mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: clear connection verification status (#1540)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 29 additions and 15 deletions
@ -1166,12 +1166,16 @@ processChatCommand = \case
getGroupAndMemberId user gName mName >>= processChatCommand . uncurry cmd
getConnectionCode :: ConnId -> m Text
getConnectionCode connId = verificationCode <$> withAgent (`getConnectionRatchetAdHash` connId)
verifyConnectionCode :: User -> Connection -> Text -> m ChatResponse
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} code = do
verifyConnectionCode :: User -> Connection -> Maybe Text -> m ChatResponse
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} (Just code) = do
code' <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
let verified = sameVerificationCode code code'
when verified . withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId $ Just code'
pure $ CRCodeVerification verified code'
pure $ CRConnectionVerified verified code'
verifyConnectionCode user conn@Connection {connId} _ = do
code' <- getConnectionCode $ aConnId conn
withStore' $ \db -> setConnectionVerified db user connId Nothing
pure $ CRConnectionVerified False code'
getSentChatItemIdByText :: User -> ChatRef -> ByteString -> m Int64
getSentChatItemIdByText user@User {userId, localDisplayName} (ChatRef cType cId) msg = case cType of
CTDirect -> withStore $ \db -> getDirectChatItemIdByText db userId cId SMDSnd (safeDecodeUtf8 msg)
@ -3441,12 +3445,12 @@ chatCommandP =
"/switch " *> char_ '@' *> (SwitchContact <$> displayName),
"/_get code @" *> (APIGetContactCode <$> A.decimal),
"/_get code #" *> (APIGetGroupMemberCode <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal),
"/_verify code @" *> (APIVerifyContact <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> textP),
"/_verify code #" *> (APIVerifyGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> textP),
"/_verify code @" *> (APIVerifyContact <$> A.decimal <*> optional (A.space *> textP)),
"/_verify code #" *> (APIVerifyGroupMember <$> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <*> optional (A.space *> textP)),
"/code " *> char_ '@' *> (GetContactCode <$> displayName),
"/code #" *> (GetGroupMemberCode <$> displayName <* A.space <* char_ '@' <*> displayName),
"/verify " *> char_ '@' *> (VerifyContact <$> displayName <* A.space <*> textP),
"/verify #" *> (VerifyGroupMember <$> displayName <* A.space <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <* A.space <*> textP),
"/verify " *> char_ '@' *> (VerifyContact <$> displayName <*> optional (A.space *> textP)),
"/verify #" *> (VerifyGroupMember <$> displayName <* A.space <* char_ '@' <*> displayName <*> optional (A.space *> textP)),
("/help files" <|> "/help file" <|> "/hf") $> ChatHelp HSFiles,
("/help groups" <|> "/help group" <|> "/hg") $> ChatHelp HSGroups,
("/help address" <|> "/ha") $> ChatHelp HSMyAddress,
@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ data ChatCommand
| APISwitchGroupMember GroupId GroupMemberId
| APIGetContactCode ContactId
| APIGetGroupMemberCode GroupId GroupMemberId
| APIVerifyContact ContactId Text
| APIVerifyGroupMember GroupId GroupMemberId Text
| APIVerifyContact ContactId (Maybe Text)
| APIVerifyGroupMember GroupId GroupMemberId (Maybe Text)
| ShowMessages ChatName Bool
| ContactInfo ContactName
| GroupMemberInfo GroupName ContactName
@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ data ChatCommand
| SwitchGroupMember GroupName ContactName
| GetContactCode ContactName
| GetGroupMemberCode GroupName ContactName
| VerifyContact ContactName Text
| VerifyGroupMember GroupName ContactName Text
| VerifyContact ContactName (Maybe Text)
| VerifyGroupMember GroupName ContactName (Maybe Text)
| ChatHelp HelpSection
| Welcome
| AddContact
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ data ChatResponse
| CRGroupMemberSwitch {groupInfo :: GroupInfo, member :: GroupMember, switchProgress :: SwitchProgress}
| CRContactCode {contact :: Contact, connectionCode :: Text}
| CRGroupMemberCode {groupInfo :: GroupInfo, member :: GroupMember, connectionCode :: Text}
| CRCodeVerification {verified :: Bool, expectedCode :: Text}
| CRConnectionVerified {verified :: Bool, expectedCode :: Text}
| CRNewChatItem {chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRChatItemStatusUpdated {chatItem :: AChatItem}
| CRChatItemUpdated {chatItem :: AChatItem}
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ responseToView user_ testView ts = \case
CRGroupMemberInfo g m cStats -> viewGroupMemberInfo g m cStats
CRContactSwitch ct progress -> viewContactSwitch ct progress
CRGroupMemberSwitch g m progress -> viewGroupMemberSwitch g m progress
CRCodeVerification verified code -> [plain $ if verified then "connection verified" else "error: current connection code is " <> code]
CRConnectionVerified verified code -> [plain $ if verified then "connection verified" else "connection not verified, current code is " <> code]
CRContactCode ct code -> viewContactCode ct code testView
CRGroupMemberCode g m code -> viewGroupMemberCode g m code testView
CRNewChatItem (AChatItem _ _ chat item) -> unmuted chat item $ viewChatItem chat item False ts
@ -4637,12 +4637,17 @@ testMarkContactVerified =
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify bob 123"
alice <##. "error: current connection code is "
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> ("/verify bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/verify bob"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> "/i bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
bobInfo alice = do
alice <## "contact ID: 2"
@ -4663,12 +4668,17 @@ testMarkGroupMemberVerified =
aCode <- getTermLine bob
bCode `shouldBe` aCode
alice ##> "/verify #team bob 123"
alice <##. "error: current connection code is "
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> ("/verify #team bob " <> aCode)
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection verified"
alice ##> "/verify #team bob"
alice <##. "connection not verified, current code is "
alice ##> "/i #team bob"
bobInfo alice
alice <## "connection not verified, use /code command to see security code"
bobInfo alice = do
alice <## "group ID: 1"
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