// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. // Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial // Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. //go:build !windows // +build !windows package internal import ( "io" "log/syslog" "github.com/MFAshby/stdemuxerhook" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" lSyslog "github.com/sirupsen/logrus/hooks/syslog" "github.com/element-hq/dendrite/setup/config" ) // SetupHookLogging configures the logging hooks defined in the configuration. // If something fails here it means that the logging was improperly configured, // so we just exit with the error func SetupHookLogging(hooks []config.LogrusHook) { levelLogAddedMu.Lock() defer levelLogAddedMu.Unlock() for _, hook := range hooks { // Check we received a proper logging level level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(hook.Level) if err != nil { logrus.Fatalf("Unrecognised logging level %s: %q", hook.Level, err) } // Perform a first filter on the logs according to the lowest level of all // (Eg: If we have hook for info and above, prevent logrus from processing debug logs) if logrus.GetLevel() < level { logrus.SetLevel(level) } switch hook.Type { case "file": checkFileHookParams(hook.Params) setupFileHook(hook, level) case "syslog": checkSyslogHookParams(hook.Params) setupSyslogHook(hook, level) case "std": setupStdLogHook(level) default: logrus.Fatalf("Unrecognised logging hook type: %s", hook.Type) } } setupStdLogHook(logrus.InfoLevel) // Hooks are now configured for stdout/err, so throw away the default logger output logrus.SetOutput(io.Discard) } func checkSyslogHookParams(params map[string]interface{}) { addr, ok := params["address"] if !ok { logrus.Fatalf("Expecting a parameter \"address\" for logging hook of type \"syslog\"") } if _, ok := addr.(string); !ok { logrus.Fatalf("Parameter \"address\" for logging hook of type \"syslog\" should be a string") } proto, ok2 := params["protocol"] if !ok2 { logrus.Fatalf("Expecting a parameter \"protocol\" for logging hook of type \"syslog\"") } if _, ok2 := proto.(string); !ok2 { logrus.Fatalf("Parameter \"protocol\" for logging hook of type \"syslog\" should be a string") } } func setupStdLogHook(level logrus.Level) { if stdLevelLogAdded[level] { return } logrus.AddHook(&logLevelHook{level, stdemuxerhook.New(logrus.StandardLogger())}) stdLevelLogAdded[level] = true } func setupSyslogHook(hook config.LogrusHook, level logrus.Level) { syslogHook, err := lSyslog.NewSyslogHook(hook.Params["protocol"].(string), hook.Params["address"].(string), syslog.LOG_INFO, "dendrite") if err == nil { logrus.AddHook(&logLevelHook{level, syslogHook}) } }