signalmeow/receiving: don't panic on decryption errors with unknown sender

Fixes #546
This commit is contained in:
Tulir Asokan 2024-09-10 22:20:44 +03:00
parent c3ac2bc0d1
commit a4301347de

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@ -607,18 +607,21 @@ func (cli *Client) handleDecryptedResult(
// result.Err is set if there was an error during decryption and we
// should notifiy the user that the message could not be decrypted
if result.Err != nil {
logEvt := log.Err(result.Err).
Bool("urgent", envelope.GetUrgent()).
Uint64("server_ts", envelope.GetServerTimestamp()).
Uint64("client_ts", envelope.GetTimestamp())
if result.SenderAddress == nil {
logEvt.Msg("Decryption error with unknown sender")
return nil
theirServiceID, err := result.SenderAddress.NameServiceID()
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Name error handling decryption error")
} else if theirServiceID.Type != libsignalgo.ServiceIDTypeACI {
log.Warn().Any("their_service_id", theirServiceID).Msg("Sender ServiceID is not an ACI")
Stringer("sender", theirServiceID).
Bool("urgent", envelope.GetUrgent()).
Uint64("server_ts", envelope.GetServerTimestamp()).
Uint64("client_ts", envelope.GetTimestamp()).
Msg("Decryption error")
logEvt.Stringer("sender", theirServiceID).Msg("Decryption error with known sender")
// Only send decryption error event if the message was urgent,
// to prevent spamming errors for typing notifications and whatnot
if envelope.GetUrgent() {