mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 14:15:37 +00:00
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package main
import (
type portalDiscordMessage struct {
msg interface{}
user *User
thread *Thread
type portalMatrixMessage struct {
evt *event.Event
user *User
var relayClient, _ = discordgo.New("")
type Portal struct {
Parent *Portal
Guild *Guild
bridge *DiscordBridge
log zerolog.Logger
roomCreateLock sync.Mutex
encryptLock sync.Mutex
discordMessages chan portalDiscordMessage
matrixMessages chan portalMatrixMessage
recentMessages *exsync.RingBuffer[string, *discordgo.Message]
commands map[string]*discordgo.ApplicationCommand
commandsLock sync.RWMutex
forwardBackfillLock sync.Mutex
currentlyTyping []id.UserID
currentlyTypingLock sync.Mutex
const recentMessageBufferSize = 32
var _ bridge.Portal = (*Portal)(nil)
var _ bridge.ReadReceiptHandlingPortal = (*Portal)(nil)
var _ bridge.MembershipHandlingPortal = (*Portal)(nil)
var _ bridge.TypingPortal = (*Portal)(nil)
//var _ bridge.MetaHandlingPortal = (*Portal)(nil)
//var _ bridge.DisappearingPortal = (*Portal)(nil)
func (portal *Portal) IsEncrypted() bool {
return portal.Encrypted
func (portal *Portal) MarkEncrypted() {
portal.Encrypted = true
func (portal *Portal) ReceiveMatrixEvent(user bridge.User, evt *event.Event) {
if user.GetPermissionLevel() >= bridgeconfig.PermissionLevelUser || portal.RelayWebhookID != "" {
portal.matrixMessages <- portalMatrixMessage{user: user.(*User), evt: evt}
var (
portalCreationDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.portal_created", Class: event.MessageEventType}
func (br *DiscordBridge) loadPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal, key *database.PortalKey, chanType discordgo.ChannelType) *Portal {
if dbPortal == nil {
if key == nil || chanType < 0 {
return nil
dbPortal = br.DB.Portal.New()
dbPortal.Key = *key
dbPortal.Type = chanType
portal := br.NewPortal(dbPortal)
br.portalsByID[portal.Key] = portal
if portal.MXID != "" {
br.portalsByMXID[portal.MXID] = portal
if portal.GuildID != "" {
portal.Guild = portal.bridge.GetGuildByID(portal.GuildID, true)
if portal.ParentID != "" {
parentKey := database.NewPortalKey(portal.ParentID, "")
var ok bool
portal.Parent, ok = br.portalsByID[parentKey]
if !ok {
portal.Parent = br.loadPortal(br.DB.Portal.GetByID(parentKey), nil, -1)
return portal
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetPortalByMXID(mxid id.RoomID) *Portal {
defer br.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := br.portalsByMXID[mxid]
if !ok {
return br.loadPortal(br.DB.Portal.GetByMXID(mxid), nil, -1)
return portal
func (user *User) GetPortalByMeta(meta *discordgo.Channel) *Portal {
return user.GetPortalByID(meta.ID, meta.Type)
func (user *User) GetExistingPortalByID(id string) *Portal {
return user.bridge.GetExistingPortalByID(database.NewPortalKey(id, user.DiscordID))
func (user *User) GetPortalByID(id string, chanType discordgo.ChannelType) *Portal {
return user.bridge.GetPortalByID(database.NewPortalKey(id, user.DiscordID), chanType)
func (user *User) FindPrivateChatWith(userID string) *Portal {
defer user.bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
dbPortal := user.bridge.DB.Portal.FindPrivateChatBetween(userID, user.DiscordID)
if dbPortal == nil {
return nil
existing, ok := user.bridge.portalsByID[dbPortal.Key]
if ok {
return existing
return user.bridge.loadPortal(dbPortal, nil, discordgo.ChannelTypeDM)
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetExistingPortalByID(key database.PortalKey) *Portal {
defer br.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := br.portalsByID[key]
if !ok {
if key.Receiver != "" {
portal, ok = br.portalsByID[database.NewPortalKey(key.ChannelID, "")]
if !ok {
return br.loadPortal(br.DB.Portal.GetByID(key), nil, -1)
return portal
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetPortalByID(key database.PortalKey, chanType discordgo.ChannelType) *Portal {
defer br.portalsLock.Unlock()
if chanType != discordgo.ChannelTypeDM {
key.Receiver = ""
portal, ok := br.portalsByID[key]
if !ok {
return br.loadPortal(br.DB.Portal.GetByID(key), &key, chanType)
return portal
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetAllPortals() []*Portal {
return br.dbPortalsToPortals(br.DB.Portal.GetAll())
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetAllPortalsInGuild(guildID string) []*Portal {
return br.dbPortalsToPortals(br.DB.Portal.GetAllInGuild(guildID))
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetAllIPortals() (iportals []bridge.Portal) {
portals := br.GetAllPortals()
iportals = make([]bridge.Portal, len(portals))
for i, portal := range portals {
iportals[i] = portal
return iportals
func (br *DiscordBridge) GetDMPortalsWith(otherUserID string) []*Portal {
return br.dbPortalsToPortals(br.DB.Portal.FindPrivateChatsWith(otherUserID))
func (br *DiscordBridge) dbPortalsToPortals(dbPortals []*database.Portal) []*Portal {
defer br.portalsLock.Unlock()
output := make([]*Portal, len(dbPortals))
for index, dbPortal := range dbPortals {
if dbPortal == nil {
portal, ok := br.portalsByID[dbPortal.Key]
if !ok {
portal = br.loadPortal(dbPortal, nil, -1)
output[index] = portal
return output
func (br *DiscordBridge) NewPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal) *Portal {
portal := &Portal{
Portal: dbPortal,
bridge: br,
log: br.ZLog.With().
Str("channel_id", dbPortal.Key.ChannelID).
Str("channel_receiver", dbPortal.Key.Receiver).
Str("room_id", dbPortal.MXID.String()).
discordMessages: make(chan portalDiscordMessage, br.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
matrixMessages: make(chan portalMatrixMessage, br.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
recentMessages: exsync.NewRingBuffer[string, *discordgo.Message](recentMessageBufferSize),
commands: make(map[string]*discordgo.ApplicationCommand),
go portal.messageLoop()
return portal
func (portal *Portal) messageLoop() {
for {
select {
case msg := <-portal.matrixMessages:
case msg := <-portal.discordMessages:
func (portal *Portal) IsPrivateChat() bool {
return portal.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeDM
func (portal *Portal) MainIntent() *appservice.IntentAPI {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && portal.OtherUserID != "" {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(portal.OtherUserID).DefaultIntent()
return portal.bridge.Bot
type CustomBridgeInfoContent struct {
RoomType string `json:"com.beeper.room_type,omitempty"`
func init() {
event.TypeMap[event.StateBridge] = reflect.TypeOf(CustomBridgeInfoContent{})
event.TypeMap[event.StateHalfShotBridge] = reflect.TypeOf(CustomBridgeInfoContent{})
func (portal *Portal) getBridgeInfo() (string, CustomBridgeInfoContent) {
bridgeInfo := event.BridgeEventContent{
BridgeBot: portal.bridge.Bot.UserID,
Creator: portal.MainIntent().UserID,
Protocol: event.BridgeInfoSection{
ID: "discordgo",
DisplayName: "Discord",
AvatarURL: portal.bridge.Config.AppService.Bot.ParsedAvatar.CUString(),
ExternalURL: "https://discord.com/",
Channel: event.BridgeInfoSection{
ID: portal.Key.ChannelID,
DisplayName: portal.Name,
var bridgeInfoStateKey string
if portal.GuildID == "" {
bridgeInfoStateKey = fmt.Sprintf("fi.mau.discord://discord/dm/%s", portal.Key.ChannelID)
bridgeInfo.Channel.ExternalURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://discord.com/channels/@me/%s", portal.Key.ChannelID)
} else {
bridgeInfo.Network = &event.BridgeInfoSection{
ID: portal.GuildID,
if portal.Guild != nil {
bridgeInfo.Network.DisplayName = portal.Guild.Name
bridgeInfo.Network.AvatarURL = portal.Guild.AvatarURL.CUString()
// TODO is it possible to find the URL?
bridgeInfoStateKey = fmt.Sprintf("fi.mau.discord://discord/%s/%s", portal.GuildID, portal.Key.ChannelID)
bridgeInfo.Channel.ExternalURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://discord.com/channels/%s/%s", portal.GuildID, portal.Key.ChannelID)
var roomType string
if portal.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeDM || portal.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGroupDM {
roomType = "dm"
return bridgeInfoStateKey, CustomBridgeInfoContent{bridgeInfo, roomType}
func (portal *Portal) UpdateBridgeInfo() {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.log.Debug().Msg("Not updating bridge info: no Matrix room created")
portal.log.Debug().Msg("Updating bridge info...")
stateKey, content := portal.getBridgeInfo()
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateBridge, stateKey, content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to update m.bridge")
// TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateHalfShotBridge, stateKey, content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to update uk.half-shot.bridge")
func (portal *Portal) shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() bool {
return !portal.IsPrivateChat() ||
portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.PrivateChatPortalMeta == "always" ||
(portal.IsEncrypted() && portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.PrivateChatPortalMeta != "never")
func (portal *Portal) GetEncryptionEventContent() (evt *event.EncryptionEventContent) {
evt = &event.EncryptionEventContent{Algorithm: id.AlgorithmMegolmV1}
if rot := portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Rotation; rot.EnableCustom {
evt.RotationPeriodMillis = rot.Milliseconds
evt.RotationPeriodMessages = rot.Messages
func (portal *Portal) CreateMatrixRoom(user *User, channel *discordgo.Channel) error {
defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock()
if portal.MXID != "" {
portal.ensureUserInvited(user, false)
return nil
portal.log.Info().Msg("Creating Matrix room for channel")
channel = portal.UpdateInfo(user, channel)
if channel == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("didn't find channel metadata")
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if err := intent.EnsureRegistered(); err != nil {
return err
bridgeInfoStateKey, bridgeInfo := portal.getBridgeInfo()
initialState := []*event.Event{{
Type: event.StateBridge,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: bridgeInfo},
StateKey: &bridgeInfoStateKey,
}, {
// TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
Type: event.StateHalfShotBridge,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: bridgeInfo},
StateKey: &bridgeInfoStateKey,
var invite []id.UserID
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Default {
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateEncryption,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: portal.GetEncryptionEventContent(),
portal.Encrypted = true
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
invite = append(invite, portal.bridge.Bot.UserID)
if !portal.AvatarURL.IsEmpty() && portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() {
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateRoomAvatar,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &event.RoomAvatarEventContent{
URL: portal.AvatarURL,
portal.AvatarSet = true
} else {
portal.AvatarSet = false
creationContent := make(map[string]interface{})
if portal.Type == discordgo.ChannelTypeGuildCategory {
creationContent["type"] = event.RoomTypeSpace
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.FederateRooms {
creationContent["m.federate"] = false
spaceID := portal.ExpectedSpaceID()
if spaceID != "" {
spaceIDStr := spaceID.String()
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateSpaceParent,
StateKey: &spaceIDStr,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &event.SpaceParentEventContent{
Via: []string{portal.bridge.AS.HomeserverDomain},
Canonical: true,
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.RestrictedRooms && portal.Guild != nil && portal.Guild.MXID != "" {
// TODO don't do this for private channels in guilds
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateJoinRules,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &event.JoinRulesEventContent{
JoinRule: event.JoinRuleRestricted,
Allow: []event.JoinRuleAllow{{
RoomID: portal.Guild.MXID,
Type: event.JoinRuleAllowRoomMembership,
req := &mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Name: portal.Name,
Topic: portal.Topic,
Invite: invite,
Preset: "private_chat",
IsDirect: portal.IsPrivateChat(),
InitialState: initialState,
CreationContent: creationContent,
if !portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() && !portal.FriendNick {
req.Name = ""
var backfillStarted bool
defer func() {
if !backfillStarted {
portal.log.Debug().Msg("Backfill wasn't started, unlocking forward backfill lock")
resp, err := intent.CreateRoom(req)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to create room")
return err
portal.NameSet = len(req.Name) > 0
portal.TopicSet = len(req.Topic) > 0
portal.MXID = resp.RoomID
portal.log = portal.bridge.ZLog.With().
Str("channel_id", portal.Key.ChannelID).
Str("channel_receiver", portal.Key.Receiver).
Str("room_id", portal.MXID.String()).
portal.bridge.portalsByMXID[portal.MXID] = portal
portal.log.Info().Msg("Matrix room created")
if portal.Encrypted && portal.IsPrivateChat() {
err = portal.bridge.Bot.EnsureJoined(portal.MXID, appservice.EnsureJoinedParams{BotOverride: portal.MainIntent().Client})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to ensure bridge bot is joined to encrypted private chat portal")
if portal.GuildID == "" {
} else {
portal.ensureUserInvited(user, true)
user.syncChatDoublePuppetDetails(portal, true)
portal.syncParticipants(user, channel.Recipients)
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByID(portal.Key.Receiver)
chats := map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID{puppet.MXID: {portal.MXID}}
firstEventResp, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, portalCreationDummyEvent, struct{}{})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send dummy event to mark portal creation")
} else {
portal.FirstEventID = firstEventResp.EventID
go portal.forwardBackfillInitial(user, nil)
backfillStarted = true
return nil
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordMessages(msg portalDiscordMessage) {
if portal.MXID == "" {
msgCreate, ok := msg.msg.(*discordgo.MessageCreate)
if !ok {
portal.log.Warn().Msg("Can't create Matrix room from non new message event")
Str("message_id", msgCreate.ID).
Msg("Creating Matrix room from incoming message")
if err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(msg.user, nil); err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to create portal room")
defer portal.forwardBackfillLock.Unlock()
switch convertedMsg := msg.msg.(type) {
case *discordgo.MessageCreate:
portal.handleDiscordMessageCreate(msg.user, convertedMsg.Message, msg.thread)
case *discordgo.MessageUpdate:
portal.handleDiscordMessageUpdate(msg.user, convertedMsg.Message)
case *discordgo.MessageDelete:
portal.handleDiscordMessageDelete(msg.user, convertedMsg.Message)
case *discordgo.MessageDeleteBulk:
portal.handleDiscordMessageDeleteBulk(msg.user, convertedMsg.Messages)
case *discordgo.MessageReactionAdd:
portal.handleDiscordReaction(msg.user, convertedMsg.MessageReaction, true, msg.thread, convertedMsg.Member)
case *discordgo.MessageReactionRemove:
portal.handleDiscordReaction(msg.user, convertedMsg.MessageReaction, false, msg.thread, nil)
portal.log.Warn().Type("message_type", msg.msg).Msg("Unknown message type in handleDiscordMessages")
func (portal *Portal) ensureUserInvited(user *User, ignoreCache bool) bool {
return user.ensureInvited(portal.MainIntent(), portal.MXID, portal.IsPrivateChat(), ignoreCache)
func (portal *Portal) markMessageHandled(discordID string, authorID string, timestamp time.Time, threadID string, senderMXID id.UserID, parts []database.MessagePart) *database.Message {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Channel = portal.Key
msg.DiscordID = discordID
msg.SenderID = authorID
msg.Timestamp = timestamp
msg.ThreadID = threadID
msg.SenderMXID = senderMXID
msg.MXID = parts[0].MXID
msg.AttachmentID = parts[0].AttachmentID
return msg
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordMessageCreate(user *User, msg *discordgo.Message, thread *Thread) {
switch msg.Type {
case discordgo.MessageTypeChannelNameChange, discordgo.MessageTypeChannelIconChange, discordgo.MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage:
// These are handled via channel updates
log := portal.log.With().
Str("message_id", msg.ID).
Int("message_type", int(msg.Type)).
Str("author_id", msg.Author.ID).
Str("action", "discord message create").
ctx := log.WithContext(context.Background())
portal.recentMessages.Push(msg.ID, msg)
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, msg.ID)
if existing != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Dropping duplicate message")
handlingStartTime := time.Now()
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(msg.Author.ID)
puppet.UpdateInfo(user, msg.Author, msg)
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
var discordThreadID string
var threadRootEvent, lastThreadEvent id.EventID
if thread != nil {
discordThreadID = thread.ID
threadRootEvent = thread.RootMXID
lastThreadEvent = threadRootEvent
lastInThread := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInThread(portal.Key, thread.ID)
if lastInThread != nil {
lastThreadEvent = lastInThread.MXID
replyTo := portal.getReplyTarget(user, discordThreadID, msg.MessageReference, msg.Embeds, false)
mentions := portal.convertDiscordMentions(msg, true)
ts, _ := discordgo.SnowflakeTimestamp(msg.ID)
parts := portal.convertDiscordMessage(ctx, puppet, intent, msg)
dbParts := make([]database.MessagePart, 0, len(parts))
eventIDs := zerolog.Dict()
for i, part := range parts {
if (replyTo != nil || threadRootEvent != "") && part.Content.RelatesTo == nil {
part.Content.RelatesTo = &event.RelatesTo{}
if threadRootEvent != "" {
part.Content.RelatesTo.SetThread(threadRootEvent, lastThreadEvent)
if replyTo != nil {
if replyTo.UnstableRoomID != "" {
part.Content.RelatesTo.InReplyTo.UnstableRoomID = replyTo.UnstableRoomID
// Only set reply for first event
replyTo = nil
part.Content.Mentions = mentions
// Only set mentions for first event, but keep empty object for rest
mentions = &event.Mentions{}
resp, err := portal.sendMatrixMessage(intent, part.Type, part.Content, part.Extra, ts.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
Int("part_index", i).
Str("attachment_id", part.AttachmentID).
Msg("Failed to send part of message to Matrix")
lastThreadEvent = resp.EventID
dbParts = append(dbParts, database.MessagePart{AttachmentID: part.AttachmentID, MXID: resp.EventID})
eventIDs.Str(part.AttachmentID, resp.EventID.String())
log = log.With().Dur("handling_time", time.Since(handlingStartTime)).Logger()
if len(parts) == 0 {
log.Warn().Msg("Unhandled message")
} else if len(dbParts) == 0 {
log.Warn().Msg("All parts of message failed to send to Matrix")
} else {
log.Debug().Dict("event_ids", eventIDs).Msg("Finished handling Discord message")
firstDBMessage := portal.markMessageHandled(msg.ID, msg.Author.ID, ts, discordThreadID, intent.UserID, dbParts)
if msg.Flags == discordgo.MessageFlagsHasThread {
portal.bridge.threadFound(ctx, user, firstDBMessage, msg.ID, msg.Thread)
var hackyReplyPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^\*\*\[Replying to]\(https://discord.com/channels/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\)`)
func isReplyEmbed(embed *discordgo.MessageEmbed) bool {
return hackyReplyPattern.MatchString(embed.Description)
func (portal *Portal) getReplyTarget(source *User, threadID string, ref *discordgo.MessageReference, embeds []*discordgo.MessageEmbed, allowNonExistent bool) *event.InReplyTo {
if ref == nil && len(embeds) > 0 {
match := hackyReplyPattern.FindStringSubmatch(embeds[0].Description)
if match != nil && match[1] == portal.GuildID && (match[2] == portal.Key.ChannelID || match[2] == threadID) {
ref = &discordgo.MessageReference{
MessageID: match[3],
ChannelID: match[2],
GuildID: match[1],
if ref == nil {
return nil
// TODO add config option for cross-room replies
crossRoomReplies := portal.bridge.Config.Homeserver.Software == bridgeconfig.SoftwareHungry
targetPortal := portal
if ref.ChannelID != portal.Key.ChannelID && ref.ChannelID != threadID && crossRoomReplies {
targetPortal = portal.bridge.GetExistingPortalByID(database.PortalKey{ChannelID: ref.ChannelID, Receiver: source.DiscordID})
if targetPortal == nil {
return nil
replyToMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByDiscordID(targetPortal.Key, ref.MessageID)
if len(replyToMsg) > 0 {
if !crossRoomReplies {
return &event.InReplyTo{EventID: replyToMsg[0].MXID}
return &event.InReplyTo{
EventID: replyToMsg[0].MXID,
UnstableRoomID: targetPortal.MXID,
} else if allowNonExistent {
return &event.InReplyTo{
EventID: targetPortal.deterministicEventID(ref.MessageID, ""),
UnstableRoomID: targetPortal.MXID,
return nil
const JoinThreadReaction = "join thread"
func (portal *Portal) sendThreadCreationNotice(ctx context.Context, thread *Thread) {
defer thread.creationNoticeLock.Unlock()
if thread.CreationNoticeMXID != "" {
creationNotice := "Thread created. React to this message with \"join thread\" to join the thread on Discord."
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.AutojoinThreadOnOpen {
creationNotice = "Thread created. Opening this thread will auto-join you to it on Discord."
log := zerolog.Ctx(ctx)
resp, err := portal.sendMatrixMessage(portal.MainIntent(), event.EventMessage, &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: creationNotice,
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
RelatesTo: (&event.RelatesTo{}).SetThread(thread.RootMXID, thread.RootMXID),
}, nil, time.Now().UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send thread creation notice")
thread.CreationNoticeMXID = resp.EventID
portal.bridge.threadsByCreationNoticeMXID[resp.EventID] = thread
Str("creation_notice_mxid", thread.CreationNoticeMXID.String()).
Msg("Sent thread creation notice")
resp, err = portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, event.EventReaction, &event.ReactionEventContent{
RelatesTo: event.RelatesTo{
Type: event.RelAnnotation,
EventID: thread.CreationNoticeMXID,
Key: JoinThreadReaction,
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send prefilled reaction to thread creation notice")
} else {
Str("reaction_event_id", resp.EventID.String()).
Str("creation_notice_mxid", thread.CreationNoticeMXID.String()).
Msg("Sent prefilled reaction to thread creation notice")
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordMessageUpdate(user *User, msg *discordgo.Message) {
log := portal.log.With().
Str("message_id", msg.ID).
Str("action", "discord message update").
ctx := log.WithContext(context.Background())
if portal.MXID == "" {
log.Warn().Msg("handle message called without a valid portal")
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, msg.ID)
if existing == nil {
log.Warn().Msg("Dropping update of unknown message")
if msg.EditedTimestamp != nil && !msg.EditedTimestamp.After(existing[0].EditTimestamp) {
Time("received_edit_ts", *msg.EditedTimestamp).
Time("db_edit_ts", existing[0].EditTimestamp).
Msg("Dropping update of message with older or equal edit timestamp")
if msg.Flags == discordgo.MessageFlagsHasThread {
portal.bridge.threadFound(ctx, user, existing[0], msg.ID, msg.Thread)
if msg.Author == nil {
creationMessage, ok := portal.recentMessages.Get(msg.ID)
if !ok {
log.Debug().Msg("Dropping edit with no author of non-recent message")
} else if creationMessage.Type == discordgo.MessageTypeCall {
log.Debug().Msg("Dropping edit with of call message")
log.Debug().Msg("Found original message in cache for edit without author")
if len(msg.Embeds) > 0 {
creationMessage.Embeds = msg.Embeds
if len(msg.Attachments) > 0 {
creationMessage.Attachments = msg.Attachments
if len(msg.Components) > 0 {
creationMessage.Components = msg.Components
// TODO are there other fields that need copying?
msg = creationMessage
} else {
portal.recentMessages.Replace(msg.ID, msg)
if msg.Author.ID == portal.RelayWebhookID {
Str("message_id", msg.ID).
Str("author_id", msg.Author.ID).
Msg("Dropping edit from relay webhook")
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(msg.Author.ID)
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
redactions := zerolog.Dict()
attachmentMap := map[string]*database.Message{}
for _, existingPart := range existing {
if existingPart.AttachmentID != "" {
attachmentMap[existingPart.AttachmentID] = existingPart
for _, remainingAttachment := range msg.Attachments {
if _, found := attachmentMap[remainingAttachment.ID]; found {
delete(attachmentMap, remainingAttachment.ID)
for _, remainingSticker := range msg.StickerItems {
if _, found := attachmentMap[remainingSticker.ID]; found {
delete(attachmentMap, remainingSticker.ID)
for _, remainingEmbed := range msg.Embeds {
// Other types of embeds are sent inline with the text message part
if getEmbedType(nil, remainingEmbed) != EmbedVideo {
embedID := "video_" + remainingEmbed.URL
if _, found := attachmentMap[embedID]; found {
delete(attachmentMap, embedID)
for _, deletedAttachment := range attachmentMap {
resp, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, deletedAttachment.MXID)
if err != nil {
Str("event_id", deletedAttachment.MXID.String()).
Msg("Failed to redact attachment")
} else {
redactions.Str(deletedAttachment.AttachmentID, resp.EventID.String())
var converted *ConvertedMessage
// Slightly hacky special case: messages with gif links will get an embed with the gif.
// The link isn't rendered on Discord, so just edit the link message into a gif message on Matrix too.
if isPlainGifMessage(msg) {
converted = portal.convertDiscordVideoEmbed(ctx, intent, msg.Embeds[0])
} else {
converted = portal.convertDiscordTextMessage(ctx, intent, msg)
if converted == nil {
Bool("has_message_on_matrix", existing[0].AttachmentID == "").
Bool("has_text_on_discord", len(msg.Content) > 0).
Msg("Dropping non-text edit")
puppet.addWebhookMeta(converted, msg)
puppet.addMemberMeta(converted, msg)
converted.Content.Mentions = portal.convertDiscordMentions(msg, false)
// Never actually mention new users of edits, only include mentions inside m.new_content
converted.Content.Mentions = &event.Mentions{}
if converted.Extra != nil {
converted.Extra = map[string]any{
"m.new_content": converted.Extra,
var editTS int64
if msg.EditedTimestamp != nil {
editTS = msg.EditedTimestamp.UnixMilli()
// TODO figure out some way to deduplicate outgoing edits
resp, err := portal.sendMatrixMessage(intent, event.EventMessage, converted.Content, converted.Extra, editTS)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send edit to Matrix")
if msg.EditedTimestamp != nil {
Str("event_id", resp.EventID.String()).
Dict("redacted_attachments", redactions).
Msg("Finished handling Discord edit")
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordMessageDelete(user *User, msg *discordgo.Message) {
lastResp := portal.redactAllParts(portal.MainIntent(), msg.ID)
if lastResp != "" {
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordMessageDeleteBulk(user *User, messages []string) {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
var lastResp id.EventID
for _, msgID := range messages {
newLastResp := portal.redactAllParts(intent, msgID)
if newLastResp != "" {
lastResp = newLastResp
if lastResp != "" {
func (portal *Portal) redactAllParts(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msgID string) (lastResp id.EventID) {
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, msgID)
for _, dbMsg := range existing {
resp, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, dbMsg.MXID)
if err != nil {
Str("message_id", msgID).
Str("event_id", dbMsg.MXID.String()).
Msg("Failed to redact Matrix message")
} else if resp != nil && resp.EventID != "" {
lastResp = resp.EventID
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordTyping(evt *discordgo.TypingStart) {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(evt.UserID)
if puppet.Name == "" {
// Puppet hasn't been synced yet
log := portal.log.With().
Str("ghost_mxid", puppet.MXID.String()).
Str("action", "discord typing").
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
err := intent.EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to ensure ghost is joined for typing notification")
_, err = intent.UserTyping(portal.MXID, true, 12*time.Second)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to send typing notification to Matrix")
func (portal *Portal) syncParticipant(source *User, participant *discordgo.User, remove bool) {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(participant.ID)
puppet.UpdateInfo(source, participant, nil)
log := portal.log.With().
Str("participant_id", participant.ID).
Str("ghost_mxid", puppet.MXID.String()).
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByID(participant.ID)
if user != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Ensuring Matrix user is invited or joined to room")
portal.ensureUserInvited(user, false)
if remove {
_, err := puppet.DefaultIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to make ghost leave room after member remove event")
} else if user == nil || !puppet.IntentFor(portal).IsCustomPuppet {
if err := puppet.IntentFor(portal).EnsureJoined(portal.MXID); err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to add ghost to room")
func (portal *Portal) syncParticipants(source *User, participants []*discordgo.User) {
for _, participant := range participants {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(participant.ID)
puppet.UpdateInfo(source, participant, nil)
var user *User
if participant.ID != portal.OtherUserID {
user = portal.bridge.GetUserByID(participant.ID)
if user != nil {
portal.ensureUserInvited(user, false)
if user == nil || !puppet.IntentFor(portal).IsCustomPuppet {
if err := puppet.IntentFor(portal).EnsureJoined(portal.MXID); err != nil {
Str("participant_id", participant.ID).
Msg("Failed to add ghost to room")
func (portal *Portal) encrypt(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, content *event.Content, eventType event.Type) (event.Type, error) {
if !portal.Encrypted || portal.bridge.Crypto == nil {
return eventType, nil
// TODO maybe the locking should be inside mautrix-go?
err := portal.bridge.Crypto.Encrypt(portal.MXID, eventType, content)
if err != nil {
return eventType, fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt event: %w", err)
return event.EventEncrypted, nil
func (portal *Portal) sendMatrixMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, eventType event.Type, content *event.MessageEventContent, extraContent map[string]interface{}, timestamp int64) (*mautrix.RespSendEvent, error) {
wrappedContent := event.Content{Parsed: content, Raw: extraContent}
var err error
eventType, err = portal.encrypt(intent, &wrappedContent, eventType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, _ = intent.UserTyping(portal.MXID, false, 0)
if timestamp == 0 {
return intent.SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, eventType, &wrappedContent)
} else {
return intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, eventType, &wrappedContent, timestamp)
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixMessages(msg portalMatrixMessage) {
defer portal.forwardBackfillLock.Unlock()
switch msg.evt.Type {
case event.EventMessage, event.EventSticker:
portal.handleMatrixMessage(msg.user, msg.evt)
case event.EventRedaction:
portal.handleMatrixRedaction(msg.user, msg.evt)
case event.EventReaction:
portal.handleMatrixReaction(msg.user, msg.evt)
portal.log.Warn().Str("event_type", msg.evt.Type.Type).Msg("Unknown event type in handleMatrixMessages")
const discordEpoch = 1420070400000
func generateNonce() string {
snowflake := (time.Now().UnixMilli() - discordEpoch) << 22
// Nonce snowflakes don't have internal IDs or increments
return strconv.FormatInt(snowflake, 10)
func (portal *Portal) getEvent(mxid id.EventID) (*event.Event, error) {
evt, err := portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(portal.MXID, mxid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_ = evt.Content.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
if evt.Type == event.EventEncrypted {
decryptedEvt, err := portal.bridge.Crypto.Decrypt(evt)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt event: %w", err)
} else {
evt = decryptedEvt
return evt, nil
func genThreadName(evt *event.Event) string {
body := evt.Content.AsMessage().Body
if len(body) == 0 {
return "thread"
fields := strings.Fields(body)
var title string
for _, field := range fields {
if len(title)+len(field) < 40 {
title += field
title += " "
if len(title) == 0 {
title = field[:40]
return title
func (portal *Portal) startThreadFromMatrix(sender *User, threadRoot id.EventID) (string, error) {
rootEvt, err := portal.getEvent(threadRoot)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get root event: %w", err)
threadName := genThreadName(rootEvt)
existingMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, threadRoot)
if existingMsg == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown root event")
} else if existingMsg.ThreadID != "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("root event is already in a thread")
} else {
var ch *discordgo.Channel
ch, err = sender.Session.MessageThreadStartComplex(portal.Key.ChannelID, existingMsg.DiscordID, &discordgo.ThreadStart{
Name: threadName,
AutoArchiveDuration: 24 * 60,
Type: discordgo.ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread,
Location: "Message",
}, portal.RefererOptIfUser(sender.Session, "")...)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error starting thread: %v", err)
Str("thread_root_mxid", threadRoot.String()).
Str("thread_id", ch.ID).
Msg("Created Discord thread")
portal.bridge.GetThreadByID(existingMsg.DiscordID, existingMsg)
return ch.ID, nil
func (portal *Portal) sendErrorMessage(evt *event.Event, msgType, message string, confirmed bool) id.EventID {
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.MessageErrorNotices {
return ""
certainty := "may not have been"
if confirmed {
certainty = "was not"
if portal.RelayWebhookSecret != "" {
message = strings.ReplaceAll(message, portal.RelayWebhookSecret, "<redacted>")
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
Body: fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 Your %s %s bridged: %v", msgType, certainty, message),
relatable, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(event.Relatable)
if ok && relatable.OptionalGetRelatesTo().GetThreadParent() != "" {
content.GetRelatesTo().SetThread(relatable.OptionalGetRelatesTo().GetThreadParent(), evt.ID)
resp, err := portal.sendMatrixMessage(portal.MainIntent(), event.EventMessage, content, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to send bridging error message")
return ""
return resp.EventID
var (
errUnknownMsgType = errors.New("unknown msgtype")
errUnexpectedParsedContentType = errors.New("unexpected parsed content type")
errUserNotReceiver = errors.New("user is not portal receiver")
errUserNotLoggedIn = errors.New("user is not logged in and portal doesn't have webhook")
errUnknownEditTarget = errors.New("unknown edit target")
errUnknownRelationType = errors.New("unknown relation type")
errTargetNotFound = errors.New("target event not found")
errUnknownEmoji = errors.New("unknown emoji")
errCantStartThread = errors.New("can't create thread without being logged into Discord")
func errorToStatusReason(err error) (reason event.MessageStatusReason, status event.MessageStatus, isCertain, sendNotice bool, humanMessage string, checkpointError error) {
var restErr *discordgo.RESTError
switch {
case errors.Is(err, errUnknownMsgType),
errors.Is(err, errUnknownRelationType),
errors.Is(err, errUnexpectedParsedContentType),
errors.Is(err, errUnknownEmoji),
errors.Is(err, id.InvalidContentURI),
errors.Is(err, attachment.UnsupportedVersion),
errors.Is(err, attachment.UnsupportedAlgorithm),
errors.Is(err, errCantStartThread):
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, event.MessageStatusFail, true, true, "", nil
case errors.Is(err, attachment.HashMismatch),
errors.Is(err, attachment.InvalidKey),
errors.Is(err, attachment.InvalidInitVector):
return event.MessageStatusUndecryptable, event.MessageStatusFail, true, true, "", nil
case errors.Is(err, errUserNotReceiver), errors.Is(err, errUserNotLoggedIn):
return event.MessageStatusNoPermission, event.MessageStatusFail, true, false, "", nil
case errors.Is(err, errUnknownEditTarget):
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusFail, true, false, "", nil
case errors.Is(err, errTargetNotFound):
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusFail, true, false, "", nil
case errors.As(err, &restErr):
if restErr.Message != nil && (restErr.Message.Code != 0 || len(restErr.Message.Message) > 0) {
reason, humanMessage = restErrorToStatusReason(restErr.Message)
status = event.MessageStatusFail
isCertain = true
sendNotice = true
checkpointError = fmt.Errorf("HTTP %d: %d: %s", restErr.Response.StatusCode, restErr.Message.Code, restErr.Message.Message)
if len(restErr.Message.Errors) > 0 {
jsonExtraErrors, _ := json.Marshal(restErr.Message.Errors)
checkpointError = fmt.Errorf("%w (%s)", checkpointError, jsonExtraErrors)
} else if restErr.Response.StatusCode == http.StatusBadRequest && bytes.HasPrefix(restErr.ResponseBody, []byte(`{"captcha_key"`)) {
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusRetriable, true, true, "Captcha error", errors.New("captcha required")
} else if restErr.Response != nil && (restErr.Response.StatusCode == http.StatusServiceUnavailable || restErr.Response.StatusCode == http.StatusBadGateway || restErr.Response.StatusCode == http.StatusGatewayTimeout) {
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusRetriable, true, true, fmt.Sprintf("HTTP %s", restErr.Response.Status), fmt.Errorf("HTTP %d", restErr.Response.StatusCode)
case errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded):
return event.MessageStatusTooOld, event.MessageStatusRetriable, false, true, "", context.DeadlineExceeded
case strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"):
return event.MessageStatusTooOld, event.MessageStatusRetriable, false, true, "", errors.New("HTTP request timed out")
case errors.Is(err, syscall.ECONNRESET):
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusRetriable, false, true, "", errors.New("connection reset")
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, event.MessageStatusRetriable, false, true, "", nil
func restErrorToStatusReason(msg *discordgo.APIErrorMessage) (reason event.MessageStatusReason, humanMessage string) {
switch msg.Code {
case discordgo.ErrCodeRequestEntityTooLarge:
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "Attachment is too large"
case discordgo.ErrCodeUnknownEmoji:
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "Unsupported emoji"
case discordgo.ErrCodeMissingPermissions, discordgo.ErrCodeMissingAccess:
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "You don't have the permissions to do that"
case discordgo.ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesToThisUser:
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "You can't send messages to this user"
case discordgo.ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesInVoiceChannel:
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "You can't send messages in a non-text channel"
case discordgo.ErrCodeInvalidFormBody:
contentErrs := msg.Errors["content"].Errors
if len(contentErrs) == 1 && contentErrs[0].Code == "BASE_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH" {
return event.MessageStatusUnsupported, "Message is too long: " + contentErrs[0].Message
return event.MessageStatusGenericError, fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", msg.Code, msg.Message)
func (portal *Portal) sendStatusEvent(evtID id.EventID, err error) {
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.MessageStatusEvents {
intent := portal.bridge.Bot
if !portal.Encrypted {
// Bridge bot isn't present in unencrypted DMs
intent = portal.MainIntent()
stateKey, _ := portal.getBridgeInfo()
content := event.BeeperMessageStatusEventContent{
Network: stateKey,
RelatesTo: event.RelatesTo{
Type: event.RelReference,
EventID: evtID,
Status: event.MessageStatusSuccess,
if err == nil {
content.Status = event.MessageStatusSuccess
} else {
var checkpointErr error
content.Reason, content.Status, _, _, content.Message, checkpointErr = errorToStatusReason(err)
if checkpointErr != nil {
content.Error = checkpointErr.Error()
} else {
content.Error = err.Error()
_, err = intent.SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, event.BeeperMessageStatus, &content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Str("event_id", evtID.String()).Msg("Failed to send message status event")
func (portal *Portal) sendMessageMetrics(evt *event.Event, err error, part string) {
var msgType string
switch evt.Type {
case event.EventMessage, event.EventSticker:
msgType = "message"
case event.EventReaction:
msgType = "reaction"
case event.EventRedaction:
msgType = "redaction"
msgType = "unknown event"
level := zerolog.DebugLevel
if err != nil && part != "Ignoring" {
level = zerolog.ErrorLevel
logEvt := portal.log.WithLevel(level).
Str("action", "send matrix message metrics").
Str("event_type", evt.Type.Type).
Str("event_id", evt.ID.String()).
Str("sender", evt.Sender.String())
if evt.Type == event.EventRedaction {
logEvt.Str("redacts", evt.Redacts.String())
if err != nil {
Str("result", fmt.Sprintf("%s event", part)).
Msg("Matrix event not handled")
reason, statusCode, isCertain, sendNotice, humanMessage, checkpointErr := errorToStatusReason(err)
if checkpointErr == nil {
checkpointErr = err
checkpointStatus := status.ReasonToCheckpointStatus(reason, statusCode)
portal.bridge.SendMessageCheckpoint(evt, status.MsgStepRemote, checkpointErr, checkpointStatus, 0)
if sendNotice {
if humanMessage == "" {
humanMessage = err.Error()
portal.sendErrorMessage(evt, msgType, humanMessage, isCertain)
portal.sendStatusEvent(evt.ID, err)
} else {
logEvt.Err(err).Msg("Matrix event handled successfully")
portal.bridge.SendMessageSuccessCheckpoint(evt, status.MsgStepRemote, 0)
portal.sendStatusEvent(evt.ID, nil)
func (br *DiscordBridge) serveMediaProxy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
mxc := id.ContentURI{
Homeserver: vars["server"],
FileID: vars["mediaID"],
checksum, err := base64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(vars["checksum"])
if err != nil || len(checksum) != 32 {
_, expectedChecksum := br.hashMediaProxyURL(mxc)
if !hmac.Equal(checksum, expectedChecksum) {
reader, err := br.Bot.Download(mxc)
if err != nil {
br.ZLog.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to download media to proxy")
buf := make([]byte, 32*1024)
n, err := io.ReadFull(reader, buf)
if err != nil && (!errors.Is(err, io.EOF) && !errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)) {
br.ZLog.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to read first part of media to proxy")
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", http.DetectContentType(buf[:n]))
if n < len(buf) {
w.Header().Add("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(n))
_, err = w.Write(buf[:n])
if err != nil {
if n >= len(buf) {
_, _ = io.CopyBuffer(w, reader, buf)
func (br *DiscordBridge) hashMediaProxyURL(mxc id.ContentURI) (string, []byte) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/mautrix-discord/avatar/%s/%s/", mxc.Homeserver, mxc.FileID)
checksum := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(br.Config.Bridge.AvatarProxyKey))
return path, checksum.Sum(nil)
func (br *DiscordBridge) makeMediaProxyURL(mxc id.ContentURI) string {
if br.Config.Bridge.PublicAddress == "" {
return ""
path, checksum := br.hashMediaProxyURL(mxc)
return br.Config.Bridge.PublicAddress + path + base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(checksum)
func (portal *Portal) getRelayUserMeta(sender *User) (name, avatarURL string) {
member := portal.bridge.StateStore.GetMember(portal.MXID, sender.MXID)
name = member.Displayname
if name == "" {
name = sender.MXID.String()
mxc := member.AvatarURL.ParseOrIgnore()
if !mxc.IsEmpty() && portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.PublicAddress != "" {
avatarURL = portal.bridge.makeMediaProxyURL(mxc)
const replyEmbedMaxLines = 1
const replyEmbedMaxChars = 72
func cutBody(body string) string {
lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(body), "\n")
var output string
for i, line := range lines {
if i >= replyEmbedMaxLines {
output += " […]"
if i > 0 {
output += "\n"
output += line
if len(output) > replyEmbedMaxChars {
output = output[:replyEmbedMaxChars] + "…"
return output
func (portal *Portal) convertReplyMessageToEmbed(eventID id.EventID, url string) (*discordgo.MessageEmbed, error) {
evt, err := portal.getEvent(eventID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get reply target event: %w", err)
content, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(*event.MessageEventContent)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported event type %s / %T", evt.Type.String(), evt.Content.Parsed)
var targetUser string
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByMXID(evt.Sender)
if puppet != nil {
targetUser = fmt.Sprintf("<@%s>", puppet.ID)
} else if user := portal.bridge.GetUserByMXID(evt.Sender); user != nil && user.DiscordID != "" {
targetUser = fmt.Sprintf("<@%s>", user.DiscordID)
} else if member := portal.bridge.StateStore.GetMember(portal.MXID, evt.Sender); member != nil && member.Displayname != "" {
targetUser = member.Displayname
} else {
targetUser = evt.Sender.String()
body := escapeDiscordMarkdown(cutBody(content.Body))
body = fmt.Sprintf("**[Replying to](%s) %s**\n%s", url, targetUser, body)
embed := &discordgo.MessageEmbed{Description: body}
return embed, nil
func (portal *Portal) RefererOpt(threadID string) discordgo.RequestOption {
if threadID != "" && threadID != portal.Key.ChannelID {
return discordgo.WithThreadReferer(portal.GuildID, portal.Key.ChannelID, threadID)
return discordgo.WithChannelReferer(portal.GuildID, portal.Key.ChannelID)
func (portal *Portal) RefererOptIfUser(sess *discordgo.Session, threadID string) []discordgo.RequestOption {
if sess == nil || !sess.IsUser {
return nil
return []discordgo.RequestOption{portal.RefererOpt(threadID)}
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.DiscordID != portal.Key.Receiver {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errUserNotReceiver, "Ignoring")
content, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(*event.MessageEventContent)
if !ok {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %T", errUnexpectedParsedContentType, evt.Content.Parsed), "Ignoring")
channelID := portal.Key.ChannelID
sess := sender.Session
if sess == nil && portal.RelayWebhookID == "" {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errUserNotLoggedIn, "Ignoring")
isWebhookSend := sess == nil
var threadID string
if editMXID := content.GetRelatesTo().GetReplaceID(); editMXID != "" && content.NewContent != nil {
edits := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, editMXID)
if edits != nil {
discordContent, allowedMentions := portal.parseMatrixHTML(content.NewContent)
var err error
var msg *discordgo.Message
if !isWebhookSend {
// TODO save edit in message table
msg, err = sess.ChannelMessageEdit(edits.DiscordProtoChannelID(), edits.DiscordID, discordContent)
} else {
msg, err = relayClient.WebhookMessageEdit(portal.RelayWebhookID, portal.RelayWebhookSecret, edits.DiscordID, &discordgo.WebhookEdit{
Content: &discordContent,
AllowedMentions: allowedMentions,
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Failed to edit")
if msg.EditedTimestamp != nil {
} else {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %s", errUnknownEditTarget, editMXID), "Ignoring")
} else if threadRoot := content.GetRelatesTo().GetThreadParent(); threadRoot != "" {
existingThread := portal.bridge.GetThreadByRootMXID(threadRoot)
if existingThread != nil {
threadID = existingThread.ID
existingThread.initialBackfillAttempted = true
} else {
if isWebhookSend {
// TODO start thread with bot?
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errCantStartThread, "Dropping")
var err error
threadID, err = portal.startThreadFromMatrix(sender, threadRoot)
if err != nil {
Str("thread_root_mxid", threadRoot.String()).
Msg("Failed to start thread from Matrix")
if threadID != "" {
channelID = threadID
var sendReq discordgo.MessageSend
var description string
if evt.Type == event.EventSticker {
content.MsgType = event.MsgImage
if mimeData := mimetype.Lookup(content.Info.MimeType); mimeData != nil {
description = content.Body
content.Body = "sticker" + mimeData.Extension()
replyToMXID := content.RelatesTo.GetNonFallbackReplyTo()
var replyToUser id.UserID
if replyToMXID != "" {
replyTo := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, replyToMXID)
if replyTo != nil && replyTo.ThreadID == threadID {
replyToUser = replyTo.SenderMXID
if isWebhookSend {
messageURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://discord.com/channels/%s/%s/%s", portal.GuildID, channelID, replyTo.DiscordID)
embed, err := portal.convertReplyMessageToEmbed(replyTo.MXID, messageURL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to convert reply message to embed for webhook send")
} else if embed != nil {
sendReq.Embeds = []*discordgo.MessageEmbed{embed}
} else {
sendReq.Reference = &discordgo.MessageReference{
ChannelID: channelID,
MessageID: replyTo.DiscordID,
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MsgText, event.MsgEmote, event.MsgNotice:
sendReq.Content, sendReq.AllowedMentions = portal.parseMatrixHTML(content)
if content.MsgType == event.MsgEmote {
sendReq.Content = fmt.Sprintf("_%s_", sendReq.Content)
case event.MsgAudio, event.MsgFile, event.MsgImage, event.MsgVideo:
data, err := downloadMatrixAttachment(portal.MainIntent(), content)
if err != nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error downloading media in")
filename := content.Body
if content.FileName != "" && content.FileName != content.Body {
filename = content.FileName
sendReq.Content, sendReq.AllowedMentions = portal.parseMatrixHTML(content)
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.UseDiscordCDNUpload && !isWebhookSend && sess.IsUser {
att := &discordgo.MessageAttachment{
ID: "0",
Filename: filename,
Description: description,
sendReq.Attachments = []*discordgo.MessageAttachment{att}
prep, err := sender.Session.ChannelAttachmentCreate(channelID, &discordgo.ReqPrepareAttachments{
Files: []*discordgo.FilePrepare{{
Size: len(data),
Name: att.Filename,
ID: sender.NextDiscordUploadID(),
}, portal.RefererOpt(threadID))
if err != nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error preparing to reupload media in")
prepared := prep.Attachments[0]
att.UploadedFilename = prepared.UploadFilename
err = uploadDiscordAttachment(sender.Session.Client, prepared.UploadURL, data)
if err != nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error reuploading media in")
} else {
sendReq.Files = []*discordgo.File{{
Name: filename,
ContentType: content.Info.MimeType,
Reader: bytes.NewReader(data),
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %q", errUnknownMsgType, content.MsgType), "Ignoring")
silentReply := content.Mentions != nil && replyToMXID != "" &&
(len(content.Mentions.UserIDs) == 0 || (replyToUser != "" && !slices.Contains(content.Mentions.UserIDs, replyToUser)))
if silentReply && sendReq.AllowedMentions != nil {
sendReq.AllowedMentions.RepliedUser = false
if !isWebhookSend {
// AllowedMentions must not be set for real users, and it's also not that useful for personal bots.
// It's only important for relaying, where the webhook may have higher permissions than the user on Matrix.
if silentReply {
sendReq.AllowedMentions = &discordgo.MessageAllowedMentions{
Parse: []discordgo.AllowedMentionType{discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeUsers, discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeRoles, discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeEveryone},
RepliedUser: false,
} else {
sendReq.AllowedMentions = nil
} else if strings.Contains(sendReq.Content, "@everyone") || strings.Contains(sendReq.Content, "@here") {
powerLevels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
Str("user_id", sender.MXID.String()).
Msg("Failed to get power levels to check if user can use @everyone")
} else if powerLevels.GetUserLevel(sender.MXID) >= powerLevels.Notifications.Room() {
sendReq.AllowedMentions.Parse = append(sendReq.AllowedMentions.Parse, discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeEveryone)
sendReq.Nonce = generateNonce()
var msg *discordgo.Message
var err error
if !isWebhookSend {
msg, err = sess.ChannelMessageSendComplex(channelID, &sendReq, portal.RefererOptIfUser(sess, threadID)...)
} else {
username, avatarURL := portal.getRelayUserMeta(sender)
msg, err = relayClient.WebhookThreadExecute(portal.RelayWebhookID, portal.RelayWebhookSecret, true, threadID, &discordgo.WebhookParams{
Content: sendReq.Content,
Username: username,
AvatarURL: avatarURL,
Files: sendReq.Files,
Components: sendReq.Components,
Embeds: sendReq.Embeds,
AllowedMentions: sendReq.AllowedMentions,
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error sending")
if msg != nil {
dbMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
dbMsg.Channel = portal.Key
dbMsg.DiscordID = msg.ID
if len(msg.Attachments) > 0 {
dbMsg.AttachmentID = msg.Attachments[0].ID
dbMsg.MXID = evt.ID
if sess != nil {
dbMsg.SenderID = sender.DiscordID
} else {
dbMsg.SenderID = portal.RelayWebhookID
dbMsg.SenderMXID = sender.MXID
dbMsg.Timestamp, _ = discordgo.SnowflakeTimestamp(msg.ID)
dbMsg.ThreadID = threadID
func (portal *Portal) sendDeliveryReceipt(eventID id.EventID) {
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.DeliveryReceipts {
err := portal.bridge.Bot.MarkRead(portal.MXID, eventID)
if err != nil {
Str("event_id", eventID.String()).
Msg("Failed to send delivery receipt")
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixLeave(brSender bridge.User) {
sender := brSender.(*User)
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.DiscordID == portal.Key.Receiver {
portal.log.Debug().Msg("User left private chat portal, cleaning up and deleting...")
} else {
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixKick(brSender bridge.User, brTarget bridge.Ghost) {}
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixInvite(brSender bridge.User, brTarget bridge.Ghost) {}
func (portal *Portal) Delete() {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByID, portal.Key)
if portal.MXID != "" {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByMXID, portal.MXID)
func (portal *Portal) cleanupIfEmpty() {
if portal.MXID == "" {
users, err := portal.getMatrixUsers()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get Matrix user list to determine if portal needs to be cleaned up")
if len(users) == 0 {
portal.log.Info().Msg("Room seems to be empty, cleaning up...")
func (portal *Portal) RemoveMXID() {
defer portal.bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
if portal.MXID == "" {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByMXID, portal.MXID)
portal.MXID = ""
portal.log = portal.bridge.ZLog.With().
Str("channel_id", portal.Key.ChannelID).
Str("channel_receiver", portal.Key.Receiver).
Str("room_id", portal.MXID.String()).
portal.AvatarSet = false
portal.NameSet = false
portal.TopicSet = false
portal.Encrypted = false
portal.InSpace = ""
portal.FirstEventID = ""
func (portal *Portal) cleanup(puppetsOnly bool) {
if portal.MXID == "" {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if portal.bridge.SpecVersions.Supports(mautrix.BeeperFeatureRoomYeeting) {
err := intent.BeeperDeleteRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to delete room using hungryserv yeet endpoint")
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to leave private chat portal with main intent")
portal.bridge.cleanupRoom(intent, portal.MXID, puppetsOnly, portal.log)
func (br *DiscordBridge) cleanupRoom(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, mxid id.RoomID, puppetsOnly bool, log zerolog.Logger) {
members, err := intent.JoinedMembers(mxid)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to get portal members for cleanup")
for member := range members.Joined {
if member == intent.UserID {
puppet := br.GetPuppetByMXID(member)
if puppet != nil {
_, err = puppet.DefaultIntent().LeaveRoom(mxid)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error leaving as puppet while cleaning up portal")
} else if !puppetsOnly {
_, err = intent.KickUser(mxid, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: member, Reason: "Deleting portal"})
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error kicking user while cleaning up portal")
_, err = intent.LeaveRoom(mxid)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Error leaving with main intent while cleaning up portal")
func (portal *Portal) getMatrixUsers() ([]id.UserID, error) {
members, err := portal.MainIntent().JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get member list: %w", err)
var users []id.UserID
for userID := range members.Joined {
_, isPuppet := portal.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID)
if !isPuppet && userID != portal.bridge.Bot.UserID {
users = append(users, userID)
return users, nil
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixReaction(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.DiscordID != portal.Key.Receiver {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errUserNotReceiver, "Ignoring")
} else if !sender.IsLoggedIn() {
//go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errReactionUserNotLoggedIn, "Ignoring")
reaction := evt.Content.AsReaction()
if reaction.RelatesTo.Type != event.RelAnnotation {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %s", errUnknownRelationType, reaction.RelatesTo.Type), "Ignoring")
if reaction.RelatesTo.Key == JoinThreadReaction {
thread := portal.bridge.GetThreadByRootOrCreationNoticeMXID(reaction.RelatesTo.EventID)
if thread == nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errTargetNotFound, "Ignoring thread join")
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, reaction.RelatesTo.EventID)
if msg == nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errTargetNotFound, "Ignoring")
firstMsg := msg
if msg.AttachmentID != "" {
firstMsg = portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetFirstByDiscordID(portal.Key, msg.DiscordID)
// TODO should the emoji be rerouted to the first message if it's different?
// Figure out if this is a custom emoji or not.
emojiID := reaction.RelatesTo.Key
if strings.HasPrefix(emojiID, "mxc://") {
uri, _ := id.ParseContentURI(emojiID)
emojiInfo := portal.bridge.DMA.GetEmojiInfo(uri)
if emojiInfo != nil {
emojiID = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", emojiInfo.Name, emojiInfo.EmojiID)
} else if emojiFile := portal.bridge.DB.File.GetEmojiByMXC(uri); emojiFile != nil && emojiFile.ID != "" && emojiFile.EmojiName != "" {
emojiID = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", emojiFile.EmojiName, emojiFile.ID)
} else {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %s", errUnknownEmoji, emojiID), "Ignoring")
} else {
emojiID = variationselector.FullyQualify(emojiID)
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, msg.DiscordID, sender.DiscordID, emojiID)
if existing != nil {
Str("event_id", evt.ID.String()).
Str("existing_reaction_mxid", existing.MXID.String()).
Msg("Dropping duplicate Matrix reaction")
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, nil, "")
err := sender.Session.MessageReactionAddUser(portal.GuildID, msg.DiscordProtoChannelID(), msg.DiscordID, emojiID)
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error sending")
if err == nil {
dbReaction := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.New()
dbReaction.Channel = portal.Key
dbReaction.MessageID = msg.DiscordID
dbReaction.FirstAttachmentID = firstMsg.AttachmentID
dbReaction.Sender = sender.DiscordID
dbReaction.EmojiName = emojiID
dbReaction.ThreadID = msg.ThreadID
dbReaction.MXID = evt.ID
func (portal *Portal) handleDiscordReaction(user *User, reaction *discordgo.MessageReaction, add bool, thread *Thread, member *discordgo.Member) {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(reaction.UserID)
if member != nil {
puppet.UpdateInfo(user, member.User, nil)
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
log := portal.log.With().
Str("message_id", reaction.MessageID).
Str("author_id", reaction.UserID).
Bool("add", add).
Str("action", "discord reaction").
var discordID string
var matrixReaction string
if reaction.Emoji.ID != "" {
reactionMXC := portal.getEmojiMXCByDiscordID(reaction.Emoji.ID, reaction.Emoji.Name, reaction.Emoji.Animated)
if reactionMXC.IsEmpty() {
matrixReaction = reactionMXC.String()
discordID = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", reaction.Emoji.Name, reaction.Emoji.ID)
} else {
discordID = reaction.Emoji.Name
matrixReaction = variationselector.Add(reaction.Emoji.Name)
// Find the message that we're working with.
message := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, reaction.MessageID)
if message == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Failed to add reaction to message: message not found")
// Lookup an existing reaction
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByDiscordID(portal.Key, message[0].DiscordID, reaction.UserID, discordID)
if !add {
if existing == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Failed to remove reaction: reaction not found")
resp, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, existing.MXID)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to remove reaction")
} else {
go portal.sendDeliveryReceipt(resp.EventID)
} else if existing != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Ignoring duplicate reaction")
content := event.ReactionEventContent{
RelatesTo: event.RelatesTo{
EventID: message[0].MXID,
Type: event.RelAnnotation,
Key: matrixReaction,
extraContent := map[string]any{}
if reaction.Emoji.ID != "" {
extraContent["fi.mau.discord.reaction"] = map[string]any{
"id": reaction.Emoji.ID,
"name": reaction.Emoji.Name,
"mxc": matrixReaction,
wrappedShortcode := fmt.Sprintf(":%s:", reaction.Emoji.Name)
extraContent["com.beeper.reaction.shortcode"] = wrappedShortcode
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.CustomEmojiReactions {
content.RelatesTo.Key = wrappedShortcode
resp, err := intent.SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, event.EventReaction, &event.Content{
Parsed: &content,
Raw: extraContent,
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send reaction")
if existing == nil {
dbReaction := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.New()
dbReaction.Channel = portal.Key
dbReaction.MessageID = message[0].DiscordID
dbReaction.FirstAttachmentID = message[0].AttachmentID
dbReaction.Sender = reaction.UserID
dbReaction.EmojiName = discordID
dbReaction.MXID = resp.EventID
if thread != nil {
dbReaction.ThreadID = thread.ID
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixRedaction(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.DiscordID != portal.Key.Receiver {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errUserNotReceiver, "Ignoring")
sess := sender.Session
if sess == nil && portal.RelayWebhookID == "" {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errUserNotLoggedIn, "Ignoring")
message := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, evt.Redacts)
if message != nil {
var err error
// TODO add support for deleting individual attachments from messages
if sess != nil {
err = sess.ChannelMessageDelete(message.DiscordProtoChannelID(), message.DiscordID, portal.RefererOptIfUser(sess, message.ThreadID)...)
} else {
// TODO pre-validate that the message was sent by the webhook?
err = relayClient.WebhookMessageDelete(portal.RelayWebhookID, portal.RelayWebhookSecret, message.DiscordID)
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error sending")
if err == nil {
if sess != nil {
reaction := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByMXID(evt.Redacts)
if reaction != nil && reaction.Channel == portal.Key {
err := sess.MessageReactionRemoveUser(portal.GuildID, reaction.DiscordProtoChannelID(), reaction.MessageID, reaction.EmojiName, reaction.Sender)
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, err, "Error sending")
if err == nil {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, errTargetNotFound, "Ignoring")
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixReadReceipt(brUser bridge.User, eventID id.EventID, receipt event.ReadReceipt) {
sender := brUser.(*User)
if sender.Session == nil {
var thread *Thread
discordThreadID := ""
if receipt.ThreadID != "" && receipt.ThreadID != event.ReadReceiptThreadMain {
thread = portal.bridge.GetThreadByRootMXID(receipt.ThreadID)
if thread != nil {
discordThreadID = thread.ID
log := portal.log.With().
Str("sender", brUser.GetMXID().String()).
Str("event_id", eventID.String()).
Str("action", "matrix read receipt").
Str("discord_thread_id", discordThreadID).
if thread != nil {
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.AutojoinThreadOnOpen {
if eventID == thread.CreationNoticeMXID {
log.Debug().Msg("Dropping read receipt for thread creation notice")
if !sender.Session.IsUser {
// Drop read receipts from bot users (after checking for the thread auto-join stuff)
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, eventID)
if msg == nil {
msg = portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetClosestBefore(portal.Key, discordThreadID, receipt.Timestamp)
if msg == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("Dropping read receipt: no messages found")
} else {
log = log.With().
Str("closest_event_id", msg.MXID.String()).
Str("closest_message_id", msg.DiscordID).
log.Debug().Msg("Read receipt target event not found, using closest message")
} else {
log = log.With().
Str("message_id", msg.DiscordID).
if receipt.ThreadID != "" && msg.ThreadID != discordThreadID {
Str("receipt_thread_event_id", receipt.ThreadID.String()).
Str("message_discord_thread_id", msg.ThreadID).
Msg("Dropping read receipt: thread ID mismatch")
resp, err := sender.Session.ChannelMessageAckNoToken(msg.DiscordProtoChannelID(), msg.DiscordID, portal.RefererOpt(msg.DiscordProtoChannelID()))
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to send read receipt to Discord")
} else if resp.Token != nil {
Str("unexpected_resp_token", *resp.Token).
Msg("Marked message as read on Discord (and got unexpected non-nil token)")
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("Marked message as read on Discord")
func typingDiff(prev, new []id.UserID) (started []id.UserID) {
for _, userID := range new {
for _, previousUserID := range prev {
if userID == previousUserID {
continue OuterNew
started = append(started, userID)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixTyping(newTyping []id.UserID) {
defer portal.currentlyTypingLock.Unlock()
startedTyping := typingDiff(portal.currentlyTyping, newTyping)
portal.currentlyTyping = newTyping
for _, userID := range startedTyping {
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByMXID(userID)
if user != nil && user.Session != nil {
err := user.Session.ChannelTyping(portal.Key.ChannelID, portal.RefererOptIfUser(user.Session, "")...)
if err != nil {
Str("user_id", user.MXID.String()).
Msg("Failed to mark user as typing")
} else {
Str("user_id", user.MXID.String()).
Msg("Marked user as typing")
func (portal *Portal) UpdateName(meta *discordgo.Channel) bool {
var parentName, guildName string
if portal.Parent != nil {
parentName = portal.Parent.PlainName
if portal.Guild != nil {
guildName = portal.Guild.PlainName
plainNameChanged := portal.PlainName != meta.Name
portal.PlainName = meta.Name
return portal.UpdateNameDirect(portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.FormatChannelName(config.ChannelNameParams{
Name: meta.Name,
ParentName: parentName,
GuildName: guildName,
NSFW: meta.NSFW,
Type: meta.Type,
}), false) || plainNameChanged
func (portal *Portal) UpdateNameDirect(name string, isFriendNick bool) bool {
if portal.FriendNick && !isFriendNick {
return false
} else if portal.Name == name && (portal.NameSet || portal.MXID == "" || (!portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() && !isFriendNick)) {
return false
Str("old_name", portal.Name).
Str("new_name", name).
Msg("Updating portal name")
portal.Name = name
portal.NameSet = false
return true
func (portal *Portal) updateRoomName() {
if portal.MXID != "" && (portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() || portal.FriendNick) {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SetRoomName(portal.MXID, portal.Name)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to update room name")
} else {
portal.NameSet = true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateAvatarFromPuppet(puppet *Puppet) bool {
if portal.Avatar == puppet.Avatar && portal.AvatarURL == puppet.AvatarURL && (puppet.Avatar == "" || portal.AvatarSet || portal.MXID == "" || !portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata()) {
return false
Str("old_avatar_id", portal.Avatar).
Str("new_avatar_id", puppet.Avatar).
Msg("Updating avatar from puppet")
portal.Avatar = puppet.Avatar
portal.AvatarURL = puppet.AvatarURL
portal.AvatarSet = false
return true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateGroupDMAvatar(iconID string) bool {
if portal.Avatar == iconID && (iconID == "") == portal.AvatarURL.IsEmpty() && (iconID == "" || portal.AvatarSet || portal.MXID == "") {
return false
Str("old_avatar_id", portal.Avatar).
Str("new_avatar_id", portal.Avatar).
Msg("Updating group DM avatar")
portal.Avatar = iconID
portal.AvatarSet = false
portal.AvatarURL = id.ContentURI{}
if portal.Avatar != "" {
// TODO direct media support
copied, err := portal.bridge.copyAttachmentToMatrix(portal.MainIntent(), discordgo.EndpointGroupIcon(portal.Key.ChannelID, portal.Avatar), false, AttachmentMeta{
AttachmentID: fmt.Sprintf("private_channel_avatar/%s/%s", portal.Key.ChannelID, iconID),
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Str("avatar_id", iconID).Msg("Failed to reupload channel avatar")
return true
portal.AvatarURL = copied.MXC
return true
func (portal *Portal) updateRoomAvatar() {
if portal.MXID == "" || portal.AvatarURL.IsEmpty() || !portal.shouldSetDMRoomMetadata() {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SetRoomAvatar(portal.MXID, portal.AvatarURL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to update room avatar")
} else {
portal.AvatarSet = true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateTopic(topic string) bool {
if portal.Topic == topic && (portal.TopicSet || portal.MXID == "") {
return false
Str("old_topic", portal.Topic).
Str("new_topic", topic).
Msg("Updating portal topic")
portal.Topic = topic
portal.TopicSet = false
return true
func (portal *Portal) updateRoomTopic() {
if portal.MXID != "" {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SetRoomTopic(portal.MXID, portal.Topic)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to update room topic")
} else {
portal.TopicSet = true
func (portal *Portal) removeFromSpace() {
if portal.InSpace == "" {
log := portal.log.With().Str("space_mxid", portal.InSpace.String()).Logger()
log.Debug().Msg("Removing room from space")
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateSpaceParent, portal.InSpace.String(), struct{}{})
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to clear m.space.parent event in room")
_, err = portal.bridge.Bot.SendStateEvent(portal.InSpace, event.StateSpaceChild, portal.MXID.String(), struct{}{})
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to clear m.space.child event in space")
portal.InSpace = ""
func (portal *Portal) addToSpace(mxid id.RoomID) bool {
if portal.InSpace == mxid {
return false
if mxid == "" {
return true
log := portal.log.With().Str("space_mxid", mxid.String()).Logger()
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateSpaceParent, mxid.String(), &event.SpaceParentEventContent{
Via: []string{portal.bridge.AS.HomeserverDomain},
Canonical: true,
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to set m.space.parent event in room")
_, err = portal.bridge.Bot.SendStateEvent(mxid, event.StateSpaceChild, portal.MXID.String(), &event.SpaceChildEventContent{
Via: []string{portal.bridge.AS.HomeserverDomain},
// TODO order
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to set m.space.child event in space")
} else {
portal.InSpace = mxid
return true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateParent(parentID string) bool {
if portal.ParentID == parentID {
return false
Str("old_parent_id", portal.ParentID).
Str("new_parent_id", parentID).
Msg("Updating parent ID")
portal.ParentID = parentID
if portal.ParentID != "" {
portal.Parent = portal.bridge.GetPortalByID(database.NewPortalKey(parentID, ""), discordgo.ChannelTypeGuildCategory)
} else {
portal.Parent = nil
return true
func (portal *Portal) ExpectedSpaceID() id.RoomID {
if portal.Parent != nil {
return portal.Parent.MXID
} else if portal.Guild != nil {
return portal.Guild.MXID
return ""
func (portal *Portal) updateSpace(source *User) bool {
if portal.MXID == "" {
return false
if portal.Parent != nil {
if portal.Parent.MXID != "" {
portal.log.Warn().Str("parent_id", portal.ParentID).Msg("Parent portal has no Matrix room, creating...")
err := portal.Parent.CreateMatrixRoom(source, nil)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Err(err).Str("parent_id", portal.ParentID).Msg("Failed to create Matrix room for parent")
return false
return portal.addToSpace(portal.Parent.MXID)
} else if portal.Guild != nil {
return portal.addToSpace(portal.Guild.MXID)
return false
func (portal *Portal) UpdateInfo(source *User, meta *discordgo.Channel) *discordgo.Channel {
changed := false
log := portal.log.With().
Str("action", "update info").
Str("through_user_mxid", source.MXID.String()).
Str("through_user_dcid", source.DiscordID).
if meta == nil {
log.Debug().Msg("UpdateInfo called without metadata, fetching from user's state cache")
meta, _ = source.Session.State.Channel(portal.Key.ChannelID)
if meta == nil {
log.Warn().Msg("No metadata found in state cache, fetching from server via user")
var err error
meta, err = source.Session.Channel(portal.Key.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to fetch meta via user")
return nil
if portal.Type != meta.Type {
Int("old_type", int(portal.Type)).
Int("new_type", int(meta.Type)).
Msg("Portal type changed")
portal.Type = meta.Type
changed = true
if portal.OtherUserID == "" && portal.IsPrivateChat() {
if len(meta.Recipients) == 0 {
var err error
meta, err = source.Session.Channel(meta.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to fetch DM channel info to find other user ID")
if len(meta.Recipients) > 0 {
portal.OtherUserID = meta.Recipients[0].ID
log.Info().Str("other_user_id", portal.OtherUserID).Msg("Found other user ID")
changed = true
if meta.GuildID != "" && portal.GuildID == "" {
portal.GuildID = meta.GuildID
portal.Guild = portal.bridge.GetGuildByID(portal.GuildID, true)
changed = true
switch portal.Type {
case discordgo.ChannelTypeDM:
if portal.OtherUserID != "" {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByID(portal.OtherUserID)
changed = portal.UpdateAvatarFromPuppet(puppet) || changed
if rel, ok := source.relationships[portal.OtherUserID]; ok && rel.Nickname != "" {
portal.FriendNick = true
changed = portal.UpdateNameDirect(rel.Nickname, true) || changed
} else {
portal.FriendNick = false
changed = portal.UpdateNameDirect(puppet.Name, false) || changed
if portal.MXID != "" {
portal.syncParticipants(source, meta.Recipients)
case discordgo.ChannelTypeGroupDM:
changed = portal.UpdateGroupDMAvatar(meta.Icon) || changed
if portal.MXID != "" {
portal.syncParticipants(source, meta.Recipients)
changed = portal.UpdateName(meta) || changed
if portal.MXID != "" {
portal.ensureUserInvited(source, false)
changed = portal.UpdateTopic(meta.Topic) || changed
changed = portal.UpdateParent(meta.ParentID) || changed
// Private channels are added to the space in User.handlePrivateChannel
if portal.GuildID != "" && portal.MXID != "" && portal.ExpectedSpaceID() != portal.InSpace {
changed = portal.updateSpace(source) || changed
if changed {
return meta