mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
directory service: additional commands (#5159)
* directory service: additional commands * notify superusers * 48 hours * replace T.elem
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 259 additions and 164 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Main where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Bot
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Terminal (terminalChatConfig)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (tshow)
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import Text.Read
@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ welcomeGetOpts = do
putStrLn $ "db: " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_chat.db, " <> dbFilePrefix <> "_agent.db"
pure opts
welcomeMessage :: String
welcomeMessage :: Text
welcomeMessage = "Hello! I am a simple squaring bot.\nIf you send me a number, I will calculate its square"
mySquaringBot :: User -> ChatController -> IO ()
@ -47,10 +49,10 @@ mySquaringBot _user cc = do
contactConnected contact
sendMessage cc contact welcomeMessage
CRNewChatItems {chatItems = (AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat contact) ChatItem {content = mc@CIRcvMsgContent {}}) : _} -> do
let msg = T.unpack $ ciContentToText mc
number_ = readMaybe msg :: Maybe Integer
let msg = ciContentToText mc
number_ = readMaybe (T.unpack msg) :: Maybe Integer
sendMessage cc contact $ case number_ of
Just n -> msg <> " * " <> msg <> " = " <> show (n * n)
Just n -> msg <> " * " <> msg <> " = " <> tshow (n * n)
_ -> "\"" <> msg <> "\" is not a number"
_ -> pure ()
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (tshow)
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
welcomeGetOpts :: IO BroadcastBotOpts
@ -48,14 +49,14 @@ broadcastBot BroadcastBotOpts {publishers, welcomeMessage, prohibitedMessage} _u
CRContactsList _ cts -> void . forkIO $ do
let cts' = filter broadcastTo cts
forM_ cts' $ \ct' -> sendComposedMessage cc ct' Nothing mc
sendReply $ "Forwarded to " <> show (length cts') <> " contact(s)"
sendReply $ "Forwarded to " <> tshow (length cts') <> " contact(s)"
r -> putStrLn $ "Error getting contacts list: " <> show r
else sendReply "!1 Message is not supported!"
| otherwise -> do
sendReply prohibitedMessage
deleteMessage cc ct $ chatItemId' ci
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just $ chatItemId' ci) . textMsgContent
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just $ chatItemId' ci) . MCText
publisher = KnownContact {contactId = contactId' ct, localDisplayName = localDisplayName' ct}
allowContent = \case
MCText _ -> True
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
module Broadcast.Options where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Options.Applicative
import Simplex.Chat.Bot.KnownContacts
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (updateStr, versionNumber, versionString)
@ -15,14 +16,14 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Options (ChatCmdLog (..), ChatOpts (..), CoreChatOpts, coreC
data BroadcastBotOpts = BroadcastBotOpts
{ coreOptions :: CoreChatOpts,
publishers :: [KnownContact],
welcomeMessage :: String,
prohibitedMessage :: String
welcomeMessage :: Text,
prohibitedMessage :: Text
defaultWelcomeMessage :: [KnownContact] -> String
defaultWelcomeMessage :: [KnownContact] -> Text
defaultWelcomeMessage ps = "Hello! I am a broadcast bot.\nI broadcast messages to all connected users from " <> knownContactNames ps <> "."
defaultProhibitedMessage :: [KnownContact] -> String
defaultProhibitedMessage :: [KnownContact] -> Text
defaultProhibitedMessage ps = "Sorry, only these users can broadcast messages: " <> knownContactNames ps <> ". Your message is deleted."
broadcastBotOpts :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser BroadcastBotOpts
@ -89,10 +89,11 @@ crDirectoryEvent = \case
CRChatErrors {chatErrors} -> Just $ DELogChatResponse $ "chat errors: " <> T.intercalate ", " (map tshow chatErrors)
_ -> Nothing
data DirectoryRole = DRUser | DRSuperUser
data DirectoryRole = DRUser | DRAdmin | DRSuperUser
data SDirectoryRole (r :: DirectoryRole) where
SDRUser :: SDirectoryRole 'DRUser
SDRAdmin :: SDirectoryRole 'DRAdmin
SDRSuperUser :: SDirectoryRole 'DRSuperUser
deriving instance Show (SDirectoryRole r)
@ -107,12 +108,14 @@ data DirectoryCmdTag (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCListUserGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCSetRole_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCRejectGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCSuspendGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCResumeGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCListLastGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCListPendingGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
DCApproveGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCRejectGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCSuspendGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCResumeGroup_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCListLastGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCListPendingGroups_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCShowGroupLink_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCSendToGroupOwner_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRAdmin
DCExecuteCommand_ :: DirectoryCmdTag 'DRSuperUser
deriving instance Show (DirectoryCmdTag r)
@ -130,12 +133,14 @@ data DirectoryCmd (r :: DirectoryRole) where
DCListUserGroups :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCDeleteGroup :: UserGroupRegId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCSetRole :: GroupId -> GroupName -> GroupMemberRole -> DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCApproveGroup :: {groupId :: GroupId, displayName :: GroupName, groupApprovalId :: GroupApprovalId} -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCRejectGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCSuspendGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCResumeGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCListLastGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCListPendingGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCApproveGroup :: {groupId :: GroupId, displayName :: GroupName, groupApprovalId :: GroupApprovalId} -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCRejectGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCSuspendGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCResumeGroup :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCListLastGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCListPendingGroups :: Int -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCShowGroupLink :: GroupId -> GroupName -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCSendToGroupOwner :: GroupId -> GroupName -> Text -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin
DCExecuteCommand :: String -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser
DCUnknownCommand :: DirectoryCmd 'DRUser
DCCommandError :: DirectoryCmdTag r -> DirectoryCmd r
@ -168,17 +173,20 @@ directoryCmdP =
"ls" -> u DCListUserGroups_
"delete" -> u DCDeleteGroup_
"role" -> u DCSetRole_
"approve" -> su DCApproveGroup_
"reject" -> su DCRejectGroup_
"suspend" -> su DCSuspendGroup_
"resume" -> su DCResumeGroup_
"last" -> su DCListLastGroups_
"pending" -> su DCListPendingGroups_
"approve" -> au DCApproveGroup_
"reject" -> au DCRejectGroup_
"suspend" -> au DCSuspendGroup_
"resume" -> au DCResumeGroup_
"last" -> au DCListLastGroups_
"pending" -> au DCListPendingGroups_
"link" -> au DCShowGroupLink_
"owner" -> au DCSendToGroupOwner_
"exec" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
"x" -> su DCExecuteCommand_
_ -> fail "bad command tag"
u = pure . ADCT SDRUser
au = pure . ADCT SDRAdmin
su = pure . ADCT SDRSuperUser
cmdP :: DirectoryCmdTag r -> Parser (DirectoryCmd r)
cmdP = \case
@ -203,6 +211,11 @@ directoryCmdP =
DCResumeGroup_ -> gc DCResumeGroup
DCListLastGroups_ -> DCListLastGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCListPendingGroups_ -> DCListPendingGroups <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <|> pure 10)
DCShowGroupLink_ -> gc DCShowGroupLink
DCSendToGroupOwner_ -> do
(groupId, displayName) <- gc (,)
msg <- A.space *> A.takeText
pure $ DCSendToGroupOwner groupId displayName msg
DCExecuteCommand_ -> DCExecuteCommand . T.unpack <$> (A.space *> A.takeText)
gc f = f <$> (A.space *> A.decimal <* A.char ':') <*> displayNameP
@ -213,8 +226,8 @@ directoryCmdP =
quoted c = A.char c *> takeNameTill (== c) <* A.char c
refChar c = c > ' ' && c /= '#' && c /= '@'
viewName :: String -> String
viewName n = if ' ' `elem` n then "'" <> n <> "'" else n
viewName :: Text -> Text
viewName n = if any (== ' ') (T.unpack n) then "'" <> n <> "'" else n
directoryCmdTag :: DirectoryCmd r -> Text
directoryCmdTag = \case
@ -234,6 +247,8 @@ directoryCmdTag = \case
DCResumeGroup {} -> "resume"
DCListLastGroups _ -> "last"
DCListPendingGroups _ -> "pending"
DCShowGroupLink {} -> "link"
DCSendToGroupOwner {} -> "owner"
DCExecuteCommand _ -> "exec"
DCUnknownCommand -> "unknown"
DCCommandError _ -> "error"
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module Directory.Options
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Options.Applicative
import Simplex.Chat.Bot.KnownContacts
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (updateStr, versionNumber, versionString)
@ -18,9 +19,10 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Options (ChatOpts (..), ChatCmdLog (..), CoreChatOpts, coreC
data DirectoryOpts = DirectoryOpts
{ coreOptions :: CoreChatOpts,
adminUsers :: [KnownContact],
superUsers :: [KnownContact],
directoryLog :: Maybe FilePath,
serviceName :: String,
serviceName :: T.Text,
searchResults :: Int,
testing :: Bool
@ -28,6 +30,13 @@ data DirectoryOpts = DirectoryOpts
directoryOpts :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser DirectoryOpts
directoryOpts appDir defaultDbFileName = do
coreOptions <- coreChatOptsP appDir defaultDbFileName
adminUsers <-
( long "admin-users"
<> metavar "ADMIN_USERS"
<> help "Comma-separated list of admin-users in the format CONTACT_ID:DISPLAY_NAME who will be allowed to manage the directory"
superUsers <-
@ -52,9 +61,10 @@ directoryOpts appDir defaultDbFileName = do
{ coreOptions,
serviceName = T.pack serviceName,
searchResults = 10,
testing = False
@ -17,13 +17,11 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Logger.Simple
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1)
import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getCurrentTimeZone)
import Directory.Events
@ -37,6 +35,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared (StoreError (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.View (serializeChatResponse, simplexChatContact, viewContactName, viewGroupName)
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ welcomeGetOpts = do
pure opts
directoryService :: DirectoryStore -> DirectoryOpts -> User -> ChatController -> IO ()
directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testing} user@User {userId} cc = do
directoryService st DirectoryOpts {adminUsers, superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testing} user@User {userId} cc = do
initializeBotAddress' (not testing) cc
env <- newServiceState
race_ (forever $ void getLine) . forever $ do
@ -102,6 +101,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
logInfo $ "command received " <> directoryCmdTag cmd
case sUser of
SDRUser -> deUserCommand env ct ciId cmd
SDRAdmin -> deAdminCommand ct ciId cmd
SDRSuperUser -> deSuperUserCommand ct ciId cmd
DELogChatResponse r -> logInfo r
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
userGroupReference gr GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} = userGroupReference' gr displayName
userGroupReference' GroupReg {userGroupRegId} displayName = groupReference' userGroupRegId displayName
groupReference GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} = groupReference' groupId displayName
groupReference' groupId displayName = "ID " <> show groupId <> " (" <> T.unpack displayName <> ")"
groupReference' groupId displayName = "ID " <> tshow groupId <> " (" <> displayName <> ")"
groupAlreadyListed GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName, fullName}} =
T.unpack $ "The group " <> displayName <> " (" <> fullName <> ") is already listed in the directory, please choose another name."
"The group " <> displayName <> " (" <> fullName <> ") is already listed in the directory, please choose another name."
getGroups :: Text -> IO (Maybe [(GroupInfo, GroupSummary)])
getGroups = getGroups_ . Just
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
processInvitation ct g@GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} = do
void $ addGroupReg st ct g GRSProposed
r <- sendChatCmd cc $ APIJoinGroup groupId
sendMessage cc ct $ T.unpack $ case r of
sendMessage cc ct $ case r of
CRUserAcceptedGroupSent {} -> "Joining the group " <> displayName <> "…"
_ -> "Error joining group " <> displayName <> ", please re-send the invitation!"
@ -179,10 +179,10 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
askConfirmation = do
ugrId <- addGroupReg st ct g GRSPendingConfirmation
sendMessage cc ct $ T.unpack $ "The group " <> displayName <> " (" <> fullName <> ") is already submitted to the directory.\nTo confirm the registration, please send:"
sendMessage cc ct $ "/confirm " <> show ugrId <> ":" <> viewName (T.unpack displayName)
sendMessage cc ct $ "The group " <> displayName <> " (" <> fullName <> ") is already submitted to the directory.\nTo confirm the registration, please send:"
sendMessage cc ct $ "/confirm " <> tshow ugrId <> ":" <> viewName displayName
badRolesMsg :: GroupRolesStatus -> Maybe String
badRolesMsg :: GroupRolesStatus -> Maybe Text
badRolesMsg = \case
GRSOk -> Nothing
GRSServiceNotAdmin -> Just "You must grant directory service *admin* role to register the group"
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
when (ctId `isOwner` gr) $ do
setGroupRegOwner st gr owner
let GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} = g
notifyOwner gr $ T.unpack $ "Joined the group " <> displayName <> ", creating the link…"
notifyOwner gr $ "Joined the group " <> displayName <> ", creating the link…"
sendChatCmd cc (APICreateGroupLink groupId GRMember) >>= \case
CRGroupLinkCreated {connReqContact} -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSPendingUpdate
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
"Created the public link to join the group via this directory service that is always online.\n\n\
\Please add it to the group welcome message.\n\
\For example, add:"
notifyOwner gr $ "Link to join the group " <> T.unpack displayName <> ": " <> B.unpack (strEncode $ simplexChatContact connReqContact)
notifyOwner gr $ "Link to join the group " <> displayName <> ": " <> strEncodeTxt (simplexChatContact connReqContact)
CRChatCmdError _ (ChatError e) -> case e of
CEGroupUserRole {} -> notifyOwner gr "Failed creating group link, as service is no longer an admin."
CEGroupMemberUserRemoved -> notifyOwner gr "Failed creating group link, as service is removed from the group."
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
GPHasServiceLink -> when (ctId `isOwner` gr) $ groupLinkAdded gr
GPServiceLinkError -> do
when (ctId `isOwner` gr) $ notifyOwner gr $ "Error: " <> serviceName <> " has no group link for " <> userGroupRef <> ". Please report the error to the developers."
logError $ "Error: no group link for " <> T.pack userGroupRef
logError $ "Error: no group link for " <> userGroupRef
GRSPendingApproval n -> processProfileChange gr $ n + 1
GRSActive -> processProfileChange gr 1
GRSSuspended -> processProfileChange gr 1
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
_ -> do
let gaId = 1
setGroupStatus st gr $ GRSPendingApproval gaId
notifyOwner gr $ "Thank you! The group link for " <> userGroupReference gr toGroup <> " is added to the welcome message.\nYou will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
notifyOwner gr $ "Thank you! The group link for " <> userGroupReference gr toGroup <> " is added to the welcome message.\nYou will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
checkRolesSendToApprove gr gaId
processProfileChange gr n' = do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSPendingUpdate
@ -299,13 +299,13 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
notifyOwner gr $ "The group " <> userGroupRef <> " is updated!\nIt is hidden from the directory until approved."
notifySuperUsers $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is updated."
checkRolesSendToApprove gr n'
GPServiceLinkError -> logError $ "Error: no group link for " <> T.pack groupRef <> " pending approval."
GPServiceLinkError -> logError $ "Error: no group link for " <> groupRef <> " pending approval."
groupProfileUpdate = profileUpdate <$> sendChatCmd cc (APIGetGroupLink groupId)
profileUpdate = \case
CRGroupLink {connReqContact} ->
let groupLink1 = safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode connReqContact
groupLink2 = safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode $ simplexChatContact connReqContact
let groupLink1 = strEncodeTxt connReqContact
groupLink2 = strEncodeTxt $ simplexChatContact connReqContact
hadLinkBefore = groupLink1 `isInfix` description p || groupLink2 `isInfix` description p
hasLinkNow = groupLink1 `isInfix` description p' || groupLink2 `isInfix` description p'
in if
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
msg = maybe (MCText text) (\image -> MCImage {text, image}) image'
withSuperUsers $ \cId -> do
sendComposedMessage' cc cId Nothing msg
sendMessage' cc cId $ "/approve " <> show dbGroupId <> ":" <> viewName (T.unpack displayName) <> " " <> show gaId
sendMessage' cc cId $ "/approve " <> tshow dbGroupId <> ":" <> viewName displayName <> " " <> tshow gaId
deContactRoleChanged :: GroupInfo -> ContactId -> GroupMemberRole -> IO ()
deContactRoleChanged g@GroupInfo {membership = GroupMember {memberRole = serviceRole}} ctId contactRole = do
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
rStatus = groupRolesStatus contactRole serviceRole
groupRef = groupReference g
ctRole = "*" <> B.unpack (strEncode contactRole) <> "*"
ctRole = "*" <> strEncodeTxt contactRole <> "*"
suCtRole = "(user role is set to " <> ctRole <> ")."
deServiceRoleChanged :: GroupInfo -> GroupMemberRole -> IO ()
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
_ -> pure ()
groupRef = groupReference g
srvRole = "*" <> B.unpack (strEncode serviceRole) <> "*"
srvRole = "*" <> strEncodeTxt serviceRole <> "*"
suSrvRole = "(" <> serviceName <> " role is changed to " <> srvRole <> ")."
whenContactIsOwner gr action =
getGroupMember gr
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
<> serviceName
<> " bot will create a public group link for the new members to join even when you are offline.\n\
\3. You will then need to add this link to the group welcome message.\n\
\4. Once the link is added, service admins will approve the group (it can take up to 24 hours), and everybody will be able to find it in directory.\n\n\
\4. Once the link is added, service admins will approve the group (it can take up to 48 hours), and everybody will be able to find it in directory.\n\n\
\Start from inviting the bot to your group as admin - it will guide you through the process"
DCSearchGroup s -> withFoundListedGroups (Just s) $ sendSearchResults s
DCSearchNext ->
@ -448,44 +448,47 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
DCRecentGroups -> withFoundListedGroups Nothing $ sendAllGroups takeRecent "the most recent" STRecent
DCSubmitGroup _link -> pure ()
DCConfirmDuplicateGroup ugrId gName ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \gr g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} gr ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSPendingConfirmation ->
getDuplicateGroup g >>= \case
Nothing -> sendMessage cc ct "Error: getDuplicateGroup. Please notify the developers."
Just DGReserved -> sendMessage cc ct $ groupAlreadyListed g
_ -> processInvitation ct g
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group ID " <> show ugrId <> " (" <> T.unpack displayName <> ") is not pending confirmation."
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group ID " <> tshow ugrId <> " (" <> displayName <> ") is not pending confirmation."
DCListUserGroups ->
atomically (getUserGroupRegs st $ contactId' ct) >>= \grs -> do
sendReply $ show (length grs) <> " registered group(s)"
sendReply $ tshow (length grs) <> " registered group(s)"
void . forkIO $ forM_ (reverse grs) $ \gr@GroupReg {userGroupRegId} ->
sendGroupInfo ct gr userGroupRegId Nothing
DCDeleteGroup ugrId gName ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \gr GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} -> do
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} gr -> do
delGroupReg st gr
sendReply $ T.unpack $ "Your group " <> displayName <> " is deleted from the directory"
DCSetRole ugrId gName mRole ->
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName $ \_gr GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} -> do
gLink_ <- setGroupLinkRole cc groupId mRole
sendReply $ T.unpack $ case gLink_ of
Nothing -> "Error: the initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " was NOT upgated"
Just gLink ->
("The initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " is set to *" <> decodeLatin1 (strEncode mRole) <> "*\n\n")
<> ("*Please note*: it applies only to members joining via this link: " <> safeDecodeUtf8 (strEncode $ simplexChatContact gLink))
sendReply $ "Your group " <> displayName <> " is deleted from the directory"
DCSetRole gId gName mRole ->
(if isAdmin then withGroupAndReg sendReply else withUserGroupReg) gId gName $
\GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} _gr -> do
gLink_ <- setGroupLinkRole cc groupId mRole
sendReply $ case gLink_ of
Nothing -> "Error: the initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " was NOT upgated"
Just gLink ->
("The initial member role for the group " <> displayName <> " is set to *" <> strEncodeTxt mRole <> "*\n\n")
<> ("*Please note*: it applies only to members joining via this link: " <> strEncodeTxt (simplexChatContact gLink))
DCUnknownCommand -> sendReply "Unknown command"
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> show tag
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> tshow tag
knownCt = knownContact ct
isAdmin = knownCt `elem` adminUsers || knownCt `elem` superUsers
withUserGroupReg ugrId gName action =
atomically (getUserGroupReg st (contactId' ct) ugrId) >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> tshow ugrId <> " not found"
Just gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId} -> do
getGroup cc dbGroupId >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " not found"
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> tshow ugrId <> " not found"
Just g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}}
| displayName == gName -> action gr g
| otherwise -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> show ugrId <> " has the display name " <> T.unpack displayName
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just ciId) . textMsgContent
| displayName == gName -> action g gr
| otherwise -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> tshow ugrId <> " has the display name " <> displayName
sendReply = mkSendReply ct ciId
withFoundListedGroups s_ action =
getGroups_ s_ >>= \case
Just groups -> atomically (filterListedGroups st groups) >>= action
@ -495,8 +498,8 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
gs -> do
let gs' = takeTop searchResults gs
moreGroups = length gs - length gs'
more = if moreGroups > 0 then ", sending top " <> show (length gs') else ""
sendReply $ "Found " <> show (length gs) <> " group(s)" <> more <> "."
more = if moreGroups > 0 then ", sending top " <> tshow (length gs') else ""
sendReply $ "Found " <> tshow (length gs) <> " group(s)" <> more <> "."
updateSearchRequest (STSearch s) $ groupIds gs'
sendFoundGroups gs' moreGroups
sendAllGroups takeFirst sortName searchType = \case
@ -504,8 +507,8 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
gs -> do
let gs' = takeFirst searchResults gs
moreGroups = length gs - length gs'
more = if moreGroups > 0 then ", sending " <> sortName <> " " <> show (length gs') else ""
sendReply $ show (length gs) <> " group(s) listed" <> more <> "."
more = if moreGroups > 0 then ", sending " <> sortName <> " " <> tshow (length gs') else ""
sendReply $ tshow (length gs) <> " group(s) listed" <> more <> "."
updateSearchRequest searchType $ groupIds gs'
sendFoundGroups gs' moreGroups
sendNextSearchResults takeFirst SearchRequest {searchType, sentGroups} = \case
@ -516,7 +519,7 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
let gs' = takeFirst searchResults $ filterNotSent sentGroups gs
sentGroups' = sentGroups <> groupIds gs'
moreGroups = length gs - S.size sentGroups'
sendReply $ "Sending " <> show (length gs') <> " more group(s)."
sendReply $ "Sending " <> tshow (length gs') <> " more group(s)."
updateSearchRequest searchType sentGroups'
sendFoundGroups gs' moreGroups
updateSearchRequest :: SearchType -> Set GroupId -> IO ()
@ -527,9 +530,10 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
sendFoundGroups gs moreGroups =
void . forkIO $ do
forM_ gs $
\(GroupInfo {groupProfile = p@GroupProfile {image = image_}}, GroupSummary {currentMembers}) -> do
\(GroupInfo {groupId, groupProfile = p@GroupProfile {image = image_}}, GroupSummary {currentMembers}) -> do
let membersStr = "_" <> tshow currentMembers <> " members_"
text = groupInfoText p <> "\n" <> membersStr
showId = if isAdmin then tshow groupId <> ". " else ""
text = showId <> groupInfoText p <> "\n" <> membersStr
msg = maybe (MCText text) (\image -> MCImage {text, image}) image_
sendComposedMessage cc ct Nothing msg
when (moreGroups > 0) $
@ -537,92 +541,134 @@ directoryService st DirectoryOpts {superUsers, serviceName, searchResults, testi
MCText $
"Send */next* or just *.* for " <> tshow moreGroups <> " more result(s)."
deSuperUserCommand :: Contact -> ChatItemId -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser -> IO ()
deSuperUserCommand ct ciId cmd
| superUser `elem` superUsers = case cmd of
deAdminCommand :: Contact -> ChatItemId -> DirectoryCmd 'DRAdmin -> IO ()
deAdminCommand ct ciId cmd
| knownCt `elem` adminUsers || knownCt `elem` superUsers = case cmd of
DCApproveGroup {groupId, displayName = n, groupApprovalId} ->
getGroupAndReg groupId n >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " not found (getGroupAndReg)."
Just (g, gr) ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSPendingApproval gaId
| gaId == groupApprovalId -> do
getDuplicateGroup g >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply "Error: getDuplicateGroup. Please notify the developers."
Just DGReserved -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is already listed in the directory."
_ -> do
getGroupRolesStatus g gr >>= \case
Just GRSOk -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSActive
sendReply "Group approved!"
notifyOwner gr $ "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr n <> " is approved and listed in directory!\nPlease note: if you change the group profile it will be hidden from directory until it is re-approved."
Just GRSServiceNotAdmin -> replyNotApproved serviceNotAdmin
Just GRSContactNotOwner -> replyNotApproved "user is not an owner."
Just GRSBadRoles -> replyNotApproved $ "user is not an owner, " <> serviceNotAdmin
Nothing -> sendReply "Error: getGroupRolesStatus. Please notify the developers."
replyNotApproved reason = sendReply $ "Group is not approved: " <> reason
serviceNotAdmin = serviceName <> " is not an admin."
| otherwise -> sendReply "Incorrect approval code"
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group " <> groupRef <> " is not pending approval."
withGroupAndReg sendReply groupId n $ \g gr ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSPendingApproval gaId
| gaId == groupApprovalId -> do
getDuplicateGroup g >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply "Error: getDuplicateGroup. Please notify the developers."
Just DGReserved -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is already listed in the directory."
_ -> do
getGroupRolesStatus g gr >>= \case
Just GRSOk -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSActive
let approved = "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr n <> " is approved"
notifyOwner gr $ approved <> " and listed in directory!\nPlease note: if you change the group profile it will be hidden from directory until it is re-approved."
sendReply "Group approved!"
notifyOtherSuperUsers $ approved <> " by " <> viewName (localDisplayName' ct)
Just GRSServiceNotAdmin -> replyNotApproved serviceNotAdmin
Just GRSContactNotOwner -> replyNotApproved "user is not an owner."
Just GRSBadRoles -> replyNotApproved $ "user is not an owner, " <> serviceNotAdmin
Nothing -> sendReply "Error: getGroupRolesStatus. Please notify the developers."
replyNotApproved reason = sendReply $ "Group is not approved: " <> reason
serviceNotAdmin = serviceName <> " is not an admin."
| otherwise -> sendReply "Incorrect approval code"
_ -> sendReply $ "Error: the group " <> groupRef <> " is not pending approval."
groupRef = groupReference' groupId n
DCRejectGroup _gaId _gName -> pure ()
DCSuspendGroup groupId gName -> do
let groupRef = groupReference' groupId gName
getGroupAndReg groupId gName >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " not found (getGroupAndReg)."
Just (_, gr) ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSActive -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSSuspended
notifyOwner gr $ "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr gName <> " is suspended and hidden from directory. Please contact the administrators."
sendReply "Group suspended!"
_ -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is not active, can't be suspended."
withGroupAndReg sendReply groupId gName $ \_ gr ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSActive -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSSuspended
let suspended = "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr gName <> " is suspended"
notifyOwner gr $ suspended <> " and hidden from directory. Please contact the administrators."
sendReply "Group suspended!"
notifyOtherSuperUsers $ suspended <> " by " <> viewName (localDisplayName' ct)
_ -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is not active, can't be suspended."
DCResumeGroup groupId gName -> do
let groupRef = groupReference' groupId gName
getGroupAndReg groupId gName >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " not found (getGroupAndReg)."
Just (_, gr) ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSSuspended -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSActive
notifyOwner gr $ "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr gName <> " is listed in the directory again!"
sendReply "Group listing resumed!"
_ -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is not suspended, can't be resumed."
withGroupAndReg sendReply groupId gName $ \_ gr ->
readTVarIO (groupRegStatus gr) >>= \case
GRSSuspended -> do
setGroupStatus st gr GRSActive
let groupStr = "The group " <> userGroupReference' gr gName
notifyOwner gr $ groupStr <> " is listed in the directory again!"
sendReply "Group listing resumed!"
notifyOtherSuperUsers $ groupStr <> " listing resumed by " <> viewName (localDisplayName' ct)
_ -> sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " is not suspended, can't be resumed."
DCListLastGroups count -> listGroups count False
DCListPendingGroups count -> listGroups count True
DCExecuteCommand cmdStr ->
sendChatCmdStr cc cmdStr >>= \r -> do
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
sendReply $ serializeChatResponse (Nothing, Just user) ts tz Nothing r
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> show tag
DCShowGroupLink groupId gName -> do
let groupRef = groupReference' groupId gName
withGroupAndReg sendReply groupId gName $ \_ _ ->
sendChatCmd cc (APIGetGroupLink groupId) >>= \case
CRGroupLink {connReqContact, memberRole} ->
sendReply $ T.unlines
[ "The link to join the group " <> groupRef <> ":",
strEncodeTxt $ simplexChatContact connReqContact,
"New member role: " <> strEncodeTxt memberRole
CRChatCmdError _ (ChatErrorStore (SEGroupLinkNotFound _)) ->
sendReply $ "The group " <> groupRef <> " has no public link."
r -> do
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
let resp = T.pack $ serializeChatResponse (Nothing, Just user) ts tz Nothing r
sendReply $ "Unexpected error:\n" <> resp
DCSendToGroupOwner groupId gName msg -> do
let groupRef = groupReference' groupId gName
withGroupAndReg sendReply groupId gName $ \_ gr@GroupReg {dbContactId} -> do
notifyOwner gr msg
owner_ <- getContact cc dbContactId
let ownerInfo = "the owner of the group " <> groupRef
ownerName ct' = "@" <> viewName (localDisplayName' ct') <> ", "
sendReply $ "Forwarded to " <> maybe "" ownerName owner_ <> ownerInfo
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> tshow tag
| otherwise = sendReply "You are not allowed to use this command"
superUser = KnownContact {contactId = contactId' ct, localDisplayName = localDisplayName' ct}
sendReply = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just ciId) . textMsgContent
knownCt = knownContact ct
sendReply = mkSendReply ct ciId
notifyOtherSuperUsers s = withSuperUsers $ \ctId -> unless (ctId == contactId' ct) $ sendMessage' cc ctId s
listGroups count pending =
readTVarIO (groupRegs st) >>= \groups -> do
grs <-
if pending
then filterM (fmap pendingApproval . readTVarIO . groupRegStatus) groups
else pure groups
sendReply $ show (length grs) <> " registered group(s)" <> (if length grs > count then ", showing the last " <> show count else "")
sendReply $ tshow (length grs) <> " registered group(s)" <> (if length grs > count then ", showing the last " <> tshow count else "")
void . forkIO $ forM_ (reverse $ take count grs) $ \gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId, dbContactId} -> do
ct_ <- getContact cc dbContactId
let ownerStr = "Owner: " <> maybe "getContact error" localDisplayName' ct_
sendGroupInfo ct gr dbGroupId $ Just ownerStr
getGroupAndReg :: GroupId -> GroupName -> IO (Maybe (GroupInfo, GroupReg))
getGroupAndReg gId gName =
getGroup cc gId
$>>= \g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}} ->
if displayName == gName
atomically (getGroupReg st gId)
$>>= \gr -> pure $ Just (g, gr)
else pure Nothing
deSuperUserCommand :: Contact -> ChatItemId -> DirectoryCmd 'DRSuperUser -> IO ()
deSuperUserCommand ct ciId cmd
| knownContact ct `elem` superUsers = case cmd of
DCExecuteCommand cmdStr ->
sendChatCmdStr cc cmdStr >>= \r -> do
ts <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
sendReply $ T.pack $ serializeChatResponse (Nothing, Just user) ts tz Nothing r
DCCommandError tag -> sendReply $ "Command error: " <> tshow tag
| otherwise = sendReply "You are not allowed to use this command"
sendReply = mkSendReply ct ciId
knownContact :: Contact -> KnownContact
knownContact ct = KnownContact {contactId = contactId' ct, localDisplayName = localDisplayName' ct}
mkSendReply :: Contact -> ChatItemId -> Text -> IO ()
mkSendReply ct ciId = sendComposedMessage cc ct (Just ciId) . MCText
withGroupAndReg :: (Text -> IO ()) -> GroupId -> GroupName -> (GroupInfo -> GroupReg -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withGroupAndReg sendReply gId gName action =
getGroup cc gId >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Group ID " <> tshow gId <> " not found (getGroup)"
Just g@GroupInfo {groupProfile = GroupProfile {displayName}}
| displayName == gName ->
atomically (getGroupReg st gId) >>= \case
Nothing -> sendReply $ "Registration for group ID " <> tshow gId <> " not found (getGroupReg)"
Just gr -> action g gr
| otherwise ->
sendReply $ "Group ID " <> tshow gId <> " has the display name " <> displayName
sendGroupInfo :: Contact -> GroupReg -> GroupId -> Maybe Text -> IO ()
sendGroupInfo ct gr@GroupReg {dbGroupId} useGroupId ownerStr_ = do
@ -668,5 +714,8 @@ setGroupLinkRole cc gId mRole = resp <$> sendChatCmd cc (APIGroupLinkMemberRole
CRGroupLink _ _ gLink _ -> Just gLink
_ -> Nothing
unexpectedError :: String -> String
unexpectedError :: Text -> Text
unexpectedError err = "Unexpected error: " <> err <> ", please notify the developers."
strEncodeTxt :: StrEncoding a => a -> Text
strEncodeTxt = safeDecodeUtf8 . strEncode
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Controller
import Simplex.Chat.Core
@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ chatBotRepl welcome answer _user cc = do
case resp of
CRContactConnected _ contact _ -> do
contactConnected contact
void $ sendMessage cc contact welcome
void $ sendMessage cc contact $ T.pack welcome
CRNewChatItems {chatItems = (AChatItem _ SMDRcv (DirectChat contact) ChatItem {content = mc@CIRcvMsgContent {}}) : _} -> do
let msg = T.unpack $ ciContentToText mc
void $ sendMessage cc contact =<< answer contact msg
void $ sendMessage cc contact . T.pack =<< answer contact msg
_ -> pure ()
contactConnected Contact {localDisplayName} = putStrLn $ T.unpack localDisplayName <> " connected"
@ -57,11 +58,11 @@ initializeBotAddress' logAddress cc = do
when logAddress $ putStrLn $ "Bot's contact address is: " <> B.unpack (strEncode uri)
void $ sendChatCmd cc $ AddressAutoAccept $ Just AutoAccept {acceptIncognito = False, autoReply = Nothing}
sendMessage :: ChatController -> Contact -> String -> IO ()
sendMessage cc ct = sendComposedMessage cc ct Nothing . textMsgContent
sendMessage :: ChatController -> Contact -> Text -> IO ()
sendMessage cc ct = sendComposedMessage cc ct Nothing . MCText
sendMessage' :: ChatController -> ContactId -> String -> IO ()
sendMessage' cc ctId = sendComposedMessage' cc ctId Nothing . textMsgContent
sendMessage' :: ChatController -> ContactId -> Text -> IO ()
sendMessage' cc ctId = sendComposedMessage' cc ctId Nothing . MCText
sendComposedMessage :: ChatController -> Contact -> Maybe ChatItemId -> MsgContent -> IO ()
sendComposedMessage cc = sendComposedMessage' cc . contactId'
@ -83,9 +84,6 @@ deleteMessage cc ct chatItemId = do
contactRef :: Contact -> ChatRef
contactRef = ChatRef CTDirect . contactId'
textMsgContent :: String -> MsgContent
textMsgContent = MCText . T.pack
printLog :: ChatController -> ChatLogLevel -> String -> IO ()
printLog cc level s
| logLevel (config cc) <= level = putStrLn s
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ data KnownContact = KnownContact
deriving (Eq)
knownContactNames :: [KnownContact] -> String
knownContactNames = T.unpack . T.intercalate ", " . map (("@" <>) . localDisplayName)
knownContactNames :: [KnownContact] -> Text
knownContactNames = T.intercalate ", " . map (("@" <>) . localDisplayName)
parseKnownContacts :: ReadM [KnownContact]
parseKnownContacts = eitherReader $ parseAll knownContactsP . encodeUtf8 . T.pack
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import ChatTests.Utils
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Directory.Events (viewName)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Directory.Events as DE
import Directory.Options
import Directory.Service
import Directory.Store
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
directoryServiceTests :: SpecWith FilePath
directoryServiceTests = do
it "should register group" testDirectoryService
it "should suspend and resume group" testSuspendResume
it "should suspend and resume group, send message to owner" testSuspendResume
it "should delete group registration" testDeleteGroup
it "should change initial member role" testSetRole
it "should join found group via link" testJoinGroup
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ mkDirectoryOpts :: FilePath -> [KnownContact] -> DirectoryOpts
mkDirectoryOpts tmp superUsers =
{ coreOptions = testCoreOpts {dbFilePrefix = tmp </> serviceDbPrefix},
adminUsers = [],
directoryLog = Just $ tmp </> "directory_service.log",
serviceName = "SimpleX-Directory",
@ -77,6 +79,9 @@ mkDirectoryOpts tmp superUsers =
serviceDbPrefix :: FilePath
serviceDbPrefix = "directory_service"
viewName :: String -> String
viewName = T.unpack . DE.viewName . T.pack
testDirectoryService :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testDirectoryService tmp =
withDirectoryService tmp $ \superUser dsLink ->
@ -111,7 +116,7 @@ testDirectoryService tmp =
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it has link"
updateGroupProfile bob welcomeWithLink
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink (1 :: Int)
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it still has link"
let welcomeWithLink' = "Welcome! " <> welcomeWithLink
@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ testDirectoryService tmp =
-- putStrLn "*** update profile so that it has link again"
updateGroupProfile bob welcomeWithLink'
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (PSA) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
approvalRequested superUser welcomeWithLink' (1 :: Int)
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /pending"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /pending"
@ -207,6 +212,17 @@ testSuspendResume tmp =
superUser <## " Group listing resumed!"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> The group ID 1 (privacy) is listed in the directory again!"
groupFound bob "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory privacy"
groupFoundN_ (Just 1) 2 superUser "privacy"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /link 1:privacy"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /link 1:privacy"
superUser <## " The link to join the group ID 1 (privacy):"
superUser <##. "https://simplex.chat/contact"
superUser <## "New member role: member"
superUser #> "@SimpleX-Directory /owner 1:privacy hello there"
superUser <# "SimpleX-Directory> > /owner 1:privacy hello there"
superUser <## " Forwarded to @bob, the owner of the group ID 1 (privacy)"
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> hello there"
testDeleteGroup :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testDeleteGroup tmp =
@ -650,7 +666,7 @@ testRegOwnerRemovedLink tmp =
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## welcomeWithLink
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## welcomeWithLink
@ -692,7 +708,7 @@ testAnotherOwnerRemovedLink tmp =
bob <## "description changed to:"
bob <## (welcomeWithLink <> " - welcome!")
bob <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 1 (privacy) is added to the welcome message."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
bob <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
cath <## "bob updated group #privacy:"
cath <## "description changed to:"
cath <## (welcomeWithLink <> " - welcome!")
@ -774,7 +790,7 @@ testDuplicateProhibitWhenUpdated tmp =
cath ##> "/gp privacy security Security"
cath <## "changed to #security (Security)"
cath <# "SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID 2 (security) is added to the welcome message."
cath <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
cath <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
notifySuperUser superUser cath "security" "Security" welcomeWithLink' 2
approveRegistration superUser cath "security" 2
groupFound bob "security"
@ -1035,7 +1051,7 @@ updateProfileWithLink u n welcomeWithLink ugId = do
u <## "description changed to:"
u <## welcomeWithLink
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> Thank you! The group link for ID " <> show ugId <> " (" <> n <> ") is added to the welcome message.")
u <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 24 hours."
u <## "You will be notified once the group is added to the directory - it may take up to 48 hours."
notifySuperUser :: TestCC -> TestCC -> String -> String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
notifySuperUser su u n fn welcomeWithLink gId = do
@ -1112,10 +1128,13 @@ groupFoundN count u name = do
groupFoundN' count u name
groupFoundN' :: Int -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFoundN' count u name = do
groupFoundN' = groupFoundN_ Nothing
groupFoundN_ :: Maybe Int -> Int -> TestCC -> String -> IO ()
groupFoundN_ shownId_ count u name = do
u <# ("SimpleX-Directory> > " <> name)
u <## " Found 1 group(s)."
u <#. ("SimpleX-Directory> " <> name)
u <#. ("SimpleX-Directory> " <> maybe "" (\gId -> show gId <> ". ") shownId_ <> name)
u <## "Welcome message:"
u <##. "Link to join the group "
u <## (show count <> " members")
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