portal: add support for no-mention replies

This commit is contained in:
Tulir Asokan 2024-12-19 22:44:04 +02:00
parent 4a8e9f5c21
commit 65ef2c4ff6

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -1590,9 +1591,12 @@ func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if replyToMXID := content.RelatesTo.GetNonFallbackReplyTo(); replyToMXID != "" {
replyToMXID := content.RelatesTo.GetNonFallbackReplyTo()
var replyToUser id.UserID
if replyToMXID != "" {
replyTo := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(portal.Key, replyToMXID)
if replyTo != nil && replyTo.ThreadID == threadID {
replyToUser = replyTo.SenderMXID
if isWebhookSend {
messageURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://discord.com/channels/%s/%s/%s", portal.GuildID, channelID, replyTo.DiscordID)
embed, err := portal.convertReplyMessageToEmbed(replyTo.MXID, messageURL)
@ -1663,10 +1667,22 @@ func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
go portal.sendMessageMetrics(evt, fmt.Errorf("%w %q", errUnknownMsgType, content.MsgType), "Ignoring")
silentReply := content.Mentions != nil && replyToMXID != "" &&
(len(content.Mentions.UserIDs) == 0 || (replyToUser != "" && !slices.Contains(content.Mentions.UserIDs, replyToUser)))
if silentReply && sendReq.AllowedMentions != nil {
sendReq.AllowedMentions.RepliedUser = false
if !isWebhookSend {
// AllowedMentions must not be set for real users, and it's also not that useful for personal bots.
// It's only important for relaying, where the webhook may have higher permissions than the user on Matrix.
if silentReply {
sendReq.AllowedMentions = &discordgo.MessageAllowedMentions{
Parse: []discordgo.AllowedMentionType{discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeUsers, discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeRoles, discordgo.AllowedMentionTypeEveryone},
RepliedUser: false,
} else {
sendReq.AllowedMentions = nil
} else if strings.Contains(sendReq.Content, "@everyone") || strings.Contains(sendReq.Content, "@here") {
powerLevels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {