mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:45:42 +00:00
core: sending messages with files (#507)
Co-authored-by: Evgeny Poberezkin <2769109+epoberezkin@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 670 additions and 297 deletions
@ -1 +1 @@
* @epoberezkin @efim-poberezkin
* @epoberezkin @jr-simplex
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ library
@ -174,49 +174,84 @@ processChatCommand = \case
CTGroup -> CRApiChat . AChat SCTGroup <$> withStore (\st -> getGroupChat st user cId pagination)
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not implemented"
APIGetChatItems _pagination -> pure $ chatCmdError "not implemented"
APISendMessage cType chatId _file mc -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ case cType of
-- TODO send message with file attachment; initiate file transfer
APISendMessage cType chatId file_ quotedItemId_ mc -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
ct <- withStore $ \st -> getContact st userId chatId
sendNewMsg user ct (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing)) mc Nothing
CTGroup -> do
group@(Group GroupInfo {membership} _) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroup st user chatId
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
sendNewGroupMsg user group (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing)) mc Nothing
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not supported"
APISendMessageQuote cType chatId quotedItemId _file mc -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ case cType of
-- TODO send message with file attachment; initiate file transfer
CTDirect -> do
(ct, qci) <- withStore $ \st -> (,) <$> getContact st userId chatId <*> getDirectChatItem st userId chatId quotedItemId
case qci of
CChatItem _ ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, content = ciContent, formattedText} -> do
case ciContent of
CISndMsgContent qmc -> send_ CIQDirectSnd True qmc
CIRcvMsgContent qmc -> send_ CIQDirectRcv False qmc
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} <- withStore $ \st -> getContact st userId chatId
(fileInvitation_, ciFile_) <- unzipMaybe <$> setupSndFileTransfer ct
(msgContainer, quotedItem_) <- prepareMsg fileInvitation_
msg <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew msgContainer)
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile_ quotedItem_
setActive $ ActiveC c
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci
setupSndFileTransfer :: Contact -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd))
setupSndFileTransfer ct = case file_ of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just file -> do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile file
(agentConnId, fileConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
let fileName = takeFileName file
fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileConnReq = Just fileConnReq}
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndFileTransfer st userId ct file fileInvitation agentConnId chSize
let ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Just file, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored}
pure $ Just (fileInvitation, ciFile)
prepareMsg :: Maybe FileInvitation -> m (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect))
prepareMsg fileInvitation_ = case quotedItemId_ of
Nothing -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fileInvitation_), Nothing)
Just quotedItemId -> do
CChatItem _ ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, content = ciContent, formattedText} <-
withStore $ \st -> getDirectChatItem st userId chatId quotedItemId
(qmc, qd, sent) <- liftEither $ quoteData ciContent
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Nothing}
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fileInvitation_), Just quotedItem)
send_ :: CIQDirection 'CTDirect -> Bool -> MsgContent -> m ChatResponse
send_ chatDir sent qmc =
let quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Nothing}
in sendNewMsg user ct (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing)) mc (Just quotedItem)
quoteData :: CIContent d -> Either ChatError (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTDirect, Bool)
quoteData (CISndMsgContent qmc) = Right (qmc, CIQDirectSnd, True)
quoteData (CIRcvMsgContent qmc) = Right (qmc, CIQDirectRcv, False)
quoteData _ = Left $ ChatError CEInvalidQuote
CTGroup -> do
group@(Group GroupInfo {membership} _) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroup st user chatId
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership, localDisplayName = gName} ms <- withStore $ \st -> getGroup st user chatId
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
qci <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupChatItem st user chatId quotedItemId
case qci of
CChatItem _ ChatItem {chatDir, meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, content = ciContent, formattedText} -> do
case (ciContent, chatDir) of
(CISndMsgContent qmc, _) -> send_ CIQGroupSnd True membership qmc
(CIRcvMsgContent qmc, CIGroupRcv m) -> send_ (CIQGroupRcv $ Just m) False m qmc
_ -> throwChatError CEInvalidQuote
(fileInvitation_, ciFile_) <- unzipMaybe <$> setupSndFileTransfer gInfo
(msgContainer, quotedItem_) <- prepareMsg fileInvitation_ membership
msg <- sendGroupMessage gInfo ms (XMsgNew msgContainer)
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile_ quotedItem_
setActive $ ActiveG gName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci
setupSndFileTransfer :: GroupInfo -> m (Maybe (FileInvitation, CIFile 'MDSnd))
setupSndFileTransfer gInfo = case file_ of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just file -> do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile file
let fileName = takeFileName file
fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileConnReq = Nothing}
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndGroupFileTransferV2 st userId gInfo file fileInvitation chSize
let ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Just file, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored}
pure $ Just (fileInvitation, ciFile)
prepareMsg :: Maybe FileInvitation -> GroupMember -> m (MsgContainer, Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup))
prepareMsg fileInvitation_ membership = case quotedItemId_ of
Nothing -> pure (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc fileInvitation_), Nothing)
Just quotedItemId -> do
CChatItem _ ChatItem {chatDir, meta = CIMeta {itemTs, itemSharedMsgId}, content = ciContent, formattedText} <-
withStore $ \st -> getGroupChatItem st user chatId quotedItemId
(qmc, qd, sent, GroupMember {memberId}) <- liftEither $ quoteData ciContent chatDir membership
let msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Just memberId}
quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content = qmc, formattedText}
pure (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content = qmc} (ExtMsgContent mc fileInvitation_), Just quotedItem)
send_ :: CIQDirection 'CTGroup -> Bool -> GroupMember -> MsgContent -> m ChatResponse
send_ qd sent GroupMember {memberId} content =
let quotedItem = CIQuote {chatDir = qd, itemId = Just quotedItemId, sharedMsgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, content, formattedText}
msgRef = MsgRef {msgId = itemSharedMsgId, sentAt = itemTs, sent, memberId = Just memberId}
in sendNewGroupMsg user group (MCQuote QuotedMsg {msgRef, content} (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing)) mc (Just quotedItem)
quoteData :: CIContent d -> CIDirection 'CTGroup d -> GroupMember -> Either ChatError (MsgContent, CIQDirection 'CTGroup, Bool, GroupMember)
quoteData (CISndMsgContent qmc) CIGroupSnd membership' = Right (qmc, CIQGroupSnd, True, membership')
quoteData (CIRcvMsgContent qmc) (CIGroupRcv m) _ = Right (qmc, CIQGroupRcv $ Just m, False, m)
quoteData _ _ _ = Left $ ChatError CEInvalidQuote
CTContactRequest -> pure $ chatCmdError "not supported"
unzipMaybe :: Maybe (a, b) -> (Maybe a, Maybe b)
unzipMaybe t = (fst <$> t, snd <$> t)
-- TODO discontinue
APISendMessageQuote cType chatId quotedItemId mc ->
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage cType chatId Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
APIUpdateChatItem cType chatId itemId mc -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ case cType of
CTDirect -> do
(ct@Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = c}, ci) <- withStore $ \st -> (,) <$> getContact st userId chatId <*> getDirectChatItem st userId chatId itemId
@ -352,21 +387,25 @@ processChatCommand = \case
SendMessage cName msg -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId Nothing mc
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId Nothing Nothing mc
SendMessageBroadcast msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
contacts <- withStore (`getUserContacts` user)
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
cts = filter isReady contacts
forM_ cts $ \ct ->
void (sendDirectChatItem user ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing)) (CISndMsgContent mc) Nothing)
( do
sndMsg <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew $ MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc Nothing))
saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) sndMsg (CISndMsgContent mc) Nothing Nothing
`catchError` (toView . CRChatError)
CRBroadcastSent mc (length cts) <$> liftIO getZonedTime
SendMessageQuote cName (AMsgDirection msgDir) quotedMsg msg -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
quotedItemId <- withStore $ \st -> getDirectChatItemIdByText st userId contactId msgDir (safeDecodeUtf8 quotedMsg)
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessageQuote CTDirect contactId quotedItemId Nothing mc
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
DeleteMessage cName deletedMsg -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
deletedItemId <- withStore $ \st -> getDirectChatItemIdByText st userId contactId SMDSnd (safeDecodeUtf8 deletedMsg)
@ -450,12 +489,12 @@ processChatCommand = \case
SendGroupMessage gName msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupIdByName st user gName
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId Nothing mc
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId Nothing Nothing mc
SendGroupMessageQuote gName cName quotedMsg msg -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupIdByName st user gName
quotedItemId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupChatItemIdByText st user groupId cName (safeDecodeUtf8 quotedMsg)
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand $ APISendMessageQuote CTGroup groupId quotedItemId Nothing mc
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId Nothing (Just quotedItemId) mc
DeleteGroupMessage gName deletedMsg -> withUser $ \user@User {localDisplayName} -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupIdByName st user gName
deletedItemId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupChatItemIdByText st user groupId (Just localDisplayName) (safeDecodeUtf8 deletedMsg)
@ -466,110 +505,88 @@ processChatCommand = \case
let mc = MCText $ safeDecodeUtf8 msg
processChatCommand $ APIUpdateChatItem CTGroup groupId editedItemId mc
-- old file protocol
-- SendFile cName f -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
-- contactId <- withStore $ \st -> getContactIdByName st userId cName
-- processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTDirect contactId (Just f) Nothing (MCText "")
-- TODO replace with code above when switching from XFile
SendFile cName f -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
contact <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId cName
(agentConnId, fileConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
let fileInv = FileInvitation {fileName = takeFileName f, fileSize, fileConnReq = Just fileConnReq}
SndFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \st ->
let fileName = takeFileName f
fileInv = FileInvitation {fileName = takeFileName f, fileSize, fileConnReq = Just fileConnReq}
fileId <- withStore $ \st ->
createSndFileTransfer st userId contact f fileInv agentConnId chSize
ci <- sendDirectChatItem user contact (XFile fileInv) (CISndFileInvitation fileId f) Nothing
msg <- sendDirectContactMessage contact (XFile fileInv)
let ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Just f, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored}
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd contact) msg (CISndMsgContent $ MCText "") (Just ciFile) Nothing
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId' ci
setActive $ ActiveC cName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat contact) ci
-- new file protocol
-- new file protocol (not used for direct files)
SendFileInv cName f -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
ct <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId cName
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
contact <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId cName
let fileInv = FileInvitation {fileName = takeFileName f, fileSize, fileConnReq = Nothing}
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndFileTransferV2 st userId contact f fileInv chSize
ci <- sendDirectChatItem user contact (XFile fileInv) (CISndFileInvitation fileId f) Nothing
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId' ci
let fileName = takeFileName f
fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileConnReq = Nothing}
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndFileTransferV2 st userId ct f fileInvitation chSize
let mc = MCText ""
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Just f, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored}
msg <- sendDirectContactMessage ct (XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent mc (Just fileInvitation))))
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg (CISndMsgContent mc) ciFile Nothing
setActive $ ActiveC cName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat contact) ci
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci
-- old file protocol
-- TODO discontinue
SendGroupFile gName f -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
Group gInfo@GroupInfo {groupId, membership} members <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
let fileName = takeFileName f
ms <- forM (filter memberActive members) $ \m -> do
(connId, fileConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
pure (m, connId, FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize, fileConnReq = Just fileConnReq})
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndGroupFileTransfer st userId gInfo ms f fileSize chSize
-- TODO sendGroupChatItem - same file invitation to all
forM_ ms $ \(m, _, fileInv) ->
traverse (\conn -> sendDirectMessage conn (XFile fileInv) (GroupId groupId)) $ memberConn m
forM_ ms $ \(m, _, fileInvitation) ->
traverse (\conn -> sendDirectMessage conn (XFile fileInvitation) (GroupId groupId)) $ memberConn m
setActive $ ActiveG gName
-- this is a hack as we have multiple direct messages instead of one per group
let msg = SndMessage {msgId = 0, sharedMsgId = SharedMsgId "", msgBody = ""}
ciContent = CISndFileInvitation fileId f
cItem@ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId}} <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg ciContent Nothing
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId itemId
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) cItem
-- new file protocol
SendGroupFileInv gName f -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> withChatLock $ do
(fileSize, chSize) <- checkSndFile f
g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {membership} _) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupByName st user gName
unless (memberActive membership) $ throwChatError CEGroupMemberUserRemoved
let fileInv = FileInvitation {fileName = takeFileName f, fileSize, fileConnReq = Nothing}
fileId <- withStore $ \st -> createSndGroupFileTransferV2 st userId gInfo f fileInv chSize
ci <- sendGroupChatItem user g (XFile fileInv) (CISndFileInvitation fileId f) Nothing
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId' ci
setActive $ ActiveG gName
ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Just f, fileStatus = CIFSSndStored}
ci <- saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd gInfo) msg (CISndMsgContent $ MCText "") ciFile Nothing
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci
ReceiveFile fileId filePath_ -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} -> do
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileConnReq}, fileStatus, senderDisplayName, grpMemberId} <- withStore $ \st -> getRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId
unless (fileStatus == RFSNew) . throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyReceiving fileName
case fileConnReq of
-- old file protocol
Just connReq ->
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
tryError (withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a connReq . directMessage $ XFileAcpt fileName) >>= \case
Right agentConnId -> do
filePath <- getRcvFilePath fileId filePath_ fileName
withStore $ \st -> acceptRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId agentConnId filePath
pure $ CRRcvFileAccepted ft filePath
Left (ChatErrorAgent (SMP SMP.AUTH)) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
Left (ChatErrorAgent (CONN DUPLICATE)) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
Left e -> throwError e
-- new file protocol
Nothing ->
case grpMemberId of
Nothing ->
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
ct <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId senderDisplayName
acceptFileV2 $ \sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq -> sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq fileName
Just memId ->
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
(GroupInfo {groupId}, GroupMember {activeConn}) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupAndMember st user memId
case activeConn of
Just conn ->
acceptFileV2 $ \sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq -> sendDirectMessage conn (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq fileName) (GroupId groupId)
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "member connection not active" -- should not happen
acceptFileV2 :: (SharedMsgId -> ConnReqInvitation -> m SndMessage) -> m ChatResponse
acceptFileV2 sendXFileAcptInv = do
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \st -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId st userId fileId
(agentConnId, fileInvConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
filePath <- getRcvFilePath fileId filePath_ fileName
withStore $ \st -> acceptRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId agentConnId filePath
void $ sendXFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq
pure $ CRRcvFileAccepted ft filePath
-- new file protocol
SendGroupFileInv gName f -> withUser $ \user -> do
groupId <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupIdByName st user gName
processChatCommand $ APISendMessage CTGroup groupId (Just f) Nothing (MCText "")
ReceiveFile fileId filePath_ -> withUser $ \user@User {userId} ->
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
ft <- withStore $ \st -> getRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId
(CRRcvFileAccepted ft <$> acceptFileReceive user ft filePath_) `catchError` processError ft
processError ft = \case
ChatErrorAgent (SMP SMP.AUTH) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
ChatErrorAgent (CONN DUPLICATE) -> pure $ CRRcvFileAcceptedSndCancelled ft
e -> throwError e
CancelFile fileId -> withUser $ \User {userId} -> do
ft' <- withStore (\st -> getFileTransfer st userId fileId)
withChatLock . procCmd $ do
unless (fileTransferCancelled ft') $
withStore $ \st -> updateFileCancelled st userId fileId
case ft' of
FTSnd ftm [] -> do
pure $ CRSndGroupFileCancelled ftm []
FTSnd ftm fts -> do
cancelFileTransfer userId ft' CIFSSndCancelled
forM_ fts $ \ft -> cancelSndFileTransfer ft
pure $ CRSndGroupFileCancelled ftm fts
FTRcv ft -> do
cancelFileTransfer userId ft' CIFSRcvCancelled
cancelRcvFileTransfer ft
pure $ CRRcvFileCancelled ft
cancelFileTransfer :: MsgDirectionI d => UserId -> FileTransfer -> CIFileStatus d -> m ()
cancelFileTransfer userId ft ciFileStatus =
unless (fileTransferCancelled ft) $
withStore $ \st -> do
updateFileCancelled st userId fileId
updateCIFileStatus st userId fileId ciFileStatus
FileStatus fileId ->
CRFileTransferStatus <$> withUser (\User {userId} -> withStore $ \st -> getFileTransferProgress st userId fileId)
ShowProfile -> withUser $ \User {profile} -> pure $ CRUserProfile profile
@ -609,14 +626,6 @@ processChatCommand = \case
connId <- withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a cReq $ directMessage (XContact profile $ Just xContactId)
withStore $ \st -> createConnReqConnection st userId connId cReqHash xContactId
pure CRSentInvitation
sendNewMsg user ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} msgContainer mc quotedItem = do
ci <- sendDirectChatItem user ct (XMsgNew msgContainer) (CISndMsgContent mc) quotedItem
setActive $ ActiveC c
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDSnd (DirectChat ct) ci
sendNewGroupMsg user g@(Group gInfo@GroupInfo {localDisplayName = gName} _) msgContainer mc quotedItem = do
ci <- sendGroupChatItem user g (XMsgNew msgContainer) (CISndMsgContent mc) quotedItem
setActive $ ActiveG gName
pure . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTGroup SMDSnd (GroupChat gInfo) ci
contactMember :: Contact -> [GroupMember] -> Maybe GroupMember
contactMember Contact {contactId} =
find $ \GroupMember {memberContactId = cId, memberStatus = s} ->
@ -641,17 +650,52 @@ processChatCommand = \case
isReady ct =
let s = connStatus $ activeConn (ct :: Contact)
in s == ConnReady || s == ConnSndReady
getRcvFilePath :: Int64 -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> m FilePath
getRcvFilePath fileId filePath fileName = case filePath of
acceptFileReceive :: forall m. ChatMonad m => User -> RcvFileTransfer -> Maybe FilePath -> m FilePath
acceptFileReceive user@User {userId} RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName = fName, fileConnReq}, fileStatus, senderDisplayName, grpMemberId} filePath_ = do
unless (fileStatus == RFSNew) . throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyReceiving fName
case fileConnReq of
-- old file protocol
Just connReq ->
tryError (withAgent $ \a -> joinConnection a connReq . directMessage $ XFileAcpt fName) >>= \case
Right agentConnId -> do
filePath <- getRcvFilePath filePath_ fName
withStore $ \st -> acceptRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId agentConnId filePath
pure filePath
Left e -> throwError e
-- new file protocol
Nothing ->
case grpMemberId of
Nothing -> do
ct <- withStore $ \st -> getContactByName st userId senderDisplayName
acceptFileV2 $ \sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq -> sendDirectContactMessage ct $ XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq fName
Just memId -> do
(GroupInfo {groupId}, GroupMember {activeConn}) <- withStore $ \st -> getGroupAndMember st user memId
case activeConn of
Just conn ->
acceptFileV2 $ \sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq -> sendDirectMessage conn (XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq fName) (GroupId groupId)
_ -> throwChatError $ CEFileInternal "member connection not active" -- should not happen
acceptFileV2 :: (SharedMsgId -> ConnReqInvitation -> m SndMessage) -> m FilePath
acceptFileV2 sendXFileAcptInv = do
sharedMsgId <- withStore $ \st -> getSharedMsgIdByFileId st userId fileId
(agentConnId, fileInvConnReq) <- withAgent (`createConnection` SCMInvitation)
filePath <- getRcvFilePath filePath_ fName
withStore $ \st -> acceptRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId agentConnId filePath
void $ sendXFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileInvConnReq
pure filePath
getRcvFilePath :: Maybe FilePath -> String -> m FilePath
getRcvFilePath fPath_ fn = case fPath_ of
Nothing -> do
dir <- (`combine` "Downloads") <$> getHomeDirectory
ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir) (pure dir) getTemporaryDirectory
>>= (`uniqueCombine` fileName)
>>= (`uniqueCombine` fn)
>>= createEmptyFile
Just fPath ->
(doesDirectoryExist fPath)
(fPath `uniqueCombine` fileName >>= createEmptyFile)
(fPath `uniqueCombine` fn >>= createEmptyFile)
$ ifM
(doesFileExist fPath)
(throwChatError $ CEFileAlreadyExists fPath)
@ -664,14 +708,14 @@ processChatCommand = \case
h <- getFileHandle fileId fPath rcvFiles AppendMode
liftIO $ B.hPut h "" >> hFlush h
pure fPath
uniqueCombine :: FilePath -> String -> m FilePath
uniqueCombine filePath fileName = tryCombine (0 :: Int)
tryCombine n =
let (name, ext) = splitExtensions fileName
suffix = if n == 0 then "" else "_" <> show n
f = filePath `combine` (name <> suffix <> ext)
in ifM (doesFileExist f) (tryCombine $ n + 1) (pure f)
uniqueCombine :: FilePath -> String -> m FilePath
uniqueCombine filePath fileName = tryCombine (0 :: Int)
tryCombine n =
let (name, ext) = splitExtensions fileName
suffix = if n == 0 then "" else "_" <> show n
f = filePath `combine` (name <> suffix <> ext)
in ifM (doesFileExist f) (tryCombine $ n + 1) (pure f)
acceptContactRequest :: ChatMonad m => User -> UserContactRequest -> m Contact
acceptContactRequest User {userId, profile} UserContactRequest {agentInvitationId = AgentInvId invId, localDisplayName = cName, profileId, profile = p, xContactId} = do
@ -827,7 +871,8 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
XMsgNew mc -> newContentMessage ct mc msg msgMeta
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent -> messageUpdate ct sharedMsgId mContent msg msgMeta
XMsgDel sharedMsgId -> messageDelete ct sharedMsgId msg msgMeta
XFile fInv -> processFileInvitation ct fInv msg msgMeta
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processFileInvitation' ct fInv msg msgMeta
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq fName -> xFileAcptInv ct sharedMsgId fileConnReq fName msgMeta
XInfo p -> xInfo ct p
XGrpInv gInv -> processGroupInvitation ct gInv
@ -969,7 +1014,8 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
XMsgNew mc -> newGroupContentMessage gInfo m mc msg msgMeta
XMsgUpdate sharedMsgId mContent -> groupMessageUpdate gInfo m sharedMsgId mContent msg
XMsgDel sharedMsgId -> groupMessageDelete gInfo m sharedMsgId msg
XFile fInv -> processGroupFileInvitation gInfo m fInv msg msgMeta
-- TODO discontinue XFile
XFile fInv -> processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m fInv msg msgMeta
XFileAcptInv sharedMsgId fileConnReq fName -> xFileAcptInvGroup gInfo m sharedMsgId fileConnReq fName msgMeta
XGrpMemNew memInfo -> xGrpMemNew gInfo m memInfo
XGrpMemIntro memInfo -> xGrpMemIntro conn gInfo m memInfo
@ -1056,6 +1102,7 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
appendFileChunk ft chunkNo chunk
withStore $ \st -> do
updateRcvFileStatus st ft FSComplete
updateCIFileStatus st userId fileId CIFSRcvComplete
deleteRcvFileChunks st ft
toView $ CRRcvFileComplete ft
closeFileHandle fileId rcvFiles
@ -1148,13 +1195,24 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
newContentMessage :: Contact -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
newContentMessage ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} mc msg msgMeta = do
let content = mcContent mc
ci@ChatItem {formattedText} <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent content)
let (ExtMsgContent content fileInvitation_) = mcExtMsgContent mc
ciFile_ <- processFileInvitation fileInvitation_ $
\fi chSize -> withStore $ \st -> createRcvFileTransfer st userId ct fi chSize
ci@ChatItem {formattedText} <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent content) ciFile_
toView . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci
checkIntegrity msgMeta $ toView . CRMsgIntegrityError
showMsgToast (c <> "> ") content formattedText
setActive $ ActiveC c
processFileInvitation :: Maybe FileInvitation -> (FileInvitation -> Integer -> m RcvFileTransfer) -> m (Maybe (CIFile 'MDRcv))
processFileInvitation fileInvitation_ createRcvFileTransferF = case fileInvitation_ of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just fileInvitation@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} -> do
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- createRcvFileTransferF fileInvitation chSize
let ciFile = CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation}
pure $ Just ciFile
messageUpdate :: Contact -> SharedMsgId -> MsgContent -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
messageUpdate ct@Contact {contactId} sharedMsgId mc RcvMessage {msgId} msgMeta = do
CChatItem msgDir ChatItem {meta = CIMeta {itemId}} <- withStore $ \st -> getDirectChatItemBySharedMsgId st userId contactId sharedMsgId
@ -1181,8 +1239,10 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
newGroupContentMessage :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> MsgContainer -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
newGroupContentMessage gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c} mc msg msgMeta = do
let content = mcContent mc
ci@ChatItem {formattedText} <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent content)
let (ExtMsgContent content fileInvitation_) = mcExtMsgContent mc
ciFile_ <- processFileInvitation fileInvitation_ $
\fi chSize -> withStore $ \st -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer st userId m fi chSize
ci@ChatItem {formattedText} <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent content) ciFile_
groupMsgToView gInfo ci msgMeta
let g = groupName' gInfo
showMsgToast ("#" <> g <> " " <> c <> "> ") content formattedText
@ -1212,24 +1272,26 @@ processAgentMessage (Just user@User {userId, profile}) agentConnId agentMessage
else messageError "x.msg.del: group member attempted to delete a message of another member"
(SMDSnd, _) -> messageError "x.msg.del: group member attempted invalid message delete"
processFileInvitation :: Contact -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processFileInvitation ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} fInv msg msgMeta = do
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processFileInvitation' :: Contact -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processFileInvitation' ct@Contact {localDisplayName = c} fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg msgMeta = do
-- TODO chunk size has to be sent as part of invitation
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \st -> createRcvFileTransfer st userId ct fInv chSize
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg msgMeta (CIRcvFileInvitation ft)
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId' ci
RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \st -> createRcvFileTransfer st userId ct fInv chSize
let ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDDirectRcv ct) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCText "") ciFile
toView . CRNewChatItem $ AChatItem SCTDirect SMDRcv (DirectChat ct) ci
checkIntegrity msgMeta $ toView . CRMsgIntegrityError
showToast (c <> "> ") "wants to send a file"
setActive $ ActiveC c
processGroupFileInvitation :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processGroupFileInvitation gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c} fInv msg msgMeta = do
-- TODO remove once XFile is discontinued
processGroupFileInvitation' :: GroupInfo -> GroupMember -> FileInvitation -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> m ()
processGroupFileInvitation' gInfo m@GroupMember {localDisplayName = c} fInv@FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} msg msgMeta = do
chSize <- asks $ fileChunkSize . config
ft@RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \st -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer st userId m fInv chSize
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg msgMeta (CIRcvFileInvitation ft)
withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId $ chatItemId' ci
RcvFileTransfer {fileId} <- withStore $ \st -> createRcvGroupFileTransfer st userId m fInv chSize
let ciFile = Just $ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath = Nothing, fileStatus = CIFSRcvInvitation}
ci <- saveRcvChatItem user (CDGroupRcv gInfo m) msg msgMeta (CIRcvMsgContent $ MCText "") ciFile
groupMsgToView gInfo ci msgMeta
let g = groupName' gInfo
showToast ("#" <> g <> " " <> c <> "> ") "wants to send a file"
@ -1610,35 +1672,27 @@ saveRcvMSG Connection {connId} connOrGroupId agentMsgMeta msgBody = do
rcvMsgDelivery = RcvMsgDelivery {connId, agentMsgId, agentMsgMeta}
withStore $ \st -> createNewMessageAndRcvMsgDelivery st connOrGroupId newMsg sharedMsgId_ rcvMsgDelivery
sendDirectChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> Contact -> ChatMsgEvent -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect) -> m (ChatItem 'CTDirect 'MDSnd)
sendDirectChatItem user ct chatMsgEvent ciContent quotedItem = do
msg <- sendDirectContactMessage ct chatMsgEvent
saveSndChatItem user (CDDirectSnd ct) msg ciContent quotedItem
sendGroupChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> Group -> ChatMsgEvent -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIQuote 'CTGroup) -> m (ChatItem 'CTGroup 'MDSnd)
sendGroupChatItem user (Group g ms) chatMsgEvent ciContent quotedItem = do
msg <- sendGroupMessage g ms chatMsgEvent
saveSndChatItem user (CDGroupSnd g) msg ciContent quotedItem
saveSndChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> m (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem user cd msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId} content quotedItem = do
saveSndChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDSnd -> SndMessage -> CIContent 'MDSnd -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDSnd) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> m (ChatItem c 'MDSnd)
saveSndChatItem user cd msg@SndMessage {sharedMsgId} content ciFile quotedItem = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
ciId <- withStore $ \st -> createNewSndChatItem st user cd msg content quotedItem createdAt
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content quotedItem (Just sharedMsgId) createdAt createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId ciId
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem (Just sharedMsgId) createdAt createdAt
saveRcvChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> m (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem user cd msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} content = do
saveRcvChatItem :: ChatMonad m => User -> ChatDirection c 'MDRcv -> RcvMessage -> MsgMeta -> CIContent 'MDRcv -> Maybe (CIFile 'MDRcv) -> m (ChatItem c 'MDRcv)
saveRcvChatItem user cd msg@RcvMessage {sharedMsgId_} MsgMeta {broker = (_, brokerTs)} content ciFile = do
createdAt <- liftIO getCurrentTime
(ciId, quotedItem) <- withStore $ \st -> createNewRcvChatItem st user cd msg content brokerTs createdAt -- createNewChatItem st user cd $ mkNewChatItem content msg brokerTs createdAt
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content quotedItem sharedMsgId_ brokerTs createdAt
(ciId, quotedItem) <- withStore $ \st -> createNewRcvChatItem st user cd msg content brokerTs createdAt
forM_ ciFile $ \CIFile {fileId} -> withStore $ \st -> updateFileTransferChatItemId st fileId ciId
liftIO $ mkChatItem cd ciId content ciFile quotedItem sharedMsgId_ brokerTs createdAt
mkChatItem :: MsgDirectionI d => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> ChatItemTs -> UTCTime -> IO (ChatItem c d)
mkChatItem cd ciId content quotedItem sharedMsgId itemTs createdAt = do
mkChatItem :: MsgDirectionI d => ChatDirection c d -> ChatItemId -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> Maybe (CIQuote c) -> Maybe SharedMsgId -> ChatItemTs -> UTCTime -> IO (ChatItem c d)
mkChatItem cd ciId content file quotedItem sharedMsgId itemTs createdAt = do
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
currentTs <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let itemText = ciContentToText content
meta = mkCIMeta ciId content itemText ciStatusNew sharedMsgId False False tz currentTs itemTs createdAt
pure ChatItem {chatDir = toCIDirection cd, meta, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem, file = Nothing}
pure ChatItem {chatDir = toCIDirection cd, meta, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem, file}
allowAgentConnection :: ChatMonad m => Connection -> ConfirmationId -> ChatMsgEvent -> m ()
allowAgentConnection conn confId msg = do
@ -1755,8 +1809,8 @@ chatCommandP =
<|> "/_get chats" $> APIGetChats
<|> "/_get chat " *> (APIGetChat <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> chatPaginationP)
<|> "/_get items count=" *> (APIGetChatItems <$> A.decimal)
<|> "/_send " *> (APISendMessage <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <*> optional filePathTagged <* A.space <*> msgContentP)
<|> "/_send_quote " *> (APISendMessageQuote <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <*> optional filePathTagged <* A.space <*> msgContentP)
<|> "/_send " *> (APISendMessage <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <*> optional filePathTagged <*> optional quotedItemIdTagged <* A.space <*> msgContentP)
<|> "/_send_quote " *> (APISendMessageQuote <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> msgContentP)
<|> "/_update item " *> (APIUpdateChatItem <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> msgContentP)
<|> "/_delete item " *> (APIDeleteChatItem <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> ciDeleteMode)
<|> "/_read chat " *> (APIChatRead <$> chatTypeP <*> A.decimal <* A.space <*> ((,) <$> ("from=" *> A.decimal) <* A.space <*> ("to=" *> A.decimal)))
@ -1853,6 +1907,7 @@ chatCommandP =
pure $ if B.null n then name else safeDecodeUtf8 n
filePath = T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeByteString
filePathTagged = " file " *> (T.unpack . safeDecodeUtf8 <$> A.takeTill (== ' '))
quotedItemIdTagged = " quoted " *> A.decimal
memberRole =
(" owner" $> GROwner)
<|> (" admin" $> GRAdmin)
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ data ChatCommand
| APIGetChats
| APIGetChat ChatType Int64 ChatPagination
| APIGetChatItems Int
| APISendMessage ChatType Int64 (Maybe FilePath) MsgContent
| APISendMessageQuote ChatType Int64 ChatItemId (Maybe FilePath) MsgContent
| APISendMessage ChatType Int64 (Maybe FilePath) (Maybe ChatItemId) MsgContent
| APISendMessageQuote ChatType Int64 ChatItemId MsgContent -- TODO discontinue
| APIUpdateChatItem ChatType Int64 ChatItemId MsgContent
| APIDeleteChatItem ChatType Int64 ChatItemId CIDeleteMode
| APIChatRead ChatType Int64 (ChatItemId, ChatItemId)
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeLatin1, encodeUtf8)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, diffUTCTime, nominalDay)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, ZonedTime, utcToZonedTime)
@ -80,11 +79,11 @@ data ChatItem (c :: ChatType) (d :: MsgDirection) = ChatItem
content :: CIContent d,
formattedText :: Maybe MarkdownList,
quotedItem :: Maybe (CIQuote c),
file :: Maybe CIFile
file :: Maybe (CIFile d)
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON (ChatItem c d) where
instance MsgDirectionI d => ToJSON (ChatItem c d) where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ instance ToJSON AChatItem where
data JSONAnyChatItem c d = JSONAnyChatItem {chatInfo :: ChatInfo c, chatItem :: ChatItem c d}
deriving (Generic)
instance ToJSON (JSONAnyChatItem c d) where
instance MsgDirectionI d => ToJSON (JSONAnyChatItem c d) where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions
@ -266,16 +265,63 @@ quoteMsgDirection = \case
CIQGroupSnd -> MDSnd
CIQGroupRcv _ -> MDRcv
data CIFile = CIFile
{ file :: FilePath, -- local file path
loaded :: Bool
data CIFile (d :: MsgDirection) = CIFile
{ fileId :: Int64,
fileName :: String,
fileSize :: Integer,
filePath :: Maybe FilePath, -- local file path
fileStatus :: CIFileStatus d
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON CIFile where
instance MsgDirectionI d => ToJSON (CIFile d) where
toJSON = J.genericToJSON J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
toEncoding = J.genericToEncoding J.defaultOptions {J.omitNothingFields = True}
data CIFileStatus (d :: MsgDirection) where
CIFSSndStored :: CIFileStatus 'MDSnd
CIFSSndCancelled :: CIFileStatus 'MDSnd
CIFSRcvInvitation :: CIFileStatus 'MDRcv
CIFSRcvTransfer :: CIFileStatus 'MDRcv
CIFSRcvComplete :: CIFileStatus 'MDRcv
CIFSRcvCancelled :: CIFileStatus 'MDRcv
deriving instance Show (CIFileStatus d)
instance MsgDirectionI d => ToJSON (CIFileStatus d) where
toJSON = strToJSON
toEncoding = strToJEncoding
instance MsgDirectionI d => ToField (CIFileStatus d) where toField = toField . decodeLatin1 . strEncode
instance FromField ACIFileStatus where fromField = fromTextField_ $ eitherToMaybe . strDecode . encodeUtf8
data ACIFileStatus = forall d. MsgDirectionI d => AFS (SMsgDirection d) (CIFileStatus d)
deriving instance Show ACIFileStatus
instance MsgDirectionI d => StrEncoding (CIFileStatus d) where
strEncode = \case
CIFSSndStored -> "snd_stored"
CIFSSndCancelled -> "snd_cancelled"
CIFSRcvInvitation -> "rcv_invitation"
CIFSRcvTransfer -> "rcv_transfer"
CIFSRcvComplete -> "rcv_complete"
CIFSRcvCancelled -> "rcv_cancelled"
strP = (\(AFS _ st) -> checkDirection st) <$?> strP
instance StrEncoding ACIFileStatus where
strEncode (AFS _ s) = strEncode s
strP =
A.takeTill (== ' ') >>= \case
"snd_stored" -> pure $ AFS SMDSnd CIFSSndStored
"snd_cancelled" -> pure $ AFS SMDSnd CIFSSndCancelled
"rcv_invitation" -> pure $ AFS SMDRcv CIFSRcvInvitation
"rcv_transfer" -> pure $ AFS SMDRcv CIFSRcvTransfer
"rcv_complete" -> pure $ AFS SMDRcv CIFSRcvComplete
"rcv_cancelled" -> pure $ AFS SMDRcv CIFSRcvCancelled
_ -> fail "bad file status"
data CIStatus (d :: MsgDirection) where
CISSndNew :: CIStatus 'MDSnd
CISSndSent :: CIStatus 'MDSnd
@ -377,8 +423,6 @@ data CIContent (d :: MsgDirection) where
CIRcvMsgContent :: MsgContent -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndDeleted :: CIDeleteMode -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvDeleted :: CIDeleteMode -> CIContent 'MDRcv
CISndFileInvitation :: FileTransferId -> FilePath -> CIContent 'MDSnd
CIRcvFileInvitation :: RcvFileTransfer -> CIContent 'MDRcv
deriving instance Show (CIContent d)
@ -388,8 +432,6 @@ ciContentToText = \case
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> msgContentText mc
CISndDeleted cidm -> ciDeleteModeToText cidm
CIRcvDeleted cidm -> ciDeleteModeToText cidm
CISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> "you sent file #" <> T.pack (show fId) <> ": " <> T.pack fPath
CIRcvFileInvitation RcvFileTransfer {fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName}} -> "file " <> T.pack fileName
msgDirToDeletedContent_ :: SMsgDirection d -> CIDeleteMode -> CIContent d
msgDirToDeletedContent_ msgDir mode = case msgDir of
@ -422,8 +464,6 @@ data JSONCIContent
| JCIRcvMsgContent {msgContent :: MsgContent}
| JCISndDeleted {deleteMode :: CIDeleteMode}
| JCIRcvDeleted {deleteMode :: CIDeleteMode}
| JCISndFileInvitation {fileId :: FileTransferId, filePath :: FilePath}
| JCIRcvFileInvitation {rcvFileTransfer :: RcvFileTransfer}
deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON JSONCIContent where
@ -439,8 +479,6 @@ jsonCIContent = \case
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> JCIRcvMsgContent mc
CISndDeleted cidm -> JCISndDeleted cidm
CIRcvDeleted cidm -> JCIRcvDeleted cidm
CISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> JCISndFileInvitation fId fPath
CIRcvFileInvitation ft -> JCIRcvFileInvitation ft
aciContentJSON :: JSONCIContent -> ACIContent
aciContentJSON = \case
@ -448,8 +486,6 @@ aciContentJSON = \case
JCIRcvMsgContent mc -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvMsgContent mc
JCISndDeleted cidm -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndDeleted cidm
JCIRcvDeleted cidm -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvDeleted cidm
JCISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndFileInvitation fId fPath
JCIRcvFileInvitation ft -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvFileInvitation ft
-- platform independent
data DBJSONCIContent
@ -457,8 +493,6 @@ data DBJSONCIContent
| DBJCIRcvMsgContent {msgContent :: MsgContent}
| DBJCISndDeleted {deleteMode :: CIDeleteMode}
| DBJCIRcvDeleted {deleteMode :: CIDeleteMode}
| DBJCISndFileInvitation {fileId :: FileTransferId, filePath :: FilePath}
| DBJCIRcvFileInvitation {rcvFileTransfer :: RcvFileTransfer}
deriving (Generic)
instance FromJSON DBJSONCIContent where
@ -474,8 +508,6 @@ dbJsonCIContent = \case
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> DBJCIRcvMsgContent mc
CISndDeleted cidm -> DBJCISndDeleted cidm
CIRcvDeleted cidm -> DBJCIRcvDeleted cidm
CISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> DBJCISndFileInvitation fId fPath
CIRcvFileInvitation ft -> DBJCIRcvFileInvitation ft
aciContentDBJSON :: DBJSONCIContent -> ACIContent
aciContentDBJSON = \case
@ -483,8 +515,6 @@ aciContentDBJSON = \case
DBJCIRcvMsgContent mc -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvMsgContent mc
DBJCISndDeleted cidm -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndDeleted cidm
DBJCIRcvDeleted cidm -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvDeleted cidm
DBJCISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> ACIContent SMDSnd $ CISndFileInvitation fId fPath
DBJCIRcvFileInvitation ft -> ACIContent SMDRcv $ CIRcvFileInvitation ft
data SChatType (c :: ChatType) where
SCTDirect :: SChatType 'CTDirect
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220404_files_cancelled where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20220404_files_cancelled :: Query
m20220404_files_cancelled =
ALTER TABLE files ADD COLUMN cancelled INTEGER; -- 1 for cancelled
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220404_files_status_fields where
import Database.SQLite.Simple (Query)
import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ (sql)
m20220404_files_status_fields :: Query
m20220404_files_status_fields =
ALTER TABLE files ADD COLUMN cancelled INTEGER; -- 1 for cancelled
ALTER TABLE files ADD COLUMN ci_file_status TEXT; -- CIFileStatus
DELETE FROM chat_items
WHERE chat_item_id IN (
SELECT chat_item_id
FROM files
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ CREATE TABLE files (
chunk_size INTEGER NOT NULL,
created_at TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT (datetime('now')),
, chat_item_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES chat_items ON DELETE CASCADE, updated_at TEXT CHECK (updated_at NOT NULL), cancelled INTEGER);
, chat_item_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES chat_items ON DELETE CASCADE, updated_at TEXT CHECK (updated_at NOT NULL), cancelled INTEGER, ci_file_status TEXT);
CREATE TABLE snd_files (
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ data ChatMsgEvent
| XMsgUpdate SharedMsgId MsgContent
| XMsgDel SharedMsgId
| XMsgDeleted
| XFile FileInvitation
| XFile FileInvitation -- TODO discontinue
| XFileAcpt String -- old file protocol
| XFileAcptInv SharedMsgId ConnReqInvitation String -- new file protocol
| XInfo Profile
@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ data MsgContainer
| MCForward ExtMsgContent
deriving (Eq, Show)
mcContent :: MsgContainer -> MsgContent
mcContent = \case
MCSimple (ExtMsgContent c _) -> c
MCQuote _ (ExtMsgContent c _) -> c
MCForward (ExtMsgContent c _) -> c
mcExtMsgContent :: MsgContainer -> ExtMsgContent
mcExtMsgContent = \case
MCSimple c -> c
MCQuote _ c -> c
MCForward c -> c
data LinkPreview = LinkPreview {uri :: Text, title :: Text, description :: Text, image :: ImageData}
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ module Simplex.Chat.Store
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220301_smp_servers
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220302_profile_images
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220304_msg_quotes
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220321_chat_item_edited
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220404_files_cancelled
import Simplex.Chat.Migrations.M20220404_files_status_fields
import Simplex.Chat.Protocol
import Simplex.Chat.Types
import Simplex.Chat.Util (eitherToMaybe)
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ schemaMigrations =
("20220302_profile_images", m20220302_profile_images),
("20220304_msg_quotes", m20220304_msg_quotes),
("20220321_chat_item_edited", m20220321_chat_item_edited),
("20220404_files_cancelled", m20220404_files_cancelled)
("20220404_files_status_fields", m20220404_files_status_fields)
-- | The list of migrations in ascending order by date
@ -1783,14 +1784,14 @@ getViaGroupContact st User {userId} GroupMember {groupMemberId} =
in Just Contact {contactId, localDisplayName, profile, activeConn, viaGroup, createdAt}
toContact' _ = Nothing
createSndFileTransfer :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Contact -> FilePath -> FileInvitation -> ConnId -> Integer -> m SndFileTransfer
createSndFileTransfer st userId Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = recipientDisplayName} filePath FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} acId chunkSize =
createSndFileTransfer :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Contact -> FilePath -> FileInvitation -> ConnId -> Integer -> m Int64
createSndFileTransfer st userId Contact {contactId} filePath FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} acId chunkSize =
liftIO . withTransaction st $ \db -> do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, ci_file_status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, CIFSSndStored, currentTs, currentTs)
fileId <- insertedRowId db
Connection {connId} <- createSndFileConnection_ db userId fileId acId
let fileStatus = FSNew
@ -1798,7 +1799,7 @@ createSndFileTransfer st userId Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = recipient
"INSERT INTO snd_files (file_id, file_status, connection_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"
(fileId, fileStatus, connId, currentTs, currentTs)
pure SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, recipientDisplayName, connId, fileStatus, agentConnId = AgentConnId acId}
pure fileId
createSndFileTransferV2 :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Contact -> FilePath -> FileInvitation -> Integer -> m Int64
createSndFileTransferV2 st userId Contact {contactId} filePath FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize} chunkSize =
@ -1806,8 +1807,8 @@ createSndFileTransferV2 st userId Contact {contactId} filePath FileInvitation {f
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, ci_file_status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, CIFSSndStored, currentTs, currentTs)
insertedRowId db
createSndFileTransferV2Connection :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Int64 -> ConnId -> m ()
@ -1827,8 +1828,8 @@ createSndGroupFileTransfer st userId GroupInfo {groupId} ms filePath fileSize ch
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, group_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, groupId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, group_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, ci_file_status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, groupId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, CIFSSndStored, currentTs, currentTs)
fileId <- insertedRowId db
forM_ ms $ \(GroupMember {groupMemberId}, agentConnId, _) -> do
Connection {connId} <- createSndFileConnection_ db userId fileId agentConnId
@ -1844,8 +1845,8 @@ createSndGroupFileTransferV2 st userId GroupInfo {groupId} filePath FileInvitati
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, group_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, groupId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, group_id, file_name, file_path, file_size, chunk_size, ci_file_status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, groupId, fileName, filePath, fileSize, chunkSize, CIFSSndStored, currentTs, currentTs)
insertedRowId db
createSndGroupFileTransferV2Connection :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Int64 -> ConnId -> GroupMember -> m ()
@ -1864,6 +1865,12 @@ updateFileCancelled st userId fileId =
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE files SET cancelled = 1, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND file_id = ?" (currentTs, userId, fileId)
updateCIFileStatus :: MsgDirectionI d => MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Int64 -> CIFileStatus d -> m ()
updateCIFileStatus st userId fileId ciFileStatus =
liftIO . withTransaction st $ \db -> do
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
DB.execute db "UPDATE files SET ci_file_status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND file_id = ?" (ciFileStatus, currentTs, userId, fileId)
getSharedMsgIdByFileId :: StoreMonad m => SQLiteStore -> UserId -> Int64 -> m SharedMsgId
getSharedMsgIdByFileId st userId fileId =
liftIOEither . withTransaction st $ \db ->
@ -1975,8 +1982,8 @@ createRcvFileTransfer st userId Contact {contactId, localDisplayName = c} f@File
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_size, chunk_size, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, fileSize, chunkSize, currentTs, currentTs)
"INSERT INTO files (user_id, contact_id, file_name, file_size, chunk_size, ci_file_status, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
(userId, contactId, fileName, fileSize, chunkSize, CIFSRcvInvitation, currentTs, currentTs)
fileId <- insertedRowId db
@ -2052,8 +2059,8 @@ acceptRcvFileTransfer st userId fileId agentConnId filePath =
currentTs <- getCurrentTime
"UPDATE files SET file_path = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND file_id = ?"
(filePath, currentTs, userId, fileId)
"UPDATE files SET file_path = ?, ci_file_status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND file_id = ?"
(filePath, CIFSRcvTransfer, currentTs, userId, fileId)
"UPDATE rcv_files SET file_status = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE file_id = ?"
@ -2512,6 +2519,8 @@ getDirectChatPreviews_ db User {userId} = do
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM contacts ct
@ -2525,6 +2534,7 @@ getDirectChatPreviews_ db User {userId} = do
) MaxIds ON MaxIds.contact_id = ct.contact_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items i ON i.contact_id = MaxIds.contact_id
AND i.chat_item_id = MaxIds.MaxId
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
SELECT contact_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
@ -2574,6 +2584,8 @@ getGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId, userContactId} = do
COALESCE(ChatStats.UnreadCount, 0), COALESCE(ChatStats.MinUnread, 0),
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- Maybe GroupMember - sender
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id,
@ -2596,6 +2608,7 @@ getGroupChatPreviews_ db User {userId, userContactId} = do
) MaxIds ON MaxIds.group_id = g.group_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items i ON i.group_id = MaxIds.group_id
AND i.chat_item_id = MaxIds.MaxId
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
SELECT group_id, COUNT(1) AS UnreadCount, MIN(chat_item_id) AS MinUnread
FROM chat_items
@ -2667,9 +2680,12 @@ getDirectChatLast_ db User {userId} contactId count = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.contact_id = ? AND i.item_deleted != 1
ORDER BY i.chat_item_id DESC
@ -2695,9 +2711,12 @@ getDirectChatAfter_ db User {userId} contactId afterChatItemId count = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.contact_id = ? AND i.chat_item_id > ? AND i.item_deleted != 1
ORDER BY i.chat_item_id ASC
@ -2723,9 +2742,12 @@ getDirectChatBefore_ db User {userId} contactId beforeChatItemId count = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.contact_id = ? AND i.chat_item_id < ? AND i.item_deleted != 1
ORDER BY i.chat_item_id DESC
@ -2823,6 +2845,8 @@ getGroupChatLast_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId count = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- GroupMember
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id,
@ -2834,6 +2858,7 @@ getGroupChatLast_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId count = do
rm.member_status, rm.invited_by, rm.local_display_name, rm.contact_id,
rp.display_name, rp.full_name, rp.image
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON m.group_member_id = i.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = m.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
@ -2863,6 +2888,8 @@ getGroupChatAfter_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId afterChatItemId
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- GroupMember
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id,
@ -2874,6 +2901,7 @@ getGroupChatAfter_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId afterChatItemId
rm.member_status, rm.invited_by, rm.local_display_name, rm.contact_id,
rp.display_name, rp.full_name, rp.image
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON m.group_member_id = i.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = m.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
@ -2903,6 +2931,8 @@ getGroupChatBefore_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId beforeChatItemI
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- GroupMember
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id,
@ -2914,6 +2944,7 @@ getGroupChatBefore_ db user@User {userId, userContactId} groupId beforeChatItemI
rm.member_status, rm.invited_by, rm.local_display_name, rm.contact_id,
rp.display_name, rp.full_name, rp.image
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON m.group_member_id = i.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = m.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
@ -3138,9 +3169,12 @@ getDirectChatItem_ db userId contactId itemId = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- DirectQuote
ri.chat_item_id, i.quoted_shared_msg_id, i.quoted_sent_at, i.quoted_content, i.quoted_sent
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
WHERE i.user_id = ? AND i.contact_id = ? AND i.chat_item_id = ?
@ -3265,6 +3299,8 @@ getGroupChatItem_ db User {userId, userContactId} groupId itemId = do
-- ChatItem
i.chat_item_id, i.item_ts, i.item_content, i.item_text, i.item_status, i.shared_msg_id, i.item_deleted, i.item_edited, i.created_at,
-- CIFile
f.file_id, f.file_name, f.file_size, f.file_path, f.ci_file_status,
-- GroupMember
m.group_member_id, m.group_id, m.member_id, m.member_role, m.member_category,
m.member_status, m.invited_by, m.local_display_name, m.contact_id,
@ -3276,6 +3312,7 @@ getGroupChatItem_ db User {userId, userContactId} groupId itemId = do
rm.member_status, rm.invited_by, rm.local_display_name, rm.contact_id,
rp.display_name, rp.full_name, rp.image
FROM chat_items i
LEFT JOIN files f ON f.chat_item_id = i.chat_item_id
LEFT JOIN group_members m ON m.group_member_id = i.group_member_id
LEFT JOIN contact_profiles p ON p.contact_profile_id = m.contact_profile_id
LEFT JOIN chat_items ri ON i.quoted_shared_msg_id = ri.shared_msg_id
@ -3359,20 +3396,14 @@ type ChatStatsRow = (Int, ChatItemId)
toChatStats :: ChatStatsRow -> ChatStats
toChatStats (unreadCount, minUnreadItemId) = ChatStats {unreadCount, minUnreadItemId}
type ChatItemRow = (Int64, ChatItemTs, ACIContent, Text, ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId, Bool, Maybe Bool, UTCTime)
type MaybeCIFIleRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe String, Maybe Integer, Maybe FilePath, Maybe ACIFileStatus)
type MaybeChatItemRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ChatItemTs, Maybe ACIContent, Maybe Text, Maybe ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe Bool, Maybe Bool, Maybe UTCTime)
type ChatItemRow = (Int64, ChatItemTs, ACIContent, Text, ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId, Bool, Maybe Bool, UTCTime) :. MaybeCIFIleRow
type MaybeChatItemRow = (Maybe Int64, Maybe ChatItemTs, Maybe ACIContent, Maybe Text, Maybe ACIStatus, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe Bool, Maybe Bool, Maybe UTCTime) :. MaybeCIFIleRow
type QuoteRow = (Maybe ChatItemId, Maybe SharedMsgId, Maybe UTCTime, Maybe MsgContent, Maybe Bool)
-- type DirectChatItemRow = ChatItemRow :. DirectQuoteRow
-- type MaybeDirectChatItemRow = MaybeChatItemRow :. DirectQuoteRow
-- toQuoteData :: QuoteDataRow -> Maybe CIQuoteData
-- toQuoteData (quotedItemId, quotedSentAt, quotedMsgContent) =
-- CIQuoteData quotedItemId <$> quotedSentAt <*> quotedMsgContent <*> (parseMaybeMarkdownList . msgContentText <$> quotedMsgContent)
toDirectQuote :: QuoteRow -> Maybe (CIQuote 'CTDirect)
toDirectQuote qr@(_, _, _, _, quotedSent) = toQuote qr $ direction <$> quotedSent
@ -3383,22 +3414,33 @@ toQuote (quotedItemId, quotedSharedMsgId, quotedSentAt, quotedMsgContent, _) dir
CIQuote <$> dir <*> pure quotedItemId <*> pure quotedSharedMsgId <*> quotedSentAt <*> quotedMsgContent <*> (parseMaybeMarkdownList . msgContentText <$> quotedMsgContent)
toDirectChatItem :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> ChatItemRow :. QuoteRow -> Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTDirect)
toDirectChatItem tz currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. quoteRow) =
case (itemContent, itemStatus) of
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus) -> Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIDirectSnd ciStatus ciContent
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus) -> Right $ cItem SMDRcv CIDirectRcv ciStatus ciContent
toDirectChatItem tz currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileStatus_)) :. quoteRow) =
case (itemContent, itemStatus, fileStatus_) of
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus, Just (AFS SMDSnd fileStatus)) ->
Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIDirectSnd ciStatus ciContent (maybeCIFile fileStatus)
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus, Nothing) ->
Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIDirectSnd ciStatus ciContent Nothing
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus, Just (AFS SMDRcv fileStatus)) ->
Right $ cItem SMDRcv CIDirectRcv ciStatus ciContent (maybeCIFile fileStatus)
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus, Nothing) ->
Right $ cItem SMDRcv CIDirectRcv ciStatus ciContent Nothing
_ -> badItem
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTDirect d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> CChatItem 'CTDirect
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toDirectQuote quoteRow, file = Nothing}
maybeCIFile :: CIFileStatus d -> Maybe (CIFile d)
maybeCIFile fileStatus =
case (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_) of
(Just fileId, Just fileName, Just fileSize) -> Just CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath, fileStatus}
_ -> Nothing
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTDirect d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> CChatItem 'CTDirect
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content file =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toDirectQuote quoteRow, file}
badItem = Left $ SEBadChatItem itemId
ciMeta :: CIContent d -> CIStatus d -> CIMeta d
ciMeta content status = mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status sharedMsgId itemDeleted (fromMaybe False itemEdited) tz currentTs itemTs createdAt
toDirectChatItemList :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> MaybeChatItemRow :. QuoteRow -> [CChatItem 'CTDirect]
toDirectChatItemList tz currentTs ((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId, Just itemDeleted, itemEdited, Just createdAt) :. quoteRow) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toDirectChatItem tz currentTs ((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. quoteRow)
toDirectChatItemList tz currentTs (((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId, Just itemDeleted, itemEdited, Just createdAt) :. fileRow) :. quoteRow) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toDirectChatItem tz currentTs (((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. fileRow) :. quoteRow)
toDirectChatItemList _ _ _ = []
type GroupQuoteRow = QuoteRow :. MaybeGroupMemberRow
@ -3414,24 +3456,35 @@ toGroupQuote qr@(_, _, _, _, quotedSent) quotedMember_ = toQuote qr $ direction
direction _ _ = Nothing
toGroupChatItem :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> Int64 -> ChatItemRow :. MaybeGroupMemberRow :. GroupQuoteRow -> Either StoreError (CChatItem 'CTGroup)
toGroupChatItem tz currentTs userContactId ((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) = do
toGroupChatItem tz currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_, filePath, fileStatus_)) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) = do
let member_ = toMaybeGroupMember userContactId memberRow_
let quotedMember_ = toMaybeGroupMember userContactId quotedMemberRow_
case (itemContent, itemStatus, member_) of
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus, _) -> Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIGroupSnd ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus, Just member) -> Right $ cItem SMDRcv (CIGroupRcv member) ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_
case (itemContent, itemStatus, member_, fileStatus_) of
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus, _, Just (AFS SMDSnd fileStatus)) ->
Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIGroupSnd ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_ (maybeCIFile fileStatus)
(ACIContent SMDSnd ciContent, ACIStatus SMDSnd ciStatus, _, Nothing) ->
Right $ cItem SMDSnd CIGroupSnd ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_ Nothing
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus, Just member, Just (AFS SMDRcv fileStatus)) ->
Right $ cItem SMDRcv (CIGroupRcv member) ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_ (maybeCIFile fileStatus)
(ACIContent SMDRcv ciContent, ACIStatus SMDRcv ciStatus, Just member, Nothing) ->
Right $ cItem SMDRcv (CIGroupRcv member) ciStatus ciContent quotedMember_ Nothing
_ -> badItem
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTGroup d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe GroupMember -> CChatItem 'CTGroup
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content quotedMember_ =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toGroupQuote quoteRow quotedMember_, file = Nothing}
maybeCIFile :: CIFileStatus d -> Maybe (CIFile d)
maybeCIFile fileStatus =
case (fileId_, fileName_, fileSize_) of
(Just fileId, Just fileName, Just fileSize) -> Just CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize, filePath, fileStatus}
_ -> Nothing
cItem :: MsgDirectionI d => SMsgDirection d -> CIDirection 'CTGroup d -> CIStatus d -> CIContent d -> Maybe GroupMember -> Maybe (CIFile d) -> CChatItem 'CTGroup
cItem d chatDir ciStatus content quotedMember_ file =
CChatItem d ChatItem {chatDir, meta = ciMeta content ciStatus, content, formattedText = parseMaybeMarkdownList itemText, quotedItem = toGroupQuote quoteRow quotedMember_, file}
badItem = Left $ SEBadChatItem itemId
ciMeta :: CIContent d -> CIStatus d -> CIMeta d
ciMeta content status = mkCIMeta itemId content itemText status sharedMsgId itemDeleted (fromMaybe False itemEdited) tz currentTs itemTs createdAt
toGroupChatItemList :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> Int64 -> MaybeGroupChatItemRow -> [CChatItem 'CTGroup]
toGroupChatItemList tz currentTs userContactId ((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId, Just itemDeleted, itemEdited, Just createdAt) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toGroupChatItem tz currentTs userContactId ((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_)
toGroupChatItemList tz currentTs userContactId (((Just itemId, Just itemTs, Just itemContent, Just itemText, Just itemStatus, sharedMsgId, Just itemDeleted, itemEdited, Just createdAt) :. fileRow) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_) =
either (const []) (: []) $ toGroupChatItem tz currentTs userContactId (((itemId, itemTs, itemContent, itemText, itemStatus, sharedMsgId, itemDeleted, itemEdited, createdAt) :. fileRow) :. memberRow_ :. quoteRow :. quotedMemberRow_)
toGroupChatItemList _ _ _ _ = []
getSMPServers :: MonadUnliftIO m => SQLiteStore -> User -> m [SMPServer]
@ -156,54 +156,69 @@ responseToView testView = \case
testViewChat :: AChat -> [StyledString]
testViewChat (AChat _ Chat {chatItems}) = [sShow $ map toChatView chatItems]
toChatView :: CChatItem c -> ((Int, Text), Maybe (Int, Text))
toChatView (CChatItem dir ChatItem {meta, quotedItem}) =
((msgDirectionInt $ toMsgDirection dir, itemText meta),) $ case quotedItem of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just CIQuote {chatDir = quoteDir, content} ->
Just (msgDirectionInt $ quoteMsgDirection quoteDir, msgContentText content)
toChatView :: CChatItem c -> ((Int, Text), Maybe (Int, Text), Maybe String)
toChatView (CChatItem dir ChatItem {meta, quotedItem, file}) =
((msgDirectionInt $ toMsgDirection dir, itemText meta), qItem, fPath)
qItem = case quotedItem of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just CIQuote {chatDir = quoteDir, content} ->
Just (msgDirectionInt $ quoteMsgDirection quoteDir, msgContentText content)
fPath = case file of
Just CIFile {filePath = Just fp} -> Just fp
_ -> Nothing
viewErrorsSummary :: [a] -> StyledString -> [StyledString]
viewErrorsSummary summary s = [ttyError (T.pack . show $ length summary) <> s <> " (run with -c option to show each error)" | not (null summary)]
viewChatItem :: MsgDirectionI d => ChatInfo c -> ChatItem c d -> [StyledString]
viewChatItem chat ChatItem {chatDir, meta, content, quotedItem} = case chat of
viewChatItem chat ChatItem {chatDir, meta, content, quotedItem, file} = case chat of
DirectChat c -> case chatDir of
CIDirectSnd -> case content of
CISndMsgContent mc -> viewSentMessage to quote mc meta
CISndMsgContent mc -> withSndFile to $ sndMsg to quote mc
CISndDeleted _ -> []
CISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> viewSentFileInvitation to fId fPath meta
to = ttyToContact' c
CIDirectRcv -> case content of
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote meta mc
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> withRcvFile from $ rcvMsg from quote mc
CIRcvDeleted _ -> []
CIRcvFileInvitation ft -> viewReceivedFileInvitation from meta ft
from = ttyFromContact' c
quote = maybe [] (directQuote chatDir) quotedItem
GroupChat g -> case chatDir of
CIGroupSnd -> case content of
CISndMsgContent mc -> viewSentMessage to quote mc meta
CISndMsgContent mc -> withSndFile to $ sndMsg to quote mc
CISndDeleted _ -> []
CISndFileInvitation fId fPath -> viewSentFileInvitation to fId fPath meta
to = ttyToGroup g
CIGroupRcv m -> case content of
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote meta mc
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> withRcvFile from $ rcvMsg from quote mc
CIRcvDeleted _ -> []
CIRcvFileInvitation ft -> viewReceivedFileInvitation from meta ft
from = ttyFromGroup' g m
quote = maybe [] (groupQuote g) quotedItem
_ -> []
sndMsg to quote mc = case (msgContentText mc, file) of
("", Just _) -> []
_ -> viewSentMessage to quote mc meta
withSndFile to l = case file of
-- TODO pass CIFile
Just CIFile {fileId, filePath = Just fPath} -> l <> viewSentFileInvitation to fileId fPath meta
_ -> l
rcvMsg from quote mc = case (msgContentText mc, file) of
("", Just _) -> []
_ -> viewReceivedMessage from quote mc meta
withRcvFile from l = case file of
Just f -> l <> viewReceivedFileInvitation from f meta
_ -> l
viewItemUpdate :: MsgDirectionI d => ChatInfo c -> ChatItem c d -> [StyledString]
viewItemUpdate chat ChatItem {chatDir, meta, content, quotedItem} = case chat of
DirectChat Contact {localDisplayName = c} -> case chatDir of
CIDirectRcv -> case content of
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote meta mc
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote mc meta
_ -> []
from = ttyFromContactEdited c
@ -211,7 +226,7 @@ viewItemUpdate chat ChatItem {chatDir, meta, content, quotedItem} = case chat of
CIDirectSnd -> ["message updated"]
GroupChat g -> case chatDir of
CIGroupRcv GroupMember {localDisplayName = m} -> case content of
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote meta mc
CIRcvMsgContent mc -> viewReceivedMessage from quote mc meta
_ -> []
from = ttyFromGroupEdited g m
@ -223,13 +238,13 @@ viewItemDelete :: ChatInfo c -> ChatItem c d -> ChatItem c' d' -> [StyledString]
viewItemDelete chat ChatItem {chatDir, meta, content = deletedContent} ChatItem {content = toContent} = case chat of
DirectChat Contact {localDisplayName = c} -> case (chatDir, deletedContent, toContent) of
(CIDirectRcv, CIRcvMsgContent mc, CIRcvDeleted mode) -> case mode of
CIDMBroadcast -> viewReceivedMessage (ttyFromContactDeleted c) [] meta mc
CIDMBroadcast -> viewReceivedMessage (ttyFromContactDeleted c) [] mc meta
CIDMInternal -> ["message deleted"]
(CIDirectSnd, _, _) -> ["message deleted"]
_ -> []
GroupChat g -> case (chatDir, deletedContent, toContent) of
(CIGroupRcv GroupMember {localDisplayName = m}, CIRcvMsgContent mc, CIRcvDeleted mode) -> case mode of
CIDMBroadcast -> viewReceivedMessage (ttyFromGroupDeleted g m) [] meta mc
CIDMBroadcast -> viewReceivedMessage (ttyFromGroupDeleted g m) [] mc meta
CIDMInternal -> ["message deleted"]
(CIGroupSnd, _, _) -> ["message deleted"]
_ -> []
@ -434,8 +449,8 @@ viewContactUpdated
fullNameUpdate = if T.null fullName' || fullName' == n' then " removed full name" else " updated full name: " <> plain fullName'
viewReceivedMessage :: StyledString -> [StyledString] -> CIMeta d -> MsgContent -> [StyledString]
viewReceivedMessage from quote meta = receivedWithTime_ from quote meta . ttyMsgContent
viewReceivedMessage :: StyledString -> [StyledString] -> MsgContent -> CIMeta d -> [StyledString]
viewReceivedMessage from quote mc meta = receivedWithTime_ from quote meta (ttyMsgContent mc)
receivedWithTime_ :: StyledString -> [StyledString] -> CIMeta d -> [StyledString] -> [StyledString]
receivedWithTime_ from quote CIMeta {localItemTs, createdAt} styledMsg = do
@ -454,7 +469,7 @@ receivedWithTime_ from quote CIMeta {localItemTs, createdAt} styledMsg = do
in styleTime $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale format localTime
viewSentMessage :: StyledString -> [StyledString] -> MsgContent -> CIMeta d -> [StyledString]
viewSentMessage to quote mc = sentWithTime_ . prependFirst to $ quote <> prependFirst indent (ttyMsgContent mc)
viewSentMessage to quote mc = sentWithTime_ (prependFirst to $ quote <> prependFirst indent (ttyMsgContent mc))
indent = if null quote then "" else " "
@ -501,11 +516,22 @@ sendingFile_ status ft@SndFileTransfer {recipientDisplayName = c} =
sndFile :: SndFileTransfer -> StyledString
sndFile SndFileTransfer {fileId, fileName} = fileTransferStr fileId fileName
viewReceivedFileInvitation :: StyledString -> CIMeta d -> RcvFileTransfer -> [StyledString]
viewReceivedFileInvitation from meta ft = receivedWithTime_ from [] meta (receivedFileInvitation_ ft)
viewReceivedFileInvitation :: StyledString -> CIFile d -> CIMeta d -> [StyledString]
viewReceivedFileInvitation from file meta = receivedWithTime_ from [] meta (receivedFileInvitation_ file)
receivedFileInvitation_ :: RcvFileTransfer -> [StyledString]
receivedFileInvitation_ RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize}} =
receivedFileInvitation_ :: CIFile d -> [StyledString]
receivedFileInvitation_ CIFile {fileId, fileName, fileSize} =
[ "sends file " <> ttyFilePath fileName <> " (" <> humanReadableSize fileSize <> " / " <> sShow fileSize <> " bytes)",
-- below is printed for auto-accepted files as well; auto-accept is disabled in terminal though so in reality it never happens
"use " <> highlight ("/fr " <> show fileId <> " [<dir>/ | <path>]") <> " to receive it"
-- TODO remove
viewReceivedFileInvitation' :: StyledString -> RcvFileTransfer -> CIMeta d -> [StyledString]
viewReceivedFileInvitation' from RcvFileTransfer {fileId, fileInvitation = FileInvitation {fileName, fileSize}} meta = receivedWithTime_ from [] meta (receivedFileInvitation_' fileId fileName fileSize)
receivedFileInvitation_' :: Int64 -> String -> Integer -> [StyledString]
receivedFileInvitation_' fileId fileName fileSize =
[ "sends file " <> ttyFilePath fileName <> " (" <> humanReadableSize fileSize <> " / " <> sShow fileSize <> " bytes)",
"use " <> highlight ("/fr " <> show fileId <> " [<dir>/ | <path>]") <> " to receive it"
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ testChatN ps test = withTmpFiles $ do
test tcs
concurrentlyN_ $ map (<// 100000) tcs
getTestCCs :: [(Profile, FilePath)] -> [TestCC] -> IO [TestCC]
getTestCCs [] tcs = pure tcs
getTestCCs ((p, db) : envs') tcs = (:) <$> virtualSimplexChat db p <*> getTestCCs envs' tcs
@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ chatTests = do
it "sender cancelled file transfer" testFileSndCancelV2
it "recipient cancelled file transfer" testFileRcvCancelV2
it "send and receive file to group" testGroupFileTransferV2
describe "messages with files" $ do
it "send and receive message with file" testMessageWithFile
it "send and receive image" testSendImage
it "send and receive image with text and quote" testSendImageWithTextAndQuote
it "send and receive image to group" testGroupSendImage
it "send and receive image with text and quote to group" testGroupSendImageWithTextAndQuote
describe "user contact link" $ do
it "create and connect via contact link" testUserContactLink
it "auto accept contact requests" testUserContactLinkAutoAccept
@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ testDirectMessageDelete =
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat, [])
alice #$> ("/_update item @2 1 text updating deleted message", id, "cannot update this item")
alice #$> ("/_send_quote @2 1 text quoting deleted message", id, "cannot reply to this message")
alice #$> ("/_send @2 quoted 1 text quoting deleted message", id, "cannot reply to this message")
bob #$> ("/_update item @2 2 text hey alice", id, "message updated")
alice <# "bob> [edited] hey alice"
@ -829,7 +835,7 @@ testGroupMessageDelete =
cath #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat, [(0, "hello!")])
alice #$> ("/_update item #1 1 text updating deleted message", id, "cannot update this item")
alice #$> ("/_send_quote #1 1 text quoting deleted message", id, "cannot reply to this message")
alice #$> ("/_send #1 quoted 1 text quoting deleted message", id, "cannot reply to this message")
threadDelay 1000000
-- msg id 2
@ -1206,6 +1212,192 @@ testGroupFileTransferV2 =
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
testMessageWithFile :: IO ()
testMessageWithFile =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 file ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg text hi, sending a file"
alice <# "@bob hi, sending a file"
alice <# "/f @bob ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> hi, sending a file"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp"
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
(bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
(bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, [((1, "hi, sending a file"), Just "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, [((0, "hi, sending a file"), Just "./tests/tmp/test.jpg")])
testSendImage :: IO ()
testSendImage =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
alice ##> "/_send @2 file ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg json {\"text\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}"
alice <# "/f @bob ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp"
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
(bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
(bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, [((1, ""), Just "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chatF, [((0, ""), Just "./tests/tmp/test.jpg")])
testSendImageWithTextAndQuote :: IO ()
testSendImageWithTextAndQuote =
testChat2 aliceProfile bobProfile $
\alice bob -> do
connectUsers alice bob
bob #> "@alice hi alice"
alice <# "bob> hi alice"
alice ##> "/_send @2 file ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg quoted 1 json {\"text\":\"hey bob\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}"
alice <# "@bob > hi alice"
alice <## " hey bob"
alice <# "/f @bob ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
bob <# "alice> > hi alice"
bob <## " hey bob"
bob <# "alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp"
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
(bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
(bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice")
(alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob")
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
alice #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat'', [((0, "hi alice"), Nothing, Nothing), ((1, "hey bob"), Just (0, "hi alice"), Just "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg")])
alice #$$> ("/_get chats", [("@bob", "hey bob")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat @2 count=100", chat'', [((1, "hi alice"), Nothing, Nothing), ((0, "hey bob"), Just (1, "hi alice"), Just "./tests/tmp/test.jpg")])
bob #$$> ("/_get chats", [("@alice", "hey bob")])
testGroupSendImage :: IO ()
testGroupSendImage =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
alice ##> "/_send #1 file ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg json {\"text\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}"
alice <# "/f #team ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it",
cath <# "#team alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp/"
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
[ do
alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob"
alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob",
bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
cath ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp/"
cath <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg"
[ do
alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to cath"
alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to cath",
cath <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg"
dest2 `shouldBe` src
alice #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chatF, [((1, ""), Just "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chatF, [((0, ""), Just "./tests/tmp/test.jpg")])
cath #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chatF, [((0, ""), Just "./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg")])
testGroupSendImageWithTextAndQuote :: IO ()
testGroupSendImageWithTextAndQuote =
testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
createGroup3 "team" alice bob cath
bob #> "#team hi team"
(alice <# "#team bob> hi team")
(cath <# "#team bob> hi team")
threadDelay 1000000
alice ##> "/_send #1 file ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg quoted 1 json {\"text\":\"hey bob\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}"
alice <# "#team > bob hi team"
alice <## " hey bob"
alice <# "/f #team ./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
alice <## "use /fc 1 to cancel sending"
[ do
bob <# "#team alice> > bob hi team"
bob <## " hey bob"
bob <# "#team alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
bob <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it",
cath <# "#team alice> > bob hi team"
cath <## " hey bob"
cath <# "#team alice> sends file test.jpg (136.5 KiB / 139737 bytes)"
cath <## "use /fr 1 [<dir>/ | <path>] to receive it"
bob ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp/"
bob <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
[ do
alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob"
alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to bob",
bob <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
bob <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
cath ##> "/fr 1 ./tests/tmp/"
cath <## "saving file 1 from alice to ./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg"
[ do
alice <## "started sending file 1 (test.jpg) to cath"
alice <## "completed sending file 1 (test.jpg) to cath",
cath <## "started receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
cath <## "completed receiving file 1 (test.jpg) from alice"
src <- B.readFile "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg"
dest <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test.jpg"
dest `shouldBe` src
dest2 <- B.readFile "./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg"
dest2 `shouldBe` src
alice #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat'', [((0, "hi team"), Nothing, Nothing), ((1, "hey bob"), Just (0, "hi team"), Just "./tests/fixtures/test.jpg")])
alice #$$> ("/_get chats", [("#team", "hey bob"), ("@bob", ""), ("@cath", "")])
bob #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat'', [((1, "hi team"), Nothing, Nothing), ((0, "hey bob"), Just (1, "hi team"), Just "./tests/tmp/test.jpg")])
bob #$$> ("/_get chats", [("#team", "hey bob"), ("@alice", ""), ("@cath", "")])
cath #$> ("/_get chat #1 count=100", chat'', [((0, "hi team"), Nothing, Nothing), ((0, "hey bob"), Just (0, "hi team"), Just "./tests/tmp/test_1.jpg")])
cath #$$> ("/_get chats", [("#team", "hey bob"), ("@alice", ""), ("@bob", "")])
testUserContactLink :: IO ()
testUserContactLink = testChat3 aliceProfile bobProfile cathProfile $
\alice bob cath -> do
@ -1567,10 +1759,16 @@ cc #$> (cmd, f, res) = do
(f <$> getTermLine cc) `shouldReturn` res
chat :: String -> [(Int, String)]
chat = map fst . chat'
chat = map (\(a, _, _) -> a) . chat''
chat' :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String))]
chat' = read
chat' = map (\(a, b, _) -> (a, b)) . chat''
chatF :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe String)]
chatF = map (\(a, _, c) -> (a, c)) . chat''
chat'' :: String -> [((Int, String), Maybe (Int, String), Maybe String)]
chat'' = read
(#$$>) :: TestCC -> (String, [(String, String)]) -> Expectation
cc #$$> (cmd, res) = do
@ -96,8 +96,11 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
"{\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"https://simplex.chat\",\"type\":\"link\",\"preview\":{\"description\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"image\":\"\",\"title\":\"SimpleX Chat\",\"uri\":\"https://simplex.chat\"}}}}"
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCLink "https://simplex.chat" $ LinkPreview {uri = "https://simplex.chat", title = "SimpleX Chat", description = "SimpleX Chat", image = ImageData ""}) Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple image" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCImage "https://simplex.chat" $ ImageData "") Nothing))
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCImage "" $ ImageData "") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple image with text" $
"{\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"here's an image\",\"type\":\"image\",\"image\":\"\"}}}"
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCImage "here's an image" $ ImageData "") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new chat message " $
##==## (ChatMessage (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))))
@ -120,10 +123,10 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
it "x.msg.new forward" $
##==## ChatMessage (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") Nothing))
it "x.msg.new simple with file invitation" $
it "x.msg.new simple with file" $
#==# XMsgNew (MCSimple (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileConnReq = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.new quote with file invitation" $
it "x.msg.new quote with file" $
"{\"msgId\":\"AQIDBA==\",\"event\":\"x.msg.new\",\"params\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello to you too\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"quote\":{\"content\":{\"text\":\"hello there!\",\"type\":\"text\"},\"msgRef\":{\"msgId\":\"BQYHCA==\",\"sent\":true,\"sentAt\":\"1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000001Z\"}},\"file\":{\"fileSize\":12345,\"fileName\":\"photo.jpg\"}}}"
##==## ChatMessage
(Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4")
@ -139,7 +142,7 @@ decodeChatMessageTest = describe "Chat message encoding/decoding" $ do
it "x.msg.new forward with file invitation" $
it "x.msg.new forward with file" $
##==## ChatMessage (Just $ SharedMsgId "\1\2\3\4") (XMsgNew $ MCForward (ExtMsgContent (MCText "hello") (Just FileInvitation {fileName = "photo.jpg", fileSize = 12345, fileConnReq = Nothing})))
it "x.msg.update" $
Add table
Reference in a new issue