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synced 2025-03-14 14:15:36 +00:00
486 lines
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486 lines
13 KiB
package matrixfmt
import (
type EntityString struct {
String signalfmt.UTF16String
Entities signalfmt.BodyRangeList
var DebugLog = func(format string, args ...any) {}
func NewEntityString(val string) *EntityString {
DebugLog("NEW %q\n", val)
return &EntityString{
String: signalfmt.NewUTF16String(val),
func (es *EntityString) Split(at uint16) []*EntityString {
if at > 0x7F {
panic("cannot split at non-ASCII character")
if es == nil {
return []*EntityString{}
DebugLog("SPLIT %q %q %+v\n", es.String, rune(at), es.Entities)
var output []*EntityString
prevSplit := 0
doSplit := func(i int) *EntityString {
newES := &EntityString{
String: es.String[prevSplit:i],
for _, entity := range es.Entities {
if (entity.End() <= i || entity.End() > prevSplit) && (entity.Start >= prevSplit || entity.Start < i) {
entity = *entity.TruncateStart(prevSplit).TruncateEnd(i).Offset(-prevSplit)
if entity.Length > 0 {
newES.Entities = append(newES.Entities, entity)
return newES
for i, chr := range es.String {
if chr != at {
newES := doSplit(i)
output = append(output, newES)
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", newES.String, newES.Entities)
prevSplit = i + 1
if prevSplit == 0 {
DebugLog(" -> NOOP\n")
return []*EntityString{es}
if prevSplit != len(es.String) {
newES := doSplit(len(es.String))
output = append(output, newES)
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", newES.String, newES.Entities)
return output
func (es *EntityString) TrimSpace() *EntityString {
if es == nil {
return nil
DebugLog("TRIMSPACE %q %+v\n", es.String, es.Entities)
var cutEnd, cutStart int
for cutStart = 0; cutStart < len(es.String); cutStart++ {
switch es.String[cutStart] {
case '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', 0x85, 0xA0:
for cutEnd = len(es.String) - 1; cutEnd >= 0; cutEnd-- {
switch es.String[cutEnd] {
case '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', 0x85, 0xA0:
if cutStart == 0 && cutEnd == len(es.String) {
DebugLog(" -> NOOP\n")
return es
newEntities := es.Entities[:0]
for _, ent := range es.Entities {
ent = *ent.Offset(-cutStart).TruncateEnd(cutEnd)
if ent.Length > 0 {
newEntities = append(newEntities, ent)
es.String = es.String[cutStart:cutEnd]
es.Entities = newEntities
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", es.String, es.Entities)
return es
func JoinEntityString(with string, strings ...*EntityString) *EntityString {
withUTF16 := signalfmt.NewUTF16String(with)
totalLen := 0
totalEntities := 0
for _, s := range strings {
totalLen += len(s.String)
totalEntities += len(s.Entities)
str := make(signalfmt.UTF16String, 0, totalLen+len(strings)*len(withUTF16))
entities := make(signalfmt.BodyRangeList, 0, totalEntities)
DebugLog("JOIN %q %d\n", with, len(strings))
for _, s := range strings {
if s == nil || len(s.String) == 0 {
DebugLog(" + %q %+v\n", s.String, s.Entities)
for _, entity := range s.Entities {
entity.Start += len(str)
entities = append(entities, entity)
str = append(str, s.String...)
str = append(str, withUTF16...)
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", str, entities)
return &EntityString{
String: str,
Entities: entities,
func (es *EntityString) Format(value signalfmt.BodyRangeValue) *EntityString {
if es == nil {
return nil
newEntity := signalfmt.BodyRange{
Start: 0,
Length: len(es.String),
Value: value,
es.Entities = append(signalfmt.BodyRangeList{newEntity}, es.Entities...)
DebugLog("FORMAT %v %q %+v\n", value, es.String, es.Entities)
return es
func (es *EntityString) Append(other *EntityString) *EntityString {
if es == nil {
return other
} else if other == nil {
return es
DebugLog("APPEND %q %+v\n + %q %+v\n", es.String, es.Entities, other.String, other.Entities)
for _, entity := range other.Entities {
entity.Start += len(es.String)
es.Entities = append(es.Entities, entity)
es.String = append(es.String, other.String...)
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", es.String, es.Entities)
return es
func (es *EntityString) AppendString(other string) *EntityString {
if es == nil {
return NewEntityString(other)
} else if len(other) == 0 {
return es
DebugLog("APPENDSTRING %q %+v\n + %q\n", es.String, es.Entities, other)
es.String = append(es.String, signalfmt.NewUTF16String(other)...)
DebugLog(" -> %q %+v\n", es.String, es.Entities)
return es
type TagStack []string
func (ts TagStack) Index(tag string) int {
for i := len(ts) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if ts[i] == tag {
return i
return -1
func (ts TagStack) Has(tag string) bool {
return ts.Index(tag) >= 0
type Context struct {
Ctx context.Context
AllowedMentions *event.Mentions
TagStack TagStack
PreserveWhitespace bool
func NewContext(ctx context.Context) Context {
return Context{
Ctx: ctx,
TagStack: make(TagStack, 0, 4),
func (ctx Context) WithTag(tag string) Context {
ctx.TagStack = append(ctx.TagStack, tag)
return ctx
func (ctx Context) WithWhitespace() Context {
ctx.PreserveWhitespace = true
return ctx
// HTMLParser is a somewhat customizable Matrix HTML parser.
type HTMLParser struct {
GetUUIDFromMXID func(context.Context, id.UserID) uuid.UUID
// TaggedString is a string that also contains a HTML tag.
type TaggedString struct {
tag string
func (parser *HTMLParser) maybeGetAttribute(node *html.Node, attribute string) (string, bool) {
for _, attr := range node.Attr {
if attr.Key == attribute {
return attr.Val, true
return "", false
func (parser *HTMLParser) getAttribute(node *html.Node, attribute string) string {
val, _ := parser.maybeGetAttribute(node, attribute)
return val
// Digits counts the number of digits (and the sign, if negative) in an integer.
func Digits(num int) int {
if num == 0 {
return 1
} else if num < 0 {
return Digits(-num) + 1
return int(math.Floor(math.Log10(float64(num))) + 1)
func (parser *HTMLParser) listToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
ordered := node.Data == "ol"
taggedChildren := parser.nodeToTaggedStrings(node.FirstChild, ctx)
counter := 1
indentLength := 0
if ordered {
start := parser.getAttribute(node, "start")
if len(start) > 0 {
counter, _ = strconv.Atoi(start)
longestIndex := (counter - 1) + len(taggedChildren)
indentLength = Digits(longestIndex)
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", indentLength+2)
var children []*EntityString
for _, child := range taggedChildren {
if child.tag != "li" {
var prefix string
if ordered {
indexPadding := indentLength - Digits(counter)
if indexPadding < 0 {
// This will happen on negative start indexes where longestIndex is usually wrong, otherwise shouldn't happen
indexPadding = 0
prefix = fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", counter, strings.Repeat(" ", indexPadding))
} else {
prefix = "* "
es := NewEntityString(prefix).Append(child.EntityString)
parts := es.Split('\n')
for i, part := range parts[1:] {
parts[i+1] = NewEntityString(indent).Append(part)
children = append(children, parts...)
return JoinEntityString("\n", children...)
func (parser *HTMLParser) basicFormatToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
str := parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
switch node.Data {
case "b", "strong":
return str.Format(signalfmt.StyleBold)
case "i", "em":
return str.Format(signalfmt.StyleItalic)
case "s", "del", "strike":
return str.Format(signalfmt.StyleStrikethrough)
case "u", "ins":
return str
case "tt", "code":
return str.Format(signalfmt.StyleMonospace)
return str
func (parser *HTMLParser) spanToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
str := parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
if node.Data == "span" {
_, isSpoiler := parser.maybeGetAttribute(node, "data-mx-spoiler")
if isSpoiler {
str = str.Format(signalfmt.StyleSpoiler)
return str
func (parser *HTMLParser) headerToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
length := int(node.Data[1] - '0')
prefix := strings.Repeat("#", length) + " "
return NewEntityString(prefix).Append(parser.nodeToString(node.FirstChild, ctx)).Format(signalfmt.StyleBold)
func (parser *HTMLParser) blockquoteToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
str := parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
childrenArr := str.TrimSpace().Split('\n')
for index, child := range childrenArr {
childrenArr[index] = NewEntityString("> ").Append(child)
return JoinEntityString("\n", childrenArr...)
func (parser *HTMLParser) linkToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
str := parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
href := parser.getAttribute(node, "href")
if len(href) == 0 {
return str
parsedMatrix, err := id.ParseMatrixURIOrMatrixToURL(href)
if err == nil && parsedMatrix != nil && parsedMatrix.Sigil1 == '@' {
mxid := parsedMatrix.UserID()
if ctx.AllowedMentions != nil && !slices.Contains(ctx.AllowedMentions.UserIDs, mxid) {
// Mention not allowed, use name as-is
return str
u := parser.GetUUIDFromMXID(ctx.Ctx, mxid)
if u == uuid.Nil {
// Don't include the link for mentions of non-Signal users, the name is enough
return str
return NewEntityString("\uFFFC").Format(signalfmt.Mention{
UserInfo: signalfmt.UserInfo{
MXID: mxid,
Name: str.String.String(),
UUID: u,
if str.String.String() == href {
return str
return str.AppendString(fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", href))
func (parser *HTMLParser) tagToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
ctx = ctx.WithTag(node.Data)
switch node.Data {
case "blockquote":
return parser.blockquoteToString(node, ctx)
case "ol", "ul":
return parser.listToString(node, ctx)
case "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6":
return parser.headerToString(node, ctx)
case "br":
return NewEntityString("\n")
case "b", "strong", "i", "em", "s", "strike", "del", "u", "ins", "tt", "code":
return parser.basicFormatToString(node, ctx)
case "span", "font":
return parser.spanToString(node, ctx)
case "a":
return parser.linkToString(node, ctx)
case "p":
return parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
case "hr":
return NewEntityString("---")
case "pre":
var preStr *EntityString
//var language string
if node.FirstChild != nil && node.FirstChild.Type == html.ElementNode && node.FirstChild.Data == "code" {
//class := parser.getAttribute(node.FirstChild, "class")
//if strings.HasPrefix(class, "language-") {
// language = class[len("language-"):]
preStr = parser.nodeToString(node.FirstChild.FirstChild, ctx.WithWhitespace())
} else {
preStr = parser.nodeToString(node.FirstChild, ctx.WithWhitespace())
return preStr.Format(signalfmt.StyleMonospace)
return parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx)
func (parser *HTMLParser) singleNodeToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) TaggedString {
switch node.Type {
case html.TextNode:
if !ctx.PreserveWhitespace {
node.Data = strings.Replace(node.Data, "\n", "", -1)
return TaggedString{NewEntityString(node.Data), "text"}
case html.ElementNode:
return TaggedString{parser.tagToString(node, ctx), node.Data}
case html.DocumentNode:
return TaggedString{parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node.FirstChild, ctx), "html"}
return TaggedString{&EntityString{}, "unknown"}
func (parser *HTMLParser) nodeToTaggedStrings(node *html.Node, ctx Context) (strs []TaggedString) {
for ; node != nil; node = node.NextSibling {
strs = append(strs, parser.singleNodeToString(node, ctx))
var BlockTags = []string{"p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "ol", "ul", "pre", "blockquote", "div", "hr", "table"}
func (parser *HTMLParser) isBlockTag(tag string) bool {
for _, blockTag := range BlockTags {
if tag == blockTag {
return true
return false
func (parser *HTMLParser) nodeToTagAwareString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
strs := parser.nodeToTaggedStrings(node, ctx)
var output *EntityString
for _, str := range strs {
tstr := str.EntityString
if parser.isBlockTag(str.tag) {
tstr = NewEntityString("\n").Append(tstr).AppendString("\n")
if output == nil {
output = tstr
} else {
output = output.Append(tstr)
return output.TrimSpace()
func (parser *HTMLParser) nodeToStrings(node *html.Node, ctx Context) (strs []*EntityString) {
for ; node != nil; node = node.NextSibling {
strs = append(strs, parser.singleNodeToString(node, ctx).EntityString)
func (parser *HTMLParser) nodeToString(node *html.Node, ctx Context) *EntityString {
return JoinEntityString("", parser.nodeToStrings(node, ctx)...)
// Parse converts Matrix HTML into text using the settings in this parser.
func (parser *HTMLParser) Parse(htmlData string, ctx Context) *EntityString {
//htmlData = strings.Replace(htmlData, "\t", " ", -1)
node, _ := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(htmlData))
return parser.nodeToTagAwareString(node, ctx)