mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: validate servers of all user profiles (#5180)
* core: validate servers of all user profiles * validate all servers * fix parsing, test
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 207 additions and 40 deletions
@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ test-suite simplex-chat-test
@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
APIGetUserServers userId -> withUserId userId $ \user -> withFastStore $ \db ->
CRUserServers user <$> (liftIO . groupByOperator =<< getUserServers db user)
APISetUserServers userId userServers -> withUserId userId $ \user -> do
let errors = validateUserServers userServers
errors <- validateAllUsersServers userId $ L.toList userServers
unless (null errors) $ throwChatError (CECommandError $ "user servers validation error(s): " <> show errors)
(operators, smpServers, xftpServers) <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
setUserServers db user userServers
@ -1620,7 +1620,8 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
setProtocolServers a auId $ agentServerCfgs opDomains (rndServers SPSMP rs) smpServers
setProtocolServers a auId $ agentServerCfgs opDomains (rndServers SPXFTP rs) xftpServers
APIValidateServers userServers -> pure $ CRUserServersValidation $ validateUserServers userServers
APIValidateServers userId userServers -> withUserId userId $ \user ->
CRUserServersValidation user <$> validateAllUsersServers userId userServers
APIGetUsageConditions -> do
(usageConditions, acceptedConditions) <- withFastStore $ \db -> do
usageConditions <- getCurrentUsageConditions db
@ -2926,6 +2927,11 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
withServerProtocol p action = case userProtocol p of
Just Dict -> action
_ -> throwChatError $ CEServerProtocol $ AProtocolType p
validateAllUsersServers :: UserServersClass u => Int64 -> [u] -> CM [UserServersError]
validateAllUsersServers currUserId userServers = withFastStore $ \db -> do
users' <- filter (\User {userId} -> userId /= currUserId) <$> liftIO (getUsers db)
others <- mapM (\user -> liftIO . fmap (user,) . groupByOperator =<< getUserServers db user) users'
pure $ validateUserServers userServers others
forwardFile :: ChatName -> FileTransferId -> (ChatName -> CryptoFile -> ChatCommand) -> CM ChatResponse
forwardFile chatName fileId sendCommand = withUser $ \user -> do
withStore (\db -> getFileTransfer db user fileId) >>= \case
@ -8242,7 +8248,7 @@ chatCommandP =
"/_operators " *> (APISetServerOperators <$> jsonP),
"/_servers " *> (APIGetUserServers <$> A.decimal),
"/_servers " *> (APISetUserServers <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> jsonP),
"/_validate_servers " *> (APIValidateServers <$> jsonP),
"/_validate_servers " *> (APIValidateServers <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> jsonP),
"/_conditions" $> APIGetUsageConditions,
"/_conditions_notified " *> (APISetConditionsNotified <$> A.decimal),
"/_accept_conditions " *> (APIAcceptConditions <$> A.decimal <*> _strP),
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ data ChatCommand
| APISetServerOperators (NonEmpty ServerOperator)
| APIGetUserServers UserId
| APISetUserServers UserId (NonEmpty UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
| APIValidateServers (NonEmpty UpdatedUserOperatorServers) -- response is CRUserServersValidation
| APIValidateServers UserId [ValidatedUserOperatorServers] -- response is CRUserServersValidation
| APIGetUsageConditions
| APISetConditionsNotified Int64
| APIAcceptConditions Int64 (NonEmpty Int64)
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRServerTestResult {user :: User, testServer :: AProtoServerWithAuth, testFailure :: Maybe ProtocolTestFailure}
| CRServerOperators {operators :: [ServerOperator], conditionsAction :: Maybe UsageConditionsAction}
| CRUserServers {user :: User, userServers :: [UserOperatorServers]}
| CRUserServersValidation {serverErrors :: [UserServersError]}
| CRUserServersValidation {user :: User, serverErrors :: [UserServersError]}
| CRUsageConditions {usageConditions :: UsageConditions, conditionsText :: Text, acceptedConditions :: Maybe UsageConditions}
| CRChatItemTTL {user :: User, chatItemTTL :: Maybe Int64}
| CRNetworkConfig {networkConfig :: NetworkConfig}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Operators where
@ -22,10 +24,12 @@ import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as JE
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Foldable (foldMap')
import Data.IORef
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Kind
import Data.List (find, foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
@ -43,11 +47,12 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift)
import Simplex.Chat.Operators.Conditions
import Simplex.Chat.Types (User)
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util (textParseJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (ServerCfg (..), ServerRoles (..), allRoles)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (defaultJSON, dropPrefix, fromTextField_, sumTypeJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (AProtoServerWithAuth (..), AProtocolType (..), ProtoServerWithAuth (..), ProtocolServer (..), ProtocolType (..), ProtocolTypeI, SProtocolType (..), UserProtocol)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (AProtocolType (..), ProtoServerWithAuth (..), ProtocolServer (..), ProtocolType (..), ProtocolTypeI, SProtocolType (..), UserProtocol)
import Simplex.Messaging.Transport.Client (TransportHost (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Util (atomicModifyIORef'_, safeDecodeUtf8)
@ -196,10 +201,56 @@ data UpdatedUserOperatorServers = UpdatedUserOperatorServers
deriving (Show)
updatedServers :: UserProtocol p => UpdatedUserOperatorServers -> SProtocolType p -> [AUserServer p]
updatedServers UpdatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
data ValidatedUserOperatorServers = ValidatedUserOperatorServers
{ operator :: Maybe ServerOperator,
smpServers :: [AValidatedServer 'PSMP],
xftpServers :: [AValidatedServer 'PXFTP]
deriving (Show)
data AValidatedServer p = forall s. AVS (SDBStored s) (ValidatedServer s p)
deriving instance Show (AValidatedServer p)
type ValidatedServer s p = UserServer_ s ValidatedProtoServer p
data ValidatedProtoServer p = ValidatedProtoServer {unVPS :: Either Text (ProtoServerWithAuth p)}
deriving (Show)
class UserServersClass u where
type AServer u = (s :: ProtocolType -> Type) | s -> u
operator' :: u -> Maybe ServerOperator
partitionValid :: [AServer u p] -> ([Text], [AUserServer p])
servers' :: UserProtocol p => u -> SProtocolType p -> [AServer u p]
instance UserServersClass UserOperatorServers where
type AServer UserOperatorServers = UserServer_ 'DBStored ProtoServerWithAuth
operator' UserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid ss = ([], map (AUS SDBStored) ss)
servers' UserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
instance UserServersClass UpdatedUserOperatorServers where
type AServer UpdatedUserOperatorServers = AUserServer
operator' UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid = ([],)
servers' UpdatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
instance UserServersClass ValidatedUserOperatorServers where
type AServer ValidatedUserOperatorServers = AValidatedServer
operator' ValidatedUserOperatorServers {operator} = operator
partitionValid = partitionEithers . map serverOrErr
serverOrErr :: AValidatedServer p -> Either Text (AUserServer p)
serverOrErr (AVS s srv@UserServer {server = server'}) = (\server -> AUS s srv {server}) <$> unVPS server'
servers' ValidatedUserOperatorServers {smpServers, xftpServers} = \case
SPSMP -> smpServers
SPXFTP -> xftpServers
type UserServer' s p = UserServer_ s ProtoServerWithAuth p
type UserServer p = UserServer' 'DBStored p
@ -209,9 +260,9 @@ data AUserServer p = forall s. AUS (SDBStored s) (UserServer' s p)
deriving instance Show (AUserServer p)
data UserServer' s p = UserServer
data UserServer_ s (srv :: ProtocolType -> Type) (p :: ProtocolType) = UserServer
{ serverId :: DBEntityId' s,
server :: ProtoServerWithAuth p,
server :: srv p,
preset :: Bool,
tested :: Maybe Bool,
enabled :: Bool,
@ -352,35 +403,36 @@ groupByOperator (ops, smpSrvs, xftpSrvs) = do
addXFTP srv s@UserOperatorServers {xftpServers} = (s :: UserOperatorServers) {xftpServers = srv : xftpServers}
data UserServersError
= USEStorageMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType}
| USEProxyMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType}
| USEDuplicateServer {protocol :: AProtocolType, duplicateServer :: AProtoServerWithAuth, duplicateHost :: TransportHost}
= USENoServers {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEStorageMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEProxyMissing {protocol :: AProtocolType, user :: Maybe User}
| USEInvalidServer {protocol :: AProtocolType, invalidServer :: Text}
| USEDuplicateServer {protocol :: AProtocolType, duplicateServer :: Text, duplicateHost :: TransportHost}
deriving (Show)
validateUserServers :: NonEmpty UpdatedUserOperatorServers -> [UserServersError]
validateUserServers uss =
missingRolesErr SPSMP storage USEStorageMissing
<> missingRolesErr SPSMP proxy USEProxyMissing
<> missingRolesErr SPXFTP storage USEStorageMissing
<> duplicatServerErrs SPSMP
<> duplicatServerErrs SPXFTP
validateUserServers :: UserServersClass u' => [u'] -> [(User, [UserOperatorServers])] -> [UserServersError]
validateUserServers curr others = currUserErrs <> concatMap otherUserErrs others
missingRolesErr :: (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> (ServerRoles -> Bool) -> (AProtocolType -> UserServersError) -> [UserServersError]
missingRolesErr p roleSel err = [err (AProtocolType p) | not hasRole]
currUserErrs = noServersErrs SPSMP Nothing curr <> noServersErrs SPXFTP Nothing curr <> serverErrs SPSMP curr <> serverErrs SPXFTP curr
otherUserErrs (user, uss) = noServersErrs SPSMP (Just user) uss <> noServersErrs SPXFTP (Just user) uss
noServersErrs :: (UserServersClass u, ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> Maybe User -> [u] -> [UserServersError]
noServersErrs p user uss
| noServers opEnabled = [USENoServers p' user]
| otherwise = [USEStorageMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole storage)] <> [USEProxyMissing p' user | noServers (hasRole proxy)]
hasRole =
any (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted, enabled}) -> enabled && not deleted) $
concatMap (`updatedServers` p) $ filter roleEnabled (L.toList uss)
roleEnabled UpdatedUserOperatorServers {operator} =
maybe True (\ServerOperator {enabled, roles} -> enabled && roleSel roles) operator
duplicatServerErrs :: (ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> [UserServersError]
duplicatServerErrs p = mapMaybe duplicateErr_ srvs
p' = AProtocolType p
noServers cond = not $ any srvEnabled $ snd $ partitionValid $ concatMap (`servers'` p) $ filter cond uss
opEnabled = maybe True (\ServerOperator {enabled} -> enabled) . operator'
hasRole roleSel = maybe True (\ServerOperator {enabled, roles} -> enabled && roleSel roles) . operator'
srvEnabled (AUS _ UserServer {deleted, enabled}) = enabled && not deleted
serverErrs :: (UserServersClass u, ProtocolTypeI p, UserProtocol p) => SProtocolType p -> [u] -> [UserServersError]
serverErrs p uss = map (USEInvalidServer p') invalidSrvs <> mapMaybe duplicateErr_ srvs
srvs =
filter (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted}) -> not deleted) $
concatMap (`updatedServers` p) (L.toList uss)
p' = AProtocolType p
(invalidSrvs, userSrvs) = partitionValid $ concatMap (`servers'` p) uss
srvs = filter (\(AUS _ UserServer {deleted}) -> not deleted) userSrvs
duplicateErr_ (AUS _ srv@UserServer {server}) =
USEDuplicateServer (AProtocolType p) (AProtoServerWithAuth p server)
USEDuplicateServer p' (safeDecodeUtf8 $ strEncode server)
<$> find (`S.member` duplicateHosts) (srvHost srv)
duplicateHosts = snd $ foldl' addHost (S.empty, S.empty) allHosts
allHosts = concatMap (\(AUS _ srv) -> L.toList $ srvHost srv) srvs
@ -421,18 +473,30 @@ instance DBStoredI s => FromJSON (ServerOperator' s) where
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "UCA") ''UsageConditionsAction)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => ToJSON (UserServer' s p) where
toEncoding = $(JQ.mkToEncoding defaultJSON ''UserServer')
toJSON = $(JQ.mkToJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer')
toEncoding = $(JQ.mkToEncoding defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
toJSON = $(JQ.mkToJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
instance (DBStoredI s, ProtocolTypeI p) => FromJSON (UserServer' s p) where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer')
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (AUserServer p) where
parseJSON v = (AUS SDBStored <$> parseJSON v) <|> (AUS SDBNew <$> parseJSON v)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (ValidatedProtoServer p) where
parseJSON v = ValidatedProtoServer <$> ((Right <$> parseJSON v) <|> (Left <$> parseJSON v))
instance (DBStoredI s, ProtocolTypeI p) => FromJSON (ValidatedServer s p) where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UserServer_)
instance ProtocolTypeI p => FromJSON (AValidatedServer p) where
parseJSON v = (AVS SDBStored <$> parseJSON v) <|> (AVS SDBNew <$> parseJSON v)
$(JQ.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''UserOperatorServers)
instance FromJSON UpdatedUserOperatorServers where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
instance FromJSON ValidatedUserOperatorServers where
parseJSON = $(JQ.mkParseJSON defaultJSON ''ValidatedUserOperatorServers)
$(JQ.deriveJSON (sumTypeJSON $ dropPrefix "USE") ''UserServersError)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ responseToView hu@(currentRH, user_) ChatConfig {logLevel, showReactions, showRe
CRServerTestResult u srv testFailure -> ttyUser u $ viewServerTestResult srv testFailure
CRServerOperators ops ca -> viewServerOperators ops ca
CRUserServers u uss -> ttyUser u $ concatMap viewUserServers uss <> (if testView then [] else serversUserHelp)
CRUserServersValidation _ -> []
CRUserServersValidation {} -> []
CRUsageConditions {} -> []
CRChatItemTTL u ttl -> ttyUser u $ viewChatItemTTL ttl
CRNetworkConfig cfg -> viewNetworkConfig cfg
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
module OperatorTests (operatorTests) where
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Simplex.Chat
import Simplex.Chat.Operators
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Presets (defaultXFTPServers)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (ServerRoles (..), allRoles)
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol
import Test.Hspec
operatorTests :: Spec
operatorTests = describe "managing server operators" $ do
validateServers :: Spec
validateServers = describe "validate user servers" $ do
it "should pass valid user servers" $ validateUserServers [valid] [] `shouldBe` []
it "should fail without servers" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidNoServers] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aSMP Nothing]
validateUserServers [invalidDisabled] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aSMP Nothing]
validateUserServers [invalidDisabledOp] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aSMP Nothing, USENoServers aXFTP Nothing]
it "should fail without servers with storage role" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidNoStorage] [] `shouldBe` [USEStorageMissing aSMP Nothing, USEStorageMissing aXFTP Nothing]
it "should fail with duplicate host" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidDuplicate] [] `shouldBe`
[ USEDuplicateServer aSMP "smp://0YuTwO05YJWS8rkjn9eLJDjQhFKvIYd8d4xG8X1blIU=@smp8.simplex.im,beccx4yfxxbvyhqypaavemqurytl6hozr47wfc7uuecacjqdvwpw2xid.onion" "smp8.simplex.im",
USEDuplicateServer aSMP "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im" "smp8.simplex.im"
it "should fail with invalid host" $ do
validateUserServers [invalidHost] [] `shouldBe` [USENoServers aXFTP Nothing, USEInvalidServer aSMP "smp:abcd@smp8.simplex.im"]
aSMP = AProtocolType SPSMP
aXFTP = AProtocolType SPXFTP
deriving instance Eq User
deriving instance Eq UserServersError
valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
valid =
{ operator = Just operatorSimpleXChat {operatorId = DBEntityId 1},
smpServers = map (AUS SDBNew) simplexChatSMPServers,
xftpServers = map (AUS SDBNew . presetServer True) $ L.toList defaultXFTPServers
invalidNoServers :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
invalidNoServers = (valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers) {smpServers = []}
invalidDisabled :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
invalidDisabled =
(valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
{ smpServers = map (AUS SDBNew . (\srv -> (srv :: NewUserServer 'PSMP) {enabled = False})) simplexChatSMPServers
invalidDisabledOp :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
invalidDisabledOp =
(valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
{ operator = Just operatorSimpleXChat {operatorId = DBEntityId 1, enabled = False}
invalidNoStorage :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
invalidNoStorage =
(valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
{ operator = Just operatorSimpleXChat {operatorId = DBEntityId 1, roles = allRoles {storage = False}}
invalidDuplicate :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers
invalidDuplicate =
(valid :: UpdatedUserOperatorServers)
{ smpServers = map (AUS SDBNew) $ simplexChatSMPServers <> [presetServer True "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im"]
invalidHost :: ValidatedUserOperatorServers
invalidHost =
{ operator = Just operatorSimpleXChat {operatorId = DBEntityId 1},
smpServers = [validatedServer (Left "smp:abcd@smp8.simplex.im"), validatedServer (Right "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im")],
xftpServers = []
validatedServer srv =
AVS SDBNew (presetServer @'PSMP True "smp://abcd@smp8.simplex.im") {server = ValidatedProtoServer srv}
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-ambiguous-fields #-}
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as L
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
import Simplex.Chat (defaultChatConfig, randomPresetServers)
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..), PresetServers (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Operators (DBEntityId' (..), NewUserServer, UserServer' (..), operatorServers, operatorServersToUse)
import Simplex.Chat.Operators
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (ServerRoles (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Protocol (ProtoServerWithAuth (..), SProtocolType (..), UserProtocol)
import Test.Hspec
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import MarkdownTests
import MessageBatching
import MobileTests
import ProtocolTests
import OperatorTests
import RandomServers
import RemoteTests
import SchemaDump
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ main = do
around tmpBracket $ describe "WebRTC encryption" webRTCTests
describe "Valid names" validNameTests
describe "Message batching" batchingTests
describe "Operators" operatorTests
describe "Random servers" randomServersTests
around testBracket $ do
describe "Mobile API Tests" mobileTests
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