (itemDeleted, deletedTs, itemEdited, createdAt, updatedAt) :. (timedTTL, timedDeleteAt, itemLive) :. fileRow) :. forwardedByMember :. memberRow_ :. (quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) :. deletedByGroupMemberRow_)
toGroupChatItemList _ _ _ = []
getAllChatItems :: DB.Connection -> User -> ChatPagination -> Maybe String -> ExceptT StoreError IO [AChatItem]
getAllChatItems db user@User {userId} pagination search_ = do
itemRefs <-
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231107_indexes
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231113_group_forward
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231114_remote_control
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231126_remote_ctrl_address
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20231207_chat_list_pagination
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.Migrations (Migration (..))
schemaMigrations :: [(String, Query, Maybe Query)]
@ -181,7 +182,8 @@ schemaMigrations =
("20231107_indexes", m20231107_indexes, Just down_m20231107_indexes),
("20231113_group_forward", m20231113_group_forward, Just down_m20231113_group_forward),
("20231114_remote_control", m20231114_remote_control, Just down_m20231114_remote_control),
("20231126_remote_ctrl_address", m20231126_remote_ctrl_address, Just down_m20231126_remote_ctrl_address)
("20231126_remote_ctrl_address", m20231126_remote_ctrl_address, Just down_m20231126_remote_ctrl_address),
("20231207_chat_list_pagination", m20231207_chat_list_pagination, Just down_m20231207_chat_list_pagination)
-- | The list of migrations in ascending order by date
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ createUserRecordAt db (AgentUserId auId) Profile {displayName, fullName, image,
profileId <- insertedRowId db
"INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, local_display_name, user_id, is_user, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(profileId, displayName, userId, True, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, local_display_name, user_id, is_user, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(profileId, displayName, userId, True, currentTs, currentTs, currentTs)
contactId <- insertedRowId db
DB.execute db "UPDATE users SET contact_id = ? WHERE user_id = ?" (contactId, userId)
pure $ toUser $ (userId, auId, contactId, profileId, activeUser, displayName, fullName, image, Nothing, userPreferences) :. (showNtfs, sendRcptsContacts, sendRcptsSmallGroups, Nothing, Nothing)
@ -429,9 +429,9 @@ getUserAddress db User {userId} =
(Only userId)
getUserContactLinkById :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Int64 -> IO (Maybe (UserContactLink, Maybe GroupId, GroupMemberRole))
getUserContactLinkById :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Int64 -> ExceptT StoreError IO (UserContactLink, Maybe GroupId, GroupMemberRole)
getUserContactLinkById db userId userContactLinkId =
maybeFirstRow (\(ucl :. (groupId_, mRole_)) -> (toUserContactLink ucl, groupId_, fromMaybe GRMember mRole_)) $
ExceptT . firstRow (\(ucl :. (groupId_, mRole_)) -> (toUserContactLink ucl, groupId_, fromMaybe GRMember mRole_)) SEUserContactLinkNotFound $
@ -235,10 +235,10 @@ setCommandConnId db User {userId} cmdId connId = do
createContact :: DB.Connection -> User -> Profile -> ExceptT StoreError IO ()
createContact db User {userId} profile = do
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
void $ createContact_ db userId profile "" Nothing currentTs Nothing
void $ createContact_ db userId profile "" Nothing currentTs True
createContact_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Profile -> LocalAlias -> Maybe Int64 -> UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Text, ContactId, ProfileId)
createContact_ db userId Profile {displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences} localAlias viaGroup currentTs chatTs =
createContact_ :: DB.Connection -> UserId -> Profile -> LocalAlias -> Maybe Int64 -> UTCTime -> Bool -> ExceptT StoreError IO (Text, ContactId, ProfileId)
createContact_ db userId Profile {displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, preferences} localAlias viaGroup currentTs contactUsed =
ExceptT . withLocalDisplayName db userId displayName $ \ldn -> do
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ createContact_ db userId Profile {displayName, fullName, image, contactLink, pre
profileId <- insertedRowId db
"INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, local_display_name, user_id, via_group, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(profileId, ldn, userId, viaGroup, currentTs, currentTs, chatTs)
"INSERT INTO contacts (contact_profile_id, local_display_name, user_id, via_group, created_at, updated_at, chat_ts, contact_used) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(profileId, ldn, userId, viaGroup, currentTs, currentTs, currentTs, contactUsed)
contactId <- insertedRowId db
pure $ Right (ldn, contactId, profileId)
@ -186,9 +186,10 @@ contactConnIncognito :: Contact -> IncognitoEnabled
contactConnIncognito = maybe False connIncognito . contactConn
contactDirect :: Contact -> Bool
contactDirect Contact {activeConn} = maybe True direct activeConn
direct Connection {connLevel, viaGroupLink} = connLevel == 0 && not viaGroupLink
contactDirect Contact {activeConn} = maybe True connDirect activeConn
connDirect :: Connection -> Bool
connDirect Connection {connLevel, viaGroupLink} = connLevel == 0 && not viaGroupLink
directOrUsed :: Contact -> Bool
directOrUsed ct@Contact {contactUsed} =
@ -364,6 +364,7 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
CRMessageError u prefix err -> ttyUser u [plain prefix <> ": " <> plain err | prefix == "error" || logLevel <= CLLWarning]
CRChatCmdError u e -> ttyUserPrefix' u $ viewChatError logLevel testView e
CRChatError u e -> ttyUser' u $ viewChatError logLevel testView e
CRChatErrors u errs -> ttyUser' u $ concatMap (viewChatError logLevel testView) errs
CRArchiveImported archiveErrs -> if null archiveErrs then ["ok"] else ["archive import errors: " <> plain (show archiveErrs)]
CRTimedAction _ _ -> []
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ getTermLine cc =
5000000 `timeout` atomically (readTQueue $ termQ cc) >>= \case
Just s -> do
-- remove condition to always echo virtual terminal
-- when True $ do
when (printOutput cc) $ do
-- when True $ do
name <- userName cc
putStrLn $ name <> ": " <> s
pure s
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module ChatTests where
import ChatTests.ChatList
import ChatTests.Direct
import ChatTests.Files
import ChatTests.Groups
@ -12,3 +13,4 @@ chatTests = do
describe "group tests" chatGroupTests
describe "file tests" chatFileTests
describe "profile tests" chatProfileTests
describe "chat list pagination tests" chatListTests
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
module ChatTests.ChatList where
import ChatClient
import ChatTests.Utils
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601Show)
import Test.Hspec
chatListTests :: SpecWith FilePath
chatListTests = do
it "get last chats" testPaginationLast
it "get chats before/after timestamp" testPaginationTs
it "filter by search query" testFilterSearch
it "filter favorite" testFilterFavorite
it "filter unread" testFilterUnread
it "filter favorite or unread" testFilterFavoriteOrUnread
it "sort and filter chats of all types" testPaginationAllChatTypes
testPaginationLast :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testPaginationLast =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
alice ##> "/chats 0"
alice ##> "/chats 1"
alice <# "@cath hey"
alice ##> "/chats 2"
alice <# "bob> hey"
alice <# "@cath hey"
testPaginationTs :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testPaginationTs =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
tsStart <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
tsAliceBob <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
tsFinish <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- syntax smoke check
getChats_ alice "count=0" []
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> tsFinish <> " count=2") []
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> tsFinish <> " count=0") []
-- limited reads
getChats_ alice "count=1" [("@cath", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> tsStart <> " count=1") [("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> tsFinish <> " count=1") [("@cath", "hey")]
-- interval bounds
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> tsAliceBob <> " count=10") [("@cath", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> tsAliceBob <> " count=10") [("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Expectation
getChats_ cc query expected = do
cc #$> ("/_get chats 1 pcc=on " <> query, chats, expected)
testFilterSearch :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testFilterSearch =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
let query s = "count=1 {\"type\": \"search\", \"search\": \"" <> s <> "\"}"
getChats_ alice (query "abc") []
getChats_ alice (query "alice") []
getChats_ alice (query "bob") [("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice (query "Bob") [("@bob", "hey")]
testFilterFavorite :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testFilterFavorite =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
let query = "{\"type\": \"filters\", \"favorite\": true, \"unread\": false}"
-- no favorite chats
getChats_ alice query []
-- 1 favorite chat
alice ##> "/_settings @2 {\"enableNtfs\":\"all\",\"favorite\":true}"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@bob", "hey")]
-- 1 favorite chat, unread chat not included
alice ##> "/_unread chat @3 on"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@bob", "hey")]
testFilterUnread :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testFilterUnread =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
let query = "{\"type\": \"filters\", \"favorite\": false, \"unread\": true}"
-- no unread chats
getChats_ alice query []
-- 1 unread chat
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 on"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@bob", "hey")]
-- 1 unread chat, favorite chat not included
alice ##> "/_settings @3 {\"enableNtfs\":\"all\",\"favorite\":true}"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@bob", "hey")]
testFilterFavoriteOrUnread :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testFilterFavoriteOrUnread =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
connectUsers alice cath
cath <##> alice
let query = "{\"type\": \"filters\", \"favorite\": true, \"unread\": true}"
-- no favorite or unread chats
getChats_ alice query []
-- 1 unread chat
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 on"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@bob", "hey")]
-- 1 favorite chat
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 off"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_settings @3 {\"enableNtfs\":\"all\",\"favorite\":true}"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@cath", "hey")]
-- 1 unread chat, 1 favorite chat
alice ##> "/_unread chat @2 on"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice query [("@cath", "hey"), ("@bob", "hey")]
testPaginationAllChatTypes :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testPaginationAllChatTypes =
testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile $
\alice bob cath dan -> do
ts1 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- @bob
connectUsers alice bob
alice <##> bob
ts2 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- <@cath
alice ##> "/ad"
cLink <- getContactLink alice True
cath ##> ("/c " <> cLink)
alice <#? cath
ts3 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- :3
alice ##> "/c"
_ <- getInvitation alice
ts4 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- #team
alice ##> "/g team"
alice <## "group #team is created"
alice <## "to add members use /a team <name> or /create link #team"
ts5 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
-- @dan
connectUsers alice dan
alice <##> dan
ts6 <- iso8601Show <$> getCurrentTime
getChats_ alice "count=10" [("@dan", "hey"), ("#team", ""), (":3", ""), ("<@cath", ""), ("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice "count=3" [("@dan", "hey"), ("#team", ""), (":3", "")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts2 <> " count=2") [(":3", ""), ("<@cath", "")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts5 <> " count=2") [("#team", ""), (":3", "")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts3 <> " count=10") [("@dan", "hey"), ("#team", ""), (":3", "")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts4 <> " count=10") [(":3", ""), ("<@cath", ""), ("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts1 <> " count=10") [("@dan", "hey"), ("#team", ""), (":3", ""), ("<@cath", ""), ("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts6 <> " count=10") [("@dan", "hey"), ("#team", ""), (":3", ""), ("<@cath", ""), ("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts6 <> " count=10") []
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts1 <> " count=10") []
let queryFavorite = "{\"type\": \"filters\", \"favorite\": true, \"unread\": false}"
getChats_ alice queryFavorite []
alice ##> "/_settings @2 {\"enableNtfs\":\"all\",\"favorite\":true}"
alice <## "ok"
alice ##> "/_settings #1 {\"enableNtfs\":\"all\",\"favorite\":true}"
alice <## "ok"
getChats_ alice queryFavorite [("#team", ""), ("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts4 <> " count=1 " <> queryFavorite) [("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts5 <> " count=1 " <> queryFavorite) [("#team", "")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts1 <> " count=1 " <> queryFavorite) [("@bob", "hey")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts4 <> " count=1 " <> queryFavorite) [("#team", "")]
let queryUnread = "{\"type\": \"filters\", \"favorite\": false, \"unread\": true}"
getChats_ alice queryUnread [("<@cath", "")]
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts2 <> " count=10 " <> queryUnread) []
getChats_ alice ("before=" <> ts3 <> " count=10 " <> queryUnread) [("<@cath", "")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts2 <> " count=10 " <> queryUnread) [("<@cath", "")]
getChats_ alice ("after=" <> ts3 <> " count=10 " <> queryUnread) []
Add table
Reference in a new issue