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# mautrix-signal - A Matrix-Signal puppeting bridge
# Copyright (C) 2020 Tulir Asokan
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import (Dict, Tuple, Optional, List, Deque, Set, Any, Union, AsyncGenerator,
Awaitable, TYPE_CHECKING, cast)
from collections import deque
from uuid import UUID
import asyncio
import time
from mausignald.types import (Address, MessageData, Reaction, Quote, FullGroup, Group, Contact,
from mautrix.appservice import AppService, IntentAPI
from mautrix.bridge import BasePortal
from mautrix.types import (EventID, MessageEventContent, RoomID, EventType, MessageType,
TextMessageEventContent, MessageEvent, EncryptedEvent)
from mautrix.errors import MatrixError, MForbidden
from .db import Portal as DBPortal, Message as DBMessage, Reaction as DBReaction
from .config import Config
from . import user as u, puppet as p, matrix as m, signal as s
from .__main__ import SignalBridge
from mautrix.crypto.attachments import encrypt_attachment, decrypt_attachment
except ImportError:
encrypt_attachment = decrypt_attachment = None
StateBridge = EventType.find("m.bridge", EventType.Class.STATE)
StateHalfShotBridge = EventType.find("uk.half-shot.bridge", EventType.Class.STATE)
ChatInfo = Union[FullGroup, Group, Contact, Profile]
class Portal(DBPortal, BasePortal):
by_mxid: Dict[RoomID, 'Portal'] = {}
by_chat_id: Dict[Tuple[Union[str, UUID], str], 'Portal'] = {}
config: Config
matrix: 'm.MatrixHandler'
signal: 's.SignalHandler'
az: AppService
private_chat_portal_meta: bool
_main_intent: Optional[IntentAPI]
_create_room_lock: asyncio.Lock
_msgts_dedup: Deque[Tuple[UUID, int]]
_reaction_dedup: Deque[Tuple[UUID, int, str]]
_reaction_lock: asyncio.Lock
def __init__(self, chat_id: Union[str, UUID], receiver: str, mxid: Optional[RoomID] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None, encrypted: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(chat_id, receiver, mxid, name, encrypted)
self._create_room_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.log = self.log.getChild(str(chat_id))
self._main_intent = None
self._msgts_dedup = deque(maxlen=100)
self._reaction_dedup = deque(maxlen=100)
self._last_participant_update = set()
self._reaction_lock = asyncio.Lock()
def main_intent(self) -> IntentAPI:
if not self._main_intent:
raise ValueError("Portal must be postinit()ed before main_intent can be used")
return self._main_intent
def is_direct(self) -> bool:
return isinstance(self.chat_id, UUID)
def recipient(self) -> Union[str, Address]:
if self.is_direct:
return Address(uuid=self.chat_id)
return self.chat_id
def init_cls(cls, bridge: 'SignalBridge') -> None:
cls.config = bridge.config
cls.matrix = bridge.matrix
cls.signal = bridge.signal
cls.az = bridge.az
cls.loop = bridge.loop
cls.bridge = bridge
cls.private_chat_portal_meta = cls.config["bridge.private_chat_portal_meta"]
# region Misc
async def _send_delivery_receipt(self, event_id: EventID) -> None:
if event_id and self.config["bridge.delivery_receipts"]:
await self.az.intent.mark_read(self.mxid, event_id)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to send delivery receipt for %s", event_id)
async def _upsert_reaction(self, existing: DBReaction, intent: IntentAPI, mxid: EventID,
sender: Union['p.Puppet', 'u.User'], message: DBMessage, emoji: str
) -> None:
if existing:
self.log.debug(f"_upsert_reaction redacting {existing.mxid} and inserting {mxid}"
f" (message: {message.mxid})")
await intent.redact(existing.mx_room, existing.mxid)
except MForbidden:
self.log.debug("Unexpected MForbidden redacting reaction", exc_info=True)
await existing.edit(emoji=emoji, mxid=mxid, mx_room=message.mx_room)
self.log.debug(f"_upsert_reaction inserting {mxid} (message: {message.mxid})")
await DBReaction(mxid=mxid, mx_room=message.mx_room, emoji=emoji, author=sender.uuid,
signal_chat_id=self.chat_id, signal_receiver=self.receiver,
msg_author=message.sender, msg_timestamp=message.timestamp).insert()
# endregion
# region Matrix event handling
async def handle_matrix_message(self, sender: 'u.User', message: MessageEventContent,
event_id: EventID) -> None:
if ((message.get(self.bridge.real_user_content_key, False)
and await p.Puppet.get_by_custom_mxid(sender.mxid))):
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring puppet-sent message by confirmed puppet user {sender.mxid}")
request_id = int(time.time() * 1000)
self._msgts_dedup.appendleft((sender.uuid, request_id))
quote = None
if message.get_reply_to():
reply = await DBMessage.get_by_mxid(message.get_reply_to(), self.mxid)
# TODO include actual text? either store in db or fetch event from homeserver
quote = Quote(id=reply.timestamp, author=Address(uuid=reply.sender), text="")
text = message.body
if message.msgtype == MessageType.EMOTE:
text = f"/me {text}"
elif message.msgtype.is_media:
# TODO media support
await self.signal.send(username=sender.username, recipient=self.recipient,
body=text, quote=quote, timestamp=request_id)
msg = DBMessage(mxid=event_id, mx_room=self.mxid, sender=sender.uuid, timestamp=request_id,
signal_chat_id=self.chat_id, signal_receiver=self.receiver)
await msg.insert()
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
self.log.debug(f"Handled Matrix message {event_id} -> {request_id}")
async def handle_matrix_reaction(self, sender: 'u.User', event_id: EventID,
reacting_to: EventID, emoji: str) -> None:
# Signal doesn't seem to use variation selectors at all
emoji = emoji.rstrip("\ufe0f")
message = await DBMessage.get_by_mxid(reacting_to, self.mxid)
if not message:
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring reaction to unknown event {reacting_to}")
existing = await DBReaction.get_by_signal_id(self.chat_id, self.receiver, message.sender,
message.timestamp, sender.uuid)
if existing and existing.emoji == emoji:
dedup_id = (message.sender, message.timestamp, emoji)
async with self._reaction_lock:
reaction = Reaction(emoji=emoji, remove=False,
await self.signal.react(username=sender.username, recipient=self.recipient,
await self._upsert_reaction(existing, self.main_intent, event_id, sender, message,
self.log.trace(f"{sender.mxid} reacted to {message.timestamp} with {emoji}")
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
async def handle_matrix_redaction(self, sender: 'u.User', event_id: EventID,
redaction_event_id: EventID) -> None:
if not self.mxid:
reaction = await DBReaction.get_by_mxid(event_id, self.mxid)
if reaction:
await reaction.delete()
remove_reaction = Reaction(emoji=reaction.emoji, remove=True,
await self.signal.react(username=sender.username, recipient=self.recipient,
await self._send_delivery_receipt(redaction_event_id)
self.log.trace(f"Removed {reaction} after Matrix redaction")
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Removing reaction failed")
async def handle_matrix_leave(self, user: 'u.User') -> None:
if self.is_direct:
self.log.info(f"{user.mxid} left private chat portal with {self.chat_id}")
if user.username == self.receiver:
self.log.info(f"{user.mxid} was the recipient of this portal. "
"Cleaning up and deleting...")
await self.cleanup_and_delete()
self.log.debug(f"{user.mxid} left portal to {self.chat_id}")
# TODO cleanup if empty
# endregion
# region Signal event handling
async def _find_address_uuid(address: Address) -> Optional[UUID]:
if address.uuid:
return address.uuid
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_address(address, create=False)
if puppet and puppet.uuid:
return puppet.uuid
return None
async def _find_quote_event_id(self, quote: Optional[Quote]
) -> Optional[Union[MessageEvent, EventID]]:
if not quote:
return None
author_uuid = await self._find_address_uuid(quote.author)
reply_msg = await DBMessage.get_by_signal_id(author_uuid, quote.id,
self.chat_id, self.receiver)
if not reply_msg:
return None
evt = await self.main_intent.get_event(self.mxid, reply_msg.mxid)
if isinstance(evt, EncryptedEvent):
return await self.matrix.e2ee.decrypt(evt, wait_session_timeout=0)
return evt
except MatrixError:
return reply_msg.mxid
async def handle_signal_message(self, sender: 'p.Puppet', message: MessageData) -> None:
if (sender.uuid, message.timestamp) in self._msgts_dedup:
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring message {message.timestamp} by {sender.uuid}"
" as it was already handled (message.timestamp in dedup queue)")
old_message = await DBMessage.get_by_signal_id(sender.uuid, message.timestamp,
self.chat_id, self.receiver)
if old_message is not None:
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring message {message.timestamp} by {sender.uuid}"
" as it was already handled (message.id found in database)")
self._msgts_dedup.appendleft((sender.uuid, message.timestamp))
intent = sender.intent_for(self)
event_id = None
reply_to = await self._find_quote_event_id(message.quote)
# TODO attachments
if message.body:
content = TextMessageEventContent(msgtype=MessageType.TEXT, body=message.body)
if reply_to:
event_id = await self._send_message(intent, content, timestamp=message.timestamp)
if event_id:
msg = DBMessage(mxid=event_id, mx_room=self.mxid,
sender=sender.uuid, timestamp=message.timestamp,
signal_chat_id=self.chat_id, signal_receiver=self.receiver)
await msg.insert()
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
self.log.debug(f"Handled Signal message {message.timestamp} -> {event_id}")
async def handle_signal_reaction(self, sender: 'p.Puppet', reaction: Reaction) -> None:
author_uuid = await self._find_address_uuid(reaction.target_author)
target_id = reaction.target_sent_timestamp
if author_uuid is None:
self.log.warning(f"Failed to handle reaction from {sender.uuid}: "
f"couldn't find UUID of {reaction.target_author}")
async with self._reaction_lock:
dedup_id = (author_uuid, target_id, reaction.emoji)
if dedup_id in self._reaction_dedup:
existing = await DBReaction.get_by_signal_id(self.chat_id, self.receiver,
author_uuid, target_id, sender.uuid)
if reaction.remove:
if existing:
await sender.intent_for(self).redact(existing.mx_room, existing.mxid)
except MForbidden:
await self.main_intent.redact(existing.mx_room, existing.mxid)
await existing.delete()
self.log.trace(f"Removed {existing} after Signal removal")
elif existing and existing.emoji == reaction.emoji:
message = await DBMessage.get_by_signal_id(author_uuid, target_id,
self.chat_id, self.receiver)
if not message:
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring reaction to unknown message {target_id}")
intent = sender.intent_for(self)
# TODO add variation selectors to emoji before sending to Matrix
mxid = await intent.react(message.mx_room, message.mxid, reaction.emoji)
self.log.debug(f"{sender.uuid} reacted to {message.mxid} -> {mxid}")
await self._upsert_reaction(existing, intent, mxid, sender, message, reaction.emoji)
# endregion
# region Updating portal info
async def update_info(self, info: ChatInfo) -> None:
if self.is_direct:
# TODO do we need to do something here?
# I think all profile updates should just call puppet.update_info() directly
# if not isinstance(info, (Contact, Profile)):
# raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for direct chat update_info: {type(info)}")
# puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_address(Address(uuid=self.chat_id))
# await puppet.update_info(info)
if not isinstance(info, Group):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for group update_info: {type(info)}")
changed = await self._update_name(info.name)
if isinstance(info, FullGroup):
await self._update_participants(info.members)
if changed:
await self.update_bridge_info()
await self.update()
async def update_puppet_name(self, name: str) -> None:
if not self.encrypted and not self.private_chat_portal_meta:
changed = await self._update_name(name)
if changed:
await self.update_bridge_info()
await self.update()
async def _update_name(self, name: str) -> bool:
if self.name != name:
self.name = name
if self.mxid:
await self.main_intent.set_room_name(self.mxid, name)
return True
return False
async def _update_participants(self, participants: List[Address]) -> None:
if not self.mxid:
for address in participants:
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_address(address)
if not puppet.name:
await puppet._update_name(None)
await puppet.intent_for(self).ensure_joined(self.mxid)
# endregion
# region Bridge info state event
def bridge_info_state_key(self) -> str:
return f"net.maunium.signal://signal/{self.chat_id}"
def bridge_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"bridgebot": self.az.bot_mxid,
"creator": self.main_intent.mxid,
"protocol": {
"id": "signal",
"displayname": "Signal",
"avatar_url": self.config["appservice.bot_avatar"],
"channel": {
"id": self.chat_id,
"displayname": self.name,
async def update_bridge_info(self) -> None:
if not self.mxid:
self.log.debug("Not updating bridge info: no Matrix room created")
self.log.debug("Updating bridge info...")
await self.main_intent.send_state_event(self.mxid, StateBridge,
self.bridge_info, self.bridge_info_state_key)
# TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
await self.main_intent.send_state_event(self.mxid, StateHalfShotBridge,
self.bridge_info, self.bridge_info_state_key)
except Exception:
self.log.warning("Failed to update bridge info", exc_info=True)
# endregion
# region Creating Matrix rooms
async def update_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> None:
if not self.is_direct and not isinstance(info, Group):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for updating group portal: {type(info)}")
elif self.is_direct and not isinstance(info, (Contact, Profile)):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for updating direct chat portal: {type(info)}")
await self._update_matrix_room(source, info)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to update portal")
async def create_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> Optional[RoomID]:
if not self.is_direct and not isinstance(info, Group):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for creating group portal: {type(info)}")
elif self.is_direct and not isinstance(info, (Contact, Profile)):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type for creating direct chat portal: {type(info)}")
if self.mxid:
await self.update_matrix_room(source, info)
return self.mxid
async with self._create_room_lock:
return await self._create_matrix_room(source, info)
async def _update_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> None:
await self.main_intent.invite_user(self.mxid, source.mxid, check_cache=True)
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_custom_mxid(source.mxid)
if puppet:
did_join = await puppet.intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
if did_join and self.is_direct:
await source.update_direct_chats({self.main_intent.mxid: [self.mxid]})
await self.update_info(info)
# up = DBUserPortal.get(source.fbid, self.fbid, self.fb_receiver)
# if not up:
# in_community = await source._community_helper.add_room(source._community_id, self.mxid)
# DBUserPortal(user=source.fbid, portal=self.fbid, portal_receiver=self.fb_receiver,
# in_community=in_community).insert()
# elif not up.in_community:
# in_community = await source._community_helper.add_room(source._community_id, self.mxid)
# up.edit(in_community=in_community)
async def _create_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> Optional[RoomID]:
if self.mxid:
await self._update_matrix_room(source, info)
return self.mxid
await self.update_info(info)
self.log.debug("Creating Matrix room")
name: Optional[str] = None
initial_state = [{
"type": str(StateBridge),
"state_key": self.bridge_info_state_key,
"content": self.bridge_info,
}, {
# TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
"type": str(StateHalfShotBridge),
"state_key": self.bridge_info_state_key,
"content": self.bridge_info,
invites = [source.mxid]
if self.config["bridge.encryption.default"] and self.matrix.e2ee:
self.encrypted = True
"type": "m.room.encryption",
"content": {"algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"},
if self.is_direct:
if self.encrypted or self.private_chat_portal_meta or not self.is_direct:
name = self.name
if self.config["appservice.community_id"]:
"type": "m.room.related_groups",
"content": {"groups": [self.config["appservice.community_id"]]},
self.mxid = await self.main_intent.create_room(name=name, is_direct=self.is_direct,
if not self.mxid:
raise Exception("Failed to create room: no mxid returned")
if self.encrypted and self.matrix.e2ee and self.is_direct:
await self.az.intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
except Exception:
self.log.warning("Failed to add bridge bot "
f"to new private chat {self.mxid}")
await self.update()
self.log.debug(f"Matrix room created: {self.mxid}")
self.by_mxid[self.mxid] = self
if not self.is_direct:
await self._update_participants(info.members)
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_custom_mxid(source.mxid)
if puppet:
await puppet.intent.join_room_by_id(self.mxid)
await source.update_direct_chats({self.main_intent.mxid: [self.mxid]})
except MatrixError:
self.log.debug("Failed to join custom puppet into newly created portal",
# in_community = await source._community_helper.add_room(source._community_id, self.mxid)
# DBUserPortal(user=source.fbid, portal=self.fbid, portal_receiver=self.fb_receiver,
# in_community=in_community).upsert()
return self.mxid
# endregion
# region Database getters
async def _postinit(self) -> None:
self.by_chat_id[(self.chat_id, self.receiver)] = self
if self.mxid:
self.by_mxid[self.mxid] = self
if self.is_direct:
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_address(Address(uuid=self.chat_id))
self._main_intent = puppet.default_mxid_intent
elif not self.is_direct:
self._main_intent = self.az.intent
async def delete(self) -> None:
await DBMessage.delete_all(self.mxid)
self.by_mxid.pop(self.mxid, None)
self.mxid = None
self.encrypted = False
await self.update()
async def save(self) -> None:
await self.update()
def all_with_room(cls) -> AsyncGenerator['Portal', None]:
return cls._db_to_portals(super().all_with_room())
def find_private_chats_with(cls, other_user: UUID) -> AsyncGenerator['Portal', None]:
return cls._db_to_portals(super().find_private_chats_with(other_user))
async def _db_to_portals(cls, query: Awaitable[List['Portal']]
) -> AsyncGenerator['Portal', None]:
portals = await query
for index, portal in enumerate(portals):
yield cls.by_chat_id[(portal.chat_id, portal.receiver)]
except KeyError:
await portal._postinit()
yield portal
async def get_by_mxid(cls, mxid: RoomID) -> Optional['Portal']:
return cls.by_mxid[mxid]
except KeyError:
portal = cast(cls, await super().get_by_mxid(mxid))
if portal is not None:
await portal._postinit()
return portal
return None
async def get_by_chat_id(cls, chat_id: Union[UUID, str], receiver: str = "",
create: bool = False) -> Optional['Portal']:
if isinstance(chat_id, str):
receiver = ""
elif not receiver:
raise ValueError("Direct chats must have a receiver")
return cls.by_chat_id[(chat_id, receiver)]
except KeyError:
portal = cast(cls, await super().get_by_chat_id(chat_id, receiver))
if portal is not None:
await portal._postinit()
return portal
if create:
portal = cls(chat_id, receiver)
await portal.insert()
await portal._postinit()
return portal
return None
# endregion