core: additional group preferences: prohibit SimpleX links, restrict some features to specific roles (#3964)

* core: additional group preferences: prohibit SimpleX links, restrict some features to specific roles

* add role to group preference items, tests
This commit is contained in:
Evgeny Poberezkin 2024-04-04 20:41:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 069395c2a0
commit 18efc28d16
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
20 changed files with 384 additions and 109 deletions

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Util ((<$?>))
import Data.Char (isSpace)

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Messages
import Simplex.Chat.Options
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (MsgContent (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.View (serializeChatResponse, simplexChatContact)
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.TMap (TMap)

View file

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ library

View file

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Chat.Util (encryptFile, shuffle)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Main (maxFileSize, maxFileSizeHard)
@ -748,10 +749,10 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
assertUserGroupRole gInfo GRAuthor
send g
send g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId} ms)
| isVoice mc && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = notAllowedError GFVoice
| not (isVoice mc) && isJust file_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = notAllowedError GFFiles
| otherwise = do
send g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} ms) =
case prohibitedGroupContent gInfo membership mc file_ of
Just f -> notAllowedError f
Nothing -> do
(fInv_, ciFile_) <- L.unzip <$> setupSndFileTransfer g (length $ filter memberCurrent ms)
timed_ <- sndGroupCITimed live gInfo itemTTL
(msgContainer, quotedItem_) <- prepareGroupMsg user gInfo mc quotedItemId_ fInv_ timed_ live
@ -1587,8 +1588,9 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
let mc = MCText msg
case memberContactId m of
Nothing -> do
gInfo <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user gId
toView $ CRNoMemberContactCreating user gInfo m
g <- withStore $ \db -> getGroupInfo db vr user gId
unless (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFDirectMessages (membership g) g) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "direct messages not allowed"
toView $ CRNoMemberContactCreating user g m
processChatCommand (APICreateMemberContact gId mId) >>= \case
cr@(CRNewMemberContact _ Contact {contactId} _ _) -> do
toView cr
@ -1872,7 +1874,7 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
APICreateMemberContact gId gMemberId -> withUser $ \user -> do
(g, m) <- withStore $ \db -> (,) <$> getGroupInfo db vr user gId <*> getGroupMember db vr user gId gMemberId
assertUserGroupRole g GRAuthor
unless (groupFeatureAllowed SGFDirectMessages g) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "direct messages not allowed"
unless (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFDirectMessages (membership g) g) $ throwChatError $ CECommandError "direct messages not allowed"
case memberConn m of
Just mConn@Connection {peerChatVRange} -> do
unless (maxVersion peerChatVRange >= groupDirectInvVersion) $ throwChatError CEPeerChatVRangeIncompatible
@ -2053,9 +2055,12 @@ processChatCommand' vr = \case
ct@Contact {userPreferences} <- withStore $ \db -> getContactByName db vr user cName
let prefs' = setPreference f allowed_ $ Just userPreferences
updateContactPrefs user ct prefs'
SetGroupFeature (AGF f) gName enabled ->
SetGroupFeature (AGFNR f) gName enabled ->
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p ->
p {groupPreferences = Just . setGroupPreference f enabled $ groupPreferences p}
SetGroupFeatureRole (AGFR f) gName enabled role ->
updateGroupProfileByName gName $ \p ->
p {groupPreferences = Just . setGroupPreferenceRole f enabled role $ groupPreferences p}
SetUserTimedMessages onOff -> withUser $ \user@User {profile} -> do
let allowed = if onOff then FAYes else FANo
pref = TimedMessagesPreference allowed Nothing
@ -2645,7 +2650,7 @@ assertDirectAllowed user dir ct event =
unless (allowedChatEvent || anyDirectOrUsed ct) . unlessM directMessagesAllowed $
throwChatError (CEDirectMessagesProhibited dir ct)
directMessagesAllowed = any (groupFeatureAllowed' SGFDirectMessages) <$> withStore' (\db -> getContactGroupPreferences db user ct)
directMessagesAllowed = any (uncurry $ groupFeatureMemberAllowed' SGFDirectMessages) <$> withStore' (\db -> getContactGroupPreferences db user ct)
allowedChatEvent = case event of
XMsgNew_ -> False
XMsgUpdate_ -> False
@ -2655,6 +2660,13 @@ assertDirectAllowed user dir ct event =
XCallInv_ -> False
_ -> True
prohibitedGroupContent :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContent -> Maybe f -> Maybe GroupFeature
prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m mc file_
| isVoice mc && not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFVoice m gInfo) = Just GFVoice
| not (isVoice mc) && isJust file_ && not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFFiles m gInfo) = Just GFFiles
| not (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFSimplexLinks m gInfo) && containsFormat isSimplexLink (parseMarkdown $ msgContentText mc) = Just GFSimplexLinks
| otherwise = Nothing
roundedFDCount :: Int -> Int
roundedFDCount n
| n <= 0 = 4
@ -4739,14 +4751,14 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> Bool -> CM ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {memberId, memberRole} mc msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} brokerTs forwarded
| blockedByAdmin m = createBlockedByAdmin
| isVoice content && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFVoice gInfo) = rejected GFVoice
| not (isVoice content) && isJust fInv_ && not (groupFeatureAllowed SGFFiles gInfo) = rejected GFFiles
| otherwise =
withStore' (\db -> getCIModeration db vr user gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_) >>= \case
Just ciModeration -> do
applyModeration ciModeration
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCIModeration db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_
Nothing -> createContentItem
| otherwise = case prohibitedGroupContent gInfo m content fInv_ of
Just f -> rejected f
Nothing ->
withStore' (\db -> getCIModeration db vr user gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_) >>= \case
Just ciModeration -> do
applyModeration ciModeration
withStore' $ \db -> deleteCIModeration db gInfo memberId sharedMsgId_
Nothing -> createContentItem
rejected f = void $ newChatItem (CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected f) Nothing Nothing False
timed' = if forwarded then rcvCITimed_ (Just Nothing) itemTTL else rcvGroupCITimed gInfo itemTTL
@ -5189,8 +5201,8 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
createGroupFeatureItems g@GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences} m =
forM_ allGroupFeatures $ \(AGF f) -> do
let p = getGroupPreference f fullGroupPreferences
(_, param) = groupFeatureState p
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m) (CIRcvGroupFeature (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference p) param) Nothing
(_, param, role) = groupFeatureState p
createInternalChatItem user (CDGroupRcv g m) (CIRcvGroupFeature (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference p) param role) Nothing
xInfoProbe :: ContactOrMember -> Probe -> CM ()
xInfoProbe cgm2 probe = do
@ -5701,7 +5713,7 @@ processAgentMessageConn vr user@User {userId} corrId agentConnId agentMessage =
xGrpDirectInv :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> Connection -> ConnReqInvitation -> Maybe MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> UTCTime -> CM ()
xGrpDirectInv g m mConn connReq mContent_ msg brokerTs = do
unless (groupFeatureAllowed SGFDirectMessages g) $ messageError " direct messages not allowed"
unless (groupFeatureMemberAllowed SGFDirectMessages m g) $ messageError " direct messages not allowed"
let GroupMember {memberContactId} = m
subMode <- chatReadVar subscriptionMode
case memberContactId of
@ -6681,14 +6693,14 @@ createContactsFeatureItems user cts chatDir ciFeature ciOffer getPref = do
cup = getContactUserPreference f cups
cup' = getContactUserPreference f cups'
createGroupFeatureChangedItems :: MsgDirectionI d => User -> ChatDirection 'CTGroup d -> (GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> CIContent d) -> GroupInfo -> GroupInfo -> CM ()
createGroupFeatureChangedItems :: MsgDirectionI d => User -> ChatDirection 'CTGroup d -> (GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> Maybe GroupMemberRole -> CIContent d) -> GroupInfo -> GroupInfo -> CM ()
createGroupFeatureChangedItems user cd ciContent GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences = gps} GroupInfo {fullGroupPreferences = gps'} =
forM_ allGroupFeatures $ \(AGF f) -> do
let state = groupFeatureState $ getGroupPreference f gps
pref' = getGroupPreference f gps'
state'@(_, int') = groupFeatureState pref'
state'@(_, param', role') = groupFeatureState pref'
when (state /= state') $
createInternalChatItem user cd (ciContent (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference pref') int') Nothing
createInternalChatItem user cd (ciContent (toGroupFeature f) (toGroupPreference pref') param' role') Nothing
sameGroupProfileInfo :: GroupProfile -> GroupProfile -> Bool
sameGroupProfileInfo p p' = p {groupPreferences = Nothing} == p' {groupPreferences = Nothing}
@ -7046,20 +7058,22 @@ chatCommandP =
"/show profile image" $> ShowProfileImage,
("/profile " <|> "/p ") *> (uncurry UpdateProfile <$> profileNames),
("/profile" <|> "/p") $> ShowProfile,
"/set voice #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFVoice) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set voice #" *> (SetGroupFeatureRole (AGFR SGFVoice) <$> displayName <*> _strP <*> optional memberRole),
"/set voice @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFVoice) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set voice " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFVoice) <$> strP),
"/set files #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFFiles) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set history #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFHistory) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set files #" *> (SetGroupFeatureRole (AGFR SGFFiles) <$> displayName <*> _strP <*> optional memberRole),
"/set history #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGFNR SGFHistory) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set reactions #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGFNR SGFReactions) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set calls @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFCalls) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set calls " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFCalls) <$> strP),
"/set delete #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFFullDelete) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set delete #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGFNR SGFFullDelete) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set delete @" *> (SetContactFeature (ACF SCFFullDelete) <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> strP)),
"/set delete " *> (SetUserFeature (ACF SCFFullDelete) <$> strP),
"/set direct #" *> (SetGroupFeature (AGF SGFDirectMessages) <$> displayName <*> ( *> strP)),
"/set direct #" *> (SetGroupFeatureRole (AGFR SGFDirectMessages) <$> displayName <*> _strP <*> optional memberRole),
"/set disappear #" *> (SetGroupTimedMessages <$> displayName <*> ( *> timedTTLOnOffP)),
"/set disappear @" *> (SetContactTimedMessages <$> displayName <*> optional ( *> timedMessagesEnabledP)),
"/set disappear " *> (SetUserTimedMessages <$> (("yes" $> True) <|> ("no" $> False))),
"/set links #" *> (SetGroupFeatureRole (AGFR SGFSimplexLinks) <$> displayName <*> _strP <*> optional memberRole),
("/incognito" <* optional ( *> onOffP)) $> ChatHelp HSIncognito,
"/set device name " *> (SetLocalDeviceName <$> textP),
"/list remote hosts" $> ListRemoteHosts,
@ -7147,7 +7161,7 @@ chatCommandP =
let groupPreferences =
(emptyGroupPrefs :: GroupPreferences)
{ directMessages = Just DirectMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOn},
{ directMessages = Just DirectMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing},
history = Just HistoryGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}
pure GroupProfile {displayName = gName, fullName, description = Nothing, image = Nothing, groupPreferences}

View file

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Remote.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Store (AutoAccept, ChatLockEntity, StoreError (..), UserContactLink, UserMsgReceiptSettings)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Util (liftIOEither)
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (FileDescriptionURI)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent (AgentClient, SubscriptionsInfo)
@ -461,7 +462,8 @@ data ChatCommand
| ShowProfileImage
| SetUserFeature AChatFeature FeatureAllowed -- UserId (not used in UI)
| SetContactFeature AChatFeature ContactName (Maybe FeatureAllowed)
| SetGroupFeature AGroupFeature GroupName GroupFeatureEnabled
| SetGroupFeature AGroupFeatureNoRole GroupName GroupFeatureEnabled
| SetGroupFeatureRole AGroupFeatureRole GroupName GroupFeatureEnabled (Maybe GroupMemberRole)
| SetUserTimedMessages Bool -- UserId (not used in UI)
| SetContactTimedMessages ContactName (Maybe TimedMessagesEnabled)
| SetGroupTimedMessages GroupName (Maybe Int)

View file

@ -144,6 +144,15 @@ markdownToList (m1 :|: m2) = markdownToList m1 <> markdownToList m2
parseMarkdown :: Text -> Markdown
parseMarkdown s = fromRight (unmarked s) $ A.parseOnly (markdownP <* A.endOfInput) s
containsFormat :: (Format -> Bool) -> Markdown -> Bool
containsFormat p (Markdown f _) = maybe False p f
containsFormat p (m1 :|: m2) = containsFormat p m1 || containsFormat p m2
isSimplexLink :: Format -> Bool
isSimplexLink = \case
SimplexLink {} -> True;
_ -> False
markdownP :: Parser Markdown
markdownP = mconcat <$> A.many' fragmentP

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent.Events
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (MsgErrorType (..), RatchetSyncState (..), SwitchPhase (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (PQEncryption, pattern PQEncOn, pattern PQEncOff)
@ -134,8 +135,8 @@ data CIContent (d :: MsgDirection) where
CISndChatFeature :: ChatFeature -> PrefEnabled -> Maybe Int -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvChatPreference :: ChatFeature -> FeatureAllowed -> Maybe Int -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndChatPreference :: ChatFeature -> FeatureAllowed -> Maybe Int -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvGroupFeature :: GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndGroupFeature :: GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvGroupFeature :: GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> Maybe GroupMemberRole -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndGroupFeature :: GroupFeature -> GroupPreference -> Maybe Int -> Maybe GroupMemberRole -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvChatFeatureRejected :: ChatFeature -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected :: GroupFeature -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndModerated :: CIContent 'MDSnd
@ -255,8 +256,8 @@ ciContentToText = \case
CISndChatFeature feature enabled param -> featureStateText feature enabled param
CIRcvChatPreference feature allowed param -> prefStateText feature allowed param
CISndChatPreference feature allowed param -> "you " <> prefStateText feature allowed param
CIRcvGroupFeature feature pref param -> groupPrefStateText feature pref param
CISndGroupFeature feature pref param -> groupPrefStateText feature pref param
CIRcvGroupFeature feature pref param role -> groupPrefStateText feature pref param role
CISndGroupFeature feature pref param role -> groupPrefStateText feature pref param role
CIRcvChatFeatureRejected feature -> chatFeatureNameText feature <> ": received, prohibited"
CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected feature -> groupFeatureNameText feature <> ": received, prohibited"
CISndModerated -> ciModeratedText
@ -413,8 +414,8 @@ data JSONCIContent
| JCISndChatFeature {feature :: ChatFeature, enabled :: PrefEnabled, param :: Maybe Int}
| JCIRcvChatPreference {feature :: ChatFeature, allowed :: FeatureAllowed, param :: Maybe Int}
| JCISndChatPreference {feature :: ChatFeature, allowed :: FeatureAllowed, param :: Maybe Int}
| JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int}
| JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int}
| JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int, memberRole_ :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
| JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int, memberRole_ :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
| JCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature :: ChatFeature}
| JCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature :: GroupFeature}
| JCISndModerated
@ -447,8 +448,8 @@ jsonCIContent = \case
CISndChatFeature feature enabled param -> JCISndChatFeature {feature, enabled, param}
CIRcvChatPreference feature allowed param -> JCIRcvChatPreference {feature, allowed, param}
CISndChatPreference feature allowed param -> JCISndChatPreference {feature, allowed, param}
CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param -> JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param}
CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param -> JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param}
CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_ -> JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_}
CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_ -> JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_}
CIRcvChatFeatureRejected feature -> JCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature}
CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected groupFeature -> JCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature}
CISndModerated -> JCISndModerated
@ -481,8 +482,8 @@ aciContentJSON = \case
JCISndChatFeature {feature, enabled, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndChatFeature feature enabled param
JCIRcvChatPreference {feature, allowed, param} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvChatPreference feature allowed param
JCISndChatPreference {feature, allowed, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndChatPreference feature allowed param
JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param
JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param
JCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_
JCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_
JCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected feature
JCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected groupFeature
JCISndModerated -> ACIContent SMDSnd CISndModerated
@ -516,8 +517,8 @@ data DBJSONCIContent
| DBJCISndChatFeature {feature :: ChatFeature, enabled :: PrefEnabled, param :: Maybe Int}
| DBJCIRcvChatPreference {feature :: ChatFeature, allowed :: FeatureAllowed, param :: Maybe Int}
| DBJCISndChatPreference {feature :: ChatFeature, allowed :: FeatureAllowed, param :: Maybe Int}
| DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int}
| DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int}
| DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int, memberRole_ :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
| DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature :: GroupFeature, preference :: GroupPreference, param :: Maybe Int, memberRole_ :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
| DBJCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature :: ChatFeature}
| DBJCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature :: GroupFeature}
| DBJCISndModerated
@ -550,8 +551,8 @@ dbJsonCIContent = \case
CISndChatFeature feature enabled param -> DBJCISndChatFeature {feature, enabled, param}
CIRcvChatPreference feature allowed param -> DBJCIRcvChatPreference {feature, allowed, param}
CISndChatPreference feature allowed param -> DBJCISndChatPreference {feature, allowed, param}
CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param -> DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param}
CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param -> DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param}
CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_ -> DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_}
CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_ -> DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_}
CIRcvChatFeatureRejected feature -> DBJCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature}
CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected groupFeature -> DBJCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature}
CISndModerated -> DBJCISndModerated
@ -584,8 +585,8 @@ aciContentDBJSON = \case
DBJCISndChatFeature {feature, enabled, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndChatFeature feature enabled param
DBJCIRcvChatPreference {feature, allowed, param} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvChatPreference feature allowed param
DBJCISndChatPreference {feature, allowed, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndChatPreference feature allowed param
DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param
DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param
DBJCIRcvGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_
DBJCISndGroupFeature {groupFeature, preference, param, memberRole_} -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndGroupFeature groupFeature preference param memberRole_
DBJCIRcvChatFeatureRejected {feature} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvChatFeatureRejected feature
DBJCIRcvGroupFeatureRejected {groupFeature} -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvGroupFeatureRejected groupFeature
DBJCISndModerated -> ACIContent SMDSnd CISndModerated

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Messages.CIContent.Events where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (RatchetSyncState (..), SwitchPhase (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (dropPrefix, singleFieldJSON, sumTypeJSON)
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (PQEncryption)

View file

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Call
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (VersionSMPA, pqdrSMPAgentVersion)
import Simplex.Messaging.Compression (compress1, decompressBatch)

View file

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Crypto.Random (ChaChaDRG)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (partition, sortOn)
@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (ConnId, UserId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (firstRow, maybeFirstRow)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
@ -668,13 +670,13 @@ getGroupSummary db User {userId} groupId = do
(userId, groupId, GSMemRemoved, GSMemLeft, GSMemUnknown, GSMemInvited)
pure GroupSummary {currentMembers = fromMaybe 0 currentMembers_}
getContactGroupPreferences :: DB.Connection -> User -> Contact -> IO [FullGroupPreferences]
getContactGroupPreferences :: DB.Connection -> User -> Contact -> IO [(GroupMemberRole, FullGroupPreferences)]
getContactGroupPreferences db User {userId} Contact {contactId} = do
map (mergeGroupPreferences . fromOnly)
map (second mergeGroupPreferences)
<$> DB.query
SELECT gp.preferences
SELECT m.member_role, gp.preferences
FROM groups g
JOIN group_profiles gp USING (group_profile_id)
JOIN group_members m USING (group_id)

View file

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.Direct
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (ACorrId, ConnId, UserId)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (firstRow, maybeFirstRow)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB

View file

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as JQ
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JT
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -45,6 +44,7 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.Internal (Field (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Description (FileDigest)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol (ACommandTag (..), ACorrId, AParty (..), APartyCmdTag (..), ConnId, ConnectionMode (..), ConnectionRequestUri, InvitationId, RcvFileId, SAEntity (..), SndFileId, UserId)
@ -439,9 +439,13 @@ featureAllowed feature forWhom Contact {mergedPreferences} =
let ContactUserPreference {enabled} = getContactUserPreference feature mergedPreferences
in forWhom enabled
groupFeatureAllowed :: GroupFeatureI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupInfo -> Bool
groupFeatureAllowed :: GroupFeatureNoRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupInfo -> Bool
groupFeatureAllowed feature gInfo = groupFeatureAllowed' feature $ fullGroupPreferences gInfo
groupFeatureMemberAllowed :: GroupFeatureRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupMember -> GroupInfo -> Bool
groupFeatureMemberAllowed feature GroupMember {memberRole} =
groupFeatureMemberAllowed' feature memberRole . fullGroupPreferences
mergeUserChatPrefs :: User -> Contact -> FullPreferences
mergeUserChatPrefs user ct = mergeUserChatPrefs' user (contactConnIncognito ct) (userPreferences ct)
@ -796,41 +800,6 @@ fromInvitedBy userCtId = \case
IBContact ctId -> Just ctId
IBUser -> Just userCtId
data GroupMemberRole
= GRObserver -- connects to all group members and receives all messages, can't send messages
| GRAuthor -- reserved, unused
| GRMember -- + can send messages to all group members
| GRAdmin -- + add/remove members, change member role (excl. Owners)
| GROwner -- + delete and change group information, add/remove/change roles for Owners
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance FromField GroupMemberRole where fromField = fromBlobField_ strDecode
instance ToField GroupMemberRole where toField = toField . strEncode
instance StrEncoding GroupMemberRole where
strEncode = \case
GROwner -> "owner"
GRAdmin -> "admin"
GRMember -> "member"
GRAuthor -> "author"
GRObserver -> "observer"
strDecode = \case
"owner" -> Right GROwner
"admin" -> Right GRAdmin
"member" -> Right GRMember
"author" -> Right GRAuthor
"observer" -> Right GRObserver
r -> Left $ "bad GroupMemberRole " <> B.unpack r
strP = strDecode <$?> A.takeByteString
instance FromJSON GroupMemberRole where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "GroupMemberRole"
instance ToJSON GroupMemberRole where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
data GroupMemberSettings = GroupMemberSettings
{ showMessages :: Bool

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import GHC.Records.Compat
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Parsers (defaultJSON, dropPrefix, enumJSON, fromTextField_, sumTypeJSON)
@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ data GroupFeature
| GFReactions
| GFVoice
| GFFiles
| GFSimplexLinks
| GFHistory
deriving (Show)
@ -158,14 +161,23 @@ data SGroupFeature (f :: GroupFeature) where
SGFReactions :: SGroupFeature 'GFReactions
SGFVoice :: SGroupFeature 'GFVoice
SGFFiles :: SGroupFeature 'GFFiles
SGFSimplexLinks :: SGroupFeature 'GFSimplexLinks
SGFHistory :: SGroupFeature 'GFHistory
deriving instance Show (SGroupFeature f)
data AGroupFeature = forall f. GroupFeatureI f => AGF (SGroupFeature f)
data AGroupFeatureNoRole = forall f. GroupFeatureNoRoleI f => AGFNR (SGroupFeature f)
data AGroupFeatureRole = forall f. GroupFeatureRoleI f => AGFR (SGroupFeature f)
deriving instance Show AGroupFeature
deriving instance Show AGroupFeatureNoRole
deriving instance Show AGroupFeatureRole
groupFeatureNameText :: GroupFeature -> Text
groupFeatureNameText = \case
GFTimedMessages -> "Disappearing messages"
@ -174,15 +186,21 @@ groupFeatureNameText = \case
GFReactions -> "Message reactions"
GFVoice -> "Voice messages"
GFFiles -> "Files and media"
GFSimplexLinks -> "SimpleX links"
GFHistory -> "Recent history"
groupFeatureNameText' :: SGroupFeature f -> Text
groupFeatureNameText' = groupFeatureNameText . toGroupFeature
groupFeatureAllowed' :: GroupFeatureI f => SGroupFeature f -> FullGroupPreferences -> Bool
groupFeatureAllowed' :: GroupFeatureNoRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> FullGroupPreferences -> Bool
groupFeatureAllowed' feature prefs =
getField @"enable" (getGroupPreference feature prefs) == FEOn
groupFeatureMemberAllowed' :: GroupFeatureRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupMemberRole -> FullGroupPreferences -> Bool
groupFeatureMemberAllowed' feature role prefs =
let pref = getGroupPreference feature prefs
in getField @"enable" pref == FEOn && maybe True (role >=) (getField @"role" pref)
allGroupFeatures :: [AGroupFeature]
allGroupFeatures =
[ AGF SGFTimedMessages,
@ -191,17 +209,19 @@ allGroupFeatures =
AGF SGFReactions,
AGF SGFSimplexLinks,
AGF SGFHistory
groupPrefSel :: SGroupFeature f -> GroupPreferences -> Maybe (GroupFeaturePreference f)
groupPrefSel f GroupPreferences {timedMessages, directMessages, fullDelete, reactions, voice, files, history} = case f of
groupPrefSel f GroupPreferences {timedMessages, directMessages, fullDelete, reactions, voice, files, simplexLinks, history} = case f of
SGFTimedMessages -> timedMessages
SGFDirectMessages -> directMessages
SGFFullDelete -> fullDelete
SGFReactions -> reactions
SGFVoice -> voice
SGFFiles -> files
SGFSimplexLinks -> simplexLinks
SGFHistory -> history
toGroupFeature :: SGroupFeature f -> GroupFeature
@ -212,6 +232,7 @@ toGroupFeature = \case
SGFReactions -> GFReactions
SGFVoice -> GFVoice
SGFFiles -> GFFiles
SGFSimplexLinks -> GFSimplexLinks
SGFHistory -> GFHistory
class GroupPreferenceI p where
@ -224,13 +245,14 @@ instance GroupPreferenceI (Maybe GroupPreferences) where
getGroupPreference pt prefs = fromMaybe (getGroupPreference pt defaultGroupPrefs) (groupPrefSel pt =<< prefs)
instance GroupPreferenceI FullGroupPreferences where
getGroupPreference f FullGroupPreferences {timedMessages, directMessages, fullDelete, reactions, voice, files, history} = case f of
getGroupPreference f FullGroupPreferences {timedMessages, directMessages, fullDelete, reactions, voice, files, simplexLinks, history} = case f of
SGFTimedMessages -> timedMessages
SGFDirectMessages -> directMessages
SGFFullDelete -> fullDelete
SGFReactions -> reactions
SGFVoice -> voice
SGFFiles -> files
SGFSimplexLinks -> simplexLinks
SGFHistory -> history
{-# INLINE getGroupPreference #-}
@ -242,17 +264,25 @@ data GroupPreferences = GroupPreferences
reactions :: Maybe ReactionsGroupPreference,
voice :: Maybe VoiceGroupPreference,
files :: Maybe FilesGroupPreference,
simplexLinks :: Maybe SimplexLinksGroupPreference,
history :: Maybe HistoryGroupPreference
deriving (Eq, Show)
setGroupPreference :: forall f. GroupFeatureI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupFeatureEnabled -> Maybe GroupPreferences -> GroupPreferences
setGroupPreference :: forall f. GroupFeatureNoRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupFeatureEnabled -> Maybe GroupPreferences -> GroupPreferences
setGroupPreference f enable prefs_ = setGroupPreference_ f pref prefs
prefs = mergeGroupPreferences prefs_
pref :: GroupFeaturePreference f
pref = setField @"enable" (getGroupPreference f prefs) enable
setGroupPreferenceRole :: forall f. GroupFeatureRoleI f => SGroupFeature f -> GroupFeatureEnabled -> Maybe GroupMemberRole -> Maybe GroupPreferences -> GroupPreferences
setGroupPreferenceRole f enable role prefs_ = setGroupPreference_ f pref prefs
prefs = mergeGroupPreferences prefs_
pref :: GroupFeaturePreference f
pref = setField @"role" (setField @"enable" (getGroupPreference f prefs) enable) role
setGroupPreference' :: SGroupFeature f -> GroupFeaturePreference f -> Maybe GroupPreferences -> GroupPreferences
setGroupPreference' f pref prefs_ = setGroupPreference_ f pref prefs
@ -267,6 +297,7 @@ setGroupPreference_ f pref prefs =
SGFReactions -> prefs {reactions = pref}
SGFVoice -> prefs {voice = pref}
SGFFiles -> prefs {files = pref}
SGFSimplexLinks -> prefs {simplexLinks = pref}
SGFHistory -> prefs {history = pref}
setGroupTimedMessagesPreference :: TimedMessagesGroupPreference -> Maybe GroupPreferences -> GroupPreferences
@ -295,6 +326,7 @@ data FullGroupPreferences = FullGroupPreferences
reactions :: ReactionsGroupPreference,
voice :: VoiceGroupPreference,
files :: FilesGroupPreference,
simplexLinks :: SimplexLinksGroupPreference,
history :: HistoryGroupPreference
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -346,16 +378,17 @@ defaultGroupPrefs :: FullGroupPreferences
defaultGroupPrefs =
{ timedMessages = TimedMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOff, ttl = Just 86400},
directMessages = DirectMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOff},
directMessages = DirectMessagesGroupPreference {enable = FEOff, role = Nothing},
fullDelete = FullDeleteGroupPreference {enable = FEOff},
reactions = ReactionsGroupPreference {enable = FEOn},
voice = VoiceGroupPreference {enable = FEOn},
files = FilesGroupPreference {enable = FEOn},
voice = VoiceGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing},
files = FilesGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing},
simplexLinks = SimplexLinksGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing},
history = HistoryGroupPreference {enable = FEOff}
emptyGroupPrefs :: GroupPreferences
emptyGroupPrefs = GroupPreferences Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
emptyGroupPrefs = GroupPreferences Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data TimedMessagesPreference = TimedMessagesPreference
{ allow :: FeatureAllowed,
@ -431,7 +464,7 @@ data TimedMessagesGroupPreference = TimedMessagesGroupPreference
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DirectMessagesGroupPreference = DirectMessagesGroupPreference
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled}
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled, role :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FullDeleteGroupPreference = FullDeleteGroupPreference
@ -443,11 +476,15 @@ data ReactionsGroupPreference = ReactionsGroupPreference
deriving (Eq, Show)
data VoiceGroupPreference = VoiceGroupPreference
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled}
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled, role :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FilesGroupPreference = FilesGroupPreference
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled}
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled, role :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SimplexLinksGroupPreference = SimplexLinksGroupPreference
{enable :: GroupFeatureEnabled, role :: Maybe GroupMemberRole}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data HistoryGroupPreference = HistoryGroupPreference
@ -458,6 +495,11 @@ class (Eq (GroupFeaturePreference f), HasField "enable" (GroupFeaturePreference
type GroupFeaturePreference (f :: GroupFeature) = p | p -> f
sGroupFeature :: SGroupFeature f
groupPrefParam :: GroupFeaturePreference f -> Maybe Int
groupPrefRole :: GroupFeaturePreference f -> Maybe GroupMemberRole
class GroupFeatureI f => GroupFeatureNoRoleI f
class (GroupFeatureI f, HasField "role" (GroupFeaturePreference f) (Maybe GroupMemberRole)) => GroupFeatureRoleI f
instance HasField "enable" GroupPreference GroupFeatureEnabled where
hasField p@GroupPreference {enable} = (\e -> p {enable = e}, enable)
@ -480,6 +522,9 @@ instance HasField "enable" VoiceGroupPreference GroupFeatureEnabled where
instance HasField "enable" FilesGroupPreference GroupFeatureEnabled where
hasField p@FilesGroupPreference {enable} = (\e -> p {enable = e}, enable)
instance HasField "enable" SimplexLinksGroupPreference GroupFeatureEnabled where
hasField p@SimplexLinksGroupPreference {enable} = (\e -> p {enable = e}, enable)
instance HasField "enable" HistoryGroupPreference GroupFeatureEnabled where
hasField p@HistoryGroupPreference {enable} = (\e -> p {enable = e}, enable)
@ -487,42 +532,84 @@ instance GroupFeatureI 'GFTimedMessages where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFTimedMessages = TimedMessagesGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFTimedMessages
groupPrefParam TimedMessagesGroupPreference {ttl} = ttl
groupPrefRole _ = Nothing
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFDirectMessages where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFDirectMessages = DirectMessagesGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFDirectMessages
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole DirectMessagesGroupPreference {role} = role
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFFullDelete where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFFullDelete = FullDeleteGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFFullDelete
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole _ = Nothing
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFReactions where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFReactions = ReactionsGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFReactions
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole _ = Nothing
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFVoice where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFVoice = VoiceGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFVoice
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole VoiceGroupPreference {role} = role
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFFiles where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFFiles = FilesGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFFiles
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole FilesGroupPreference {role} = role
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFSimplexLinks where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFSimplexLinks = SimplexLinksGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFSimplexLinks
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole SimplexLinksGroupPreference {role} = role
instance GroupFeatureI 'GFHistory where
type GroupFeaturePreference 'GFHistory = HistoryGroupPreference
sGroupFeature = SGFHistory
groupPrefParam _ = Nothing
groupPrefRole _ = Nothing
groupPrefStateText :: HasField "enable" p GroupFeatureEnabled => GroupFeature -> p -> Maybe Int -> Text
groupPrefStateText feature pref param =
instance GroupFeatureNoRoleI 'GFTimedMessages
instance GroupFeatureNoRoleI 'GFFullDelete
instance GroupFeatureNoRoleI 'GFReactions
instance GroupFeatureNoRoleI 'GFHistory
instance HasField "role" DirectMessagesGroupPreference (Maybe GroupMemberRole) where
hasField p@DirectMessagesGroupPreference {role} = (\r -> p {role = r}, role)
instance HasField "role" VoiceGroupPreference (Maybe GroupMemberRole) where
hasField p@VoiceGroupPreference {role} = (\r -> p {role = r}, role)
instance HasField "role" FilesGroupPreference (Maybe GroupMemberRole) where
hasField p@FilesGroupPreference {role} = (\r -> p {role = r}, role)
instance HasField "role" SimplexLinksGroupPreference (Maybe GroupMemberRole) where
hasField p@SimplexLinksGroupPreference {role} = (\r -> p {role = r}, role)
instance GroupFeatureRoleI 'GFDirectMessages
instance GroupFeatureRoleI 'GFVoice
instance GroupFeatureRoleI 'GFFiles
instance GroupFeatureRoleI 'GFSimplexLinks
groupPrefStateText :: HasField "enable" p GroupFeatureEnabled => GroupFeature -> p -> Maybe Int -> Maybe GroupMemberRole -> Text
groupPrefStateText feature pref param role =
let enabled = getField @"enable" pref
paramText = if enabled == FEOn then groupParamText_ feature param else ""
in groupFeatureNameText feature <> ": " <> safeDecodeUtf8 (strEncode enabled) <> paramText
roleText = maybe "" (\r -> " for " <> safeDecodeUtf8 (strEncode r) <> "s") role
in groupFeatureNameText feature <> ": " <> safeDecodeUtf8 (strEncode enabled) <> paramText <> roleText
groupParamText_ :: GroupFeature -> Maybe Int -> Text
groupParamText_ feature param = case feature of
@ -532,7 +619,7 @@ groupParamText_ feature param = case feature of
groupPreferenceText :: forall f. GroupFeatureI f => GroupFeaturePreference f -> Text
groupPreferenceText pref =
let feature = toGroupFeature $ sGroupFeature @f
in groupPrefStateText feature pref $ groupPrefParam pref
in groupPrefStateText feature pref (groupPrefParam pref) (groupPrefRole pref)
timedTTLText :: Int -> Text
timedTTLText 0 = "0 sec"
@ -602,7 +689,7 @@ instance StrEncoding GroupFeatureEnabled where
"on" -> Right FEOn
"off" -> Right FEOff
r -> Left $ "bad GroupFeatureEnabled " <> B.unpack r
strP = strDecode <$?> A.takeByteString
strP = strDecode <$?> A.takeTill (== ' ')
instance FromJSON GroupFeatureEnabled where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "GroupFeatureEnabled"
@ -611,11 +698,13 @@ instance ToJSON GroupFeatureEnabled where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
groupFeatureState :: GroupFeatureI f => GroupFeaturePreference f -> (GroupFeatureEnabled, Maybe Int)
groupFeatureState :: GroupFeatureI f => GroupFeaturePreference f -> (GroupFeatureEnabled, Maybe Int, Maybe GroupMemberRole)
groupFeatureState p =
let enable = getField @"enable" p
param = if enable == FEOn then groupPrefParam p else Nothing
in (enable, param)
(param, role)
| enable == FEOn = (groupPrefParam p, groupPrefRole p)
| otherwise = (Nothing, Nothing)
in (enable, param, role)
mergePreferences :: Maybe Preferences -> Maybe Preferences -> FullPreferences
mergePreferences contactPrefs userPreferences =
@ -641,6 +730,7 @@ mergeGroupPreferences groupPreferences =
reactions = pref SGFReactions,
voice = pref SGFVoice,
files = pref SGFFiles,
simplexLinks = pref SGFSimplexLinks,
history = pref SGFHistory
@ -656,6 +746,7 @@ toGroupPreferences groupPreferences =
reactions = pref SGFReactions,
voice = pref SGFVoice,
files = pref SGFFiles,
simplexLinks = pref SGFSimplexLinks,
history = pref SGFHistory
@ -762,6 +853,8 @@ $(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''VoiceGroupPreference)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''FilesGroupPreference)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''SimplexLinksGroupPreference)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''HistoryGroupPreference)
$(J.deriveJSON defaultJSON ''GroupPreferences)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField (FromField (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Util
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String
import Simplex.Messaging.Util ((<$?>))
data GroupMemberRole
= GRObserver -- connects to all group members and receives all messages, can't send messages
| GRAuthor -- reserved, unused
| GRMember -- + can send messages to all group members
| GRAdmin -- + add/remove members, change member role (excl. Owners)
| GROwner -- + delete and change group information, add/remove/change roles for Owners
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance FromField GroupMemberRole where fromField = fromBlobField_ strDecode
instance ToField GroupMemberRole where toField = toField . strEncode
instance StrEncoding GroupMemberRole where
strEncode = \case
GROwner -> "owner"
GRAdmin -> "admin"
GRMember -> "member"
GRAuthor -> "author"
GRObserver -> "observer"
strDecode = \case
"owner" -> Right GROwner
"admin" -> Right GRAdmin
"member" -> Right GRMember
"author" -> Right GRAuthor
"observer" -> Right GRObserver
r -> Left $ "bad GroupMemberRole " <> B.unpack r
strP = strDecode <$?> A.takeByteString
instance FromJSON GroupMemberRole where
parseJSON = strParseJSON "GroupMemberRole"
instance ToJSON GroupMemberRole where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding

View file

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store (AutoAccept (..), StoreError (..), UserContactLink (..
import Simplex.Chat.Styled
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import qualified Simplex.FileTransfer.Transport as XFTPTransport
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Client (ProtocolTestFailure (..), ProtocolTestStep (..), SubscriptionsInfo (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Env.SQLite (NetworkConfig (..))

View file

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Bot.KnownContacts
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Core
import Simplex.Chat.Options (CoreChatOpts (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types (GroupMemberRole (..), Profile (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types (Profile (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared (GroupMemberRole (..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)

View file

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Controller (ChatConfig (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol (supportedChatVRange)
import Simplex.Chat.Store (agentStoreFile, chatStoreFile)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (GroupMemberRole (..), VersionRangeChat)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (VersionRangeChat)
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared (GroupMemberRole (..))
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet (pattern PQSupportOff)
import System.Directory (copyFile)
@ -1509,6 +1510,7 @@ testGroupDescription = testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile
alice <## "Message reactions: on"
alice <## "Voice messages: on"
alice <## "Files and media: on"
alice <## "SimpleX links: on"
alice <## "Recent history: on"
bobAddedDan :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO ()
bobAddedDan cc = do

View file

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Shared (createContact)
import Simplex.Chat.Types (ConnStatus (..), GroupMemberRole (..), Profile (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types (ConnStatus (..), Profile (..))
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared (GroupMemberRole (..))
import Simplex.Messaging.Encoding.String (StrEncoding (..))
import System.Directory (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import Test.Hspec hiding (it)
@ -68,6 +69,10 @@ chatProfileTests = do
it "enable timed messages in group" testEnableTimedMessagesGroup
xit'' "timed messages enabled globally, contact turns on" testTimedMessagesEnabledGlobally
it "update multiple user preferences for multiple contacts" testUpdateMultipleUserPrefs
describe "group preferences for specific member role" $ do
it "direct messages" testGroupPrefsDirectForRole
it "files & media" testGroupPrefsFilesForRole
it "SimpleX links" testGroupPrefsSimplexLinksForRole
testUpdateProfile :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testUpdateProfile =
@ -1903,3 +1908,122 @@ testUpdateMultipleUserPrefs = testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "hi bob"), (1, "Full deletion: enabled for contact"), (1, "Message reactions: off")])
alice #$> ("/_get chat @3 count=100", chat, chatFeatures <> [(1, "hi cath"), (1, "Full deletion: enabled for contact"), (1, "Message reactions: off")])
testGroupPrefsDirectForRole :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testGroupPrefsDirectForRole = testChat4 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile danProfile $
\alice bob cath dan -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
threadDelay 1000000
alice ##> "/set direct #team on owner"
alice <## "updated group preferences:"
alice <## "Direct messages: on for owners"
directForOwners bob
directForOwners cath
threadDelay 1000000
bob ##> "@cath hello again"
bob <## "bad chat command: direct messages not allowed"
(cath </)
connectUsers cath dan
addMember "team" cath dan GRMember
dan ##> "/j #team"
[ cath <## "#team: dan joined the group",
dan <## "#team: you joined the group"
<### [ "#team: member alice (Alice) is connected",
"#team: member bob (Bob) is connected"
alice <## "#team: cath added dan (Daniel) to the group (connecting...)"
alice <## "#team: new member dan is connected",
bob <## "#team: cath added dan (Daniel) to the group (connecting...)"
bob <## "#team: new member dan is connected"
-- dan cannot send direct messages to alice (owner)
dan ##> "@alice hello alice"
dan <## "bad chat command: direct messages not allowed"
(alice </)
-- but alice can
alice `send` "@dan hello dan"
alice <## "member #team dan does not have direct connection, creating"
alice <## "contact for member #team dan is created"
alice <## "sent invitation to connect directly to member #team dan"
alice <# "@dan hello dan"
alice <## "dan (Daniel): contact is connected"
dan <## "#team alice is creating direct contact alice with you"
dan <# "alice> hello dan"
dan <## "alice (Alice): contact is connected"
-- and now dan can too
dan #> "@alice hi alice"
alice <# "dan> hi alice"
directForOwners :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO ()
directForOwners cc = do
cc <## "alice updated group #team:"
cc <## "updated group preferences:"
cc <## "Direct messages: on for owners"
testGroupPrefsFilesForRole :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testGroupPrefsFilesForRole = testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
alice #$> ("/_files_folder ./tests/tmp/alice", id, "ok")
bob #$> ("/_files_folder ./tests/tmp/bob", id, "ok")
createDirectoryIfMissing True "./tests/tmp/alice"
createDirectoryIfMissing True "./tests/tmp/bob"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.txt" "./tests/tmp/alice/test1.txt"
copyFile "./tests/fixtures/test.txt" "./tests/tmp/bob/test2.txt"
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
threadDelay 1000000
alice ##> "/set files #team on owner"
alice <## "updated group preferences:"
alice <## "Files and media: on for owners"
filesForOwners bob
filesForOwners cath
threadDelay 1000000
bob ##> "/f #team test2.txt"
bob <## "bad chat command: feature not allowed Files and media"
(alice </)
(cath </)
alice #> "/f #team test1.txt"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
alice <## "completed uploading file 1 (test1.txt) for #team"
bob <# "#team alice> sends file test1.txt (11 bytes / 11 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
cath <# "#team alice> sends file test1.txt (11 bytes / 11 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
filesForOwners :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO ()
filesForOwners cc = do
cc <## "alice updated group #team:"
cc <## "updated group preferences:"
cc <## "Files and media: on for owners"
testGroupPrefsSimplexLinksForRole :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> IO ()
testGroupPrefsSimplexLinksForRole = testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> withXFTPServer $ do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
threadDelay 1000000
alice ##> "/set links #team on owner"
alice <## "updated group preferences:"
alice <## "SimpleX links: on for owners"
linksForOwners bob
linksForOwners cath
threadDelay 1000000
bob ##> "/c"
inv <- getInvitation bob
bob ##> ("#team " <> inv)
bob <## "bad chat command: feature not allowed SimpleX links"
(alice </)
(cath </)
alice #> ("#team " <> inv)
bob <# ("#team alice> " <> inv)
cath <# ("#team alice> " <> inv)
linksForOwners :: HasCallStack => TestCC -> IO ()
linksForOwners cc = do
cc <## "alice updated group #team:"
cc <## "updated group preferences:"
cc <## "SimpleX links: on for owners"

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Store.NoteFolders (createNoteFolder)
import Simplex.Chat.Store.Profiles (getUserContactProfiles)
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.FileTransfer.Client.Main (xftpClientCLI)
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite (maybeFirstRow, withTransaction)
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Store.SQLite.DB as DB
@ -315,6 +316,7 @@ groupFeatures'' =
((0, "Message reactions: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Voice messages: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Files and media: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "SimpleX links: on"), Nothing, Nothing),
((0, "Recent history: on"), Nothing, Nothing)

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.System (SystemTime (..), systemToUTCTime)
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Preferences
import Simplex.Chat.Types.Shared
import Simplex.Messaging.Agent.Protocol
import qualified Simplex.Messaging.Crypto as C
import Simplex.Messaging.Crypto.Ratchet
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ testChatPreferences :: Maybe Preferences
testChatPreferences = Just Preferences {voice = Just VoicePreference {allow = FAYes}, fullDelete = Nothing, timedMessages = Nothing, calls = Nothing, reactions = Just ReactionsPreference {allow = FAYes}}
testGroupPreferences :: Maybe GroupPreferences
testGroupPreferences = Just GroupPreferences {timedMessages = Nothing, directMessages = Nothing, reactions = Just ReactionsGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}, voice = Just VoiceGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}, files = Nothing, fullDelete = Nothing, history = Nothing}
testGroupPreferences = Just GroupPreferences {timedMessages = Nothing, directMessages = Nothing, reactions = Just ReactionsGroupPreference {enable = FEOn}, voice = Just VoiceGroupPreference {enable = FEOn, role = Nothing}, files = Nothing, fullDelete = Nothing, simplexLinks = Nothing, history = Nothing}
testProfile :: Profile
testProfile = Profile {displayName = "alice", fullName = "Alice", image = Just (ImageData ""), contactLink = Nothing, preferences = testChatPreferences}