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// mautrix-signal - A Matrix-signal puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2023 Scott Weber
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
signalpb "go.mau.fi/mautrix-signal/pkg/signalmeow/protobuf"
var (
ErrNotConnected = errors.New("not connected")
ErrNotLoggedIn = errors.New("not logged in")
func (br *SignalBridge) GetUserByMXID(userID id.UserID) *User {
return br.maybeGetUserByMXID(userID, &userID)
func (br *SignalBridge) GetUserByMXIDIfExists(userID id.UserID) *User {
return br.maybeGetUserByMXID(userID, nil)
func (br *SignalBridge) maybeGetUserByMXID(userID id.UserID, userIDPtr *id.UserID) *User {
if userID == br.Bot.UserID || br.IsGhost(userID) {
return nil
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := br.usersByMXID[userID]
if !ok {
dbUser, err := br.DB.User.GetByMXID(context.TODO(), userID)
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get user from database")
return nil
return br.loadUser(context.TODO(), dbUser, userIDPtr)
return user
func (br *SignalBridge) GetUserBySignalID(id uuid.UUID) *User {
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := br.usersBySignalID[id]
if !ok {
dbUser, err := br.DB.User.GetBySignalID(context.TODO(), id)
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get user from database")
return nil
return br.loadUser(context.TODO(), dbUser, nil)
return user
func (br *SignalBridge) GetAllLoggedInUsers() []*User {
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
dbUsers, err := br.DB.User.GetAllLoggedIn(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Msg("Error getting all logged in users")
return nil
users := make([]*User, len(dbUsers))
for idx, dbUser := range dbUsers {
user, ok := br.usersByMXID[dbUser.MXID]
if !ok {
user = br.loadUser(context.TODO(), dbUser, nil)
users[idx] = user
return users
func (br *SignalBridge) loadUser(ctx context.Context, dbUser *database.User, mxid *id.UserID) *User {
if dbUser == nil {
if mxid == nil {
return nil
dbUser = br.DB.User.New()
dbUser.MXID = *mxid
err := dbUser.Insert(ctx)
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Err(err).Msg("Error creating user %s")
return nil
user := br.NewUser(dbUser)
br.usersByMXID[user.MXID] = user
if user.SignalID != uuid.Nil {
br.usersBySignalID[user.SignalID] = user
if user.ManagementRoom != "" {
br.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
return user
func (br *SignalBridge) NewUser(dbUser *database.User) *User {
user := &User{
User: dbUser,
bridge: br,
log: br.ZLog.With().Stringer("user_id", dbUser.MXID).Logger(),
PermissionLevel: br.Config.Bridge.Permissions.Get(dbUser.MXID),
user.Admin = user.PermissionLevel >= bridgeconfig.PermissionLevelAdmin
user.BridgeState = br.NewBridgeStateQueue(user)
return user
type User struct {
bridge *SignalBridge
log zerolog.Logger
Admin bool
PermissionLevel bridgeconfig.PermissionLevel
Client *signalmeow.Client
BridgeState *bridge.BridgeStateQueue
spaceMembershipChecked bool
spaceCreateLock sync.Mutex
var (
_ bridge.User = (*User)(nil)
_ status.BridgeStateFiller = (*User)(nil)
func (user *User) GetPermissionLevel() bridgeconfig.PermissionLevel {
return user.PermissionLevel
func (user *User) IsLoggedIn() bool {
defer user.Unlock()
return user.Client != nil && user.Client.IsLoggedIn()
func (user *User) GetManagementRoomID() id.RoomID {
return user.ManagementRoom
func (user *User) SetManagementRoom(roomID id.RoomID) {
defer user.bridge.managementRoomsLock.Unlock()
existing, ok := user.bridge.managementRooms[roomID]
if ok {
existing.ManagementRoom = ""
err := existing.Update(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
existing.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to update user when removing management room")
user.ManagementRoom = roomID
user.bridge.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
err := user.Update(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
user.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error setting management room")
func (user *User) GetIDoublePuppet() bridge.DoublePuppet {
p := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if p == nil || p.CustomIntent() == nil {
return nil
return p
func (user *User) GetIGhost() bridge.Ghost {
p := user.bridge.GetPuppetBySignalID(user.SignalID)
if p == nil {
return nil
return p
func (user *User) ensureInvited(ctx context.Context, intent *appservice.IntentAPI, roomID id.RoomID, isDirect bool) (ok bool) {
log := user.log.With().Str("action", "ensure_invited").Stringer("room_id", roomID).Logger()
if user.bridge.StateStore.IsMembership(ctx, roomID, user.MXID, event.MembershipJoin) {
ok = true
extraContent := make(map[string]interface{})
if isDirect {
extraContent["is_direct"] = true
customPuppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("adding will_auto_accept to invite content")
extraContent["fi.mau.will_auto_accept"] = true
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("NOT adding will_auto_accept to invite content")
_, err := intent.InviteUser(ctx, roomID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID}, extraContent)
var httpErr mautrix.HTTPError
if err != nil && errors.As(err, &httpErr) && httpErr.RespError != nil && strings.Contains(httpErr.RespError.Err, "is already in the room") {
err = user.bridge.StateStore.SetMembership(ctx, roomID, user.MXID, event.MembershipJoin)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to update membership in state store")
ok = true
} else if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to invite user to room")
} else {
ok = true
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("ensuring custom puppet is joined")
err = customPuppet.CustomIntent().EnsureJoined(ctx, roomID, appservice.EnsureJoinedParams{IgnoreCache: true})
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to auto-join custom puppet")
ok = false
} else {
ok = true
func (user *User) GetSpaceRoom(ctx context.Context) id.RoomID {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.PersonalFilteringSpaces {
return ""
if len(user.SpaceRoom) == 0 {
defer user.spaceCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(user.SpaceRoom) > 0 {
return user.SpaceRoom
resp, err := user.bridge.Bot.CreateRoom(ctx, &mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Name: "Signal",
Topic: "Your Signal bridged chats",
InitialState: []*event.Event{{
Type: event.StateRoomAvatar,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: &event.RoomAvatarEventContent{
URL: user.bridge.Config.AppService.Bot.ParsedAvatar,
CreationContent: map[string]interface{}{
"type": event.RoomTypeSpace,
PowerLevelOverride: &event.PowerLevelsEventContent{
Users: map[id.UserID]int{
user.bridge.Bot.UserID: 9001,
user.MXID: 50,
if err != nil {
user.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to auto-create space room")
} else {
user.SpaceRoom = resp.RoomID
err = user.Update(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
user.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to save user in database after creating space room")
user.ensureInvited(ctx, user.bridge.Bot, user.SpaceRoom, false)
} else if !user.spaceMembershipChecked {
user.ensureInvited(ctx, user.bridge.Bot, user.SpaceRoom, false)
user.spaceMembershipChecked = true
return user.SpaceRoom
func (user *User) syncChatDoublePuppetDetails(portal *Portal, justCreated bool) {
doublePuppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if doublePuppet == nil {
if doublePuppet == nil || doublePuppet.CustomIntent() == nil || len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
// TODO: Get chat setting from Signal and sync them here
//if justCreated || !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.TagOnlyOnCreate {
// chat, err := user.Client.Store.ChatSettings.GetChatSettings(portal.Key().ChatID)
// if err != nil {
// user.log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to get settings of %s", portal.Key().ChatID)
// return
// }
// intent := doublePuppet.CustomIntent()
// if portal.Key.JID == types.StatusBroadcastJID && justCreated {
// if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MuteStatusBroadcast {
// user.updateChatMute(intent, portal, time.Now().Add(365*24*time.Hour))
// }
// if len(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.StatusBroadcastTag) > 0 {
// user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.StatusBroadcastTag, true)
// }
// return
// } else if !chat.Found {
// return
// }
// user.updateChatMute(intent, portal, chat.MutedUntil)
// user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ArchiveTag, chat.Archived)
// user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.PinnedTag, chat.Pinned)
func (user *User) GetMXID() id.UserID {
return user.MXID
func (user *User) GetRemoteID() string {
return user.SignalID.String()
func (user *User) GetRemoteName() string {
return user.SignalUsername
func (user *User) startupTryConnect(retryCount int) {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnecting})
// Make sure user has the Signal device populated
user.log.Debug().Msg("Connecting to Signal")
ctx := user.log.WithContext(context.Background())
statusChan, err := user.Client.StartReceiveLoops(ctx)
if err != nil {
user.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error connecting on startup")
if errors.Is(err, ErrNotLoggedIn) {
user.log.Warn().Msg("Not logged in, clearing Signal device keys")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: "You have been logged out of Signal, please reconnect"})
} else if retryCount < 6 {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect, Error: "unknown-websocket-error", Message: err.Error()})
retryInSeconds := 2 << retryCount
user.log.Debug().Int("retry_in_seconds", retryInSeconds).Msg("Sleeping and retrying connection")
time.Sleep(time.Duration(retryInSeconds) * time.Second)
user.startupTryConnect(retryCount + 1)
} else {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Error: "unknown-websocket-error", Message: err.Error()})
if statusChan == nil {
user.log.Error().Msg("statusChan is nil after Connect")
// After Connect returns, all bridge states are triggered by events on the statusChan
go func() {
var peekedConnectionStatus signalmeow.SignalConnectionStatus
for {
var connectionStatus signalmeow.SignalConnectionStatus
if peekedConnectionStatus.Event != signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventNone {
Str("peeked_connection_status_event", peekedConnectionStatus.Event.String()).
Msg("Using peeked connectionStatus event")
connectionStatus = peekedConnectionStatus
peekedConnectionStatus = signalmeow.SignalConnectionStatus{}
} else {
var ok bool
connectionStatus, ok = <-statusChan
if !ok {
user.log.Debug().Msg("statusChan channel closed")
err := connectionStatus.Err
switch connectionStatus.Event {
case signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventConnected:
user.log.Debug().Msg("Sending Connected BridgeState")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnected})
case signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventDisconnected:
user.log.Debug().Msg("Received SignalConnectionEventDisconnected")
// Debounce: wait 7s before sending TransientDisconnect, in case we get a reconnect
// We should wait until the next message comes in, or 7 seconds has passed.
// - If a disconnected event comes in, just loop again, unless it's been more than 7 seconds.
// - If a non-disconnected event comes in, store it in peekedConnectionStatus,
// break out of this loop and go back to the top of the goroutine to handle it in the switch.
// - If 7 seconds passes without any non-disconnect messages, send the TransientDisconnect.
// (Why 7 seconds? It was 5 at first, but websockets min retry is 5 seconds,
// so it would send TransientDisconnect right before reconnecting. 7 seems to work well.)
debounceTimer := time.NewTimer(7 * time.Second)
for {
var ok bool
select {
case peekedConnectionStatus, ok = <-statusChan:
// Handle channel closing
if !ok {
user.log.Debug().Msg("connectionStatus channel closed")
// If it's another Disconnected event, just keep looping
if peekedConnectionStatus.Event == signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventDisconnected {
peekedConnectionStatus = signalmeow.SignalConnectionStatus{}
// If it's a non-disconnect event, break out of the PeekLoop and handle it in the switch
break PeekLoop
case <-debounceTimer.C:
// Time is up, so break out of the loop and send the TransientDisconnect
break PeekLoop
// We're out of the PeekLoop, so either we got a non-disconnect event, or it's been 7 seconds (or both).
// We want to send TransientDisconnect if it's been 7 seconds, but not if the latest event was something
// other than Disconnected
if !debounceTimer.Stop() { // If the timer has already expired
// Send TransientDisconnect only if the latest event is a disconnect or no event
// (peekedConnectionStatus could be something else if the timer and the event race)
if peekedConnectionStatus.Event == signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventDisconnected ||
peekedConnectionStatus.Event == signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventNone {
user.log.Debug().Msg("Sending TransientDisconnect BridgeState")
if err == nil {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect})
} else {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect, Error: "unknown-websocket-error", Message: err.Error()})
case signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventLoggedOut:
user.log.Debug().Msg("Sending BadCredentials BridgeState")
if err == nil {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: "You have been logged out of Signal, please reconnect"})
} else {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: err.Error()})
case signalmeow.SignalConnectionEventError:
user.log.Debug().Msg("Sending UnknownError BridgeState")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Error: "unknown-websocket-error", Message: err.Error()})
case signalmeow.SignalConnectionCleanShutdown:
if user.Client.IsLoggedIn() {
user.log.Debug().Msg("Clean Shutdown - sending no BridgeState")
} else {
user.log.Debug().Msg("Clean Shutdown, but logged out - Sending BadCredentials BridgeState")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: "You have been logged out of Signal, please reconnect"})
func (user *User) clearKeysAndDisconnect() {
// We need to clear out keys associated with the Signal device that no longer has valid credentials
user.log.Debug().Msg("Clearing out Signal device keys")
err := user.Client.ClearKeysAndDisconnect(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
user.log.Err(err).Msg("Error clearing device keys")
func (br *SignalBridge) StartUsers() {
br.ZLog.Debug().Msg("Starting users")
usersWithToken := br.GetAllLoggedInUsers()
numUsersStarting := 0
for _, u := range usersWithToken {
device := u.populateSignalDevice()
if device == nil || !device.IsLoggedIn() {
br.ZLog.Warn().Stringer("user_id", u.MXID).Msg("No device found for user, skipping Connect and sending BadCredentials BridgeState")
u.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: "You have been logged out of Signal, please reconnect"})
go u.Connect()
if numUsersStarting == 0 {
br.SendGlobalBridgeState(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnconfigured}.Fill(nil))
br.ZLog.Debug().Msg("Starting custom puppets")
for _, customPuppet := range br.GetAllPuppetsWithCustomMXID() {
go func(puppet *Puppet) {
br.ZLog.Debug().Stringer("user_id", puppet.CustomMXID).Msg("Starting custom puppet")
if err := puppet.StartCustomMXID(true); err != nil {
puppet.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to start custom puppet")
func (user *User) Login() (<-chan signalmeow.ProvisioningResponse, error) {
defer user.Unlock()
provChan := signalmeow.PerformProvisioning(context.TODO(), user.bridge.MeowStore, user.bridge.Config.Signal.DeviceName)
return provChan, nil
func (user *User) Connect() {
func (user *User) populateSignalDevice() *signalmeow.Client {
defer user.Unlock()
log := user.log.With().
Str("action", "populate signal device").
Str("signal_id", user.SignalID.String()).
if user.SignalID == uuid.Nil {
return nil
} else if user.Client != nil {
return user.Client
device, err := user.bridge.MeowStore.DeviceByACI(context.TODO(), user.SignalID)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get device from database")
return nil
} else if device == nil {
log.Err(ErrNotLoggedIn).Msg("No device found for user")
return nil
user.Client = &signalmeow.Client{
Store: device,
EventHandler: user.eventHandler,
go user.tryAutomaticDoublePuppeting()
return user.Client
func (user *User) handleReceipt(evt *events.Receipt) {
log := user.log.With().
Str("action", "handle receipt").
Str("receipt_type", evt.Content.GetType().String()).
Str("sender_uuid", evt.Sender.String()).
ctx := log.WithContext(context.TODO())
messages, err := user.bridge.DB.Message.GetManyBySignalID(ctx, user.SignalID, evt.Content.GetTimestamp(), user.SignalID, false)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get receipt target messages from database")
sender := user.bridge.GetPuppetBySignalID(evt.Sender)
missingMessageIDMap := make(map[uint64]struct{}, len(evt.Content.GetTimestamp()))
for _, msg := range evt.Content.GetTimestamp() {
missingMessageIDMap[msg] = struct{}{}
foundMessageIDs := make([]uint64, len(messages))
switch evt.Content.GetType() {
case signalpb.ReceiptMessage_READ:
messageMap := make(map[string]*database.Message)
for i, msg := range messages {
foundMessageIDs[i] = msg.Timestamp
delete(missingMessageIDMap, msg.Timestamp)
// The database returns messages from newest to oldest, so only include the first message per chat
_, ok := messageMap[msg.SignalChatID]
if !ok {
messageMap[msg.SignalChatID] = msg
Uints64("found_message_ids", foundMessageIDs).
Uints64("not_found_message_ids", maps.Keys(missingMessageIDMap)).
Int("chat_count", len(messageMap)).
Msg("Received read receipt")
for _, msg := range messageMap {
portal := user.GetPortalByChatID(msg.SignalChatID)
if portal == nil {
err = portal.SendReadReceipt(ctx, sender, msg)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send read receipt")
case signalpb.ReceiptMessage_DELIVERY:
messageMap := make(map[string][]*database.Message)
for i, msg := range messages {
foundMessageIDs[i] = msg.Timestamp
delete(missingMessageIDMap, msg.Timestamp)
messageMap[msg.SignalChatID] = append(messageMap[msg.SignalChatID], msg)
Uints64("found_message_ids", foundMessageIDs).
Uints64("not_found_message_ids", maps.Keys(missingMessageIDMap)).
Int("chat_count", len(messageMap)).
Msg("Received delivery receipt")
for _, msgs := range messageMap {
portal := user.GetPortalByChatID(msgs[0].SignalChatID)
if portal == nil {
// There should always only be 1 part, but use the last part to be safe
portal.MarkDelivered(ctx, msgs[len(msgs)-1])
func (user *User) handleReadSelf(evt *events.ReadSelf) {
ctx := context.TODO()
messagesByChat := map[string]*database.Message{}
for _, part := range evt.Messages {
log := user.log.With().
Str("action", "handle read self").
Str("sender_uuid", part.GetSenderAci()).
Uint64("msg_timestamp", part.GetTimestamp()).
ctx := log.WithContext(context.TODO())
if senderUUID, err := uuid.Parse(part.GetSenderAci()); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse sender UUID")
} else if msg, err := user.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastPartBySignalIDWithUnknownReceiver(ctx, senderUUID, part.GetTimestamp(), user.SignalID); err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get message from database")
} else if msg == nil {
log.Warn().Msg("Message not found in database")
} else if existingMsg, ok := messagesByChat[msg.SignalChatID]; ok && existingMsg.Timestamp > msg.Timestamp {
Str("chat_id", msg.SignalChatID).
Uint64("newer_msg", existingMsg.Timestamp).
Msg("Receipt event contains a newer message, skipping this one")
} else {
log.Trace().Str("chat_id", msg.SignalChatID).Msg("Received own read receipt")
messagesByChat[msg.SignalChatID] = msg
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetBySignalID(user.SignalID)
for _, msg := range messagesByChat {
portal := user.GetPortalByChatID(msg.SignalChatID)
if portal == nil {
Str("action", "handle read self").
Str("chat_id", msg.SignalChatID).
Uint64("msg_timestamp", msg.Timestamp).
Str("msg_mxid", msg.MXID.String()).
Msg("Bridging own read receipt")
user.SetLastReadTS(ctx, portal.PortalKey, msg.Timestamp)
err := portal.SendReadReceipt(ctx, puppet, msg)
if err != nil {
user.log.Err(err).Stringer("mxid", msg.MXID).Msg("Failed to send read receipt")
func (user *User) handleContactList(evt *events.ContactList) {
ctx := user.log.With().Str("action", "handle contact list").Logger().WithContext(context.TODO())
for _, contact := range evt.Contacts {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetBySignalID(contact.UUID)
if puppet == nil {
puppet.UpdateInfo(ctx, user, contact)
func (user *User) eventHandler(rawEvt events.SignalEvent) {
switch evt := rawEvt.(type) {
case *events.ChatEvent:
portal := user.GetPortalByChatID(evt.Info.ChatID)
if portal != nil {
portal.signalMessages <- portalSignalMessage{user: user, evt: evt}
} else {
user.log.Warn().Str("chat_id", evt.Info.ChatID).Msg("Couldn't get portal, dropping message")
case *events.Receipt:
case *events.ReadSelf:
case *events.Call:
portal := user.GetPortalByChatID(evt.Info.ChatID)
content := &event.MessageEventContent{MsgType: event.MsgNotice}
if evt.IsRinging {
content.Body = "Incoming call"
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
content.MsgType = event.MsgText
} else {
content.Body = "Call ended"
portal.sendMainIntentMessage(context.TODO(), content)
case *events.ContactList:
user.log.Warn().Type("event_type", evt).Msg("Unrecognized event type from signalmeow")
func (user *User) GetPortalByChatID(signalID string) *Portal {
pk := database.PortalKey{
ChatID: signalID,
Receiver: user.SignalID,
return user.bridge.GetPortalByChatID(pk)
func (user *User) disconnectNoLock() (*signalmeow.Client, error) {
if user.Client == nil {
return nil, ErrNotConnected
disconnectedDevice := user.Client
err := user.Client.StopReceiveLoops()
user.Client = nil
return disconnectedDevice, err
func (user *User) Disconnect() error {
defer user.Unlock()
user.log.Info().Msg("Disconnecting session manually")
_, err := user.disconnectNoLock()
return err
func (user *User) Logout() error {
defer user.Unlock()
user.log.Info().Msg("Logging out of session")
loggedOutDevice, err := user.disconnectNoLock()
user.bridge.MeowStore.DeleteDevice(context.TODO(), &loggedOutDevice.Store.DeviceData)
return err
func (user *User) UpdateDirectChats(ctx context.Context, chats map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID) {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.SyncDirectChatList {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByMXID(user.MXID)
if puppet == nil {
intent := puppet.CustomIntent()
if intent == nil {
method := http.MethodPatch
if chats == nil {
chats = user.getDirectChats()
method = http.MethodPut
user.log.Debug().Msg("Updating m.direct list on homeserver")
var err error
if user.bridge.Config.Homeserver.Software == bridgeconfig.SoftwareAsmux {
urlPath := intent.BuildURL(mautrix.ClientURLPath{"unstable", "com.beeper.asmux", "dms"})
_, err = intent.MakeFullRequest(ctx, mautrix.FullRequest{
Method: method,
URL: urlPath,
Headers: http.Header{"X-Asmux-Auth": {user.bridge.AS.Registration.AppToken}},
RequestJSON: chats,
} else {
existingChats := map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID{}
err = intent.GetAccountData(ctx, event.AccountDataDirectChats.Type, &existingChats)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to get m.direct event to update it")
for userID, rooms := range existingChats {
if _, ok := user.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID); !ok {
// This is not a ghost user, include it in the new list
chats[userID] = rooms
} else if _, ok := chats[userID]; !ok && method == http.MethodPatch {
// This is a ghost user, but we're not replacing the whole list, so include it too
chats[userID] = rooms
err = intent.SetAccountData(ctx, event.AccountDataDirectChats.Type, &chats)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to update m.direct event")
func (user *User) getDirectChats() map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID {
chats := map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID{}
privateChats, err := user.bridge.DB.Portal.FindPrivateChatsOf(context.TODO(), user.SignalID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get private chats")
return chats
for _, portal := range privateChats {
if portal.MXID != "" {
puppetMXID := user.bridge.FormatPuppetMXID(portal.UserID())
chats[puppetMXID] = []id.RoomID{portal.MXID}
return chats